Rex::Commands::File - Transparent File Manipulation


With this module you can manipulate files.


task "read-passwd", "server01", sub {
  my $fh = file_read "/etc/passwd";
  for my $line = ($fh->read_all) {
    print $line;

task "read-passwd2", "server01", sub {
  say cat "/etc/passwd";

task "write-passwd", "server01", sub {
  my $fh = file_write "/etc/passwd";
  $fh->write("root:*:0:0:root user:/root:/bin/sh\n");

delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log", matching => "root";
delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log", matching => qr{Failed};
delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log",
               matching => "root", qr{Failed}, "nobody";

file "/path/on/the/remote/machine",
  source => "/path/on/local/machine";

file "/path/on/the/remote/machine",
  content => "foo bar";

file "/path/on/the/remote/machine",
  source => "/path/on/local/machine",
  owner  => "root",
  group  => "root",
  mode  => 400,
  on_change => sub { say "File was changed."; };


template($file, @params)

Parse a template and return the content.

my $content = template("/files/templates/vhosts.tpl",
             name => "test.lan",
             webmaster => 'webmaster@test.lan');
file($file_name, %options)

This function is the successor of install file. Please use this function to upload files to your server.

task "prepare", "server1", "server2", sub {
  file "/file/on/remote/machine",
    source => "/file/on/local/machine";

  file "/etc/hosts",
    content => template("templates/etc/hosts.tpl"),
    owner  => "user",
    group  => "group",
    mode   => 700,
    on_change => sub { say "Something was changed." };

  file "/etc/motd",
    content => `fortune`;

  file "/etc/named.conf",
    content    => template("templates/etc/named.conf.tpl"),
    no_overwrite => TRUE;  # this file will not be overwritten if already exists.

  file "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf",
    source => "/files/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf",
    on_change => sub { service httpd => "restart"; };

  file "/etc/named.d",
    ensure => "directory",  # this will create a directory
    owner  => "root",
    group  => "root";

  file "/etc/motd",
    ensure => "absent";   # this will remove the file or directory


If source is relative it will search from the location of your Rexfile or the .pm file if you use Perl packages.

This function supports the following hooks:


This gets executed before everything is done. The return value of this hook overwrite the original parameters of the function-call.


This gets executed right before the new file is written. Only with content parameter. For the source parameter the hook of the upload function is used.


This gets executed right after the file was written. Only with content parameter. For the source parameter the hook of the upload function is used.


This gets executed right before the file() function returns.


This function opens a file for writing (it will truncate the file if it already exists). It returns a Rex::FS::File object on success.

On failure it will die.

my $fh;
eval {
  $fh = file_write("/etc/groups");

# catch an error
if($@) {
  print "An error occured. $@.\n";

# work with the filehandle

This function opens a file for reading. It returns a Rex::FS::File object on success.

On failure it will die.

my $fh;
eval {
  $fh = read("/etc/groups");

# catch an error
if($@) {
  print "An error occured. $@.\n";

# work with the filehandle
my $content = $fh->read_all;

This function returns the complete content of $file_name as a string.

print cat "/etc/passwd";
delete_lines_matching($file, $regexp)

Delete lines that match $regexp in $file.

task "clean-logs", sub {
   delete_lines_matching "/var/log/auth.log" => "root";
delete_lines_according_to($search, $file, @options)

This is the successor of the delete_lines_matching() function. This function also allows the usage of an on_change hook.

It will search for $search in $file and remove the found lines. If on_change hook is present it will execute this if the file was changed.

task "cleanup", "server1", sub {
  delete_lines_according_to qr{^foo:}, "/etc/passwd",
   on_change => sub {
     say "removed user foo.";
append_if_no_such_line($file, $new_line, @regexp)

Append $new_line to $file if none in @regexp is found. If no regexp is supplied, the line is appended unless there is already an identical line in $file.

task "add-group", sub {
  append_if_no_such_line "/etc/groups", "mygroup:*:100:myuser1,myuser2", on_change => sub { service sshd => "restart"; };

Since 0.42 you can use named parameters as well

task "add-group", sub {
  append_if_no_such_line "/etc/groups",
    line  => "mygroup:*:100:myuser1,myuser2",
    regexp => qr{^mygroup},
    on_change => sub {
               say "file was changed, do something.";

  append_if_no_such_line "/etc/groups",
    line  => "mygroup:*:100:myuser1,myuser2",
    regexp => [qr{^mygroup:}, qr{^ourgroup:}]; # this is an OR
extract($file [, %options])

This function extracts a file. Supported formats are .box, .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.Z, .tar.bz2, .tbz2, .zip, .gz, .bz2, .war, .jar.

task prepare => sub {
  extract "/tmp/myfile.tar.gz",
   owner => "root",
   group => "root",
   to   => "/etc";

  extract "/tmp/foo.tgz",
   type => "tgz",
   mode => "g+rwX";

Can use the type=> option if the file suffix has been changed. (types are tar, tgz, tbz, zip, gz, bz2)

sed($search, $replace, $file)

Search some string in a file and replace it.

task sar => sub {
  # this will work line by line
  sed qr{search}, "replace", "/var/log/auth.log";

  # to use it in a multiline way
  sed qr{search}, "replace", "/var/log/auth.log",
   multiline => TRUE;