=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Da - Package for language Danish
# This file auto generated from Data\common\main\da.xml
# on Sun 31 Dec 6:09:26 pm GMT
use strict;
use version;
our $VERSION = version->declare('v0.40.0');
use v5.10.1;
use mro 'c3';
use utf8;
use if $^V ge v5.12.0, feature => 'unicode_strings';
use Types::Standard qw( Str Int HashRef ArrayRef CodeRef RegexpRef );
use Moo;
has 'valid_algorithmic_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ArrayRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {[ 'spellout-numbering-year','spellout-numbering','spellout-cardinal-common','spellout-cardinal-neuter','spellout-ordinal-common','spellout-ordinal-neuter' ]},
has 'algorithmic_number_format_data' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
use bigfloat;
return {
'and-small' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(og =%spellout-cardinal-common=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-common=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-common=),
'and-small-n' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(og =%spellout-cardinal-neuter=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-neuter=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-neuter=),
'ord-de-c' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(de),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' og =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' og =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'ord-de-n' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(de),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' og =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' og =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'ord-e-c' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(e),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' og =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'ord-e-n' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(e),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' og =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'ord-te-c' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(te),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'ord-te-n' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(te),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'ord-teer-c' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(te),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(er =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(er =%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'ord-teer-n' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(te),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(er =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(er =%spellout-ordinal-neuter=),
'spellout-cardinal-common' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(minus →→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(nul),
'x.x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(←← komma →→),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(en),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(to),
'3' => {
base_value => q(3),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(tre),
'4' => {
base_value => q(4),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(fire),
'5' => {
base_value => q(5),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(fem),
'6' => {
base_value => q(6),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(seks),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(syv),
'8' => {
base_value => q(8),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(otte),
'9' => {
base_value => q(9),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ni),
'10' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(ti),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(elleve),
'12' => {
base_value => q(12),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(tolv),
'13' => {
base_value => q(13),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(tretten),
'14' => {
base_value => q(14),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(fjorten),
'15' => {
base_value => q(15),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(femten),
'16' => {
base_value => q(16),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(seksten),
'17' => {
base_value => q(17),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(sytten),
'18' => {
base_value => q(18),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(atten),
'19' => {
base_value => q(19),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(nitten),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]tyve),
'30' => {
base_value => q(30),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]tredive),
'40' => {
base_value => q(40),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]fyrre),
'50' => {
base_value => q(50),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]halvtreds),
'60' => {
base_value => q(60),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]tres),
'70' => {
base_value => q(70),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]halvfjerds),
'80' => {
base_value => q(80),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]firs),
'90' => {
base_value => q(90),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→→­og­]halvfems),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(hundrede[ og →→]),
'200' => {
base_value => q(200),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter←­hundrede[ og →→]),
'1000' => {
base_value => q(1000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(tusinde[ →%%and-small→]),
'2000' => {
base_value => q(2000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← tusinde[ →%%and-small→]),
'1000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(million[ →→]),
'2000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(←← millioner[ →→]),
'1000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(milliard[ →→]),
'2000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(←← milliarder[ →→]),
'1000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(billion[ →→]),
'2000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(←← billioner[ →→]),
'1000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(billiard[ →→]),
'2000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(←← billiarder[ →→]),
'1000000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'spellout-cardinal-neuter' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(minus →→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(nul),
'x.x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(←← komma →→),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(et),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-common=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(hundrede[ og →→]),
'200' => {
base_value => q(200),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter←­hundrede[ og →→]),
'1000' => {
base_value => q(1000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(tusind[ →%%and-small-n→]),
'2000' => {
base_value => q(2000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← tusind[ →%%and-small-n→]),
'1000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(en million[ →→]),
'2000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-common← millioner[ →→]),
'1000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(en milliard[ →→]),
'2000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-common← milliarder[ →→]),
'1000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(en billion[ →→]),
'2000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-common← billioner[ →→]),
'1000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(en billiard[ →→]),
'2000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-common← billiarder[ →→]),
'1000000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'spellout-numbering' => {
'public' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-neuter=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-neuter=),
'spellout-numbering-year' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(minus →→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'x.x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=0.0=),
'1100' => {
base_value => q(1100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←←­hundrede[ og →→]),
'10000' => {
base_value => q(10000),
divisor => q(10000),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(10000),
divisor => q(10000),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'spellout-ordinal-common' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(minus →→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(nulte),
'x.x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=#,##0.#=),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(første),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(anden),
'3' => {
base_value => q(3),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(tredje),
'4' => {
base_value => q(4),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(fjerde),
'5' => {
base_value => q(5),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(femte),
'6' => {
base_value => q(6),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(sjette),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(syvende),
'8' => {
base_value => q(8),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ottende),
'9' => {
base_value => q(9),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(niende),
'10' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(tiende),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(ellevte),
'12' => {
base_value => q(12),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(tolvte),
'13' => {
base_value => q(13),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=de),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→%spellout-numbering→­og­]tyvende),
'30' => {
base_value => q(30),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→%spellout-numbering→­og­]tredivte),
'40' => {
base_value => q(40),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→%spellout-numbering→­og­]fyrrende),
'50' => {
base_value => q(50),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=indstyvende),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(hundrede→%%ord-de-c→),
'200' => {
base_value => q(200),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%spellout-numbering← hundrede→%%ord-de-c→),
'1000' => {
base_value => q(1000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(tusind→%%ord-e-c→),
'2000' => {
base_value => q(2000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(←%spellout-numbering← tusind→%%ord-e-c→),
'1000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(million→%%ord-te-c→),
'2000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-numbering← million→%%ord-teer-c→),
'1000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(milliard→%%ord-te-c→),
'2000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-numbering← milliard→%%ord-teer-c→),
'1000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(billion→%%ord-te-c→),
'2000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-numbering← billion→%%ord-teer-c→),
'1000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(billiard→%%ord-te-c→),
'2000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-numbering← billiard→%%ord-teer-c→),
'1000000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=.),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=.),
'spellout-ordinal-neuter' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(minus →→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(nulte),
'x.x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=#,##0.#=),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(første),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(andet),
'3' => {
base_value => q(3),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-ordinal-common=),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→%spellout-cardinal-neuter→­og­]tyvende),
'30' => {
base_value => q(30),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→%spellout-cardinal-neuter→­og­]tredivte),
'40' => {
base_value => q(40),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q([→%spellout-cardinal-neuter→­og­]fyrrende),
'50' => {
base_value => q(50),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%spellout-cardinal-neuter=indstyvende),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(hundrede→%%ord-de-n→),
'200' => {
base_value => q(200),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← hundrede→%%ord-de-n→),
'1000' => {
base_value => q(1000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(tusinde→%%ord-e-n→),
'2000' => {
base_value => q(2000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← tusind→%%ord-e-n→),
'1000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(million→%%ord-teer-n→),
'2000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← million→%%ord-teer-n→),
'1000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(milliard→%%ord-te-n→),
'2000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← milliard→%%ord-teer-n→),
'1000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(billion→%%ord-te-n→),
'2000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← billion→%%ord-teer-n→),
'1000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(billiard→%%ord-te-n→),
'2000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(2000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(←%spellout-cardinal-neuter← billiard→%%ord-teer-n→),
'1000000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=.),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=.),
} },
# Need to add code for Key type pattern
sub display_name_pattern {
my ($self, $name, $region, $script, $variant) = @_;
my $display_pattern = '{0} ({1})';
$display_pattern =~s/\{0\}/$name/g;
my $subtags = join '{0}, {1}', grep {$_} (
$display_pattern =~s/\{1\}/$subtags/g;
return $display_pattern;
has 'display_name_language' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => CodeRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
sub {
my %languages = (
'aa' => 'afar',
'ab' => 'abkhasisk',
'ace' => 'achinesisk',
'ach' => 'acoli',
'ada' => 'adangme',
'ady' => 'adyghe',
'ae' => 'avestan',
'af' => 'afrikaans',
'afh' => 'afrihili',
'agq' => 'aghem',
'ain' => 'ainu',
'ak' => 'akan',
'akk' => 'akkadisk',
'ale' => 'aleutisk',
'alt' => 'sydaltaisk',
'am' => 'amharisk',
'an' => 'aragonesisk',
'ang' => 'oldengelsk',
'anp' => 'angika',
'ar' => 'arabisk',
'ar_001' => 'moderne standardarabisk',
'arc' => 'aramæisk',
'arn' => 'mapudungun',
'arp' => 'arapaho',
'ars' => 'Najd-arabisk',
'ars@alt=menu' => 'arabisk, najdi',
'arw' => 'arawak',
'as' => 'assamesisk',
'asa' => 'asu',
'ast' => 'asturisk',
'av' => 'avarisk',
'awa' => 'awadhi',
'ay' => 'aymara',
'az' => 'aserbajdsjansk',
'az@alt=short' => 'azeri',
'ba' => 'bashkir',
'bal' => 'baluchi',
'ban' => 'balinesisk',
'bas' => 'basaa',
'bax' => 'bamun',
'bbj' => 'ghomala',
'be' => 'hviderussisk',
'bej' => 'beja',
'bem' => 'bemba',
'bez' => 'bena',
'bfd' => 'bafut',
'bg' => 'bulgarsk',
'bgn' => 'vestbaluchi',
'bho' => 'bhojpuri',
'bi' => 'bislama',
'bik' => 'bikol',
'bin' => 'bini',
'bkm' => 'kom',
'bla' => 'siksika',
'bm' => 'bambara',
'bn' => 'bengali',
'bo' => 'tibetansk',
'br' => 'bretonsk',
'bra' => 'braj',
'brx' => 'bodo',
'bs' => 'bosnisk',
'bss' => 'bakossi',
'bua' => 'buriatisk',
'bug' => 'buginesisk',
'bum' => 'bulu',
'byn' => 'blin',
'byv' => 'medumba',
'ca' => 'catalansk',
'cad' => 'caddo',
'car' => 'caribisk',
'cay' => 'cayuga',
'cch' => 'atsam',
'ccp' => 'chakma',
'ce' => 'tjetjensk',
'ceb' => 'cebuano',
'cgg' => 'chiga',
'ch' => 'chamorro',
'chb' => 'chibcha',
'chg' => 'chagatai',
'chk' => 'chuukese',
'chm' => 'mari',
'chn' => 'chinook',
'cho' => 'choctaw',
'chp' => 'chipewyan',
'chr' => 'cherokee',
'chy' => 'cheyenne',
'ckb' => 'sorani',
'ckb@alt=menu' => 'kurdisk, sorani',
'ckb@alt=variant' => 'centralkurdisk',
'co' => 'korsikansk',
'cop' => 'koptisk',
'cr' => 'cree',
'crh' => 'krim-tyrkisk',
'crs' => 'seselwa (kreol-fransk)',
'cs' => 'tjekkisk',
'csb' => 'kasjubisk',
'cu' => 'kirkeslavisk',
'cv' => 'chuvash',
'cy' => 'walisisk',
'da' => 'dansk',
'dak' => 'dakota',
'dar' => 'dargwa',
'dav' => 'taita',
'de' => 'tysk',
'de_AT' => 'østrigsk tysk',
'de_CH' => 'schweizerhøjtysk',
'del' => 'delaware',
'den' => 'athapaskisk',
'dgr' => 'dogrib',
'din' => 'dinka',
'dje' => 'zarma',
'doi' => 'dogri',
'dsb' => 'nedersorbisk',
'dua' => 'duala',
'dum' => 'middelhollandsk',
'dv' => 'divehi',
'dyo' => 'jola-fonyi',
'dyu' => 'dyula',
'dz' => 'dzongkha',
'dzg' => 'dazaga',
'ebu' => 'kiembu',
'ee' => 'ewe',
'efi' => 'efik',
'egy' => 'oldegyptisk',
'eka' => 'ekajuk',
'el' => 'græsk',
'elx' => 'elamitisk',
'en' => 'engelsk',
'en_AU' => 'australsk engelsk',
'en_CA' => 'canadisk engelsk',
'en_GB' => 'britisk engelsk',
'en_GB@alt=short' => 'britisk engelsk',
'en_US' => 'amerikansk engelsk',
'en_US@alt=short' => 'amerikansk engelsk',
'enm' => 'middelengelsk',
'eo' => 'esperanto',
'es' => 'spansk',
'es_419' => 'latinamerikansk spansk',
'es_ES' => 'europæisk spansk',
'es_MX' => 'mexicansk spansk',
'et' => 'estisk',
'eu' => 'baskisk',
'ewo' => 'ewondo',
'fa' => 'persisk',
'fa_AF' => 'dari',
'fan' => 'fang',
'fat' => 'fanti',
'ff' => 'fulah',
'fi' => 'finsk',
'fil' => 'filippinsk',
'fj' => 'fijiansk',
'fo' => 'færøsk',
'fon' => 'fon',
'fr' => 'fransk',
'fr_CA' => 'canadisk fransk',
'fr_CH' => 'schweizisk fransk',
'frc' => 'cajunfransk',
'frm' => 'middelfransk',
'fro' => 'oldfransk',
'frr' => 'nordfrisisk',
'frs' => 'østfrisisk',
'fur' => 'friulisk',
'fy' => 'vestfrisisk',
'ga' => 'irsk',
'gaa' => 'ga',
'gag' => 'gagauzisk',
'gan' => 'gan-kinesisk',
'gay' => 'gayo',
'gba' => 'gbaya',
'gd' => 'skotsk gælisk',
'gez' => 'geez',
'gil' => 'gilbertesisk',
'gl' => 'galicisk',
'gmh' => 'middelhøjtysk',
'gn' => 'guarani',
'goh' => 'oldhøjtysk',
'gon' => 'gondi',
'gor' => 'gorontalo',
'got' => 'gotisk',
'grb' => 'grebo',
'grc' => 'oldgræsk',
'gsw' => 'schweizertysk',
'gu' => 'gujarati',
'guz' => 'gusii',
'gv' => 'manx',
'gwi' => 'gwichin',
'ha' => 'hausa',
'hai' => 'haida',
'hak' => 'hakka-kinesisk',
'haw' => 'hawaiiansk',
'he' => 'hebraisk',
'hi' => 'hindi',
'hil' => 'hiligaynon',
'hit' => 'hittitisk',
'hmn' => 'hmong',
'ho' => 'hirimotu',
'hr' => 'kroatisk',
'hsb' => 'øvresorbisk',
'hsn' => 'xiang-kinesisk',
'ht' => 'haitisk',
'hu' => 'ungarsk',
'hup' => 'hupa',
'hy' => 'armensk',
'hz' => 'herero',
'ia' => 'interlingua',
'iba' => 'iban',
'ibb' => 'ibibio',
'id' => 'indonesisk',
'ie' => 'interlingue',
'ig' => 'igbo',
'ii' => 'sichuan yi',
'ik' => 'inupiaq',
'ilo' => 'iloko',
'inh' => 'ingush',
'io' => 'ido',
'is' => 'islandsk',
'it' => 'italiensk',
'iu' => 'inuktitut',
'ja' => 'japansk',
'jbo' => 'lojban',
'jgo' => 'ngomba',
'jmc' => 'machame',
'jpr' => 'jødisk-persisk',
'jrb' => 'jødisk-arabisk',
'jv' => 'javanesisk',
'ka' => 'georgisk',
'kaa' => 'karakalpakisk',
'kab' => 'kabylisk',
'kac' => 'kachin',
'kaj' => 'jju',
'kam' => 'kamba',
'kaw' => 'kawi',
'kbd' => 'kabardian',
'kbl' => 'kanembu',
'kcg' => 'tyap',
'kde' => 'makonde',
'kea' => 'kapverdisk',
'kfo' => 'koro',
'kg' => 'kongo',
'kha' => 'khasi',
'kho' => 'khotanesisk',
'khq' => 'koyra-chiini',
'ki' => 'kikuyu',
'kj' => 'kuanyama',
'kk' => 'kasakhisk',
'kkj' => 'kako',
'kl' => 'grønlandsk',
'kln' => 'kalenjin',
'km' => 'khmer',
'kmb' => 'kimbundu',
'kn' => 'kannada',
'ko' => 'koreansk',
'koi' => 'komi-permjakisk',
'kok' => 'konkani',
'kos' => 'kosraean',
'kpe' => 'kpelle',
'kr' => 'kanuri',
'krc' => 'karatjai-balkar',
'krl' => 'karelsk',
'kru' => 'kurukh',
'ks' => 'kashmiri',
'ksb' => 'shambala',
'ksf' => 'bafia',
'ksh' => 'kölsch',
'ku' => 'kurdisk',
'kum' => 'kymyk',
'kut' => 'kutenaj',
'kv' => 'komi',
'kw' => 'cornisk',
'ky' => 'kirgisisk',
'la' => 'latin',
'lad' => 'ladino',
'lag' => 'langi',
'lah' => 'lahnda',
'lam' => 'lamba',
'lb' => 'luxembourgsk',
'lez' => 'lezghian',
'lg' => 'ganda',
'li' => 'limburgsk',
'lkt' => 'lakota',
'ln' => 'lingala',
'lo' => 'lao',
'lol' => 'mongo',
'lou' => 'Louisiana-kreolsk',
'loz' => 'lozi',
'lrc' => 'nordluri',
'lt' => 'litauisk',
'lu' => 'luba-Katanga',
'lua' => 'luba-Lulua',
'lui' => 'luiseno',
'lun' => 'lunda',
'luo' => 'luo',
'lus' => 'lushai',
'luy' => 'luyana',
'lv' => 'lettisk',
'mad' => 'madurese',
'maf' => 'mafa',
'mag' => 'magahi',
'mai' => 'maithili',
'mak' => 'makasar',
'man' => 'mandingo',
'mas' => 'masai',
'mde' => 'maba',
'mdf' => 'moksha',
'mdr' => 'mandar',
'men' => 'mende',
'mer' => 'meru',
'mfe' => 'morisyen',
'mg' => 'malagassisk',
'mga' => 'middelirsk',
'mgh' => 'makhuwa-meetto',
'mgo' => 'meta',
'mh' => 'marshallese',
'mi' => 'maori',
'mic' => 'micmac',
'min' => 'minangkabau',
'mk' => 'makedonsk',
'ml' => 'malayalam',
'mn' => 'mongolsk',
'mnc' => 'manchu',
'mni' => 'manipuri',
'moh' => 'mohawk',
'mos' => 'mossi',
'mr' => 'marathisk',
'ms' => 'malajisk',
'mt' => 'maltesisk',
'mua' => 'mundang',
'mul' => 'flere sprog',
'mus' => 'creek',
'mwl' => 'mirandesisk',
'mwr' => 'marwari',
'my' => 'burmesisk',
'mye' => 'myene',
'myv' => 'erzya',
'mzn' => 'mazenisk',
'na' => 'nauru',
'nan' => 'min-kinesisk',
'nap' => 'napolitansk',
'naq' => 'nama',
'nb' => 'bokmål',
'nd' => 'nordndebele',
'nds' => 'nedertysk',
'nds_NL' => 'plattysk (Holland)',
'ne' => 'nepalesisk',
'new' => 'newari',
'ng' => 'ndonga',
'nia' => 'nias',
'niu' => 'niueansk',
'nl' => 'hollandsk',
'nl_BE' => 'flamsk',
'nmg' => 'kwasio',
'nn' => 'nynorsk',
'nnh' => 'ngiemboon',
'no' => 'norsk',
'nog' => 'nogai',
'non' => 'oldislandsk',
'nqo' => 'n-ko',
'nr' => 'sydndebele',
'nso' => 'nordsotho',
'nus' => 'nuer',
'nv' => 'navajo',
'nwc' => 'klassisk newarisk',
'ny' => 'nyanja',
'nym' => 'nyamwezi',
'nyn' => 'nyankole',
'nyo' => 'nyoro-sprog',
'nzi' => 'nzima',
'oc' => 'occitansk',
'oj' => 'ojibwa',
'om' => 'oromo',
'or' => 'oriya',
'os' => 'ossetisk',
'osa' => 'osage',
'ota' => 'osmannisk tyrkisk',
'pa' => 'punjabisk',
'pag' => 'pangasinan',
'pal' => 'pahlavi',
'pam' => 'pampanga',
'pap' => 'papiamento',
'pau' => 'palauansk',
'pcm' => 'nigeriansk pidgin',
'peo' => 'oldpersisk',
'phn' => 'fønikisk',
'pi' => 'pali',
'pl' => 'polsk',
'pon' => 'ponape',
'prg' => 'preussisk',
'pro' => 'oldprovencalsk',
'ps' => 'pashto',
'ps@alt=variant' => 'pushto',
'pt' => 'portugisisk',
'pt_BR' => 'brasiliansk portugisisk',
'pt_PT' => 'europæisk portugisisk',
'qu' => 'quechua',
'quc' => 'quiché',
'raj' => 'rajasthani',
'rap' => 'rapanui',
'rar' => 'rarotonga',
'rhg' => 'rohingya',
'rm' => 'rætoromansk',
'rn' => 'rundi',
'ro' => 'rumænsk',
'ro_MD' => 'moldovisk',
'rof' => 'rombo',
'rom' => 'romani',
'ru' => 'russisk',
'rup' => 'arumænsk',
'rw' => 'kinyarwanda',
'rwk' => 'rwa',
'sa' => 'sanskrit',
'sad' => 'sandawe',
'sah' => 'jakutisk',
'sam' => 'samaritansk aramæisk',
'saq' => 'samburu',
'sas' => 'sasak',
'sat' => 'santali',
'sba' => 'ngambay',
'sbp' => 'sangu',
'sc' => 'sardinsk',
'scn' => 'siciliansk',
'sco' => 'skotsk',
'sd' => 'sindhi',
'sdh' => 'sydkurdisk',
'se' => 'nordsamisk',
'see' => 'seneca',
'seh' => 'sena',
'sel' => 'selkupisk',
'ses' => 'koyraboro senni',
'sg' => 'sango',
'sga' => 'oldirsk',
'sh' => 'serbokroatisk',
'shi' => 'tachelhit',
'shn' => 'shan',
'shu' => 'tchadisk arabisk',
'si' => 'singalesisk',
'sid' => 'sidamo',
'sk' => 'slovakisk',
'sl' => 'slovensk',
'sm' => 'samoansk',
'sma' => 'sydsamisk',
'smj' => 'lulesamisk',
'smn' => 'enaresamisk',
'sms' => 'skoltesamisk',
'sn' => 'shona',
'snk' => 'soninke',
'so' => 'somali',
'sog' => 'sogdiansk',
'sq' => 'albansk',
'sr' => 'serbisk',
'srn' => 'sranan tongo',
'srr' => 'serer',
'ss' => 'swati',
'ssy' => 'saho',
'st' => 'sydsotho',
'su' => 'sundanesisk',
'suk' => 'sukuma',
'sus' => 'susu',
'sux' => 'sumerisk',
'sv' => 'svensk',
'sw' => 'swahili',
'sw_CD' => 'congolesisk swahili',
'swb' => 'shimaore',
'syc' => 'klassisk syrisk',
'syr' => 'syrisk',
'ta' => 'tamil',
'te' => 'telugu',
'tem' => 'temne',
'teo' => 'teso',
'ter' => 'tereno',
'tet' => 'tetum',
'tg' => 'tadsjikisk',
'th' => 'thai',
'ti' => 'tigrinya',
'tig' => 'tigre',
'tiv' => 'tivi',
'tk' => 'turkmensk',
'tkl' => 'tokelau',
'tl' => 'tagalog',
'tlh' => 'klingon',
'tli' => 'tlingit',
'tmh' => 'tamashek',
'tn' => 'tswana',
'to' => 'tongansk',
'tog' => 'nyasa tongansk',
'tpi' => 'tok pisin',
'tr' => 'tyrkisk',
'trv' => 'taroko',
'ts' => 'tsonga',
'tsi' => 'tsimshisk',
'tt' => 'tatarisk',
'tum' => 'tumbuka',
'tvl' => 'tuvaluansk',
'tw' => 'twi',
'twq' => 'tasawaq',
'ty' => 'tahitiansk',
'tyv' => 'tuvinian',
'tzm' => 'centralmarokkansk tamazight',
'udm' => 'udmurt',
'ug' => 'uygurisk',
'ug@alt=variant' => 'uighurisk',
'uga' => 'ugaristisk',
'uk' => 'ukrainsk',
'umb' => 'umbundu',
'und' => 'ukendt sprog',
'ur' => 'urdu',
'uz' => 'usbekisk',
'vai' => 'vai',
've' => 'venda',
'vi' => 'vietnamesisk',
'vo' => 'volapyk',
'vot' => 'votisk',
'vun' => 'vunjo',
'wa' => 'vallonsk',
'wae' => 'walsertysk',
'wal' => 'walamo',
'war' => 'waray',
'was' => 'washo',
'wbp' => 'walbiri',
'wo' => 'wolof',
'wuu' => 'wu-kinesisk',
'xal' => 'kalmyk',
'xh' => 'xhosa',
'xog' => 'soga',
'yao' => 'yao',
'yap' => 'yapese',
'yav' => 'yangben',
'ybb' => 'yemba',
'yi' => 'jiddisch',
'yo' => 'yoruba',
'yue' => 'kantonesisk',
'yue@alt=menu' => 'kantonesisk (Kina)',
'za' => 'zhuang',
'zap' => 'zapotec',
'zbl' => 'blissymboler',
'zen' => 'zenaga',
'zgh' => 'tamazight',
'zh' => 'kinesisk',
'zh@alt=menu' => 'mandarin (Kina)',
'zh_Hans' => 'forenklet kinesisk',
'zh_Hant' => 'traditionelt kinesisk',
'zu' => 'zulu',
'zun' => 'zuni',
'zxx' => 'intet sprogligt indhold',
'zza' => 'zaza',
if (@_) {
return $languages{$_[0]};
return \%languages;
has 'display_name_script' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => CodeRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
sub {
my %scripts = (
'Afak' => 'afaka',
'Arab' => 'arabisk',
'Arab@alt=variant' => 'persisk-arabisk',
'Aran' => 'nastaliq',
'Armi' => 'armi',
'Armn' => 'armensk',
'Avst' => 'avestansk',
'Bali' => 'balinesisk',
'Bamu' => 'bamum',
'Bass' => 'bassa',
'Batk' => 'batak',
'Beng' => 'bengali',
'Blis' => 'blissymboler',
'Bopo' => 'bopomofo',
'Brah' => 'bramisk',
'Brai' => 'punktskrift',
'Bugi' => 'buginesisk',
'Buhd' => 'buhid',
'Cakm' => 'cakm',
'Cans' => 'oprindelige canadiske symboler',
'Cari' => 'kariansk',
'Cham' => 'cham',
'Cher' => 'cherokee',
'Cirt' => 'cirt',
'Copt' => 'koptisk',
'Cprt' => 'cypriotisk',
'Cyrl' => 'kyrillisk',
'Cyrs' => 'kyrillisk - oldkirkeslavisk variant',
'Deva' => 'devanagari',
'Dsrt' => 'deseret',
'Dupl' => 'Duploya-stenografi',
'Egyd' => 'egyptisk demotisk',
'Egyh' => 'egyptisk hieratisk',
'Egyp' => 'egyptiske hieroglyffer',
'Ethi' => 'etiopisk',
'Geok' => 'georgisk kutsuri',
'Geor' => 'georgisk',
'Glag' => 'glagolitisk',
'Goth' => 'gotisk',
'Gran' => 'grantha',
'Grek' => 'græsk',
'Gujr' => 'gujarati',
'Guru' => 'gurmukhi',
'Hanb' => 'han med bopomofo',
'Hang' => 'hangul',
'Hani' => 'han',
'Hano' => 'hanunoo',
'Hans' => 'forenklet',
'Hans@alt=stand-alone' => 'forenklet han',
'Hant' => 'traditionelt',
'Hant@alt=stand-alone' => 'traditionelt han',
'Hebr' => 'hebraisk',
'Hira' => 'hiragana',
'Hluw' => 'anatolske hieroglyffer',
'Hmng' => 'pahawh hmong',
'Hrkt' => 'japanske skrifttegn',
'Hung' => 'oldungarsk',
'Inds' => 'indus',
'Ital' => 'Olditalisk',
'Jamo' => 'jamo',
'Java' => 'javanesisk',
'Jpan' => 'japansk',
'Jurc' => 'jurchen',
'Kali' => 'kaya li',
'Kana' => 'katakana',
'Khar' => 'kharoshti',
'Khmr' => 'khmer',
'Khoj' => 'khojki',
'Knda' => 'kannada',
'Kore' => 'koreansk',
'Kpel' => 'kpelle',
'Kthi' => 'kthi',
'Lana' => 'lanna',
'Laoo' => 'lao',
'Latf' => 'latinsk - frakturvariant',
'Latg' => 'latinsk - gælisk variant',
'Latn' => 'latinsk',
'Lepc' => 'lepcha',
'Limb' => 'limbu',
'Lina' => 'lineær A',
'Linb' => 'lineær B',
'Lisu' => 'lisu',
'Loma' => 'loma',
'Lyci' => 'lykisk',
'Lydi' => 'lydisk',
'Mand' => 'mandaisk',
'Mani' => 'manikæisk',
'Maya' => 'mayahieroglyffer',
'Mend' => 'mende',
'Merc' => 'metroitisk sammenhængende',
'Mero' => 'meroitisk',
'Mlym' => 'malayalam',
'Mong' => 'mongolsk',
'Moon' => 'moon',
'Mroo' => 'mroo',
'Mtei' => 'meitei-mayek',
'Mymr' => 'burmesisk',
'Narb' => 'gammelt nordarabisk',
'Nbat' => 'nabateisk',
'Nkgb' => 'nakhi geba',
'Nkoo' => 'n’ko',
'Nshu' => 'nüshu',
'Ogam' => 'ogham',
'Olck' => 'ol-chiki',
'Orkh' => 'orkhon',
'Orya' => 'oriya',
'Osma' => 'osmannisk',
'Palm' => 'palmyrensk',
'Perm' => 'oldpermisk',
'Phag' => 'phags-pa',
'Phli' => 'phli',
'Phlp' => 'phlp',
'Phlv' => 'pahlavi',
'Phnx' => 'fønikisk',
'Plrd' => 'pollardtegn',
'Prti' => 'prti',
'Qaag' => 'zawgyi',
'Rjng' => 'rejang',
'Roro' => 'rongo-rongo',
'Runr' => 'runer',
'Samr' => 'samaritansk',
'Sara' => 'sarati',
'Sarb' => 'oldsørarabisk',
'Saur' => 'saurashtra',
'Sgnw' => 'tegnskrift',
'Shaw' => 'shavisk',
'Shrd' => 'sharada',
'Sind' => 'khudawadi',
'Sinh' => 'singalesisk',
'Sora' => 'sora',
'Sund' => 'sundanesisk',
'Sylo' => 'syloti nagri',
'Syrc' => 'syrisk',
'Syre' => 'syrisk - estrangelovariant',
'Syrj' => 'vestsyrisk',
'Syrn' => 'østsyriakisk',
'Tagb' => 'tagbanwa',
'Takr' => 'takri',
'Tale' => 'tai le',
'Talu' => 'tai lue',
'Taml' => 'tamilsk',
'Tang' => 'tangut',
'Tavt' => 'tavt',
'Telu' => 'telugu',
'Teng' => 'tengwar',
'Tfng' => 'tifinagh',
'Tglg' => 'tagalog',
'Thaa' => 'thaana',
'Thai' => 'thailandsk',
'Tibt' => 'tibetansk',
'Tirh' => 'tirhuta',
'Ugar' => 'ugaritisk',
'Vaii' => 'vai',
'Visp' => 'synlig tale',
'Wara' => 'varang kshiti',
'Wole' => 'woleai',
'Xpeo' => 'oldpersisk',
'Xsux' => 'sumero-akkadisk cuneiform',
'Yiii' => 'yi',
'Zinh' => 'arvet',
'Zmth' => 'matematisk notation',
'Zsye' => 'emoji',
'Zsym' => 'symboler',
'Zxxx' => 'uden skriftsprog',
'Zyyy' => 'fælles',
'Zzzz' => 'ukendt skriftsprog',
if ( @_ ) {
return $scripts{$_[0]};
return \%scripts;
has 'display_name_region' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'001' => 'Verden',
'002' => 'Afrika',
'003' => 'Nordamerika',
'005' => 'Sydamerika',
'009' => 'Oceanien',
'011' => 'Vestafrika',
'013' => 'Mellemamerika',
'014' => 'Østafrika',
'015' => 'Nordafrika',
'017' => 'Centralafrika',
'018' => 'Det sydlige Afrika',
'019' => 'Nord-, Mellem- og Sydamerika',
'021' => 'Det nordlige Amerika',
'029' => 'Caribien',
'030' => 'Østasien',
'034' => 'Sydasien',
'035' => 'Sydøstasien',
'039' => 'Sydeuropa',
'053' => 'Australasien',
'054' => 'Melanesien',
'057' => 'Mikronesiske område',
'061' => 'Polynesien',
'142' => 'Asien',
'143' => 'Centralasien',
'145' => 'Vestasien',
'150' => 'Europa',
'151' => 'Østeuropa',
'154' => 'Nordeuropa',
'155' => 'Vesteuropa',
'202' => 'Subsaharisk Afrika',
'419' => 'Latinamerika',
'AC' => 'Ascensionøen',
'AD' => 'Andorra',
'AE' => 'De Forenede Arabiske Emirater',
'AF' => 'Afghanistan',
'AG' => 'Antigua og Barbuda',
'AI' => 'Anguilla',
'AL' => 'Albanien',
'AM' => 'Armenien',
'AO' => 'Angola',
'AQ' => 'Antarktis',
'AR' => 'Argentina',
'AS' => 'Amerikansk Samoa',
'AT' => 'Østrig',
'AU' => 'Australien',
'AW' => 'Aruba',
'AX' => 'Åland',
'AZ' => 'Aserbajdsjan',
'BA' => 'Bosnien-Hercegovina',
'BB' => 'Barbados',
'BD' => 'Bangladesh',
'BE' => 'Belgien',
'BF' => 'Burkina Faso',
'BG' => 'Bulgarien',
'BH' => 'Bahrain',
'BI' => 'Burundi',
'BJ' => 'Benin',
'BL' => 'Saint Barthélemy',
'BM' => 'Bermuda',
'BN' => 'Brunei',
'BO' => 'Bolivia',
'BQ' => 'De tidligere Nederlandske Antiller',
'BR' => 'Brasilien',
'BS' => 'Bahamas',
'BT' => 'Bhutan',
'BV' => 'Bouvetøen',
'BW' => 'Botswana',
'BY' => 'Hviderusland',
'BZ' => 'Belize',
'CA' => 'Canada',
'CC' => 'Cocosøerne',
'CD' => 'Congo-Kinshasa',
'CD@alt=variant' => 'Den Demokratiske Republik Congo (DRC)',
'CF' => 'Den Centralafrikanske Republik',
'CG' => 'Congo-Brazzaville',
'CG@alt=variant' => 'Republikken Congo',
'CH' => 'Schweiz',
'CI' => 'Elfenbenskysten',
'CK' => 'Cookøerne',
'CL' => 'Chile',
'CM' => 'Cameroun',
'CN' => 'Kina',
'CO' => 'Colombia',
'CP' => 'Clippertonøen',
'CR' => 'Costa Rica',
'CU' => 'Cuba',
'CV' => 'Kap Verde',
'CW' => 'Curaçao',
'CX' => 'Juleøen',
'CY' => 'Cypern',
'CZ' => 'Tjekkiet',
'CZ@alt=variant' => 'Den Tjekkiske Republik',
'DE' => 'Tyskland',
'DG' => 'Diego Garcia',
'DJ' => 'Djibouti',
'DK' => 'Danmark',
'DM' => 'Dominica',
'DO' => 'Den Dominikanske Republik',
'DZ' => 'Algeriet',
'EA' => 'Ceuta og Melilla',
'EC' => 'Ecuador',
'EE' => 'Estland',
'EG' => 'Egypten',
'EH' => 'Vestsahara',
'ER' => 'Eritrea',
'ES' => 'Spanien',
'ET' => 'Etiopien',
'EU' => 'Den Europæiske Union',
'EZ' => 'eurozonen',
'FI' => 'Finland',
'FJ' => 'Fiji',
'FK' => 'Falklandsøerne',
'FK@alt=variant' => 'Falklandsøerne (Islas Malvinas)',
'FM' => 'Mikronesien',
'FO' => 'Færøerne',
'FR' => 'Frankrig',
'GA' => 'Gabon',
'GB' => 'Storbritannien',
'GD' => 'Grenada',
'GE' => 'Georgien',
'GF' => 'Fransk Guyana',
'GG' => 'Guernsey',
'GH' => 'Ghana',
'GI' => 'Gibraltar',
'GL' => 'Grønland',
'GM' => 'Gambia',
'GN' => 'Guinea',
'GP' => 'Guadeloupe',
'GQ' => 'Ækvatorialguinea',
'GR' => 'Grækenland',
'GS' => 'South Georgia og De Sydlige Sandwichøer',
'GT' => 'Guatemala',
'GU' => 'Guam',
'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'GY' => 'Guyana',
'HK' => 'SAR Hongkong',
'HK@alt=short' => 'Hongkong',
'HM' => 'Heard Island og McDonald Islands',
'HN' => 'Honduras',
'HR' => 'Kroatien',
'HT' => 'Haiti',
'HU' => 'Ungarn',
'IC' => 'Kanariske øer',
'ID' => 'Indonesien',
'IE' => 'Irland',
'IL' => 'Israel',
'IM' => 'Isle of Man',
'IN' => 'Indien',
'IO' => 'Det Britiske Territorium i Det Indiske Ocean',
'IQ' => 'Irak',
'IR' => 'Iran',
'IS' => 'Island',
'IT' => 'Italien',
'JE' => 'Jersey',
'JM' => 'Jamaica',
'JO' => 'Jordan',
'JP' => 'Japan',
'KE' => 'Kenya',
'KG' => 'Kirgisistan',
'KH' => 'Cambodja',
'KI' => 'Kiribati',
'KM' => 'Comorerne',
'KN' => 'Saint Kitts og Nevis',
'KP' => 'Nordkorea',
'KR' => 'Sydkorea',
'KW' => 'Kuwait',
'KY' => 'Caymanøerne',
'KZ' => 'Kasakhstan',
'LA' => 'Laos',
'LB' => 'Libanon',
'LC' => 'Saint Lucia',
'LI' => 'Liechtenstein',
'LK' => 'Sri Lanka',
'LR' => 'Liberia',
'LS' => 'Lesotho',
'LT' => 'Litauen',
'LU' => 'Luxembourg',
'LV' => 'Letland',
'LY' => 'Libyen',
'MA' => 'Marokko',
'MC' => 'Monaco',
'MD' => 'Moldova',
'ME' => 'Montenegro',
'MF' => 'Saint Martin',
'MG' => 'Madagaskar',
'MH' => 'Marshalløerne',
'MK' => 'Nordmakedonien',
'ML' => 'Mali',
'MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)',
'MN' => 'Mongoliet',
'MO' => 'SAR Macao',
'MO@alt=short' => 'Macao',
'MP' => 'Nordmarianerne',
'MQ' => 'Martinique',
'MR' => 'Mauretanien',
'MS' => 'Montserrat',
'MT' => 'Malta',
'MU' => 'Mauritius',
'MV' => 'Maldiverne',
'MW' => 'Malawi',
'MX' => 'Mexico',
'MY' => 'Malaysia',
'MZ' => 'Mozambique',
'NA' => 'Namibia',
'NC' => 'Ny Kaledonien',
'NE' => 'Niger',
'NF' => 'Norfolk Island',
'NG' => 'Nigeria',
'NI' => 'Nicaragua',
'NL' => 'Holland',
'NO' => 'Norge',
'NP' => 'Nepal',
'NR' => 'Nauru',
'NU' => 'Niue',
'NZ' => 'New Zealand',
'OM' => 'Oman',
'PA' => 'Panama',
'PE' => 'Peru',
'PF' => 'Fransk Polynesien',
'PG' => 'Papua Ny Guinea',
'PH' => 'Filippinerne',
'PK' => 'Pakistan',
'PL' => 'Polen',
'PM' => 'Saint Pierre og Miquelon',
'PN' => 'Pitcairn',
'PR' => 'Puerto Rico',
'PS' => 'De palæstinensiske områder',
'PS@alt=short' => 'Palæstina',
'PT' => 'Portugal',
'PW' => 'Palau',
'PY' => 'Paraguay',
'QA' => 'Qatar',
'QO' => 'Ydre Oceanien',
'RE' => 'Réunion',
'RO' => 'Rumænien',
'RS' => 'Serbien',
'RU' => 'Rusland',
'RW' => 'Rwanda',
'SA' => 'Saudi-Arabien',
'SB' => 'Salomonøerne',
'SC' => 'Seychellerne',
'SD' => 'Sudan',
'SE' => 'Sverige',
'SG' => 'Singapore',
'SH' => 'St. Helena',
'SI' => 'Slovenien',
'SJ' => 'Svalbard og Jan Mayen',
'SK' => 'Slovakiet',
'SL' => 'Sierra Leone',
'SM' => 'San Marino',
'SN' => 'Senegal',
'SO' => 'Somalia',
'SR' => 'Surinam',
'SS' => 'Sydsudan',
'ST' => 'São Tomé og Príncipe',
'SV' => 'El Salvador',
'SX' => 'Sint Maarten',
'SY' => 'Syrien',
'SZ' => 'Eswatini',
'SZ@alt=variant' => 'Swaziland',
'TA' => 'Tristan da Cunha',
'TC' => 'Turks- og Caicosøerne',
'TD' => 'Tchad',
'TF' => 'De Franske Besiddelser i Det Sydlige Indiske Ocean og Antarktis',
'TG' => 'Togo',
'TH' => 'Thailand',
'TJ' => 'Tadsjikistan',
'TK' => 'Tokelau',
'TL' => 'Timor-Leste',
'TL@alt=variant' => 'Østtimor',
'TM' => 'Turkmenistan',
'TN' => 'Tunesien',
'TO' => 'Tonga',
'TR' => 'Tyrkiet',
'TT' => 'Trinidad og Tobago',
'TV' => 'Tuvalu',
'TW' => 'Taiwan',
'TZ' => 'Tanzania',
'UA' => 'Ukraine',
'UG' => 'Uganda',
'UM' => 'Amerikanske oversøiske øer',
'UN' => 'De Forenede Nationer',
'UN@alt=short' => 'FN',
'US' => 'USA',
'UY' => 'Uruguay',
'UZ' => 'Usbekistan',
'VA' => 'Vatikanstaten',
'VC' => 'Saint Vincent og Grenadinerne',
'VE' => 'Venezuela',
'VG' => 'De Britiske Jomfruøer',
'VI' => 'De Amerikanske Jomfruøer',
'VN' => 'Vietnam',
'VU' => 'Vanuatu',
'WF' => 'Wallis og Futuna',
'WS' => 'Samoa',
'XA' => 'pseudo-accenter',
'XB' => 'pseudo-bidi',
'XK' => 'Kosovo',
'YE' => 'Yemen',
'YT' => 'Mayotte',
'ZA' => 'Sydafrika',
'ZM' => 'Zambia',
'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe',
'ZZ' => 'Ukendt område',
has 'display_name_variant' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'1901' => 'traditionel tysk retskrivning',
'1994' => 'standardiseret Resi-ortografi',
'1996' => 'tysk retskrivning fra 1996',
'1606NICT' => 'sen middelfransk frem til 1606',
'1694ACAD' => 'tidlig moderne fransk',
