$Language::LispPerl::Evaler::VERSION = '0.004';
use Moose;
use Log::Any qw/$log/;
# The test compatible File::Share
eval{ require File::Share; File::Share->import('dist_dir'); };
if( $@ ){
# The production only File::ShareDir
require File::ShareDir;
our $namespace_key = "0namespace0";
has 'scopes' => ( is => 'ro', default => sub{
return [ { $namespace_key => [] } ]
has 'loaded_files' => ( is => 'ro', default => sub{ {}; } );
has 'file_stack' => ( is => 'ro', default => sub{ []; } );
has 'caller' => ( is => 'ro' , default => sub{ []; } );
has 'quotation_scope' => ( is => 'ro', default => 0 );
has 'syntaxquotation_scope' => ( is => 'ro', default => 0 );
has 'exception' => ( is => 'rw' );
# The container for the builtin functions.
has 'builtins' => ( is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1 );
sub _build_builtins{
my ($self) = @_;
return Language::LispPerl::BuiltIns->new({ evaler => $self });
sub to_hash{
my ($self) = @_;
return {
'scopes' => Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_perl( $self->scopes() ),
'loaded_files' => Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_perl( $self->loaded_files() ),
'file_stack' => Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_perl( $self->file_stack() ),
'caller' => Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_perl( $self->caller() ),
'quotation_scope' => Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_perl( $self->quotation_scope() ),
'syntaxquotation_scope' => Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_perl( $self->syntaxquotation_scope() ),
'exception' => Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_perl( $self->exception() ),
__class => $self->blessed(),
sub from_hash{
my ($class, $hash) = @_;
return $class->new({
map { $_ => Language::LispPerl::Reader::from_perl( $hash->{$_} ) } keys %$hash
=head2 new_instance
Returns a new instance of this with the same builtins and everything else reset.
my $other_evaler = $this->new_instance();
sub new_instance{
my ($self) = @_;
return ref($self)->new( { builtins => $self->builtins() } );
sub clear_exception{
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{exception} = undef;
sub push_scope {
my $self = shift;
my $context = shift;
my %c = %{$context};
my @ns = @{ $c{$namespace_key} };
$c{$namespace_key} = \@ns;
unshift @{ $self->scopes() }, \%c;
sub pop_scope {
my $self = shift;
shift @{ $self->scopes() };
sub current_scope {
my $self = shift;
my $scope = @{ $self->scopes() }[0];
return $scope;
sub push_caller {
my $self = shift;
my $ast = shift;
unshift @{ $self->caller() }, $ast;
sub pop_caller {
my $self = shift;
shift @{ $self->caller() };
sub caller_size {
my $self = shift;
scalar @{ $self->caller() };
=head2 copy_caller
Returns a shallow copy of this caller's stack.
my $caller_stack = $this->copy_caller();
sub copy_caller{
my ($self) = @_;
return [ @{ $self->caller() } ];
=head2 copy_current_scope
Take a shallow copy of the current scope that
is adequate for function and macro contexts
sub copy_current_scope{
my ($self) = @_;
# Take a shallow copy of the current_scope
my %c = %{ $self->current_scope() };
# Take a shallow copy of the namespace (keyed by namespace_key)
my @ns = @{ $c{$namespace_key} };
$c{$namespace_key} = \@ns;
return \%c;
sub push_namespace {
my $self = shift;
my $namespace = shift;
my $scope = $self->current_scope();
unshift @{ $scope->{$namespace_key} }, $namespace;
sub pop_namespace {
my $self = shift;
my $scope = $self->current_scope();
shift @{ $scope->{$namespace_key} };
sub current_namespace {
my $self = shift;
my $scope = $self->current_scope();
my $namespace = @{ $scope->{$namespace_key} }[0];
return "" if ( !defined $namespace );
return $namespace;
=head2 new_var
From a name and a value, creates a new L<Language::LispPerl::Var> under the
key 'name' in $this->current_scope();
$this->new_var( 'bla' , 1 );
sub new_var {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $scope = $self->current_scope();
$name = $self->current_namespace() . "#" . $name;
$scope->{$name} = Language::LispPerl::Var->new({ name => $name, value => $value });
=head2 var
Lookup the L<Language::LispPerl::Var> by name in the current scope or in the current namespace.
