Statistics::Basic A collection of very basic statistics formulae for vectors.


# for use with one vector:

# for use with two vectors:


my $mean = Statistics::Basic::Mean->new($array_ref)->query;

print "$mean\n";  # hooray

# That works, but I needed to calculate a LOT of means for a lot of
# arrays of the same size.  Furthermore, I needed them to operate FIFO
# style.  So, they do:

my $mo = new Statistics::Basic::Mean([1..3]);

print $mo->query, "\n"; # the avearge of 1, 2, 3 is 2
      $mo->insert(4);   # Keeps the vector the same size automatically
print $mo->query, "\n"; # so, the average of 2, 3, 4 is 3

# You might need to keep a running average, so I included a growing
# insert

      $mo->ginsert(5);  # Expands the vector size by one and appends a 5
print $mo->query, "\n"; # so, the average is of 2, 3, 4, 5 is 7/2

# And last, you might need the mean of [3, 7] after all the above

      $mo->set_vector([2,3]);  # *poof*, the vector is 2, 3!
print $mo->query, "\n"; # and the average is now 5/2!  Tadda!

# These functions all work pretty much the same for ::StdDev and
# ::Variance but they work slightly differently for CoVariance and
# Correlation.

# Not suprisingly, the correlation of [1..3] and [1..3] is 1.0

my $co = new Statistics::Basic::Correlation( [1..3], [1..3] );

print $co->query, "\n";

# Cut the correlation of [1..3, 7] and [1..3, 5] is less than 1

      $co->ginsert( 7, 5 );
print $co->query, "\n";


Besides the lack of documentation?  Well, I'm sure there's a bunch.
I've tried to come up with a comprehensive suite of tests, but it's
difficult to think of everything.

If you spot any bugs, please tell me.


Please contact me with ANY suggestions, no matter how pedantic.

Jettero Heller <>


Most of the documentation is very thin.  Sorry.  The modules with their
own documentation (no matter how thin) are listed below.