'1959ACAD' => 'akademisk',
'ALALC97' => 'ALA-LC-romanisering fra 1997',
'ALUKU' => 'aluku-dialekt',
'AREVELA' => 'østarmensk',
'AREVMDA' => 'vestarmensk',
'BAKU1926' => 'forenet tyrkisk-latinsk alfabet',
'BAUDDHA' => 'bauddha',
'BISCAYAN' => 'biscayisk',
'BISKE' => 'San Giorgio-/Bila-dialekt',
'BOHORIC' => 'Bohorič-alfabet',
'BOONT' => 'boontling',
'DAJNKO' => 'Dajnko-alfabet',
'EMODENG' => 'tidlig moderne engelsk',
'FONIPA' => 'det internationale fonetiske alfabet',
'FONUPA' => 'det uraliske fonetiske alfabet',
'FONXSAMP' => 'fonxsamp',
'HEPBURN' => 'Hepburn-romanisering',
'HOGNORSK' => 'høgnorsk',
'ITIHASA' => 'itihasa',
'JAUER' => 'jauer',
'JYUTPING' => 'jyutping',
'KKCOR' => 'almindelig ortografi',
'KSCOR' => 'standardortografi',
'LAUKIKA' => 'laukika',
'LIPAW' => 'lipovaz',
'METELKO' => 'Metelko-alfabet',
'MONOTON' => 'monotonisk',
'NDYUKA' => 'Ndyuka-dialekt',
'NEDIS' => 'Natisone-dialekt',
'NJIVA' => 'Gniva-/Nijva-dialekt',
'NULIK' => 'moderne volapük',
'OSOJS' => 'Oseacco-/Osojane-dialekt',
'PAMAKA' => 'Pamaka-dialekt',
'PINYIN' => 'pinyin',
'POLYTON' => 'polytonisk',
'POSIX' => 'computer',
'REVISED' => 'revideret retskrivning',
'RIGIK' => 'klassisk volapük',
'ROZAJ' => 'Resi',
'SAAHO' => 'saho',
'SCOTLAND' => 'skotsk standardengelsk',
'SCOUSE' => 'scouse',
'SURMIRAN' => 'surmiran',
'SURSILV' => 'sursilv',
'SUTSILV' => 'sutsilv',
'TARASK' => 'Taraskievica-ortografi',
'UCCOR' => 'forenet ortografi',
'UCRCOR' => 'forenet revideret ortografi',
'ULSTER' => 'ulster',
'VAIDIKA' => 'vaidika',
'VALENCIA' => 'valenciansk',
'VALLADER' => 'vallader',
'WADEGILE' => 'Wade-Giles',
has 'display_name_key' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'calendar' => 'kalender',
'cf' => 'valutaformat',
'colalternate' => 'Ignorer symboler under sortering',
'colbackwards' => 'Omvendt sortering efter accenter',
'colcasefirst' => 'Sortering efter store/små bogstaver',
'colcaselevel' => 'Sortering med forskel på små og store bogstaver',
'collation' => 'sorteringsrækkefølge',
'colnormalization' => 'Normaliseret sortering',
'colnumeric' => 'Numerisk sortering',
'colstrength' => 'Sorteringsstyrke',
'currency' => 'valuta',
'hc' => 'timeur (12 vs. 24)',
'lb' => 'linjeskift',
'ms' => 'målesystem',
'numbers' => 'tal',
'timezone' => 'Tidszone',
'va' => 'Sprogvariant',
'x' => 'Privatbrug',
has 'display_name_type' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[HashRef[Str]],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'calendar' => {
'buddhist' => q{buddhistisk kalender},
'chinese' => q{kinesisk kalender},
'coptic' => q{koptisk kalender},
'dangi' => q{dangi-kalender},
'ethiopic' => q{etiopisk kalender},
'ethiopic-amete-alem' => q{etiopisk amete-alem-kalender},
'gregorian' => q{gregoriansk kalender},
'hebrew' => q{jødisk kalender},
'indian' => q{indisk nationalkalender},
'islamic' => q{islamisk kalender},
'islamic-civil' => q{verdslig islamisk kalender},
'islamic-rgsa' => q{islamisk kalender (Saudi-Arabien, observation)},
'islamic-tbla' => q{islamisk kalender (tabellarisk, astronomisk epoke)},
'islamic-umalqura' => q{islamisk kalender (Umm al-Qura)},
'iso8601' => q{ISO-8601-kalender},
'japanese' => q{japansk kalender},
'persian' => q{persisk kalender},
'roc' => q{kalender for Republikken Kina},
'cf' => {
'account' => q{format for regnskabsvaluta},
'standard' => q{format for standardvaluta},
'colalternate' => {
'non-ignorable' => q{Sortér efter symboler},
'shifted' => q{Sortér, og ignorer symboler},
'colbackwards' => {
'no' => q{Sortér efter accenter i normal rækkefølge},
'yes' => q{Sortér efter accenter i omvendt rækkefølge},
'colcasefirst' => {
'lower' => q{Sortér med små bogstaver først},
'no' => q{Sortér efter store og små bogstaver i almindelig rækkefølge},
'upper' => q{Sortér med store bogstaver først},
'colcaselevel' => {
'no' => q{Sortér uden forskel på store og små bogstaver},
'yes' => q{Sortér med skelnen mellem store og små bogstaver},
'collation' => {
'big5han' => q{sorteringsrækkefølge uforkortet kinesisk - Big5},
'compat' => q{tidligere sorteringsrækkefølge, kompatibilitet},
'dictionary' => q{sorteringsrækkefølge for ordbog},
'ducet' => q{Unicode-standardsorteringsrækkefølge},
'eor' => q{europæisk sorteringsrækkefølge},
'gb2312han' => q{sorteringsrækkefølge forkortet kinesisk - GB2312},
'phonebook' => q{sorteringsrækkefølge i telefonbøger},
'phonetic' => q{fonetisk sorteringsrækkefølge},
'pinyin' => q{pinyin-baseret sorteringsrækkefølge},
'reformed' => q{ny sorteringsrækkefølge},
'search' => q{generel søgning},
'searchjl' => q{sortér efter den første konsonant i hangul},
'standard' => q{standardsorteringsrækkefølge},
'stroke' => q{stregbaseret sorteringsrækkefølge},
'traditional' => q{traditionel sorteringsrækkefølge},
'unihan' => q{sortering efter streger i rodtegn},
'zhuyin' => q{zhuyin-sorteringsrækkefølge},
'colnormalization' => {
'no' => q{Sortér uden normalisering},
'yes' => q{Sortér Unicode efter første normalisering},
'colnumeric' => {
'no' => q{Sortér efter individuelle cifre},
'yes' => q{Sortér tal numerisk},
'colstrength' => {
'identical' => q{Sortér alt},
'primary' => q{Sortér kun efter basisbogstaver},
'quaternary' => q{Sortér efter accenter/små og store bogstaver/bredde/kana},
'secondary' => q{Sortér efter accenter},
'tertiary' => q{Sortér efter accenter/store og små bogstaver/bredde},
'd0' => {
'fwidth' => q{fuld bredde},
'hwidth' => q{halv bredde},
'npinyin' => q{Numerisk},
'hc' => {
'h11' => q{12-timersur (0-11)},
'h12' => q{12-timersur (1-12)},
'h23' => q{24-timersur (0-23)},
'h24' => q{24-timersur (1-24)},
'lb' => {
'loose' => q{løst linjeskift},
'normal' => q{normalt linjeskift},
'strict' => q{hårdt linjeskift},
'm0' => {
'bgn' => q{BGN},
'ungegn' => q{UNGEGN},
'ms' => {
'metric' => q{metersystem},
'uksystem' => q{britisk målesystem},
'ussystem' => q{amerikansk målesystem},
'numbers' => {
'arab' => q{hindu-arabiske tal},
'arabext' => q{udvidede hindu-arabiske tal},
'armn' => q{armenske tal},
'armnlow' => q{armenske tal med små bogstaver},
'bali' => q{Balinesiske tal},
'beng' => q{bengali tal},
'brah' => q{Brahmi-tal},
'cakm' => q{Chakma-tal},
'cham' => q{Cham-tal},
'deva' => q{devanagariske tal},
'ethi' => q{etiopiske tal},
'finance' => q{Finansielle tal},
'fullwide' => q{tal i fuld bredde},
'geor' => q{georgiske tal},
'grek' => q{græske tal},
'greklow' => q{græske tal med små bogstaver},
'gujr' => q{gujarati tal},
'guru' => q{gurmukhi tal},
'hanidec' => q{kinesiske decimaltal},
'hans' => q{forenklede kinesiske tal},
'hansfin' => q{forenklede kinesiske finansielle tal},
'hant' => q{traditionelle kinesiske tal},
'hantfin' => q{traditionelle kinesiske finansielle tal},
'hebr' => q{hebraiske tal},
'java' => q{Javanesiske tal},
'jpan' => q{japanske tal},
'jpanfin' => q{japanske finansielle tal},
'kali' => q{Kayah Li-tal},
'khmr' => q{khmer tal},
'knda' => q{kannada tal},
'lana' => q{Tai Tham Hora-tal},
'lanatham' => q{Tai Tham Tahm-tal},
'laoo' => q{laotiske tal},
'latn' => q{arabertal},
'lepc' => q{Lepcha-tal},
'limb' => q{Limbu-tal},
'mlym' => q{malayalamske tal},
'mong' => q{Mongolske tal},
'mtei' => q{Meetei Mayek-tal},
'mymr' => q{Myanmar-tal},
'mymrshan' => q{Myanmar Shan-tal},
'native' => q{Nationale cifre},
'nkoo' => q{N’Ko-tal},
'olck' => q{Ol Chiki-tal},
'orya' => q{oriya-tal},
'osma' => q{Osmanya-tal},
'roman' => q{romertal},
'romanlow' => q{romertal med små bogstaver},
'saur' => q{Saurashtra-tal},
'shrd' => q{Sharada-tal},
'sora' => q{Sora Sompeng-tal},
'sund' => q{Sundanesiske tal},
'takr' => q{Takri-tal},
'talu' => q{Nye Tai Lue-tal},
'taml' => q{traditionelle tamilske tal},
'tamldec' => q{tamilske tal},
'telu' => q{telugu-tal},
'thai' => q{thailandske tal},
'tibt' => q{tibetanske tal},
'traditional' => q{Traditionelle tal},
'vaii' => q{Vai-tal},
has 'display_name_measurement_system' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'metric' => q{det metriske system},
'UK' => q{de britiske målesystemer},
'US' => q{de amerikanske målesystemer},
has 'display_name_code_patterns' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'language' => 'Sprog: {0}',
'script' => 'Skrift: {0}',
'region' => 'Område: {0}',
has 'characters' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => $^V ge v5.18.0
? eval <<'EOT'
sub {
no warnings 'experimental::regex_sets';
return {
auxiliary => qr{[á à â ç é è ê ë í î ï ñ ó ô œ ú ù û ÿ ü ä ǿ ö]},
index => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Æ', 'Ø', 'Å'],
main => qr{[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z æ ø å]},
numbers => qr{[\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]},
punctuation => qr{[\- ‐ ‑ – , ; \: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ " “ ” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ′ ″]},
: sub {
return { index => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Æ', 'Ø', 'Å'], };
has 'ellipsis' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
return {
'final' => '{0}…',
'initial' => '…{0}',
'medial' => '{0}…{1}',
'word-final' => '{0} …',
'word-initial' => '… {0}',
'word-medial' => '{0} … {1}',
has 'more_information' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => qq{?},
has 'quote_start' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => qq{“},
has 'quote_end' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => qq{”},
has 'alternate_quote_start' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => qq{‘},
has 'alternate_quote_end' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => qq{’},
has 'duration_units' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
hm => 'h.mm',
hms => 'h.mm.ss',
ms => 'm.ss',
} }
has 'units' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[HashRef[HashRef[Str]]],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'long' => {
# Long Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(kompasretning),
# Core Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(kompasretning),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(kibi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(kibi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(mebi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(mebi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p3' => {
'1' => q(gibi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p3' => {
'1' => q(gibi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p4' => {
'1' => q(tebi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p4' => {
'1' => q(tebi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p5' => {
'1' => q(pebi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p5' => {
'1' => q(pebi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p6' => {
'1' => q(exbi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p6' => {
'1' => q(exbi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(zebi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(zebi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(yobi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(yobi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-1' => {
'1' => q(deci{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1' => {
'1' => q(deci{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-12' => {
'1' => q(pico{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'12' => {
'1' => q(pico{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-15' => {
'1' => q(femto{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'15' => {
'1' => q(femto{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-18' => {
'1' => q(atto{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'18' => {
'1' => q(atto{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-2' => {
'1' => q(centi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'2' => {
'1' => q(centi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-21' => {
'1' => q(zepto{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'21' => {
'1' => q(zepto{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-24' => {
'1' => q(yocto{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'24' => {
'1' => q(yocto{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-3' => {
'1' => q(milli{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'3' => {
'1' => q(milli{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-6' => {
'1' => q(mikro{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'6' => {
'1' => q(mikro{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-9' => {
'1' => q(nano{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'9' => {
'1' => q(nano{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(deka{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(deka{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(tera{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(tera{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(peta{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(peta{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(exa{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(exa{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(hekto{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(hekto{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(zetta{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(zetta{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(yotta{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(yotta{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(kilo{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(kilo{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(mega{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(mega{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(giga{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(giga{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-g-force' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(G-kraft),
'one' => q({0} G-kraft),
'other' => q({0} G-kraft),
# Core Unit Identifier
'g-force' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(G-kraft),
'one' => q({0} G-kraft),
'other' => q({0} G-kraft),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-meter-per-square-second' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(meter pr. sekund²),
'one' => q({0} meter pr. sekund²),
'other' => q({0} meter pr. sekund²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-square-second' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(meter pr. sekund²),
'one' => q({0} meter pr. sekund²),
'other' => q({0} meter pr. sekund²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-minute' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(bueminutter),
'one' => q({0} bueminut),
'other' => q({0} bueminutter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-minute' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(bueminutter),
'one' => q({0} bueminut),
'other' => q({0} bueminutter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-second' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(buesekunder),
'one' => q({0} buesekund),
'other' => q({0} buesekunder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-second' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(buesekunder),
'one' => q({0} buesekund),
'other' => q({0} buesekunder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-degree' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(grader),
'one' => q({0} grad),
'other' => q({0} grader),
# Core Unit Identifier
'degree' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(grader),
'one' => q({0} grad),
'other' => q({0} grader),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-radian' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(radian),
'one' => q({0} radian),
'other' => q({0} radianer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'radian' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(radian),
'one' => q({0} radian),
'other' => q({0} radianer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-revolution' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(omdrejninger),
'one' => q({0} omdrejning),
'other' => q({0} omdrejninger),
# Core Unit Identifier
'revolution' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(omdrejninger),
'one' => q({0} omdrejning),
'other' => q({0} omdrejninger),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-acre' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(acre),
'one' => q({0} acre),
'other' => q({0} acres),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(acre),
'one' => q({0} acre),
'other' => q({0} acres),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-hectare' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(hektar),
'one' => q({0} hektar),
'other' => q({0} hektar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectare' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(hektar),
'one' => q({0} hektar),
'other' => q({0} hektar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-centimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadratcentimeter),
'one' => q({0} kvadratcentimeter),
'other' => q({0} kvadratcentimeter),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-centimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadratcentimeter),
'one' => q({0} kvadratcentimeter),
'other' => q({0} kvadratcentimeter),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-foot' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadratfod),
'one' => q({0} kvadratfod),
'other' => q({0} kvadratfod),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-foot' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadratfod),
'one' => q({0} kvadratfod),
'other' => q({0} kvadratfod),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(kvadrattommer),
'one' => q({0} kvadrattomme),
'other' => q({0} kvadrattommer),
'per' => q({0} pr. kvadrattomme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-inch' => {
'name' => q(kvadrattommer),
'one' => q({0} kvadrattomme),
'other' => q({0} kvadrattommer),
'per' => q({0} pr. kvadrattomme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-kilometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadratkilometer),
'one' => q({0} kvadratkilometer),
'other' => q({0} kvadratkilometer),
'per' => q({0} pr. kvadratkilometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-kilometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadratkilometer),
'one' => q({0} kvadratkilometer),
'other' => q({0} kvadratkilometer),
'per' => q({0} pr. kvadratkilometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-meter' => {
'name' => q(kvadratmeter),
'one' => q({0} kvadratmeter),
'other' => q({0} kvadratmeter),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-meter' => {
'name' => q(kvadratmeter),
'one' => q({0} kvadratmeter),
'other' => q({0} kvadratmeter),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-mile' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadrat-engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} kvadrat-engelsk mil),
'other' => q({0} kvadrat-engelske mil),
'per' => q({0} pr. kvadrat-engelske mil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-mile' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kvadrat-engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} kvadrat-engelsk mil),
'other' => q({0} kvadrat-engelske mil),
'per' => q({0} pr. kvadrat-engelske mil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-yard' => {
'name' => q(kvadrat-engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} kvadrat-engelsk yard),
'other' => q({0} kvadrat-engelske yard),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-yard' => {
'name' => q(kvadrat-engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} kvadrat-engelsk yard),
'other' => q({0} kvadrat-engelske yard),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-item' => {
'name' => q(enheder),
'one' => q({0} enhed),
'other' => q({0} enheder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'item' => {
'name' => q(enheder),
'one' => q({0} enhed),
'other' => q({0} enheder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-karat' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(karat),
'one' => q({0} karat),
'other' => q({0} karat),
# Core Unit Identifier
'karat' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(karat),
'one' => q({0} karat),
'other' => q({0} karat),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'name' => q(milligram pr. deciliter),
'one' => q({0} milligram pr. deciliter),
'other' => q({0} milligram pr. deciliter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'name' => q(milligram pr. deciliter),
'one' => q({0} milligram pr. deciliter),
'other' => q({0} milligram pr. deciliter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-millimole-per-liter' => {
'name' => q(millimol pr. liter),
'one' => q({0} millimol pr. liter),
'other' => q({0} millimol pr. liter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimole-per-liter' => {
'name' => q(millimol pr. liter),
'one' => q({0} millimol pr. liter),
'other' => q({0} millimol pr. liter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-mole' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mole' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-percent' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(procent),
'one' => q({0} procent),
'other' => q({0} procent),
# Core Unit Identifier
'percent' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(procent),
'one' => q({0} procent),
'other' => q({0} procent),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permille' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(promille),
'one' => q({0} promille),
'other' => q({0} promille),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permille' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(promille),
'one' => q({0} promille),
'other' => q({0} promille),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permillion' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(parts per million),
'one' => q({0} part per million),
'other' => q({0} parts per million),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permillion' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(parts per million),
'one' => q({0} part per million),
'other' => q({0} parts per million),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permyriad' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permyriad' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(liter pr. 100 kilometer),
'one' => q({0} liter pr. 100 kilometer),
'other' => q({0} liter pr. 100 kilometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(liter pr. 100 kilometer),
'one' => q({0} liter pr. 100 kilometer),
'other' => q({0} liter pr. 100 kilometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(liter pr. kilometer),
'one' => q({0} liter pr. kilometer),
'other' => q({0} liter pr. kilometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(liter pr. kilometer),
'one' => q({0} liter pr. kilometer),
'other' => q({0} liter pr. kilometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(mil pr. gallon),
'one' => q(mil pr. gallon),
'other' => q({0} mil pr. gallon),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(mil pr. gallon),
'one' => q(mil pr. gallon),
'other' => q({0} mil pr. gallon),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(mil pr. engelsk gallon),
'one' => q({0} mil pr. engelsk gallon),
'other' => q({0} mil pr. engelsk gallon),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(mil pr. engelsk gallon),
'one' => q({0} mil pr. engelsk gallon),
'other' => q({0} mil pr. engelsk gallon),
# Long Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0} øst),
'north' => q({0} nord),
'south' => q({0} syd),
'west' => q({0} vest),
# Core Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0} øst),
'north' => q({0} nord),
'south' => q({0} syd),
'west' => q({0} vest),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-bit' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(bit),
'one' => q({0} bit),
'other' => q({0} bit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bit' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(bit),
'one' => q({0} bit),
'other' => q({0} bit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-byte' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(bytes),
'one' => q({0} byte),
'other' => q({0} bytes),
# Core Unit Identifier
'byte' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(bytes),
'one' => q({0} byte),
'other' => q({0} bytes),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabit' => {
'name' => q(gigabit),
'one' => q({0} gigabit),
'other' => q({0} gigabit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabit' => {
'name' => q(gigabit),
'one' => q({0} gigabit),
'other' => q({0} gigabit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabyte' => {
'name' => q(gigabytes),
'one' => q({0} gigabyte),
'other' => q({0} gigabytes),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabyte' => {
'name' => q(gigabytes),
'one' => q({0} gigabyte),
'other' => q({0} gigabytes),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobit' => {
'name' => q(kilobit),
'one' => q({0} kilobit),
'other' => q({0} kilobit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobit' => {
'name' => q(kilobit),
'one' => q({0} kilobit),
'other' => q({0} kilobit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobyte' => {
'name' => q(kilobytes),
'one' => q({0} kilobyte),
'other' => q({0} kilobytes),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobyte' => {
'name' => q(kilobytes),
'one' => q({0} kilobyte),
'other' => q({0} kilobytes),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabit' => {
'name' => q(megabit),
'one' => q({0} megabit),
'other' => q({0} megabit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabit' => {
'name' => q(megabit),
'one' => q({0} megabit),
'other' => q({0} megabit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabyte' => {
'name' => q(megabytes),
'one' => q({0} megabyte),
'other' => q({0} megabytes),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabyte' => {
'name' => q(megabytes),
'one' => q({0} megabyte),
'other' => q({0} megabytes),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-petabyte' => {
'name' => q(petabytes),
'one' => q({0} petabyte),
'other' => q({0} petabytes),
# Core Unit Identifier
'petabyte' => {
'name' => q(petabytes),
'one' => q({0} petabyte),
'other' => q({0} petabytes),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabit' => {
'name' => q(terabit),
'one' => q({0} terabit),
'other' => q({0} terabit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabit' => {
'name' => q(terabit),
'one' => q({0} terabit),
'other' => q({0} terabit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabyte' => {
'name' => q(terabytes),
'one' => q({0} terabyte),
'other' => q({0} terabytes),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabyte' => {
'name' => q(terabytes),
'one' => q({0} terabyte),
'other' => q({0} terabytes),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-century' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(århundreder),
'one' => q({0} århundrede),
'other' => q({0} århundreder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'century' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(århundreder),
'one' => q({0} århundrede),
'other' => q({0} århundreder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-day' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(dage),
'one' => q({0} dag),
'other' => q({0} dage),
'per' => q({0} pr. dag),
# Core Unit Identifier
'day' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(dage),
'one' => q({0} dag),
'other' => q({0} dage),
'per' => q({0} pr. dag),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-day-person' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Core Unit Identifier
'day-person' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-decade' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(årtier),
'one' => q({0} årti),
'other' => q({0} årtier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decade' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(årtier),
'one' => q({0} årti),
'other' => q({0} årtier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-hour' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(timer),
'one' => q({0} time),
'other' => q({0} timer),
'per' => q({0} pr. time),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hour' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(timer),
'one' => q({0} time),
'other' => q({0} timer),
'per' => q({0} pr. time),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-microsecond' => {
'name' => q(mikrosekunder),
'one' => q({0} mikrosekund),
'other' => q({0} mikrosekunder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microsecond' => {
'name' => q(mikrosekunder),
'one' => q({0} mikrosekund),
'other' => q({0} mikrosekunder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-millisecond' => {
'name' => q(millisekunder),
'one' => q({0} millisekund),
'other' => q({0} millisekunder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millisecond' => {
'name' => q(millisekunder),
'one' => q({0} millisekund),
'other' => q({0} millisekunder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-minute' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(minutter),
'one' => q({0} minut),
'other' => q({0} minutter),
'per' => q({0} pr. min.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'minute' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(minutter),
'one' => q({0} minut),
'other' => q({0} minutter),
'per' => q({0} pr. min.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-month' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(måneder),
'one' => q({0} måned),
'other' => q({0} måneder),
'per' => q({0} pr. måned),
# Core Unit Identifier
'month' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(måneder),
'one' => q({0} måned),
'other' => q({0} måneder),
'per' => q({0} pr. måned),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-nanosecond' => {
'name' => q(nanosekunder),
'one' => q({0} nanosekund),
'other' => q({0} nanosekunder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanosecond' => {
'name' => q(nanosekunder),
'one' => q({0} nanosekund),
'other' => q({0} nanosekunder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-second' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(sekunder),
'one' => q({0} sekund),
'other' => q({0} sekunder),
'per' => q({0} pr. sekund),
# Core Unit Identifier
'second' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(sekunder),
'one' => q({0} sekund),
'other' => q({0} sekunder),
'per' => q({0} pr. sekund),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-week' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(uger),
'one' => q({0} uge),
'other' => q({0} uger),
'per' => q({0} pr. uge),
# Core Unit Identifier
'week' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(uger),
'one' => q({0} uge),
'other' => q({0} uger),
'per' => q({0} pr. uge),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-year' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(år),
'one' => q({0} år),
'other' => q({0} år),
'per' => q({0} om året),
# Core Unit Identifier
'year' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(år),
'one' => q({0} år),
'other' => q({0} år),
'per' => q({0} om året),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ampere' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(ampere),
'one' => q({0} ampere),
'other' => q({0} ampere),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ampere' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(ampere),
'one' => q({0} ampere),
'other' => q({0} ampere),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-milliampere' => {
'name' => q(milliampere),
'one' => q({0} milliampere),
'other' => q({0} milliampere),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliampere' => {
'name' => q(milliampere),
'one' => q({0} milliampere),
'other' => q({0} milliampere),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ohm' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(ohm),
'one' => q({0} ohm),
'other' => q({0} ohm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ohm' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(ohm),
'one' => q({0} ohm),
'other' => q({0} ohm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-volt' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(volt),
'one' => q({0} volt),
'other' => q({0} volt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'volt' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(volt),
'one' => q({0} volt),
'other' => q({0} volt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-calorie' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kalorier),
'one' => q({0} kalorie),
'other' => q({0} kalorier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'calorie' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kalorier),
'one' => q({0} kalorie),
'other' => q({0} kalorier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-electronvolt' => {
'name' => q(elektronvolt),
'one' => q({0} elektronvolt),
'other' => q({0} elektronvolt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'electronvolt' => {
'name' => q(elektronvolt),
'one' => q({0} elektronvolt),
'other' => q({0} elektronvolt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-foodcalorie' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kalorier),
'one' => q({0} kalorie),
'other' => q({0} kalorier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foodcalorie' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kalorier),
'one' => q({0} kalorie),
'other' => q({0} kalorier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-joule' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(joule),
'one' => q({0} joule),
'other' => q({0} joule),
# Core Unit Identifier
'joule' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(joule),
'one' => q({0} joule),
'other' => q({0} joule),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilocalorie' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilokalorier),
'one' => q({0} kilokalorie),
'other' => q({0} kilokalorier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilocalorie' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilokalorier),
'one' => q({0} kilokalorie),
'other' => q({0} kilokalorier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilojoule' => {
'name' => q(kilojoule),
'one' => q({0} kilojoule),
'other' => q({0} kilojoule),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilojoule' => {
'name' => q(kilojoule),
'one' => q({0} kilojoule),
'other' => q({0} kilojoule),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilowatt-hour' => {
'name' => q(kilowatt-timer),
'one' => q({0} kilowatt-time),
'other' => q({0} kilowatt-timer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour' => {
'name' => q(kilowatt-timer),
'one' => q({0} kilowatt-time),
'other' => q({0} kilowatt-timer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(kilowatt-time per 100 kilometer),
'one' => q({0} kilowatt-time per 100 kilometer),
'other' => q({0} kilowatt-timer per 100 kilometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(kilowatt-time per 100 kilometer),
'one' => q({0} kilowatt-time per 100 kilometer),
'other' => q({0} kilowatt-timer per 100 kilometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-newton' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(newton),
'one' => q({0} newton),
'other' => q({0} newton),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(newton),
'one' => q({0} newton),
'other' => q({0} newton),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-gigahertz' => {
'name' => q(gigahertz),
'one' => q({0} gigahertz),
'other' => q({0} gigahertz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigahertz' => {
'name' => q(gigahertz),
'one' => q({0} gigahertz),
'other' => q({0} gigahertz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-hertz' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(hertz),
'one' => q({0} hertz),
'other' => q({0} hertz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hertz' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(hertz),
'one' => q({0} hertz),
'other' => q({0} hertz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-kilohertz' => {
'name' => q(kilohertz),
'one' => q({0} kilohertz),
'other' => q({0} kilohertz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilohertz' => {
'name' => q(kilohertz),
'one' => q({0} kilohertz),
'other' => q({0} kilohertz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-megahertz' => {
'name' => q(megahertz),
'one' => q({0} megahertz),
'other' => q({0} megahertz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megahertz' => {
'name' => q(megahertz),
'one' => q({0} megahertz),
'other' => q({0} megahertz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot' => {
'name' => q(prik),
'one' => q({0} prik),
'other' => q({0} prikker),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot' => {
'name' => q(prik),
'one' => q({0} prik),
'other' => q({0} prikker),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot-per-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(punkter per centimeter),
