DBIx::Mint::Table - Role that maps a class to a table
# In your class:
package Bloodbowl::Coach;
use Moo;
with 'DBIx::Mint::Table';
has 'id' => ( is => 'rwp', required => 1 );
has 'name' => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );
# And in your schema:
class => 'Bloodbowl::Coach',
table => 'coaches',
pk => 'id',
auto_pk => 1
# Finally, in your application:
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(3);
say $coach->name;
$coach->name('Will E. Coyote');
my @ids = Bloodbowl::Coach->insert(
{ name => 'Coach 1' },
{ name => 'Coach 2' },
{ name => 'Coach 3' }
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->find_or_create(3);
say $coach->id;
# The following two lines are equivalent:
my $rs = Bloodbowl::Coach->result_set;
my $rs = DBIx::Mint::ResultSet->new( table => 'coaches' );
This role allows your class to interact with a database table. It allows for record modification (insert, update and delete records) as well as data fetching via DBIx::Mint::ResultSet objects.
Database modification methods can be called as instance or class methods. In the first case, they act only on the calling object. When called as class methods they allow for the modification of several records.
Triggers can be added using the methods before, after, and around from Class::Method::Modifiers.
When called as a class method, it takes a list of hash references and inserts them into the table which corresponds to the calling class. The hash references must have the same keys to benefit from a prepared statement holder.
When called as an instance method, it inserts the data contained within the object into the database.
This methods is a convenience that calls new and insert to create a new object. The following two lines are equivalent:
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->create( name => 'Will E. Coyote');
my $coach = Bloodbowl::Coach->new( name => 'Will E. Coyote')->insert;
When called as a class method it will act over the whole table. The first argument defines the change to update and the second, the conditions that the records must comply with to be updated:
Bloodbowl::Coach->update( { email => 'unknown'}, { email => undef });
When called as an instance method it updates only the record that corresponds to the calling object:
$coach->name('Mr. Will E. Coyote');
This method deletes information from the corresponding table. Like insert and delete, if it is called as a class method it acts on the whole table; when called as an instance method it deletes the calling object from the database:
Bloodbowl::Coach->delete({ email => undef });
Fetches a single record from the database and blesses it into the calling class. It can be called as a class record only. It can as take as input either the values of the primary keys for the corresponding table or a hash reference with criteria to fetch a single record:
my $coach_3 = Bloodbowl::Coach->find(3);
my $coach_3 = Bloodbowl::Coach->find({ name => 'coach 3'});
This method will call 'create' if it cannot find a given record in the database.
This module is part of DBIx::Mint.
Julio Fraire, <>
Copyright (c) 2013, Julio Fraire. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.