Returns undef if no such variable is found.
if( my $var = $this->var( 'blabla' ) ){
sub var {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $scope = $self->current_scope();
if ( exists $scope->{$name} ) {
return $scope->{$name};
elsif ( exists $scope->{ $self->current_namespace() . "#" . $name } ) {
return $scope->{ $self->current_namespace() . "#" . $name };
elsif ( exists $scope->{ "#" . $name } ) {
return $scope->{ "#" . $name };
return undef;
=head2 current_file
Returns the current file on the file_stack or '.' if no such thing
sub current_file {
my $self = shift;
my $sd = scalar @{ $self->{file_stack} };
if ( $sd == 0 ) {
return ".";
else {
return ${ $self->{file_stack} }[ $sd - 1 ];
=head2 search_file
Looks up the given file name (fully qualified, with clp extension or not)
in this package's share directory or in @INC.
dies with an error if no file can be found.
sub search_file {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $dist_dir = dist_dir( 'Language-LispPerl' );
$log->debug("Using dist dir = $dist_dir");
foreach my $ext ( '', '.clp' ) {
if ( -f "$file$ext" ) {
return "$file$ext";
elsif ( -f $dist_dir. "/lisp/$file$ext" ) {
return $dist_dir . "/lisp/$file$ext";
foreach my $p (@INC) {
if ( -f "$p/$file$ext" ) {
return "$p/$file$ext";
Language::LispPerl::Logger::error( "cannot find " . $file );
=head2 load
Reads a file once if it hasn't been read before, for loading
libraries in the global scope.
sub load {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
"cannot require file " . $file . " in non-global scope" )
if scalar @{ $self->scopes() } > 1;
$file = File::Spec->rel2abs( $self->search_file($file) );
return 1 if exists $self->{loaded_files}->{$file};
$self->{loaded_files}->{$file} = 1;
push @{ $self->{file_stack} }, $file;
my $res = $self->read($file);
pop @{ $self->{file_stack} };
return $res;
=head2 read
Reads and evaluates in this evaler
all the expressions in the given filename
and returns the last evaluation result.
sub read {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $reader = Language::LispPerl::Reader->new();
my $res = undef;
$reader->ast()->each( sub { $res = $self->_eval( $_[0] ) } );
return $res;
our $empty_list = Language::LispPerl::Seq->new({ type => "list" });
our $true = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({type => "bool", value => "true" });
our $false = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({type => "bool", value => "false"});
our $nil = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({type => "nil", value => "nil"});
sub true{ return $true; }
sub false{ return $false; }
sub nil{ return $nil; }
sub empty_list{ return $empty_list; }
=head2 eval
Evaluates a string and returns the result of the latest expression (or dies
with an error).
Return the nil/nil atom when the given string is empty.
my $res = $this->eval(q|( - 1 1 ) ( + 1 2 )|);
# $res->value() is 3
sub eval {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
unless( length( defined( $str ) ? $str : '' ) ){
return $nil;
my $reader = Language::LispPerl::Reader->new();
my $res = undef;
$reader->ast()->each( sub { $res = $self->_eval( $_[0] ) } );
return $res;
=head2 bind
Associate the current L<Language::LispPerl::Atom> or L<Language::LispPerl::Seq>
with the correct Perl/Lisp space values.
