$Schedule::LongSteps::Process::VERSION = '0.021';
use Moose;
use Log::Any qw/$log/;
has 'longsteps' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Schedule::LongSteps' , required => 1);
has 'stored_process' => ( is => 'ro' );
=head1 NAME
Schedule::LongSteps::Process - A base class for all LongSteps processes.
=head2 state
Returns the current state (a HashRef JSONable data structure)
of this process.
sub state{
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->stored_process()->state();
=head2 new_step
Returns a new step from the given properties.
Usage examples:
# In a process class.
sub do_current_step{
my ($self) = @_;
return $this->new_step({ run_at => DateTime->... , what => 'do_nextstep' , state => { new => 'state' } });
If you omit run_at, the process will not run again and stay in paused state until you go and set the run_at
time manually.
If you omit 'what', the next step to run will be the same as the current step.
If you omit 'state', the state just doesnt change.
sub new_step{
my ($self, $step_properties) = @_;
return $step_properties;
=head2 final_step
Returns a final step that will never run
from the given properies.
# In a Process class.
sub do_last_thing{
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->final_step({ state => { the => 'final' , state => 1 } });
If you omit 'state', the current state of the process just doesnt change and
the process terminates with the current state.
sub final_step{
my ($self, $step_properties) = @_;
defined( $step_properties ) or ( $step_properties = {} );
return {
run_at => undef,
status => 'terminated'
=head2 wait_processes
Wait for the given process IDs and returns whatever the given
closure returns.
return $this->wait_process(
[ $pid1 , $pid2 ],
return $this->new_step(...); # or whatever usual stuff
If you skip the closure, this will just terminate $this process after the
given subprocesses have finished.
sub wait_processes{
my ($self, $process_ids, $on_finish) = @_;
defined( $process_ids ) or ( $process_ids = [] );
defined( $on_finish ) or ( $on_finish = sub{ $self->final_step(); } );
my @processes = map{ $self->longsteps()->find_process( $_ ) } @$process_ids;
my @finished_processes = grep{ $_->status() eq 'terminated' } @processes;
$log->debug(scalar(@finished_processes)." are finished");
if( scalar( @processes ) == scalar( @finished_processes ) ){
$log->debug("Calling on_finish");
return $on_finish->( @finished_processes );
# Run at next tick
$log->debug("Will wait a little bit more");
return $self->new_step({ run_at => DateTime->now() });
=head2 revival_methods
Returns an array-ref of revive methods associated with the process.
sub revival_methods {
my ($self) = @_;
my @revival_methods = map {$_->name}grep {$_->name =~ /^revive_/} $self->meta->get_all_methods;
return \@revival_methods;