'one' => q({0} punkt per centimeter),
'other' => q({0} punkter per centimeter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot-per-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(punkter per centimeter),
'one' => q({0} punkt per centimeter),
'other' => q({0} punkter per centimeter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot-per-inch' => {
'name' => q(punkter per tomme),
'one' => q({0} punkt per tomme),
'other' => q({0} punkter per tomme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot-per-inch' => {
'name' => q(punkter per tomme),
'one' => q({0} punkt per tomme),
'other' => q({0} punkter per tomme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-em' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(geviert),
'one' => q({0} geviert),
'other' => q({0} geviert),
# Core Unit Identifier
'em' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(geviert),
'one' => q({0} geviert),
'other' => q({0} geviert),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-megapixel' => {
'name' => q(megapixels),
'one' => q({0} megapixel),
'other' => q({0} megapixels),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megapixel' => {
'name' => q(megapixels),
'one' => q({0} megapixel),
'other' => q({0} megapixels),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-pixel' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pixels),
'one' => q({0} pixel),
'other' => q({0} pixels),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pixel' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pixels),
'one' => q({0} pixel),
'other' => q({0} pixels),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-pixel-per-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(pixels per centimeter),
'one' => q({0} pixel per centimeter),
'other' => q({0} pixels per centimeter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pixel-per-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(pixels per centimeter),
'one' => q({0} pixel per centimeter),
'other' => q({0} pixels per centimeter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-pixel-per-inch' => {
'name' => q(pixels per tomme),
'one' => q({0} pixel per tomme),
'other' => q({0} pixels per tomme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pixel-per-inch' => {
'name' => q(pixels per tomme),
'one' => q({0} pixel per tomme),
'other' => q({0} pixels per tomme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-astronomical-unit' => {
'name' => q(astronomiske enheder),
'one' => q({0} astronomisk enhed),
'other' => q({0} astronomiske enheder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'astronomical-unit' => {
'name' => q(astronomiske enheder),
'one' => q({0} astronomisk enhed),
'other' => q({0} astronomiske enheder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-centimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(centimeter),
'one' => q({0} centimeter),
'other' => q({0} centimeter),
'per' => q({0} pr. centimeter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(centimeter),
'one' => q({0} centimeter),
'other' => q({0} centimeter),
'per' => q({0} pr. centimeter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-decimeter' => {
'name' => q(decimeter),
'one' => q({0} decimeter),
'other' => q({0} decimeter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decimeter' => {
'name' => q(decimeter),
'one' => q({0} decimeter),
'other' => q({0} decimeter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-earth-radius' => {
'name' => q(jordradius),
'one' => q({0} jordradius),
'other' => q({0} jordradier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'earth-radius' => {
'name' => q(jordradius),
'one' => q({0} jordradius),
'other' => q({0} jordradier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-fathom' => {
'name' => q(favne),
'one' => q({0} favn),
'other' => q({0} favne),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fathom' => {
'name' => q(favne),
'one' => q({0} favn),
'other' => q({0} favne),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-foot' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(fod),
'one' => q({0} fod),
'other' => q({0} fod),
'per' => q({0} pr. fod),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foot' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(fod),
'one' => q({0} fod),
'other' => q({0} fod),
'per' => q({0} pr. fod),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-furlong' => {
'name' => q(furlongs),
'one' => q({0} furlong),
'other' => q({0} furlongs),
# Core Unit Identifier
'furlong' => {
'name' => q(furlongs),
'one' => q({0} furlong),
'other' => q({0} furlongs),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-inch' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(tommer),
'one' => q({0} tomme),
'other' => q({0} tommer),
'per' => q({0} pr. tomme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(tommer),
'one' => q({0} tomme),
'other' => q({0} tommer),
'per' => q({0} pr. tomme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-kilometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilometer),
'one' => q({0} kilometer),
'other' => q({0} kilometer),
'per' => q({0} pr. kilometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilometer),
'one' => q({0} kilometer),
'other' => q({0} kilometer),
'per' => q({0} pr. kilometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-light-year' => {
'name' => q(lysår),
'one' => q({0} lysår),
'other' => q({0} lysår),
# Core Unit Identifier
'light-year' => {
'name' => q(lysår),
'one' => q({0} lysår),
'other' => q({0} lysår),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-meter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(meter),
'one' => q({0} meter),
'other' => q({0} meter),
'per' => q({0} pr. meter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(meter),
'one' => q({0} meter),
'other' => q({0} meter),
'per' => q({0} pr. meter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-micrometer' => {
'name' => q(mikrometer),
'one' => q({0} mikrometer),
'other' => q({0} mikrometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'micrometer' => {
'name' => q(mikrometer),
'one' => q({0} mikrometer),
'other' => q({0} mikrometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} engelsk mil),
'other' => q({0} engelske mil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} engelsk mil),
'other' => q({0} engelske mil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile-scandinavian' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(svenske mil),
'one' => q({0} svensk mil),
'other' => q({0} svenske mil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-scandinavian' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(svenske mil),
'one' => q({0} svensk mil),
'other' => q({0} svenske mil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-millimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(millimeter),
'one' => q({0} millimeter),
'other' => q({0} millimeter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(millimeter),
'one' => q({0} millimeter),
'other' => q({0} millimeter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nanometer' => {
'name' => q(nanometer),
'one' => q({0} nanometer),
'other' => q({0} nanometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanometer' => {
'name' => q(nanometer),
'one' => q({0} nanometer),
'other' => q({0} nanometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nautical-mile' => {
'name' => q(sømil),
'one' => q({0} sømil),
'other' => q({0} sømil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nautical-mile' => {
'name' => q(sømil),
'one' => q({0} sømil),
'other' => q({0} sømil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-parsec' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(parsec),
'one' => q({0} parsec),
'other' => q({0} parsec),
# Core Unit Identifier
'parsec' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(parsec),
'one' => q({0} parsec),
'other' => q({0} parsec),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-picometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pikometer),
'one' => q({0} pikometer),
'other' => q({0} pikometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'picometer' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pikometer),
'one' => q({0} pikometer),
'other' => q({0} pikometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-point' => {
'name' => q(punkt),
'one' => q({0} punkt),
'other' => q({0} punkt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'point' => {
'name' => q(punkt),
'one' => q({0} punkt),
'other' => q({0} punkt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-solar-radius' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(solradier),
'one' => q({0} solradius),
'other' => q({0} solradier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-radius' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(solradier),
'one' => q({0} solradius),
'other' => q({0} solradier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-yard' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} engelsk yard),
'other' => q({0} engelske yard),
# Core Unit Identifier
'yard' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} engelsk yard),
'other' => q({0} engelske yard),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-candela' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(candela),
'one' => q({0} candela),
'other' => q({0} candela),
# Core Unit Identifier
'candela' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(candela),
'one' => q({0} candela),
'other' => q({0} candela),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-lumen' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(lumen),
'one' => q({0} lumen),
'other' => q({0} lumen),
# Core Unit Identifier
'lumen' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(lumen),
'one' => q({0} lumen),
'other' => q({0} lumen),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-lux' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(lux),
'one' => q({0} lux),
'other' => q({0} lux),
# Core Unit Identifier
'lux' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(lux),
'one' => q({0} lux),
'other' => q({0} lux),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-solar-luminosity' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-luminosity' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-carat' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(karat),
'one' => q({0} karat),
'other' => q({0} karat),
# Core Unit Identifier
'carat' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(karat),
'one' => q({0} karat),
'other' => q({0} karat),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-dalton' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dalton' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-earth-mass' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(Jordmasser),
'one' => q({0} jordmasse),
'other' => q({0} jordmasser),
# Core Unit Identifier
'earth-mass' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(Jordmasser),
'one' => q({0} jordmasse),
'other' => q({0} jordmasser),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-grain' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(gran),
'one' => q({0} gran),
'other' => q({0} gran),
# Core Unit Identifier
'grain' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(gran),
'one' => q({0} gran),
'other' => q({0} gran),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-gram' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(gram),
'one' => q({0} gram),
'other' => q({0} gram),
'per' => q({0} pr. gram),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gram' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(gram),
'one' => q({0} gram),
'other' => q({0} gram),
'per' => q({0} pr. gram),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-kilogram' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(kilogram),
'one' => q({0} kilogram),
'other' => q({0} kilogram),
'per' => q({0} pr. kg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilogram' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(kilogram),
'one' => q({0} kilogram),
'other' => q({0} kilogram),
'per' => q({0} pr. kg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-metric-ton' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(tons),
'one' => q({0} ton),
'other' => q({0} tons),
# Core Unit Identifier
'metric-ton' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(tons),
'one' => q({0} ton),
'other' => q({0} tons),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-microgram' => {
'name' => q(mikrogram),
'one' => q({0} mikrogram),
'other' => q({0} mikrogram),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microgram' => {
'name' => q(mikrogram),
'one' => q({0} mikrogram),
'other' => q({0} mikrogram),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-milligram' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(milligram),
'one' => q({0} milligram),
'other' => q({0} milligram),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(milligram),
'one' => q({0} milligram),
'other' => q({0} milligram),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(ounces),
'one' => q({0} ounce),
'other' => q({0} ounces),
'per' => q({0} pr. ounce),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(ounces),
'one' => q({0} ounce),
'other' => q({0} ounces),
'per' => q({0} pr. ounce),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce-troy' => {
'name' => q(troy ounces),
'one' => q({0} troy ounce),
'other' => q({0} troy ounces),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce-troy' => {
'name' => q(troy ounces),
'one' => q({0} troy ounce),
'other' => q({0} troy ounces),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-pound' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(pund),
'one' => q({0} pund),
'other' => q({0} pund),
'per' => q({0} pr. pund),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound' => {
'1' => q(neuter),
'name' => q(pund),
'one' => q({0} pund),
'other' => q({0} pund),
'per' => q({0} pr. pund),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-solar-mass' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(solmasser),
'one' => q({0} solmasse),
'other' => q({0} solmasser),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-mass' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(solmasser),
'one' => q({0} solmasse),
'other' => q({0} solmasser),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-stone' => {
'name' => q(stone),
'one' => q({0} stone),
'other' => q({0} stone),
# Core Unit Identifier
'stone' => {
'name' => q(stone),
'one' => q({0} stone),
'other' => q({0} stone),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ton' => {
'name' => q(short ton),
'one' => q({0} short ton),
'other' => q({0} short ton),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ton' => {
'name' => q(short ton),
'one' => q({0} short ton),
'other' => q({0} short ton),
# Long Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0} pr. {1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0} pr. {1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-gigawatt' => {
'name' => q(gigawatt),
'one' => q({0} gigawatt),
'other' => q({0} gigawatt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigawatt' => {
'name' => q(gigawatt),
'one' => q({0} gigawatt),
'other' => q({0} gigawatt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-horsepower' => {
'name' => q(hestekræfter),
'one' => q({0} hestekraft),
'other' => q({0} hestekræfter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'horsepower' => {
'name' => q(hestekræfter),
'one' => q({0} hestekraft),
'other' => q({0} hestekræfter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-kilowatt' => {
'name' => q(kilowatt),
'one' => q({0} kilowatt),
'other' => q({0} kilowatt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt' => {
'name' => q(kilowatt),
'one' => q({0} kilowatt),
'other' => q({0} kilowatt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-megawatt' => {
'name' => q(megawatt),
'one' => q({0} megawatt),
'other' => q({0} megawatt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megawatt' => {
'name' => q(megawatt),
'one' => q({0} megawatt),
'other' => q({0} megawatt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-milliwatt' => {
'name' => q(milliwatt),
'one' => q({0} milliwatt),
'other' => q({0} milliwatt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliwatt' => {
'name' => q(milliwatt),
'one' => q({0} milliwatt),
'other' => q({0} milliwatt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-watt' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(watt),
'one' => q({0} watt),
'other' => q({0} watt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'watt' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(watt),
'one' => q({0} watt),
'other' => q({0} watt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q(kvadrat{0}),
'one' => q(kvadrat{0}),
'other' => q(kvadrat{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q(kvadrat{0}),
'one' => q(kvadrat{0}),
'other' => q(kvadrat{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'1' => q(kubik{0}),
'one' => q(kubik{0}),
'other' => q(kubik{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'1' => q(kubik{0}),
'one' => q(kubik{0}),
'other' => q(kubik{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-atmosphere' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(atmosfære),
'one' => q({0} atmosfære),
'other' => q({0} atmosfære),
# Core Unit Identifier
'atmosphere' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(atmosfære),
'one' => q({0} atmosfære),
'other' => q({0} atmosfære),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-bar' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bar' => {
'1' => q(common),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-hectopascal' => {
'name' => q(hektopascal),
'one' => q({0} hektopascal),
'other' => q({0} hektopascal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectopascal' => {
'name' => q(hektopascal),
'one' => q({0} hektopascal),
'other' => q({0} hektopascal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-inch-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(tommer kviksølv),
'one' => q({0} tomme kviksølv),
'other' => q({0} tommer kviksølv),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(tommer kviksølv),
'one' => q({0} tomme kviksølv),
'other' => q({0} tommer kviksølv),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-kilopascal' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilopascal),
'one' => q({0} kilopascal),
'other' => q({0} kilopascal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilopascal' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilopascal),
'one' => q({0} kilopascal),
'other' => q({0} kilopascal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-megapascal' => {
'name' => q(megapascal),
'one' => q({0} megapascal),
'other' => q({0} megapascal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megapascal' => {
'name' => q(megapascal),
'one' => q({0} megapascal),
'other' => q({0} megapascal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millibar' => {
'name' => q(millibar),
'one' => q({0} millibar),
'other' => q({0} millibar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millibar' => {
'name' => q(millibar),
'one' => q({0} millibar),
'other' => q({0} millibar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millimeter-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(millimeter kviksølv),
'one' => q({0} millimeter kviksølv),
'other' => q({0} millimeter kviksølv),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(millimeter kviksølv),
'one' => q({0} millimeter kviksølv),
'other' => q({0} millimeter kviksølv),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pascal' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pascal),
'one' => q({0} pascal),
'other' => q({0} pascal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pascal' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pascal),
'one' => q({0} pascal),
'other' => q({0} pascal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(pounds pr. kvadrattomme),
'one' => q({0} pound pr. kvadrattomme),
'other' => q({0} pounds pr. kvadrattomme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(pounds pr. kvadrattomme),
'one' => q({0} pound pr. kvadrattomme),
'other' => q({0} pounds pr. kvadrattomme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-kilometer-per-hour' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilometer i timen),
'one' => q(kilometer i timen),
'other' => q({0} kilometer i timen),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer-per-hour' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kilometer i timen),
'one' => q(kilometer i timen),
'other' => q({0} kilometer i timen),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-knot' => {
'name' => q(knob),
'one' => q({0} knob),
'other' => q({0} knob),
# Core Unit Identifier
'knot' => {
'name' => q(knob),
'one' => q({0} knob),
'other' => q({0} knob),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-meter-per-second' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(meter pr. sekund),
'one' => q({0} meter i sekundet),
'other' => q({0} meter i sekundet),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-second' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(meter pr. sekund),
'one' => q({0} meter i sekundet),
'other' => q({0} meter i sekundet),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-mile-per-hour' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske mil i timen),
'one' => q({0} engelsk mil i timen),
'other' => q({0} engelske mil i timen),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-hour' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske mil i timen),
'one' => q({0} engelsk mil i timen),
'other' => q({0} engelske mil i timen),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-celsius' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(grader celsius),
'one' => q({0} grad celsius),
'other' => q({0} grader celsius),
# Core Unit Identifier
'celsius' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(grader celsius),
'one' => q({0} grad celsius),
'other' => q({0} grader celsius),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-fahrenheit' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(grader fahrenheit),
'one' => q({0} grad fahrenheit),
'other' => q({0} grader fahrenheit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fahrenheit' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(grader fahrenheit),
'one' => q({0} grad fahrenheit),
'other' => q({0} grader fahrenheit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-generic' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'generic' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-kelvin' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kelvin),
'one' => q({0} kelvin),
'other' => q({0} kelvin),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kelvin' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kelvin),
'one' => q({0} kelvin),
'other' => q({0} kelvin),
# Long Unit Identifier
'times' => {
'1' => q({0} gange {1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'times' => {
'1' => q({0} gange {1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'torque-newton-meter' => {
'name' => q(newtonmeter),
'one' => q({0} newtonmeter),
'other' => q({0} newtonmeter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton-meter' => {
'name' => q(newtonmeter),
'one' => q({0} newtonmeter),
'other' => q({0} newtonmeter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-acre-foot' => {
'name' => q(acre-fod),
'one' => q({0} acre-fod),
'other' => q({0} acre-fod),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre-foot' => {
'name' => q(acre-fod),
'one' => q({0} acre-fod),
'other' => q({0} acre-fod),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-barrel' => {
'name' => q(tønder),
'one' => q({0} tønde),
'other' => q({0} tønder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'barrel' => {
'name' => q(tønder),
'one' => q({0} tønde),
'other' => q({0} tønder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-bushel' => {
'name' => q(skæpper),
'one' => q({0} skæppe),
'other' => q({0} skæpper),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bushel' => {
'name' => q(skæpper),
'one' => q({0} skæppe),
'other' => q({0} skæpper),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-centiliter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(centiliter),
'one' => q({0} centiliter),
'other' => q({0} centiliter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centiliter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(centiliter),
'one' => q({0} centiliter),
'other' => q({0} centiliter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-centimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kubikcentimeter),
'one' => q({0} kubikcentimeter),
'other' => q({0} kubikcentimeter),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-centimeter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kubikcentimeter),
'one' => q({0} kubikcentimeter),
'other' => q({0} kubikcentimeter),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-foot' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kubikfod),
'one' => q({0} kubikfod),
'other' => q({0} kubikfod),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-foot' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kubikfod),
'one' => q({0} kubikfod),
'other' => q({0} kubikfod),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-inch' => {
'name' => q(kubiktommer),
'one' => q({0} kubiktomme),
'other' => q({0} kubiktommer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-inch' => {
'name' => q(kubiktommer),
'one' => q({0} kubiktomme),
'other' => q({0} kubiktommer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(kubikkilometer),
'one' => q({0} kubikkilometer),
'other' => q({0} kubikkilometer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(kubikkilometer),
'one' => q({0} kubikkilometer),
'other' => q({0} kubikkilometer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-meter' => {
'name' => q(kubikmeter),
'one' => q({0} kubikmeter),
'other' => q({0} kubikmeter),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-meter' => {
'name' => q(kubikmeter),
'one' => q({0} kubikmeter),
'other' => q({0} kubikmeter),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-mile' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kubik-engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} kubik-engelsk mil),
'other' => q({0} kubik-engelske mil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-mile' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(kubik-engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} kubik-engelsk mil),
'other' => q({0} kubik-engelske mil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-yard' => {
'name' => q(kubik-engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} kubik-engelske yard),
'other' => q({0} kubik-engelske yard),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-yard' => {
'name' => q(kubik-engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} kubik-engelske yard),
'other' => q({0} kubik-engelske yard),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(cups),
'one' => q({0} cup),
'other' => q({0} cups),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(cups),
'one' => q({0} cup),
'other' => q({0} cups),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup-metric' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(metriske kopper),
'one' => q({0} metrisk kop),
'other' => q({0} metriske kopper),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup-metric' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(metriske kopper),
'one' => q({0} metrisk kop),
'other' => q({0} metriske kopper),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-deciliter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(deciliter),
'one' => q({0} deciliter),
'other' => q({0} deciliter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'deciliter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(deciliter),
'one' => q({0} deciliter),
'other' => q({0} deciliter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(dessertske),
'one' => q({0} dessertske),
'other' => q({0} dessertskeer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(dessertske),
'one' => q({0} dessertske),
'other' => q({0} dessertskeer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(britisk dessertske),
'one' => q({0} britisk dessertske),
'other' => q({0} britiske dessertskeer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(britisk dessertske),
'one' => q({0} britisk dessertske),
'other' => q({0} britiske dessertskeer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dram' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(britisk flydende dram),
'one' => q({0} britisk flydende dram),
'other' => q({0} britiske flydende dramme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dram' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(britisk flydende dram),
'one' => q({0} britisk flydende dram),
'other' => q({0} britiske flydende dramme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-drop' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(dråbe),
'one' => q({0} dråbe),
'other' => q({0} dråber),
# Core Unit Identifier
'drop' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(dråbe),
'one' => q({0} dråbe),
'other' => q({0} dråber),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske fluid ounces),
'one' => q({0} engelsk fluid ounce),
'other' => q({0} engelske fluid ounces),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske fluid ounces),
'one' => q({0} engelsk fluid ounce),
'other' => q({0} engelske fluid ounces),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'one' => q({0} Imp. fluid ounce),
'other' => q({0} Imp. fluid ounces),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'one' => q({0} Imp. fluid ounce),
'other' => q({0} Imp. fluid ounces),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(gallons),
'one' => q({0} gallon),
'other' => q({0} gallons),
'per' => q({0}/gal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(gallons),
'one' => q({0} gallon),
'other' => q({0} gallons),
'per' => q({0}/gal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske gallons),
'one' => q({0} engelsk gallon),
'other' => q({0} engelske gallons),
'per' => q({0}/engelsk gallon),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske gallons),
'one' => q({0} engelsk gallon),
'other' => q({0} engelske gallons),
'per' => q({0}/engelsk gallon),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-hectoliter' => {
'name' => q(hektoliter),
'one' => q({0} hektoliter),
'other' => q({0} hektoliter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectoliter' => {
'name' => q(hektoliter),
'one' => q({0} hektoliter),
'other' => q({0} hektoliter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-jigger' => {
'1' => q(common),
'one' => q({0} jigger),
'other' => q({0} jigger),
# Core Unit Identifier
'jigger' => {
'1' => q(common),
'one' => q({0} jigger),
'other' => q({0} jigger),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-liter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(liter),
'one' => q({0} liter),
'other' => q({0} liter),
'per' => q({0}/l),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(liter),
'one' => q({0} liter),
'other' => q({0} liter),
'per' => q({0}/l),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-megaliter' => {
'name' => q(megaliter),
'one' => q({0} megaliter),
'other' => q({0} megaliter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megaliter' => {
'name' => q(megaliter),
'one' => q({0} megaliter),
'other' => q({0} megaliter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-milliliter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(milliliter),
'one' => q({0} milliliter),
'other' => q({0} milliliter),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliliter' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(milliliter),
'one' => q({0} milliliter),
'other' => q({0} milliliter),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pinch' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(knivspids),
'one' => q({0} knivspids),
'other' => q({0} knivspidser),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pinch' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(knivspids),
'one' => q({0} knivspids),
'other' => q({0} knivspidser),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pints),
'one' => q({0} pint),
'other' => q({0} pints),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(pints),
'one' => q({0} pint),
'other' => q({0} pints),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint-metric' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(metriske pints),
'one' => q({0} metrisk pint),
'other' => q({0} metriske pints),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint-metric' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(metriske pints),
'one' => q({0} metrisk pint),
'other' => q({0} metriske pints),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske quarts),
'one' => q({0} engelsk quart),
'other' => q({0} engelske quarts),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(engelske quarts),
'one' => q({0} engelsk quart),
'other' => q({0} engelske quarts),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(britisk quart),
'one' => q({0} britisk quart),
'other' => q({0} britiske quarts),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart-imperial' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(britisk quart),
'one' => q({0} britisk quart),
'other' => q({0} britiske quarts),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-tablespoon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(spiseskeer),
'one' => q({0} spiseske),
'other' => q({0} spiseskeer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'tablespoon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(spiseskeer),
'one' => q({0} spiseske),
'other' => q({0} spiseskeer),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-teaspoon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(teskeer),
'one' => q({0} teske),
'other' => q({0} teskeer),
# Core Unit Identifier
'teaspoon' => {
'1' => q(common),
'name' => q(teskeer),
'one' => q({0} teske),
'other' => q({0} teskeer),
'narrow' => {
# Long Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(retning),
# Core Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(retning),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-1' => {
'1' => q(d{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1' => {
'1' => q(d{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-12' => {
'1' => q(p{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'12' => {
'1' => q(p{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-15' => {
'1' => q(f{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'15' => {
'1' => q(f{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-18' => {
'1' => q(a{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'18' => {
'1' => q(a{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-2' => {
'1' => q(c{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'2' => {
'1' => q(c{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-21' => {
'1' => q(z{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'21' => {
'1' => q(z{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-24' => {
'1' => q(y{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'24' => {
'1' => q(y{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-3' => {
'1' => q(m{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'3' => {
'1' => q(m{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-6' => {
'1' => q(μ{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'6' => {
'1' => q(μ{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-9' => {
'1' => q(n{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'9' => {
'1' => q(n{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(da{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(da{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(T{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(T{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(P{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(P{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(E{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(E{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(h{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(h{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(Z{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(Z{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(Y{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(Y{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(k{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(k{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(M{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(M{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(G{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(G{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-g-force' => {