sub bind {
my $self = shift;
my $ast = shift;
my $class = $ast->class();
my $type = $ast->type();
my $value = $ast->value();
if ( $type eq "symbol" and $value eq "true" ) {
return $true;
elsif ( $type eq "symbol" and $value eq "false" ) {
return $false;
elsif ( $type eq "symbol" and $value eq "nil" ) {
return $nil;
elsif ( $type eq "accessor" ) {
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "accessor", value => $self->bind($value) } );
elsif ( $type eq "sender" ) {
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "sender", value => $self->bind($value) });
elsif ( $type eq "syntaxquotation" or $type eq "quotation" ) {
$self->{syntaxquotation_scope} += 1 if $type eq "syntaxquotation";
$self->{quotation_scope} += 1 if $type eq "quotation";
my $r = $self->bind($value);
$self->{syntaxquotation_scope} -= 1 if $type eq "syntaxquotation";
$self->{quotation_scope} -= 1 if $type eq "quotation";
return $r;
elsif (
$type eq "symbol" and $self->{syntaxquotation_scope} == 0
and $self->{quotation_scope} == 0
or ( $type eq "dequotation" and $self->{syntaxquotation_scope} > 0 )
$ast->error("dequotation should be in syntax quotation scope")
if ( $type eq "dequotation" and $self->{syntaxquotation_scope} == 0 );
my $name = $value;
if ( $type eq "dequotation" and $value =~ /^@(\S+)$/ ) {
$name = $1;
return $ast
if $self->word_is_reserved( $name );
my $var = $self->var($name);
$ast->error("unbound symbol '$var'") if !defined $var;
return $var->value();
elsif ( $type eq "symbol"
and $self->{quotation_scope} > 0 )
my $q = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "quotation", value => $value });
return $q;
elsif ( $class eq "Seq" ) {
return $empty_list if $type eq "list" and $ast->size() == 0;
my $list = Language::LispPerl::Seq->new({ type => "list" });
foreach my $i ( @{$value} ) {
if ( $i->type() eq "dequotation" and $i->value() =~ /^@/ ) {
my $dl = $self->bind($i);
$i->error( "~@ should be given a list but got " . $dl->type() )
if $dl->type() ne "list";
foreach my $di ( @{ $dl->value() } ) {
else {
$list->append( $self->bind($i) );
return $list;
return $ast;
sub _eval {
my $self = shift;
my $ast = shift;
my $class = $ast->class();
my $type = $ast->type();
my $value = $ast->value();
if ( $type eq "list" ) {
my $size = $ast->size();
if ( $size == 0 ) {
return $empty_list;
my $f = $self->_eval( $ast->first() );
my $ftype = $f->type();
my $fvalue = $f->value();
if ( $ftype eq "symbol" ) {
return $self->builtin( $f, $ast );
elsif ( $ftype eq "key accessor" ) {
$ast->error("key accessor expects >= 1 arguments") if $size == 1;
my $m = $self->_eval( $ast->second() );
my $mtype = $m->type();
my $mvalue = $m->value();
"key accessor expects a map or meta as the first arguments but got "
. $mtype )
if $mtype ne "map" and $mtype ne "meta";
if ( $size == 2 ) {
#$ast->error("key " . $fvalue . " does not exist")
return $nil if !exists $mvalue->{$fvalue};
return $mvalue->{$fvalue};
elsif ( $size == 3 ) {
my $v = $self->_eval( $ast->third() );
if ( $v->type() eq "nil" ) {
delete $mvalue->{$fvalue};
return $nil;
else {
$mvalue->{$fvalue} = $v;
return $mvalue->{$fvalue};
else {
$ast->error("key accessor expects <= 2 arguments");
elsif ( $ftype eq "index accessor" ) {
$ast->error("index accessor expects >= 1 arguments") if $size == 1;
my $v = $self->_eval( $ast->second() );
my $vtype = $v->type();
my $vvalue = $v->value();
"index accessor expects a vector or list or xml as the first arguments but got "
. $vtype )
