Changes for version 2.52
- Jun 16 2010
- Added export tags. You can export the analytic functions linear_roots(), quadratic_roots(), cubic_roots(), and quartic_roots() via the :classical tag; poly_roots(), get_hessenberg(), and set_hessenbert() via the :numeric tag; and poly_evaluate() and simplified_form() via the :utility tag.
- Fixed spelling error, mostly in the comments: it's "resolvent" cubic, not "resolvant".
- Documentation upgrade, particularly for poly_roots(), which was worded a little funny given the change from the default solving method in version 2.50. Added documentation for the new export tags and the new functions.
- Jun 15 2010
- Strunk & White'd the possesive form of Dr. Nickalls's name. (I'm not sure how Strunk & White would react to verbing their names.) I had randomly dropped the 's' before or after the apostrophe.
- Opened up the internals a bit by providing a a simplified_form() function that removes leading zero coefficients and divides the remaining coefficients by the coefficient of the highest power.
- Jun 14 2010
- Added an poly_evaluate() function to return y values of the polynomial at given x values. Partly done for my own testing but it's too useful not to provide generally.
Find the roots of polynomial equations.