=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Locale::CLDR::Locales::Ga - Package for language Irish
package Locale::CLDR::Locales::Ga;
# This file auto generated from Data\common\main\ga.xml
# on Sun 31 Dec 6:09:26 pm GMT
use strict;
use warnings;
use version;
our $VERSION = version->declare('v0.40.0');
use v5.10.1;
use mro 'c3';
use utf8;
use if $^V ge v5.12.0, feature => 'unicode_strings';
use Types::Standard qw( Str Int HashRef ArrayRef CodeRef RegexpRef );
use Moo;
has 'valid_algorithmic_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ArrayRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {[ 'spellout-numbering-year','spellout-numbering','spellout-cardinal','digits-ordinal' ]},
has 'algorithmic_number_format_data' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
use bigfloat;
return {
'2d-year' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(agus =%spellout-numbering=),
'10' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-numbering-no-a=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-numbering-no-a=),
'billions' => {
'private' => {
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(billiún),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= billiún),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= billiún déag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= billiún),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-billions→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-billions→),
'digits-ordinal' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(−→→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=#,##0=ú),
'max' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=#,##0=ú),
'hundreds' => {
'private' => {
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(céad),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(dhá chéad),
'3' => {
base_value => q(3),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(trí chéad),
'4' => {
base_value => q(4),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ceithre chéad),
'5' => {
base_value => q(5),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(cúig chéad),
'6' => {
base_value => q(6),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(sé chéad),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(seacht gcéad),
'8' => {
base_value => q(8),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ocht gcéad),
'9' => {
base_value => q(9),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(naoi gcéad),
'max' => {
base_value => q(9),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(naoi gcéad),
'is' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(),
'10' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'is-billions' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' billiún),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is =%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= billiún),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(' is =%%billions=),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%billions=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%billions=),
'is-millions' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%%million=),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is =%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= =%%million=),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(' is =%%millions=),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%millions=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%millions=),
'is-number' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is =%spellout-numbering=),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%spellout-numbering=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%spellout-numbering=),
'is-numberp' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is =%%numberp=),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%%numberp=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%%numberp=),
'is-quadrillions' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' quadrilliún),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is =%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= quadrilliún),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(' is =%%quadrillions=),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%quadrillions=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%quadrillions=),
'is-thousands' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%%thousand=),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is =%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= =%%thousand=),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(' is =%%thousands=),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%thousands=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%thousands=),
'is-trillions' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' =%%trillion=),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(' is =%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= =%%trillion=),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(' is =%%trillions=),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%trillions=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%is= =%%trillions=),
'lenient-parse' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(& ' ' , ',' ),
'max' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(& ' ' , ',' ),
'million' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(milliún),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(mhilliún),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(milliún),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'millions' => {
'private' => {
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(milliún),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= =%%millionsp=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-millions→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-millions→),
'millionsp' => {
'private' => {
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%million=),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%million= déag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%million=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%million=),
'numberp' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart=),
'12' => {
base_value => q(12),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(dó dhéag),
'13' => {
base_value => q(13),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= déag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart=),
'quadrillions' => {
'private' => {
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(quadrilliún),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= quadrilliún),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= quadrilliún déag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= quadrilliún),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-quadrillions→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-quadrillions→),
'spellout-cardinal' => {
'public' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'spellout-cardinal-prefixpart' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(náid),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(aon),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(dhá),
'3' => {
base_value => q(3),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(trí),
'4' => {
base_value => q(4),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ceithre),
'5' => {
base_value => q(5),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(cúig),
'6' => {
base_value => q(6),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(sé),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(seacht),
'8' => {
base_value => q(8),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ocht),
'9' => {
base_value => q(9),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(naoi),
'10' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(deich),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(fiche[ is →→]),
'30' => {
base_value => q(30),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(tríocha[ is →→]),
'40' => {
base_value => q(40),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(daichead[ is →→]),
'50' => {
base_value => q(50),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(caoga[ is →→]),
'60' => {
base_value => q(60),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(seasca[ is →→]),
'70' => {
base_value => q(70),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(seachtó[ is →→]),
'80' => {
base_value => q(80),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(ochtó[ is →→]),
'90' => {
base_value => q(90),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(nócha[ is →→]),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←[→%%is-numberp→]),
'1000' => {
base_value => q(1000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(←%%thousands←[, →%%numberp→]),
'1000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(←%%millions←[, →%%numberp→]),
'1000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(←%%billions←[, →%%numberp→]),
'1000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(←%%trillions←[, →%%numberp→]),
'1000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(←%%quadrillions←[, →%%numberp→]),
'1000000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'spellout-numbering' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(míneas →→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a náid),
'x.x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(←← pointe →→),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a haon),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a dó),
'3' => {
base_value => q(3),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a trí),
'4' => {
base_value => q(4),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a ceathair),
'5' => {
base_value => q(5),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a cúig),
'6' => {
base_value => q(6),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a sé),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a seacht),
'8' => {
base_value => q(8),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a hocht),
'9' => {
base_value => q(9),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(a naoi),
'10' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(a deich),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→ déag),
'12' => {
base_value => q(12),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→ dhéag),
'13' => {
base_value => q(13),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→ déag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(fiche[ →→]),
'30' => {
base_value => q(30),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(tríocha[ →→]),
'40' => {
base_value => q(40),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(daichead[ →→]),
'50' => {
base_value => q(50),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(caoga[ →→]),
'60' => {
base_value => q(60),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(seasca[ →→]),
'70' => {
base_value => q(70),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(seachtó[ →→]),
'80' => {
base_value => q(80),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(ochtó[ →→]),
'90' => {
base_value => q(90),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(nócha[ →→]),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←[→%%is-number→]),
'1000' => {
base_value => q(1000),
divisor => q(1000),
rule => q(←%%thousands←[, →%spellout-numbering→]),
'1000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000),
divisor => q(1000000),
rule => q(←%%millions←[, →%spellout-numbering→]),
'1000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000),
rule => q(←%%billions←[, →%spellout-numbering→]),
'1000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000),
rule => q(←%%trillions←[, →%spellout-numbering→]),
'1000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000),
rule => q(←%%quadrillions←[, →%spellout-numbering→]),
'1000000000000000000' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(1000000000000000000),
divisor => q(1000000000000000000),
rule => q(=#,##0=),
'spellout-numbering-no-a' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(náid),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(aon),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(dó),
'3' => {
base_value => q(3),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(trí),
'4' => {
base_value => q(4),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ceathair),
'5' => {
base_value => q(5),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(cúig),
'6' => {
base_value => q(6),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(sé),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(seacht),
'8' => {
base_value => q(8),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(ocht),
'9' => {
base_value => q(9),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(naoi),
'10' => {
base_value => q(10),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(deich),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→ déag),
'12' => {
base_value => q(12),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→ dhéag),
'13' => {
base_value => q(13),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→ déag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'spellout-numbering-year' => {
'public' => {
'-x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(míneas →→),
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'x.x' => {
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=0.0=),
'1000' => {
base_value => q(1000),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%spellout-numbering-no-a← →%%2d-year→),
'10000' => {
base_value => q(10000),
divisor => q(10000),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(10000),
divisor => q(10000),
rule => q(=%spellout-numbering=),
'thousand' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(míle),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(mhíle),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(míle),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'thousandp' => {
'private' => {
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%thousand=),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%thousand= dhéag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%thousand=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%thousand=),
'thousands' => {
'private' => {
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(míle),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= =%%thousandp=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-thousands→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-thousands→),
'trillion' => {
'private' => {
'0' => {
base_value => q(0),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(dtrilliún),
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(thrilliún),
'7' => {
base_value => q(7),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(dtrilliún),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(→→),
'trillions' => {
'private' => {
'1' => {
base_value => q(1),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(thrilliún),
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%spellout-cardinal-prefixpart= =%%trillionsp=),
'100' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-trillions→),
'max' => {
base_value => q(100),
divisor => q(100),
rule => q(←%%hundreds←→%%is-trillions→),
'trillionsp' => {
'private' => {
'2' => {
base_value => q(2),
divisor => q(1),
rule => q(=%%trillion=),
'11' => {
base_value => q(11),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%trillion= déag),
'20' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%trillion=),
'max' => {
base_value => q(20),
divisor => q(10),
rule => q(=%%trillion=),
} },
# Need to add code for Key type pattern
sub display_name_pattern {
my ($self, $name, $region, $script, $variant) = @_;
my $display_pattern = '{0} ({1})';
$display_pattern =~s/\{0\}/$name/g;
my $subtags = join '{0}, {1}', grep {$_} (
$display_pattern =~s/\{1\}/$subtags/g;
return $display_pattern;
has 'display_name_language' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => CodeRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
sub {
my %languages = (
'aa' => 'Afáiris',
'ab' => 'Abcáisis',
'ady' => 'Adaigéis',
'ae' => 'Aivéistis',
'af' => 'Afracáinis',
'agq' => 'Aigeimis',
'ain' => 'Aidhniúis',
'ak' => 'Acáinis',
'akk' => 'Acáidis',
'am' => 'Amáiris',
'an' => 'Aragóinis',
'ang' => 'Sean-Bhéarla',
'ar' => 'Araibis',
'ar_001' => 'Araibis Chaighdeánach',
'arc' => 'Aramais',
'arn' => 'Mapúitsis',
'as' => 'Asaimis',
'asa' => 'Asúis',
'ast' => 'Astúiris',
'av' => 'Aváiris',
'ay' => 'Aidhmiris',
'az' => 'Asarbaiseáinis',
'az@alt=short' => 'Asairis',
'ba' => 'Baiscíris',
'ban' => 'Bailís',
'bar' => 'Baváiris',
'bas' => 'Basáis',
'be' => 'Bealarúisis',
'bem' => 'Beimbis',
'bez' => 'Beinis',
'bg' => 'Bulgáiris',
'bi' => 'Bioslaimis',
'bm' => 'Bambairis',
'bn' => 'Beangáilis',
'bo' => 'Tibéidis',
'br' => 'Briotáinis',
'brx' => 'Bódóis',
'bs' => 'Boisnis',
'bua' => 'Buiriáitis',
'bug' => 'Buiginis',
'ca' => 'Catalóinis',
'ccp' => 'Seácmais',
'ce' => 'Seisnis',
'ceb' => 'Seabúáinis',
'cgg' => 'Chiga',
'ch' => 'Seamóiris',
'chm' => 'Mairis',
'chr' => 'Seiricis',
'ckb' => 'Coirdis Lárnach',
'ckb@alt=variant' => 'Coirdis, Sóráinis',
'co' => 'Corsaicis',
'cop' => 'Coptais',
'cr' => 'Craís',
'crs' => 'Criól Fraincise Seselwa',
'cs' => 'Seicis',
'csb' => 'Caisiúibis',
'cu' => 'Slavais na hEaglaise',
'cv' => 'Suvaisis',
'cy' => 'Breatnais',
'da' => 'Danmhairgis',
'dav' => 'Taita',
'de' => 'Gearmáinis',
'de_AT' => 'Gearmáinis Ostarach',
'de_CH' => 'Ard-Ghearmáinis Eilvéiseach',
'dje' => 'Zarmais',
'doi' => 'Dóigris',
'dsb' => 'Sorbais Íochtarach',
'dua' => 'Duailis',
'dum' => 'Meán-Ollainnis',
'dv' => 'Divéihis',
'dyo' => 'Jóla-Fainis',
'dz' => 'Seoinicis',
'ebu' => 'Ciambúis',
'ee' => 'Éabhais',
'egy' => 'Sean-Éigiptis',
'el' => 'Gréigis',
'en' => 'Béarla',
'en_AU' => 'Béarla Astrálach',
'en_CA' => 'Béarla Ceanadach',
'en_GB' => 'Béarla Briotanach',
'en_GB@alt=short' => 'Béarla na R.A.',
'en_US' => 'Béarla Meiriceánach',
'en_US@alt=short' => 'Béarla S.A.M.',
'enm' => 'Meán-Bhéarla',
'eo' => 'Esperanto',
'es' => 'Spáinnis',
'es_419' => 'Spáinnis Mheiriceá Laidinigh',
'es_ES' => 'Spáinnis Eorpach',
'es_MX' => 'Spáinnis Mheicsiceach',
'et' => 'Eastóinis',
'eu' => 'Bascais',
'ewo' => 'Éabhandóis',
'fa' => 'Peirsis',
'fa_AF' => 'Dairis',
'ff' => 'Fuláinis',
'fi' => 'Fionlainnis',
'fil' => 'Filipínis',
'fj' => 'Fidsis',
'fo' => 'Faróis',
'fon' => 'fon',
'fr' => 'Fraincis',
'fr_CA' => 'Fraincis Cheanadach',
'fr_CH' => 'Fraincis Eilvéiseach',
'frm' => 'Meán-Fhraincis',
'fro' => 'Sean-Fhraincis',
'frr' => 'Freaslainnis an Tuaiscirt',
'fur' => 'Friúilis',
'fy' => 'Freaslainnis Iartharach',
'ga' => 'Gaeilge',
'gan' => 'Sínis Gan',
'gd' => 'Gaeilge na hAlban',
'gez' => 'Aetóipis',
'gil' => 'Cireabaitis',
'gl' => 'Gailísis',
'gmh' => 'Meán-Ard-Ghearmáinis',
'gn' => 'Guaráinis',
'goh' => 'Sean-Ard-Ghearmáinis',
'grc' => 'Sean-Ghréigis',
'gsw' => 'Gearmáinis Eilvéiseach',
'gu' => 'Gúisearáitis',
'guc' => 'Uaúis',
'guz' => 'Gúsaís',
'gv' => 'Manainnis',
'ha' => 'Hásais',
'hak' => 'Haicéis',
'haw' => 'Haváis',
'he' => 'Eabhrais',
'hi' => 'Hiondúis',
'hif' => 'Hiondúis Fhidsí',
'hil' => 'Hilgeanóinis',
'hit' => 'Hitis',
'hmn' => 'Hmongais',
'ho' => 'Motúis Hírí',
'hr' => 'Cróitis',
'hsb' => 'Sorbais Uachtarach',
'hsn' => 'Sínis Xiang',
'ht' => 'Criól Háítíoch',
'hu' => 'Ungáiris',
'hup' => 'Húipis',
'hy' => 'Airméinis',
'hz' => 'Heiréiris',
'ia' => 'Interlingua',
'ibb' => 'Ibibis',
'id' => 'Indinéisis',
'ie' => 'Interlingue',
'ig' => 'Íogbóis',
'ii' => 'Ís Shichuan',
'ik' => 'Iniúipiaicis',
'inh' => 'Iongúis',
'io' => 'Ido',
'is' => 'Íoslainnis',
'it' => 'Iodáilis',
'iu' => 'Ionúitis',
'ja' => 'Seapáinis',
'jbo' => 'Lojban',
'jgo' => 'Ngomba',
'jmc' => 'Machame',
'jut' => 'Iútlainnis',
'jv' => 'Iáivis',
'ka' => 'Seoirsis',
'kaa' => 'Cara-Chalpáis',
'kab' => 'Caibílis',
'kam' => 'Cambais',
'kde' => 'Makonde',
'kea' => 'Criól Cabo Verde',
'kg' => 'Congóis',
'khq' => 'Songais Iartharach',
'ki' => 'Ciocúis',
'kj' => 'Cuainiáimis',
'kk' => 'Casaicis',
'kkj' => 'Cacóis',
'kl' => 'Kalaallisut',
'kln' => 'Kalenjin',
'km' => 'Ciméiris',
'kn' => 'Cannadais',
'ko' => 'Cóiréis',
'kok' => 'Concáinis',
'kr' => 'Canúiris',
'krl' => 'Cairéilis',
'kru' => 'Curúicis',
'ks' => 'Caismíris',
'ksb' => 'Shambala',
'ksf' => 'Baifiais',
'ksh' => 'Coilsis',
'ku' => 'Coirdis',
'kv' => 'Coimis',
'kw' => 'Coirnis',
'ky' => 'Cirgisis',
'la' => 'Laidin',
'lad' => 'Laidínis',
'lag' => 'Ciolaingis',
'lah' => 'Puinseáibis Iartharach',
'lb' => 'Lucsambuirgis',
'lg' => 'Lugandais',
'li' => 'Liombuirgis',
'lij' => 'Liogúiris',
'liv' => 'Liovóinis',
'lkt' => 'Lacótais',
'lmo' => 'Lombairdis',
'ln' => 'Liongáilis',
'lo' => 'Laoisis',
'lrc' => 'Lúiris an Tuaiscirt',
'lt' => 'Liotuáinis',
'lu' => 'Lúba-Cataingis',
'luo' => 'Lúóis',
'luy' => 'Luyia',
'lv' => 'Laitvis',
'mai' => 'Maitilis',
'mas' => 'Másais',
'men' => 'Meindis',
'mer' => 'Meru',
'mfe' => 'Morisyen',
'mg' => 'Malagáisis',
'mga' => 'Meán-Ghaeilge',
'mgh' => 'Meiteo-Macuais',
'mgo' => 'Metaʼ',
'mh' => 'Mairsillis',
'mi' => 'Maorais',
'mk' => 'Macadóinis',
'ml' => 'Mailéalaimis',
'mn' => 'Mongóilis',
'mni' => 'Manapúiris',
'moh' => 'Móháicis',
'mr' => 'Maraitis',
'mrj' => 'Mairis Iartharach',
'ms' => 'Malaeis',
'mt' => 'Máltais',
'mua' => 'Mundang',
'mul' => 'Ilteangacha',
'mwl' => 'Mioraindéis',
'mwr' => 'Marmhairis',
'my' => 'Burmais',
'mzn' => 'Mázandaráinis',
'na' => 'Nárúis',
'nan' => 'Sínis Min Nan',
'nap' => 'Napóilis',
'naq' => 'Nama',
'nb' => 'Bocmál',
'nd' => 'N-deibéilis an Tuaiscirt',
'nds' => 'Gearmáinis Íochtarach',
'nds_NL' => 'Sacsainis Íochtarach',
'ne' => 'Neipeailis',
'ng' => 'Ndongais',
'niu' => 'Níobhais',
'nl' => 'Ollainnis',
'nl_BE' => 'Pléimeannais',
'nmg' => 'Cuaiseois',
'nn' => 'Nua-Ioruais',
'nnh' => 'Ngiemboon',
'no' => 'Ioruais',
'non' => 'Sean-Lochlainnis',
'nr' => 'Ndeibéilis an Deiscirt',
'nso' => 'Sútúis an Tuaiscirt',
'nus' => 'Nuairis',
'nv' => 'Navachóis',
'ny' => 'Siséivis',
'nyn' => 'Niancóilis',
'oc' => 'Ocsatáinis',
'oj' => 'Óisibis',
'om' => 'Oraimis',
'or' => 'Odia',
'os' => 'Oiséitis',
'pa' => 'Puinseáibis',
'pcm' => 'pidsean na Nigéire',
'peo' => 'Sean-Pheirsis',
'pi' => 'Páilis',
'pl' => 'Polainnis',
'prg' => 'Prúisis',
'ps' => 'Paistis',
'pt' => 'Portaingéilis',
'pt_BR' => 'Portaingéilis Bhrasaíleach',
'pt_PT' => 'Portaingéilis Ibéarach',
'qu' => 'Ceatsuais',
'quc' => 'Cuitséis',
'rhg' => 'Róihinis',
'rm' => 'Rómainis',
'rn' => 'Rúindis',
'ro' => 'Rómáinis',
'ro_MD' => 'Moldáivis',
'rof' => 'Rombo',
'rom' => 'Romainis',
'ru' => 'Rúisis',
'rup' => 'Arómáinis',
'rw' => 'Ciniaruaindis',
'rwk' => 'Rwa',
'sa' => 'Sanscrait',
'sah' => 'Sachais',
'sam' => 'Aramais Shamárach',
'saq' => 'Samburu',
'sat' => 'Santáilis',
'sbp' => 'Sangu',
'sc' => 'Sairdínis',
'scn' => 'Sicilis',
'sco' => 'Albainis',
'sd' => 'Sindis',
'se' => 'Sáimis an Tuaiscirt',
'seh' => 'Sena',
'ses' => 'Songais Oirthearach',
'sg' => 'Sangóis',
'sga' => 'Sean-Ghaeilge',
'sh' => 'Seirbea-Chróitis',
'shi' => 'Tachelhit',
'si' => 'Siolóinis',
'sk' => 'Slóvaicis',
'sl' => 'Slóivéinis',
'sm' => 'Samóis',
'sma' => 'Sáimis Theas',
'smj' => 'Sáimis Lule',
'smn' => 'Sáimis Inari',
'sms' => 'Sáimis Skolt',
'sn' => 'Seoinis',
'so' => 'Somáilis',
'sog' => 'Sogdánais',
'sq' => 'Albáinis',
'sr' => 'Seirbis',
'ss' => 'Suaisis',
'st' => 'Sútúis an Deiscirt',
'su' => 'Sundais',
'sux' => 'Suiméiris',
'sv' => 'Sualainnis',
'sw' => 'Svahaílis',
'sw_CD' => 'Svahaílis an Chongó',
'swb' => 'Comóiris',
'syr' => 'Siricis',
'szl' => 'Siléisis',
'ta' => 'Tamailis',
'te' => 'Teileagúis',
'teo' => 'Teso',
'tg' => 'Taidsícis',
'th' => 'Téalainnis',
'ti' => 'Tigrinis',
'tk' => 'Tuircméinis',
'tl' => 'Tagálaigis',
'tlh' => 'Klingon',
'tn' => 'Suáinis',
'to' => 'Tongais',
'tpi' => 'Tok Pisin',
'tr' => 'Tuircis',
'ts' => 'Songais',
'tt' => 'Tatairis',
'tw' => 'Tíbhis',
'twq' => 'Tasawaq',
'ty' => 'Taihítis',
'tzm' => 'Tamaisis Atlais Láir',
'udm' => 'Udmairtis',
'ug' => 'Uigiúiris',
'uk' => 'Úcráinis',
'und' => 'Teanga anaithnid',
'ur' => 'Urdúis',
'uz' => 'Úisbéiceastáinis',
'vai' => 'Vadhais',
've' => 'Veindis',
'vec' => 'Veinéisis',
'vi' => 'Vítneaimis',
'vls' => 'Pléimeannais Iartharach',
'vo' => 'Volapük',
'vun' => 'Vunjo',
'wa' => 'Vallúnais',
'wae' => 'Walser',
'wo' => 'Volaifis',
'xal' => 'Cailmícis',
'xh' => 'Cóisis',
'xog' => 'Soga',
'yav' => 'Yangben',
'yi' => 'Giúdais',
'yo' => 'Iarúibis',
'yue' => 'Cantainis',
'yue@alt=menu' => 'Sínis, Cantainis',
'za' => 'Siuáingis',
'zea' => 'Séalainnis',
'zgh' => 'Tamaisis Chaighdeánach Mharacó',
'zh' => 'Sínis',
'zh@alt=menu' => 'Mandairínis',
'zh_Hans' => 'Sínis Shimplithe',
'zh_Hans@alt=long' => 'Mandairínis Shimplithe',
'zh_Hant' => 'Sínis Thraidisiúnta',
'zh_Hant@alt=long' => 'Mandairínis Thraidisiúnta',
'zu' => 'Súlúis',
'zun' => 'Zúinis',
'zxx' => 'Gan ábhar teangeolaíoch',
if (@_) {
return $languages{$_[0]};
return \%languages;
has 'display_name_script' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => CodeRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
sub {
my %scripts = (
'Adlm' => 'Adlam',
'Aghb' => 'Albánach Cugasach',
'Ahom' => 'Ahom',
'Arab' => 'Arabach',
'Armi' => 'Aramach Impiriúil',
'Armn' => 'Airméanach',
'Avst' => 'Aivéisteach',
'Bali' => 'Bailíoch',
'Batk' => 'Batacach',
'Beng' => 'Beangálach',
'Bopo' => 'Bopomofo',
'Brai' => 'Braille',
'Bugi' => 'Buigineach',
'Buhd' => 'Buthaideach',
'Cans' => 'Siollach Bundúchasach Ceanadach Aontaithe',
'Cher' => 'Seiricíoch',
'Copt' => 'Coptach',
'Cprt' => 'Cipireach',
'Cyrl' => 'Coireallach',
'Deva' => 'Déiveanágrach',
'Dupl' => 'Gearrscríobh Duployan',
'Egyd' => 'Éigipteach coiteann',
'Egyh' => 'Éigipteach cliarúil',
'Egyp' => 'Iairiglifí Éigipteacha',
'Ethi' => 'Aetóipic',
'Geor' => 'Seoirseach',
'Glag' => 'Glagalach',
'Goth' => 'Gotach',
'Grek' => 'Gréagach',
'Gujr' => 'Gúisearátach',
'Guru' => 'Gurmúcach',
'Hanb' => 'Han agus Bopomofo',
'Hang' => 'Hangalach',
'Hani' => 'Han',
'Hano' => 'Hananúis',
'Hans' => 'Simplithe',
'Hans@alt=stand-alone' => 'Han Simplithe',
'Hant' => 'Traidisiúnta',
'Hant@alt=stand-alone' => 'Han Traidisiúnta',
'Hebr' => 'Eabhrach',
'Hira' => 'Hireagánach',
'Hluw' => 'Iairiglifí Anatólacha',
'Hrkt' => 'Siollabraí Seapánacha',
'Hung' => 'Sean-Ungárach',
'Ital' => 'Sean-Iodáilic',
'Jamo' => 'Seamó',
'Java' => 'Iávach',
'Jpan' => 'Seapánach',
'Kana' => 'Catacánach',
'Khmr' => 'Ciméarach',
'Knda' => 'Cannadach',
'Kore' => 'Cóiréach',
'Laoo' => 'Laosach',
'Latg' => 'Cló Gaelach',
'Latn' => 'Laidineach',
'Limb' => 'Liombúch',
'Lina' => 'Líneach A',
'Linb' => 'Líneach B',
'Lisu' => 'Fraser',
'Lyci' => 'Liciach',
'Lydi' => 'Lidiach',
'Mahj' => 'Mahasánach',
'Mani' => 'Mainicéasach',
'Maya' => 'Iairiglifí Máigheacha',
'Mend' => 'Meindeach',
'Mlym' => 'Mailéalamach',
'Mong' => 'Mongólach',
'Mult' => 'Multani',
'Mymr' => 'Maenmarach',
'Narb' => 'Sean-Arabach Thuaidh',
'Newa' => 'Newa',
'Nkoo' => 'N-cóis',
'Ogam' => 'Ogham',
'Orya' => 'Oiríseach',
'Osge' => 'Ósáis',
'Perm' => 'Sean-Pheirmeach',
'Phnx' => 'Féiníceach',
'Plrd' => 'Pollard Foghrach',
'Prti' => 'Pairtiach Inscríbhinniúil',
'Runr' => 'Rúnach',
'Samr' => 'Samárach',
'Sarb' => 'Sean-Arabach Theas',
'Sgnw' => 'Litritheoireacht Comharthaí',
'Shaw' => 'Shawach',
'Sinh' => 'Siolónach',
'Sund' => 'Sundainéis',
'Syrc' => 'Siriceach',
'Tale' => 'Deiheoingis',
'Talu' => 'Tai Lue Nua',
'Taml' => 'Tamalach',
'Telu' => 'Teileagúch',
'Tfng' => 'Tifinagh',
'Tglg' => 'Tagálagach',
'Thaa' => 'Tánach',
'Thai' => 'Téalannach',
'Tibt' => 'Tibéadach',
'Ugar' => 'Úgairíteach',
'Vaii' => 'Vadhais',
'Xpeo' => 'Sean-Pheirseach',
'Xsux' => 'Dingchruthach Suiméar-Acádach',
'Yiii' => 'Ís',
'Zinh' => 'Oidhreacht',
'Zmth' => 'Nodaireacht Mhatamaiticiúil',
'Zsye' => 'Emoji',
'Zsym' => 'Siombailí',
'Zxxx' => 'Neamhscríofa',
'Zyyy' => 'Coitianta',
'Zzzz' => 'Script Anaithnid',
if ( @_ ) {
return $scripts{$_[0]};
return \%scripts;
has 'display_name_region' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'001' => 'an Domhan',
'002' => 'an Afraic',
'003' => 'Meiriceá Thuaidh',
'005' => 'Meiriceá Theas',
'009' => 'an Aigéine',
'011' => 'Iarthar na hAfraice',
'013' => 'Meiriceá Láir',
'014' => 'Oirthear na hAfraice',
'015' => 'Tuaisceart na hAfraice',
'017' => 'an Afraic Láir',
'018' => 'Deisceart na hAfraice',
'019' => 'Críocha Mheiriceá',
'021' => 'Tuaisceart Mheiriceá',
'029' => 'an Mhuir Chairib',
'030' => 'Oirthear na hÁise',
'034' => 'Deisceart na hÁise',
'035' => 'an Áise Thoir Theas',
'039' => 'Deisceart na hEorpa',
'053' => 'an Astraláise',
'054' => 'an Mheilinéis',
'057' => 'an Réigiún Micrinéiseach',