if $vtype ne "vector"
and $vtype ne "list"
and $vtype ne "xml";
$ast->error("index is bigger than size")
if $fvalue >= scalar @{$vvalue};
if ( $size == 2 ) {
return $vvalue->[$fvalue];
elsif ( $size == 3 ) {
$vvalue->[$fvalue] = $self->_eval( $ast->third() );
return $vvalue->[$fvalue];
else {
$ast->error("index accessor expects <= 2 arguments");
elsif ( $ftype eq "function" ) {
my $scope = $f->{context};
my $fn = $fvalue;
my $fargs = $fn->second();
my @rargs = $ast->slice( 1 .. $size - 1 );
my @rrargs = ();
foreach my $arg (@rargs) {
push @rrargs, $self->_eval($arg);
my $rest_args = undef;
my $i = 0;
my $fargsvalue = $fargs->value();
my $fargsn = scalar @{$fargsvalue};
my $rrargsn = scalar @rrargs;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $fargsn ; $i++ ) {
my $name = $fargsvalue->[$i]->value();
if ( $name eq "&" ) {
$name = $fargsvalue->[$i]->value();
$rest_args = Language::LispPerl::Seq->new({ type => "list" });
$self->new_var( $name, $rest_args );
else {
$ast->error("real arguments < formal arguments")
if $i >= $rrargsn;
$self->new_var( $name, $rrargs[$i] );
if ( defined $rest_args ) {
$i -= 2;
for ( ; $i < $rrargsn ; $i++ ) {
$rest_args->append( $rrargs[$i] );
else {
$ast->error("real arguments > formal arguments")
if $i < $rrargsn;
my @body = $fn->slice( 2 .. $fn->size() - 1 );
my $res;
foreach my $b (@body) {
$res = $self->_eval($b);
return $res;
elsif ( $ftype eq "perlfunction" ) {
my $meta = undef;
$meta = $self->_eval( $ast->second() )
if defined $ast->second()
and $ast->second()->type() eq "meta";
my $perl_func = \&{ $f->value() };
my @args = $ast->slice( ( defined $meta ? 2 : 1 ) .. $size - 1 );
return $self->perlfunc_call( $perl_func, $meta, \@args, $ast );
elsif ( $ftype eq "macro" ) {
my $scope = $f->{context};
my $fn = $fvalue;
my $fargs = $fn->third();
my @rargs = $ast->slice( 1 .. $ast->size() - 1 );
my $rest_args = undef;
my $i = 0;
my $fargsvalue = $fargs->value();
my $fargsn = scalar @{$fargsvalue};
my $rargsn = scalar @rargs;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $fargsn ; $i++ ) {
my $name = $fargsvalue->[$i]->value();
if ( $name eq "&" ) {
$name = $fargsvalue->[$i]->value();
$rest_args = Language::LispPerl::Seq->new({ type => "list" });
$self->new_var( $name, $rest_args );
else {
$ast->error("real arguments < formal arguments")
if $i >= $rargsn;
$self->new_var( $name, $rargs[$i] );
if ( defined $rest_args ) {
$i -= 2;
for ( ; $i < $rargsn ; $i++ ) {
$rest_args->append( $rargs[$i] );
else {
$ast->error("real arguments > formal arguments")
if $i < $rargsn;
my @body = $fn->slice( 3 .. $fn->size() - 1 );
my $res;
foreach my $b (@body) {
$res = $self->_eval($b);
return $self->_eval($res);
else {
$ast->error("expect a function or function name or index/key accessor");
elsif ( $type eq "accessor" ) {
my $av = $self->_eval($value);
my $a = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "unknown", value => $av->value() });
my $at = $av->type();
if ( $at eq "number" ) {
$a->type("index accessor");
elsif ( $at eq "string" or $at eq "keyword" ) {
$a->type("key accessor");
else {
"unsupport type " . $at . " for accessor but got " . $at );
return $a;
elsif ( $type eq "sender" ) {
my $sn = $self->_eval($value);
$ast->error( "sender expects a string or keyword but got " . $type )
if $sn->type() ne "string"
and $sn->type() ne "keyword";
my $s = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "symbol", value => $sn->value() });
return $self->bind($s);
elsif ( $type eq "symbol" ) {