'one' => q({0}G),
'other' => q({0}G),
# Core Unit Identifier
'g-force' => {
'one' => q({0}G),
'other' => q({0}G),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-minute' => {
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-minute' => {
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-second' => {
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-second' => {
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-degree' => {
'name' => q(gr.),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'degree' => {
'name' => q(gr.),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-radian' => {
'name' => q(radian),
# Core Unit Identifier
'radian' => {
'name' => q(radian),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-acre' => {
'one' => q({0}ac),
'other' => q({0}ac),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre' => {
'one' => q({0}ac),
'other' => q({0}ac),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-hectare' => {
'one' => q({0}ha),
'other' => q({0}ha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectare' => {
'one' => q({0}ha),
'other' => q({0}ha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-foot' => {
'name' => q(fod²),
'one' => q({0} fod²),
'other' => q({0} fod²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-foot' => {
'name' => q(fod²),
'one' => q({0} fod²),
'other' => q({0} fod²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-kilometer' => {
'one' => q({0}km²),
'other' => q({0}km²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-kilometer' => {
'one' => q({0}km²),
'other' => q({0}km²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-meter' => {
'one' => q({0}m²),
'other' => q({0}m²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-meter' => {
'one' => q({0}m²),
'other' => q({0}m²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-mile' => {
'one' => q({0} mi²),
'other' => q({0} mi²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-mile' => {
'one' => q({0} mi²),
'other' => q({0} mi²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-item' => {
'name' => q(enhed),
'one' => q({0} enhed),
'other' => q({0} enheder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'item' => {
'name' => q(enhed),
'one' => q({0} enhed),
'other' => q({0} enheder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'name' => q(mg/dL),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'name' => q(mg/dL),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-millimole-per-liter' => {
'name' => q(mmol/L),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimole-per-liter' => {
'name' => q(mmol/L),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-percent' => {
'name' => q(%),
'one' => q({0} %),
'other' => q({0} %),
# Core Unit Identifier
'percent' => {
'name' => q(%),
'one' => q({0} %),
'other' => q({0} %),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permillion' => {
'name' => q(ppm),
'one' => q({0} ppm),
'other' => q({0} ppm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permillion' => {
'name' => q(ppm),
'one' => q({0} ppm),
'other' => q({0} ppm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(l/100 km),
'one' => q({0} l/100 km),
'other' => q({0} l/100 km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(l/100 km),
'one' => q({0} l/100 km),
'other' => q({0} l/100 km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0}mpgUK),
'other' => q({0}mpgUK),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0}mpgUK),
'other' => q({0}mpgUK),
# Long Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}Ø),
'north' => q({0}N),
'south' => q({0}S),
'west' => q({0}V),
# Core Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}Ø),
'north' => q({0}N),
'south' => q({0}S),
'west' => q({0}V),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobit' => {
'name' => q(kb),
'one' => q({0} kb),
'other' => q({0} kb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobit' => {
'name' => q(kb),
'one' => q({0} kb),
'other' => q({0} kb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabit' => {
'name' => q(Mb),
'one' => q({0} Mb),
'other' => q({0} Mb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabit' => {
'name' => q(Mb),
'one' => q({0} Mb),
'other' => q({0} Mb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabit' => {
'name' => q(Tb),
'one' => q({0} Tb),
'other' => q({0} Tb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabit' => {
'name' => q(Tb),
'one' => q({0} Tb),
'other' => q({0} Tb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-century' => {
'name' => q(årh.),
'one' => q({0} årh.),
'other' => q({0} årh.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'century' => {
'name' => q(årh.),
'one' => q({0} årh.),
'other' => q({0} årh.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-day' => {
'name' => q(dag),
'one' => q({0} d),
'other' => q({0} d),
'per' => q({0}/d),
# Core Unit Identifier
'day' => {
'name' => q(dag),
'one' => q({0} d),
'other' => q({0} d),
'per' => q({0}/d),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-hour' => {
'name' => q(time),
'one' => q({0} t),
'other' => q({0} t),
'per' => q({0}/t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hour' => {
'name' => q(time),
'one' => q({0} t),
'other' => q({0} t),
'per' => q({0}/t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-microsecond' => {
'one' => q({0}μs),
'other' => q({0}μs),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microsecond' => {
'one' => q({0}μs),
'other' => q({0}μs),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-millisecond' => {
'name' => q(ms),
'one' => q({0} ms),
'other' => q({0} ms),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millisecond' => {
'name' => q(ms),
'one' => q({0} ms),
'other' => q({0} ms),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-minute' => {
'name' => q(min),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'minute' => {
'name' => q(min),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-month' => {
'name' => q(måned),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'month' => {
'name' => q(måned),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-nanosecond' => {
'one' => q({0}ns),
'other' => q({0}ns),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanosecond' => {
'one' => q({0}ns),
'other' => q({0}ns),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-second' => {
'name' => q(sek),
'one' => q({0} s),
'other' => q({0} s),
'per' => q({0}/s),
# Core Unit Identifier
'second' => {
'name' => q(sek),
'one' => q({0} s),
'other' => q({0} s),
'per' => q({0}/s),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-week' => {
'name' => q(uge),
'one' => q({0} u),
'other' => q({0} u),
'per' => q({0}/u),
# Core Unit Identifier
'week' => {
'name' => q(uge),
'one' => q({0} u),
'other' => q({0} u),
'per' => q({0}/u),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-year' => {
'name' => q(år),
'one' => q({0} år),
'other' => q({0} år),
'per' => q({0}/år),
# Core Unit Identifier
'year' => {
'name' => q(år),
'one' => q({0} år),
'other' => q({0} år),
'per' => q({0}/år),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-electronvolt' => {
'name' => q(eV),
# Core Unit Identifier
'electronvolt' => {
'name' => q(eV),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer' => {
'one' => q({0}kWh/100km),
'other' => q({0}kWh/100km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer' => {
'one' => q({0}kWh/100km),
'other' => q({0}kWh/100km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-newton' => {
'name' => q(N),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton' => {
'name' => q(N),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-astronomical-unit' => {
'name' => q(au),
'one' => q({0} au),
'other' => q({0} au),
# Core Unit Identifier
'astronomical-unit' => {
'name' => q(au),
'one' => q({0} au),
'other' => q({0} au),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0} cm),
'other' => q({0} cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0} cm),
'other' => q({0} cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-decimeter' => {
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0}dm),
'other' => q({0}dm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decimeter' => {
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0}dm),
'other' => q({0}dm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-foot' => {
'name' => q(fod),
'one' => q({0} fod),
'other' => q({0} fod),
'per' => q({0}/ft),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foot' => {
'name' => q(fod),
'one' => q({0} fod),
'other' => q({0} fod),
'per' => q({0}/ft),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-inch' => {
'name' => q(tommer),
'one' => q({0}"),
'other' => q({0}"),
'per' => q({0}/tomme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch' => {
'name' => q(tommer),
'one' => q({0}"),
'other' => q({0}"),
'per' => q({0}/tomme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0} km),
'other' => q({0} km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0} km),
'other' => q({0} km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-light-year' => {
'name' => q(ly),
'one' => q({0} lysår),
'other' => q({0} lysår),
# Core Unit Identifier
'light-year' => {
'name' => q(ly),
'one' => q({0} lysår),
'other' => q({0} lysår),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-meter' => {
'name' => q(meter),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter' => {
'name' => q(meter),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-micrometer' => {
'name' => q(μm),
'one' => q({0}μm),
'other' => q({0}μm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'micrometer' => {
'name' => q(μm),
'one' => q({0}μm),
'other' => q({0}μm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} mil),
'other' => q({0} mil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} mil),
'other' => q({0} mil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile-scandinavian' => {
'name' => q(sv. mil),
'one' => q({0}sv. mil),
'other' => q({0}sv. mil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-scandinavian' => {
'name' => q(sv. mil),
'one' => q({0}sv. mil),
'other' => q({0}sv. mil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-millimeter' => {
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0} mm),
'other' => q({0} mm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter' => {
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0} mm),
'other' => q({0} mm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nanometer' => {
'one' => q({0}nm),
'other' => q({0}nm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanometer' => {
'one' => q({0}nm),
'other' => q({0}nm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nautical-mile' => {
'name' => q(sm),
'one' => q({0} sømil),
'other' => q({0} sømil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nautical-mile' => {
'name' => q(sm),
'one' => q({0} sømil),
'other' => q({0} sømil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-parsec' => {
'one' => q({0} pc),
'other' => q({0} pc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'parsec' => {
'one' => q({0} pc),
'other' => q({0} pc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-picometer' => {
'one' => q({0}pm),
'other' => q({0}pm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'picometer' => {
'one' => q({0}pm),
'other' => q({0}pm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-point' => {
'name' => q(pkt.),
'one' => q({0} pkt.),
'other' => q({0} pkt.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'point' => {
'name' => q(pkt.),
'one' => q({0} pkt.),
'other' => q({0} pkt.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-solar-radius' => {
'name' => q(R☉),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-radius' => {
'name' => q(R☉),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-yard' => {
'name' => q(engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} yard),
'other' => q({0} yard),
# Core Unit Identifier
'yard' => {
'name' => q(engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} yard),
'other' => q({0} yard),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-gram' => {
'name' => q(g),
'one' => q({0} g),
'other' => q({0} g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gram' => {
'name' => q(g),
'one' => q({0} g),
'other' => q({0} g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-kilogram' => {
'name' => q(kg),
'one' => q({0} kg),
'other' => q({0} kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilogram' => {
'name' => q(kg),
'one' => q({0} kg),
'other' => q({0} kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce' => {
'name' => q(oz),
'per' => q({0}/oz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce' => {
'name' => q(oz),
'per' => q({0}/oz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-pound' => {
'name' => q(pund),
'one' => q({0} pund),
'other' => q({0} pund),
'per' => q({0}/lb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound' => {
'name' => q(pund),
'one' => q({0} pund),
'other' => q({0} pund),
'per' => q({0}/lb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-stone' => {
'name' => q(st),
'one' => q({0} st),
'other' => q({0} st),
# Core Unit Identifier
'stone' => {
'name' => q(st),
'one' => q({0} st),
'other' => q({0} st),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ton' => {
'one' => q({0} tn),
'other' => q({0} tn),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ton' => {
'one' => q({0} tn),
'other' => q({0} tn),
# Long Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-horsepower' => {
'one' => q({0}hk),
'other' => q({0}hk),
# Core Unit Identifier
'horsepower' => {
'one' => q({0}hk),
'other' => q({0}hk),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-kilowatt' => {
'one' => q({0}kW),
'other' => q({0}kW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt' => {
'one' => q({0}kW),
'other' => q({0}kW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-watt' => {
'name' => q(watt),
'one' => q({0}W),
'other' => q({0}W),
# Core Unit Identifier
'watt' => {
'name' => q(watt),
'one' => q({0}W),
'other' => q({0}W),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q({0}²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q({0}²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-hectopascal' => {
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0}hPa),
'other' => q({0}hPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectopascal' => {
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0}hPa),
'other' => q({0}hPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-inch-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(# Hg),
'one' => q({0}" Hg),
'other' => q({0}" Hg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(# Hg),
'one' => q({0}" Hg),
'other' => q({0}" Hg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millibar' => {
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0}mbar),
'other' => q({0}mbar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millibar' => {
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0}mbar),
'other' => q({0}mbar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millimeter-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(mmHg),
'one' => q({0} mmHg),
'other' => q({0} mmHg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(mmHg),
'one' => q({0} mmHg),
'other' => q({0} mmHg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(psi),
'one' => q({0} psi),
'other' => q({0} psi),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(psi),
'one' => q({0} psi),
'other' => q({0} psi),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-kilometer-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(km/t),
'one' => q({0} km/t),
'other' => q({0} km/t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(km/t),
'one' => q({0} km/t),
'other' => q({0} km/t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-meter-per-second' => {
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0}m/s),
'other' => q({0}m/s),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-second' => {
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0}m/s),
'other' => q({0}m/s),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-mile-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil/timen),
'one' => q({0} mph),
'other' => q({0} mph),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil/timen),
'one' => q({0} mph),
'other' => q({0} mph),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-celsius' => {
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
# Core Unit Identifier
'celsius' => {
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-fahrenheit' => {
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fahrenheit' => {
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-generic' => {
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'generic' => {
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-kelvin' => {
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0} K),
'other' => q({0} K),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kelvin' => {
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0} K),
'other' => q({0} K),
# Long Unit Identifier
'times' => {
'1' => q({0}⋅{1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'times' => {
'1' => q({0}⋅{1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-barrel' => {
'name' => q(td.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'barrel' => {
'name' => q(td.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-centimeter' => {
'one' => q({0}cm³),
'other' => q({0}cm³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-centimeter' => {
'one' => q({0}cm³),
'other' => q({0}cm³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-foot' => {
'one' => q({0} fod³),
'other' => q({0} fod³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-foot' => {
'one' => q({0} fod³),
'other' => q({0} fod³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-inch' => {
'one' => q({0} in³),
'other' => q({0} in³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-inch' => {
'one' => q({0} in³),
'other' => q({0} in³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-kilometer' => {
'one' => q({0}km³),
'other' => q({0}km³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-kilometer' => {
'one' => q({0}km³),
'other' => q({0}km³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-meter' => {
'one' => q({0}m³),
'other' => q({0}m³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-meter' => {
'one' => q({0}m³),
'other' => q({0}m³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-mile' => {
'one' => q({0} mi³),
'other' => q({0} mi³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-mile' => {
'one' => q({0} mi³),
'other' => q({0} mi³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-deciliter' => {
'one' => q({0}dl),
'other' => q({0}dl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'deciliter' => {
'one' => q({0}dl),
'other' => q({0}dl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0}brit.dsk.),
'other' => q({0}brit.dsk.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0}brit.dsk.),
'other' => q({0}brit.dsk.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dram' => {
'one' => q({0}br.fl.dr.),
'other' => q({0}br.fl.dr.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dram' => {
'one' => q({0}br.fl.dr.),
'other' => q({0}br.fl.dr.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0}fl oz Im),
'other' => q({0}fl oz Im),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0}fl oz Im),
'other' => q({0}fl oz Im),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-hectoliter' => {
'one' => q({0}hL),
'other' => q({0}hL),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectoliter' => {
'one' => q({0}hL),
'other' => q({0}hL),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-liter' => {
'name' => q(liter),
'one' => q({0} l),
'other' => q({0} l),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter' => {
'name' => q(liter),
'one' => q({0} l),
'other' => q({0} l),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-megaliter' => {
'one' => q({0}ML),
'other' => q({0}ML),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megaliter' => {
'one' => q({0}ML),
'other' => q({0}ML),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-milliliter' => {
'one' => q({0}mL),
'other' => q({0}mL),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliliter' => {
'one' => q({0}mL),
'other' => q({0}mL),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint-metric' => {
'one' => q({0} mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint-metric' => {
'one' => q({0} mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0} br. qt.),
'other' => q({0} br. qt.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart-imperial' => {
'one' => q({0} br. qt.),
'other' => q({0} br. qt.),
'short' => {
# Long Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(retning),
# Core Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(retning),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-g-force' => {
'name' => q(G-kraft),
'one' => q({0} G),
'other' => q({0} G),
# Core Unit Identifier
'g-force' => {
'name' => q(G-kraft),
'one' => q({0} G),
'other' => q({0} G),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-meter-per-square-second' => {
'name' => q(m/s²),
'one' => q({0} m/s²),
'other' => q({0} m/s²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-square-second' => {
'name' => q(m/s²),
'one' => q({0} m/s²),
'other' => q({0} m/s²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-minute' => {
'name' => q(buemin.),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-minute' => {
'name' => q(buemin.),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-second' => {
'name' => q(buesek.),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-second' => {
'name' => q(buesek.),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-degree' => {
'name' => q(grader),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'degree' => {
'name' => q(grader),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-radian' => {
'name' => q(radianer),
'one' => q({0} radian),
'other' => q({0} radian),
# Core Unit Identifier
'radian' => {
'name' => q(radianer),
'one' => q({0} radian),
'other' => q({0} radian),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-revolution' => {
'name' => q(omdr.),
'one' => q({0} omdr.),
'other' => q({0} omdr.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'revolution' => {
'name' => q(omdr.),
'one' => q({0} omdr.),
'other' => q({0} omdr.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-acre' => {
'name' => q(acre),
'one' => q({0} ac),
'other' => q({0} ac),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre' => {
'name' => q(acre),
'one' => q({0} ac),
'other' => q({0} ac),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-hectare' => {
'name' => q(hektar),
'one' => q({0} ha),
'other' => q({0} ha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectare' => {
'name' => q(hektar),
'one' => q({0} ha),
'other' => q({0} ha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm²),
'one' => q({0} cm²),
'other' => q({0} cm²),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm²),
'one' => q({0} cm²),
'other' => q({0} cm²),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-foot' => {
'name' => q(kvadratfod),
'one' => q({0} kvadratfod),
'other' => q({0} kvadratfod),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-foot' => {
'name' => q(kvadratfod),
'one' => q({0} kvadratfod),
'other' => q({0} kvadratfod),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(in²),
'one' => q({0} in²),
'other' => q({0} in²),
'per' => q({0}/in²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-inch' => {
'name' => q(in²),
'one' => q({0} in²),
'other' => q({0} in²),
'per' => q({0}/in²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km²),
'one' => q({0} km²),
'other' => q({0} km²),
'per' => q({0}/km²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km²),
'one' => q({0} km²),
'other' => q({0} km²),
'per' => q({0}/km²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-meter' => {
'name' => q(m²),
'one' => q({0} m²),
'other' => q({0} m²),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-meter' => {
'name' => q(m²),
'one' => q({0} m²),
'other' => q({0} m²),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-mile' => {
'name' => q(mi²),
'one' => q({0} mi²),
'other' => q({0} mi²),
'per' => q({0}/mi²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-mile' => {
'name' => q(mi²),
'one' => q({0} mi²),
'other' => q({0} mi²),
'per' => q({0}/mi²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-yard' => {
'name' => q(yd²),
'one' => q({0} yd²),
'other' => q({0} yd²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-yard' => {
'name' => q(yd²),
'one' => q({0} yd²),
'other' => q({0} yd²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-item' => {
'name' => q(enhed),
'one' => q({0} enhed),
'other' => q({0} enheder),
# Core Unit Identifier
'item' => {
'name' => q(enhed),
'one' => q({0} enhed),
'other' => q({0} enheder),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-karat' => {
'name' => q(karat),
'one' => q({0} kt.),
'other' => q({0} kt.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'karat' => {
'name' => q(karat),
'one' => q({0} kt.),
'other' => q({0} kt.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'name' => q(mg/dl),
'one' => q({0} mg/dl),
'other' => q({0} mg/dl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'name' => q(mg/dl),
'one' => q({0} mg/dl),
'other' => q({0} mg/dl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-millimole-per-liter' => {
'name' => q(mmol/l),
'one' => q({0} mmol/l),
'other' => q({0} mmol/l),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimole-per-liter' => {
'name' => q(mmol/l),
'one' => q({0} mmol/l),
'other' => q({0} mmol/l),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-percent' => {
'name' => q(pct.),
'one' => q({0} pct.),
'other' => q({0} pct.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'percent' => {
'name' => q(pct.),
'one' => q({0} pct.),
'other' => q({0} pct.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permille' => {
'name' => q(‰),
'one' => q({0} ‰),
'other' => q({0} ‰),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permille' => {
'name' => q(‰),
'one' => q({0} ‰),
'other' => q({0} ‰),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permillion' => {
'name' => q(ppm),
'one' => q({0} ppm),
'other' => q({0} ppm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permillion' => {
'name' => q(ppm),
'one' => q({0} ppm),
'other' => q({0} ppm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permyriad' => {
'one' => q({0} ‱),
'other' => q({0} ‱),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permyriad' => {
'one' => q({0} ‱),
'other' => q({0} ‱),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(l/100 km),
'one' => q({0} l/100 km),
'other' => q({0} l/100 km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(l/100 km),
'one' => q({0} l/100 km),
'other' => q({0} l/100 km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(l/km),
'one' => q({0} l/km),
'other' => q({0} l/km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(l/km),
'one' => q({0} l/km),
'other' => q({0} l/km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon' => {
'name' => q(mpg),
'one' => q({0} mpg),
'other' => q({0} mpg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon' => {
'name' => q(mpg),
'one' => q({0} mpg),
'other' => q({0} mpg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'name' => q(mil/eng. gal),
'one' => q({0} eng. mpg),
'other' => q({0} eng. mpg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'name' => q(mil/eng. gal),
'one' => q({0} eng. mpg),
'other' => q({0} eng. mpg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}Ø),
'north' => q({0}N),
'south' => q({0}S),
'west' => q({0}V),
# Core Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}Ø),
'north' => q({0}N),
'south' => q({0}S),
'west' => q({0}V),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-bit' => {
'name' => q(bit),
'one' => q({0} bit),
'other' => q({0} bit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bit' => {
'name' => q(bit),
'one' => q({0} bit),
'other' => q({0} bit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-byte' => {
'name' => q(B),
'one' => q({0} B),
'other' => q({0} B),
# Core Unit Identifier
'byte' => {
'name' => q(B),
'one' => q({0} B),
'other' => q({0} B),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabit' => {
'name' => q(Gbit),
'one' => q({0} Gbit),
'other' => q({0} Gbit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabit' => {
'name' => q(Gbit),
'one' => q({0} Gbit),
'other' => q({0} Gbit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabyte' => {
'name' => q(GB),
'one' => q({0} GB),
'other' => q({0} GB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabyte' => {
'name' => q(GB),
'one' => q({0} GB),
'other' => q({0} GB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobit' => {
'name' => q(kbit),
'one' => q({0} kbit),
'other' => q({0} kbit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobit' => {
'name' => q(kbit),
'one' => q({0} kbit),
'other' => q({0} kbit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobyte' => {
'name' => q(kB),
'one' => q({0} kB),
'other' => q({0} kB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobyte' => {
'name' => q(kB),
'one' => q({0} kB),
'other' => q({0} kB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabit' => {
'name' => q(Mbit),
'one' => q({0} Mbit),
'other' => q({0} Mbit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabit' => {
'name' => q(Mbit),
'one' => q({0} Mbit),
'other' => q({0} Mbit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabyte' => {
'name' => q(MB),
'one' => q({0} MB),
'other' => q({0} MB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabyte' => {
'name' => q(MB),
'one' => q({0} MB),
'other' => q({0} MB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-petabyte' => {
'name' => q(PB),
'one' => q({0} PB),
'other' => q({0} PB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'petabyte' => {
'name' => q(PB),
'one' => q({0} PB),
'other' => q({0} PB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabit' => {
'name' => q(Tbit),
'one' => q({0} Tbit),
'other' => q({0} Tbit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabit' => {
'name' => q(Tbit),
'one' => q({0} Tbit),
'other' => q({0} Tbit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabyte' => {
'name' => q(TB),
'one' => q({0} TB),
'other' => q({0} TB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabyte' => {
'name' => q(TB),
'one' => q({0} TB),
'other' => q({0} TB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-century' => {
'name' => q(årh.),
'one' => q({0} årh.),
'other' => q({0} årh.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'century' => {
'name' => q(årh.),
'one' => q({0} årh.),
'other' => q({0} årh.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-day' => {
'name' => q(dage),
'one' => q({0} dag),
'other' => q({0} dage),
'per' => q({0}/dag),
# Core Unit Identifier
'day' => {
'name' => q(dage),
'one' => q({0} dag),
'other' => q({0} dage),
'per' => q({0}/dag),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-decade' => {
'name' => q(årti),
'one' => q({0} årti),
'other' => q({0} årtier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decade' => {
'name' => q(årti),
'one' => q({0} årti),
'other' => q({0} årtier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-hour' => {
'name' => q(timer),
'one' => q({0} t.),
'other' => q({0} t.),
'per' => q({0} /t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hour' => {
'name' => q(timer),
'one' => q({0} t.),
'other' => q({0} t.),
'per' => q({0} /t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-microsecond' => {
'name' => q(μs),
'one' => q({0} μs),
'other' => q({0} μs),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microsecond' => {
'name' => q(μs),
'one' => q({0} μs),
'other' => q({0} μs),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-millisecond' => {
'name' => q(milisek.),
'one' => q({0} ms),
'other' => q({0} ms),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millisecond' => {
'name' => q(milisek.),
'one' => q({0} ms),
'other' => q({0} ms),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-minute' => {
'name' => q(minutter),
'one' => q({0} min.),
'other' => q({0} min.),
'per' => q({0}/min.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'minute' => {
'name' => q(minutter),
'one' => q({0} min.),
'other' => q({0} min.),
'per' => q({0}/min.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-month' => {
'name' => q(måneder),
'one' => q({0} md.),
'other' => q({0} mdr.),
'per' => q({0}/md.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'month' => {
'name' => q(måneder),
'one' => q({0} md.),
'other' => q({0} mdr.),
'per' => q({0}/md.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-nanosecond' => {
'name' => q(ns),
'one' => q({0} ns),
'other' => q({0} ns),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanosecond' => {
'name' => q(ns),
'one' => q({0} ns),
'other' => q({0} ns),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-second' => {
'name' => q(sekunder),
'one' => q({0} sek.),
'other' => q({0} sek.),
'per' => q({0}/sek.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'second' => {
'name' => q(sekunder),
'one' => q({0} sek.),
'other' => q({0} sek.),
'per' => q({0}/sek.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-week' => {
'name' => q(uger),
'one' => q({0} uge),
'other' => q({0} uger),
'per' => q({0}/uge),
# Core Unit Identifier
'week' => {
'name' => q(uger),
'one' => q({0} uge),
'other' => q({0} uger),
'per' => q({0}/uge),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-year' => {
'name' => q(år),
'one' => q({0} år),
'other' => q({0} år),
'per' => q({0}/år),
# Core Unit Identifier
'year' => {
'name' => q(år),
'one' => q({0} år),
'other' => q({0} år),
'per' => q({0}/år),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ampere' => {
'name' => q(A),
'one' => q({0} A),
'other' => q({0} A),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ampere' => {
'name' => q(A),
'one' => q({0} A),
'other' => q({0} A),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-milliampere' => {
'name' => q(mA),
'one' => q({0} mA),
'other' => q({0} mA),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliampere' => {
'name' => q(mA),
'one' => q({0} mA),
'other' => q({0} mA),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ohm' => {
'name' => q(Ω),
'one' => q({0} Ω),
'other' => q({0} Ω),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ohm' => {
'name' => q(Ω),
'one' => q({0} Ω),
'other' => q({0} Ω),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-volt' => {
'name' => q(V),
'one' => q({0} V),
'other' => q({0} V),
# Core Unit Identifier
'volt' => {
'name' => q(V),
'one' => q({0} V),
'other' => q({0} V),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-calorie' => {
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0} cal),
'other' => q({0} cal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'calorie' => {
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0} cal),
'other' => q({0} cal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-electronvolt' => {
'name' => q(elektronvolt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'electronvolt' => {
'name' => q(elektronvolt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-foodcalorie' => {
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0} cal),
'other' => q({0} cal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foodcalorie' => {
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0} cal),
'other' => q({0} cal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-joule' => {
'name' => q(joule),
'one' => q({0} J),
'other' => q({0} J),
# Core Unit Identifier
'joule' => {
'name' => q(joule),
'one' => q({0} J),
'other' => q({0} J),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilocalorie' => {
'name' => q(kcal),
'one' => q({0} kcal),
'other' => q({0} kcal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilocalorie' => {
'name' => q(kcal),
'one' => q({0} kcal),
'other' => q({0} kcal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilojoule' => {
'name' => q(kJ),
'one' => q({0} kJ),
'other' => q({0} kJ),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilojoule' => {
'name' => q(kJ),
'one' => q({0} kJ),
'other' => q({0} kJ),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilowatt-hour' => {
'name' => q(kWh),
'one' => q({0} kWh),
'other' => q({0} kWh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour' => {
'name' => q(kWh),
'one' => q({0} kWh),
'other' => q({0} kWh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-newton' => {
'name' => q(newton),
'one' => q({0} N),
'other' => q({0} N),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton' => {
'name' => q(newton),