'061' => 'an Pholainéis',
'142' => 'an Áise',
'143' => 'an Áise Láir',
'145' => 'Iarthar na hÁise',
'150' => 'an Eoraip',
'151' => 'Oirthear na hEorpa',
'154' => 'Tuaisceart na hEorpa',
'155' => 'Iarthar na hEorpa',
'202' => 'an Afraic fho-Shahárach',
'419' => 'Meiriceá Laidineach',
'AC' => 'Oileán na Deascabhála',
'AD' => 'Andóra',
'AE' => 'Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha',
'AF' => 'an Afganastáin',
'AG' => 'Antigua agus Barbúda',
'AI' => 'Angaíle',
'AL' => 'an Albáin',
'AM' => 'an Airméin',
'AO' => 'Angóla',
'AQ' => 'Antartaice',
'AR' => 'an Airgintín',
'AS' => 'Samó Mheiriceá',
'AT' => 'an Ostair',
'AU' => 'an Astráil',
'AW' => 'Arúba',
'AX' => 'Oileáin Åland',
'AZ' => 'an Asarbaiseáin',
'BA' => 'an Bhoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin',
'BB' => 'Barbadós',
'BD' => 'an Bhanglaidéis',
'BE' => 'an Bheilg',
'BF' => 'Buircíne Fasó',
'BG' => 'an Bhulgáir',
'BH' => 'Bairéin',
'BI' => 'an Bhurúin',
'BJ' => 'Beinin',
'BL' => 'Saint Barthélemy',
'BM' => 'Beirmiúda',
'BN' => 'Brúiné',
'BO' => 'an Bholaiv',
'BQ' => 'an Ísiltír Chairibeach',
'BR' => 'an Bhrasaíl',
'BS' => 'na Bahámaí',
'BT' => 'an Bhútáin',
'BV' => 'Oileán Bouvet',
'BW' => 'an Bhotsuáin',
'BY' => 'an Bhealarúis',
'BZ' => 'an Bheilís',
'CA' => 'Ceanada',
'CC' => 'Oileáin Cocos (Keeling)',
'CD' => 'Poblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó',
'CD@alt=variant' => 'an Congó (PDC)',
'CF' => 'Poblacht na hAfraice Láir',
'CG' => 'Congó-Brazzaville',
'CG@alt=variant' => 'an Congó (Poblacht)',
'CH' => 'an Eilvéis',
'CI' => 'an Cósta Eabhair',
'CK' => 'Oileáin Cook',
'CL' => 'an tSile',
'CM' => 'Camarún',
'CN' => 'an tSín',
'CO' => 'an Cholóim',
'CP' => 'Oileán Clipperton',
'CR' => 'Cósta Ríce',
'CU' => 'Cúba',
'CV' => 'Rinn Verde',
'CW' => 'Cúrasó',
'CX' => 'Oileán na Nollag',
'CY' => 'an Chipir',
'CZ' => 'an tSeicia',
'CZ@alt=variant' => 'Poblacht na Seice',
'DE' => 'an Ghearmáin',
'DG' => 'Diego Garcia',
'DJ' => 'Djibouti',
'DK' => 'an Danmhairg',
'DM' => 'Doiminice',
'DO' => 'an Phoblacht Dhoiminiceach',
'DZ' => 'an Ailgéir',
'EA' => 'Ceuta agus Melilla',
'EC' => 'Eacuadór',
'EE' => 'an Eastóin',
'EG' => 'an Éigipt',
'EH' => 'an Sahára Thiar',
'ER' => 'an Eiritré',
'ES' => 'an Spáinn',
'ET' => 'an Aetóip',
'EU' => 'an tAontas Eorpach',
'EZ' => 'Limistéar an euro',
'FI' => 'an Fhionlainn',
'FJ' => 'Fidsí',
'FK' => 'Oileáin Fháclainne',
'FK@alt=variant' => 'Oileáin Fháclainne (Islas Malvinas)',
'FM' => 'an Mhicrinéis',
'FO' => 'Oileáin Fharó',
'FR' => 'an Fhrainc',
'GA' => 'an Ghabúin',
'GB' => 'an Ríocht Aontaithe',
'GD' => 'Greanáda',
'GE' => 'an tSeoirsia',
'GF' => 'Guáin na Fraince',
'GG' => 'Geansaí',
'GH' => 'Gána',
'GI' => 'Giobráltar',
'GL' => 'an Ghraonlainn',
'GM' => 'an Ghaimbia',
'GN' => 'an Ghuine',
'GP' => 'Guadalúip',
'GQ' => 'an Ghuine Mheánchiorclach',
'GR' => 'an Ghréig',
'GS' => 'an tSeoirsia Theas agus Oileáin Sandwich Theas',
'GT' => 'Guatamala',
'GU' => 'Guam',
'GW' => 'Guine Bissau',
'GY' => 'an Ghuáin',
'HK' => 'Sainréigiún Riaracháin Hong Cong, Daonphoblacht na Síne',
'HK@alt=short' => 'Hong Cong',
'HM' => 'Oileán Heard agus Oileáin McDonald',
'HN' => 'Hondúras',
'HR' => 'an Chróit',
'HT' => 'Háítí',
'HU' => 'an Ungáir',
'IC' => 'na hOileáin Chanáracha',
'ID' => 'an Indinéis',
'IE' => 'Éire',
'IL' => 'Iosrael',
'IM' => 'Oileán Mhanann',
'IN' => 'an India',
'IO' => 'Críoch Aigéan Indiach na Breataine',
'IQ' => 'an Iaráic',
'IR' => 'an Iaráin',
'IS' => 'an Íoslainn',
'IT' => 'an Iodáil',
'JE' => 'Geirsí',
'JM' => 'Iamáice',
'JO' => 'an Iordáin',
'JP' => 'an tSeapáin',
'KE' => 'an Chéinia',
'KG' => 'an Chirgeastáin',
'KH' => 'an Chambóid',
'KI' => 'Ciribeas',
'KM' => 'Oileáin Chomóra',
'KN' => 'San Críostóir-Nimheas',
'KP' => 'an Chóiré Thuaidh',
'KR' => 'an Chóiré Theas',
'KW' => 'Cuáit',
'KY' => 'Oileáin Cayman',
'KZ' => 'an Chasacstáin',
'LA' => 'Laos',
'LB' => 'an Liobáin',
'LC' => 'Saint Lucia',
'LI' => 'Lichtinstéin',
'LK' => 'Srí Lanca',
'LR' => 'an Libéir',
'LS' => 'Leosóta',
'LT' => 'an Liotuáin',
'LU' => 'Lucsamburg',
'LV' => 'an Laitvia',
'LY' => 'an Libia',
'MA' => 'Maracó',
'MC' => 'Monacó',
'MD' => 'an Mholdóiv',
'ME' => 'Montainéagró',
'MF' => 'Saint-Martin',
'MG' => 'Madagascar',
'MH' => 'Oileáin Marshall',
'MK' => 'an Mhacadóin Thuaidh',
'ML' => 'Mailí',
'MM' => 'Maenmar (Burma)',
'MN' => 'an Mhongóil',
'MO' => 'Sainréigiún Riaracháin Macao, Daonphoblacht na Síne',
'MO@alt=short' => 'Macao',
'MP' => 'na hOileáin Mháirianacha Thuaidh',
'MQ' => 'Martinique',
'MR' => 'an Mháratáin',
'MS' => 'Montsarat',
'MT' => 'Málta',
'MU' => 'Oileán Mhuirís',
'MV' => 'Oileáin Mhaildíve',
'MW' => 'an Mhaláiv',
'MX' => 'Meicsiceo',
'MY' => 'an Mhalaeisia',
'MZ' => 'Mósaimbíc',
'NA' => 'an Namaib',
'NC' => 'an Nua-Chaladóin',
'NE' => 'an Nígir',
'NF' => 'Oileán Norfolk',
'NG' => 'an Nigéir',
'NI' => 'Nicearagua',
'NL' => 'an Ísiltír',
'NO' => 'an Iorua',
'NP' => 'Neipeal',
'NR' => 'Nárú',
'NU' => 'Niue',
'NZ' => 'an Nua-Shéalainn',
'OM' => 'Óman',
'PA' => 'Panama',
'PE' => 'Peiriú',
'PF' => 'Polainéis na Fraince',
'PG' => 'Nua-Ghuine Phapua',
'PH' => 'na hOileáin Fhilipíneacha',
'PK' => 'an Phacastáin',
'PL' => 'an Pholainn',
'PM' => 'San Pierre agus Miquelon',
'PN' => 'Oileáin Pitcairn',
'PR' => 'Pórtó Ríce',
'PS' => 'na Críocha Palaistíneacha',
'PS@alt=short' => 'an Phalaistín',
'PT' => 'an Phortaingéil',
'PW' => 'Oileáin Palau',
'PY' => 'Paragua',
'QA' => 'Catar',
'QO' => 'an Aigéine Imeallach',
'RE' => 'La Réunion',
'RO' => 'an Rómáin',
'RS' => 'an tSeirbia',
'RU' => 'an Rúis',
'RW' => 'Ruanda',
'SA' => 'an Araib Shádach',
'SB' => 'Oileáin Sholaimh',
'SC' => 'na Séiséil',
'SD' => 'an tSúdáin',
'SE' => 'an tSualainn',
'SG' => 'Singeapór',
'SH' => 'San Héilin',
'SI' => 'an tSlóivéin',
'SJ' => 'Svalbard agus Jan Mayen',
'SK' => 'an tSlóvaic',
'SL' => 'Siarra Leon',
'SM' => 'San Mairíne',
'SN' => 'an tSeineagáil',
'SO' => 'an tSomáil',
'SR' => 'Suranam',
'SS' => 'an tSúdáin Theas',
'ST' => 'São Tomé agus Príncipe',
'SV' => 'an tSalvadóir',
'SX' => 'Sint Maarten',
'SY' => 'an tSiria',
'SZ' => 'eSuaitíní',
'SZ@alt=variant' => 'an tSuasalainn',
'TA' => 'Tristan da Cunha',
'TC' => 'Oileáin na dTurcach agus Caicos',
'TD' => 'Sead',
'TF' => 'Críocha Francacha Dheisceart an Domhain',
'TG' => 'Tóga',
'TH' => 'an Téalainn',
'TJ' => 'an Táidsíceastáin',
'TK' => 'Tócalá',
'TL' => 'Tíomór Thoir',
'TM' => 'an Tuircméanastáin',
'TN' => 'an Túinéis',
'TO' => 'Tonga',
'TR' => 'an Tuirc',
'TT' => 'Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága',
'TV' => 'Túvalú',
'TW' => 'an Téaváin',
'TZ' => 'an Tansáin',
'UA' => 'an Úcráin',
'UG' => 'Uganda',
'UM' => 'Oileáin Imeallacha S.A.M.',
'UN' => 'na Náisiúin Aontaithe',
'UN@alt=short' => 'NA',
'US' => 'Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá',
'US@alt=short' => 'SAM',
'UY' => 'Uragua',
'UZ' => 'an Úisbéiceastáin',
'VA' => 'Cathair na Vatacáine',
'VC' => 'San Uinseann agus na Greanáidíní',
'VE' => 'Veiniséala',
'VG' => 'Oileáin Bhriotanacha na Maighdean',
'VI' => 'Oileáin Mheiriceánacha na Maighdean',
'VN' => 'Vítneam',
'VU' => 'Vanuatú',
'WF' => 'Vailís agus Futúna',
'WS' => 'Samó',
'XA' => 'Bréagaicinn',
'XB' => 'Bréag-Bidi',
'XK' => 'an Chosaiv',
'YE' => 'Éimin',
'YT' => 'Mayotte',
'ZA' => 'an Afraic Theas',
'ZM' => 'an tSaimbia',
'ZW' => 'an tSiombáib',
'ZZ' => 'Réigiún Anaithnid',
has 'display_name_variant' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'1901' => 'Litriú Traidisiúnta na Gearmáinise',
'1994' => 'Ortagrafaíocht Resian Chaighdeánaithe',
'1996' => 'Ortagrafaíocht na Gearmáinise in 1996',
'1606NICT' => 'Fraincis Dhéanach Mheánach go 1606',
'1694ACAD' => 'Nua-Fhraincis Mhoch',
'1959ACAD' => 'Acadúil',
'ABL1943' => 'Foirmiú ortagrafaíochta in 1943',
'ALALC97' => 'Rómhánú ALA-LC, eagrán 1997',
'ALUKU' => 'Canúint Aluku',
'AO1990' => 'Comhaontú Ortagrafaíochta Theanga na Portaingéilise, 1990',
'AREVELA' => 'Airméinis an Oirthir',
'AREVMDA' => 'Airméinis an Iarthair',
'BAKU1926' => 'Abítir Laidine Tuircice Aontaithe',
'BALANKA' => 'Canúint Balanka de Anii',
'BARLA' => 'Grúpa canúna Barlavento de Kabuverdianu',
'BASICENG' => 'Bun-Bhéarla',
'BAUDDHA' => 'Bauddha',
'BISKE' => 'Canúint San Giorgo/Bila',
'BOHORIC' => 'Aibítir Bohorič',
'BOONT' => 'Boontling',
'COLB1945' => 'Coinbhinsiún Ortagrafaíochta na Portaingéilise na Brasaíle, 1945',
'CORNU' => 'Béarla an Choirn',
'DAJNKO' => 'Aibítir Dajnko',
'EKAVSK' => 'Seirbis le fuaimniú Ekavian',
'EMODENG' => 'Nua-Bhéarla Moch',
'FONIPA' => 'Fogharscríobh IPA',
'FONNAPA' => 'Fonnapa',
'FONUPA' => 'Fogharscríobh UPA',
'FONXSAMP' => 'Fonxsamp',
'HEPBURN' => 'Rómhánú Hepburn',
'HOGNORSK' => 'Hognorsk',
'HSISTEMO' => 'Hsistemo',
'IJEKAVSK' => 'Seirbis le fuaimniú Ijekavach',
'ITIHASA' => 'Itihasa',
'JAUER' => 'Jauer',
'JYUTPING' => 'Jyutping',
'KKCOR' => 'Gnáth-Litriú',
'KOCIEWIE' => 'Kociewie',
'KSCOR' => 'Litriú Caighdeánach',
'LAUKIKA' => 'Laukika',
'LIPAW' => 'Canúint Lipovaz de Resian',
'LUNA1918' => 'Luna1918',
'METELKO' => 'Aibítir Metelko',
'MONOTON' => 'Aontonach',
'NDYUKA' => 'Canúint Ndyuka',
'NEDIS' => 'Canúint Natisone',
'NEWFOUND' => 'Talamh an Éisc',
'NJIVA' => 'Canúint Gniva/Njiva',
'NULIK' => 'Volapük Nua-Aimseartha',
'OSOJS' => 'Canúint Oseacco/Osojane',
'OXENDICT' => 'Litriú OED',
'PAHAWH2' => 'Pahawh2',
'PAHAWH3' => 'Pahawh3',
'PAHAWH4' => 'Pahawh4',
'PAMAKA' => 'Canúint Pamaka',
'PETR1708' => 'Petr1708',
'PINYIN' => 'Rómhánú Pinyin',
'POLYTON' => 'Iltonach',
'POSIX' => 'Ríomhaire',
'PUTER' => 'Puter',
'REVISED' => 'Litriú Athbhreithnithe',
'RIGIK' => 'Volapük Clasaiceach',
'ROZAJ' => 'Reisiach',
'RUMGR' => 'Rumgr',
'SAAHO' => 'Saho',
'SCOTLAND' => 'Béarla Caighdeánach na hAlban',
'SCOUSE' => 'Béarla Learphoill',
'SIMPLE' => 'Simplí',
'SOLBA' => 'Canúint Stolvizza/Solbica',
'SOTAV' => 'Grúpa canúna Sotavento de Kabuverdianu',
'SPANGLIS' => 'Spainglis',
'SURMIRAN' => 'Surmiran',
'SURSILV' => 'Sursilvan',
'SUTSILV' => 'Sutsilv',
'TARASK' => 'Ortografaíocht Taraskievica',
'UCCOR' => 'Litriú Comhaontaithe',
'UCRCOR' => 'Litriú Comhaontaithe Athbhreithnithe',
'ULSTER' => 'Cúige Uladh',
'UNIFON' => 'Aibítir foghraíochta Unifon',
'VAIDIKA' => 'Véideach',
'VALENCIA' => 'Vaileinsis',
'VALLADER' => 'Vallader',
'WADEGILE' => 'Rómhánú Wade-Giles',
'XSISTEMO' => 'Xsistemo',
has 'display_name_key' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'calendar' => 'Féilire',
'cf' => 'Formáid Airgeadra',
'collation' => 'Ord Sórtála',
'currency' => 'Airgeadra',
'hc' => 'Timthriall Uaire (12 vs 24)',
'lb' => 'Stíl Briseadh Líne',
'ms' => 'Córas Tomhais',
'numbers' => 'Uimhreacha',
has 'display_name_type' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[HashRef[Str]],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'calendar' => {
'buddhist' => q{Féilire Búdaíoch},
'chinese' => q{Féilire Síneach},
'coptic' => q{Féilire Coptach},
'dangi' => q{Féilire Dangi},
'ethiopic' => q{Féilire Aetóipice},
'ethiopic-amete-alem' => q{Féilire Aetóipice Amete Alem},
'gregorian' => q{Féilire Ghréagóra},
'hebrew' => q{Féilire na nEabhrach},
'indian' => q{Féilire Náisiúnta na hIndia},
'islamic' => q{Féilire Ioslamach},
'islamic-civil' => q{Féilire Ioslamach (táblach, seanré shibhialta)},
'islamic-rgsa' => q{Féilire Ioslamach (an Araib Shádach, dearcadh)},
'islamic-tbla' => q{Féilire Ioslamach (táblach, seanré réalteolaíoch)},
'islamic-umalqura' => q{Féilire Ioslamach (Umm al-Qura)},
'iso8601' => q{Féilire ISO-8601},
'japanese' => q{Féilire Seapánach},
'persian' => q{Féilire Peirseach},
'roc' => q{Féilire Téavánach},
'cf' => {
'account' => q{Formáid Airgeadra don Chuntasaíocht},
'standard' => q{Formáid Airgeadra Caighdeánach},
'collation' => {
'big5han' => q{Ord sórtála Síneach traidisiúnta - Big5},
'compat' => q{Ord Sórtála Roimhe Seo, ar son na comhoiriúnachta},
'dictionary' => q{Ord Sórtála Foclóirí},
'ducet' => q{Ord Sórtála Réamhshocraithe Unicode},
'emoji' => q{Ord Sórtála Emoji},
'eor' => q{Rialacha Ordaithe Eorpacha},
'gb2312han' => q{Ord sórtála Síneach simplithe - GB 2312},
'phonebook' => q{Ord sórtála an eolaire teileafóin},
'pinyin' => q{Ord sórtála pinyin},
'reformed' => q{Ord Sórtála Athfhoirmithe},
'search' => q{Cuardach Ilfhóinteach},
'searchjl' => q{Cuardach de réir Consan Tosaigh Hangul},
'standard' => q{Ord Sórtála Caighdeánach},
'stroke' => q{Ord sórtála stríce},
'traditional' => q{Ord sórtála traidisiúnta},
'unihan' => q{Ord Sórtála Stríce Radacaí},
'zhuyin' => q{Ord Sórtála Zhuyin},
'hc' => {
'h11' => q{Córas 12 Uair (0–11)},
'h12' => q{Córas 12 Uair (1–12)},
'h23' => q{Córas 24 Uair (0–23)},
'h24' => q{Córas 24 Uair (1–24)},
'lb' => {
'loose' => q{Stíl Briseadh Líne Scaoilte},
'normal' => q{Stíl Gnáthbhriseadh Líne},
'strict' => q{Stíl Briseadh Líne Docht},
'ms' => {
'metric' => q{Córas Méadrach},
'uksystem' => q{Córas Tomhais Reachtúil},
'ussystem' => q{Córas Tomhais SAM},
'numbers' => {
'ahom' => q{Digití Ahom},
'arab' => q{Digití Ind-Arabacha},
'arabext' => q{Digití Ind-Arabacha Breisithe},
'armn' => q{Uimhreacha Airméanacha},
'armnlow' => q{Uimhreacha Cás Íochtair Airméanacha},
'bali' => q{Digití Bailíocha},
'beng' => q{Digití Beangálacha},
'brah' => q{Digití Brahmi},
'cakm' => q{Digití Chakma},
'cham' => q{Digití Cham},
'cyrl' => q{Uimhreacha Coireallacha},
'deva' => q{Digití Déiveanágracha},
'ethi' => q{Uimhreacha Aetóipice},
'fullwide' => q{Digití Lánleithid},
'geor' => q{Uimhreacha Seoirseacha},
'gonm' => q{Digití Masaram Gondi},
'grek' => q{Uimhreacha Gréagacha},
'greklow' => q{Uimhreacha Cás Íochtair Gréagacha},
'gujr' => q{Digití Gúisearátacha},
'guru' => q{Digití Gurmúcacha},
'hanidec' => q{Uimhreacha Deachúlacha Síneacha},
'hans' => q{Uimhreacha sa tSínis Shimplithe},
'hansfin' => q{Uimhreacha Airgeadúla sa tSínis Shimplithe},
'hant' => q{Uimhreacha sa tSínis Thraidisiúnta},
'hantfin' => q{Uimhreacha Airgeadúla sa tSínis Thraidisiúnta},
'hebr' => q{Uimhreacha Eabhracha},
'hmng' => q{Digití Pahawh Hmong},
'java' => q{Digití Iávacha},
'jpan' => q{Uimhreacha Seapánacha},
'jpanfin' => q{Uimhreacha Airgeadúla Seapánacha},
'kali' => q{Digití Kayah Li},
'khmr' => q{Digití Ciméaracha},
'knda' => q{Digití Cannadacha},
'lana' => q{Digití Tai Tham Hora},
'lanatham' => q{Digití Tai Tham Tham},
'laoo' => q{Digití Laosacha},
'latn' => q{Digití Iartharacha},
'lepc' => q{Digití Lepcha},
'limb' => q{Digití Limbu},
'mathbold' => q{Digití Troma Matamaiticiúla},
'mathdbl' => q{Digití Stríce Dúbailte Matamaiticiúla},
'mathmono' => q{Digití Aonspáis Matamaiticiúla},
'mathsanb' => q{Digití Troma Sans-Serif Matamaiticiúla},
'mathsans' => q{Digití Sans-Serif Matamaiticiúla},
'mlym' => q{Digití Mailéalamacha},
'modi' => q{Digití Modi},
'mong' => q{Digití Mongólacha},
'mroo' => q{Digití Mro},
'mtei' => q{Digití Meetei Mayek},
'mymr' => q{Digití Maenmaracha},
'mymrshan' => q{Digití Myanmar Shan},
'mymrtlng' => q{Digití Myanmar Tai Laing},
'nkoo' => q{Digití N’ko},
'olck' => q{Digití Ol Chiki},
'orya' => q{Digití Oiríseacha},
'osma' => q{Digití Osmanya},
'roman' => q{Uimhreacha Rómhánacha},
'romanlow' => q{Uimhreacha Cás Íochtair Rómhánacha},
'saur' => q{Digití Saurashtra},
'shrd' => q{Digití Sharada},
'sind' => q{Digití Khudawadi},
'sinh' => q{Digití Sinhala Lith},
'sora' => q{Digití Sora Sompeng},
'sund' => q{Digití Sundainéise},
'takr' => q{Digití Takri},
'talu' => q{Digití Tai Lue Nua},
'taml' => q{Uimhreacha Traidisiúnta Tamalacha},
'tamldec' => q{Digití Tamalacha},
'telu' => q{Digití Teileagúcha},
'thai' => q{Digití Téalannacha},
'tibt' => q{Digití Tibéadacha},
'tirh' => q{Digití Tirhuta},
'vaii' => q{Digití Vai},
'wara' => q{Digití Warang Citi},
has 'display_name_measurement_system' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'metric' => q{Méadrach},
'UK' => q{RA},
'US' => q{SAM},
has 'display_name_code_patterns' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub {
'language' => 'Teanga: {0}',
'script' => 'Script: {0}',
'region' => 'Réigiún: {0}',
has 'characters' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => $^V ge v5.18.0
? eval <<'EOT'
sub {
no warnings 'experimental::regex_sets';
return {
auxiliary => qr{[å ḃ ċ ḋ ḟ ġ j k ṁ ṗ q ṡ ṫ v w x y z]},
index => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'],
main => qr{[a á b c d e é f g h i í l m n o ó p r s t u ú]},
numbers => qr{[\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]},
punctuation => qr{[\- ‐ ‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ " “ ” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″]},
: sub {
return { index => ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'], };
has 'duration_units' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
hm => 'h:mm',
hms => 'h:mm:ss',
ms => 'm:ss',
} }
has 'units' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[HashRef[HashRef[Str]]],
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'long' => {
# Long Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(príomhaird),
# Core Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(príomhaird),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(cibi-{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(cibi-{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(mebi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(mebi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p4' => {
'1' => q(tebi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p4' => {
'1' => q(tebi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(zebi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(zebi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(yobe{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(yobe{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-1' => {
'1' => q(deici{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1' => {
'1' => q(deici{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-12' => {
'1' => q(pici{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'12' => {
'1' => q(pici{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-15' => {
'1' => q(feimti{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'15' => {
'1' => q(feimti{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-18' => {
'1' => q(atai{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'18' => {
'1' => q(atai{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-2' => {
'1' => q(ceinti{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'2' => {
'1' => q(ceinti{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-21' => {
'1' => q(zeipti{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'21' => {
'1' => q(zeipti{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-24' => {
'1' => q(yoctai{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'24' => {
'1' => q(yoctai{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-3' => {
'1' => q(milli{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'3' => {
'1' => q(milli{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-6' => {
'1' => q(micri{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'6' => {
'1' => q(micri{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-9' => {
'1' => q(nanai{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'9' => {
'1' => q(nanai{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(deacai{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(deacai{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(teiri{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(teiri{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(peiti{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(peiti{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(eicsi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(eicsi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(heicti{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(heicti{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(zeiti{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(zeiti{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(yotai{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(yotai{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(cili{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(cili{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(meigi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(meigi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(gigi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(gigi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-g-force' => {
'few' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'many' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'name' => q(g-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'other' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'two' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'g-force' => {
'few' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'many' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'name' => q(g-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'other' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
'two' => q({0} g-fhórsa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-meter-per-square-second' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'many' => q({0} méadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'name' => q(méadair sa soicind cearnaithe),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'other' => q({0} méadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-square-second' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'many' => q({0} méadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'name' => q(méadair sa soicind cearnaithe),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'other' => q({0} méadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind cearnaithe),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-minute' => {
'few' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'many' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'name' => q(nóiméid stua),
'one' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'other' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'two' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-minute' => {
'few' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'many' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'name' => q(nóiméid stua),
'one' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'other' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
'two' => q({0} nóiméad stua),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-second' => {
'few' => q({0} shoicind stua),
'many' => q({0} soicind stua),
'name' => q(soicindí stua),
'one' => q({0} soicind stua),
'other' => q({0} soicind stua),
'two' => q({0} shoicind stua),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-second' => {
'few' => q({0} shoicind stua),
'many' => q({0} soicind stua),
'name' => q(soicindí stua),
'one' => q({0} soicind stua),
'other' => q({0} soicind stua),
'two' => q({0} shoicind stua),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-degree' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim),
'many' => q({0} gcéim),
'name' => q(céimeanna),
'one' => q({0} chéim),
'other' => q({0} céim),
'two' => q({0} chéim),
# Core Unit Identifier
'degree' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim),
'many' => q({0} gcéim),
'name' => q(céimeanna),
'one' => q({0} chéim),
'other' => q({0} céim),
'two' => q({0} chéim),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-radian' => {
'few' => q({0} raidian),
'many' => q({0} raidian),
'name' => q(raidiain),
'one' => q({0} raidian),
'other' => q({0} raidian),
'two' => q({0} raidian),
# Core Unit Identifier
'radian' => {
'few' => q({0} raidian),
'many' => q({0} raidian),
'name' => q(raidiain),
'one' => q({0} raidian),
'other' => q({0} raidian),
'two' => q({0} raidian),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-revolution' => {
'few' => q({0} imrothlú),
'many' => q({0} n-imrothlú),
'name' => q(imrothlú),
'one' => q({0} imrothlú),
'other' => q({0} imrothlú),
'two' => q({0} imrothlú),
# Core Unit Identifier
'revolution' => {
'few' => q({0} imrothlú),
'many' => q({0} n-imrothlú),
'name' => q(imrothlú),
'one' => q({0} imrothlú),
'other' => q({0} imrothlú),
'two' => q({0} imrothlú),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-acre' => {
'few' => q({0} acra),
'many' => q({0} n-acra),
'name' => q(acraí),
'one' => q({0} acra),
'other' => q({0} acra),
'two' => q({0} acra),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre' => {
'few' => q({0} acra),
'many' => q({0} n-acra),
'name' => q(acraí),
'one' => q({0} acra),
'other' => q({0} acra),
'two' => q({0} acra),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-dunam' => {
'few' => q({0} dhunam),
'many' => q({0} ndunam),
'name' => q(dúnaim),
'one' => q({0} dunam),
'other' => q({0} dunam),
'two' => q({0} dhunam),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dunam' => {
'few' => q({0} dhunam),
'many' => q({0} ndunam),
'name' => q(dúnaim),
'one' => q({0} dunam),
'other' => q({0} dunam),
'two' => q({0} dhunam),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-hectare' => {
'few' => q({0} heicteár),
'many' => q({0} heicteár),
'name' => q(heicteáir),
'one' => q({0} heicteár),
'other' => q({0} heicteár),
'two' => q({0} heicteár),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectare' => {
'few' => q({0} heicteár),
'many' => q({0} heicteár),
'name' => q(heicteáir),
'one' => q({0} heicteár),
'other' => q({0} heicteár),
'two' => q({0} heicteár),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintiméadar chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} gceintiméadar chearnacha),
'name' => q(ceintiméadair chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} cheintiméadar cearnach),
'other' => q({0} ceintiméadar cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa cheintiméadar cearnach),
'two' => q({0} cheintiméadar chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintiméadar chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} gceintiméadar chearnacha),
'name' => q(ceintiméadair chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} cheintiméadar cearnach),
'other' => q({0} ceintiméadar cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa cheintiméadar cearnach),
'two' => q({0} cheintiméadar chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} throigh chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} dtroigh chearnacha),
'name' => q(troithe cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} troigh chearnach),
'other' => q({0} troigh chearnach),
'two' => q({0} throigh chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} throigh chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} dtroigh chearnacha),
'name' => q(troithe cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} troigh chearnach),
'other' => q({0} troigh chearnach),
'two' => q({0} throigh chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} orlach chearnacha),
'name' => q(orlaí cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} orlach cearnach),
'other' => q({0} orlach cearnach),
'per' => q({0} san orlach cearnach),
'two' => q({0} orlach chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} orlach chearnacha),
'name' => q(orlaí cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} orlach cearnach),
'other' => q({0} orlach cearnach),
'per' => q({0} san orlach cearnach),
'two' => q({0} orlach chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar chearnacha),
'name' => q(ciliméadair chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar cearnach),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa chiliméadar cearnach),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar chearnacha),
'name' => q(ciliméadair chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar cearnach),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa chiliméadar cearnach),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} méadar chearnacha),
'name' => q(méadair chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar cearnach),
'other' => q({0} méadar cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa mhéadar cearnach),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} méadar chearnacha),
'name' => q(méadair chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar cearnach),
'other' => q({0} méadar cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa mhéadar cearnach),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} míle chearnacha),
'name' => q(mílte cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} mhíle cearnach),
'other' => q({0} míle cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa mhíle cearnach),
'two' => q({0} mhíle chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} míle chearnacha),
'name' => q(mílte cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} mhíle cearnach),
