MySQL::Easy - Perl extension to make your base code kinda pretty.


use MySQL::Easy;

my $trace = 0; # the trace arg is optional
my $dbo = new MySQL::Easy("stocks", $trace);

#  This is NEW (and totally untested):
#  $dbo = new MySQL::Easy($existing_DBI_dbh, $trace);

my $symbols = $dbo->firstcol(
    qq( select symbol from ohlcv where symbol != ?),

for my $s (@$symbols) {
    my $q = $dbo->ready("select * from ohlcv where symbol=?");
    my @a;

    print "@a" while @a = fetchrow_array $q;


I don't remember how I used to live without this...
I do like the way DBI and DBD work, but I wanted something
_slightly_ prettier... _slightly_ handier.

Here's the functions MySQL::Easy provides:

$dbo = new MySQL::Easy( $db_name, $trace );
    # $db_name is the name of the database you're connecting to...
    # If you don't pick anything, it'll pick "test" for you.
    # $trace is a 1 or false, ... it's the DBI->trace() ...

$dbo->do("sql statement bind=? bind=?", $bind1, $bind2);
    # this immediately executes the sql with the bind vars
    # given.  You can pas in a statement handle
    # instead of the string... this is faster if you're going
    # to use the sql over and over.  Returns a t/f like you'd
    # expect.  (i.e. $dbo->do("stuff") or die $dbo->errstr);

$dbo->lock("table1", "table2", "table3");
    # MySQL::Easy uses only write locks.  Those are the ones
    # where nobody can read or write to the table except the
    # locking thread.  If you need a read lock, let Jet know.
    # Most probably though, if you're using this, it's a
    # smaller app, and it doesn't matter anyway.

$sth = $dbo->ready("Sql Sql Sql=? and Sql=?");
    # returns a DBI statement handle...
    # $sth->execute($bindvar); $sth->fetchrow_hashref; etc...

$arr = $dbo->firstcol("select col from tab where x=? and y=?", $x, $y)
    # returns an arrayref of values for the sql.
    # You know, print "val: $_\n" for @$arr;
    # very handy...

$id = $dbo->last_insert_id;
    # self explainatory?

$dbo->trace(1); $dbo->do("sql"); $dbo->trace(0);
    # turns the DBI trace on and off.

    # returns an error string for the last error on the
    # thread...  Same as a $sth->errstr.  It's actually
    # described in DBI

    # I'll just give this example:
    $dbo->do("create temporary table cool( field enum('test1', 'test2') not null )");
    $dbo->do("insert into cool set field='test3'");
        or die "SQL WARNING: $@\twhile inserting test field\n\t";

$dbo->set_host($h); $dbo->set_port($p); 
$dbo->set_user($U); $dbo->set_pass($p);
    # The first time you do a do/ready/firstcol/etc,
    # MySQL::Easy connects to the database.  You may use these
    # set functions to override values found in your ~/.my.cnf
    # for user and pass.  MySQL::Easy reads _only_ the user
    # and pass from that file.  The host name will default to
    # "localhost" unless explicitly set.  Also, it will die on
    # a fatal error if the user or pass is false and the
    # ~/.my.cnf cannot be opened.

my $table;
my $sth = $dbo->bind_execute("show tables", \( $table ) );
    # This was Josh's idea... And a good one.

die $dbo->errstr unless $sth;  
    # bind_execute returns undef if either the bind
    # or execute phases fail.

print "$table\n" while fetch $sth;

# Anything from the manpage will work with the
# $dbo (thanks to an AUTOLOAD function).


Jettero Heller <>

Jet is using this software in his own projects...
If you find bugs, please please please let him know. :)

Actually, let him know if you find it handy at all.
Half the fun of releasing this stuff is knowing 
that people use it.


For bugs and ideas: Josh Rabinowitz <>


GPL!  I included a gpl.txt for your reading enjoyment.

Though, additionally, I will say that I'll be tickled if you were to
include this package in any commercial endeavor.  Also, any thoughts to
the effect that using this module will somehow make your commercial
package GPL should be washed away.

I hereby release you from any such silly conditions.

This package and any modifications you make to it must remain GPL.  Any
programs you (or your company) write shall remain yours (and under
whatever copyright you choose) even if you use this package's intended
and/or exported interfaces in them.


perl(1), DBI(3)