'one' => q({0} N),
'other' => q({0} N),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-gigahertz' => {
'name' => q(GHz),
'one' => q({0} GHz),
'other' => q({0} GHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigahertz' => {
'name' => q(GHz),
'one' => q({0} GHz),
'other' => q({0} GHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-hertz' => {
'name' => q(Hz),
'one' => q({0} Hz),
'other' => q({0} Hz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hertz' => {
'name' => q(Hz),
'one' => q({0} Hz),
'other' => q({0} Hz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-kilohertz' => {
'name' => q(kHz),
'one' => q({0} kHz),
'other' => q({0} kHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilohertz' => {
'name' => q(kHz),
'one' => q({0} kHz),
'other' => q({0} kHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-megahertz' => {
'name' => q(MHz),
'one' => q({0} MHz),
'other' => q({0} MHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megahertz' => {
'name' => q(MHz),
'one' => q({0} MHz),
'other' => q({0} MHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot' => {
'name' => q(prik),
'one' => q({0} p),
'other' => q({0} p),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot' => {
'name' => q(prik),
'one' => q({0} p),
'other' => q({0} p),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-astronomical-unit' => {
'one' => q({0} au),
'other' => q({0} au),
# Core Unit Identifier
'astronomical-unit' => {
'one' => q({0} au),
'other' => q({0} au),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0} cm),
'other' => q({0} cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0} cm),
'other' => q({0} cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-decimeter' => {
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0} dm),
'other' => q({0} dm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decimeter' => {
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0} dm),
'other' => q({0} dm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-fathom' => {
'name' => q(favne),
'one' => q({0} favn),
'other' => q({0} favne),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fathom' => {
'name' => q(favne),
'one' => q({0} favn),
'other' => q({0} favne),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-foot' => {
'name' => q(fod),
'one' => q({0} fod),
'other' => q({0} fod),
'per' => q({0}/ft),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foot' => {
'name' => q(fod),
'one' => q({0} fod),
'other' => q({0} fod),
'per' => q({0}/ft),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-inch' => {
'name' => q(tommer),
'one' => q({0} tomme),
'other' => q({0} tommer),
'per' => q({0}/tomme),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch' => {
'name' => q(tommer),
'one' => q({0} tomme),
'other' => q({0} tommer),
'per' => q({0}/tomme),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0} km),
'other' => q({0} km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0} km),
'other' => q({0} km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-light-year' => {
'name' => q(lysår),
'one' => q({0} ly),
'other' => q({0} ly),
# Core Unit Identifier
'light-year' => {
'name' => q(lysår),
'one' => q({0} ly),
'other' => q({0} ly),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-meter' => {
'name' => q(meter),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter' => {
'name' => q(meter),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-micrometer' => {
'name' => q(μm),
'one' => q({0} μm),
'other' => q({0} μm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'micrometer' => {
'name' => q(μm),
'one' => q({0} μm),
'other' => q({0} μm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} mil),
'other' => q({0} mil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil),
'one' => q({0} mil),
'other' => q({0} mil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile-scandinavian' => {
'name' => q(smi),
'one' => q({0} smi),
'other' => q({0} smi),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-scandinavian' => {
'name' => q(smi),
'one' => q({0} smi),
'other' => q({0} smi),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-millimeter' => {
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0} mm),
'other' => q({0} mm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter' => {
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0} mm),
'other' => q({0} mm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nanometer' => {
'name' => q(nm),
'one' => q({0} nm),
'other' => q({0} nm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanometer' => {
'name' => q(nm),
'one' => q({0} nm),
'other' => q({0} nm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nautical-mile' => {
'name' => q(sømil),
'one' => q({0} sm),
'other' => q({0} sm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nautical-mile' => {
'name' => q(sømil),
'one' => q({0} sm),
'other' => q({0} sm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-parsec' => {
'name' => q(pc),
'one' => q({0} pc),
'other' => q({0} pc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'parsec' => {
'name' => q(pc),
'one' => q({0} pc),
'other' => q({0} pc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-picometer' => {
'name' => q(pm),
'one' => q({0} pm),
'other' => q({0} pm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'picometer' => {
'name' => q(pm),
'one' => q({0} pm),
'other' => q({0} pm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-point' => {
'name' => q(pkt.),
'one' => q({0} pkt.),
'other' => q({0} pkt.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'point' => {
'name' => q(pkt.),
'one' => q({0} pkt.),
'other' => q({0} pkt.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-solar-radius' => {
'name' => q(solradier),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-radius' => {
'name' => q(solradier),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-yard' => {
'name' => q(engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} yard),
'other' => q({0} yard),
# Core Unit Identifier
'yard' => {
'name' => q(engelske yard),
'one' => q({0} yard),
'other' => q({0} yard),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-lux' => {
'name' => q(lx),
'one' => q({0} lx),
'other' => q({0} lx),
# Core Unit Identifier
'lux' => {
'name' => q(lx),
'one' => q({0} lx),
'other' => q({0} lx),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-carat' => {
'name' => q(kt.),
'one' => q({0} kt.),
'other' => q({0} kt.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'carat' => {
'name' => q(kt.),
'one' => q({0} kt.),
'other' => q({0} kt.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-grain' => {
'name' => q(gran),
'one' => q({0} gran),
'other' => q({0} gran),
# Core Unit Identifier
'grain' => {
'name' => q(gran),
'one' => q({0} gran),
'other' => q({0} gran),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-gram' => {
'name' => q(gram),
'one' => q({0} g),
'other' => q({0} g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gram' => {
'name' => q(gram),
'one' => q({0} g),
'other' => q({0} g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-kilogram' => {
'one' => q({0} kg),
'other' => q({0} kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilogram' => {
'one' => q({0} kg),
'other' => q({0} kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-metric-ton' => {
'name' => q(t),
'one' => q({0} t),
'other' => q({0} t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'metric-ton' => {
'name' => q(t),
'one' => q({0} t),
'other' => q({0} t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-microgram' => {
'name' => q(μg),
'one' => q({0} μg),
'other' => q({0} μg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microgram' => {
'name' => q(μg),
'one' => q({0} μg),
'other' => q({0} μg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-milligram' => {
'name' => q(mg),
'one' => q({0} mg),
'other' => q({0} mg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram' => {
'name' => q(mg),
'one' => q({0} mg),
'other' => q({0} mg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce' => {
'name' => q(oz),
'one' => q({0} oz),
'other' => q({0} oz),
'per' => q({0}/oz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce' => {
'name' => q(oz),
'one' => q({0} oz),
'other' => q({0} oz),
'per' => q({0}/oz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce-troy' => {
'name' => q(oz t),
'one' => q({0} oz t),
'other' => q({0} oz t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce-troy' => {
'name' => q(oz t),
'one' => q({0} oz t),
'other' => q({0} oz t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-pound' => {
'name' => q(pund),
'one' => q({0} lb),
'other' => q({0} lb),
'per' => q({0}/lb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound' => {
'name' => q(pund),
'one' => q({0} lb),
'other' => q({0} lb),
'per' => q({0}/lb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-solar-mass' => {
'name' => q(solmasser),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-mass' => {
'name' => q(solmasser),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ton' => {
'name' => q(tn),
'one' => q({0} tn),
'other' => q({0} tn),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ton' => {
'name' => q(tn),
'one' => q({0} tn),
'other' => q({0} tn),
# Long Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-gigawatt' => {
'name' => q(GW),
'one' => q({0} GW),
'other' => q({0} GW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigawatt' => {
'name' => q(GW),
'one' => q({0} GW),
'other' => q({0} GW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-horsepower' => {
'name' => q(hk),
'one' => q({0} hk),
'other' => q({0} hk),
# Core Unit Identifier
'horsepower' => {
'name' => q(hk),
'one' => q({0} hk),
'other' => q({0} hk),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-kilowatt' => {
'name' => q(kW),
'one' => q({0} kW),
'other' => q({0} kW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt' => {
'name' => q(kW),
'one' => q({0} kW),
'other' => q({0} kW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-megawatt' => {
'name' => q(MW),
'one' => q({0} MW),
'other' => q({0} MW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megawatt' => {
'name' => q(MW),
'one' => q({0} MW),
'other' => q({0} MW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-milliwatt' => {
'name' => q(mW),
'one' => q({0} mW),
'other' => q({0} mW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliwatt' => {
'name' => q(mW),
'one' => q({0} mW),
'other' => q({0} mW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-watt' => {
'name' => q(W),
'one' => q({0} W),
'other' => q({0} W),
# Core Unit Identifier
'watt' => {
'name' => q(W),
'one' => q({0} W),
'other' => q({0} W),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-atmosphere' => {
'name' => q(atm),
'one' => q({0} atm),
'other' => q({0} atm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'atmosphere' => {
'name' => q(atm),
'one' => q({0} atm),
'other' => q({0} atm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-hectopascal' => {
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0} hPa),
'other' => q({0} hPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectopascal' => {
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0} hPa),
'other' => q({0} hPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-inch-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(# Hg),
'one' => q({0} # Hg),
'other' => q({0} # Hg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(# Hg),
'one' => q({0} # Hg),
'other' => q({0} # Hg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millibar' => {
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0} mbar),
'other' => q({0} mbar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millibar' => {
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0} mbar),
'other' => q({0} mbar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millimeter-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(mmHg),
'one' => q({0} mmHg),
'other' => q({0} mmHg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter-ofhg' => {
'name' => q(mmHg),
'one' => q({0} mmHg),
'other' => q({0} mmHg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(psi),
'one' => q({0} psi),
'other' => q({0} psi),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'name' => q(psi),
'one' => q({0} psi),
'other' => q({0} psi),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-kilometer-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(km/t),
'one' => q({0} km/t.),
'other' => q({0} km/t.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(km/t),
'one' => q({0} km/t.),
'other' => q({0} km/t.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-knot' => {
'name' => q(knob),
'one' => q({0} knob),
'other' => q({0} knob),
# Core Unit Identifier
'knot' => {
'name' => q(knob),
'one' => q({0} knob),
'other' => q({0} knob),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-meter-per-second' => {
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0} m/s),
'other' => q({0} m/s),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-second' => {
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0} m/s),
'other' => q({0} m/s),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-mile-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil/timen),
'one' => q({0} mph),
'other' => q({0} mph),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-hour' => {
'name' => q(engelske mil/timen),
'one' => q({0} mph),
'other' => q({0} mph),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-celsius' => {
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
# Core Unit Identifier
'celsius' => {
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-fahrenheit' => {
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fahrenheit' => {
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-generic' => {
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'generic' => {
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-kelvin' => {
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0} K),
'other' => q({0} K),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kelvin' => {
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0} K),
'other' => q({0} K),
# Long Unit Identifier
'times' => {
'1' => q({0} ⋅ {1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'times' => {
'1' => q({0} ⋅ {1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-acre-foot' => {
'name' => q(ac ft),
'one' => q({0} ac ft),
'other' => q({0} ac ft),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre-foot' => {
'name' => q(ac ft),
'one' => q({0} ac ft),
'other' => q({0} ac ft),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-barrel' => {
'name' => q(tønde),
'one' => q({0} td.),
'other' => q({0} tdr.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'barrel' => {
'name' => q(tønde),
'one' => q({0} td.),
'other' => q({0} tdr.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-bushel' => {
'name' => q(skp.),
'one' => q({0} skp.),
'other' => q({0} skp.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bushel' => {
'name' => q(skp.),
'one' => q({0} skp.),
'other' => q({0} skp.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-centiliter' => {
'name' => q(cl),
'one' => q({0} cl),
'other' => q({0} cl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centiliter' => {
'name' => q(cl),
'one' => q({0} cl),
'other' => q({0} cl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm³),
'one' => q({0} cm³),
'other' => q({0} cm³),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-centimeter' => {
'name' => q(cm³),
'one' => q({0} cm³),
'other' => q({0} cm³),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-foot' => {
'name' => q(ft³),
'one' => q({0} ft³),
'other' => q({0} ft³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-foot' => {
'name' => q(ft³),
'one' => q({0} ft³),
'other' => q({0} ft³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-inch' => {
'name' => q(in³),
'one' => q({0} in³),
'other' => q({0} in³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-inch' => {
'name' => q(in³),
'one' => q({0} in³),
'other' => q({0} in³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km³),
'one' => q({0} km³),
'other' => q({0} km³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-kilometer' => {
'name' => q(km³),
'one' => q({0} km³),
'other' => q({0} km³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-meter' => {
'name' => q(m³),
'one' => q({0} m³),
'other' => q({0} m³),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-meter' => {
'name' => q(m³),
'one' => q({0} m³),
'other' => q({0} m³),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-mile' => {
'name' => q(mi³),
'one' => q({0} mi³),
'other' => q({0} mi³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-mile' => {
'name' => q(mi³),
'one' => q({0} mi³),
'other' => q({0} mi³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-yard' => {
'name' => q(yd³),
'one' => q({0} yd³),
'other' => q({0} yd³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-yard' => {
'name' => q(yd³),
'one' => q({0} yd³),
'other' => q({0} yd³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup' => {
'name' => q(cups),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup' => {
'name' => q(cups),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup-metric' => {
'name' => q(mcup),
'one' => q({0} mc),
'other' => q({0} mc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup-metric' => {
'name' => q(mcup),
'one' => q({0} mc),
'other' => q({0} mc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-deciliter' => {
'name' => q(dl),
'one' => q({0} dl),
'other' => q({0} dl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'deciliter' => {
'name' => q(dl),
'one' => q({0} dl),
'other' => q({0} dl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon' => {
'name' => q(dsk.),
'one' => q({0} dsk.),
'other' => q({0} dsk.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon' => {
'name' => q(dsk.),
'one' => q({0} dsk.),
'other' => q({0} dsk.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'name' => q(brit. dsk.),
'one' => q({0} brit. dsk.),
'other' => q({0} brit. dsk.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'name' => q(brit. dsk.),
'one' => q({0} brit. dsk.),
'other' => q({0} brit. dsk.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dram' => {
'name' => q(br. fl. dr.),
'one' => q({0} br. fl. dr.),
'other' => q({0} br. fl. dr.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dram' => {
'name' => q(br. fl. dr.),
'one' => q({0} br. fl. dr.),
'other' => q({0} br. fl. dr.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-drop' => {
'name' => q(dråbe),
'one' => q({0} dråbe),
'other' => q({0} dråber),
# Core Unit Identifier
'drop' => {
'name' => q(dråbe),
'one' => q({0} dråbe),
'other' => q({0} dråber),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce' => {
'name' => q(fl oz),
'one' => q({0} fl oz),
'other' => q({0} fl oz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce' => {
'name' => q(fl oz),
'one' => q({0} fl oz),
'other' => q({0} fl oz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon' => {
'name' => q(gal),
'one' => q({0} gal),
'other' => q({0} gal),
'per' => q({0}/gal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon' => {
'name' => q(gal),
'one' => q({0} gal),
'other' => q({0} gal),
'per' => q({0}/gal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon-imperial' => {
'name' => q(eng. gal),
'one' => q({0} eng. gal),
'other' => q({0} eng. gal),
'per' => q({0} eng. gal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon-imperial' => {
'name' => q(eng. gal),
'one' => q({0} eng. gal),
'other' => q({0} eng. gal),
'per' => q({0} eng. gal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-hectoliter' => {
'name' => q(hl),
'one' => q({0} hl),
'other' => q({0} hl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectoliter' => {
'name' => q(hl),
'one' => q({0} hl),
'other' => q({0} hl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-liter' => {
'name' => q(liter),
'one' => q({0} l),
'other' => q({0} l),
'per' => q({0}/l),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter' => {
'name' => q(liter),
'one' => q({0} l),
'other' => q({0} l),
'per' => q({0}/l),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-megaliter' => {
'name' => q(ML),
'one' => q({0} ML),
'other' => q({0} ML),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megaliter' => {
'name' => q(ML),
'one' => q({0} ML),
'other' => q({0} ML),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-milliliter' => {
'name' => q(ml),
'one' => q({0} ml),
'other' => q({0} ml),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliliter' => {
'name' => q(ml),
'one' => q({0} ml),
'other' => q({0} ml),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pinch' => {
'name' => q(knsp.),
'one' => q({0} knsp.),
'other' => q({0} knsp.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pinch' => {
'name' => q(knsp.),
'one' => q({0} knsp.),
'other' => q({0} knsp.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint' => {
'name' => q(pt),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint' => {
'name' => q(pt),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint-metric' => {
'name' => q(mpt),
'one' => q(mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint-metric' => {
'name' => q(mpt),
'one' => q(mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart' => {
'name' => q(qt),
'one' => q({0} qt),
'other' => q({0} qt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart' => {
'name' => q(qt),
'one' => q({0} qt),
'other' => q({0} qt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart-imperial' => {
'name' => q(britisk qt),
'one' => q({0} britisk qt),
'other' => q({0} britiske qt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart-imperial' => {
'name' => q(britisk qt),
'one' => q({0} britisk qt),
'other' => q({0} britiske qt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-tablespoon' => {
'name' => q(spsk.),
'one' => q({0} spsk.),
'other' => q({0} spsk.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'tablespoon' => {
'name' => q(spsk.),
'one' => q({0} spsk.),
'other' => q({0} spsk.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-teaspoon' => {
'name' => q(tsk.),
'one' => q({0} tsk.),
'other' => q({0} tsk.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'teaspoon' => {
'name' => q(tsk.),
'one' => q({0} tsk.),
'other' => q({0} tsk.),
} }
has 'yesstr' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => RegexpRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { qr'^(?i:ja|j|yes|y)$' }
has 'nostr' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => RegexpRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { qr'^(?i:nej|n)$' }
has 'listPatterns' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
start => q({0}, {1}),
middle => q({0}, {1}),
end => q({0} og {1}),
2 => q({0} og {1}),
} }
has 'default_numbering_system' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => 'latn',
has native_numbering_system => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => 'latn',
has 'minimum_grouping_digits' => (
is =>'ro',
isa => Int,
init_arg => undef,
default => 1,
has 'number_symbols' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'latn' => {
'decimal' => q(,),
'exponential' => q(E),
'group' => q(.),
'infinity' => q(∞),
'list' => q(;),
'minusSign' => q(-),
'nan' => q(NaN),
'perMille' => q(‰),
'percentSign' => q(%),
'plusSign' => q(+),
'superscriptingExponent' => q(×),
'timeSeparator' => q(.),
} }
has 'number_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
decimalFormat => {
'default' => {
'1000' => {
'one' => '0 t',
'other' => '0 t',
'10000' => {
'one' => '00 t',
'other' => '00 t',
'100000' => {
'one' => '000 t',
'other' => '000 t',
'1000000' => {
'one' => '0 mio'.'',
'other' => '0 mio'.'',
'10000000' => {
'one' => '00 mio'.'',
'other' => '00 mio'.'',
'100000000' => {
'one' => '000 mio'.'',
'other' => '000 mio'.'',
'1000000000' => {
'one' => '0 mia'.'',
'other' => '0 mia'.'',
'10000000000' => {
'one' => '00 mia'.'',
'other' => '00 mia'.'',
'100000000000' => {
'one' => '000 mia'.'',
'other' => '000 mia'.'',
'1000000000000' => {
'one' => '0 bio'.'',
'other' => '0 bio'.'',
'10000000000000' => {
'one' => '00 bio'.'',
'other' => '00 bio'.'',
'100000000000000' => {
'one' => '000 bio'.'',
'other' => '000 bio'.'',
'standard' => {
'default' => '#,##0.###',
'long' => {
'1000' => {
'one' => '0 tusind',
'other' => '0 tusind',
'10000' => {
'one' => '00 tusind',
'other' => '00 tusind',
'100000' => {
'one' => '000 tusind',
'other' => '000 tusind',
'1000000' => {
'one' => '0 million',
'other' => '0 millioner',
'10000000' => {
'one' => '00 millioner',
'other' => '00 millioner',
'100000000' => {
'one' => '000 millioner',
'other' => '000 millioner',
'1000000000' => {
'one' => '0 milliard',
'other' => '0 milliarder',
'10000000000' => {
'one' => '00 milliarder',
'other' => '00 milliarder',
'100000000000' => {
'one' => '000 milliarder',
'other' => '000 milliarder',
'1000000000000' => {
'one' => '0 billion',
'other' => '0 billioner',
'10000000000000' => {
'one' => '00 billioner',
'other' => '00 billioner',
'100000000000000' => {
'one' => '000 billioner',
'other' => '000 billioner',
'short' => {
'1000' => {
'one' => '0 t',
'other' => '0 t',
'10000' => {
'one' => '00 t',
'other' => '00 t',
'100000' => {
'one' => '000 t',
'other' => '000 t',
'1000000' => {
'one' => '0 mio'.'',
'other' => '0 mio'.'',
'10000000' => {
'one' => '00 mio'.'',
'other' => '00 mio'.'',
'100000000' => {
'one' => '000 mio'.'',
'other' => '000 mio'.'',
'1000000000' => {
'one' => '0 mia'.'',
'other' => '0 mia'.'',
'10000000000' => {
'one' => '00 mia'.'',
'other' => '00 mia'.'',
'100000000000' => {
'one' => '000 mia'.'',
'other' => '000 mia'.'',
'1000000000000' => {
'one' => '0 bio'.'',
'other' => '0 bio'.'',
'10000000000000' => {
'one' => '00 bio'.'',
'other' => '00 bio'.'',
'100000000000000' => {
'one' => '000 bio'.'',
'other' => '000 bio'.'',
percentFormat => {
'default' => {
'standard' => {
'default' => '#,##0 %',
scientificFormat => {
'default' => {
'standard' => {
'default' => '#E0',
} },
has 'number_currency_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'latn' => {
'pattern' => {
'default' => {
'accounting' => {
'positive' => '#,##0.00 ¤',
'standard' => {
'positive' => '#,##0.00 ¤',
} },
has 'currencies' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'ADP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Andorransk peseta),
'one' => q(Andorransk peseta),
'other' => q(Andorranske pesetas),
'AED' => {
symbol => 'AED',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(dirham fra de Forenede Arabiske Emirater),
'one' => q(FAE-dirham),
'other' => q(FAE-dirham),
'AFA' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Afghansk afghani \(1927–2002\)),
'one' => q(Afghansk afghani \(1927–2002\)),
'other' => q(Afghanske afghani \(1927–2002\)),
'AFN' => {
symbol => 'AFN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(afghansk afghani),
'one' => q(afghansk afghani),
'other' => q(afghanske afghani),
'ALK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(albansk lek \(1946–1965\)),
'one' => q(albansk lek \(1946–1965\)),
'other' => q(albanske lek \(1946–1965\)),
'ALL' => {
symbol => 'ALL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(albansk lek),
'one' => q(albansk lek),
'other' => q(albanske lek),
'AMD' => {
symbol => 'AMD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(armensk dram),
'one' => q(armensk dram),
'other' => q(armenske dram),
'ANG' => {
symbol => 'ANG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Nederlandske Antiller-gylden),
'one' => q(Nederlandske Antiller-gylden),
'other' => q(Nederlandske Antiller-gylden),
'AOA' => {
symbol => 'AOA',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(angolansk kwanza),
'one' => q(angolansk kwanza),
'other' => q(angolanske kwanza),
'AOK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Angolansk kwanza \(1977–1990\)),
'one' => q(Angolansk kwanza \(1977–1990\)),
'other' => q(Angolanske kwanza \(1977–1990\)),
'AON' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Angolansk nye kwanza \(1990–2000\)),
'one' => q(Angolansk nye kwanza \(1990–2000\)),
'other' => q(Angolanske nye kwanza \(1990–2000\)),
'AOR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Angolansk kwanza \(1995–1999\)),
'one' => q(Angolansk kwanza \(1995–1999\)),
'other' => q(Angolanske kwanza \(1995–1999\)),
'ARA' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Argentinsk austral),
'one' => q(Argentinsk austral),
'other' => q(Argentinske austral),
'ARL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(argentinsk peso ley \(1970–1983\)),
'one' => q(argentinsk peso ley \(1970–1983\)),
'other' => q(argentinske peso ley \(1970–1983\)),
'ARM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(argentinsk peso \(1881–1970\)),
'one' => q(argentinsk peso \(1881–1970\)),
'other' => q(argentinske pesos \(1881–1970\)),
'ARP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Argentinsk peso \(1983–1985\)),
'one' => q(Argentinsk pesos \(1983–1985\)),
'other' => q(Argentinske pesos \(1983–1985\)),
'ARS' => {
symbol => 'ARS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(argentinsk peso),
'one' => q(argentinsk peso),
'other' => q(argentinske pesos),
'ATS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Østrigsk schilling),
'one' => q(Østrigsk schilling),
'other' => q(Østrigske schilling),
'AUD' => {
symbol => 'AU$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(australsk dollar),
'one' => q(australsk dollar),
'other' => q(australske dollar),
'AWG' => {
symbol => 'AWG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(arubansk florin),
'one' => q(arubansk florin),
'other' => q(arubanske floriner),
'AZM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Aserbajdsjansk manat \(1993–2006\)),
'one' => q(Aserbajdsjansk manat \(1993–2006\)),
'other' => q(Aserbajdsjanske manat \(1993–2006\)),
'AZN' => {
symbol => 'AZN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(aserbajdsjansk manat),
'one' => q(aserbajdsjansk manat),
'other' => q(aserbajdsjanske manat),
'BAD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Bosnien-Hercegovinsk dinar),
'one' => q(Bosnien-Hercegovinsk dinar),
'other' => q(Bosnien-Hercegovinske dinarer),
'BAM' => {
symbol => 'BAM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bosnien-hercegovinsk konvertibel mark),
'one' => q(bosnien-hercegovinsk konvertibel mark),
'other' => q(bosnien-hercegovinske konvertible mark),
'BAN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ny bosnien-hercegovinsk dinar \(1994–1997\)),
'one' => q(ny bosnien-hercegovinsk dinar \(1994–1997\)),
'other' => q(nye bosnien-hercegovinske dinarer \(1994–1997\)),
'BBD' => {
symbol => 'BBD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(barbadisk dollar),
'one' => q(barbadisk dollar),
'other' => q(barbadiske dollar),
'BDT' => {
symbol => 'BDT',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bangladeshisk taka),
'one' => q(bangladeshisk taka),
'other' => q(bangladeshiske taka),
'BEC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Belgisk franc \(konvertibel\)),
'one' => q(Belgisk franc \(konvertibel\)),
'other' => q(Belgiske franc \(konvertible\)),
'BEF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Belgisk franc),
'one' => q(Belgisk franc),
'other' => q(Belgiske franc),
'BEL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Belgisk franc \(financial\)),
'one' => q(Belgisk franc \(financial\)),
'other' => q(Belgiske franc \(financial\)),
'BGL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Bulgarsk hard lev),
'one' => q(Bulgarsk hard lev),
'other' => q(Bulgarske hard lev),
'BGM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bulgarsk socialistisk lev),
'one' => q(bulgarsk socialistisk lev),
'other' => q(bulgarske socialistiske leva),
'BGN' => {
symbol => 'BGN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bulgarsk lev),
'one' => q(bulgarsk lev),
'other' => q(bulgarske leva),
'BGO' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bulgarsk lev \(1879–1952\)),
'one' => q(bulgarsk lev \(1879–1952\)),
'other' => q(bulgarske leva \(1879–1952\)),
'BHD' => {
symbol => 'BHD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bahrainsk dinar),
'one' => q(bahrainsk dinar),
'other' => q(bahrainske dinarer),
'BIF' => {
symbol => 'BIF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(burundisk franc),
'one' => q(burundisk franc),
'other' => q(burundiske franc),
'BMD' => {
symbol => 'BMD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bermudansk dollar),
'one' => q(bermudansk dollar),
'other' => q(bermudanske dollar),
'BND' => {
symbol => 'BND',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bruneisk dollar),
'one' => q(bruneisk dollar),
'other' => q(bruneiske dollar),
'BOB' => {
symbol => 'BOB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(boliviansk boliviano),
'one' => q(boliviansk boliviano),
'other' => q(bolivianske boliviano),
'BOL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(boliviansk boliviano \(1863–1963\)),
'one' => q(boliviansk boliviano \(1863–1963\)),
'other' => q(bolivianske bolivianos \(1863–1963\)),
'BOP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Boliviansk peso),
'one' => q(Boliviansk peso),
'other' => q(Bolivianske pesos),
'BOV' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Boliviansk mvdol),
'one' => q(Boliviansk mvdol),
'other' => q(Bolivianske mvdol),
'BRB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Brasiliansk cruzeiro novo \(1967–1986\)),
'one' => q(Brasiliansk cruzeiro novo \(1967–1986\)),
'other' => q(Brasilianske cruzeiro novo \(1967–1986\)),
'BRC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Brasiliansk cruzado \(1986–1989\)),
'one' => q(Brasiliansk cruzado \(1986–1989\)),
'other' => q(Brasilianske cruzado \(1986–1989\)),
'BRE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Brasiliansk cruzeiro \(1990–1993\)),
'one' => q(Brasiliansk cruzeiro \(1990–1993\)),
'other' => q(Brasilianske cruzeiro \(1990–1993\)),
'BRL' => {
symbol => 'R$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(brasiliansk real),
'one' => q(brasiliansk real),
'other' => q(brasilianske realer),
'BRN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Brasiliansk cruzado novo \(1989–1990\)),
'one' => q(Brasiliansk cruzado novo \(1989–1990\)),
'other' => q(Brasilianske cruzado novo \(1989–1990\)),
'BRR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Brasiliansk cruzeiro \(1993–1994\)),
'one' => q(Brasiliansk cruzeiro \(1993–1994\)),
'other' => q(Brasilianske cruzeiro \(1993–1994\)),
'BRZ' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(brasiliansk cruzeiro \(1942–1967\)),
'one' => q(brasiliansk cruzeiro \(1942–1967\)),
'other' => q(brasilianske cruzeiro \(1942–1967\)),
'BSD' => {
symbol => 'BSD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bahamansk dollar),
'one' => q(bahamansk dollar),
'other' => q(bahamanske dollar),
'BTN' => {
symbol => 'BTN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(bhutansk ngultrum),
'one' => q(bhutansk ngultrum),
'other' => q(bhutanske ngultrum),
'BUK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Burmesisk kyat),
'one' => q(Burmesisk kyat),
'other' => q(Burmesiske kyat),
'BWP' => {
symbol => 'BWP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(botswansk pula),
'one' => q(botswansk pula),
'other' => q(botswanske pula),
'BYB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Hviderussisk rubel \(1994–1999\)),
'one' => q(Hviderussisk rubel \(1994–1999\)),
'other' => q(Hviderussiske rubler \(1994–1999\)),
'BYN' => {
symbol => 'BYN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(hviderussisk rubel),
'one' => q(hviderussisk rubel),
'other' => q(hviderussiske rubler),
'BYR' => {
symbol => 'BYR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(hviderussisk rubel \(2000–2016\)),
'one' => q(hviderussisk rubel \(2000–2016\)),
'other' => q(hviderussiske rubler \(2000–2016\)),
'BZD' => {
symbol => 'BZD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(belizisk dollar),
'one' => q(belizisk dollar),
'other' => q(beliziske dollar),
'CAD' => {
symbol => 'CA$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(canadisk dollar),
'one' => q(canadisk dollar),
'other' => q(canadiske dollar),
'CDF' => {
symbol => 'CDF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(congolesisk franc),
'one' => q(congolesisk franc),
'other' => q(congolesiske franc),
'CHE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(WIR euro),
'one' => q(WIR euro),
'other' => q(WIR euro),
'CHF' => {
symbol => 'CHF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(schweizerfranc),
'one' => q(schweizerfranc),
'other' => q(schweizerfranc),
'CHW' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(WIR franc),
'one' => q(WIR franc),
'other' => q(WIR franc),
'CLE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(chilensk escudo),
'one' => q(chilensk escudo),
'other' => q(chilenske escudos),
'CLP' => {
symbol => 'CLP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(chilensk peso),