'other' => q({0} míle cearnach),
'per' => q({0} sa mhíle cearnach),
'two' => q({0} mhíle chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shlat chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} slat chearnacha),
'name' => q(slata cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} slat chearnach),
'other' => q({0} slat chearnach),
'two' => q({0} shlat chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shlat chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} slat chearnacha),
'name' => q(slata cearnacha),
'one' => q({0} slat chearnach),
'other' => q({0} slat chearnach),
'two' => q({0} shlat chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-karat' => {
'few' => q({0} charat),
'many' => q({0} gcarat óir),
'name' => q(carait),
'one' => q({0} charat óir),
'other' => q({0} carat óir),
'two' => q({0} charat óir),
# Core Unit Identifier
'karat' => {
'few' => q({0} charat),
'many' => q({0} gcarat óir),
'name' => q(carait),
'one' => q({0} charat óir),
'other' => q({0} carat óir),
'two' => q({0} charat óir),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleagram sa deicilítear),
'many' => q({0} milleagram sa deicilítear),
'name' => q(milleagraim sa deicilítear),
'one' => q({0} mhilleagram sa deicilítear),
'other' => q({0} milleagram sa deicilítear),
'two' => q({0} mhilleagram sa deicilítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleagram sa deicilítear),
'many' => q({0} milleagram sa deicilítear),
'name' => q(milleagraim sa deicilítear),
'one' => q({0} mhilleagram sa deicilítear),
'other' => q({0} milleagram sa deicilítear),
'two' => q({0} mhilleagram sa deicilítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-millimole-per-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleamól sa lítear),
'many' => q({0} milleamól sa lítear),
'name' => q(milleamóil sa lítear),
'one' => q({0} mhilleamól sa lítear),
'other' => q({0} milleamól sa lítear),
'two' => q({0} mhilleamól sa lítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimole-per-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleamól sa lítear),
'many' => q({0} milleamól sa lítear),
'name' => q(milleamóil sa lítear),
'one' => q({0} mhilleamól sa lítear),
'other' => q({0} milleamól sa lítear),
'two' => q({0} mhilleamól sa lítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-mole' => {
'few' => q({0} mhól),
'many' => q({0} mól),
'name' => q(móil),
'one' => q({0} mhól),
'other' => q({0} mól),
'two' => q({0} mhól),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mole' => {
'few' => q({0} mhól),
'many' => q({0} mól),
'name' => q(móil),
'one' => q({0} mhól),
'other' => q({0} mól),
'two' => q({0} mhól),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-percent' => {
'few' => q({0}%),
'many' => q({0}%),
'name' => q(faoin gcéad),
'one' => q({0} faoin gcéad),
'other' => q({0} faoin gcéad),
'two' => q({0}%),
# Core Unit Identifier
'percent' => {
'few' => q({0}%),
'many' => q({0}%),
'name' => q(faoin gcéad),
'one' => q({0} faoin gcéad),
'other' => q({0} faoin gcéad),
'two' => q({0}%),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permille' => {
'few' => q({0}‰),
'many' => q({0}‰),
'name' => q(faoin míle),
'one' => q({0} faoin míle),
'other' => q({0} faoin míle),
'two' => q({0}‰),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permille' => {
'few' => q({0}‰),
'many' => q({0}‰),
'name' => q(faoin míle),
'one' => q({0} faoin míle),
'other' => q({0} faoin míle),
'two' => q({0}‰),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permillion' => {
'few' => q({0} chuid sa mhilliún),
'many' => q({0} gcuid sa mhilliún),
'name' => q(codanna sa mhilliún),
'one' => q({0} chuid sa mhilliún),
'other' => q({0} cuid sa mhilliún),
'two' => q({0} chuid sa mhilliún),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permillion' => {
'few' => q({0} chuid sa mhilliún),
'many' => q({0} gcuid sa mhilliún),
'name' => q(codanna sa mhilliún),
'one' => q({0} chuid sa mhilliún),
'other' => q({0} cuid sa mhilliún),
'two' => q({0} chuid sa mhilliún),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permyriad' => {
'few' => q({0}‱),
'many' => q({0}‱),
'name' => q(faoin deich míle),
'one' => q({0} faoin deich míle),
'other' => q({0}‱),
'two' => q({0}‱),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permyriad' => {
'few' => q({0}‱),
'many' => q({0}‱),
'name' => q(faoin deich míle),
'one' => q({0} faoin deich míle),
'other' => q({0}‱),
'two' => q({0}‱),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'many' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'name' => q(lítir sa 100 ciliméadar),
'one' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'other' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'two' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'many' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'name' => q(lítir sa 100 ciliméadar),
'one' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'other' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
'two' => q({0} lítear sa 100 ciliméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'many' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'name' => q(lítir sa chiliméadar),
'one' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'other' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'two' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'many' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'name' => q(lítir sa chiliméadar),
'one' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'other' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
'two' => q({0} lítear sa chiliméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle an galún),
'many' => q({0} míle an galún),
'name' => q(mílte an galún),
'one' => q({0} mhíle an galún),
'other' => q({0} míle an galún),
'two' => q({0} mhíle an galún),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle an galún),
'many' => q({0} míle an galún),
'name' => q(mílte an galún),
'one' => q({0} mhíle an galún),
'other' => q({0} míle an galún),
'two' => q({0} mhíle an galún),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'many' => q({0} míle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'name' => q(mílte sa ghalún impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} mhíle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} míle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} mhíle sa ghalún impiriúil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'many' => q({0} míle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'name' => q(mílte sa ghalún impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} mhíle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} míle sa ghalún impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} mhíle sa ghalún impiriúil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0} oirthear),
'north' => q({0} thuaidh),
'south' => q({0} theas),
'west' => q({0} iarthar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0} oirthear),
'north' => q({0} thuaidh),
'south' => q({0} theas),
'west' => q({0} iarthar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-bit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiotán),
'many' => q({0} ngiotán),
'name' => q(giotáin),
'one' => q({0} ghiotán),
'other' => q({0} giotán),
'two' => q({0} ghiotán),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiotán),
'many' => q({0} ngiotán),
'name' => q(giotáin),
'one' => q({0} ghiotán),
'other' => q({0} giotán),
'two' => q({0} ghiotán),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-byte' => {
'few' => q({0} bheart),
'many' => q({0} mbeart),
'name' => q(bearta),
'one' => q({0} bheart),
'other' => q({0} beart),
'two' => q({0} bheart),
# Core Unit Identifier
'byte' => {
'few' => q({0} bheart),
'many' => q({0} mbeart),
'name' => q(bearta),
'one' => q({0} bheart),
'other' => q({0} beart),
'two' => q({0} bheart),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigighiotán),
'many' => q({0} ngigighiotán),
'name' => q(gigighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} ghigighiotán),
'other' => q({0} gigighiotán),
'two' => q({0} ghigighiotán),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigighiotán),
'many' => q({0} ngigighiotán),
'name' => q(gigighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} ghigighiotán),
'other' => q({0} gigighiotán),
'two' => q({0} ghigighiotán),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigibheart),
'many' => q({0} ngigibheart),
'name' => q(gigibhearta),
'one' => q({0} ghigibheart),
'other' => q({0} gigibheart),
'two' => q({0} ghigibheart),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigibheart),
'many' => q({0} ngigibheart),
'name' => q(gigibhearta),
'one' => q({0} ghigibheart),
'other' => q({0} gigibheart),
'two' => q({0} ghigibheart),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobit' => {
'few' => q({0} chilighiotán),
'many' => q({0} gcilighiotán),
'name' => q(cilighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} chilighiotán),
'other' => q({0} cilighiotán),
'two' => q({0} chilighiotán),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobit' => {
'few' => q({0} chilighiotán),
'many' => q({0} gcilighiotán),
'name' => q(cilighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} chilighiotán),
'other' => q({0} cilighiotán),
'two' => q({0} chilighiotán),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobyte' => {
'few' => q({0} chilibheart),
'many' => q({0} gcilibheart),
'name' => q(cilibhearta),
'one' => q({0} chilibheart),
'other' => q({0} cilibheart),
'two' => q({0} chilibheart),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobyte' => {
'few' => q({0} chilibheart),
'many' => q({0} gcilibheart),
'name' => q(cilibhearta),
'one' => q({0} chilibheart),
'other' => q({0} cilibheart),
'two' => q({0} chilibheart),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabit' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigighiotán),
'many' => q({0} meigighiotán),
'name' => q(meigighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} mheigighiotán),
'other' => q({0} meigighiotán),
'two' => q({0} mheigighiotán),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabit' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigighiotán),
'many' => q({0} meigighiotán),
'name' => q(meigighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} mheigighiotán),
'other' => q({0} meigighiotán),
'two' => q({0} mheigighiotán),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigibheart),
'many' => q({0} meigibheart),
'name' => q(meigibhearta),
'one' => q({0} mheigibheart),
'other' => q({0} meigibheart),
'two' => q({0} mheigibheart),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigibheart),
'many' => q({0} meigibheart),
'name' => q(meigibhearta),
'one' => q({0} mheigibheart),
'other' => q({0} meigibheart),
'two' => q({0} mheigibheart),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-petabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} PB),
'many' => q({0} PB),
'name' => q(peitibhearta),
'one' => q({0} peitibheart),
'other' => q({0} petabytes),
'two' => q({0} PB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'petabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} PB),
'many' => q({0} PB),
'name' => q(peitibhearta),
'one' => q({0} peitibheart),
'other' => q({0} petabytes),
'two' => q({0} PB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabit' => {
'few' => q({0} theirighiotán),
'many' => q({0} dteirighiotán),
'name' => q(teirighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} teirighiotán),
'other' => q({0} teirighiotán),
'two' => q({0} theirighiotán),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabit' => {
'few' => q({0} theirighiotán),
'many' => q({0} dteirighiotán),
'name' => q(teirighiotáin),
'one' => q({0} teirighiotán),
'other' => q({0} teirighiotán),
'two' => q({0} theirighiotán),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} theiribheart),
'many' => q({0} dteiribheart),
'name' => q(teiribhearta),
'one' => q({0} teiribheart),
'other' => q({0} teiribheart),
'two' => q({0} theiribheart),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} theiribheart),
'many' => q({0} dteiribheart),
'name' => q(teiribhearta),
'one' => q({0} teiribheart),
'other' => q({0} teiribheart),
'two' => q({0} theiribheart),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-century' => {
'few' => q({0} chéad bliain),
'many' => q({0} gcéad bliain),
'name' => q(céadta bliain),
'one' => q({0} chéad bliain),
'other' => q({0} céad bliain),
'two' => q({0} chéad bliain),
# Core Unit Identifier
'century' => {
'few' => q({0} chéad bliain),
'many' => q({0} gcéad bliain),
'name' => q(céadta bliain),
'one' => q({0} chéad bliain),
'other' => q({0} céad bliain),
'two' => q({0} chéad bliain),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-day' => {
'few' => q({0} lá),
'many' => q({0} lá),
'name' => q(laethanta),
'one' => q({0} lá),
'other' => q({0} lá),
'per' => q({0} sa lá),
'two' => q({0} lá),
# Core Unit Identifier
'day' => {
'few' => q({0} lá),
'many' => q({0} lá),
'name' => q(laethanta),
'one' => q({0} lá),
'other' => q({0} lá),
'per' => q({0} sa lá),
'two' => q({0} lá),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-decade' => {
'few' => q({0} dec),
'many' => q({0} dec),
'name' => q(deicheanna blianta),
'one' => q({0} deich mbliana),
'other' => q({0} deich mbliana),
'two' => q({0} dec),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decade' => {
'few' => q({0} dec),
'many' => q({0} dec),
'name' => q(deicheanna blianta),
'one' => q({0} deich mbliana),
'other' => q({0} deich mbliana),
'two' => q({0} dec),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} huaire),
'many' => q({0} n-uaire),
'name' => q(uaireanta),
'one' => q({0} uair),
'other' => q({0} uair),
'per' => q({0} san uair),
'two' => q({0} uair),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hour' => {
'few' => q({0} huaire),
'many' => q({0} n-uaire),
'name' => q(uaireanta),
'one' => q({0} uair),
'other' => q({0} uair),
'per' => q({0} san uair),
'two' => q({0} uair),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-microsecond' => {
'few' => q({0} mhicreashoicind),
'many' => q({0} micreashoicind),
'name' => q(micreashoicindí),
'one' => q({0} mhicreashoicind),
'other' => q({0} micreashoicind),
'two' => q({0} mhicreashoicind),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microsecond' => {
'few' => q({0} mhicreashoicind),
'many' => q({0} micreashoicind),
'name' => q(micreashoicindí),
'one' => q({0} mhicreashoicind),
'other' => q({0} micreashoicind),
'two' => q({0} mhicreashoicind),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-millisecond' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleasoicind),
'many' => q({0} milleasoicind),
'name' => q(milleasoicindí),
'one' => q({0} mhilleasoicind),
'other' => q({0} milleasoicind),
'two' => q({0} mhilleasoicind),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millisecond' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleasoicind),
'many' => q({0} milleasoicind),
'name' => q(milleasoicindí),
'one' => q({0} mhilleasoicind),
'other' => q({0} milleasoicind),
'two' => q({0} mhilleasoicind),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-minute' => {
'few' => q({0} nóiméad),
'many' => q({0} nóiméad),
'name' => q(nóiméid),
'one' => q({0} nóiméad),
'other' => q({0} nóiméad),
'per' => q({0} sa nóiméad),
'two' => q({0} nóiméad),
# Core Unit Identifier
'minute' => {
'few' => q({0} nóiméad),
'many' => q({0} nóiméad),
'name' => q(nóiméid),
'one' => q({0} nóiméad),
'other' => q({0} nóiméad),
'per' => q({0} sa nóiméad),
'two' => q({0} nóiméad),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-month' => {
'few' => q({0} mhí),
'many' => q({0} mí),
'name' => q(míonna),
'one' => q({0} mhí),
'other' => q({0} mí),
'per' => q({0} sa mhí),
'two' => q({0} mhí),
# Core Unit Identifier
'month' => {
'few' => q({0} mhí),
'many' => q({0} mí),
'name' => q(míonna),
'one' => q({0} mhí),
'other' => q({0} mí),
'per' => q({0} sa mhí),
'two' => q({0} mhí),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-nanosecond' => {
'few' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'many' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'name' => q(nanashoicindí),
'one' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'other' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'two' => q({0} nanashoicind),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanosecond' => {
'few' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'many' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'name' => q(nanashoicindí),
'one' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'other' => q({0} nanashoicind),
'two' => q({0} nanashoicind),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-second' => {
'few' => q({0} shoicind),
'many' => q({0} soicind),
'name' => q(soicindí),
'one' => q({0} soicind),
'other' => q({0} soicind),
'per' => q({0} sa soicind),
'two' => q({0} shoicind),
# Core Unit Identifier
'second' => {
'few' => q({0} shoicind),
'many' => q({0} soicind),
'name' => q(soicindí),
'one' => q({0} soicind),
'other' => q({0} soicind),
'per' => q({0} sa soicind),
'two' => q({0} shoicind),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-week' => {
'few' => q({0} seachtaine),
'many' => q({0} seachtaine),
'name' => q(seachtainí),
'one' => q({0} seachtain),
'other' => q({0} seachtain),
'per' => q({0} sa tseachtain),
'two' => q({0} sheachtain),
# Core Unit Identifier
'week' => {
'few' => q({0} seachtaine),
'many' => q({0} seachtaine),
'name' => q(seachtainí),
'one' => q({0} seachtain),
'other' => q({0} seachtain),
'per' => q({0} sa tseachtain),
'two' => q({0} sheachtain),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-year' => {
'few' => q({0} bliana),
'many' => q({0} mbliana),
'name' => q(blianta),
'one' => q({0} bhliain),
'other' => q({0} bliain),
'per' => q({0} sa bhliain),
'two' => q({0} bhliain),
# Core Unit Identifier
'year' => {
'few' => q({0} bliana),
'many' => q({0} mbliana),
'name' => q(blianta),
'one' => q({0} bhliain),
'other' => q({0} bliain),
'per' => q({0} sa bhliain),
'two' => q({0} bhliain),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ampere' => {
'few' => q({0} aimpéar),
'many' => q({0} n-aimpéar),
'name' => q(aimpéir),
'one' => q({0} aimpéar),
'other' => q({0} aimpéar),
'two' => q({0} aimpéar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ampere' => {
'few' => q({0} aimpéar),
'many' => q({0} n-aimpéar),
'name' => q(aimpéir),
'one' => q({0} aimpéar),
'other' => q({0} aimpéar),
'two' => q({0} aimpéar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-milliampere' => {
'few' => q({0} mhiollaimpéar),
'many' => q({0} miollaimpéar),
'name' => q(miollaimpéir),
'one' => q({0} mhiollaimpéar),
'other' => q({0} miollaimpéar),
'two' => q({0} mhiollaimpéar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliampere' => {
'few' => q({0} mhiollaimpéar),
'many' => q({0} miollaimpéar),
'name' => q(miollaimpéir),
'one' => q({0} mhiollaimpéar),
'other' => q({0} miollaimpéar),
'two' => q({0} mhiollaimpéar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ohm' => {
'few' => q({0} óm),
'many' => q({0} n-óm),
'name' => q(óim),
'one' => q({0} óm),
'other' => q({0} óm),
'two' => q({0} óm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ohm' => {
'few' => q({0} óm),
'many' => q({0} n-óm),
'name' => q(óim),
'one' => q({0} óm),
'other' => q({0} óm),
'two' => q({0} óm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-volt' => {
'few' => q({0} volta),
'many' => q({0} volta),
'name' => q(voltanna),
'one' => q({0} volta),
'other' => q({0} volta),
'two' => q({0} volta),
# Core Unit Identifier
'volt' => {
'few' => q({0} volta),
'many' => q({0} volta),
'name' => q(voltanna),
'one' => q({0} volta),
'other' => q({0} volta),
'two' => q({0} volta),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-british-thermal-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} Btu),
'many' => q({0} Btu),
'name' => q(teas-aonaid Bhriotanacha),
'one' => q({0} theas-aonad Briotanach),
'other' => q({0} aonad teirmeach Briotanach),
'two' => q({0} Btu),
# Core Unit Identifier
'british-thermal-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} Btu),
'many' => q({0} Btu),
'name' => q(teas-aonaid Bhriotanacha),
'one' => q({0} theas-aonad Briotanach),
'other' => q({0} aonad teirmeach Briotanach),
'two' => q({0} Btu),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-calorie' => {
'few' => q({0} chalra),
'many' => q({0} gcalra),
'name' => q(calraí),
'one' => q({0} chalra),
'other' => q({0} calra),
'two' => q({0} chalra),
# Core Unit Identifier
'calorie' => {
'few' => q({0} chalra),
'many' => q({0} gcalra),
'name' => q(calraí),
'one' => q({0} chalra),
'other' => q({0} calra),
'two' => q({0} chalra),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-electronvolt' => {
'few' => q({0} eV),
'many' => q({0} eV),
'name' => q(leictreonvoltanna),
'one' => q({0} leictreavolta),
'other' => q({0} leictreonvolta),
'two' => q({0} eV),
# Core Unit Identifier
'electronvolt' => {
'few' => q({0} eV),
'many' => q({0} eV),
'name' => q(leictreonvoltanna),
'one' => q({0} leictreavolta),
'other' => q({0} leictreonvolta),
'two' => q({0} eV),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-foodcalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} Chalra),
'many' => q({0} gCalra),
'name' => q(Calraí),
'one' => q({0} Chalra),
'other' => q({0} Calra),
'two' => q({0} Chalra),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foodcalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} Chalra),
'many' => q({0} gCalra),
'name' => q(Calraí),
'one' => q({0} Chalra),
'other' => q({0} Calra),
'two' => q({0} Chalra),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-joule' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiúl),
'many' => q({0} ngiúl),
'name' => q(giúil),
'one' => q({0} ghiúl),
'other' => q({0} giúl),
'two' => q({0} ghiúl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'joule' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiúl),
'many' => q({0} ngiúl),
'name' => q(giúil),
'one' => q({0} ghiúl),
'other' => q({0} giúl),
'two' => q({0} ghiúl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilocalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} chileacalra),
'many' => q({0} gcileacalra),
'name' => q(cileacalraí),
'one' => q({0} chileacalra),
'other' => q({0} cileacalra),
'two' => q({0} chileacalra),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilocalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} chileacalra),
'many' => q({0} gcileacalra),
'name' => q(cileacalraí),
'one' => q({0} chileacalra),
'other' => q({0} cileacalra),
'two' => q({0} chileacalra),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilojoule' => {
'few' => q({0} chiligiúl),
'many' => q({0} gciligiúl),
'name' => q(ciligiúil),
'one' => q({0} chiligiúl),
'other' => q({0} ciligiúl),
'two' => q({0} chiligiúl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilojoule' => {
'few' => q({0} chiligiúl),
'many' => q({0} gciligiúl),
'name' => q(ciligiúil),
'one' => q({0} chiligiúl),
'other' => q({0} ciligiúl),
'two' => q({0} chiligiúl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilowatt-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} chileavatuair),
'many' => q({0} gcileavatuair),
'name' => q(cileavatuaireanta),
'one' => q({0} chileavatuair),
'other' => q({0} cileavatuair),
'two' => q({0} chileavatuair),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} chileavatuair),
'many' => q({0} gcileavatuair),
'name' => q(cileavatuaireanta),
'one' => q({0} chileavatuair),
'other' => q({0} cileavatuair),
'two' => q({0} chileavatuair),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-therm-us' => {
'few' => q({0} theirm SAM),
'many' => q({0} dteirm SAM),
'name' => q(teirmeacha SAM),
'one' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'other' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'two' => q({0} theirm SAM),
# Core Unit Identifier
'therm-us' => {
'few' => q({0} theirm SAM),
'many' => q({0} dteirm SAM),
'name' => q(teirmeacha SAM),
'one' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'other' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'two' => q({0} theirm SAM),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} kWh/100km),
'many' => q({0} kWh/100km),
'name' => q(cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 ciliméadar),
'one' => q(cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 ciliméadar),
'other' => q({0} cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 ciliméadar),
'two' => q({0} cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 cilliméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} kWh/100km),
'many' => q({0} kWh/100km),
'name' => q(cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 ciliméadar),
'one' => q(cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 ciliméadar),
'other' => q({0} cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 ciliméadar),
'two' => q({0} cileavatuair in aghaidh 100 cilliméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-newton' => {
'few' => q({0} N),
'many' => q({0} N),
'name' => q(niútain),
'one' => q({0} niútan),
'other' => q({0} niútan),
'two' => q({0} N),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton' => {
'few' => q({0} N),
'many' => q({0} N),
'name' => q(niútain),
'one' => q({0} niútan),
'other' => q({0} niútan),
'two' => q({0} N),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-pound-force' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf),
'many' => q({0} lbf),
'name' => q(puint fórsa),
'one' => q({0} punt fórsa),
'other' => q({0} lbf),
'two' => q({0} lbf),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf),
'many' => q({0} lbf),
'name' => q(puint fórsa),
'one' => q({0} punt fórsa),
'other' => q({0} lbf),
'two' => q({0} lbf),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-gigahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigiheirts),
'many' => q({0} ngigiheirts),
'name' => q(gigiheirts),
'one' => q({0} ghigiheirts),
'other' => q({0} gigiheirts),
'two' => q({0} ghigiheirts),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigiheirts),
'many' => q({0} ngigiheirts),
'name' => q(gigiheirts),
'one' => q({0} ghigiheirts),
'other' => q({0} gigiheirts),
'two' => q({0} ghigiheirts),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-hertz' => {
'few' => q({0} heirts),
'many' => q({0} heirts),
'name' => q(heirts),
'one' => q({0} heirts),
'other' => q({0} heirts),
'two' => q({0} heirts),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hertz' => {
'few' => q({0} heirts),
'many' => q({0} heirts),
'name' => q(heirts),
'one' => q({0} heirts),
'other' => q({0} heirts),
'two' => q({0} heirts),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-kilohertz' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliheirts),
'many' => q({0} gciliheirts),
'name' => q(ciliheirts),
'one' => q({0} chiliheirts),
'other' => q({0} ciliheirts),
'two' => q({0} chiliheirts),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilohertz' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliheirts),
'many' => q({0} gciliheirts),
'name' => q(ciliheirts),
'one' => q({0} chiliheirts),
'other' => q({0} ciliheirts),
'two' => q({0} chiliheirts),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-megahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigiheirts),
'many' => q({0} meigiheirts),
'name' => q(meigiheirts),
'one' => q({0} mheigiheirts),
'other' => q({0} meigiheirts),
'two' => q({0} mheigiheirts),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigiheirts),
'many' => q({0} meigiheirts),
'name' => q(meigiheirts),
'one' => q({0} mheigiheirts),
'other' => q({0} meigiheirts),
'two' => q({0} mheigiheirts),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc),
'many' => q({0} bponc),
'name' => q(ponc),
'one' => q({0} phonc),
'other' => q({0} ponc),
'two' => q({0} phonc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc),
'many' => q({0} bponc),
'name' => q(ponc),
'one' => q({0} phonc),
'other' => q({0} ponc),
'two' => q({0} phonc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot-per-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc sa cheintiméadar),
'many' => q({0} bponc sa cheintiméadar),
'name' => q(poncanna sa cheintiméadar),
'one' => q({0} phonc sa cheintiméadar),
'other' => q({0} ponc sa cheintiméadar),
'two' => q({0} phonc sa cheintiméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot-per-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc sa cheintiméadar),
'many' => q({0} bponc sa cheintiméadar),
'name' => q(poncanna sa cheintiméadar),
'one' => q({0} phonc sa cheintiméadar),
'other' => q({0} ponc sa cheintiméadar),