return $self->bind($ast);
elsif ( $type eq "syntaxquotation" ) {
return $self->bind($ast);
elsif ( $type eq "quotation" ) {
return $self->bind($ast);
elsif ( $class eq "Seq" and $type eq "vector" ) {
my $v = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "vector" });
my @vv = ();
foreach my $i ( @{$value} ) {
push @vv, $self->_eval($i);
$v->value( \@vv );
return $v;
elsif ( $class eq "Seq" and ( $type eq "map" or $type eq "meta" ) ) {
my $m = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "map" });
my %mv = ();
my $n = scalar @{$value};
$ast->error( $type . " should have even number of items" )
if ( $n % 2 ) != 0;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $n ; $i += 2 ) {
my $k = $self->_eval( $value->[$i] );
$ast->error( $type
. " expects keyword or string as key but got "
. $k->type() )
if ( $k->type() ne "keyword"
and $k->type() ne "string" );
my $v = $self->_eval( $value->[ $i + 1 ] );
$mv{ $k->value() } = $v;
$m->value( \%mv );
$m->type("meta") if $type eq "meta";
return $m;
elsif ( $class eq "Seq" and $type eq "xml" ) {
my $size = $ast->size();
$ast->error("xml expects >= 1 arguments") if $size == 0;
my $first = $ast->first();
my $firsttype = $first->type();
if ( $firsttype ne "symbol" ) {
$first = $self->_eval($first);
$firsttype = $first->type();
"xml expects a symbol or string or keyword as name but got "
. $firsttype )
if $firsttype ne "symbol"
and $firsttype ne "string"
and $firsttype ne "keyword";
my @items = ();
my $xml = Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "xml", value => \@items });
$xml->{name} = $first->value();
my @rest = $ast->slice( 1 .. $size - 1 );
foreach my $i (@rest) {
my $iv = $self->_eval($i);
my $it = $iv->type();
"xml expects string or xml or meta or list as items but got "
. $it )
if $it ne "string"
and $it ne "xml"
and $it ne "meta"
and $it ne "list";
if ( $it eq "meta" ) {
elsif ( $it eq "list" ) {
foreach my $i ( @{ $iv->value() } ) {
push @items, $i;
else {
push @items, $iv;
return $xml;
return $ast;
=head2 word_is_reserved
Is the given word reserved?
if( $this->word_is_reserved('bla') ){
sub word_is_reserved{
my ($self, $word ) = @_;
return $self->builtins()->has_function( $word );
sub builtin {
my ($self, $f , $ast) = @_;
my $fn = $f->value();
if( my $function = $self->builtins()->has_function( $fn ) ){
return $self->builtins()->call_function( $function , $ast , $f );
confess "Builtin function '$fn' is not implemented";
sub perlfunc_call {
my $self = shift;
my $perl_func = shift;
my $meta = shift;
my $rargs = shift;
my $ast = shift;
my $ret_type = "scalar";
my @fargtypes = ();
if ( defined $meta ) {
if ( exists $meta->value()->{"return"} ) {
my $rt = $meta->value()->{"return"};
"return expects a string or keyword but got " . $rt->type() )
if $rt->type() ne "string"
and $rt->type() ne "keyword";
$ret_type = $rt->value();
if ( exists $meta->value()->{"arguments"} ) {
my $ats = $meta->value()->{"arguments"};
$ast->error( "arguments expect a vector but got " . $ats->type() )
if $ats->type() ne "vector";
foreach my $arg ( @{ $ats->value() } ) {
"arguments expect a vector of string or keyword but got "
. $arg->type() )
if $arg->type() ne "string"
and $arg->type() ne "keyword";
push @fargtypes, $arg->value();
my @args = ();
my $i = 0;
foreach my $arg ( @{$rargs} ) {
my $pobj = $self->clj2perl( $self->_eval($arg) );
if ( $i < scalar @fargtypes ) {
my $ft = $fargtypes[$i];
if ( $ft eq "scalar" ) {
push @args, $pobj;
