CPAN::CachingProxy - A very simple lightweight CGI based Caching Proxy


use strict;
use CPAN::CachingProxy;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

my $cache = CPAN::CachingProxy->new(mirrors=>['']);

new() arguments

The new function takes quite a few arguments in the usual hash-like manor. Here is an example:

while( my $cgi = new CGI::Fast ) { CGI::Carp->import('fatalsToBrowser');
    my $cache =
            mirrors => [''],
            cgi     => $cgi,
            agent   => "MyProxy/0.1 (Hurray!!)",


mirrors [required]

The only required argument is mirrors. It must be an arrayref of mirrors. CCP will choose randomly among them. WARNING: The author has had problems choosing randomly between several mirrors -- they don't always have the same files! It is therefore recommended to choose one favorite.

Please do not use the mirror listed in the examples. Pick one near you.

wget -qO - | grep dst_http | less


CCP will choose a default if you don't specify one. The main reason to choose another is to use FastCGI, something fancier, something of your own devising.


By default, CCP will use Cache::File as the caching mechanism. You may choose anything you like. There are many other choices. CCP will expect whichever module you choose to act exactly like Cache::File (including the handle() method, which you will not find in many Cache modules).


If you choose the default cache object (and only if CCP generates it), this option indicates the directory in which you wish to store the cache. By default, it will choose: /tmp/ccp/


If you choose the default cache object (and only if CCP generates it), this option indicates the max age of the cache entries. By default it's set to: "2 day". For more information on the formating of this option, see Cache::Entry.


The default user agent is LWP::UserAgent. You may choose an alternate if you like. A likely candidate would be LWP::ParanoidAgent. It is technically possible to hijack a proxy of this type to pull locations inside your private networks. It is somewhat unlikely in this module since it prepends your selected mirror to all the URLs it processes. But it's still technically possible.


If you choose to use the default agent and let CCP generate the object, this option will set the user agent string to something other than the default:

CCP/$VERSION (paul's CPAN caching proxy / perlmonks-id=16186)


Paul Miller

I am using this software in my own projects... If you find bugs, please please please let me know.

I normally hang out on #perl on freenode, so you can try to get immediate gratification there if you like. irc://

I also check from time to time.


Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Miller -- LGPL [Software::License::LGPL_2_1]

perl -MSoftware::License::LGPL_2_1 -e '$l = Software::License::LGPL_2_1->new({holder=>"Paul Miller"});
  print $l->fulltext' | less


perl(1), Cache, Cache::File, Cache::Entry, LWP::UserAgent, CGI, CGI::Carp