Games::RolePlay::MapGen::Tools - Some support tools and objects for the mapgen suite


use Games::RolePlay::MapGen::Tools qw( choice roll random range str_eval );

my $r1 = roll(1, 20);                   # 1d20
my $r2 = random(20);                    # 0-20
my $r3 = range(50, 100);                # some number between 50 and 100 (not an integer!)
my $r4 = range(9000, 10000, 1);         # 100% positively correlated with the last range (ie, not random at all)
my $r5 = range(7, 12, -1);              # 100% negatively correlated with the last range (ie, not random at all)
my $ri = irange(0, 7);                  # An integer between 0 and 7
my $e  = choice(qw(test this please));  # picks one of test, this, and please at random
my $v  = str_eval("1d8");               # returns int(roll(1,8)) -- returns undef on parse error

# This package also exports _group and _tile, which are shortcut functions for new
# Games::RolePlay::MapGen::_tile and ::_group objects.


At this time, the ::_group object is just a blessed hash that contains some variables that need to be set by the ::Generator objects.

$group->{name}     = "Room #$rn";
$group->{loc_size} = "$size[0]x$size[1] ($spot[0], $spot[1])";
$group->{type}     = "room";
$group->{size}     = [@size];
$group->{loc}      = [@spot];


At this time, the ::_tile object is just a blessed hash that the ::Generators instantiate at every map location. There are no required variables at this time.

od=>{n=>0, s=>0, e=>0, w=>0}

Though, for convenience, visited is set to 0 and "open directions" is set to all zeros.


This object interconnects all the tiles in a map array, so $tile = $map->[$y][$x] and $tile->{nb} is an array of neighboring tiles. Example: $east_neighbor = $map->[$y][$x]->{nb}{e};

(It also cleans up self-referencing loops at DESTROY time.)


A simple object that stores information about a door. Example:

my $door = &_door(
    stuck    => 0,
    locked   => 0,
    secret   => 0,
    open_dir => {
        major => "n", # the initial direction of the opening door
        minor => "w", # the final direction of the opening door (think 90 degree swing)

print "The door is locked.\n" if $door->{locked};


Jettero Heller <>

Jet is using this software in his own projects... If you find bugs, please please please let him know. :)

Actually, let him know if you find it handy at all. Half the fun of releasing this stuff is knowing that people use it.


GPL! I included a gpl.txt for your reading enjoyment.

Though, additionally, I will say that I'll be tickled if you were to include this package in any commercial endeavor. Also, any thoughts to the effect that using this module will somehow make your commercial package GPL should be washed away.

I hereby release you from any such silly conditions.

This package and any modifications you make to it must remain GPL. Any programs you (or your company) write shall remain yours (and under whatever copyright you choose) even if you use this package's intended and/or exported interfaces in them.

