These modules are all intended to be used with databases. Here is how you'd store their results alongside OHLC data.
use Finance::QuoteHist;
my $q = Finance::QuoteHist->new(
symbols => [qw(GOOG)],
start_date => '6 months ago',
end_date => 'today',
my $rsi = recommended Math::Business::RSI;
my $dmi = recommended Math::Business::DMI;
my $sar = recommended Math::Business::ParabolicSAR;
my $bb = recommended Math::Business::BollingerBands;
my $sth = $dbo->prepare("insert into something blah blah blah");
for my $row ($q->quotes) {
my ($symbol, $date, $open, $high, $low, $close, $volume) = @$row;
$rsi->insert( $close );
$dmi->insert( [$high,$low,$close] );
$sar->insert( [$open,$high,$low,$close] );
$bb->insert( $close );
$open, $high, $low, $close,
# You do not need these lexical variables, there just
# here to describe the return values.
my ($rsi) = $rsi->query,
my ($pdi, $mdi, $adx) = $dmi->query,
my ($l,$m,$h) = $bb->query,
) or die $dbo->errstr;
What good is data without plots? This is basically how you'd draw a nice Math::Business::ParabolicSAR graph.
use strict;
use Math::Business::ParabolicSAR;
use GD::Graph::mixed;
use List::Util qw(min max);
my @ohlc = reverse @{$dbo->selectall_arrayref(qq/
select day, open,high,low,close
from daily
where symbol=?
order by day desc limit 50
/, {}, "SYK")};
my $sar = Math::Business::ParabolicSAR->recommended;
my @data;
for my $p (@ohlc) {
my $d = shift @$p;
push @{$data[0]}, $d; # date
push @{$data[1]}, $p->[3]; # close
push @{$data[2]}, $p->[1]; # high
push @{$data[3]}, $p->[2]; # low
push @{$data[4]}, $sar->query;
my @all_points = grep {defined $_} map {@$_} @data[1 .. $#data];
my $min_point = min(@all_points);
my $max_point = max(@all_points);
my $graph = GD::Graph::mixed->new(1000, 500);
y_label => 'dollars',
x_label => 'date',
transparent => 0,
markers => [qw(7 3 9 8)],
dclrs => [qw(black lgreen lred lblue)],
y_min_value => $min_point-0.2,
y_max_value => $max_point+0.2,
y_number_format => '%0.2f',
x_labels_vertical => 1,
types => [qw(linespoints points points points)],
) or die $graph->error;
my $gd = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;
open my $img, '>', "sar.png" or die $!;
binmode $img;
print $img $gd->png;
close $img;