WebService::ReutersConnect - Use the ReutersConnect API


Version 0.03


This module allows access to Reuters Connect APIs as described here:

It is based on the REST APIs.

You WILL have to contact reuters to get yourself some API credentials if you want to use this module. This is out of scope of this distribution. However, some demo credentials are supplied by this module for your convenience.

By the way, those demo credential change from time to time, so have a look at if you get authentication errors.


use WebService::ReutersConnect qw/:demo/;

my $reuters = WebService::ReutersConnect->new({ username => REUTERS_DEMOUSER,
                                                password => REUTERS_DEMOPASSWORD });

my @channels = $reuters->channels();
my @items    = $reuters->items( $channels[0] );
my $full_xml_doc = $reuters->fetch_item_xdoc({ item => $items[0] });


Here are some example of usage to get you started quickly:

Fetch the last news about britain from all your channels

my $res = $reuters->search({ q => 'headline:britain' ,
                             sort => 'date'
say("Size: ".$res->size());
say("Num Found: ".$res->num_found());
say("Start: ".$res->start());
foreach my $item ( @{ $res->items() } ){

Fetch the last 5 pictures accross all your channels

my @items = $reuters->search({ limit => 5 , media_types => [ 'P' ] });
foreach my $item ( @items ){
  print "\n".$item->date_created().' : '.$item->headline()."\n\n";
  print " CLICK: ".$item->preview_url()."\n\n";

Get the freshest version of the rich NewsML-G2 document about a news item:

my $xdoc = $reuters->item({  guid => $item->guid() , channel => $item->channel_alias() });
say $xdoc->asString(); ## That will help you :)

my ($body_node) = $xc->findnodes('//x:html/x:body'); ## Find the HTML content (in case of article).
say $body_node->toString(1); ## Print the whole html.

## You can also print only the content of the body:
my @body_parts = $xdoc->get_html_body();
map { say $_->toString(1) } @body_parts;

## Find the subjects:
my @subjects = $xdoc->get_subjects();
foreach my $subject ( @subjects ){
  say "This is about: ".$subject->name_main();


If you supply a ReutersConnect username and password, this module will fetch an authentication token from the service and use it in all subsequent requests.

The basic usage involves giving some classical username and password as demonstrated in the synopsys section.

You can access the authentication token: $this->authToken() for diagnostic and external storage.

You can also build an instance of this module using an authentication token that you stored somewhere:

my $reuters = WebService::ReutersConnect->new( { authToken => $authToken } );

Beware that ReutersConnect authentication tokens are only valid for 24 hours. It is advised to effectively renew the authentication token more often to avoid any expiration issue. For instance every 12 hours.

This module does NOT contain any mecanism to renew authentication tokens at regular intervals. If you keep long standing instances of this module, it's your responsability to renew them regularly enough.

However, for very simple cases, where there's no concurrent access to the token storage, or when you have only one longstanding instance, the options refresh_token and after_refresh_token can be useful.


This module uses Log::Log4perl and is automatically initialized to the ERROR level. Feel free to initialize Log::Log4perl to your taste in your application.

Additionally, there's is the debug option that will output very verbose (HTTP traffic) at the INFO level.


Most attributes are read only and have a default value. Set them at construction time if necessary.


Get/Set the ReutersConnect entry URL. Default should work.


Get/Set the ReutersConnect login entry URL. Default should work.


ReutersConnect API username.


ReutersConnect API password.

head2 authToken

ReutersConnect authentication token. If not set, this will try to get a new one using the username/password


Option. When true, the module will attempt ONCE fetching a fresh authentication token. from ReutersConnect in case the token held is invalid or expired.

Of course, turning that on only makes sense if you give the username and password at instanciation time.

If you want to be notified of the new token in your client code, you can register a callback:


This is a callback called after this module has fetched a new authentication token from ReutersConnect. It's normally used in combination with refresh_token.


my $reuters = WebService::ReutersConnect->new({ username => ...,
                                                password => ....,
                                                on_refresh_token => sub{
                                                   my ($new_token) = @_;
                                                   ## Store new token somewhere


A LWP::UserAgent. There's a default instance but feel free to replace it with your application one.


Swicthes on/off extra debugging (Specially HTTP Requests and Responses).


DateTime At which this instance was created.



Alias for fetch_channels


Alias for fetch_items


Alias for fetch_packages

Alias for fetch_search


Alias for fetch_olr


Alias for fetch_item_xdoc.


Fetch the WebService::ReutersConnect::Channel's according to the given options (or not).


my @all_channels = $this->fetch_channels();
my ( $channel ) = $this->fetch_channels({ channel => [ '56HD' ] });

## Filter on channel alias(s)
my @specific_channels = $this->fetch_channels({ channel => [ '567', '7654' ,... ] });

## Filter on channel Category(s) ID(s)
my @channels = $this->fetch_channels({ channelCategory => [ 'JDJD' , 'JDJD' ] });


Fetch WebService::ReutersConnect::Item news item from Reuters Connect. This is the core method. You MUST specify ONE channel (Get the list using the fetch_channels method). You can give indiferently a channel or a channel alias.