'one' => q(chilensk peso),
'other' => q(chilenske pesos),
'CNH' => {
symbol => 'CNH',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kinesisk yuan \(offshore\)),
'one' => q(kinesisk yuan \(offshore\)),
'other' => q(kinesisk yuan \(offshore\)),
'CNY' => {
symbol => 'CN¥',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kinesisk yuan),
'one' => q(kinesisk yuan),
'other' => q(kinesiske yuan),
'COP' => {
symbol => 'COP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(colombiansk peso),
'one' => q(colombiansk peso),
'other' => q(colombianske pesos),
'CRC' => {
symbol => 'CRC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(costaricansk colón),
'one' => q(costaricansk colón),
'other' => q(costaricanske colón),
'CSD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Serbisk dinar \(2002–2006\)),
'one' => q(Serbisk dinar \(2002–2006\)),
'other' => q(Serbiske dinar \(2002–2006\)),
'CSK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tjekkoslovakisk hard koruna),
'one' => q(Tjekkoslovakisk hard koruna),
'other' => q(Tjekkoslovakiske hard koruna),
'CUC' => {
symbol => 'CUC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(cubansk konvertibel peso),
'one' => q(cubansk konvertibel peso),
'other' => q(cubanske konvertible pesos),
'CUP' => {
symbol => 'CUP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(cubansk peso),
'one' => q(cubansk peso),
'other' => q(cubanske pesos),
'CVE' => {
symbol => 'CVE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kapverdisk escudo),
'one' => q(kapverdisk escudo),
'other' => q(kapverdiske escudos),
'CYP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cypriotisk pund),
'one' => q(Cypriotisk pund),
'other' => q(Cypriotiske pund),
'CZK' => {
symbol => 'CZK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(tjekkisk koruna),
'one' => q(tjekkisk koruna),
'other' => q(tjekkiske korunaer),
'DDM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Østtysk mark),
'one' => q(Østtysk mark),
'other' => q(Østtyske mark),
'DEM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tysk mark),
'one' => q(Tysk mark),
'other' => q(Tyske mark),
'DJF' => {
symbol => 'DJF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(djiboutisk franc),
'one' => q(djiboutisk franc),
'other' => q(djiboutiske franc),
'DKK' => {
symbol => 'kr.',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(dansk krone),
'one' => q(dansk krone),
'other' => q(danske kroner),
'DOP' => {
symbol => 'DOP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(dominikansk peso),
'one' => q(dominikansk peso),
'other' => q(dominikanske pesos),
'DZD' => {
symbol => 'DZD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(algerisk dinar),
'one' => q(algerisk dinar),
'other' => q(algeriske dinarer),
'ECS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ecuadoriansk sucre),
'one' => q(Ecuadoriansk sucre),
'other' => q(Ecuadorianske sucre),
'EEK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Estisk kroon),
'one' => q(Estisk kroon),
'other' => q(Estiske kroon),
'EGP' => {
symbol => 'EGP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(egyptisk pund),
'one' => q(egyptisk pund),
'other' => q(egyptiske pund),
'ERN' => {
symbol => 'ERN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(eritreisk nakfa),
'one' => q(eritreisk nakfa),
'other' => q(eritreiske nakfa),
'ESA' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Spansk peseta \(A–konto\)),
'one' => q(Spansk peseta \(A–konto\)),
'other' => q(Spanske peseta \(A–konto\)),
'ESB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Spansk peseta \(konvertibel konto\)),
'one' => q(Spansk peseta \(konvertibel konto\)),
'other' => q(Spanske peseta \(konvertibel konto\)),
'ESP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Spansk peseta),
'one' => q(Spansk pesetas),
'other' => q(Spanske pesetas),
'ETB' => {
symbol => 'ETB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(etiopisk birr),
'one' => q(etiopisk birr),
'other' => q(etiopiske birr),
'EUR' => {
symbol => '€',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(euro),
'one' => q(euro),
'other' => q(euro),
'FIM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Finsk mark),
'one' => q(Finsk mark),
'other' => q(Finske mark),
'FJD' => {
symbol => 'FJD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(fijiansk dollar),
'one' => q(fijiansk dollar),
'other' => q(fijianske dollar),
'FKP' => {
symbol => 'FKP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(pund fra Falklandsøerne),
'one' => q(pund fra Falklandsøerne),
'other' => q(pund fra Falklandsøerne),
'FRF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fransk franc),
'one' => q(Fransk franc),
'other' => q(Franske franc),
'GBP' => {
symbol => '£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(britisk pund),
'one' => q(britisk pund),
'other' => q(britiske pund),
'GEK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Georgisk kupon larit),
'one' => q(Georgisk kupon larit),
'other' => q(Georgiske kupon larit),
'GEL' => {
symbol => 'GEL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(georgisk lari),
'one' => q(georgisk lari),
'other' => q(georgiske lari),
'GHC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ghanesisk cedi \(1979–2007\)),
'one' => q(Ghanesisk cedi \(1979–2007\)),
'other' => q(Ghanesiske cedi \(1979–2007\)),
'GHS' => {
symbol => 'GHS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ghanesisk cedi),
'one' => q(ghanesisk cedi),
'other' => q(ghanesiske cedi),
'GIP' => {
symbol => 'GIP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(gibraltarisk pund),
'one' => q(gibraltarisk pund),
'other' => q(gibraltariske pund),
'GMD' => {
symbol => 'GMD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(gambisk dalasi),
'one' => q(gambisk dalasi),
'other' => q(gambiske dalasi),
'GNF' => {
symbol => 'GNF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(guineansk franc),
'one' => q(guineansk franc),
'other' => q(guineanske franc),
'GNS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Guineansk syli),
'one' => q(Guineansk syli),
'other' => q(Guineanske syli),
'GQE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ækvatorialguineask ekwele),
'one' => q(Ækvatorialguineask ekwele),
'other' => q(Ækvatorialguineaske ekwele),
'GRD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Græsk drakme),
'one' => q(Græsk drakmer),
'other' => q(Græske drakmer),
'GTQ' => {
symbol => 'GTQ',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(guatemalansk quetzal),
'one' => q(guatemalansk quetzal),
'other' => q(guatemalanske quetzal),
'GWE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Portugisisk guinea escudo),
'one' => q(Portugisiske guinea escudo),
'other' => q(Portugisiske guinea escudo),
'GWP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Guineansk peso),
'one' => q(Guinea-Bissau-peso),
'other' => q(Guinea-Bissau-pesos),
'GYD' => {
symbol => 'GYD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(guyansk dollar),
'one' => q(guyansk dollar),
'other' => q(guyanske dollar),
'HKD' => {
symbol => 'HK$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(hongkongsk dollar),
'one' => q(hongkongsk dollar),
'other' => q(hongkongske dollar),
'HNL' => {
symbol => 'HNL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(honduransk lempira),
'one' => q(honduransk lempira),
'other' => q(honduranske lempira),
'HRD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kroatisk dinar),
'one' => q(Kroatisk dinar),
'other' => q(Kroatiske dinarer),
'HRK' => {
symbol => 'HRK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kroatisk kuna),
'one' => q(kroatisk kuna),
'other' => q(kroatiske kuna),
'HTG' => {
symbol => 'HTG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(haitisk gourde),
'one' => q(haitisk gourde),
'other' => q(haitiske gourde),
'HUF' => {
symbol => 'HUF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ungarsk forint),
'one' => q(ungarsk forint),
'other' => q(ungarske forinter),
'IDR' => {
symbol => 'IDR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(indonesisk rupiah),
'one' => q(indonesisk rupiah),
'other' => q(indonesiske rupiah),
'IEP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Irsk pund),
'one' => q(Irsk pund),
'other' => q(Irske pund),
'ILP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Israelsk pund),
'one' => q(Israelsk pund),
'other' => q(Israelske pund),
'ILR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(israelsk shekel \(1980–1985\)),
'one' => q(israelsk shekel \(1980–1985\)),
'other' => q(israelske shekel \(1980–1985\)),
'ILS' => {
symbol => '₪',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ny israelsk shekel),
'one' => q(ny israelsk shekel),
'other' => q(nye israelske shekel),
'INR' => {
symbol => '₹',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(indisk rupee),
'one' => q(indisk rupee),
'other' => q(indiske rupees),
'IQD' => {
symbol => 'IQD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(irakisk dinar),
'one' => q(irakisk dinar),
'other' => q(irakiske dinarer),
'IRR' => {
symbol => 'IRR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(iransk rial),
'one' => q(iransk rial),
'other' => q(iranske rialer),
'ISJ' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(islandsk krone \(1918–1981\)),
'one' => q(islandsk krone \(1918–1981\)),
'other' => q(islandske kroner \(1918–1981\)),
'ISK' => {
symbol => 'ISK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(islandsk krone),
'one' => q(islandsk krone),
'other' => q(islandske kroner),
'ITL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Italiensk lire),
'one' => q(Italiensk lire),
'other' => q(Italienske lire),
'JMD' => {
symbol => 'JMD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(jamaicansk dollar),
'one' => q(jamaicansk dollar),
'other' => q(jamaicanske dollar),
'JOD' => {
symbol => 'JOD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(jordansk dinar),
'one' => q(jordansk dinar),
'other' => q(jordanske dinarer),
'JPY' => {
symbol => 'JP¥',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(japansk yen),
'one' => q(japansk yen),
'other' => q(japanske yen),
'KES' => {
symbol => 'KES',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kenyansk shilling),
'one' => q(kenyansk shilling),
'other' => q(kenyanske shilling),
'KGS' => {
symbol => 'KGS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kirgisisk som),
'one' => q(kirgisisk som),
'other' => q(kirgisiske som),
'KHR' => {
symbol => 'KHR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(cambodjansk riel),
'one' => q(cambodjansk riel),
'other' => q(cambodjanske riel),
'KMF' => {
symbol => 'KMF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(comorisk franc),
'one' => q(comorisk franc),
'other' => q(comoriske franc),
'KPW' => {
symbol => 'KPW',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(nordkoreansk won),
'one' => q(nordkoreansk won),
'other' => q(nordkoreanske won),
'KRH' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(sydkoreansk hwan \(1953–1962\)),
'one' => q(sydkoreansk hwan \(1953–1962\)),
'other' => q(sydkoreanske hwan \(1953–1962\)),
'KRO' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(sydkoreansk won \(1945–1953\)),
'one' => q(sydkoreansk won \(1945–1953\)),
'other' => q(sydkoreanske won \(1945–1953\)),
'KRW' => {
symbol => '₩',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(sydkoreansk won),
'one' => q(sydkoreansk won),
'other' => q(sydkoreanske won),
'KWD' => {
symbol => 'KWD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kuwaitisk dinar),
'one' => q(kuwaitisk dinar),
'other' => q(kuwaitiske dinarer),
'KYD' => {
symbol => 'KYD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(caymansk dollar),
'one' => q(caymansk dollar),
'other' => q(caymanske dollar),
'KZT' => {
symbol => 'KZT',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(kasakhisk tenge),
'one' => q(kasakhisk tenge),
'other' => q(kasakhiske tenge),
'LAK' => {
symbol => 'LAK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(laotisk kip),
'one' => q(laotisk kip),
'other' => q(laotiske kip),
'LBP' => {
symbol => 'LBP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(libanesisk pund),
'one' => q(libanesisk pund),
'other' => q(libanesiske pund),
'LKR' => {
symbol => 'LKR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(srilankansk rupee),
'one' => q(srilankansk rupee),
'other' => q(srilankanske rupee),
'LRD' => {
symbol => 'LRD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(liberisk dollar),
'one' => q(liberisk dollar),
'other' => q(liberiske dollar),
'LSL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(lesothisk loti),
'one' => q(lesothisk loti),
'other' => q(lesothiske loti),
'LTL' => {
symbol => 'LTL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Litauisk litas),
'one' => q(Litauisk litas),
'other' => q(Litauiske litai),
'LTT' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Litauisk talonas),
'one' => q(Litauisk talonas),
'other' => q(Litauiske talonas),
'LUC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Luxembourgsk konvertibel franc),
'one' => q(Luxembourgsk konvertibel franc),
'other' => q(Luxembourgsk konvertibel franc),
'LUF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Luxembourgsk franc),
'one' => q(Luxembourgsk franc),
'other' => q(Luxembourgske franc),
'LUL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Luxembourgsk finansiel franc),
'one' => q(Luxembourgsk finansiel franc),
'other' => q(Luxembourgsk finansiel franc),
'LVL' => {
symbol => 'LVL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lettisk lat),
'one' => q(Lettisk lat),
'other' => q(Lettiske lats),
'LVR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lettisk rubel),
'one' => q(Lettisk rubel),
'other' => q(Lettiske rubler),
'LYD' => {
symbol => 'LYD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(libysk dinar),
'one' => q(libysk dinar),
'other' => q(libyske dinarer),
'MAD' => {
symbol => 'MAD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(marokkansk dirham),
'one' => q(marokkansk dirham),
'other' => q(marokkanske dirham),
'MAF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Marokkansk franc),
'one' => q(Marokkansk franc),
'other' => q(Marokkanske franc),
'MCF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(monegaskisk franc),
'one' => q(monegaskisk franc),
'other' => q(monegaskiske franc),
'MDC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(moldovisk cupon),
'one' => q(moldovisk cupon),
'other' => q(moldoviske cupon),
'MDL' => {
symbol => 'MDL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(moldovisk leu),
'one' => q(moldovisk leu),
'other' => q(moldoviske lei),
'MGA' => {
symbol => 'MGA',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(madagaskisk ariary),
'one' => q(madagaskisk ariary),
'other' => q(madagaskiske ariary),
'MGF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Madagaskisk franc),
'one' => q(Madagaskisk franc),
'other' => q(Madagaskiske franc),
'MKD' => {
symbol => 'MKD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(makedonsk denar),
'one' => q(makedonsk denar),
'other' => q(makedonske denarer),
'MKN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(makedonsk denar \(1992–1993\)),
'one' => q(makedonsk denar \(1992–1993\)),
'other' => q(makedonske denarer \(1992–1993\)),
'MLF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Malisk franc),
'one' => q(Malisk franc),
'other' => q(Maliske franc),
'MMK' => {
symbol => 'MMK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(myanmarsk kyat),
'one' => q(myanmarsk kyat),
'other' => q(myanmarske kyat),
'MNT' => {
symbol => 'MNT',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(mongolsk tugrik),
'one' => q(mongolsk tugrik),
'other' => q(mongolske tugrik),
'MOP' => {
symbol => 'MOP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(macaosk pataca),
'one' => q(macaosk pataca),
'other' => q(macaoske pataca),
'MRO' => {
symbol => 'MRO',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(mauritansk ouguiya \(1973–2017\)),
'one' => q(mauritansk ouguiya \(1973–2017\)),
'other' => q(mauritanske ouguiya \(1973–2017\)),
'MRU' => {
symbol => 'MRU',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(mauritansk ouguiya),
'one' => q(mauritansk ouguiya),
'other' => q(mauritanske ouguiya),
'MTL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Maltesisk lira),
'one' => q(Maltesisk lira),
'other' => q(Maltesiske lira),
'MTP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Maltesisk pund),
'one' => q(Maltesisk pund),
'other' => q(Maltesiske pund),
'MUR' => {
symbol => 'MUR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(mauritisk rupee),
'one' => q(mauritisk rupee),
'other' => q(mauritiske rupees),
'MVP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(maldivisk rupi \(1947–1981\)),
'one' => q(maldivisk rupi \(1947–1981\)),
'other' => q(maldiviske rupier \(1947–1981\)),
'MVR' => {
symbol => 'MVR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(maldivisk rufiyaa),
'one' => q(maldivisk rufiyaa),
'other' => q(maldiviske rufiyaa),
'MWK' => {
symbol => 'MWK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(malawisk kwacha),
'one' => q(malawisk kwacha),
'other' => q(malawiske kwacha),
'MXN' => {
symbol => 'MX$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(mexicansk peso),
'one' => q(mexicansk peso),
'other' => q(mexicanske pesos),
'MXP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Mexicansk silver peso \(1861–1992\)),
'one' => q(Mexicansk silver peso \(1861–1992\)),
'other' => q(Mexicanske silver peso \(1861–1992\)),
'MYR' => {
symbol => 'MYR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(malaysisk ringgit),
'one' => q(malaysisk ringgit),
'other' => q(malaysiske ringgit),
'MZE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Mozambiquisk escudo),
'one' => q(Mozambiquisk escudo),
'other' => q(Mozambiquiske escudo),
'MZM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Mozambiquisk metical \(1980–2006\)),
'one' => q(Mozambiquisk metical \(1980–2006\)),
'other' => q(Mozambiquiske metical \(1980–2006\)),
'MZN' => {
symbol => 'MZN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(mozambiquisk metical),
'one' => q(mozambiquisk metical),
'other' => q(mozambiquiske metical),
'NAD' => {
symbol => 'NAD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(namibisk dollar),
'one' => q(namibisk dollar),
'other' => q(namibiske dollar),
'NGN' => {
symbol => 'NGN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(nigeriansk naira),
'one' => q(nigeriansk naira),
'other' => q(nigerianske naira),
'NIC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Nicaraguansk cordoba \(1988–1991\)),
'one' => q(Nicaraguansk cordoba \(1988–1991\)),
'other' => q(Nicaraguanske cordoba \(1988–1991\)),
'NIO' => {
symbol => 'NIO',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(nicaraguansk cordoba),
'one' => q(nicaraguansk cordoba),
'other' => q(nicaraguanske cordoba),
'NLG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Hollandsk guilder),
'one' => q(Hollandsk gylden),
'other' => q(Hollandske gylden),
'NOK' => {
symbol => 'NOK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(norsk krone),
'one' => q(norsk krone),
'other' => q(norske kroner),
'NPR' => {
symbol => 'NPR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(nepalesisk rupee),
'one' => q(nepalesisk rupee),
'other' => q(nepalesiske rupees),
'NZD' => {
symbol => 'NZ$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(newzealandsk dollar),
'one' => q(newzealandsk dollar),
'other' => q(newzealandske dollar),
'OMR' => {
symbol => 'OMR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(omansk rial),
'one' => q(omansk rial),
'other' => q(omanske rialer),
'PAB' => {
symbol => 'PAB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(panamansk balboa),
'one' => q(panamansk balboa),
'other' => q(panamanske balboa),
'PEI' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(peruviansk inti),
'one' => q(peruviansk inti),
'other' => q(peruvianske inti),
'PEN' => {
symbol => 'PEN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(peruansk sol),
'one' => q(peruansk sol),
'other' => q(peruanske soles),
'PES' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(peruviansk sol \(1863–1965\)),
'one' => q(peruviansk sol \(1863–1965\)),
'other' => q(peruvianske sol \(1863–1965\)),
'PGK' => {
symbol => 'PGK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(papuansk kina),
'one' => q(papuansk kina),
'other' => q(papuanske kina),
'PHP' => {
symbol => 'PHP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(filippinsk peso),
'one' => q(filippinsk peso),
'other' => q(filippinske pesos),
'PKR' => {
symbol => 'PKR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(pakistansk rupee),
'one' => q(pakistansk rupee),
'other' => q(pakistanske rupee),
'PLN' => {
symbol => 'PLN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(polsk zloty),
'one' => q(polsk zloty),
'other' => q(polske zloty),
'PLZ' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Polsk zloty \(1950–1995\)),
'one' => q(Polsk zloty \(1950–1995\)),
'other' => q(Polske zloty \(1950–1995\)),
'PTE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Portugisisk escudo),
'one' => q(Portugisisk escudo),
'other' => q(Portugisiske escudo),
'PYG' => {
symbol => 'PYG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(paraguaysk guarani),
'one' => q(paraguaysk guarani),
'other' => q(paraguayske guarani),
'QAR' => {
symbol => 'QAR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(qatarsk rial),
'one' => q(qatarsk rial),
'other' => q(qatarske rial),
'RHD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(rhodesisk dollar),
'one' => q(rhodesisk dollar),
'other' => q(rhodesiske dollar),
'ROL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rumænsk leu \(1952–2006\)),
'one' => q(Rumænsk leu \(1952–2006\)),
'other' => q(Rumænske leu \(1952–2006\)),
'RON' => {
symbol => 'RON',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(rumænsk leu),
'one' => q(rumænsk leu),
'other' => q(rumænske lei),
'RSD' => {
symbol => 'RSD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(serbisk dinar),
'one' => q(serbisk dinar),
'other' => q(serbiske dinarer),
'RUB' => {
symbol => 'RUB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(russisk rubel),
'one' => q(russisk rubel),
'other' => q(russiske rubler),
'RUR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Russisk rubel \(1991–1998\)),
'one' => q(Russisk rubel \(1991–1998\)),
'other' => q(Russiske rubler \(1991–1998\)),
'RWF' => {
symbol => 'RWF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(rwandisk franc),
'one' => q(rwandisk franc),
'other' => q(rwandiske franc),
'SAR' => {
symbol => 'SAR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(saudiarabisk riyal),
'one' => q(saudiarabisk riyal),
'other' => q(saudiarabiske riyal),
'SBD' => {
symbol => 'SBD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(salomonsk dollar),
'one' => q(salomonsk dollar),
'other' => q(salomonske dollar),
'SCR' => {
symbol => 'SCR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(seychellisk rupee),
'one' => q(seychellisk rupee),
'other' => q(seychelliske rupees),
'SDD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sudansk dinar \(1992–2007\)),
'one' => q(Sudansk dinar \(1992–2007\)),
'other' => q(Sudanske dinar \(1992–2007\)),
'SDG' => {
symbol => 'SDG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(sudansk pund),
'one' => q(sudansk pund),
'other' => q(sudanske pund),
'SDP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sudansk pund \(1957–1998\)),
'one' => q(Sudanske pund \(1957–1998\)),
'other' => q(Sudanske pund \(1957–1998\)),
'SEK' => {
symbol => 'SEK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(svensk krone),
'one' => q(svensk krone),
'other' => q(svenske kroner),
'SGD' => {
symbol => 'SGD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(singaporeansk dollar),
'one' => q(singaporeansk dollar),
'other' => q(singaporeanske dollar),
'SHP' => {
symbol => 'SHP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(pund fra Saint Helena),
'one' => q(pund fra Saint Helena),
'other' => q(pund fra Saint Helena),
'SIT' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Slovensk tolar),
'one' => q(Slovensk tolar),
'other' => q(Slovenske tolar),
'SKK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Slovakisk koruna),
'one' => q(Slovakisk koruna),
'other' => q(Slovakiske koruna),
'SLL' => {
symbol => 'SLL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(sierraleonsk leone),
'one' => q(sierraleonsk leone),
'other' => q(sierraleonske leone),
'SOS' => {
symbol => 'SOS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(somalisk shilling),
'one' => q(somalisk shilling),
'other' => q(somaliske shilling),
'SRD' => {
symbol => 'SRD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(surinamsk dollar),
'one' => q(surinamsk dollar),
'other' => q(surinamske dollar),
'SRG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Surinamsk guilder),
'one' => q(Surinamsk guilder),
'other' => q(Surinamske guilder),
'SSP' => {
symbol => 'SSP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(sydsudansk pund),
'one' => q(sydsudansk pund),
'other' => q(sydsudanske pund),
'STD' => {
symbol => 'STD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(dobra fra Sao Tome og Principe \(1977–2017\)),
'one' => q(dobra fra Sao Tome og Principe \(1977–2017\)),
'other' => q(dobra fra Sao Tome og Principe \(1977–2017\)),
'STN' => {
symbol => 'STN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(dobra fra Sao Tome og Principe),
'one' => q(dobra fra Sao Tome og Principe),
'other' => q(dobra fra Sao Tome og Principe),
'SUR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sovjetisk rubel),
'one' => q(Sovjetisk rubel),
'other' => q(Sovjetiske rubler),
'SVC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Salvadoransk colon),
'one' => q(Salvadoransk colon),
'other' => q(Salvadoranske colon),
'SYP' => {
symbol => 'SYP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(syrisk pund),
'one' => q(syrisk pund),
'other' => q(syriske pund),
'SZL' => {
symbol => 'SZL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(swazilandsk lilangeni),
'one' => q(swazilandsk lilangeni),
'other' => q(swazilandske lilangeni),
'THB' => {
symbol => '฿',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(thailandsk baht),
'one' => q(thailandsk baht),
'other' => q(thailandske baht),
'TJR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tadsjikisk rubel),
'one' => q(Tadsjikisk rubel),
'other' => q(Tadsjikiske rubel),
'TJS' => {
symbol => 'TJS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(tadsjikisk somoni),
'one' => q(tadsjikisk somoni),
'other' => q(tadsjikiske somoni),
'TMM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Turkmensk manat \(1993–2009\)),
'one' => q(Turkmensk manat \(1993–2009\)),
'other' => q(Turkmenske manat \(1993–2009\)),
'TMT' => {
symbol => 'TMT',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(turkmensk manat),
'one' => q(turkmensk manat),
'other' => q(turkmenske manat),
'TND' => {
symbol => 'TND',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(tunesisk dinar),
'one' => q(tunesisk dinar),
'other' => q(tunesiske dinarer),
'TOP' => {
symbol => 'TOP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(tongansk paʻanga),
'one' => q(tongansk paʻanga),
'other' => q(tonganske paʻanga),
'TPE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo fra Timor),
'one' => q(Escudo fra Timor),
'other' => q(Escudo fra Timor),
'TRL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tyrkisk lire \(1922–2005\)),
'one' => q(Tyrkisk lire \(1922–2005\)),
'other' => q(Tyrkiske lire \(1922–2005\)),
'TRY' => {
symbol => 'TRY',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(tyrkisk lira),
'one' => q(tyrkisk lira),
'other' => q(tyrkiske lira),
'TTD' => {
symbol => 'TTD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(trinidadisk dollar),
'one' => q(trinidadisk dollar),
'other' => q(trinidadiske dollar),
'TWD' => {
symbol => 'NT$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ny taiwansk dollar),
'one' => q(ny taiwansk dollar),
'other' => q(nye taiwanske dollar),
'TZS' => {
symbol => 'TZS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(tanzanisk shilling),
'one' => q(tanzanisk shilling),
'other' => q(tanzaniske shilling),
'UAH' => {
symbol => 'UAH',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ukrainsk grynia),
'one' => q(ukrainsk grynia),
'other' => q(ukrainske grynia),
'UAK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ukrainsk karbovanetz),
'one' => q(Ukrainsk karbovanetz),
'other' => q(Ukrainske karbovanetz),
'UGS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ugandisk shilling \(1966–1987\)),
'one' => q(Ugandisk shilling \(1966–1987\)),
'other' => q(Ugandiske shilling \(1966–1987\)),
'UGX' => {
symbol => 'UGX',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ugandisk shilling),
'one' => q(ugandisk shilling),
'other' => q(ugandiske shilling),
'USD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(amerikansk dollar),
'one' => q(amerikansk dollar),
'other' => q(amerikanske dollar),
'USN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Amerikansk dollar \(næste dag\)),
'one' => q(Amerikansk dollar \(næste dag\)),
'other' => q(Amerikanske dollar \(næste dag\)),
'USS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Amerikansk dollar \(samme dag\)),
'one' => q(Amerikansk dollar \(samme dag\)),
'other' => q(Amerikanske dollar \(samme dag\)),
'UYP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Uruguayansk peso \(1975–1993\)),
'one' => q(Uruguayansk peso \(1975–1993\)),
'other' => q(Uruguayanske peso \(1975–1993\)),
'UYU' => {
symbol => 'UYU',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(uruguayansk peso),
'one' => q(uruguayansk peso),
'other' => q(uruguayanske pesos),
'UZS' => {
symbol => 'UZS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(usbekisk sum),
'one' => q(usbekisk sum),
'other' => q(usbekiske sum),
'VEB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Venezuelansk bolivar \(1871–2008\)),
'one' => q(Venezuelansk bolivar \(1871–2008\)),
'other' => q(Venezuelanske bolivar \(1871–2008\)),
'VEF' => {
symbol => 'VEF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(venezuelansk bolivar \(2008–2018\)),
'one' => q(venezuelansk bolivar \(2008–2018\)),
'other' => q(venezuelanske bolivarer \(2008–2018\)),
'VES' => {
symbol => 'VES',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(venezuelansk bolivar),
'one' => q(venezuelansk bolivar),
'other' => q(venezuelanske bolivarer),
'VND' => {
symbol => '₫',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(vietnamesisk dong),
'one' => q(vietnamesisk dong),
'other' => q(vietnamesiske dong),
'VNN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(vietnamesisk dong \(1978–1985\)),
'one' => q(vietnamesisk dong \(1978–1985\)),
'other' => q(vietnamesiske dong \(1978–1985\)),
'VUV' => {
symbol => 'VUV',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(vanuaisk vatu),
'one' => q(vanuaisk vatu),
'other' => q(vanuaiske vatu),
'WST' => {
symbol => 'WST',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(samoansk tala),
'one' => q(samoansk tala),
'other' => q(samoanske tala),
'XAF' => {
symbol => 'FCFA',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(CFA-franc \(BEAC\)),
'one' => q(centralafrikansk CFA-franc),
'other' => q(CFA-franc \(BEAC\)),
'XAG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sølv),
'one' => q(troy ounce sølv),
'other' => q(troy ounces sølv),
'XAU' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Guld),
'one' => q(troy ounce guld),
'other' => q(troy ounces guld),
'XBA' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(EURCO),
'XBB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(EMU),
'XCD' => {
symbol => 'EC$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(østkaribisk dollar),
'one' => q(østkaribisk dollar),
'other' => q(østkaribiske dollar),
'XDR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(SDR),
'XEU' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ECU),
'XFO' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fransk guldfranc),
'one' => q(Fransk guldfranc),
'other' => q(Franske guldfranc),
'XFU' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fransk UIC-franc),
'one' => q(Fransk UIC-franc),
'other' => q(Franske UIC-franc),
'XOF' => {
symbol => 'F CFA',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(CFA-franc BCEAO),
'one' => q(CFA-franc BCEAO),
'other' => q(CFA-franc BCEAO),
'XPD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Palladium),
'one' => q(troy ounce palladium),
'other' => q(troy ounces palladium),
'XPF' => {
symbol => 'CFPF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(CFP-franc),
'one' => q(CFP-franc),
'other' => q(CFP-franc),
'XPT' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Platin),
'one' => q(troy ounce platin),
'other' => q(troy ounces platin),
'XRE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(RINET-fond),
'XTS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(testvalutakode),
'one' => q(testvaluta),
'other' => q(testvaluta),
'XXX' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(ukendt valuta),
'one' => q(\(ukendt valuta\)),
'other' => q(\(ukendt valuta\)),
'YDD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Yemenitisk dinar),
'one' => q(Yemenitisk dinar),
'other' => q(Yemenitiske dinarer),
'YER' => {
symbol => 'YER',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(yemenitisk rial),
'one' => q(yemenitisk rial),
'other' => q(yemenitiske rial),
'YUD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Jugoslavisk hard dinar \(1966–1990\)),
'one' => q(Jugoslavisk hard dinar \(1966–1990\)),
'other' => q(Jugoslaviske hard dinar \(1966–1990\)),
'YUM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Jugoslavisk noviy dinar \(1994–2002\)),
'one' => q(Jugoslavisk noviy dinar \(1994–2002\)),
'other' => q(Jugoslaviske noviy dinar \(1994–2002\)),
'YUN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Jugoslavisk konvertibel dinar \(1990–1992\)),
'one' => q(Jugoslavisk konvertibel dinar \(1990–1992\)),
'other' => q(Jugoslaviske konvertibel dinar \(1990–1992\)),
'YUR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(jugoslavisk reformeret dinar \(1992–1993\)),
'one' => q(jugoslavisk reformeret dinar \(1992–1993\)),
'other' => q(jugoslaviske reformerede dinarer \(1992–1993\)),
'ZAL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sydafrikansk rand \(financial\)),
'one' => q(Sydafrikansk rand \(financial\)),
'other' => q(Sydafrikanske rand \(financial\)),
'ZAR' => {
symbol => 'ZAR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(sydafrikansk rand),
'one' => q(sydafrikansk rand),
'other' => q(sydafrikanske rand),
'ZMK' => {
symbol => 'ZMK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zambisk kwacha \(1968–2012\)),
'one' => q(Zambisk kwacha \(1968–2012\)),
'other' => q(Zambiske kwacha \(1968–2012\)),
'ZMW' => {
symbol => 'ZMW',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(zambisk kwacha),
'one' => q(zambisk kwacha),
'other' => q(zambiske kwacha),
'ZRN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ny zairisk zaire \(1993–1998\)),
'one' => q(Ny zairisk zaire \(1993–1998\)),
'other' => q(Ny zairiske zaire \(1993–1998\)),
'ZRZ' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zairisk zaire \(1971–1993\)),
'one' => q(Zairisk zaire \(1971–1993\)),
'other' => q(Zairiske zaire \(1971–1993\)),
'ZWD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zimbabwisk dollar \(1980–2008\)),
'one' => q(Zimbabwisk dollar \(1980–2008\)),
'other' => q(Zimbabwiske dollar \(1980–2008\)),
'ZWL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zimbabwisk dollar \(2009\)),
'one' => q(Zimbabwisk dollar \(2009\)),
'other' => q(Zimbabwiske dollar \(2009\)),
'ZWR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zimbabwisk dollar \(2008\)),
'one' => q(Zimbabwisk dollar \(2008\)),
'other' => q(Zimbabwiske dollar \(2008\)),
} },
has 'calendar_months' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'coptic' => {
'format' => {
wide => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
'ethiopic' => {
'format' => {
wide => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
narrow => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
wide => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
'stand-alone' => {
abbreviated => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
narrow => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
wide => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
'hebrew' => {
'format' => {
wide => {
nonleap => [
'adar I',
leap => [
'indian' => {
'format' => {
wide => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
'islamic' => {
'format' => {
wide => {
nonleap => [
'rabiʻ I',
'rabiʻ II',
'jumada I',
'jumada II',
leap => [
'persian' => {
'format' => {
wide => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
} },
has 'calendar_days' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {
mon => 'man.',
tue => 'tir.',
wed => 'ons.',
thu => 'tor.',
fri => 'fre.',
sat => 'lør.',
sun => 'søn.'