elsif ( $ft eq "array" ) {
push @args, @{$pobj};
elsif ( $ft eq "hash" ) {
push @args, %{$pobj};
elsif ( $ft eq "ref" ) {
push @args, \$pobj;
else {
push @args, $pobj;
else {
if ( ref($pobj) eq "ARRAY" ) {
push @args, @{$pobj};
elsif ( ref($pobj) eq "HASH" ) {
push @args, %{$pobj};
else {
push @args, $pobj;
if ( $ret_type eq "scalar" ) {
my $r = $perl_func->(@args);
return &wrap_perlobj($r);
elsif ( $ret_type eq "ref-scalar" ) {
my $r = $perl_func->(@args);
return &wrap_perlobj( \$r );
elsif ( $ret_type eq "array" ) {
my @r = $perl_func->(@args);
return &wrap_perlobj(@r);
elsif ( $ret_type eq "ref-array" ) {
my @r = $perl_func->(@args);
return &wrap_perlobj( \@r );
elsif ( $ret_type eq "hash" ) {
my %r = $perl_func->(@args);
return &wrap_perlobj(%r);
elsif ( $ret_type eq "ref-hash" ) {
my %r = $perl_func->(@args);
return &wrap_perlobj( \%r );
elsif ( $ret_type eq "nil" ) {
return $nil;
elsif ( $ret_type eq 'raw' ) {
# The perl function is expected to return a raw Language::LispPerl::Atom
return $perl_func->(@args);
else {
my $r = \$perl_func->(@args);
return &wrap_perlobj($r);
sub clj2perl {
my $self = shift;
my $ast = shift;
my $type = $ast->type();
my $value = $ast->value();
if ( $type eq "string"
or $type eq "number"
or $type eq "quotation"
or $type eq "keyword"
or $type eq "perlobject" )
return $value;
elsif ( $type eq "bool" ) {
if ( $value eq "true" ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
elsif ( $type eq "nil" ) {
return undef;
elsif ( $type eq "list" or $type eq "vector" ) {
my @r = ();
foreach my $i ( @{$value} ) {
push @r, $self->clj2perl($i);
return \@r;
elsif ( $type eq "map" ) {
my %r = ();
foreach my $k ( keys %{$value} ) {
$r{$k} = $self->clj2perl( $value->{$k} );
return \%r;
elsif ( $type eq "function" ) {
my $f = sub {
my @args = @_;
my $cljf = Language::LispPerl::Seq->new({ type => "list" });
foreach my $arg (@args) {
$cljf->append( $self->perl2clj($arg) );
return $self->clj2perl( $self->_eval($cljf) );
return $f;
else {
"unsupported type '" . $type . "' for clj2perl object conversion" );
sub wrap_perlobj {
my $v = shift;
while ( ref($v) eq "REF" ) {
$v = ${$v};
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "perlobject", value => $v });
=head2 perl2clj
Turn a native perl Object into a new L<Language::LispPerl::Atom>
my $new_atom = $evaler->perl2clj( .. perl object .. );
sub perl2clj {
my ($self, $v) = @_;
if ( !defined ref($v) or ref($v) eq "" ) {
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "string", value => $v });
elsif ( ref($v) eq "SCALAR" ) {
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "string", value => ${$v} });
elsif ( ref($v) eq "HASH" ) {
my %m = ();
foreach my $k ( keys %{$v} ) {
$m{$k} = $self->perl2clj( $v->{$k} );
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "map", value => \%m });
elsif ( ref($v) eq "ARRAY" ) {
my @a = ();
foreach my $i ( @{$v} ) {
push @a, $self->perl2clj($i);
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "vector", value => \@a });
elsif ( ref($v) eq "CODE" ) {
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "perlfunction", value => $v });
else {
return Language::LispPerl::Atom->new({ type => "perlobject", value => $v });
#$ast->error("expect a reference of scalar or hash or array");
sub trace_vars {
my $self = shift;
print @{ $self->scopes() } . "\n";
foreach my $vn ( keys %{ $self->current_scope() } ) {
"$vn\n" # . Language::LispPerl::Printer::to_string(${$self->current_scope()}{$vn}->value()) . "\n";