This method returns REAL TIME items.


my @items = $this->fetch_items($channel->alias, { %options  });


media_types: An Array of media types to compose from the following options: T (text), P (pictures), V (video), G (graphics) and C (composite)

date_from: YYYY-MM-DD or DateTime object. Defaults to now - 24h. This is INCLUSIVE
date_to:   idem but cannot be specified without date_from. Defaults to now. Not that this date is NOT INCLUSIVE

limit: Number of items to fetch. Default to $this->default_limit()
sort:  Sort by 'date' (newest first) or by 'score' (more relevant first).

Search for WebService::ReutersConnect::Item's in all Reuters news (from the channels you have access to).

Items found through this method can suffer from a slight delay compared to the live 'items' method.


q: Free Text Style query string. See search method in
   for an extended specification

channels : An Array Ref of restriction Channels (Or channel Aliases)
categories : An Array Ref of restriction Categories (Or catecogy IDs)
media_types: An Array of media types to compose from the following options: T (text), P (pictures), V (video), G (graphics) and C (composite)

limit: Number of items to fetch. Default to $this->default_limit()
sort:  Sort by 'date' (newest first) or by 'score' (more relevant first).


my @items = $this->fetch_search();

## Only videos
my @items = $this->fetch_search({ media_types => [ 'V' ] });

## Only pictures or videos about Britney Spears
my @items = $this->fetch_search({ q => 'britney spears' , media_types => [ 'P' , 'V'  ] });

## Additionally, if you want a L<WebService::ReutersConnect::ResultSet>, use the scalar version of this method:
my $res = $this->fetch_search({ media_types => [ 'V' ] });
print $res->num_found().' results in total';
print $res->size().' results effectively returned (because of limit)';
print $res->start().' offset in the total result space';
my @items = @{$res->items()};


Fetches OnLine Reports (SNI, NEPs, SNEPs, .. ) from the Channels you have access to, You can optionally filter by channel(s).


channels: An array ref of channel restriction.


Fetches the edited NEPs (News Event Package) from a specific Reuters Channel. NEPs comes as WebService::ReutersConnect::Item's with added 'main links' sub items and 'supplemental links' sub items. You can view them as editorially put together news items.


use_snep: Use editor Super NEPs. Defaults to false (just returns the latest ones).

limit: Fetch a limited number of NEPs, defaults to $this->default_limit()


my @items = $reuters->fetch_packages( $channel );
my @items = $reuters->fetch_packages( $channel->alias() , { options .. } );


Fetches a richer version of some specific NEPs (News Event Package). Despite the name of this method, you can actually specify multiple NEPs:


my @nep_items = $this->fetch_package($channel->alias(), [ $item1->id() , $item2->id() ] );


Fetches one WebService::ReutersConnect::XMLDocument from Reuters, given the Item or the item ID.

This document is a NewsMLG2 document as specified here:

You can view a NewMLG2 document as a 'full view' of a simple WebService::ReutersConnect::Item (Simple News Item).

Implementing a full NewsMSG2 Object from such a document is out of the scope of this module. HOWEVER, for your convenience and enjoyement, the returned object comes with an already instantiated XML::LibXML::XPathContext object on which you can query things of interest.

You are also strongly encouraged to read the 'item' method section of


item: An item


guid: GUI of an ITEM
channel: Combined with guid to get the freshest version of the news item.


item_id: The the specific version of the Item by item ID.


company_markup: 0 or 1 (default 0). If set, will markup the content with company name. See Reuters documentation.


my $xml_doc = $this->fetch_item_xdoc({  guid => $item->guid() , channel => $item->channel()->alias() });
my $xml_doc = $this->fetch_item_xdoc({ item_id => $item->id() });
my $xml_doc  = $this->fetch_item_xdoc( { item => $item_object } );

print $xml_doc->toString(); ## Print the whole document.
print $xml_doc->xml_xpath->findvalue('//rcx:description'); ## The default namespace for xpath is 'rcx'
print $xml_doc->xml_xpath->findvalue('//rcx:headline');
my ($body_node) = $xc->findnodes('//x:html/x:body'); ## Find the HTML content (in case of article).
print $body_node->toString(); ## Print the whole html.


Returns the username for the demo account. This is exportable:

use WebService::ReutersConnect qw/:demo/;


Returns the password for the demo account. This is exportable:

use WebService::ReutersConnect qw/:demo/;


Jerome Eteve, <jerome at>


This module is known to be correct, but not to be complete.

Some ReutersConnect method options and some objects properties might not be implemented.

Also, it lacks the preference methods and the OpenCalais method of the ReutersConnect API (for now).

Please file any feature you might be missing in the issue tracking system. See BUGS section.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-webservice-reutersconnect at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc WebService::ReutersConnect

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to C. Gevrey from Reuters for his guidance and inspiration in writing this module.


Copyright 2012 Jerome Eteve.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.