narrow => {
mon => 'M',
tue => 'T',
wed => 'O',
thu => 'T',
fri => 'F',
sat => 'L',
sun => 'S'
short => {
mon => 'ma',
tue => 'ti',
wed => 'on',
thu => 'to',
fri => 'fr',
sat => 'lø',
sun => 'sø'
wide => {
mon => 'mandag',
tue => 'tirsdag',
wed => 'onsdag',
thu => 'torsdag',
fri => 'fredag',
sat => 'lørdag',
sun => 'søndag'
'stand-alone' => {
abbreviated => {
mon => 'man',
tue => 'tir',
wed => 'ons',
thu => 'tor',
fri => 'fre',
sat => 'lør',
sun => 'søn'
narrow => {
mon => 'M',
tue => 'T',
wed => 'O',
thu => 'T',
fri => 'F',
sat => 'L',
sun => 'S'
short => {
mon => 'ma',
tue => 'ti',
wed => 'on',
thu => 'to',
fri => 'fr',
sat => 'lø',
sun => 'sø'
wide => {
mon => 'mandag',
tue => 'tirsdag',
wed => 'onsdag',
thu => 'torsdag',
fri => 'fredag',
sat => 'lørdag',
sun => 'søndag'
} },
has 'calendar_quarters' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {0 => '1. kvt.',
1 => '2. kvt.',
2 => '3. kvt.',
3 => '4. kvt.'
narrow => {0 => '1',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4'
wide => {0 => '1. kvartal',
1 => '2. kvartal',
2 => '3. kvartal',
3 => '4. kvartal'
'stand-alone' => {
abbreviated => {0 => '1. kvt.',
1 => '2. kvt.',
2 => '3. kvt.',
3 => '4. kvt.'
narrow => {0 => '1',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4'
wide => {0 => '1. kvartal',
1 => '2. kvartal',
2 => '3. kvartal',
3 => '4. kvartal'
} },
has 'day_period_data' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => CodeRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { sub {
# Time in hhmm format
my ($self, $type, $time, $day_period_type) = @_;
$day_period_type //= 'default';
for ($type) {
if ($_ eq 'buddhist') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'coptic') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'ethiopic') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'generic') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'gregorian') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'hebrew') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'indian') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'islamic') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'japanese') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'persian') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
if ($_ eq 'roc') {
if($day_period_type eq 'default') {
return 'midnight' if $time == 0;
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
if($day_period_type eq 'selection') {
return 'afternoon1' if $time >= 1200
&& $time < 1800;
return 'evening1' if $time >= 1800
&& $time < 2400;
return 'morning1' if $time >= 500
&& $time < 1000;
return 'morning2' if $time >= 1000
&& $time < 1200;
return 'night1' if $time >= 0
&& $time < 500;
last SWITCH;
} },
around day_period_data => sub {
my ($orig, $self) = @_;
return $self->$orig;
has 'day_periods' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
'abbreviated' => {
'afternoon1' => q{om eftermiddagen},
'am' => q{AM},
'evening1' => q{om aftenen},
'midnight' => q{midnat},
'morning1' => q{om morgenen},
'morning2' => q{om formiddagen},
'night1' => q{om natten},
'pm' => q{PM},
'narrow' => {
'afternoon1' => q{om eftermiddagen},
'am' => q{a},
'evening1' => q{om aftenen},
'midnight' => q{midnat},
'morning1' => q{om morgenen},
'morning2' => q{om formiddagen},
'night1' => q{om natten},
'pm' => q{p},
'wide' => {
'afternoon1' => q{om eftermiddagen},
'am' => q{AM},
'evening1' => q{om aftenen},
'midnight' => q{midnat},
'morning1' => q{om morgenen},
'morning2' => q{om formiddagen},
'night1' => q{om natten},
'pm' => q{PM},
'stand-alone' => {
'abbreviated' => {
'afternoon1' => q{eftermiddag},
'am' => q{AM},
'evening1' => q{aften},
'midnight' => q{midnat},
'morning1' => q{morgen},
'morning2' => q{formiddag},
'night1' => q{nat},
'pm' => q{PM},
'narrow' => {
'afternoon1' => q{eftermiddag},
'am' => q{AM},
'evening1' => q{aften},
'midnight' => q{midnat},
'morning1' => q{morgen},
'morning2' => q{formiddag},
'night1' => q{nat},
'pm' => q{PM},
'wide' => {
'afternoon1' => q{eftermiddag},
'am' => q{AM},
'evening1' => q{aften},
'midnight' => q{midnat},
'morning1' => q{morgen},
'morning2' => q{formiddag},
'night1' => q{nat},
'pm' => q{PM},
} },
has 'eras' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'BE'
narrow => {
'0' => 'BE'
wide => {
'0' => 'BE'
'coptic' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => '0. tidsr.',
'1' => '1. tidsr.'
narrow => {
'0' => '0. t.',
'1' => '1. t.'
wide => {
'0' => '0. tidsregning',
'1' => '1. tidsregning'
'ethiopic' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => '0. tidsr.',
'1' => '1. tidsr.'
narrow => {
'0' => '0. t.',
'1' => '1. t.'
wide => {
'0' => '0. tidsregning',
'1' => '1. tidsregning'
'generic' => {
'gregorian' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'f.Kr.',
'1' => 'e.Kr.'
narrow => {
'0' => 'fKr',
'1' => 'eKr'
wide => {
'0' => 'f.Kr.',
'1' => 'e.Kr.'
'hebrew' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'AM'
narrow => {
'0' => 'AM'
wide => {
'0' => 'AM'
'indian' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'Saka'
narrow => {
'0' => 'Saka'
wide => {
'0' => 'Saka'
'islamic' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'AH'
narrow => {
'0' => 'AH'
wide => {
'0' => 'AH'
'japanese' => {
'persian' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'AP'
narrow => {
'0' => 'AP'
wide => {
'0' => 'AP'
'roc' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'før R.O.C.',
'1' => 'Minguo'
narrow => {
'0' => 'før R.O.C.',
'1' => 'Minguo'
wide => {
'0' => 'før R.O.C.',
'1' => 'Minguo'
} },
has 'date_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
'coptic' => {
'ethiopic' => {
'generic' => {
'full' => q{EEEE d. MMMM y G},
'long' => q{d. MMMM y G},
'medium' => q{d. MMM y G},
'short' => q{d/M/y},
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{EEEE 'den' d. MMMM y},
'long' => q{d. MMMM y},
'medium' => q{d. MMM y},
'short' => q{dd.MM.y},
'hebrew' => {
'indian' => {
'islamic' => {
'japanese' => {
'full' => q{EEEE d. MMMM y G},
'long' => q{d. MMMM y G},
'medium' => q{d. MMM y G},
'short' => q{d/M/y},
'persian' => {
'roc' => {
} },
has 'time_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
'coptic' => {
'ethiopic' => {
'generic' => {
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{HH.mm.ss zzzz},
'long' => q{HH.mm.ss z},
'medium' => q{HH.mm.ss},
'short' => q{HH.mm},
'hebrew' => {
'indian' => {
'islamic' => {
'japanese' => {
'persian' => {
'roc' => {
} },
has 'datetime_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
'coptic' => {
'ethiopic' => {
'generic' => {
'full' => q{{1} {0}},
'long' => q{{1} {0}},
'medium' => q{{1} {0}},
'short' => q{{1} {0}},
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{{1} 'kl'. {0}},
'long' => q{{1} 'kl'. {0}},
'medium' => q{{1} {0}},
'short' => q{{1} {0}},
'hebrew' => {
'indian' => {
'islamic' => {
'japanese' => {
'persian' => {
'roc' => {
} },
has 'datetime_formats_available_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'generic' => {
Bh => q{h B},
Bhm => q{h.mm B},
Bhms => q{h.mm.ss B},
E => q{ccc},
EBhm => q{E h.mm B},
EBhms => q{E h.mm.ss B},
EHm => q{E HH.mm},
EHms => q{E HH.mm.ss},
Ed => q{E 'd'. d.},
Ehm => q{E h.mm a},
Ehms => q{E h.mm.ss a},
Gy => q{y G},
GyMMM => q{MMM y G},
GyMMMEd => q{E d. MMM y G},
GyMMMd => q{d. MMM y G},
GyMd => q{d/M/y GGGGG},
H => q{HH},
Hm => q{HH.mm},
Hms => q{HH.mm.ss},
M => q{M},
MEd => q{E d/M},
MMM => q{MMM},
MMMEd => q{E d. MMM},
MMMMEd => q{E d. MMMM},
MMMMd => q{d. MMMM},
MMMd => q{d. MMM},
Md => q{d/M},
d => q{d.},
h => q{h a},
hm => q{h.mm a},
hms => q{h.mm.ss a},
ms => q{mm.ss},
y => q{y G},
yyyy => q{y G},
yyyyM => q{M/y G},
yyyyMEd => q{E d/M/y G},
yyyyMMM => q{MMM y G},
yyyyMMMEd => q{E d. MMM y G},
yyyyMMMM => q{MMMM y G},
yyyyMMMd => q{d. MMM y G},
yyyyMd => q{d/M/y G},
yyyyQQQ => q{QQQ y G},
yyyyQQQQ => q{QQQQ y G},
'gregorian' => {
Bh => q{h B},
Bhm => q{h.mm B},
Bhms => q{h.mm.ss B},
E => q{ccc},
EBhm => q{E h.mm B},
EBhms => q{E h.mm.ss B},
EHm => q{E HH.mm},
EHms => q{E HH.mm.ss},
Ed => q{E 'den' d.},
Ehm => q{E h.mm a},
Ehms => q{E h.mm.ss a},
Gy => q{y G},
GyMMM => q{MMM y G},
GyMMMEd => q{E d. MMM y G},
GyMMMd => q{d. MMM y G},
GyMd => q{d.M.y GGGGG},
H => q{HH},
Hm => q{HH.mm},
Hms => q{HH.mm.ss},
Hmsv => q{HH.mm.ss v},
Hmv => q{HH.mm v},
M => q{M},
MEd => q{E d.M},
MMM => q{MMM},
MMMEd => q{E d. MMM},
MMMMEd => q{E d. MMMM},
MMMMW => q{W. 'uge' 'i' MMMM},
MMMMd => q{d. MMMM},
MMMd => q{d. MMM},
MMdd => q{dd.MM},
Md => q{d.M},
d => q{d.},
h => q{h a},
hm => q{h.mm a},
hms => q{h.mm.ss a},
hmsv => q{h.mm.ss a v},
hmv => q{h.mm a v},
ms => q{mm.ss},
y => q{y},
yM => q{M.y},
yMEd => q{E d.M.y},
yMM => q{MM.y},
yMMM => q{MMM y},
yMMMEd => q{E d. MMM y},
yMMMM => q{MMMM y},
yMMMd => q{d. MMM y},
yMd => q{d.M.y},
yQQQ => q{QQQ y},
yQQQQ => q{QQQQ y},
yw => q{'uge' w 'i' Y},
} },
has 'datetime_formats_append_item' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'Day' => '{0} ({2}: {1})',
'Day-Of-Week' => '{0} {1}',
'Era' => '{1} {0}',
'Hour' => '{0} ({2}: {1})',
'Minute' => '{0} ({2}: {1})',
'Month' => '{0} ({2}: {1})',
'Quarter' => '{0} ({2}: {1})',
'Second' => '{0} ({2}: {1})',
'Timezone' => '{0} {1}',
'Week' => '{0} ({2}: {1})',
'Year' => '{1} {0}',
} },
has 'datetime_formats_interval' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'generic' => {
Bh => {
B => q{h B–h B},
Bhm => {
B => q{h.mm B–h.mm B},
h => q{h.mm–h.mm B},
m => q{h.mm–h.mm B},
Gy => {
G => q{y G–y G},
y => q{y–y G},
GyM => {
G => q{MM.y GGGGG–MM.y GGGGG},
M => q{MM.y–MM.y GGGGG},
y => q{MM.y–MM.y GGGGG},
GyMEd => {
G => q{E 'den' dd.MM.y GGGGG–E 'den' dd.MM.y GGGGG},
M => q{E 'den' dd.MM.y–E 'den' dd.MM.y GGGGG},
d => q{E 'den' dd.MM.y–E 'den' dd.MM.y GGGGG},
y => q{E 'den' dd.MM.y–E 'den' dd.MM.y GGGGG},
GyMMM => {
G => q{MMM y G–MMM y G},
M => q{MMM–MMM y G},
y => q{MMM y–MMM y G},
GyMMMEd => {
G => q{E 'den' d. MMM y G–E 'den' d. MMM y G},
M => q{E 'den' d. MMM–E 'den' d. MMM y G},
d => q{E 'den' d. MMM–E 'den' d. MMM y G},
y => q{E 'den' d. MMM y–E 'den' d. MMM y G},
GyMMMd => {
G => q{d. MMM y G–d. MMM y G},
M => q{d. MMM–d. MMM y G},
d => q{d.–d. MMM y G},
y => q{d. MMM y–d. MMM y G},
GyMd => {
G => q{dd.MM.y GGGGG–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
M => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
d => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
y => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
H => {
H => q{HH–HH},
Hm => {
H => q{HH.mm–HH.mm},
m => q{HH.mm–HH.mm},
Hmv => {
H => q{HH.mm–HH.mm v},
m => q{HH.mm–HH.mm v},
Hv => {
H => q{HH–HH v},
M => {
M => q{M–M},
MEd => {
M => q{E dd.MM–E dd.MM},
d => q{E dd.MM–E dd.MM},
MMM => {
M => q{MMM–MMM},
MMMEd => {
M => q{E 'den' d. MMM–E 'den' d. MMM},
d => q{E 'den' d.–E 'den' d. MMM},
MMMd => {
M => q{d. MMM–d. MMM},
d => q{d.–d. MMM},
Md => {
M => q{dd.MM–dd.MM},
d => q{dd.MM–dd.MM},
d => {
d => q{d.–d.},
fallback => '{0}-{1}',
h => {
a => q{h a – h a},
h => q{h–h a},
hm => {
a => q{h.mm a – h.mm a},
h => q{h.mm–h.mm a},
m => q{h.mm–h.mm a},
hmv => {
a => q{h.mm a – h.mm a v},
h => q{h.mm–h.mm a v},
m => q{h.mm–h.mm a v},
hv => {
a => q{h a – h a v},
h => q{h–h a v},
y => {
y => q{y–y G},
yM => {
M => q{MM.y–MM.y G},
y => q{MM.y–MM.y G},
yMEd => {
M => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y G},
d => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y G},
y => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y G},
yMMM => {
M => q{MMM–MMM y G},
y => q{MMM y–MMM y G},
yMMMEd => {
M => q{E 'den' d. MMM–E 'den' d. MMM y G},
d => q{E 'den' d.–E 'den' d. MMM y G},
y => q{E 'den' d. MMM y–E 'den' d. MMM y G},
yMMMM => {
M => q{MMMM–MMMM y G},
y => q{MMMM y–MMMM y G},
yMMMd => {
M => q{d. MMM–d. MMM y G},
d => q{d.–d. MMM y G},
y => q{d. MMM y–d. MMM y G},
yMd => {
M => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y G},
d => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y G},
y => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y G},
'gregorian' => {
Bh => {
B => q{h B–h B},
h => q{h–h B},
Bhm => {
B => q{h.mm B–h.mm B},
h => q{h.mm–h.mm B},
m => q{h.mm–h.mm B},
Gy => {
G => q{y G – y G},
y => q{y–y G},
GyM => {
G => q{MM.y GGGGG–MM.y GGGGG},
M => q{MM.y–MM.y GGGGG},
y => q{MM.y–MM.y GGGGG},
GyMEd => {
G => q{E dd.MM.y GGGGG–E dd.MM.y GGGGG},
M => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y GGGGG},
d => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y GGGGG},
y => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y GGGGG},
GyMMM => {
G => q{MMM y G–MMM y G},
M => q{MMM–MMM y G},
y => q{MMM y–MMM y G},
GyMMMEd => {
G => q{E d. MMM y G–E d. MMM y G},
M => q{E d. MMM–E d. MMM y G},
d => q{E d. MMM–E d. MMM y G},
y => q{E d. MMM y–E d. MMM y G},
GyMMMd => {
G => q{d. MMM y G–d. MMM y G},
M => q{d. MMM–d. MMM y G},
d => q{d.–d. MMM y G},
y => q{d. MMM y–d. MMM y G},
GyMd => {
G => q{dd.MM.y GGGGG–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
M => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
d => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
y => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y GGGGG},
H => {
H => q{HH–HH},
Hm => {
H => q{HH.mm–HH.mm},
m => q{HH.mm–HH.mm},
Hmv => {
H => q{HH.mm–HH.mm v},
m => q{HH.mm–HH.mm v},
Hv => {
H => q{HH–HH v},
M => {
M => q{M–M},
MEd => {
M => q{E dd.MM–E dd.MM},
d => q{E dd.MM–E dd.MM},
MMM => {
M => q{MMM–MMM},
MMMEd => {
M => q{E d. MMM–E d. MMM},
d => q{E d.–E d. MMM},
MMMd => {
M => q{d. MMM–d. MMM},
d => q{d.–d. MMM},
Md => {
M => q{dd.MM–dd.MM},
d => q{dd.MM–dd.MM},
d => {
d => q{d.–d.},
fallback => '{0}-{1}',
h => {
a => q{h a–h a},
h => q{h–h a},
hm => {
a => q{h.mm a–h.mm a},
h => q{h.mm–h.mm a},
m => q{h.mm–h.mm a},
hmv => {
a => q{h.mm a–h.mm a v},
h => q{h.mm–h.mm a v},
m => q{h.mm–h.mm a v},
hv => {
a => q{h a–h a v},
h => q{h–h a v},
y => {
y => q{y–y},
yM => {
M => q{MM.y–MM.y},
y => q{MM.y–MM.y},
yMEd => {
M => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y},
d => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y},
y => q{E dd.MM.y–E dd.MM.y},
yMMM => {
M => q{MMM–MMM y},
y => q{MMM y–MMM y},
yMMMEd => {
M => q{E d. MMM–E d. MMM y},
d => q{E d.–E d. MMM y},
y => q{E d. MMM y–E d. MMM y},
yMMMM => {
M => q{MMMM–MMMM y},
y => q{MMMM y–MMMM y},
yMMMd => {
M => q{d. MMM–d. MMM y},
d => q{d.–d. MMM y},
y => q{d. MMM y–d. MMM y},
yMd => {
M => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y},
d => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y},
y => q{dd.MM.y–dd.MM.y},
} },
has 'time_zone_names' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
hourFormat => q(+HH.mm;-HH.mm),
gmtFormat => q(GMT{0}),
gmtZeroFormat => q(GMT),
regionFormat => q({0}),
regionFormat => q({0} (+1)),
regionFormat => q({0} (+0)),
fallbackFormat => q({1} ({0})),
'Acre' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Acre-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Acre-tid#,
'standard' => q#Acre-normaltid#,
'Afghanistan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Afghansk tid#,
'Africa/Abidjan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Abidjan#,
'Africa/Accra' => {
exemplarCity => q#Accra#,
'Africa/Addis_Ababa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Addis Abeba#,
'Africa/Algiers' => {
exemplarCity => q#Algier#,
'Africa/Asmera' => {
exemplarCity => q#Asmara#,
'Africa/Bamako' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bamako#,
'Africa/Bangui' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bangui#,
'Africa/Banjul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Banjul#,
'Africa/Bissau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bissau#,
'Africa/Blantyre' => {
exemplarCity => q#Blantyre#,
'Africa/Brazzaville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Brazzaville#,
'Africa/Bujumbura' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bujumbura#,
'Africa/Cairo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cairo#,
'Africa/Casablanca' => {
exemplarCity => q#Casablanca#,
'Africa/Ceuta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ceuta#,
'Africa/Conakry' => {
exemplarCity => q#Conakry#,
'Africa/Dakar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dakar#,
'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dar es Salaam#,
'Africa/Djibouti' => {
exemplarCity => q#Djibouti#,
'Africa/Douala' => {
exemplarCity => q#Douala#,
'Africa/El_Aaiun' => {
exemplarCity => q#El Aaiun#,
'Africa/Freetown' => {
exemplarCity => q#Freetown#,
'Africa/Gaborone' => {
exemplarCity => q#Gaborone#,
'Africa/Harare' => {
exemplarCity => q#Harare#,
'Africa/Johannesburg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Johannesburg#,
'Africa/Juba' => {
exemplarCity => q#Juba#,
'Africa/Kampala' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kampala#,
'Africa/Khartoum' => {
exemplarCity => q#Khartoum#,
'Africa/Kigali' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kigali#,
'Africa/Kinshasa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kinshasa#,
'Africa/Lagos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lagos#,
'Africa/Libreville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Libreville#,
'Africa/Lome' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lome#,
'Africa/Luanda' => {
exemplarCity => q#Luanda#,
'Africa/Lubumbashi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lubumbashi#,
'Africa/Lusaka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lusaka#,
'Africa/Malabo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Malabo#,
'Africa/Maputo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Maputo#,
'Africa/Maseru' => {
exemplarCity => q#Maseru#,
'Africa/Mbabane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mbabane#,
'Africa/Mogadishu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mogadishu#,
'Africa/Monrovia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monrovia#,
'Africa/Nairobi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nairobi#,
'Africa/Ndjamena' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ndjamena#,
'Africa/Niamey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Niamey#,
'Africa/Nouakchott' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nouakchott#,
'Africa/Ouagadougou' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ouagadougou#,
'Africa/Porto-Novo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Porto-Novo#,
'Africa/Sao_Tome' => {
exemplarCity => q#São Tomé#,
'Africa/Tripoli' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tripoli#,
'Africa/Tunis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tunis#,
'Africa/Windhoek' => {
exemplarCity => q#Windhoek#,
'Africa_Central' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Centralafrikansk tid#,
'Africa_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Østafrikansk tid#,
'Africa_Southern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Sydafrikansk tid#,
'Africa_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vestafrikansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vestafrikansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Vestafrikansk normaltid#,
'Alaska' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Alaska-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Alaska-tid#,
'standard' => q#Alaska-normaltid#,
'Almaty' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Almaty-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Almaty-tid#,
'standard' => q#Almaty-normaltid#,
'Amazon' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Amazonas-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Amazonas-tid#,
'standard' => q#Amazonas-normaltid#,
'America/Adak' => {
exemplarCity => q#Adak#,
'America/Anchorage' => {
exemplarCity => q#Anchorage#,
'America/Anguilla' => {
exemplarCity => q#Anguilla#,
'America/Antigua' => {
exemplarCity => q#Antigua#,
'America/Araguaina' => {
exemplarCity => q#Araguaina#,
'America/Argentina/La_Rioja' => {
exemplarCity => q#La Rioja#,
'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rio Gallegos#,
'America/Argentina/Salta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Salta#,
'America/Argentina/San_Juan' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Juan#,
'America/Argentina/San_Luis' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Luis#,
'America/Argentina/Tucuman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tucuman#,
'America/Argentina/Ushuaia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ushuaia#,
'America/Aruba' => {
exemplarCity => q#Aruba#,
'America/Asuncion' => {
exemplarCity => q#Asunción#,
'America/Bahia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bahia#,
'America/Bahia_Banderas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bahia Banderas#,
'America/Barbados' => {
exemplarCity => q#Barbados#,
'America/Belem' => {
exemplarCity => q#Belem#,
'America/Belize' => {
exemplarCity => q#Belize#,
'America/Blanc-Sablon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Blanc-Sablon#,
'America/Boa_Vista' => {
exemplarCity => q#Boa Vista#,
'America/Bogota' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bogota#,
'America/Boise' => {
exemplarCity => q#Boise#,
'America/Buenos_Aires' => {
exemplarCity => q#Buenos Aires#,
'America/Cambridge_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cambridge Bay#,
'America/Campo_Grande' => {
exemplarCity => q#Campo Grande#,
'America/Cancun' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cancun#,
'America/Caracas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Caracas#,
'America/Catamarca' => {
exemplarCity => q#Catamarca#,
'America/Cayenne' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cayenne#,
'America/Cayman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Caymanøerne#,
'America/Chicago' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chicago#,
'America/Chihuahua' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chihuahua#,
'America/Coral_Harbour' => {
exemplarCity => q#Atikokan#,
'America/Cordoba' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cordoba#,
'America/Costa_Rica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Costa Rica#,
'America/Creston' => {
exemplarCity => q#Creston#,
'America/Cuiaba' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cuiaba#,
'America/Curacao' => {
exemplarCity => q#Curaçao#,
'America/Danmarkshavn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Danmarkshavn#,
'America/Dawson' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dawson#,
'America/Dawson_Creek' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dawson Creek#,
'America/Denver' => {
exemplarCity => q#Denver#,
'America/Detroit' => {
exemplarCity => q#Detroit#,
'America/Dominica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dominica#,
'America/Edmonton' => {
exemplarCity => q#Edmonton#,
'America/Eirunepe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Eirunepe#,
'America/El_Salvador' => {
exemplarCity => q#El Salvador#,
'America/Fort_Nelson' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fort Nelson#,
'America/Fortaleza' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fortaleza#,
'America/Glace_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Glace Bay#,
'America/Godthab' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nuuk#,
'America/Goose_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Goose Bay#,
'America/Grand_Turk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Grand Turk#,
'America/Grenada' => {
exemplarCity => q#Grenada#,
'America/Guadeloupe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guadeloupe#,
'America/Guatemala' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guatemala#,
'America/Guayaquil' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guayaquil#,
'America/Guyana' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guyana#,
'America/Halifax' => {
exemplarCity => q#Halifax#,
'America/Havana' => {
exemplarCity => q#Havana#,
'America/Hermosillo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hermosillo#,
'America/Indiana/Knox' => {
exemplarCity => q#Knox, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Marengo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Marengo, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Petersburg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Petersburg, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Tell_City' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tell City, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Vevay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vevay, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Vincennes' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vincennes, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Winamac' => {
exemplarCity => q#Winamac, Indiana#,
'America/Indianapolis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Indianapolis#,
'America/Inuvik' => {
exemplarCity => q#Inuvik#,
'America/Iqaluit' => {
exemplarCity => q#Iqaluit#,
'America/Jamaica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jamaica#,
'America/Jujuy' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jujuy#,
'America/Juneau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Juneau#,
'America/Kentucky/Monticello' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monticello, Kentucky#,
'America/Kralendijk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kralendijk#,
'America/La_Paz' => {
exemplarCity => q#La Paz#,
'America/Lima' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lima#,
'America/Los_Angeles' => {
exemplarCity => q#Los Angeles#,
'America/Louisville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Louisville#,
'America/Lower_Princes' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lower Prince’s Quarter#,
'America/Maceio' => {
exemplarCity => q#Maceio#,
'America/Managua' => {
exemplarCity => q#Managua#,
'America/Manaus' => {
exemplarCity => q#Manaus#,
'America/Marigot' => {
exemplarCity => q#Marigot#,
'America/Martinique' => {
exemplarCity => q#Martinique#,
'America/Matamoros' => {
exemplarCity => q#Matamoros#,
'America/Mazatlan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mazatlan#,
'America/Mendoza' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mendoza#,
'America/Menominee' => {
exemplarCity => q#Menominee#,
'America/Merida' => {
exemplarCity => q#Merida#,
'America/Metlakatla' => {
exemplarCity => q#Metlakatla#,
'America/Mexico_City' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mexico City#,
'America/Miquelon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Miquelon#,
'America/Moncton' => {
exemplarCity => q#Moncton#,
'America/Monterrey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monterrey#,
'America/Montevideo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Montevideo#,
'America/Montserrat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Montserrat#,
'America/Nassau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nassau#,
'America/New_York' => {
exemplarCity => q#New York#,
'America/Nipigon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nipigon#,
'America/Nome' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nome#,
'America/Noronha' => {
exemplarCity => q#Noronha#,
'America/North_Dakota/Beulah' => {
exemplarCity => q#Beulah, North Dakota#,
'America/North_Dakota/Center' => {
exemplarCity => q#Center, North Dakota#,
'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem' => {
exemplarCity => q#New Salem, North Dakota#,
'America/Ojinaga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ojinaga#,
'America/Panama' => {
exemplarCity => q#Panama#,
'America/Pangnirtung' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pangnirtung#,
'America/Paramaribo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Paramaribo#,
'America/Phoenix' => {
exemplarCity => q#Phoenix#,
'America/Port-au-Prince' => {
exemplarCity => q#Port-au-Prince#,
'America/Port_of_Spain' => {
exemplarCity => q#Port of Spain#,
'America/Porto_Velho' => {
exemplarCity => q#Porto Velho#,
'America/Puerto_Rico' => {
exemplarCity => q#Puerto Rico#,
'America/Punta_Arenas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Punta Arenas#,
'America/Rainy_River' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rainy River#,
'America/Rankin_Inlet' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rankin Inlet#,
'America/Recife' => {
exemplarCity => q#Recife#,
'America/Regina' => {
exemplarCity => q#Regina#,
'America/Resolute' => {
exemplarCity => q#Resolute#,
'America/Rio_Branco' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rio Branco#,
'America/Santa_Isabel' => {
exemplarCity => q#Santa Isabel#,
'America/Santarem' => {
exemplarCity => q#Santarem#,
'America/Santiago' => {
exemplarCity => q#Santiago#,
'America/Santo_Domingo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Santo Domingo#,
'America/Sao_Paulo' => {
exemplarCity => q#São Paulo#,
'America/Scoresbysund' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ittoqqortoormiit#,
'America/Sitka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sitka#,
'America/St_Barthelemy' => {
exemplarCity => q#Saint-Barthélemy#,
'America/St_Johns' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. John’s#,
'America/St_Kitts' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. Kitts#,
'America/St_Lucia' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. Lucia#,
'America/St_Thomas' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. Thomas#,
'America/St_Vincent' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. Vincent#,
'America/Swift_Current' => {
exemplarCity => q#Swift Current#,
'America/Tegucigalpa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tegucigalpa#,
'America/Thule' => {
exemplarCity => q#Thule#,
'America/Thunder_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Thunder Bay#,
'America/Tijuana' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tijuana#,
'America/Toronto' => {
exemplarCity => q#Toronto#,
'America/Tortola' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tortola#,
'America/Vancouver' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vancouver#,
'America/Whitehorse' => {
exemplarCity => q#Whitehorse#,
'America/Winnipeg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Winnipeg#,
'America/Yakutat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Yakutat#,
'America/Yellowknife' => {
exemplarCity => q#Yellowknife#,
'America_Central' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Central-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Central-tid#,
'standard' => q#Central-normaltid#,
'America_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Eastern-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Eastern-tid#,
'standard' => q#Eastern-normaltid#,
'America_Mountain' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Mountain-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Mountain-tid#,
'standard' => q#Mountain-normaltid#,
'America_Pacific' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Pacific-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Pacific-tid#,
'standard' => q#Pacific-normaltid#,
'Anadyr' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Anadyr-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Anadyr-tid#,
'standard' => q#Anadyr-normaltid#,
'Antarctica/Casey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Casey#,
'Antarctica/Davis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Davis#,
'Antarctica/DumontDUrville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dumont d’Urville#,
'Antarctica/Macquarie' => {
exemplarCity => q#Macquarie#,
'Antarctica/Mawson' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mawson#,
'Antarctica/McMurdo' => {
exemplarCity => q#McMurdo#,
'Antarctica/Palmer' => {
exemplarCity => q#Palmer#,
'Antarctica/Rothera' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rothera#,
'Antarctica/Syowa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Syowa#,
'Antarctica/Troll' => {
exemplarCity => q#Troll#,
'Antarctica/Vostok' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vostok#,
'Apia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Apia-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Apia-tid#,
'standard' => q#Apia-normaltid#,
'Aqtau' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Aqtau-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Aqtau-tid#,
'standard' => q#Aqtau-normaltid#,
'Aqtobe' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Aqtobe-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Aqtobe-tid#,
'standard' => q#Aqtobe-normaltid#,
'Arabian' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Arabisk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Arabisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Arabisk normaltid#,
'Arctic/Longyearbyen' => {
exemplarCity => q#Longyearbyen#,
'Argentina' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Argentinsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Argentisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Argentinsk normaltid#,
'Argentina_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vestargentinsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vestargentinsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Vestargentinsk normaltid#,
'Armenia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Armensk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Armensk tid#,
'standard' => q#Armensk normaltid#,
'Asia/Aden' => {
exemplarCity => q#Aden#,
'Asia/Almaty' => {
exemplarCity => q#Almaty#,
'Asia/Amman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Amman#,
'Asia/Anadyr' => {
exemplarCity => q#Anadyr#,
'Asia/Aqtau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Aktau#,
'Asia/Aqtobe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Aktobe#,
'Asia/Ashgabat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Asjkhabad#,
'Asia/Atyrau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Atyrau#,
'Asia/Baghdad' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bagdad#,