'two' => q({0} phonc sa cheintiméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot-per-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc san orlach),
'many' => q({0} bponc san orlach),
'name' => q(poncanna san orlach),
'one' => q({0} phonc san orlach),
'other' => q({0} ponc san orlach),
'two' => q({0} phonc san orlach),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot-per-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc san orlach),
'many' => q({0} bponc san orlach),
'name' => q(poncanna san orlach),
'one' => q({0} phonc san orlach),
'other' => q({0} ponc san orlach),
'two' => q({0} phonc san orlach),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-em' => {
'few' => q({0} eim),
'many' => q({0} n-eim),
'name' => q(eim chlóghrafach),
'one' => q({0} eim),
'other' => q({0} eim),
'two' => q({0} eim),
# Core Unit Identifier
'em' => {
'few' => q({0} eim),
'many' => q({0} n-eim),
'name' => q(eim chlóghrafach),
'one' => q({0} eim),
'other' => q({0} eim),
'two' => q({0} eim),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-megapixel' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigiphicteilín),
'many' => q({0} meigiphicteilín),
'name' => q(meigiphicteilíní),
'one' => q({0} mheigiphicteilín),
'other' => q({0} meigiphicteilín),
'two' => q({0} mheigiphicteilín),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megapixel' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigiphicteilín),
'many' => q({0} meigiphicteilín),
'name' => q(meigiphicteilíní),
'one' => q({0} mheigiphicteilín),
'other' => q({0} meigiphicteilín),
'two' => q({0} mheigiphicteilín),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-pixel' => {
'few' => q({0} phicteilín),
'many' => q({0} bpicteilín),
'name' => q(picteilíní),
'one' => q({0} phicteilín),
'other' => q({0} picteilín),
'two' => q({0} phicteilín),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pixel' => {
'few' => q({0} phicteilín),
'many' => q({0} bpicteilín),
'name' => q(picteilíní),
'one' => q({0} phicteilín),
'other' => q({0} picteilín),
'two' => q({0} phicteilín),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-pixel-per-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} phicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'many' => q({0} bpicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'name' => q(picteilíní sa cheintiméadar),
'one' => q({0} phicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'other' => q({0} picteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'two' => q({0} phicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pixel-per-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} phicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'many' => q({0} bpicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'name' => q(picteilíní sa cheintiméadar),
'one' => q({0} phicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'other' => q({0} picteilín sa cheintiméadar),
'two' => q({0} phicteilín sa cheintiméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-pixel-per-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} phicteilín san orlach),
'many' => q({0} bpicteilín san orlach),
'name' => q(picteilíní san orlach),
'one' => q({0} phicteilín san orlach),
'other' => q({0} picteilín san orlach),
'two' => q({0} phicteilín san orlach),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pixel-per-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} phicteilín san orlach),
'many' => q({0} bpicteilín san orlach),
'name' => q(picteilíní san orlach),
'one' => q({0} phicteilín san orlach),
'other' => q({0} picteilín san orlach),
'two' => q({0} phicteilín san orlach),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-astronomical-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
'many' => q({0} n-aonad réalteolaíoch),
'name' => q(aonaid réalteolaíocha),
'one' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
'other' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
'two' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
# Core Unit Identifier
'astronomical-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
'many' => q({0} n-aonad réalteolaíoch),
'name' => q(aonaid réalteolaíocha),
'one' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
'other' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
'two' => q({0} aonad réalteolaíoch),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintiméadar),
'many' => q({0} gceintiméadar),
'name' => q(ceintiméadair),
'one' => q({0} cheintiméadar),
'other' => q({0} ceintiméadar),
'per' => q({0} sa cheintiméadar),
'two' => q({0} cheintiméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintiméadar),
'many' => q({0} gceintiméadar),
'name' => q(ceintiméadair),
'one' => q({0} cheintiméadar),
'other' => q({0} ceintiméadar),
'per' => q({0} sa cheintiméadar),
'two' => q({0} cheintiméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-decimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} dheiciméadar),
'many' => q({0} ndeiciméadar),
'name' => q(deiciméadair),
'one' => q({0} deiciméadar),
'other' => q({0} deiciméadar),
'two' => q({0} dheiciméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} dheiciméadar),
'many' => q({0} ndeiciméadar),
'name' => q(deiciméadair),
'one' => q({0} deiciméadar),
'other' => q({0} deiciméadar),
'two' => q({0} dheiciméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-earth-radius' => {
'few' => q({0} gha an domhain),
'many' => q({0} nga an domhain),
'name' => q(ga an domhain),
'one' => q({0} gha an domhain),
'other' => q({0} ga an domhain),
'two' => q({0} gha an domhain),
# Core Unit Identifier
'earth-radius' => {
'few' => q({0} gha an domhain),
'many' => q({0} nga an domhain),
'name' => q(ga an domhain),
'one' => q({0} gha an domhain),
'other' => q({0} ga an domhain),
'two' => q({0} gha an domhain),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-fathom' => {
'few' => q({0} fheá),
'many' => q({0} bhfeá),
'name' => q(feánna),
'one' => q({0} fheá),
'other' => q({0} feá),
'two' => q({0} fheá),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fathom' => {
'few' => q({0} fheá),
'many' => q({0} bhfeá),
'name' => q(feánna),
'one' => q({0} fheá),
'other' => q({0} feá),
'two' => q({0} fheá),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} throigh),
'many' => q({0} dtroigh),
'name' => q(troithe),
'one' => q({0} troigh),
'other' => q({0} troigh),
'per' => q({0} sa troigh),
'two' => q({0} throigh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foot' => {
'few' => q({0} throigh),
'many' => q({0} dtroigh),
'name' => q(troithe),
'one' => q({0} troigh),
'other' => q({0} troigh),
'per' => q({0} sa troigh),
'two' => q({0} throigh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-furlong' => {
'few' => q({0} staid),
'many' => q({0} staid),
'name' => q(staideanna),
'one' => q({0} staid),
'other' => q({0} staid),
'two' => q({0} staid),
# Core Unit Identifier
'furlong' => {
'few' => q({0} staid),
'many' => q({0} staid),
'name' => q(staideanna),
'one' => q({0} staid),
'other' => q({0} staid),
'two' => q({0} staid),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach),
'many' => q({0} n-orlach),
'name' => q(orlaí),
'one' => q({0} orlach),
'other' => q({0} orlach),
'per' => q({0} san orlach),
'two' => q({0} orlach),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach),
'many' => q({0} n-orlach),
'name' => q(orlaí),
'one' => q({0} orlach),
'other' => q({0} orlach),
'per' => q({0} san orlach),
'two' => q({0} orlach),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar),
'name' => q(ciliméadair),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar),
'per' => q({0} sa chiliméadar),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar),
'name' => q(ciliméadair),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar),
'per' => q({0} sa chiliméadar),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-light-year' => {
'few' => q({0} sholasbhliain),
'many' => q({0} solasbhliain),
'name' => q(solasbhlianta),
'one' => q({0} solasbhliain),
'other' => q({0} solasbhliain),
'two' => q({0} sholasbhliain),
# Core Unit Identifier
'light-year' => {
'few' => q({0} sholasbhliain),
'many' => q({0} solasbhliain),
'name' => q(solasbhlianta),
'one' => q({0} solasbhliain),
'other' => q({0} solasbhliain),
'two' => q({0} sholasbhliain),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar),
'many' => q({0} méadar),
'name' => q(méadair),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar),
'other' => q({0} méadar),
'per' => q({0} sa mhéadar),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar),
'many' => q({0} méadar),
'name' => q(méadair),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar),
'other' => q({0} méadar),
'per' => q({0} sa mhéadar),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-micrometer' => {
'few' => q({0} mhicriméadar),
'many' => q({0} micriméadar),
'name' => q(micriméadair),
'one' => q({0} mhicriméadar),
'other' => q({0} micriméadar),
'two' => q({0} mhicriméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'micrometer' => {
'few' => q({0} mhicriméadar),
'many' => q({0} micriméadar),
'name' => q(micriméadair),
'one' => q({0} mhicriméadar),
'other' => q({0} micriméadar),
'two' => q({0} mhicriméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle),
'many' => q({0} míle),
'name' => q(mílte),
'one' => q({0} mhíle),
'other' => q({0} míle),
'two' => q({0} mhíle),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle),
'many' => q({0} míle),
'name' => q(mílte),
'one' => q({0} mhíle),
'other' => q({0} míle),
'two' => q({0} mhíle),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile-scandinavian' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle Lochlannacha),
'many' => q({0} míle Lochlannacha),
'name' => q(míle Lochlannach),
'one' => q({0} mhíle Lochlannach),
'other' => q({0} míle Lochlannach),
'two' => q({0} mhíle Lochlannacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-scandinavian' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle Lochlannacha),
'many' => q({0} míle Lochlannacha),
'name' => q(míle Lochlannach),
'one' => q({0} mhíle Lochlannach),
'other' => q({0} míle Lochlannach),
'two' => q({0} mhíle Lochlannacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-millimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilliméadar),
'many' => q({0} milliméadar),
'name' => q(milliméadair),
'one' => q({0} mhilliméadar),
'other' => q({0} milliméadar),
'two' => q({0} mhilliméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilliméadar),
'many' => q({0} milliméadar),
'name' => q(milliméadair),
'one' => q({0} mhilliméadar),
'other' => q({0} milliméadar),
'two' => q({0} mhilliméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nanometer' => {
'few' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'many' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'name' => q(nanaiméadair),
'one' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'other' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'two' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanometer' => {
'few' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'many' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'name' => q(nanaiméadair),
'one' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'other' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
'two' => q({0} nanaiméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nautical-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhuirmhíle),
'many' => q({0} muirmhíle),
'name' => q(muirmhílte),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmhíle),
'other' => q({0} muirmhíle),
'two' => q({0} mhuirmhíle),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nautical-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhuirmhíle),
'many' => q({0} muirmhíle),
'name' => q(muirmhílte),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmhíle),
'other' => q({0} muirmhíle),
'two' => q({0} mhuirmhíle),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-parsec' => {
'few' => q({0} pharsoic),
'many' => q({0} bparsoic),
'name' => q(parsoiceanna),
'one' => q({0} pharsoic),
'other' => q({0} parsoic),
'two' => q({0} pharsoic),
# Core Unit Identifier
'parsec' => {
'few' => q({0} pharsoic),
'many' => q({0} bparsoic),
'name' => q(parsoiceanna),
'one' => q({0} pharsoic),
'other' => q({0} parsoic),
'two' => q({0} pharsoic),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-picometer' => {
'few' => q({0} phiciméadar),
'many' => q({0} bpiciméadar),
'name' => q(piciméadair),
'one' => q({0} phiciméadar),
'other' => q({0} piciméadar),
'two' => q({0} phiciméadar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'picometer' => {
'few' => q({0} phiciméadar),
'many' => q({0} bpiciméadar),
'name' => q(piciméadair),
'one' => q({0} phiciméadar),
'other' => q({0} piciméadar),
'two' => q({0} phiciméadar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-point' => {
'few' => q({0} phointe),
'many' => q({0} bpointe),
'name' => q(pointí),
'one' => q({0} phointe),
'other' => q({0} pointe),
'two' => q({0} phointe),
# Core Unit Identifier
'point' => {
'few' => q({0} phointe),
'many' => q({0} bpointe),
'name' => q(pointí),
'one' => q({0} phointe),
'other' => q({0} pointe),
'two' => q({0} phointe),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-solar-radius' => {
'few' => q({0} ghriangha),
'many' => q({0} ngriangha),
'name' => q(grianghathanna),
'one' => q({0} ghriangha),
'other' => q({0} griangha),
'two' => q({0} ghriangha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-radius' => {
'few' => q({0} ghriangha),
'many' => q({0} ngriangha),
'name' => q(grianghathanna),
'one' => q({0} ghriangha),
'other' => q({0} griangha),
'two' => q({0} ghriangha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shlat),
'many' => q({0} slat),
'name' => q(slata),
'one' => q({0} slat),
'other' => q({0} slat),
'two' => q({0} shlat),
# Core Unit Identifier
'yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shlat),
'many' => q({0} slat),
'name' => q(slata),
'one' => q({0} slat),
'other' => q({0} slat),
'two' => q({0} shlat),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-candela' => {
'few' => q({0} chaindéile),
'many' => q({0} gcaindéile),
'name' => q(caindéile),
'one' => q({0} chaindéile),
'other' => q({0} caindéile),
'two' => q({0} chaindéile),
# Core Unit Identifier
'candela' => {
'few' => q({0} chaindéile),
'many' => q({0} gcaindéile),
'name' => q(caindéile),
'one' => q({0} chaindéile),
'other' => q({0} caindéile),
'two' => q({0} chaindéile),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-lumen' => {
'few' => q({0} lúman),
'many' => q({0} lúman),
'name' => q(lúman),
'one' => q({0} lúman),
'other' => q({0} lúman),
'two' => q({0} lúman),
# Core Unit Identifier
'lumen' => {
'few' => q({0} lúman),
'many' => q({0} lúman),
'name' => q(lúman),
'one' => q({0} lúman),
'other' => q({0} lúman),
'two' => q({0} lúman),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-lux' => {
'few' => q({0} lucsa),
'many' => q({0} lucsa),
'name' => q(lucsa),
'one' => q({0} lucsa),
'other' => q({0} lucsa),
'two' => q({0} lucsa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'lux' => {
'few' => q({0} lucsa),
'many' => q({0} lucsa),
'name' => q(lucsa),
'one' => q({0} lucsa),
'other' => q({0} lucsa),
'two' => q({0} lucsa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-solar-luminosity' => {
'few' => q({0} L☉),
'many' => q({0} L☉),
'name' => q(grianlonrachas),
'one' => q({0} ghrianlonrachas),
'other' => q({0} grianlonrachas),
'two' => q({0} ghrianlonrachas),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-luminosity' => {
'few' => q({0} L☉),
'many' => q({0} L☉),
'name' => q(grianlonrachas),
'one' => q({0} ghrianlonrachas),
'other' => q({0} grianlonrachas),
'two' => q({0} ghrianlonrachas),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-carat' => {
'few' => q({0} charat),
'many' => q({0} gcarat),
'name' => q(carait),
'one' => q({0} charat),
'other' => q({0} carat),
'two' => q({0} charat),
# Core Unit Identifier
'carat' => {
'few' => q({0} charat),
'many' => q({0} gcarat),
'name' => q(carait),
'one' => q({0} charat),
'other' => q({0} carat),
'two' => q({0} charat),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-dalton' => {
'few' => q({0} dhaltún),
'many' => q({0} ndaltún),
'name' => q(daltúin),
'one' => q({0} daltún),
'other' => q({0} daltún),
'two' => q({0} dhaltún),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dalton' => {
'few' => q({0} dhaltún),
'many' => q({0} ndaltún),
'name' => q(daltúin),
'one' => q({0} daltún),
'other' => q({0} daltún),
'two' => q({0} dhaltún),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-earth-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} mhais an Domhain),
'many' => q({0} mais an Domhain),
'name' => q(maiseanna an Domhain),
'one' => q(mais an Domhain),
'other' => q({0} mais an Domhain),
'two' => q({0} mhais an Domhain),
# Core Unit Identifier
'earth-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} mhais an Domhain),
'many' => q({0} mais an Domhain),
'name' => q(maiseanna an Domhain),
'one' => q(mais an Domhain),
'other' => q({0} mais an Domhain),
'two' => q({0} mhais an Domhain),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-grain' => {
'few' => q({0} ghráinne),
'many' => q({0} ngráinne),
'name' => q(gráinne),
'one' => q({0} ghráinne),
'other' => q({0} gráinne),
'two' => q({0} ghráinne),
# Core Unit Identifier
'grain' => {
'few' => q({0} ghráinne),
'many' => q({0} ngráinne),
'name' => q(gráinne),
'one' => q({0} ghráinne),
'other' => q({0} gráinne),
'two' => q({0} ghráinne),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-gram' => {
'few' => q({0} ghram),
'many' => q({0} ngram),
'name' => q(graim),
'one' => q({0} ghram),
'other' => q({0} gram),
'per' => q({0} sa ghram),
'two' => q({0} ghram),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gram' => {
'few' => q({0} ghram),
'many' => q({0} ngram),
'name' => q(graim),
'one' => q({0} ghram),
'other' => q({0} gram),
'per' => q({0} sa ghram),
'two' => q({0} ghram),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-kilogram' => {
'few' => q({0} chileagram),
'many' => q({0} gcileagram),
'name' => q(cileagraim),
'one' => q({0} chileagram),
'other' => q({0} cileagram),
'per' => q({0} sa chileagram),
'two' => q({0} chileagram),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilogram' => {
'few' => q({0} chileagram),
'many' => q({0} gcileagram),
'name' => q(cileagraim),
'one' => q({0} chileagram),
'other' => q({0} cileagram),
'per' => q({0} sa chileagram),
'two' => q({0} chileagram),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-metric-ton' => {
'few' => q({0} thonna mhéadracha),
'many' => q({0} dtonna mhéadracha),
'name' => q(tonnaí méadracha),
'one' => q({0} tonna méadrach),
'other' => q({0} tonna méadrach),
'two' => q({0} thonna mhéadracha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'metric-ton' => {
'few' => q({0} thonna mhéadracha),
'many' => q({0} dtonna mhéadracha),
'name' => q(tonnaí méadracha),
'one' => q({0} tonna méadrach),
'other' => q({0} tonna méadrach),
'two' => q({0} thonna mhéadracha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-microgram' => {
'few' => q({0} mhicreagram),
'many' => q({0} micreagram),
'name' => q(micreagraim),
'one' => q({0} mhicreagram),
'other' => q({0} micreagram),
'two' => q({0} mhicreagram),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microgram' => {
'few' => q({0} mhicreagram),
'many' => q({0} micreagram),
'name' => q(micreagraim),
'one' => q({0} mhicreagram),
'other' => q({0} micreagram),
'two' => q({0} mhicreagram),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-milligram' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleagram),
'many' => q({0} milleagram),
'name' => q(milleagraim),
'one' => q({0} mhilleagram),
'other' => q({0} milleagram),
'two' => q({0} mhilleagram),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleagram),
'many' => q({0} milleagram),
'name' => q(milleagraim),
'one' => q({0} mhilleagram),
'other' => q({0} milleagram),
'two' => q({0} mhilleagram),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa),
'name' => q(unsaí),
'one' => q({0} unsa),
'other' => q({0} unsa),
'per' => q({0} san unsa),
'two' => q({0} unsa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa),
'name' => q(unsaí),
'one' => q({0} unsa),
'other' => q({0} unsa),
'per' => q({0} san unsa),
'two' => q({0} unsa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce-troy' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa troí),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa troí),
'name' => q(unsaí troí),
'one' => q({0} unsa troí),
'other' => q({0} unsa troí),
'two' => q({0} unsa troí),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce-troy' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa troí),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa troí),
'name' => q(unsaí troí),
'one' => q({0} unsa troí),
'other' => q({0} unsa troí),
'two' => q({0} unsa troí),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-pound' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt),
'many' => q({0} bpunt),
'name' => q(puint),
'one' => q({0} phunt),
'other' => q({0} punt),
'per' => q({0} sa phunt),
'two' => q({0} phunt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt),
'many' => q({0} bpunt),
'name' => q(puint),
'one' => q({0} phunt),
'other' => q({0} punt),
'per' => q({0} sa phunt),
'two' => q({0} phunt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-solar-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} mhais ghréine),
'many' => q({0} mais ghréine),
'name' => q(maiseanna gréine),
'one' => q({0} mhais ghréine),
'other' => q({0} mais ghréine),
'two' => q({0} mhais ghréine),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} mhais ghréine),
'many' => q({0} mais ghréine),
'name' => q(maiseanna gréine),
'one' => q({0} mhais ghréine),
'other' => q({0} mais ghréine),
'two' => q({0} mhais ghréine),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-stone' => {
'few' => q({0} chloch),
'many' => q({0} gcloch),
'name' => q(clocha),
'one' => q({0} chloch),
'other' => q({0} cloch),
'two' => q({0} chloch),
# Core Unit Identifier
'stone' => {
'few' => q({0} chloch),
'many' => q({0} gcloch),
'name' => q(clocha),
'one' => q({0} chloch),
'other' => q({0} cloch),
'two' => q({0} chloch),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ton' => {
'few' => q({0} thonna ghearra),
'many' => q({0} dtonna ghearra),
'name' => q(tonnaí gearra),
'one' => q({0} tonna gearr),
'other' => q({0} tonna gearr),
'two' => q({0} thonna ghearra),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ton' => {
'few' => q({0} thonna ghearra),
'many' => q({0} dtonna ghearra),
'name' => q(tonnaí gearra),
'one' => q({0} tonna gearr),
'other' => q({0} tonna gearr),
'two' => q({0} thonna ghearra),
# Long Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0} sa {1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0} sa {1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-gigawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigeavata),
'many' => q({0} ngigeavata),
'name' => q(gigeavatanna),
'one' => q({0} ghigeavata),
'other' => q({0} gigeavata),
'two' => q({0} ghigeavata),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} ghigeavata),
'many' => q({0} ngigeavata),
'name' => q(gigeavatanna),
'one' => q({0} ghigeavata),
'other' => q({0} gigeavata),
'two' => q({0} ghigeavata),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-horsepower' => {
'few' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
'many' => q({0} n-each-chumhacht),
'name' => q(each-chumhacht),
'one' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
'other' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
'two' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
# Core Unit Identifier
'horsepower' => {
'few' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
'many' => q({0} n-each-chumhacht),
'name' => q(each-chumhacht),
'one' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
'other' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
'two' => q({0} each-chumhacht),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-kilowatt' => {
'few' => q({0} chileavata),
'many' => q({0} gcileavata),
'name' => q(cileavatanna),
'one' => q({0} chileavata),
'other' => q({0} cileavata),
'two' => q({0} chileavata),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt' => {
'few' => q({0} chileavata),
'many' => q({0} gcileavata),
'name' => q(cileavatanna),
'one' => q({0} chileavata),
'other' => q({0} cileavata),
'two' => q({0} chileavata),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-megawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigeavata),
'many' => q({0} meigeavata),
'name' => q(meigeavatanna),
'one' => q({0} mheigeavata),
'other' => q({0} meigeavata),
'two' => q({0} mheigeavata),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigeavata),
'many' => q({0} meigeavata),
'name' => q(meigeavatanna),
'one' => q({0} mheigeavata),
'other' => q({0} meigeavata),
'two' => q({0} mheigeavata),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-milliwatt' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleavata),
'many' => q({0} milleavata),
'name' => q(milleavatanna),
'one' => q({0} mhilleavata),
'other' => q({0} milleavata),
'two' => q({0} mhilleavata),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliwatt' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleavata),
'many' => q({0} milleavata),
'name' => q(milleavatanna),
'one' => q({0} mhilleavata),
'other' => q({0} milleavata),
'two' => q({0} mhilleavata),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-watt' => {
'few' => q({0} vata),
'many' => q({0} vata),
'name' => q(vatanna),
'one' => q({0} vata),
'other' => q({0} vata),
'two' => q({0} vata),
# Core Unit Identifier
'watt' => {
'few' => q({0} vata),
'many' => q({0} vata),
'name' => q(vatanna),
'one' => q({0} vata),
'other' => q({0} vata),
'two' => q({0} vata),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'few' => q({0} chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} cearnaithe),
'other' => q({0} chearnaithe),
'two' => q({0} chearnacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'few' => q({0} chearnacha),
'many' => q({0} chearnacha),
'one' => q({0} cearnaithe),
'other' => q({0} chearnaithe),
'two' => q({0} chearnacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'few' => q({0} chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'few' => q({0} chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-atmosphere' => {
'few' => q({0} atmaisféar),
'many' => q({0} n-atmaisféar),
'name' => q(atmaisféir),
'one' => q({0} atmaisféar),
'other' => q({0} atmaisféar),
'two' => q({0} atmaisféar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'atmosphere' => {
'few' => q({0} atmaisféar),
'many' => q({0} n-atmaisféar),
'name' => q(atmaisféir),
'one' => q({0} atmaisféar),
'other' => q({0} atmaisféar),
'two' => q({0} atmaisféar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-bar' => {
'few' => q({0} bharra),
'many' => q({0} mbarra),
'name' => q(bair),
'one' => q({0} bharra),
'other' => q({0} barra),
'two' => q({0} bharra),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bar' => {
'few' => q({0} bharra),
'many' => q({0} mbarra),
'name' => q(bair),
'one' => q({0} bharra),
'other' => q({0} barra),
'two' => q({0} bharra),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-hectopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'many' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'name' => q(heicteapascail),
'one' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'other' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'two' => q({0} heicteapascal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'many' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'name' => q(heicteapascail),
'one' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'other' => q({0} heicteapascal),
'two' => q({0} heicteapascal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-inch-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
'many' => q({0} n-orlach mearcair),
'name' => q(orlaí mearcair),
'one' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
'other' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
'two' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
'many' => q({0} n-orlach mearcair),
'name' => q(orlaí mearcair),
'one' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
'other' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
'two' => q({0} orlach mearcair),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-kilopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} kPa),
'many' => q({0} kPa),
'name' => q(cileapascail),
