svm - manipulate, look in, create Solaris Volume Manager objects


svm [-c] [-D datadir] [-i id] command ...


[-D <datadir>] :         datadir is the director where the data will be read
[-c] :                   turn coloured output on
[-h] :                   show this help text
[-i <newdevid>] :        use newdevid as new metadevice id
                         instead of first avail.


showpart               : show partitions of all the disks involved
getnextdev             : retrieve the next free device
isdevfree [d]num       : is the device <dnum> free ?
showconfig             : view all the config
showsp [<dev|slice>+]  : view all devices on device or slices
getphysdevs <dev>      : show physical device(s) underlying
                         a SVM device
getsubdevs <dev>       : show underlying device(s) for a SVM device
explaindev <dev>       : tries to explain a SVM device in pure english

mpondev <dev>          : mount point on <dev>
mpondisk <disk>        : mount point on <disk> (in a form present
                         in SVM)

devs4mp </mountpoint>  : what are the devices
                         underlying a mount point
disks4mp </mountpoint> : what are the physical devices
                         underlying a mount point


svm is a tool that reads from various sources your SDS/SVM configuration

Commands giving information about SVM config

explaindev device

explaindev prints a plain english description of the device.

getsize device

getsize prints the size of a device.


showconfig essentially prints the explaindev string for all devices in the SVM configuration.

getphysdev device [device...]

getphysdev prints out the physical device(s) underlying an SVM device.


getnextdev prints out the next free device. It does not take into account holes in the device list.

isdevfree device

isdevfree prints the status (free or not free) for the given device.

showpart disk

showpart prints out the partitions for the specified disk(s). If no disk is specified, all disks partitions are printed.

showsp softpart_container

showsp prints out the soft partitions for the specified soft partition container. If no container is specified, all soft-partitions for all containers (either device or disk slice) are printed.

getsubdevs device

getsubdevs prints the list of devices underlying those passed as argument(s). Only one level deep.

mpondisk disk

FIXME mpondisk prints the list of the filesystem present on a physical disk.


mpondev prints the mountpoint(s) on a specified device.


devs4mp returns the device(s) sustaining the specified mount point.


disks4mp returns the device(s) sustaining the specified mount point.


Jérôme Fenal <> -


This is version 0.01 of the svm script.


Copyright (C) 2004 Jérôme Fenal. All Rights Reserved

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 478:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Jérôme'. Assuming CP1252