Solaris::Disk::SVM::Graph - Graph your Solaris Volume Manager configurations


my $graph = Solaris::Disk::SVM::Graph->new(
    sourcedir => 'path/to/dir',     # path to SVM config files,
                                    # see Solaris::Disk::SVM for details
    fontname => 'fontname',
    fontsize => 'fontsize',

$graph->output();                   # output the whole SVM config to svm.png

# output whole configuration
    output    => '/path/to/image.svg',
                                    # format deduced from file name, if format
                                    # is not present
    format => 'png',                # or anything accepted by GraphViz,
                                    # extension will be appended to output filename

# output one device
$graph->output( objects => 'd10' );  # d10 object with sub-devices to d10.png

# output many devices on same graph
$graph->output( objects => [ 'd10', 'd11' ] );

# output one device specifying output file name & format
    objects => 'd10'
    output  => '/path/to/image.svg',
    format  => 'png',


  • new

    The new method loads the SVM configuration using Solaris::Disk::SVM.

    The new method accepts the following named parameters:

    • sourcedir

      See Solaris::Disk::SVM. The source directory when using a predumped disk configuration to graph.

    • fontname

      Font name to use.

    • fontsize

      Font size to use.

  • output

    The output method accepts the following named parameters:

    • output:

      name of the file to output. This filename may have a significant extension to GraphViz (see below)

      Default: svm.png

    • format:

      File format of the graphic, as accepted by GraphViz. This adds an extension to the output file name.

      Default: png

    • objects:

      If specified, only graph the specified SVM objects.

      Objects may be a scalar (containing the name), or a reference to an array, containing the objects names.

      Default: graph all objects.

    • orientation:

      Graph orientation. See rankdir in GraphViz

      0 => horizontal juxtaposition of verticaly oriented graphs.
      1 => vertical juxtaposition of horizontaly oriented graphs.
    • width:

      Page width, in inches (the default unit of graphviz).

    • height:

      Page height, in inches (the default unit of graphviz).

  • Accessors

  • version

    Returns the module version


Jérôme Fenal <>


Head to to see some sample graphics.


This is version 0.03 of the Solaris::Disk::SVM::Graph script.


Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Jérôme Fenal. All Rights Reserved

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

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Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Jérôme'. Assuming CP1252