'Asia/Bahrain' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bahrain#,
'Asia/Baku' => {
exemplarCity => q#Baku#,
'Asia/Bangkok' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bangkok#,
'Asia/Barnaul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Barnaul#,
'Asia/Beirut' => {
exemplarCity => q#Beirut#,
'Asia/Bishkek' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bisjkek#,
'Asia/Brunei' => {
exemplarCity => q#Brunei#,
'Asia/Calcutta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kolkata#,
'Asia/Chita' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chita#,
'Asia/Choibalsan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tsjojbalsan#,
'Asia/Colombo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Colombo#,
'Asia/Damascus' => {
exemplarCity => q#Damaskus#,
'Asia/Dhaka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dhaka#,
'Asia/Dili' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dili#,
'Asia/Dubai' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dubai#,
'Asia/Dushanbe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dusjanbe#,
'Asia/Famagusta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Famagusta#,
'Asia/Gaza' => {
exemplarCity => q#Gaza#,
'Asia/Hebron' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hebron#,
'Asia/Hong_Kong' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hongkong#,
'Asia/Hovd' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hovd#,
'Asia/Irkutsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Irkutsk#,
'Asia/Jakarta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jakarta#,
'Asia/Jayapura' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jayapura#,
'Asia/Jerusalem' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jerusalem#,
'Asia/Kabul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kabul#,
'Asia/Kamchatka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kamtjatka#,
'Asia/Karachi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Karachi#,
'Asia/Katmandu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Katmandu#,
'Asia/Khandyga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Khandyga#,
'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Krasnojarsk#,
'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kuala Lumpur#,
'Asia/Kuching' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kuching#,
'Asia/Kuwait' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kuwait#,
'Asia/Macau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Macao#,
'Asia/Magadan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Magadan#,
'Asia/Makassar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Makassar#,
'Asia/Manila' => {
exemplarCity => q#Manila#,
'Asia/Muscat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Muscat#,
'Asia/Nicosia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nicosia#,
'Asia/Novokuznetsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Novokusnetsk#,
'Asia/Novosibirsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Novosibirsk#,
'Asia/Omsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Omsk#,
'Asia/Oral' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oral#,
'Asia/Phnom_Penh' => {
exemplarCity => q#Phnom Penh#,
'Asia/Pontianak' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pontianak#,
'Asia/Pyongyang' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pyongyang#,
'Asia/Qatar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Qatar#,
'Asia/Qostanay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kostanay#,
'Asia/Qyzylorda' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kyzylorda#,
'Asia/Rangoon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rangoon#,
'Asia/Riyadh' => {
exemplarCity => q#Riyadh#,
'Asia/Saigon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ho Chi Minh City#,
'Asia/Sakhalin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sakhalin#,
'Asia/Samarkand' => {
exemplarCity => q#Samarkand#,
'Asia/Seoul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Seoul#,
'Asia/Shanghai' => {
exemplarCity => q#Shanghai#,
'Asia/Singapore' => {
exemplarCity => q#Singapore#,
'Asia/Srednekolymsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Srednekolymsk#,
'Asia/Taipei' => {
exemplarCity => q#Taipei#,
'Asia/Tashkent' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tasjkent#,
'Asia/Tbilisi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tbilisi#,
'Asia/Tehran' => {
exemplarCity => q#Teheran#,
'Asia/Thimphu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Thimphu#,
'Asia/Tokyo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tokyo#,
'Asia/Tomsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tomsk#,
'Asia/Ulaanbaatar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ulan Bator#,
'Asia/Urumqi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ürümqi#,
'Asia/Ust-Nera' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ust-Nera#,
'Asia/Vientiane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vientiane#,
'Asia/Vladivostok' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vladivostok#,
'Asia/Yakutsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jakutsk#,
'Asia/Yekaterinburg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jekaterinburg#,
'Asia/Yerevan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jerevan#,
'Atlantic' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Atlantic-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Atlantic-tid#,
'standard' => q#Atlantic-normaltid#,
'Atlantic/Azores' => {
exemplarCity => q#Azorerne#,
'Atlantic/Bermuda' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bermuda#,
'Atlantic/Canary' => {
exemplarCity => q#De Kanariske Øer#,
'Atlantic/Cape_Verde' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kap Verde#,
'Atlantic/Faeroe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Færøerne#,
'Atlantic/Madeira' => {
exemplarCity => q#Madeira#,
'Atlantic/Reykjavik' => {
exemplarCity => q#Reykjavik#,
'Atlantic/South_Georgia' => {
exemplarCity => q#South Georgia#,
'Atlantic/St_Helena' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. Helena#,
'Atlantic/Stanley' => {
exemplarCity => q#Stanley#,
'Australia/Adelaide' => {
exemplarCity => q#Adelaide#,
'Australia/Brisbane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Brisbane#,
'Australia/Broken_Hill' => {
exemplarCity => q#Broken Hill#,
'Australia/Currie' => {
exemplarCity => q#Currie#,
'Australia/Darwin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Darwin#,
'Australia/Eucla' => {
exemplarCity => q#Eucla#,
'Australia/Hobart' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hobart#,
'Australia/Lindeman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lindeman#,
'Australia/Lord_Howe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lord Howe#,
'Australia/Melbourne' => {
exemplarCity => q#Melbourne#,
'Australia/Perth' => {
exemplarCity => q#Perth#,
'Australia/Sydney' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sydney#,
'Australia_Central' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Centralaustralsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Centralaustralsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Centralaustralsk normaltid#,
'Australia_CentralWestern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vestlig centralaustralsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vestlig centralaustralsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Vestlig centralaustralsk normaltid#,
'Australia_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Østaustralsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Østaustralsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Østaustralsk normaltid#,
'Australia_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vestaustralsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vestaustralsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Vestaustralsk normaltid#,
'Azerbaijan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Aserbajdsjansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Aserbajdsjansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Aserbajdsjansk normaltid#,
'Azores' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Azorerne-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Azorerne-tid#,
'standard' => q#Azorerne-normaltid#,
'Bangladesh' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Bangladesh-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Bangladesh-tid#,
'standard' => q#Bangladesh-normaltid#,
'Bhutan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Bhutan-tid#,
'Bolivia' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Boliviansk tid#,
'Brasilia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Brasiliansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Brasiliansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Brasiliansk normaltid#,
'Brunei' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Brunei Darussalam-tid#,
'Cape_Verde' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Kap Verde-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Kap Verde-tid#,
'standard' => q#Kap Verde-normaltid#,
'Chamorro' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Chamorro-tid#,
'Chatham' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Chatham-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Chatham-tid#,
'standard' => q#Chatham-normaltid#,
'Chile' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Chilensk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Chilensk tid#,
'standard' => q#Chilensk normaltid#,
'China' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Kinesisk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Kinesisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Kinesisk normaltid#,
'Choibalsan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Tsjojbalsan-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Tsjojbalsan-tid#,
'standard' => q#Tsjojbalsan-normaltid#,
'Christmas' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Juleøen-normaltid#,
'Cocos' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Cocosøerne-normaltid#,
'Colombia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Colombiansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Colombiansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Colombiansk normaltid#,
'Cook' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Cookøerne-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Cookøerne-tid#,
'standard' => q#Cookøerne-normaltid#,
'Cuba' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Cubansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Cubansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Cubansk normaltid#,
'Davis' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Davis-tid#,
'DumontDUrville' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Dumont-d’Urville-tid#,
'East_Timor' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Østtimor-tid#,
'Easter' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Påskeøen-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Påskeøen-tid#,
'standard' => q#Påskeøen-normaltid#,
'Ecuador' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Ecuadoriansk tid#,
'Etc/UTC' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Koordineret universaltid#,
'Etc/Unknown' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ukendt by#,
'Europe/Amsterdam' => {
exemplarCity => q#Amsterdam#,
'Europe/Andorra' => {
exemplarCity => q#Andorra#,
'Europe/Astrakhan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Astrakhan#,
'Europe/Athens' => {
exemplarCity => q#Athen#,
'Europe/Belgrade' => {
exemplarCity => q#Beograd#,
'Europe/Berlin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Berlin#,
'Europe/Bratislava' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bratislava#,
'Europe/Brussels' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bruxelles#,
'Europe/Bucharest' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bukarest#,
'Europe/Budapest' => {
exemplarCity => q#Budapest#,
'Europe/Busingen' => {
exemplarCity => q#Busingen#,
'Europe/Chisinau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chisinau#,
'Europe/Copenhagen' => {
exemplarCity => q#København#,
'Europe/Dublin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dublin#,
long => {
'daylight' => q#Irsk normaltid#,
'Europe/Gibraltar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Gibraltar#,
'Europe/Guernsey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guernsey#,
'Europe/Helsinki' => {
exemplarCity => q#Helsinki#,
'Europe/Isle_of_Man' => {
exemplarCity => q#Isle of Man#,
'Europe/Istanbul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Istanbul#,
'Europe/Jersey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jersey#,
'Europe/Kaliningrad' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kaliningrad#,
'Europe/Kiev' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kiev#,
'Europe/Kirov' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kirov#,
'Europe/Lisbon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lissabon#,
'Europe/Ljubljana' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ljubljana#,
'Europe/London' => {
exemplarCity => q#London#,
long => {
'daylight' => q#Britisk sommertid#,
'Europe/Luxembourg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Luxembourg#,
'Europe/Madrid' => {
exemplarCity => q#Madrid#,
'Europe/Malta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Malta#,
'Europe/Mariehamn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mariehamn#,
'Europe/Minsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Minsk#,
'Europe/Monaco' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monaco#,
'Europe/Moscow' => {
exemplarCity => q#Moskva#,
'Europe/Oslo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oslo#,
'Europe/Paris' => {
exemplarCity => q#Paris#,
'Europe/Podgorica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Podgorica#,
'Europe/Prague' => {
exemplarCity => q#Prag#,
'Europe/Riga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Riga#,
'Europe/Rome' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rom#,
'Europe/Samara' => {
exemplarCity => q#Samara#,
'Europe/San_Marino' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Marino#,
'Europe/Sarajevo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sarajevo#,
'Europe/Saratov' => {
exemplarCity => q#Saratov#,
'Europe/Simferopol' => {
exemplarCity => q#Simferopol#,
'Europe/Skopje' => {
exemplarCity => q#Skopje#,
'Europe/Sofia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sofia#,
'Europe/Stockholm' => {
exemplarCity => q#Stockholm#,
'Europe/Tallinn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tallinn#,
'Europe/Tirane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tirana#,
'Europe/Ulyanovsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Uljanovsk#,
'Europe/Uzhgorod' => {
exemplarCity => q#Uzjhorod#,
'Europe/Vaduz' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vaduz#,
'Europe/Vatican' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vatikanet#,
'Europe/Vienna' => {
exemplarCity => q#Wien#,
'Europe/Vilnius' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vilnius#,
'Europe/Volgograd' => {
exemplarCity => q#Volgograd#,
'Europe/Warsaw' => {
exemplarCity => q#Warszawa#,
'Europe/Zagreb' => {
exemplarCity => q#Zagreb#,
'Europe/Zaporozhye' => {
exemplarCity => q#Zaporizjzja#,
'Europe/Zurich' => {
exemplarCity => q#Zürich#,
'Europe_Central' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Centraleuropæisk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Centraleuropæisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Centraleuropæisk normaltid#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#CEST#,
'generic' => q#CET#,
'standard' => q#CET#,
'Europe_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Østeuropæisk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Østeuropæisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Østeuropæisk normaltid#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#EEST#,
'generic' => q#EET#,
'standard' => q#EET#,
'Europe_Further_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Fjernøsteuropæisk tid#,
'Europe_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vesteuropæisk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vesteuropæisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Vesteuropæisk normaltid#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#WEST#,
'generic' => q#WET#,
'standard' => q#WET#,
'Falkland' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Falklandsøerne-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Falklandsøerne-tid#,
'standard' => q#Falklandsøerne-normaltid#,
'Fiji' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Fijiansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Fijiansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Fijiansk normaltid#,
'French_Guiana' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Fransk Guyana-tid#,
'French_Southern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Franske Sydlige og Antarktiske Territorier-tid#,
'GMT' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#GMT#,
'Galapagos' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Galapagos-tid#,
'Gambier' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Gambier-tid#,
'Georgia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Georgisk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Georgisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Georgisk normaltid#,
'Gilbert_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Gilbertøerne-tid#,
'Greenland_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Østgrønlandsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Østgrønlandsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Østgrønlandsk normaltid#,
'Greenland_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vestgrønlandsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vestgrønlandsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Vestgrønlandsk normaltid#,
'Guam' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Guam-normaltid#,
'Gulf' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Golflandene-normaltid#,
'Guyana' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Guyana-tid#,
'Hawaii_Aleutian' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Hawaii-Aleutian-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Hawaii-Aleutian-tid#,
'standard' => q#Hawaii-Aleutian-normaltid#,
'Hong_Kong' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Hongkong-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Hongkong-tid#,
'standard' => q#Hongkong-normaltid#,
'Hovd' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Hovd-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Hovd-tid#,
'standard' => q#Hovd-normaltid#,
'India' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Indisk normaltid#,
'Indian/Antananarivo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Antananarivo#,
'Indian/Chagos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chagos#,
'Indian/Christmas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Juleøen#,
'Indian/Cocos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cocos#,
'Indian/Comoro' => {
exemplarCity => q#Comorerne#,
'Indian/Kerguelen' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kerguelen#,
'Indian/Mahe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mahe#,
'Indian/Maldives' => {
exemplarCity => q#Maldiverne#,
'Indian/Mauritius' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mauritius#,
'Indian/Mayotte' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mayotte#,
'Indian/Reunion' => {
exemplarCity => q#Réunion#,
'Indian_Ocean' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Indiske Ocean-normaltid#,
'Indochina' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Indokina-tid#,
'Indonesia_Central' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Centralindonesisk tid#,
'Indonesia_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Østindonesisk tid#,
'Indonesia_Western' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Vestindonesisk tid#,
'Iran' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Iransk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Iransk tid#,
'standard' => q#Iransk normaltid#,
'Irkutsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Irkutsk-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Irkutsk-tid#,
'standard' => q#Irkutsk-normaltid#,
'Israel' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Israelsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Israelsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Israelsk normaltid#,
'Japan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Japansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Japansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Japansk normaltid#,
'Kamchatka' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski tid#,
'standard' => q#Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski normaltid#,
'Kazakhstan_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Østkasakhstansk tid#,
'Kazakhstan_Western' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Vestkasakhstansk tid#,
'Korea' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Koreansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Koreansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Koreansk normaltid#,
'Kosrae' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Kosrae-tid#,
'Krasnoyarsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Krasnojarsk-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Krasnojarsk-tid#,
'standard' => q#Krasnojarsk-normaltid#,
'Kyrgystan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Kirgisisk tid#,
'Lanka' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Langa tid#,
'Line_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Linjeøerne-tid#,
'Lord_Howe' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Lord Howe-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Lord Howe-tid#,
'standard' => q#Lord Howe-normaltid#,
'Macau' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Macao-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Macao-tid#,
'standard' => q#Macao-normaltid#,
'Macquarie' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Macquarie-tid#,
'Magadan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Magadan-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Magadan-tid#,
'standard' => q#Magadan-normaltid#,
'Malaysia' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Malaysia-tid#,
'Maldives' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Maldiverne-tid#,
'Marquesas' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Marquesas-tid#,
'Marshall_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Marshalløerne-tid#,
'Mauritius' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Mauritius-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Mauritius-tid#,
'standard' => q#Mauritius-normaltid#,
'Mawson' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Mawson-tid#,
'Mexico_Northwest' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Nordvestmexicansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Nordvestmexicansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Nordvestmexicansk normaltid#,
'Mexico_Pacific' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Mexicansk Pacific-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Mexicansk Pacific-tid#,
'standard' => q#Mexicansk Pacific-normaltid#,
'Mongolia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Ulan Bator-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Ulan Bator-tid#,
'standard' => q#Ulan Bator-normaltid#,
'Moscow' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Moskva-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Moskva-tid#,
'standard' => q#Moskva-normaltid#,
'Myanmar' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Myanmar-tid#,
'Nauru' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Nauru-tid#,
'Nepal' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Nepalesisk tid#,
'New_Caledonia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Ny Kaledonien-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Ny Kaledonien-tid#,
'standard' => q#Ny Kaledonien-normaltid#,
'New_Zealand' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Newzealandsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Newzealandsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Newzealandsk normaltid#,
'Newfoundland' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Newfoundlandsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Newfoundlandsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Newfoundlandsk normaltid#,
'Niue' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Niue-tid#,
'Norfolk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Norfolk Island-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Norfolk Island-tid#,
'standard' => q#Norfolk Island-normaltid#,
'Noronha' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Fernando de Noronha-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Fernando de Noronha-tid#,
'standard' => q#Fernando de Noronha-normaltid#,
'North_Mariana' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Nordmarianerne-tid#,
'Novosibirsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Novosibirsk-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Novosibirsk-tid#,
'standard' => q#Novosibirsk-normaltid#,
'Omsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Omsk-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Omsk-tid#,
'standard' => q#Omsk-normaltid#,
'Pacific/Apia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Apia#,
'Pacific/Auckland' => {
exemplarCity => q#Auckland#,
'Pacific/Bougainville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bougainville#,
'Pacific/Chatham' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chatham#,
'Pacific/Easter' => {
exemplarCity => q#Påskeøen#,
'Pacific/Efate' => {
exemplarCity => q#Efate#,
'Pacific/Enderbury' => {
exemplarCity => q#Enderbury#,
'Pacific/Fakaofo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fakaofo#,
'Pacific/Fiji' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fiji#,
'Pacific/Funafuti' => {
exemplarCity => q#Funafuti#,
'Pacific/Galapagos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Galapagos#,
'Pacific/Gambier' => {
exemplarCity => q#Gambier#,
'Pacific/Guadalcanal' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guadalcanal#,
'Pacific/Guam' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guam#,
'Pacific/Honolulu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Honolulu#,
'Pacific/Johnston' => {
exemplarCity => q#Johnston#,
'Pacific/Kiritimati' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kiritimati#,
'Pacific/Kosrae' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kosrae#,
'Pacific/Kwajalein' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kwajalein#,
'Pacific/Majuro' => {
exemplarCity => q#Majuro#,
'Pacific/Marquesas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Marquesas#,
'Pacific/Midway' => {
exemplarCity => q#Midway#,
'Pacific/Nauru' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nauru#,
'Pacific/Niue' => {
exemplarCity => q#Niue#,
'Pacific/Norfolk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Norfolk#,
'Pacific/Noumea' => {
exemplarCity => q#Noumea#,
'Pacific/Pago_Pago' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pago Pago#,
'Pacific/Palau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Palau#,
'Pacific/Pitcairn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pitcairn#,
'Pacific/Ponape' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pohnpei#,
'Pacific/Port_Moresby' => {
exemplarCity => q#Port Moresby#,
'Pacific/Rarotonga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rarotonga#,
'Pacific/Saipan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Saipan#,
'Pacific/Tahiti' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tahiti#,
'Pacific/Tarawa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tarawa#,
'Pacific/Tongatapu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tongatapu#,
'Pacific/Truk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chuuk#,
'Pacific/Wake' => {
exemplarCity => q#Wake#,
'Pacific/Wallis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Wallis#,
'Pakistan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Pakistansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Pakistansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Pakistansk normaltid#,
'Palau' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Palau-normaltid#,
'Papua_New_Guinea' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Papua Ny Guinea-tid#,
'Paraguay' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Paraguayansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Paraguayansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Paraguayansk normaltid#,
'Peru' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Peruviansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Peruviansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Peruviansk normaltid#,
'Philippines' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Filippinsk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Filippinsk tid#,
'standard' => q#Filippinsk normaltid#,
'Phoenix_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Phoenixøen-tid#,
'Pierre_Miquelon' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Saint Pierre- og Miquelon-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Saint Pierre- og Miquelon-tid#,
'standard' => q#Saint Pierre- og Miquelon-normaltid#,
'Pitcairn' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Pitcairn-tid#,
'Ponape' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Ponape-tid#,
'Pyongyang' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Pyongyang-tid#,
'Qyzylorda' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Qyzylorda-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Qyzylorda-tid#,
'standard' => q#Qyzylorda-normaltid#,
'Reunion' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Reunion-tid#,
'Rothera' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Rothera-tid#,
'Sakhalin' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Sakhalin-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Sakhalin-tid#,
'standard' => q#Sakhalin-normaltid#,
'Samara' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Samara-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Samara-tid#,
'standard' => q#Samara-normaltid#,
'Samoa' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Samoansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Samoansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Samoansk normaltid#,
'Seychelles' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Seychellisk tid#,
'Singapore' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Singapore-tid#,
'Solomon' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Salomonøerne-tid#,
'South_Georgia' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#South Georgia-tid#,
'Suriname' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Surinam-tid#,
'Syowa' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Syowa-tid#,
'Tahiti' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Tahiti-tid#,
'Taipei' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Taipei-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Taipei-tid#,
'standard' => q#Taipei-normaltid#,
'Tajikistan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Tadsjikisk tid#,
'Tokelau' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Tokelau-tid#,
'Tonga' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Tongansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Tongansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Tongansk normaltid#,
'Truk' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Chuuk-tid#,
'Turkmenistan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Turkmensk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Turkmensk tid#,
'standard' => q#Turkmensk normaltid#,
'Tuvalu' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Tuvalu-tid#,
'Uruguay' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Uruguayansk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Uruguayansk tid#,
'standard' => q#Uruguayansk normaltid#,
'Uzbekistan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Usbekisk sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Usbekisk tid#,
'standard' => q#Usbekisk normaltid#,
'Vanuatu' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vanuatu-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vanuatu-tid#,
'standard' => q#Vanuatu-normaltid#,
'Venezuela' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Venezuelansk tid#,
'Vladivostok' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Vladivostok-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Vladivostok-tid#,
'standard' => q#Vladivostok-normaltid#,
'Volgograd' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Volgograd-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Volgograd-tid#,
'standard' => q#Volgograd-normaltid#,
'Vostok' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Vostok-tid#,
'Wake' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Wake Island-tid#,
'Wallis' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Wallis og Futuna-tid#,
'Yakutsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Jakutsk-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Jakutsk-tid#,
'standard' => q#Jakutsk-normaltid#,
'Yekaterinburg' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Jekaterinburg-sommertid#,
'generic' => q#Jekaterinburg-tid#,
'standard' => q#Jekaterinburg-normaltid#,
'Yukon' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Yukon-tid#,
} }
no Moo;
# vim: tabstop=4