'one' => q({0} chileapascal),
'other' => q({0} kPa),
'two' => q({0} kPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} kPa),
'many' => q({0} kPa),
'name' => q(cileapascail),
'one' => q({0} chileapascal),
'other' => q({0} kPa),
'two' => q({0} kPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-megapascal' => {
'few' => q({0} MPa),
'many' => q({0} MPa),
'name' => q(meigeapascail),
'one' => q({0} mheigeapascal),
'other' => q({0} meigeapascal),
'two' => q({0} MPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megapascal' => {
'few' => q({0} MPa),
'many' => q({0} MPa),
'name' => q(meigeapascail),
'one' => q({0} mheigeapascal),
'other' => q({0} meigeapascal),
'two' => q({0} MPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millibar' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleabar),
'many' => q({0} milleabar),
'name' => q(milleabair),
'one' => q({0} mhilleabar),
'other' => q({0} milleabar),
'two' => q({0} mhilleabar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millibar' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilleabar),
'many' => q({0} milleabar),
'name' => q(milleabair),
'one' => q({0} mhilleabar),
'other' => q({0} milleabar),
'two' => q({0} mhilleabar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millimeter-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilliméadar mearcair),
'many' => q({0} milliméadar mearcair),
'name' => q(milliméadair mearcair),
'one' => q({0} mhilliméadar mearcair),
'other' => q({0} milliméadar mearcair),
'two' => q({0} mhilliméadar mearcair),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} mhilliméadar mearcair),
'many' => q({0} milliméadar mearcair),
'name' => q(milliméadair mearcair),
'one' => q({0} mhilliméadar mearcair),
'other' => q({0} milliméadar mearcair),
'two' => q({0} mhilliméadar mearcair),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pascal' => {
'few' => q({0} phascal),
'many' => q({0} bpascal),
'name' => q(Pascail),
'one' => q({0} phascal),
'other' => q({0} pascal),
'two' => q({0} phascal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pascal' => {
'few' => q({0} phascal),
'many' => q({0} bpascal),
'name' => q(Pascail),
'one' => q({0} phascal),
'other' => q({0} pascal),
'two' => q({0} phascal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt san orlach cearnach),
'many' => q({0} bpunt san orlach cearnach),
'name' => q(puint san orlach cearnach),
'one' => q({0} phunt san orlach cearnach),
'other' => q({0} punt san orlach cearnach),
'two' => q({0} phunt san orlach cearnach),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt san orlach cearnach),
'many' => q({0} bpunt san orlach cearnach),
'name' => q(puint san orlach cearnach),
'one' => q({0} phunt san orlach cearnach),
'other' => q({0} punt san orlach cearnach),
'two' => q({0} phunt san orlach cearnach),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-kilometer-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar san uair),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar san uair),
'name' => q(ciliméadair san uair),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar san uair),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar san uair),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar san uair),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar san uair),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar san uair),
'name' => q(ciliméadair san uair),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar san uair),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar san uair),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar san uair),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-knot' => {
'few' => q({0} mhuirmhíle san uair),
'many' => q({0} muirmhíle san uair),
'name' => q(muirmhíle san uair),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmhíle san uair),
'other' => q({0} muirmhíle san uair),
'two' => q({0} mhuirmhíle san uair),
# Core Unit Identifier
'knot' => {
'few' => q({0} mhuirmhíle san uair),
'many' => q({0} muirmhíle san uair),
'name' => q(muirmhíle san uair),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmhíle san uair),
'other' => q({0} muirmhíle san uair),
'two' => q({0} mhuirmhíle san uair),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-meter-per-second' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind),
'many' => q({0} méadar sa soicind),
'name' => q(méadair sa soicind),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind),
'other' => q({0} méadar sa soicind),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-second' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind),
'many' => q({0} méadar sa soicind),
'name' => q(méadair sa soicind),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind),
'other' => q({0} méadar sa soicind),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar sa soicind),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-mile-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle san uair),
'many' => q({0} míle san uair),
'name' => q(mílte san uair),
'one' => q({0} mhíle san uair),
'other' => q({0} míle san uair),
'two' => q({0} mhíle san uair),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle san uair),
'many' => q({0} míle san uair),
'name' => q(mílte san uair),
'one' => q({0} mhíle san uair),
'other' => q({0} míle san uair),
'two' => q({0} mhíle san uair),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-celsius' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim Celsius),
'many' => q({0} gcéim Celsius),
'name' => q(céimeanna Celsius),
'one' => q({0} chéim Celsius),
'other' => q({0} céim Celsius),
'two' => q({0} chéim Celsius),
# Core Unit Identifier
'celsius' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim Celsius),
'many' => q({0} gcéim Celsius),
'name' => q(céimeanna Celsius),
'one' => q({0} chéim Celsius),
'other' => q({0} céim Celsius),
'two' => q({0} chéim Celsius),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-fahrenheit' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim Fahrenheit),
'many' => q({0} gcéim Fahrenheit),
'name' => q(céimeanna Fahrenheit),
'one' => q({0} chéim Fahrenheit),
'other' => q({0} céim Fahrenheit),
'two' => q({0} chéim Fahrenheit),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fahrenheit' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim Fahrenheit),
'many' => q({0} gcéim Fahrenheit),
'name' => q(céimeanna Fahrenheit),
'one' => q({0} chéim Fahrenheit),
'other' => q({0} céim Fahrenheit),
'two' => q({0} chéim Fahrenheit),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-generic' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'generic' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-kelvin' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim cheilvin),
'many' => q({0} gcéim cheilvin),
'name' => q(céimeanna ceilvin),
'one' => q({0} chéim cheilvin),
'other' => q({0} céim cheilvin),
'two' => q({0} chéim cheilvin),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kelvin' => {
'few' => q({0} chéim cheilvin),
'many' => q({0} gcéim cheilvin),
'name' => q(céimeanna ceilvin),
'one' => q({0} chéim cheilvin),
'other' => q({0} céim cheilvin),
'two' => q({0} chéim cheilvin),
# Long Unit Identifier
'torque-newton-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} N⋅m),
'many' => q({0} N⋅m),
'name' => q(méadar niútain),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar niútain),
'other' => q({0} méadar niútain),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar niútain),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} N⋅m),
'many' => q({0} N⋅m),
'name' => q(méadar niútain),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar niútain),
'other' => q({0} méadar niútain),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar niútain),
# Long Unit Identifier
'torque-pound-force-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'many' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'name' => q(punt-troigh),
'one' => q({0} punt-troigh),
'other' => q({0} punt-troigh),
'two' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'many' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'name' => q(punt-troigh),
'one' => q({0} punt-troigh),
'other' => q({0} punt-troigh),
'two' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-acre-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} acra-troigh),
'many' => q({0} n-acra-troigh),
'name' => q(acra-troithe),
'one' => q({0} acra-troigh),
'other' => q({0} acra-troigh),
'two' => q({0} acra-troigh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} acra-troigh),
'many' => q({0} n-acra-troigh),
'name' => q(acra-troithe),
'one' => q({0} acra-troigh),
'other' => q({0} acra-troigh),
'two' => q({0} acra-troigh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-barrel' => {
'few' => q({0} bbl),
'many' => q({0} bbl),
'name' => q(bairillí),
'one' => q({0} bairille),
'other' => q({0} bbl),
'two' => q({0} bbl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'barrel' => {
'few' => q({0} bbl),
'many' => q({0} bbl),
'name' => q(bairillí),
'one' => q({0} bairille),
'other' => q({0} bbl),
'two' => q({0} bbl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-bushel' => {
'few' => q({0} bhuiséal),
'many' => q({0} mbuiséal),
'name' => q(buiséil),
'one' => q({0} bhuiséal),
'other' => q({0} buiséal),
'two' => q({0} bhuiséal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bushel' => {
'few' => q({0} bhuiséal),
'many' => q({0} mbuiséal),
'name' => q(buiséil),
'one' => q({0} bhuiséal),
'other' => q({0} buiséal),
'two' => q({0} bhuiséal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-centiliter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintilítear),
'many' => q({0} gceintilítear),
'name' => q(ceintilítir),
'one' => q({0} cheintilítear),
'other' => q({0} ceintilítear),
'two' => q({0} cheintilítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centiliter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintilítear),
'many' => q({0} gceintilítear),
'name' => q(ceintilítir),
'one' => q({0} cheintilítear),
'other' => q({0} ceintilítear),
'two' => q({0} cheintilítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintiméadar chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} gceintiméadar chiúbacha),
'name' => q(ceintiméadair chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} cheintiméadar ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} ceintiméadar ciúbach),
'per' => q({0} sa cheintiméadar ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} cheintiméadar chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cheintiméadar chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} gceintiméadar chiúbacha),
'name' => q(ceintiméadair chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} cheintiméadar ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} ceintiméadar ciúbach),
'per' => q({0} sa cheintiméadar ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} cheintiméadar chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} throigh chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} dtroigh chiúbacha),
'name' => q(troithe ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} troigh chiúbach),
'other' => q({0} troigh chiúbach),
'two' => q({0} throigh chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} throigh chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} dtroigh chiúbacha),
'name' => q(troithe ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} troigh chiúbach),
'other' => q({0} troigh chiúbach),
'two' => q({0} throigh chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} n-orlach chiúbacha),
'name' => q(orlaí ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} orlach ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} orlach ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} orlach chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} orlach chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} n-orlach chiúbacha),
'name' => q(orlaí ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} orlach ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} orlach ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} orlach chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar chiúbacha),
'name' => q(ciliméadair chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} chiliméadar chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} gciliméadar chiúbacha),
'name' => q(ciliméadair chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} chiliméadar ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} ciliméadar ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} chiliméadar chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} méadar chiúbacha),
'name' => q(méadair chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} méadar ciúbach),
'per' => q({0} sa mhéadar ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhéadar chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} méadar chiúbacha),
'name' => q(méadair chiúbacha),
'one' => q({0} mhéadar ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} méadar ciúbach),
'per' => q({0} sa mhéadar ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} mhéadar chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} míle chiúbacha),
'name' => q(mílte ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} mhíle ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} míle ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} mhíle chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} míle chiúbacha),
'name' => q(mílte ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} mhíle ciúbach),
'other' => q({0} míle ciúbach),
'two' => q({0} mhíle chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shlat chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} slat chiúbacha),
'name' => q(slata ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} slat chiúbach),
'other' => q({0} slat chiúbach),
'two' => q({0} shlat chiúbacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shlat chiúbacha),
'many' => q({0} slat chiúbacha),
'name' => q(slata ciúbacha),
'one' => q({0} slat chiúbach),
'other' => q({0} slat chiúbach),
'two' => q({0} shlat chiúbacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup' => {
'few' => q({0} chupán),
'many' => q({0} gcupán),
'name' => q(cupáin),
'one' => q({0} chupán),
'other' => q({0} cupán),
'two' => q({0} chupán),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup' => {
'few' => q({0} chupán),
'many' => q({0} gcupán),
'name' => q(cupáin),
'one' => q({0} chupán),
'other' => q({0} cupán),
'two' => q({0} chupán),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} chupán mhéadracha),
'many' => q({0} gcupán mhéadracha),
'name' => q(cupáin mhéadracha),
'one' => q({0} chupán méadrach),
'other' => q({0} cupán méadrach),
'two' => q({0} chupán mhéadracha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} chupán mhéadracha),
'many' => q({0} gcupán mhéadracha),
'name' => q(cupáin mhéadracha),
'one' => q({0} chupán méadrach),
'other' => q({0} cupán méadrach),
'two' => q({0} chupán mhéadracha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} dheicilítear),
'many' => q({0} ndeicilítear),
'name' => q(deicilítir),
'one' => q({0} deicilítear),
'other' => q({0} deicilítear),
'two' => q({0} dheicilítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} dheicilítear),
'many' => q({0} ndeicilítear),
'name' => q(deicilítir),
'one' => q({0} deicilítear),
'other' => q({0} deicilítear),
'two' => q({0} dheicilítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'many' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'name' => q(spúnóga milseoige),
'one' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'other' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'two' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'many' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'name' => q(spúnóga milseoige),
'one' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'other' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
'two' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúla),
'name' => q(spúnóga milseoige impiriúla),
'one' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúol),
'two' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúla),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúla),
'name' => q(spúnóga milseoige impiriúla),
'one' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúol),
'two' => q({0} spúnóg mhilseoige impiriúla),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dram' => {
'few' => q({0} dhram leachtacha),
'many' => q({0} ndram leachtacha),
'name' => q(dram leachtach),
'one' => q({0} dram leachtach),
'other' => q({0} dram leachtach),
'two' => q({0} dhram leachtacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dram' => {
'few' => q({0} dhram leachtacha),
'many' => q({0} ndram leachtacha),
'name' => q(dram leachtach),
'one' => q({0} dram leachtach),
'other' => q({0} dram leachtach),
'two' => q({0} dhram leachtacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-drop' => {
'few' => q({0} bhraon),
'many' => q({0} mbraon),
'name' => q(braon),
'one' => q({0} bhraon),
'other' => q({0} braon),
'two' => q({0} bhraon),
# Core Unit Identifier
'drop' => {
'few' => q({0} bhraon),
'many' => q({0} mbraon),
'name' => q(braon),
'one' => q({0} bhraon),
'other' => q({0} braon),
'two' => q({0} bhraon),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa leachtacha),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa leachtacha),
'name' => q(unsaí leachtacha),
'one' => q({0} unsa leachtach),
'other' => q({0} unsa leachtach),
'two' => q({0} unsa leachtacha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa leachtacha),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa leachtacha),
'name' => q(unsaí leachtacha),
'one' => q({0} unsa leachtach),
'other' => q({0} unsa leachtach),
'two' => q({0} unsa leachtacha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'many' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'name' => q(Unsaí leachtacha impiriúla),
'one' => q({0} unsa leachtach impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'two' => q({0} unsa leachtacha impiriúla),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'many' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'name' => q(Unsaí leachtacha impiriúla),
'one' => q({0} unsa leachtach impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'two' => q({0} unsa leachtacha impiriúla),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} ghalún),
'many' => q({0} ngalún),
'name' => q(galúin),
'one' => q({0} ghalún),
'other' => q({0} galún),
'per' => q({0} sa ghalún),
'two' => q({0} ghalún),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} ghalún),
'many' => q({0} ngalún),
'name' => q(galúin),
'one' => q({0} ghalún),
'other' => q({0} galún),
'per' => q({0} sa ghalún),
'two' => q({0} ghalún),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} ghalún impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} ngalún impiriúla),
'name' => q(galúin impiriúla),
'one' => q({0} ghalún impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} galún impiriúil),
'per' => q({0} sa ghalún impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} ghalún impiriúla),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} ghalún impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} ngalún impiriúla),
'name' => q(galúin impiriúla),
'one' => q({0} ghalún impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} galún impiriúil),
'per' => q({0} sa ghalún impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} ghalún impiriúla),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-hectoliter' => {
'few' => q({0} heictilítear),
'many' => q({0} heictilítear),
'name' => q(heictilítir),
'one' => q({0} heictilítear),
'other' => q({0} heictilítear),
'two' => q({0} heictilítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectoliter' => {
'few' => q({0} heictilítear),
'many' => q({0} heictilítear),
'name' => q(heictilítir),
'one' => q({0} heictilítear),
'other' => q({0} heictilítear),
'two' => q({0} heictilítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-jigger' => {
'few' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'many' => q({0} miosúr),
'name' => q(miosúr),
'one' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'other' => q({0} miosúr),
'two' => q({0} mhiosúr),
# Core Unit Identifier
'jigger' => {
'few' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'many' => q({0} miosúr),
'name' => q(miosúr),
'one' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'other' => q({0} miosúr),
'two' => q({0} mhiosúr),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} lítear),
'many' => q({0} lítear),
'name' => q(lítir),
'one' => q({0} lítear),
'other' => q({0} lítear),
'per' => q({0} sa lítear),
'two' => q({0} lítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter' => {
'few' => q({0} lítear),
'many' => q({0} lítear),
'name' => q(lítir),
'one' => q({0} lítear),
'other' => q({0} lítear),
'per' => q({0} sa lítear),
'two' => q({0} lítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-megaliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigilítear),
'many' => q({0} meigilítear),
'name' => q(meigilítir),
'one' => q({0} mheigilítear),
'other' => q({0} meigilítear),
'two' => q({0} mheigilítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megaliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mheigilítear),
'many' => q({0} meigilítear),
'name' => q(meigilítir),
'one' => q({0} mheigilítear),
'other' => q({0} meigilítear),
'two' => q({0} mheigilítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-milliliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhillilítear),
'many' => q({0} millilítear),
'name' => q(millilítir),
'one' => q({0} mhillilítear),
'other' => q({0} millilítear),
'two' => q({0} mhillilítear),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mhillilítear),
'many' => q({0} millilítear),
'name' => q(millilítir),
'one' => q({0} mhillilítear),
'other' => q({0} millilítear),
'two' => q({0} mhillilítear),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pinch' => {
'few' => q({0} phinse),
'many' => q({0} bpinse),
'name' => q(pinse),
'one' => q({0} phinse),
'other' => q({0} pinse),
'two' => q({0} phinse),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pinch' => {
'few' => q({0} phinse),
'many' => q({0} bpinse),
'name' => q(pinse),
'one' => q({0} phinse),
'other' => q({0} pinse),
'two' => q({0} phinse),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint' => {
'few' => q({0} phionta),
'many' => q({0} bpionta),
'name' => q(piontaí),
'one' => q({0} phionta),
'other' => q({0} pionta),
'two' => q({0} phionta),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint' => {
'few' => q({0} phionta),
'many' => q({0} bpionta),
'name' => q(piontaí),
'one' => q({0} phionta),
'other' => q({0} pionta),
'two' => q({0} phionta),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} phionta mhéadracha),
'many' => q({0} bpionta mhéadracha),
'name' => q(piontaí méadracha),
'one' => q({0} phionta méadrach),
'other' => q({0} pionta méadrach),
'two' => q({0} phionta mhéadracha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} phionta mhéadracha),
'many' => q({0} bpionta mhéadracha),
'name' => q(piontaí méadracha),
'one' => q({0} phionta méadrach),
'other' => q({0} pionta méadrach),
'two' => q({0} phionta mhéadracha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt),
'many' => q({0} gcárt),
'name' => q(cáirt),
'one' => q({0} chárt),
'other' => q({0} cárt),
'two' => q({0} chárt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt),
'many' => q({0} gcárt),
'name' => q(cáirt),
'one' => q({0} chárt),
'other' => q({0} cárt),
'two' => q({0} chárt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} gcárt impiriúla),
'name' => q(cárt impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} chárt impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} cárt impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} gcárt impiriúla),
'name' => q(cárt impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} chárt impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} cárt impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-tablespoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'many' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'name' => q(spúnóga boird),
'one' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'other' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'two' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
# Core Unit Identifier
'tablespoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'many' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'name' => q(spúnóga boird),
'one' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'other' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
'two' => q({0} spúnóg bhoird),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-teaspoon' => {
'few' => q({0} thaespúnóg),
'many' => q({0} dtaespúnóg),
'name' => q(taespúnóga),
'one' => q({0} taespúnóg),
'other' => q({0} taespúnóg),
'two' => q({0} thaespúnóg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'teaspoon' => {
'few' => q({0} thaespúnóg),
'many' => q({0} dtaespúnóg),
'name' => q(taespúnóga),
'one' => q({0} taespúnóg),
'other' => q({0} taespúnóg),
'two' => q({0} thaespúnóg),
'narrow' => {
# Long Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(treo),
# Core Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(treo),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(Ki{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(Ki{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(Mi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(Mi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p4' => {
'1' => q(Ti{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p4' => {
'1' => q(Ti{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(Zi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(Zi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(Yi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(Yi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-1' => {
'1' => q(d{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1' => {
'1' => q(d{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-12' => {
'1' => q(p{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'12' => {
'1' => q(p{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-15' => {
'1' => q(f{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'15' => {
'1' => q(f{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-18' => {
'1' => q(a{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'18' => {
'1' => q(a{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-2' => {
'1' => q(c{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'2' => {
'1' => q(c{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-21' => {
'1' => q(z{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'21' => {
'1' => q(z{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-24' => {
'1' => q(y{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'24' => {
'1' => q(y{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-3' => {
'1' => q(m{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'3' => {
'1' => q(m{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-6' => {
'1' => q(μ{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'6' => {
'1' => q(μ{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-9' => {
'1' => q(n{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'9' => {
'1' => q(n{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(da{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(da{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(T{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(T{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(P{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(P{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(E{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(E{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(h{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(h{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(Z{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(Z{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(Y{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(Y{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(k{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(k{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(M{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(M{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(G{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(G{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-g-force' => {
