Games::MazeXD2 - Create hexagon maze objects.
Maze creation is done through the maze object's methods, listed below:
- new([columns, [rows]])
Creates the object with it's attributes. Columns and rows will default to 3 if you don't pass parameters to the method.
- describe
Returns information about the maze object.
- reset
Resets the matrix m. You should not normally need to call this method, as the other methods will call it when needed.
- make
Perform a random walk through the walls of the grid. This creates a simply-connected maze.
- solve
Finds a solution to the maze by examining a path until a dead end is reached.
- to_hex_dump
Returns a formatted string all of the cell values, including the border cells, in hexadecimal.
- to_ascii
Translate the maze into a string of ascii 7-bit characters. If called in an array context, return as a list of levels. Otherwise returned as a single string, each level separated by a single newline.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 77:
=over without closing =back