Games::Maze - Create Mazes as Objects.


use Games::Maze::MazeD2;
use Games::Maze::MazeXD2;
use Games::Maze::MazeD3;
use Games::Maze::MazeXD3;

my($minos) = MazeD2->new($columns, $rows);
my($theseus) = MazeXD2->new($columns, $rows);
my($minotaur) = MazeD3->new($columns, $rows, $levels);
my($posiedon) = MazeXD3->new($columns, $rows, $levels);

$minos->reset();       # Actually, automatically called.


Perl 5.003_20 or later. This is the version that is required for the "use constant" pragma, and constants are used throughout the code.


perl Makefile.PL
make test 
make install

Note: You may get a warning when running 'make test'. This may occur because you have compiled your perl with a value of RANDBITS that is unknown to the test case. The test files will be written in /tmp. Please send them and your RANDBITS value to so that they can be incorporated into the next release.


Simply put, these packages create mazes. Your choices are the simple 2-dimensional rectangular maze, the 2-dimensional hexagonal maze, the 3-dimensional rectangular maze, and the 3-dimensional hexagonal maze. The mazes are objects that you can manipulate using the available methods.

From a purely functional standpoint, the 2-dimensional packages are unneeded, as a 3-dimensional maze that is one level deep does mimic a 2-dimensional maze, but the internal functionality of the 2-dimensional maze is slightly different and somewhat more efficient, and so is retained.

Maze Object Methods

new([columns [, rows [, levels] ])

Creates the object with it's attributes. Columns and rows will default to 3 if you don't pass parameters to the method. For 3-dimensional mazes, levels defaults to 2.


Resets the matrix m. You should not normally need to call this method, as the other methods will call it when needed.


Perform a random walk through the walls of the grid. This creates a simply-connected maze.


Finds a solution to the maze by examining a path until a dead end is reached.


Returns a formatted string all of the cell values, including the border cells, in hexadecimal.


Translate the maze into a string of ascii 7-bit characters. If called in an array context, return as a list of levels. Otherwise returned as a single string, each level separated by a single newline. The maze created by MazeD2 and MazeXD2 is always a single string.

Currently, this is the only method available to view the maze. It uses underscores, both slash characters, and vertical bars to represent the walls of the maze. The asterisk represents the path, and the letters 'c', 'f', and 'b' represent entries through the ceiling, floor, or both, respectively.


use Games::Maze::MazeD3;

my($minos) = MazeD3->new(8, 6, 3);
$, = "\n\n";
print $minos->to_ascii();
print "\nThe Solution...\n";
print $minos->to_ascii();


John M. Gamble may be found at