'few' => q({0}G),
'many' => q({0}G),
'name' => q(g-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0}G),
'other' => q({0}G),
'two' => q({0}G),
# Core Unit Identifier
'g-force' => {
'few' => q({0}G),
'many' => q({0}G),
'name' => q(g-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0}G),
'other' => q({0}G),
'two' => q({0}G),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-meter-per-square-second' => {
'few' => q({0}m/s²),
'many' => q({0}m/s²),
'name' => q(m/s²),
'one' => q({0}m/s²),
'other' => q({0}m/s²),
'two' => q({0}m/s²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-square-second' => {
'few' => q({0}m/s²),
'many' => q({0}m/s²),
'name' => q(m/s²),
'one' => q({0}m/s²),
'other' => q({0}m/s²),
'two' => q({0}m/s²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-minute' => {
'few' => q({0}′),
'many' => q({0}′),
'name' => q(nóim. stua),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
'two' => q({0}′),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-minute' => {
'few' => q({0}′),
'many' => q({0}′),
'name' => q(nóim. stua),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
'two' => q({0}′),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-second' => {
'few' => q({0}″),
'many' => q({0}″),
'name' => q(soic. stua),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
'two' => q({0}″),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-second' => {
'few' => q({0}″),
'many' => q({0}″),
'name' => q(soic. stua),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
'two' => q({0}″),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-degree' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(céim),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'degree' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(céim),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-radian' => {
'few' => q({0}raid),
'many' => q({0}raid),
'name' => q(raid),
'one' => q({0}raid),
'other' => q({0}raid),
'two' => q({0}raid),
# Core Unit Identifier
'radian' => {
'few' => q({0}raid),
'many' => q({0}raid),
'name' => q(raid),
'one' => q({0}raid),
'other' => q({0}raid),
'two' => q({0}raid),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-revolution' => {
'few' => q({0} imr),
'many' => q({0} imr),
'name' => q(imr),
'one' => q({0} imr),
'other' => q({0} imr),
'two' => q({0} imr),
# Core Unit Identifier
'revolution' => {
'few' => q({0} imr),
'many' => q({0} imr),
'name' => q(imr),
'one' => q({0} imr),
'other' => q({0} imr),
'two' => q({0} imr),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-acre' => {
'few' => q({0} ac),
'many' => q({0} ac),
'name' => q(acraí),
'one' => q({0} ac),
'other' => q({0} ac),
'two' => q({0} ac),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre' => {
'few' => q({0} ac),
'many' => q({0} ac),
'name' => q(acraí),
'one' => q({0} ac),
'other' => q({0} ac),
'two' => q({0} ac),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-hectare' => {
'few' => q({0} ha),
'many' => q({0} ha),
'name' => q(heicteáir),
'one' => q({0} ha),
'other' => q({0} ha),
'two' => q({0} ha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectare' => {
'few' => q({0} ha),
'many' => q({0} ha),
'name' => q(heicteáir),
'one' => q({0} ha),
'other' => q({0} ha),
'two' => q({0} ha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm²),
'many' => q({0} cm²),
'name' => q(cm²),
'one' => q({0} cm²),
'other' => q({0} cm²),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
'two' => q({0} cm²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm²),
'many' => q({0} cm²),
'name' => q(cm²),
'one' => q({0} cm²),
'other' => q({0} cm²),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
'two' => q({0} cm²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} tr²),
'many' => q({0} tr²),
'name' => q(tr²),
'one' => q({0} tr²),
'other' => q({0} tr²),
'two' => q({0} tr²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} tr²),
'many' => q({0} tr²),
'name' => q(tr²),
'one' => q({0} tr²),
'other' => q({0} tr²),
'two' => q({0} tr²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or²),
'many' => q({0} or²),
'name' => q(or²),
'one' => q({0} or²),
'other' => q({0} or²),
'per' => q({0}/or²),
'two' => q({0} or²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or²),
'many' => q({0} or²),
'name' => q(or²),
'one' => q({0} or²),
'other' => q({0} or²),
'per' => q({0}/or²),
'two' => q({0} or²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km²),
'many' => q({0} km²),
'name' => q(km²),
'one' => q({0} km²),
'other' => q({0} km²),
'per' => q({0}/km²),
'two' => q({0} km²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km²),
'many' => q({0} km²),
'name' => q(km²),
'one' => q({0} km²),
'other' => q({0} km²),
'per' => q({0}/km²),
'two' => q({0} km²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m²),
'many' => q({0} m²),
'name' => q(m²),
'one' => q({0} m²),
'other' => q({0} m²),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
'two' => q({0} m²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m²),
'many' => q({0} m²),
'name' => q(m²),
'one' => q({0} m²),
'other' => q({0} m²),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
'two' => q({0} m²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle²),
'many' => q({0} míle²),
'name' => q(mílte²),
'one' => q({0} mhíle²),
'other' => q({0} míle²),
'per' => q({0}/mi²),
'two' => q({0} mhíle²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle²),
'many' => q({0} míle²),
'name' => q(mílte²),
'one' => q({0} mhíle²),
'other' => q({0} míle²),
'per' => q({0}/mi²),
'two' => q({0} mhíle²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} sl²),
'many' => q({0} sl²),
'name' => q(slata²),
'one' => q({0} sl²),
'other' => q({0} sl²),
'two' => q({0} sl²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} sl²),
'many' => q({0} sl²),
'name' => q(slata²),
'one' => q({0} sl²),
'other' => q({0} sl²),
'two' => q({0} sl²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-karat' => {
'few' => q({0}kt),
'many' => q({0}kt),
'name' => q(kt),
'one' => q({0}kt),
'other' => q({0}kt),
'two' => q({0}kt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'karat' => {
'few' => q({0}kt),
'many' => q({0}kt),
'name' => q(kt),
'one' => q({0}kt),
'other' => q({0}kt),
'two' => q({0}kt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mg/dL),
'many' => q({0} mg/dL),
'name' => q(mg/dL),
'one' => q({0} mg/dL),
'other' => q({0} mg/dL),
'two' => q({0} mg/dL),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mg/dL),
'many' => q({0} mg/dL),
'name' => q(mg/dL),
'one' => q({0} mg/dL),
'other' => q({0} mg/dL),
'two' => q({0} mg/dL),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-millimole-per-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} mmol/L),
'many' => q({0} mmol/L),
'name' => q(milleamól/lítear),
'one' => q({0} mmol/L),
'other' => q({0} mmol/L),
'two' => q({0} mmol/L),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimole-per-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} mmol/L),
'many' => q({0} mmol/L),
'name' => q(milleamól/lítear),
'one' => q({0} mmol/L),
'other' => q({0} mmol/L),
'two' => q({0} mmol/L),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-percent' => {
'few' => q({0}%),
'many' => q({0}%),
'name' => q(%),
'one' => q({0}%),
'other' => q({0}%),
'two' => q({0}%),
# Core Unit Identifier
'percent' => {
'few' => q({0}%),
'many' => q({0}%),
'name' => q(%),
'one' => q({0}%),
'other' => q({0}%),
'two' => q({0}%),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permillion' => {
'few' => q({0}/milliún),
'many' => q({0}/milliún),
'name' => q(codanna/milliún),
'one' => q({0}/milliún),
'other' => q({0}/milliún),
'two' => q({0}/milliún),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permillion' => {
'few' => q({0}/milliún),
'many' => q({0}/milliún),
'name' => q(codanna/milliún),
'one' => q({0}/milliún),
'other' => q({0}/milliún),
'two' => q({0}/milliún),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}l/100km),
'many' => q({0}l/100km),
'name' => q(l/100km),
'one' => q({0}l/100km),
'other' => q({0}l/100km),
'two' => q({0}l/100km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}l/100km),
'many' => q({0}l/100km),
'name' => q(l/100km),
'one' => q({0}l/100km),
'other' => q({0}l/100km),
'two' => q({0}l/100km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}l/km),
'many' => q({0}l/km),
'name' => q(l/km),
'one' => q({0}l/km),
'other' => q({0}l/km),
'two' => q({0}l/km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}l/km),
'many' => q({0}l/km),
'name' => q(l/km),
'one' => q({0}l/km),
'other' => q({0}l/km),
'two' => q({0}l/km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0}míle/g),
'many' => q({0}míle/g),
'name' => q(mílte/gal),
'one' => q({0}míle/g),
'other' => q({0}míle/g),
'two' => q({0}míle/g),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0}míle/g),
'many' => q({0}míle/g),
'name' => q(mílte/gal),
'one' => q({0}míle/g),
'other' => q({0}míle/g),
'two' => q({0}míle/g),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0}m/gRA),
'many' => q({0}m/gRA),
'name' => q(mílte/gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0}m/gRA),
'other' => q({0}m/gRA),
'two' => q({0}m/gRA),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0}m/gRA),
'many' => q({0}m/gRA),
'name' => q(mílte/gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0}m/gRA),
'other' => q({0}m/gRA),
'two' => q({0}m/gRA),
# Long Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}O),
'north' => q({0}T),
'south' => q({0}D),
'west' => q({0}I),
# Core Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}O),
'north' => q({0}T),
'south' => q({0}D),
'west' => q({0}I),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-bit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiot.),
'many' => q({0} ngiot.),
'name' => q(giotán),
'one' => q({0} ghiot.),
'other' => q({0} giot.),
'two' => q({0} ghiot.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiot.),
'many' => q({0} ngiot.),
'name' => q(giotán),
'one' => q({0} ghiot.),
'other' => q({0} giot.),
'two' => q({0} ghiot.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-byte' => {
'few' => q({0}B),
'many' => q({0}B),
'name' => q(bearta),
'one' => q({0}B),
'other' => q({0}B),
'two' => q({0}B),
# Core Unit Identifier
'byte' => {
'few' => q({0}B),
'many' => q({0}B),
'name' => q(bearta),
'one' => q({0}B),
'other' => q({0}B),
'two' => q({0}B),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabit' => {
'few' => q({0}Gb),
'many' => q({0}Gb),
'name' => q(Gb),
'one' => q({0}Gb),
'other' => q({0}Gb),
'two' => q({0}Gb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabit' => {
'few' => q({0}Gb),
'many' => q({0}Gb),
'name' => q(Gb),
'one' => q({0}Gb),
'other' => q({0}Gb),
'two' => q({0}Gb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabyte' => {
'few' => q({0}GB),
'many' => q({0}GB),
'name' => q(GB),
'one' => q({0}GB),
'other' => q({0}GB),
'two' => q({0}GB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabyte' => {
'few' => q({0}GB),
'many' => q({0}GB),
'name' => q(GB),
'one' => q({0}GB),
'other' => q({0}GB),
'two' => q({0}GB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobit' => {
'few' => q({0}kb),
'many' => q({0}kb),
'name' => q(kb),
'one' => q({0}kb),
'other' => q({0}kb),
'two' => q({0}kb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobit' => {
'few' => q({0}kb),
'many' => q({0}kb),
'name' => q(kb),
'one' => q({0}kb),
'other' => q({0}kb),
'two' => q({0}kb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobyte' => {
'few' => q({0}kB),
'many' => q({0}kB),
'name' => q(kB),
'one' => q({0}kB),
'other' => q({0}kB),
'two' => q({0}kB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobyte' => {
'few' => q({0}kB),
'many' => q({0}kB),
'name' => q(kB),
'one' => q({0}kB),
'other' => q({0}kB),
'two' => q({0}kB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabit' => {
'few' => q({0}Mb),
'many' => q({0}Mb),
'name' => q(Mb),
'one' => q({0}Mb),
'other' => q({0}Mb),
'two' => q({0}Mb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabit' => {
'few' => q({0}Mb),
'many' => q({0}Mb),
'name' => q(Mb),
'one' => q({0}Mb),
'other' => q({0}Mb),
'two' => q({0}Mb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabyte' => {
'few' => q({0}MB),
'many' => q({0}MB),
'name' => q(MB),
'one' => q({0}MB),
'other' => q({0}MB),
'two' => q({0}MB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabyte' => {
'few' => q({0}MB),
'many' => q({0}MB),
'name' => q(MB),
'one' => q({0}MB),
'other' => q({0}MB),
'two' => q({0}MB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabit' => {
'few' => q({0}Tb),
'many' => q({0}Tb),
'name' => q(Tb),
'one' => q({0}Tb),
'other' => q({0}Tb),
'two' => q({0}Tb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabit' => {
'few' => q({0}Tb),
'many' => q({0}Tb),
'name' => q(Tb),
'one' => q({0}Tb),
'other' => q({0}Tb),
'two' => q({0}Tb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabyte' => {
'few' => q({0}TB),
'many' => q({0}TB),
'name' => q(TB),
'one' => q({0}TB),
'other' => q({0}TB),
'two' => q({0}TB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabyte' => {
'few' => q({0}TB),
'many' => q({0}TB),
'name' => q(TB),
'one' => q({0}TB),
'other' => q({0}TB),
'two' => q({0}TB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-century' => {
'few' => q({0} c),
'many' => q({0} c),
'name' => q(c),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
'two' => q({0} c),
# Core Unit Identifier
'century' => {
'few' => q({0} c),
'many' => q({0} c),
'name' => q(c),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
'two' => q({0} c),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-day' => {
'few' => q({0}l),
'many' => q({0}l),
'name' => q(lá),
'one' => q({0}l),
'other' => q({0}l),
'per' => q({0}/lá),
'two' => q({0}l),
# Core Unit Identifier
'day' => {
'few' => q({0}l),
'many' => q({0}l),
'name' => q(lá),
'one' => q({0}l),
'other' => q({0}l),
'per' => q({0}/lá),
'two' => q({0}l),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-hour' => {
'few' => q({0}u),
'many' => q({0}u),
'name' => q(uair),
'one' => q({0}u),
'other' => q({0}u),
'per' => q({0}/u),
'two' => q({0}u),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hour' => {
'few' => q({0}u),
'many' => q({0}u),
'name' => q(uair),
'one' => q({0}u),
'other' => q({0}u),
'per' => q({0}/u),
'two' => q({0}u),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-microsecond' => {
'few' => q({0}μs),
'many' => q({0}μs),
'name' => q(μs),
'one' => q({0}μs),
'other' => q({0}μs),
'two' => q({0}μs),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microsecond' => {
'few' => q({0}μs),
'many' => q({0}μs),
'name' => q(μs),
'one' => q({0}μs),
'other' => q({0}μs),
'two' => q({0}μs),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-millisecond' => {
'few' => q({0}ms),
'many' => q({0}ms),
'name' => q(ms),
'one' => q({0}ms),
'other' => q({0}ms),
'two' => q({0}ms),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millisecond' => {
'few' => q({0}ms),
'many' => q({0}ms),
'name' => q(ms),
'one' => q({0}ms),
'other' => q({0}ms),
'two' => q({0}ms),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-minute' => {
'few' => q({0}n),
'many' => q({0}n),
'name' => q(nóim),
'one' => q({0}n),
'other' => q({0}n),
'per' => q({0}/nóim),
'two' => q({0}n),
# Core Unit Identifier
'minute' => {
'few' => q({0}n),
'many' => q({0}n),
'name' => q(nóim),
'one' => q({0}n),
'other' => q({0}n),
'per' => q({0}/nóim),
'two' => q({0}n),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-month' => {
'few' => q({0}m),
'many' => q({0}m),
'name' => q(mí),
'one' => q({0}m),
'other' => q({0}m),
'per' => q({0}/mí),
'two' => q({0}m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'month' => {
'few' => q({0}m),
'many' => q({0}m),
'name' => q(mí),
'one' => q({0}m),
'other' => q({0}m),
'per' => q({0}/mí),
'two' => q({0}m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-nanosecond' => {
'few' => q({0}ns),
'many' => q({0}ns),
'name' => q(ns),
'one' => q({0}ns),
'other' => q({0}ns),
'two' => q({0}ns),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanosecond' => {
'few' => q({0}ns),
'many' => q({0}ns),
'name' => q(ns),
'one' => q({0}ns),
'other' => q({0}ns),
'two' => q({0}ns),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-second' => {
'few' => q({0}s),
'many' => q({0}s),
'name' => q(soic),
'one' => q({0}s),
'other' => q({0}s),
'per' => q({0}/s),
'two' => q({0}s),
# Core Unit Identifier
'second' => {
'few' => q({0}s),
'many' => q({0}s),
'name' => q(soic),
'one' => q({0}s),
'other' => q({0}s),
'per' => q({0}/s),
'two' => q({0}s),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-week' => {
'few' => q({0}s),
'many' => q({0}s),
'name' => q(scht),
'one' => q({0}s),
'other' => q({0}s),
'per' => q({0}/scht),
'two' => q({0}s),
# Core Unit Identifier
'week' => {
'few' => q({0}s),
'many' => q({0}s),
'name' => q(scht),
'one' => q({0}s),
'other' => q({0}s),
'per' => q({0}/scht),
'two' => q({0}s),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-year' => {
'few' => q({0}b),
'many' => q({0}b),
'name' => q(bl),
'one' => q({0}b),
'other' => q({0}b),
'per' => q({0}/bl),
'two' => q({0}b),
# Core Unit Identifier
'year' => {
'few' => q({0}b),
'many' => q({0}b),
'name' => q(bl),
'one' => q({0}b),
'other' => q({0}b),
'per' => q({0}/bl),
'two' => q({0}b),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ampere' => {
'few' => q({0}A),
'many' => q({0}A),
'name' => q(aimpéir),
'one' => q({0}A),
'other' => q({0}A),
'two' => q({0}A),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ampere' => {
'few' => q({0}A),
'many' => q({0}A),
'name' => q(aimpéir),
'one' => q({0}A),
'other' => q({0}A),
'two' => q({0}A),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-milliampere' => {
'few' => q({0}mA),
'many' => q({0}mA),
'name' => q(mA),
'one' => q({0}mA),
'other' => q({0}mA),
'two' => q({0}mA),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliampere' => {
'few' => q({0}mA),
'many' => q({0}mA),
'name' => q(mA),
'one' => q({0}mA),
'other' => q({0}mA),
'two' => q({0}mA),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ohm' => {
'few' => q({0}Ω),
'many' => q({0}Ω),
'name' => q(Ω),
'one' => q({0}Ω),
'other' => q({0}Ω),
'two' => q({0}Ω),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ohm' => {
'few' => q({0}Ω),
'many' => q({0}Ω),
'name' => q(Ω),
'one' => q({0}Ω),
'other' => q({0}Ω),
'two' => q({0}Ω),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-volt' => {
'few' => q({0}V),
'many' => q({0}V),
'name' => q(volta),
'one' => q({0}V),
'other' => q({0}V),
'two' => q({0}V),
# Core Unit Identifier
'volt' => {
'few' => q({0}V),
'many' => q({0}V),
'name' => q(volta),
'one' => q({0}V),
'other' => q({0}V),
'two' => q({0}V),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-calorie' => {
'few' => q({0}cal),
'many' => q({0}cal),
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0}cal),
'other' => q({0}cal),
'two' => q({0}cal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'calorie' => {
'few' => q({0}cal),
'many' => q({0}cal),
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0}cal),
'other' => q({0}cal),
'two' => q({0}cal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-foodcalorie' => {
'few' => q({0}Cal),
'many' => q({0}Cal),
'name' => q(Cal),
'one' => q({0}Cal),
'other' => q({0}Cal),
'two' => q({0}Cal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foodcalorie' => {
'few' => q({0}Cal),
'many' => q({0}Cal),
'name' => q(Cal),
'one' => q({0}Cal),
'other' => q({0}Cal),
'two' => q({0}Cal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-joule' => {
'few' => q({0}J),
'many' => q({0}J),
'name' => q(giúil),
'one' => q({0}J),
'other' => q({0}J),
'two' => q({0}J),
# Core Unit Identifier
'joule' => {
'few' => q({0}J),
'many' => q({0}J),
'name' => q(giúil),
'one' => q({0}J),
'other' => q({0}J),
'two' => q({0}J),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilocalorie' => {
'few' => q({0}kcal),
'many' => q({0}kcal),
'name' => q(kcal),
'one' => q({0}kcal),
'other' => q({0}kcal),
'two' => q({0}kcal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilocalorie' => {
'few' => q({0}kcal),
'many' => q({0}kcal),
'name' => q(kcal),
'one' => q({0}kcal),
'other' => q({0}kcal),
'two' => q({0}kcal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilojoule' => {
'few' => q({0}kJ),
'many' => q({0}kJ),
'name' => q(kJ),
'one' => q({0}kJ),
'other' => q({0}kJ),
'two' => q({0}kJ),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilojoule' => {
'few' => q({0}kJ),
'many' => q({0}kJ),
'name' => q(kJ),
'one' => q({0}kJ),
'other' => q({0}kJ),
'two' => q({0}kJ),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilowatt-hour' => {
'few' => q({0}kWh),
'many' => q({0}kWh),
'name' => q(kW-uair),
'one' => q({0}kWh),
'other' => q({0}kWh),
'two' => q({0}kWh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour' => {
'few' => q({0}kWh),
'many' => q({0}kWh),
'name' => q(kW-uair),
'one' => q({0}kWh),
'other' => q({0}kWh),
'two' => q({0}kWh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-gigahertz' => {
'few' => q({0}GHz),
'many' => q({0}GHz),
'name' => q(GHz),
'one' => q({0}GHz),
'other' => q({0}GHz),
'two' => q({0}GHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigahertz' => {
'few' => q({0}GHz),
'many' => q({0}GHz),
'name' => q(GHz),
'one' => q({0}GHz),
'other' => q({0}GHz),
'two' => q({0}GHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-hertz' => {
'few' => q({0}Hz),
'many' => q({0}Hz),
'name' => q(Hz),
'one' => q({0}Hz),
'other' => q({0}Hz),
'two' => q({0}Hz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hertz' => {
'few' => q({0}Hz),
'many' => q({0}Hz),
'name' => q(Hz),
'one' => q({0}Hz),
'other' => q({0}Hz),
'two' => q({0}Hz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-kilohertz' => {
'few' => q({0}kHz),
'many' => q({0}kHz),
'name' => q(kHz),
'one' => q({0}kHz),
'other' => q({0}kHz),
'two' => q({0}kHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilohertz' => {
'few' => q({0}kHz),
'many' => q({0}kHz),
'name' => q(kHz),
'one' => q({0}kHz),
'other' => q({0}kHz),
'two' => q({0}kHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-megahertz' => {
'few' => q({0}MHz),
'many' => q({0}MHz),
'name' => q(MHz),
'one' => q({0}MHz),
'other' => q({0}MHz),
'two' => q({0}MHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megahertz' => {
'few' => q({0}MHz),
'many' => q({0}MHz),
'name' => q(MHz),
'one' => q({0}MHz),
'other' => q({0}MHz),
'two' => q({0}MHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-astronomical-unit' => {
'few' => q({0}AR),
'many' => q({0}AR),
'name' => q(AR),
'one' => q({0}AR),
'other' => q({0}AR),
'two' => q({0}AR),
# Core Unit Identifier
'astronomical-unit' => {
'few' => q({0}AR),
'many' => q({0}AR),
'name' => q(AR),
'one' => q({0}AR),
'other' => q({0}AR),
'two' => q({0}AR),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}cm),
'many' => q({0}cm),
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0}cm),
'other' => q({0}cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
'two' => q({0}cm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}cm),
'many' => q({0}cm),
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0}cm),
'other' => q({0}cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
'two' => q({0}cm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-decimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}dm),
'many' => q({0}dm),
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0}dm),
'other' => q({0}dm),
'two' => q({0}dm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}dm),
'many' => q({0}dm),
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0}dm),
'other' => q({0}dm),
'two' => q({0}dm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-fathom' => {
'few' => q({0} fth),
'many' => q({0} fth),
'name' => q(feá),
'one' => q({0} fth),
'other' => q({0} fth),
'two' => q({0} fth),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fathom' => {
'few' => q({0} fth),
'many' => q({0} fth),
'name' => q(feá),
'one' => q({0} fth),
'other' => q({0} fth),
'two' => q({0} fth),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-foot' => {
'few' => q({0}′),
'many' => q({0}′),
'name' => q(tr),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
'per' => q({0}/tr.),
'two' => q({0}′),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foot' => {
'few' => q({0}′),
'many' => q({0}′),
'name' => q(tr),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
'per' => q({0}/tr.),
'two' => q({0}′),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-furlong' => {
'few' => q({0}st),
'many' => q({0}st),
'name' => q(staid),
'one' => q({0}st),
'other' => q({0}st),
'two' => q({0}st),
# Core Unit Identifier
'furlong' => {
'few' => q({0}st),
'many' => q({0}st),
'name' => q(staid),
'one' => q({0}st),
'other' => q({0}st),
'two' => q({0}st),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-inch' => {
'few' => q({0}″),
'many' => q({0}″),
'name' => q(orlaí),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
'per' => q({0}/or.),
'two' => q({0}″),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch' => {
'few' => q({0}″),
'many' => q({0}″),
'name' => q(orlaí),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
'per' => q({0}/or.),
'two' => q({0}″),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}km),
'many' => q({0}km),
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0}km),
'other' => q({0}km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
'two' => q({0}km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}km),
'many' => q({0}km),
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0}km),
'other' => q({0}km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
'two' => q({0}km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-light-year' => {
'few' => q({0}sbh),
'many' => q({0}sbh),
'name' => q(sbh),
'one' => q({0}sbh),
'other' => q({0}sbh),
'two' => q({0}sbh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'light-year' => {
'few' => q({0}sbh),
'many' => q({0}sbh),
'name' => q(sbh),
'one' => q({0}sbh),
'other' => q({0}sbh),
'two' => q({0}sbh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-meter' => {
'few' => q({0}m),
'many' => q({0}m),
'name' => q(méadar),
'one' => q({0}m),
'other' => q({0}m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
'two' => q({0}m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter' => {
'few' => q({0}m),
'many' => q({0}m),
'name' => q(méadar),
'one' => q({0}m),
'other' => q({0}m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
'two' => q({0}m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-micrometer' => {
'few' => q({0}μm),
'many' => q({0}μm),
'name' => q(μm),
'one' => q({0}μm),
'other' => q({0}μm),
'two' => q({0}μm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'micrometer' => {
'few' => q({0}μm),
'many' => q({0}μm),
'name' => q(μm),
'one' => q({0}μm),
'other' => q({0}μm),
'two' => q({0}μm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle),
'many' => q({0} míle),
'name' => q(mílte),
'one' => q({0} mhíle),
'other' => q({0} míle),
'two' => q({0} mhíle),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle),
'many' => q({0} míle),
'name' => q(mílte),
'one' => q({0} mhíle),
'other' => q({0} míle),
'two' => q({0} mhíle),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile-scandinavian' => {
'few' => q({0} m lch),
'many' => q({0} m lch),
'name' => q(míle Lochl.),
'one' => q({0} m lch),
'other' => q({0} m lch),
'two' => q({0} mh lch),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-scandinavian' => {
'few' => q({0} m lch),
'many' => q({0} m lch),
'name' => q(míle Lochl.),
'one' => q({0} m lch),
'other' => q({0} m lch),
'two' => q({0} mh lch),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-millimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}mm),
'many' => q({0}mm),
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0}mm),
'other' => q({0}mm),
'two' => q({0}mm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}mm),
'many' => q({0}mm),
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0}mm),
'other' => q({0}mm),
'two' => q({0}mm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nanometer' => {
'few' => q({0}nm),
'many' => q({0}nm),
'name' => q(nm),
'one' => q({0}nm),
'other' => q({0}nm),
'two' => q({0}nm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanometer' => {
'few' => q({0}nm),
'many' => q({0}nm),
'name' => q(nm),
'one' => q({0}nm),
'other' => q({0}nm),
'two' => q({0}nm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nautical-mile' => {
'few' => q({0}mmh.),
'many' => q({0}mmh.),
'name' => q(muirmh.),
'one' => q({0}mmh.),
'other' => q({0}mmh.),
'two' => q({0}mmh.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nautical-mile' => {
'few' => q({0}mmh.),
'many' => q({0}mmh.),
'name' => q(muirmh.),
'one' => q({0}mmh.),
'other' => q({0}mmh.),
'two' => q({0}mmh.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-parsec' => {
'few' => q({0}pc),
'many' => q({0}pc),
'name' => q(pc),
'one' => q({0}pc),
'other' => q({0}pc),
'two' => q({0}pc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'parsec' => {
'few' => q({0}pc),
'many' => q({0}pc),
'name' => q(pc),
'one' => q({0}pc),
'other' => q({0}pc),
'two' => q({0}pc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-picometer' => {
'few' => q({0}pm),
'many' => q({0}pm),
'name' => q(pm),
'one' => q({0}pm),
'other' => q({0}pm),
'two' => q({0}pm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'picometer' => {
'few' => q({0}pm),
'many' => q({0}pm),
'name' => q(pm),
'one' => q({0}pm),
'other' => q({0}pm),
'two' => q({0}pm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-point' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(pt),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'point' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(pt),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-yard' => {
'few' => q({0}sl),
'many' => q({0}sl),
'name' => q(sl),
'one' => q({0}sl),
'other' => q({0}sl),
'two' => q({0}sl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'yard' => {
'few' => q({0}sl),
'many' => q({0}sl),
'name' => q(sl),
'one' => q({0}sl),
'other' => q({0}sl),
'two' => q({0}sl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-lux' => {
'few' => q({0}lx),
'many' => q({0}lx),
'name' => q(lucsa),
'one' => q({0}lx),
'other' => q({0}lx),
'two' => q({0}lx),
# Core Unit Identifier
'lux' => {
'few' => q({0}lx),
'many' => q({0}lx),
'name' => q(lucsa),
'one' => q({0}lx),
'other' => q({0}lx),
'two' => q({0}lx),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-carat' => {
'few' => q({0}CD),
'many' => q({0}CD),
'name' => q(carat),
'one' => q({0}CD),
'other' => q({0}CD),
'two' => q({0}CD),
# Core Unit Identifier
'carat' => {
'few' => q({0}CD),
'many' => q({0}CD),
'name' => q(carat),
'one' => q({0}CD),
'other' => q({0}CD),
'two' => q({0}CD),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-gram' => {
'few' => q({0}g),
'many' => q({0}g),
'name' => q(gram),
'one' => q({0}g),
'other' => q({0}g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
'two' => q({0}g),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gram' => {
'few' => q({0}g),
'many' => q({0}g),
'name' => q(gram),
'one' => q({0}g),
'other' => q({0}g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
'two' => q({0}g),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-kilogram' => {
'few' => q({0}kg),
'many' => q({0}kg),
'name' => q(kg),
'one' => q({0}kg),
'other' => q({0}kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
'two' => q({0}kg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilogram' => {
'few' => q({0}kg),
'many' => q({0}kg),
'name' => q(kg),
'one' => q({0}kg),
'other' => q({0}kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
'two' => q({0}kg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-metric-ton' => {
'few' => q({0}t),
'many' => q({0}t),
'name' => q(t),
'one' => q({0}t),
'other' => q({0}t),
'two' => q({0}t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'metric-ton' => {
'few' => q({0}t),
'many' => q({0}t),
'name' => q(t),
'one' => q({0}t),
'other' => q({0}t),
'two' => q({0}t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-microgram' => {
'few' => q({0}μg),
'many' => q({0}μg),
'name' => q(μg),
'one' => q({0}μg),
'other' => q({0}μg),
'two' => q({0}μg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microgram' => {
'few' => q({0}μg),
'many' => q({0}μg),
'name' => q(μg),
'one' => q({0}μg),
'other' => q({0}μg),
'two' => q({0}μg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-milligram' => {
'few' => q({0}mg),
'many' => q({0}mg),
'name' => q(mg),
'one' => q({0}mg),
'other' => q({0}mg),
'two' => q({0}mg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram' => {
'few' => q({0}mg),
'many' => q({0}mg),
'name' => q(mg),
'one' => q({0}mg),
'other' => q({0}mg),
'two' => q({0}mg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa),
'name' => q(unsa),
'one' => q({0} unsa),
'other' => q({0} unsa),
'per' => q({0}/unsa),
'two' => q({0} unsa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa),
'name' => q(unsa),
'one' => q({0} unsa),
'other' => q({0} unsa),
'per' => q({0}/unsa),
'two' => q({0} unsa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce-troy' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa t),
'many' => q({0} unsa t),
'name' => q(unsa t),
'one' => q({0} unsa t),
'other' => q({0} unsa t),
'two' => q({0} unsa t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce-troy' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa t),
'many' => q({0} unsa t),
'name' => q(unsa t),
'one' => q({0} unsa t),
'other' => q({0} unsa t),
'two' => q({0} unsa t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-pound' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt),
'many' => q({0} bpunt),
'name' => q(puint),
'one' => q({0} phunt),
'other' => q({0} punt),
'per' => q({0}/punt),
'two' => q({0} phunt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt),
'many' => q({0} bpunt),
'name' => q(puint),
'one' => q({0} phunt),
'other' => q({0} punt),
'per' => q({0}/punt),
'two' => q({0} phunt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-stone' => {
'few' => q({0} chl.),
'many' => q({0} gcl.),
'name' => q(cloch),
'one' => q({0} chl.),
'other' => q({0} cl.),
'two' => q({0} chl.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'stone' => {
'few' => q({0} chl.),
'many' => q({0} gcl.),
'name' => q(cloch),
'one' => q({0} chl.),
'other' => q({0} cl.),
'two' => q({0} chl.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ton' => {
'few' => q({0} t.g.),
'many' => q({0} t.g.),
'name' => q(tonnaí gearra),
'one' => q({0} t.g.),
'other' => q({0} t.g.),
'two' => q({0} t.g.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ton' => {
'few' => q({0} t.g.),
'many' => q({0} t.g.),
'name' => q(tonnaí gearra),
'one' => q({0} t.g.),
'other' => q({0} t.g.),
'two' => q({0} t.g.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-gigawatt' => {
'few' => q({0}GW),
'many' => q({0}GW),
'name' => q(GW),
'one' => q({0}GW),
'other' => q({0}GW),
'two' => q({0}GW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigawatt' => {
'few' => q({0}GW),
'many' => q({0}GW),
'name' => q(GW),
'one' => q({0}GW),
'other' => q({0}GW),
'two' => q({0}GW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-horsepower' => {
'few' => q({0}ec),
'many' => q({0}ec),
'name' => q(ec),
'one' => q({0}ec),
'other' => q({0}ec),
'two' => q({0}ec),
# Core Unit Identifier
'horsepower' => {
'few' => q({0}ec),
'many' => q({0}ec),
'name' => q(ec),
'one' => q({0}ec),
'other' => q({0}ec),
'two' => q({0}ec),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-kilowatt' => {
'few' => q({0}kW),
'many' => q({0}kW),
'name' => q(kW),
'one' => q({0}kW),
'other' => q({0}kW),
'two' => q({0}kW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt' => {
'few' => q({0}kW),
'many' => q({0}kW),
'name' => q(kW),
'one' => q({0}kW),
'other' => q({0}kW),
'two' => q({0}kW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-megawatt' => {
'few' => q({0}MW),
'many' => q({0}MW),
'name' => q(MW),
'one' => q({0}MW),
'other' => q({0}MW),
'two' => q({0}MW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megawatt' => {
'few' => q({0}MW),
'many' => q({0}MW),
'name' => q(MW),
'one' => q({0}MW),
'other' => q({0}MW),
'two' => q({0}MW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-milliwatt' => {
'few' => q({0}mW),
'many' => q({0}mW),
'name' => q(mW),
'one' => q({0}mW),
'other' => q({0}mW),
'two' => q({0}mW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliwatt' => {
'few' => q({0}mW),
'many' => q({0}mW),
'name' => q(mW),
'one' => q({0}mW),
'other' => q({0}mW),
'two' => q({0}mW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-watt' => {
'few' => q({0}W),
'many' => q({0}W),
'name' => q(vataí),
'one' => q({0}W),
'other' => q({0}W),
'two' => q({0}W),
# Core Unit Identifier
'watt' => {
'few' => q({0}W),
'many' => q({0}W),
'name' => q(vataí),
'one' => q({0}W),
'other' => q({0}W),
'two' => q({0}W),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q({0}²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q({0}²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'1' => q({0}³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'1' => q({0}³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-hectopascal' => {
'few' => q({0}hPa),
'many' => q({0}hPa),
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0}hPa),
'other' => q({0}hPa),
'two' => q({0}hPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectopascal' => {
'few' => q({0}hPa),
'many' => q({0}hPa),
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0}hPa),
'other' => q({0}hPa),
'two' => q({0}hPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-inch-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0}" Hg),
'many' => q({0}" Hg),
'name' => q(orlaí Hg),
'one' => q({0}" Hg),
'other' => q({0}" Hg),
'two' => q({0}" Hg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0}" Hg),
'many' => q({0}" Hg),
'name' => q(orlaí Hg),
'one' => q({0}" Hg),
'other' => q({0}" Hg),
'two' => q({0}" Hg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millibar' => {
'few' => q({0}mb),
'many' => q({0}mb),
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0}mb),
'other' => q({0}mb),
'two' => q({0}mb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millibar' => {
'few' => q({0}mb),
'many' => q({0}mb),
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0}mb),
'other' => q({0}mb),
'two' => q({0}mb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millimeter-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0}mmHg),
'many' => q({0}mmHg),
'name' => q(mm Hg),
'one' => q({0}mmHg),
'other' => q({0}mmHg),
'two' => q({0}mmHg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0}mmHg),
'many' => q({0}mmHg),
'name' => q(mm Hg),
'one' => q({0}mmHg),
'other' => q({0}mmHg),
'two' => q({0}mmHg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0}psoc),
'many' => q({0}psoc),
'name' => q(psoc),
'one' => q({0}psoc),
'other' => q({0}psoc),
'two' => q({0}psoc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0}psoc),
'many' => q({0}psoc),
'name' => q(psoc),
'one' => q({0}psoc),
'other' => q({0}psoc),
'two' => q({0}psoc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-kilometer-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0}km/u),
'many' => q({0}km/u),
'name' => q(km/u),
'one' => q({0}km/u),
'other' => q({0}km/u),
'two' => q({0}km/u),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0}km/u),
'many' => q({0}km/u),
'name' => q(km/u),
'one' => q({0}km/u),
'other' => q({0}km/u),
'two' => q({0}km/u),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-knot' => {
'few' => q({0} mrml/u),
'many' => q({0} mrml/u),
'name' => q(mrml/u),
'one' => q({0} mrml/u),
'other' => q({0} mrml/u),
'two' => q({0} mrml/u),
# Core Unit Identifier
'knot' => {
'few' => q({0} mrml/u),
'many' => q({0} mrml/u),
'name' => q(mrml/u),
'one' => q({0} mrml/u),
'other' => q({0} mrml/u),
'two' => q({0} mrml/u),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-meter-per-second' => {
'few' => q({0}m/s),
'many' => q({0}m/s),
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0}m/s),
'other' => q({0}m/s),
'two' => q({0}m/s),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-second' => {
'few' => q({0}m/s),
'many' => q({0}m/s),
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0}m/s),
'other' => q({0}m/s),
'two' => q({0}m/s),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-mile-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0}msu),
'many' => q({0}msu),
'name' => q(mílte/uair),
'one' => q({0}msu),
'other' => q({0}msu),
'two' => q({0}msu),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0}msu),
'many' => q({0}msu),
'name' => q(mílte/uair),
'one' => q({0}msu),
'other' => q({0}msu),
'two' => q({0}msu),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-celsius' => {
'few' => q({0}°C),
'many' => q({0}°C),
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
'two' => q({0}°C),
# Core Unit Identifier
'celsius' => {
'few' => q({0}°C),
'many' => q({0}°C),
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
'two' => q({0}°C),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-fahrenheit' => {
'few' => q({0}°F),
'many' => q({0}°F),
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
'two' => q({0}°F),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fahrenheit' => {
'few' => q({0}°F),
'many' => q({0}°F),
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
'two' => q({0}°F),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-generic' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'generic' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-kelvin' => {
'few' => q({0}K),
'many' => q({0}K),
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0}K),
'other' => q({0}K),
'two' => q({0}K),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kelvin' => {
'few' => q({0}K),
'many' => q({0}K),
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0}K),
'other' => q({0}K),
'two' => q({0}K),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-acre-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} ac tr),
'many' => q({0} ac tr),
'name' => q(acra-tr),
'one' => q({0} ac tr),
'other' => q({0} ac tr),
'two' => q({0} ac tr),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} ac tr),
'many' => q({0} ac tr),
'name' => q(acra-tr),
'one' => q({0} ac tr),
'other' => q({0} ac tr),
'two' => q({0} ac tr),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-bushel' => {
'few' => q({0} bu),
'many' => q({0} bu),
'name' => q(buiséil),
'one' => q({0} bu),
'other' => q({0} bu),
'two' => q({0} bu),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bushel' => {
'few' => q({0} bu),
'many' => q({0} bu),
'name' => q(buiséil),
'one' => q({0} bu),
'other' => q({0} bu),
'two' => q({0} bu),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-centiliter' => {
'few' => q({0} cL),
'many' => q({0} cL),
'name' => q(cl),
'one' => q({0} cL),
'other' => q({0} cL),
'two' => q({0} cL),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centiliter' => {
'few' => q({0} cL),
'many' => q({0} cL),
'name' => q(cl),
'one' => q({0} cL),
'other' => q({0} cL),
'two' => q({0} cL),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}cm³),
'many' => q({0}cm³),
'name' => q(cm³),
'one' => q({0}cm³),
'other' => q({0}cm³),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
'two' => q({0}cm³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0}cm³),
'many' => q({0}cm³),
'name' => q(cm³),
'one' => q({0}cm³),
'other' => q({0}cm³),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
'two' => q({0}cm³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-foot' => {
'few' => q({0}tr³),
'many' => q({0}tr³),
'name' => q(tr³),
'one' => q({0}tr³),
'other' => q({0}tr³),
'two' => q({0}tr³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-foot' => {
'few' => q({0}tr³),
'many' => q({0}tr³),
'name' => q(tr³),
'one' => q({0}tr³),
'other' => q({0}tr³),
'two' => q({0}tr³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-inch' => {
'few' => q({0}or³),
'many' => q({0}or³),
'name' => q(or³),
'one' => q({0}or³),
'other' => q({0}or³),
'two' => q({0}or³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-inch' => {
'few' => q({0}or³),
'many' => q({0}or³),
'name' => q(or³),
'one' => q({0}or³),
'other' => q({0}or³),
'two' => q({0}or³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}km³),
'many' => q({0}km³),
'name' => q(km³),
'one' => q({0}km³),
'other' => q({0}km³),
'two' => q({0}km³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0}km³),
'many' => q({0}km³),
'name' => q(km³),
'one' => q({0}km³),
'other' => q({0}km³),
'two' => q({0}km³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-meter' => {
'few' => q({0}m³),
'many' => q({0}m³),
'name' => q(m³),
'one' => q({0}m³),
'other' => q({0}m³),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
'two' => q({0}m³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-meter' => {
'few' => q({0}m³),
'many' => q({0}m³),
'name' => q(m³),
'one' => q({0}m³),
'other' => q({0}m³),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
'two' => q({0}m³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle³),
'many' => q({0} míle³),
'name' => q(míle³),
'one' => q({0} mhíle³),
'other' => q({0} míle³),
'two' => q({0} mhíle³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle³),
'many' => q({0} míle³),
'name' => q(míle³),
'one' => q({0} mhíle³),
'other' => q({0} míle³),
'two' => q({0} mhíle³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-yard' => {
'few' => q({0}sl³),
'many' => q({0}sl³),
'name' => q(sl³),
'one' => q({0}sl³),
'other' => q({0}sl³),
'two' => q({0}sl³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-yard' => {
'few' => q({0}sl³),
'many' => q({0}sl³),
'name' => q(sl³),
'one' => q({0}sl³),
'other' => q({0}sl³),
'two' => q({0}sl³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup' => {
'few' => q({0}c),
'many' => q({0}c),
'name' => q(cupán),
'one' => q({0}c),
'other' => q({0}c),
'two' => q({0}c),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup' => {
'few' => q({0}c),
'many' => q({0}c),
'name' => q(cupán),
'one' => q({0}c),
'other' => q({0}c),
'two' => q({0}c),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mc),
'many' => q({0} mc),
'name' => q(cupán méadr.),
'one' => q({0} mc),
'other' => q({0} mc),
'two' => q({0} mc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mc),
'many' => q({0} mc),
'name' => q(cupán méadr.),
'one' => q({0} mc),
'other' => q({0} mc),
'two' => q({0} mc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0}dl),
'many' => q({0}dl),
'name' => q(dl),
'one' => q({0}dl),
'other' => q({0}dl),
'two' => q({0}dl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0}dl),
'many' => q({0}dl),
'name' => q(dl),
'one' => q({0}dl),
'other' => q({0}dl),
'two' => q({0}dl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa l.),
'many' => q({0} unsa l.),
'name' => q(unsaí leacht.),
'one' => q({0} unsa l.),
'other' => q({0} unsa l.),
'two' => q({0} unsa l.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa l.),
'many' => q({0} unsa l.),
'name' => q(unsaí leacht.),
'one' => q({0} unsa l.),
'other' => q({0} unsa l.),
'two' => q({0} unsa l.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} ghal.),
'many' => q({0} ngal.),
'name' => q(galúin),
'one' => q({0} ghal.),
'other' => q({0} gal.),
'per' => q({0}/gal.),
'two' => q({0} ghal.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} ghal.),
'many' => q({0} ngal.),
'name' => q(galúin),
'one' => q({0} ghal.),
'other' => q({0} gal.),
'per' => q({0}/gal.),
'two' => q({0} ghal.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} ghalIm),
'many' => q({0} ngalIm),
'name' => q(gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0}ghalIm),
'other' => q({0}galIm),
'per' => q({0}/gal. imp.),
'two' => q({0}ghalIm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} ghalIm),
'many' => q({0} ngalIm),
'name' => q(gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0}ghalIm),
'other' => q({0}galIm),
'per' => q({0}/gal. imp.),
'two' => q({0}ghalIm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-hectoliter' => {
'few' => q({0} hl),
'many' => q({0} hl),
'name' => q(hl),
'one' => q({0} hl),
'other' => q({0} hl),
'two' => q({0} hl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectoliter' => {
'few' => q({0} hl),
'many' => q({0} hl),
'name' => q(hl),
'one' => q({0} hl),
'other' => q({0} hl),
'two' => q({0} hl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-liter' => {
'few' => q({0}l),
'many' => q({0}l),
'name' => q(lítir),
'one' => q({0}l),
'other' => q({0}l),
'per' => q({0}/l),
'two' => q({0}l),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter' => {
'few' => q({0}l),
'many' => q({0}l),
'name' => q(lítir),
'one' => q({0}l),
'other' => q({0}l),
'per' => q({0}/l),
'two' => q({0}l),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-megaliter' => {
'few' => q({0} Ml),
'many' => q({0} Ml),
'name' => q(Ml),
'one' => q({0} Ml),
'other' => q({0} Ml),
'two' => q({0} Ml),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megaliter' => {
'few' => q({0} Ml),
'many' => q({0} Ml),
'name' => q(Ml),
'one' => q({0} Ml),
'other' => q({0} Ml),
'two' => q({0} Ml),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-milliliter' => {
'few' => q({0} ml),
'many' => q({0} ml),
'name' => q(ml),
'one' => q({0} ml),
'other' => q({0} ml),
'two' => q({0} ml),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliliter' => {
'few' => q({0} ml),
'many' => q({0} ml),
'name' => q(ml),
'one' => q({0} ml),
'other' => q({0} ml),
'two' => q({0} ml),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(piontaí),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(piontaí),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mpt),
'many' => q({0} mpt),
'name' => q(mpt),
'one' => q({0} mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
'two' => q({0} mpt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mpt),
'many' => q({0} mpt),
'name' => q(mpt),
'one' => q({0} mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
'two' => q({0} mpt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt),
'many' => q({0} gcárt),
'name' => q(cáirt),
'one' => q({0} chárt),
'other' => q({0} cárt),
'two' => q({0} chárt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt),
'many' => q({0} gcárt),
'name' => q(cáirt),
'one' => q({0} chárt),
'other' => q({0} cárt),
'two' => q({0} chárt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-tablespoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spbh),
'many' => q({0} spbh),
'name' => q(spbh),
'one' => q({0} spbh),
'other' => q({0} spbh),
'two' => q({0} spbh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'tablespoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spbh),
'many' => q({0} spbh),
'name' => q(spbh),
'one' => q({0} spbh),
'other' => q({0} spbh),
'two' => q({0} spbh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-teaspoon' => {
'few' => q({0} tsp),
'many' => q({0} tsp),
'name' => q(tsp),
'one' => q({0} tsp),
'other' => q({0} tsp),
'two' => q({0} tsp),
# Core Unit Identifier
'teaspoon' => {
'few' => q({0} tsp),
'many' => q({0} tsp),
'name' => q(tsp),
'one' => q({0} tsp),
'other' => q({0} tsp),
'two' => q({0} tsp),
'short' => {
# Long Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(treo),
# Core Unit Identifier
'' => {
'name' => q(treo),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(Ki{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p1' => {
'1' => q(Ki{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(Mi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p2' => {
'1' => q(Mi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(Zi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p7' => {
'1' => q(Zi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(Yi{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1024p8' => {
'1' => q(Yi{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-1' => {
'1' => q(d{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'1' => {
'1' => q(d{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-12' => {
'1' => q(p{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'12' => {
'1' => q(p{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-15' => {
'1' => q(f{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'15' => {
'1' => q(f{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-18' => {
'1' => q(a{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'18' => {
'1' => q(a{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-2' => {
'1' => q(c{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'2' => {
'1' => q(c{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-21' => {
'1' => q(z{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'21' => {
'1' => q(z{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-24' => {
'1' => q(y{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'24' => {
'1' => q(y{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-3' => {
'1' => q(m{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'3' => {
'1' => q(m{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-6' => {
'1' => q(μ{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'6' => {
'1' => q(μ{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p-9' => {
'1' => q(n{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'9' => {
'1' => q(n{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(da{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p1' => {
'1' => q(da{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(T{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p12' => {
'1' => q(T{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(P{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p15' => {
'1' => q(P{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(E{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p18' => {
'1' => q(E{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(h{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p2' => {
'1' => q(h{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(Z{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p21' => {
'1' => q(Z{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(Y{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p24' => {
'1' => q(Y{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(k{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p3' => {
'1' => q(k{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(M{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p6' => {
'1' => q(M{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(G{0}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'10p9' => {
'1' => q(G{0}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-g-force' => {
'few' => q({0} G),
'many' => q({0} G),
'name' => q(g-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0} G),
'other' => q({0} G),
'two' => q({0} G),
# Core Unit Identifier
'g-force' => {
'few' => q({0} G),
'many' => q({0} G),
'name' => q(g-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0} G),
'other' => q({0} G),
'two' => q({0} G),
# Long Unit Identifier
'acceleration-meter-per-square-second' => {
'few' => q({0} m/s²),
'many' => q({0} m/s²),
'name' => q(m/s²),
'one' => q({0} m/s²),
'other' => q({0} m/s²),
'two' => q({0} m/s²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-square-second' => {
'few' => q({0} m/s²),
'many' => q({0} m/s²),
'name' => q(m/s²),
'one' => q({0} m/s²),
'other' => q({0} m/s²),
'two' => q({0} m/s²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-minute' => {
'few' => q({0}′),
'many' => q({0}′),
'name' => q(nóiméid stua),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
'two' => q({0}′),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-minute' => {
'few' => q({0}′),
'many' => q({0}′),
'name' => q(nóiméid stua),
'one' => q({0}′),
'other' => q({0}′),
'two' => q({0}′),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-arc-second' => {
'few' => q({0}″),
'many' => q({0}″),
'name' => q(soic. stua),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
'two' => q({0}″),
# Core Unit Identifier
'arc-second' => {
'few' => q({0}″),
'many' => q({0}″),
'name' => q(soic. stua),
'one' => q({0}″),
'other' => q({0}″),
'two' => q({0}″),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-degree' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(céimeanna),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'degree' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(céimeanna),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-radian' => {
'few' => q({0} raid),
'many' => q({0} raid),
'name' => q(raidiain),
'one' => q({0} raid),
'other' => q({0} raid),
'two' => q({0} raid),
# Core Unit Identifier
'radian' => {
'few' => q({0} raid),
'many' => q({0} raid),
'name' => q(raidiain),
'one' => q({0} raid),
'other' => q({0} raid),
'two' => q({0} raid),
# Long Unit Identifier
'angle-revolution' => {
'few' => q({0} imr),
'many' => q({0} imr),
'name' => q(imr),
'one' => q({0} imr),
'other' => q({0} imr),
'two' => q({0} imr),
# Core Unit Identifier
'revolution' => {
'few' => q({0} imr),
'many' => q({0} imr),
'name' => q(imr),
'one' => q({0} imr),
'other' => q({0} imr),
'two' => q({0} imr),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-acre' => {
'few' => q({0} ac),
'many' => q({0} ac),
'name' => q(acraí),
'one' => q({0} ac),
'other' => q({0} ac),
'two' => q({0} ac),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre' => {
'few' => q({0} ac),
'many' => q({0} ac),
'name' => q(acraí),
'one' => q({0} ac),
'other' => q({0} ac),
'two' => q({0} ac),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-dunam' => {
'few' => q({0} dhunam),
'many' => q({0} ndunam),
'name' => q(dunaim),
'one' => q({0} dunam),
'other' => q({0} dunam),
'two' => q({0} dhunam),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dunam' => {
'few' => q({0} dhunam),
'many' => q({0} ndunam),
'name' => q(dunaim),
'one' => q({0} dunam),
'other' => q({0} dunam),
'two' => q({0} dhunam),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-hectare' => {
'few' => q({0} ha),
'many' => q({0} ha),
'name' => q(heicteáir),
'one' => q({0} ha),
'other' => q({0} ha),
'two' => q({0} ha),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectare' => {
'few' => q({0} ha),
'many' => q({0} ha),
'name' => q(heicteáir),
'one' => q({0} ha),
'other' => q({0} ha),
'two' => q({0} ha),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm²),
'many' => q({0} cm²),
'name' => q(cm²),
'one' => q({0} cm²),
'other' => q({0} cm²),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
'two' => q({0} cm²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm²),
'many' => q({0} cm²),
'name' => q(cm²),
'one' => q({0} cm²),
'other' => q({0} cm²),
'per' => q({0}/cm²),
'two' => q({0} cm²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} tr²),
'many' => q({0} tr²),
'name' => q(tr²),
'one' => q({0} tr²),
'other' => q({0} tr²),
'two' => q({0} tr²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} tr²),
'many' => q({0} tr²),
'name' => q(tr²),
'one' => q({0} tr²),
'other' => q({0} tr²),
'two' => q({0} tr²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or²),
'many' => q({0} or²),
'name' => q(or²),
'one' => q({0} or²),
'other' => q({0} or²),
'per' => q({0}/or²),
'two' => q({0} or²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or²),
'many' => q({0} or²),
'name' => q(or²),
'one' => q({0} or²),
'other' => q({0} or²),
'per' => q({0}/or²),
'two' => q({0} or²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km²),
'many' => q({0} km²),
'name' => q(km²),
'one' => q({0} km²),
'other' => q({0} km²),
'per' => q({0}/km²),
'two' => q({0} km²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km²),
'many' => q({0} km²),
'name' => q(km²),
'one' => q({0} km²),
'other' => q({0} km²),
'per' => q({0}/km²),
'two' => q({0} km²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m²),
'many' => q({0} m²),
'name' => q(m²),
'one' => q({0} m²),
'other' => q({0} m²),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
'two' => q({0} m²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m²),
'many' => q({0} m²),
'name' => q(m²),
'one' => q({0} m²),
'other' => q({0} m²),
'per' => q({0}/m²),
'two' => q({0} m²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle²),
'many' => q({0} míle²),
'name' => q(mílte²),
'one' => q({0} mhíle²),
'other' => q({0} míle²),
'per' => q({0}/mi²),
'two' => q({0} mhíle²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle²),
'many' => q({0} míle²),
'name' => q(mílte²),
'one' => q({0} mhíle²),
'other' => q({0} míle²),
'per' => q({0}/mi²),
'two' => q({0} mhíle²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'area-square-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} sl²),
'many' => q({0} sl²),
'name' => q(slata²),
'one' => q({0} sl²),
'other' => q({0} sl²),
'two' => q({0} sl²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'square-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} sl²),
'many' => q({0} sl²),
'name' => q(slata²),
'one' => q({0} sl²),
'other' => q({0} sl²),
'two' => q({0} sl²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-karat' => {
'few' => q({0} kt),
'many' => q({0} kt),
'name' => q(kt),
'one' => q({0} kt),
'other' => q({0} kt),
'two' => q({0} kt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'karat' => {
'few' => q({0} kt),
'many' => q({0} kt),
'name' => q(kt),
'one' => q({0} kt),
'other' => q({0} kt),
'two' => q({0} kt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mg/dL),
'many' => q({0} mg/dL),
'name' => q(mg/dL),
'one' => q({0} mg/dL),
'other' => q({0} mg/dL),
'two' => q({0} mg/dL),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} mg/dL),
'many' => q({0} mg/dL),
'name' => q(mg/dL),
'one' => q({0} mg/dL),
'other' => q({0} mg/dL),
'two' => q({0} mg/dL),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-millimole-per-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} mmol/L),
'many' => q({0} mmol/L),
'name' => q(milleamól/lítear),
'one' => q({0} mmol/L),
'other' => q({0} mmol/L),
'two' => q({0} mmol/L),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimole-per-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} mmol/L),
'many' => q({0} mmol/L),
'name' => q(milleamól/lítear),
'one' => q({0} mmol/L),
'other' => q({0} mmol/L),
'two' => q({0} mmol/L),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-mole' => {
'few' => q({0} mhól),
'many' => q({0} mól),
'name' => q(mól),
'one' => q({0} mhól),
'other' => q({0} mól),
'two' => q({0} mhól),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mole' => {
'few' => q({0} mhól),
'many' => q({0} mól),
'name' => q(mól),
'one' => q({0} mhól),
'other' => q({0} mól),
'two' => q({0} mhól),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-percent' => {
'few' => q({0}%),
'many' => q({0}%),
'name' => q(faoin gcéad),
'one' => q({0}%),
'other' => q({0}%),
'two' => q({0}%),
# Core Unit Identifier
'percent' => {
'few' => q({0}%),
'many' => q({0}%),
'name' => q(faoin gcéad),
'one' => q({0}%),
'other' => q({0}%),
'two' => q({0}%),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permille' => {
'few' => q({0}‰),
'many' => q({0}‰),
'name' => q(faoin míle),
'one' => q({0}‰),
'other' => q({0}‰),
'two' => q({0}‰),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permille' => {
'few' => q({0}‰),
'many' => q({0}‰),
'name' => q(faoin míle),
'one' => q({0}‰),
'other' => q({0}‰),
'two' => q({0}‰),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permillion' => {
'few' => q({0}/milliún),
'many' => q({0}/milliún),
'name' => q(codanna/milliún),
'one' => q({0}/milliún),
'other' => q({0}/milliún),
'two' => q({0}/milliún),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permillion' => {
'few' => q({0}/milliún),
'many' => q({0}/milliún),
'name' => q(codanna/milliún),
'one' => q({0}/milliún),
'other' => q({0}/milliún),
'two' => q({0}/milliún),
# Long Unit Identifier
'concentr-permyriad' => {
'few' => q({0}‱),
'many' => q({0}‱),
'name' => q(permeiriad),
'one' => q({0}‱),
'other' => q({0}‱),
'two' => q({0}‱),
# Core Unit Identifier
'permyriad' => {
'few' => q({0}‱),
'many' => q({0}‱),
'name' => q(permeiriad),
'one' => q({0}‱),
'other' => q({0}‱),
'two' => q({0}‱),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} l/100km),
'many' => q({0} l/100km),
'name' => q(l/100km),
'one' => q({0} l/100km),
'other' => q({0} l/100km),
'two' => q({0} l/100km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-100-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} l/100km),
'many' => q({0} l/100km),
'name' => q(l/100km),
'one' => q({0} l/100km),
'other' => q({0} l/100km),
'two' => q({0} l/100km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-liter-per-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} l/km),
'many' => q({0} l/km),
'name' => q(lítir/km),
'one' => q({0} l/km),
'other' => q({0} l/km),
'two' => q({0} l/km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter-per-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} l/km),
'many' => q({0} l/km),
'name' => q(lítir/km),
'one' => q({0} l/km),
'other' => q({0} l/km),
'two' => q({0} l/km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle/gal),
'many' => q({0} míle/gal),
'name' => q(mílte/gal),
'one' => q({0} mhíle/gal),
'other' => q({0} míle/gal),
'two' => q({0} mhíle/gal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle/gal),
'many' => q({0} míle/gal),
'name' => q(mílte/gal),
'one' => q({0} mhíle/gal),
'other' => q({0} míle/gal),
'two' => q({0} mhíle/gal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} msg imp),
'many' => q({0} msg imp),
'name' => q(mílte/gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0} msg imp),
'other' => q({0} msg imp),
'two' => q({0} msg imp),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} msg imp),
'many' => q({0} msg imp),
'name' => q(mílte/gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0} msg imp),
'other' => q({0} msg imp),
'two' => q({0} msg imp),
# Long Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}O),
'north' => q({0}T),
'south' => q({0}D),
'west' => q({0}I),
# Core Unit Identifier
'coordinate' => {
'east' => q({0}O),
'north' => q({0}T),
'south' => q({0}D),
'west' => q({0}I),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-bit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiotán),
'many' => q({0} ngiotán),
'name' => q(giotán),
'one' => q({0} ghiotán),
'other' => q({0} giotán),
'two' => q({0} ghiotán),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bit' => {
'few' => q({0} ghiotán),
'many' => q({0} ngiotán),
'name' => q(giotán),
'one' => q({0} ghiotán),
'other' => q({0} giotán),
'two' => q({0} ghiotán),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-byte' => {
'few' => q({0} bheart),
'many' => q({0} mbeart),
'name' => q(bearta),
'one' => q({0} bheart),
'other' => q({0} beart),
'two' => q({0} bheart),
# Core Unit Identifier
'byte' => {
'few' => q({0} bheart),
'many' => q({0} mbeart),
'name' => q(bearta),
'one' => q({0} bheart),
'other' => q({0} beart),
'two' => q({0} bheart),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabit' => {
'few' => q({0} Gb),
'many' => q({0} Gb),
'name' => q(Gb),
'one' => q({0} Gb),
'other' => q({0} Gb),
'two' => q({0} Gb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabit' => {
'few' => q({0} Gb),
'many' => q({0} Gb),
'name' => q(Gb),
'one' => q({0} Gb),
'other' => q({0} Gb),
'two' => q({0} Gb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-gigabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} GB),
'many' => q({0} GB),
'name' => q(GB),
'one' => q({0} GB),
'other' => q({0} GB),
'two' => q({0} GB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} GB),
'many' => q({0} GB),
'name' => q(GB),
'one' => q({0} GB),
'other' => q({0} GB),
'two' => q({0} GB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobit' => {
'few' => q({0} kb),
'many' => q({0} kb),
'name' => q(kb),
'one' => q({0} kb),
'other' => q({0} kb),
'two' => q({0} kb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobit' => {
'few' => q({0} kb),
'many' => q({0} kb),
'name' => q(kb),
'one' => q({0} kb),
'other' => q({0} kb),
'two' => q({0} kb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-kilobyte' => {
'few' => q({0} kB),
'many' => q({0} kB),
'name' => q(kB),
'one' => q({0} kB),
'other' => q({0} kB),
'two' => q({0} kB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilobyte' => {
'few' => q({0} kB),
'many' => q({0} kB),
'name' => q(kB),
'one' => q({0} kB),
'other' => q({0} kB),
'two' => q({0} kB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabit' => {
'few' => q({0} Mb),
'many' => q({0} Mb),
'name' => q(Mb),
'one' => q({0} Mb),
'other' => q({0} Mb),
'two' => q({0} Mb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabit' => {
'few' => q({0} Mb),
'many' => q({0} Mb),
'name' => q(Mb),
'one' => q({0} Mb),
'other' => q({0} Mb),
'two' => q({0} Mb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-megabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} MB),
'many' => q({0} MB),
'name' => q(MB),
'one' => q({0} MB),
'other' => q({0} MB),
'two' => q({0} MB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} MB),
'many' => q({0} MB),
'name' => q(MB),
'one' => q({0} MB),
'other' => q({0} MB),
'two' => q({0} MB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-petabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} PB),
'many' => q({0} PB),
'name' => q(PBheart),
'one' => q({0} PB),
'other' => q({0} PB),
'two' => q({0} PB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'petabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} PB),
'many' => q({0} PB),
'name' => q(PBheart),
'one' => q({0} PB),
'other' => q({0} PB),
'two' => q({0} PB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabit' => {
'few' => q({0} Tb),
'many' => q({0} Tb),
'name' => q(Tb),
'one' => q({0} Tb),
'other' => q({0} Tb),
'two' => q({0} Tb),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabit' => {
'few' => q({0} Tb),
'many' => q({0} Tb),
'name' => q(Tb),
'one' => q({0} Tb),
'other' => q({0} Tb),
'two' => q({0} Tb),
# Long Unit Identifier
'digital-terabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} TB),
'many' => q({0} TB),
'name' => q(TB),
'one' => q({0} TB),
'other' => q({0} TB),
'two' => q({0} TB),
# Core Unit Identifier
'terabyte' => {
'few' => q({0} TB),
'many' => q({0} TB),
'name' => q(TB),
'one' => q({0} TB),
'other' => q({0} TB),
'two' => q({0} TB),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-century' => {
'few' => q({0} c),
'many' => q({0} c),
'name' => q(c),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
'two' => q({0} c),
# Core Unit Identifier
'century' => {
'few' => q({0} c),
'many' => q({0} c),
'name' => q(c),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
'two' => q({0} c),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-day' => {
'few' => q({0} lá),
'many' => q({0} lá),
'name' => q(lá),
'one' => q({0} lá),
'other' => q({0} lá),
'per' => q({0}/lá),
'two' => q({0} lá),
# Core Unit Identifier
'day' => {
'few' => q({0} lá),
'many' => q({0} lá),
'name' => q(lá),
'one' => q({0} lá),
'other' => q({0} lá),
'per' => q({0}/lá),
'two' => q({0} lá),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} u),
'many' => q({0} u),
'name' => q(uair),
'one' => q({0} u),
'other' => q({0} u),
'per' => q({0}/u),
'two' => q({0} u),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hour' => {
'few' => q({0} u),
'many' => q({0} u),
'name' => q(uair),
'one' => q({0} u),
'other' => q({0} u),
'per' => q({0}/u),
'two' => q({0} u),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-microsecond' => {
'few' => q({0} μs),
'many' => q({0} μs),
'name' => q(μs),
'one' => q({0} μs),
'other' => q({0} μs),
'two' => q({0} μs),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microsecond' => {
'few' => q({0} μs),
'many' => q({0} μs),
'name' => q(μs),
'one' => q({0} μs),
'other' => q({0} μs),
'two' => q({0} μs),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-millisecond' => {
'few' => q({0} ms),
'many' => q({0} ms),
'name' => q(msoic),
'one' => q({0} ms),
'other' => q({0} ms),
'two' => q({0} ms),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millisecond' => {
'few' => q({0} ms),
'many' => q({0} ms),
'name' => q(msoic),
'one' => q({0} ms),
'other' => q({0} ms),
'two' => q({0} ms),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-minute' => {
'few' => q({0} nóim),
'many' => q({0} nóim),
'name' => q(nóim),
'one' => q({0} nóim),
'other' => q({0} nóim),
'per' => q({0}/nóim),
'two' => q({0} nóim),
# Core Unit Identifier
'minute' => {
'few' => q({0} nóim),
'many' => q({0} nóim),
'name' => q(nóim),
'one' => q({0} nóim),
'other' => q({0} nóim),
'per' => q({0}/nóim),
'two' => q({0} nóim),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-month' => {
'few' => q({0} mhí),
'many' => q({0} mí),
'name' => q(míonna),
'one' => q({0} mhí),
'other' => q({0} mí),
'per' => q({0}/mí),
'two' => q({0} mhí),
# Core Unit Identifier
'month' => {
'few' => q({0} mhí),
'many' => q({0} mí),
'name' => q(míonna),
'one' => q({0} mhí),
'other' => q({0} mí),
'per' => q({0}/mí),
'two' => q({0} mhí),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-nanosecond' => {
'few' => q({0} ns),
'many' => q({0} ns),
'name' => q(ns),
'one' => q({0} ns),
'other' => q({0} ns),
'two' => q({0} ns),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanosecond' => {
'few' => q({0} ns),
'many' => q({0} ns),
'name' => q(ns),
'one' => q({0} ns),
'other' => q({0} ns),
'two' => q({0} ns),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-second' => {
'few' => q({0} shoic),
'many' => q({0} soic),
'name' => q(soic),
'one' => q({0} soic),
'other' => q({0} soic),
'per' => q({0}/s),
'two' => q({0} shoic),
# Core Unit Identifier
'second' => {
'few' => q({0} shoic),
'many' => q({0} soic),
'name' => q(soic),
'one' => q({0} soic),
'other' => q({0} soic),
'per' => q({0}/s),
'two' => q({0} shoic),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-week' => {
'few' => q({0} scht),
'many' => q({0} scht),
'name' => q(scht),
'one' => q({0} scht),
'other' => q({0} scht),
'per' => q({0}/scht),
'two' => q({0} scht),
# Core Unit Identifier
'week' => {
'few' => q({0} scht),
'many' => q({0} scht),
'name' => q(scht),
'one' => q({0} scht),
'other' => q({0} scht),
'per' => q({0}/scht),
'two' => q({0} scht),
# Long Unit Identifier
'duration-year' => {
'few' => q({0} bl),
'many' => q({0} mbl),
'name' => q(blianta),
'one' => q({0} bhl),
'other' => q({0} bl),
'per' => q({0}/bl),
'two' => q({0} bhl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'year' => {
'few' => q({0} bl),
'many' => q({0} mbl),
'name' => q(blianta),
'one' => q({0} bhl),
'other' => q({0} bl),
'per' => q({0}/bl),
'two' => q({0} bhl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ampere' => {
'few' => q({0} A),
'many' => q({0} A),
'name' => q(aimpéir),
'one' => q({0} A),
'other' => q({0} A),
'two' => q({0} A),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ampere' => {
'few' => q({0} A),
'many' => q({0} A),
'name' => q(aimpéir),
'one' => q({0} A),
'other' => q({0} A),
'two' => q({0} A),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-milliampere' => {
'few' => q({0} mA),
'many' => q({0} mA),
'name' => q(miollaimp),
'one' => q({0} mA),
'other' => q({0} mA),
'two' => q({0} mA),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliampere' => {
'few' => q({0} mA),
'many' => q({0} mA),
'name' => q(miollaimp),
'one' => q({0} mA),
'other' => q({0} mA),
'two' => q({0} mA),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-ohm' => {
'few' => q({0} Ω),
'many' => q({0} Ω),
'name' => q(óim),
'one' => q({0} Ω),
'other' => q({0} Ω),
'two' => q({0} Ω),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ohm' => {
'few' => q({0} Ω),
'many' => q({0} Ω),
'name' => q(óim),
'one' => q({0} Ω),
'other' => q({0} Ω),
'two' => q({0} Ω),
# Long Unit Identifier
'electric-volt' => {
'few' => q({0} V),
'many' => q({0} V),
'name' => q(voltanna),
'one' => q({0} V),
'other' => q({0} V),
'two' => q({0} V),
# Core Unit Identifier
'volt' => {
'few' => q({0} V),
'many' => q({0} V),
'name' => q(voltanna),
'one' => q({0} V),
'other' => q({0} V),
'two' => q({0} V),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-british-thermal-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} Btu),
'many' => q({0} Btu),
'name' => q(BTU),
'one' => q({0} Btu),
'other' => q({0} Btu),
'two' => q({0} Btu),
# Core Unit Identifier
'british-thermal-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} Btu),
'many' => q({0} Btu),
'name' => q(BTU),
'one' => q({0} Btu),
'other' => q({0} Btu),
'two' => q({0} Btu),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-calorie' => {
'few' => q({0} cal),
'many' => q({0} cal),
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0} cal),
'other' => q({0} cal),
'two' => q({0} cal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'calorie' => {
'few' => q({0} cal),
'many' => q({0} cal),
'name' => q(cal),
'one' => q({0} cal),
'other' => q({0} cal),
'two' => q({0} cal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-electronvolt' => {
'few' => q({0} eV),
'many' => q({0} eV),
'name' => q(leictravolta),
'one' => q({0} eV),
'other' => q({0} eV),
'two' => q({0} eV),
# Core Unit Identifier
'electronvolt' => {
'few' => q({0} eV),
'many' => q({0} eV),
'name' => q(leictravolta),
'one' => q({0} eV),
'other' => q({0} eV),
'two' => q({0} eV),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-foodcalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} Cal),
'many' => q({0} Cal),
'name' => q(Cal),
'one' => q({0} Cal),
'other' => q({0} Cal),
'two' => q({0} Cal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foodcalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} Cal),
'many' => q({0} Cal),
'name' => q(Cal),
'one' => q({0} Cal),
'other' => q({0} Cal),
'two' => q({0} Cal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-joule' => {
'few' => q({0} J),
'many' => q({0} J),
'name' => q(giúil),
'one' => q({0} J),
'other' => q({0} J),
'two' => q({0} J),
# Core Unit Identifier
'joule' => {
'few' => q({0} J),
'many' => q({0} J),
'name' => q(giúil),
'one' => q({0} J),
'other' => q({0} J),
'two' => q({0} J),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilocalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} kcal),
'many' => q({0} kcal),
'name' => q(kcal),
'one' => q({0} kcal),
'other' => q({0} kcal),
'two' => q({0} kcal),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilocalorie' => {
'few' => q({0} kcal),
'many' => q({0} kcal),
'name' => q(kcal),
'one' => q({0} kcal),
'other' => q({0} kcal),
'two' => q({0} kcal),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilojoule' => {
'few' => q({0} kJ),
'many' => q({0} kJ),
'name' => q(ciligiúl),
'one' => q({0} kJ),
'other' => q({0} kJ),
'two' => q({0} kJ),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilojoule' => {
'few' => q({0} kJ),
'many' => q({0} kJ),
'name' => q(ciligiúl),
'one' => q({0} kJ),
'other' => q({0} kJ),
'two' => q({0} kJ),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-kilowatt-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} kWh),
'many' => q({0} kWh),
'name' => q(kW-uair),
'one' => q({0} kWh),
'other' => q({0} kWh),
'two' => q({0} kWh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} kWh),
'many' => q({0} kWh),
'name' => q(kW-uair),
'one' => q({0} kWh),
'other' => q({0} kWh),
'two' => q({0} kWh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'energy-therm-us' => {
'few' => q({0} theirm SAM),
'many' => q({0} dteirm SAM),
'name' => q(teirmeacha SAM),
'one' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'other' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'two' => q({0} theirm SAM),
# Core Unit Identifier
'therm-us' => {
'few' => q({0} theirm SAM),
'many' => q({0} dteirm SAM),
'name' => q(teirmeacha SAM),
'one' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'other' => q({0} teirm SAM),
'two' => q({0} theirm SAM),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-newton' => {
'few' => q({0} N),
'many' => q({0} N),
'name' => q(niútan),
'one' => q({0} N),
'other' => q({0} N),
'two' => q({0} N),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton' => {
'few' => q({0} N),
'many' => q({0} N),
'name' => q(niútan),
'one' => q({0} N),
'other' => q({0} N),
'two' => q({0} N),
# Long Unit Identifier
'force-pound-force' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf),
'many' => q({0} lbf),
'name' => q(punt-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0} lbf),
'other' => q({0} lbf),
'two' => q({0} lbf),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf),
'many' => q({0} lbf),
'name' => q(punt-fhórsa),
'one' => q({0} lbf),
'other' => q({0} lbf),
'two' => q({0} lbf),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-gigahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} GHz),
'many' => q({0} GHz),
'name' => q(GHz),
'one' => q({0} GHz),
'other' => q({0} GHz),
'two' => q({0} GHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} GHz),
'many' => q({0} GHz),
'name' => q(GHz),
'one' => q({0} GHz),
'other' => q({0} GHz),
'two' => q({0} GHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-hertz' => {
'few' => q({0} Hz),
'many' => q({0} Hz),
'name' => q(Hz),
'one' => q({0} Hz),
'other' => q({0} Hz),
'two' => q({0} Hz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hertz' => {
'few' => q({0} Hz),
'many' => q({0} Hz),
'name' => q(Hz),
'one' => q({0} Hz),
'other' => q({0} Hz),
'two' => q({0} Hz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-kilohertz' => {
'few' => q({0} kHz),
'many' => q({0} kHz),
'name' => q(kHz),
'one' => q({0} kHz),
'other' => q({0} kHz),
'two' => q({0} kHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilohertz' => {
'few' => q({0} kHz),
'many' => q({0} kHz),
'name' => q(kHz),
'one' => q({0} kHz),
'other' => q({0} kHz),
'two' => q({0} kHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'frequency-megahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} MHz),
'many' => q({0} MHz),
'name' => q(MHz),
'one' => q({0} MHz),
'other' => q({0} MHz),
'two' => q({0} MHz),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megahertz' => {
'few' => q({0} MHz),
'many' => q({0} MHz),
'name' => q(MHz),
'one' => q({0} MHz),
'other' => q({0} MHz),
'two' => q({0} MHz),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-dot' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc),
'many' => q({0} bponc),
'name' => q(ponc),
'one' => q({0} phonc),
'other' => q({0} ponc),
'two' => q({0} phonc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dot' => {
'few' => q({0} phonc),
'many' => q({0} bponc),
'name' => q(ponc),
'one' => q({0} phonc),
'other' => q({0} ponc),
'two' => q({0} phonc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-em' => {
'few' => q({0} eim),
'many' => q({0} n-eim),
'name' => q(eim),
'one' => q({0} eim),
'other' => q({0} eim),
'two' => q({0} eim),
# Core Unit Identifier
'em' => {
'few' => q({0} eim),
'many' => q({0} n-eim),
'name' => q(eim),
'one' => q({0} eim),
'other' => q({0} eim),
'two' => q({0} eim),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-megapixel' => {
'name' => q(meigiphicteilíní),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megapixel' => {
'name' => q(meigiphicteilíní),
# Long Unit Identifier
'graphics-pixel' => {
'name' => q(picteilíní),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pixel' => {
'name' => q(picteilíní),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-astronomical-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} AR),
'many' => q({0} AR),
'name' => q(AR),
'one' => q({0} AR),
'other' => q({0} AR),
'two' => q({0} AR),
# Core Unit Identifier
'astronomical-unit' => {
'few' => q({0} AR),
'many' => q({0} AR),
'name' => q(AR),
'one' => q({0} AR),
'other' => q({0} AR),
'two' => q({0} AR),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm),
'many' => q({0} cm),
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0} cm),
'other' => q({0} cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
'two' => q({0} cm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm),
'many' => q({0} cm),
'name' => q(cm),
'one' => q({0} cm),
'other' => q({0} cm),
'per' => q({0}/cm),
'two' => q({0} cm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-decimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} dm),
'many' => q({0} dm),
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0} dm),
'other' => q({0} dm),
'two' => q({0} dm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'decimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} dm),
'many' => q({0} dm),
'name' => q(dm),
'one' => q({0} dm),
'other' => q({0} dm),
'two' => q({0} dm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-fathom' => {
'few' => q({0} fth),
'many' => q({0} fth),
'name' => q(feánna),
'one' => q({0} fth),
'other' => q({0} fth),
'two' => q({0} fth),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fathom' => {
'few' => q({0} fth),
'many' => q({0} fth),
'name' => q(feánna),
'one' => q({0} fth),
'other' => q({0} fth),
'two' => q({0} fth),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} thr.),
'many' => q({0} dtr.),
'name' => q(troithe),
'one' => q({0} tr.),
'other' => q({0} tr.),
'per' => q({0}/tr.),
'two' => q({0} thr.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'foot' => {
'few' => q({0} thr.),
'many' => q({0} dtr.),
'name' => q(troithe),
'one' => q({0} tr.),
'other' => q({0} tr.),
'per' => q({0}/tr.),
'two' => q({0} thr.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-furlong' => {
'few' => q({0} st),
'many' => q({0} st),
'name' => q(staideanna),
'one' => q({0} st),
'other' => q({0} st),
'two' => q({0} st),
# Core Unit Identifier
'furlong' => {
'few' => q({0} st),
'many' => q({0} st),
'name' => q(staideanna),
'one' => q({0} st),
'other' => q({0} st),
'two' => q({0} st),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or.),
'many' => q({0} n-or.),
'name' => q(orlaí),
'one' => q({0} or.),
'other' => q({0} or.),
'per' => q({0}/or.),
'two' => q({0} or.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or.),
'many' => q({0} n-or.),
'name' => q(orlaí),
'one' => q({0} or.),
'other' => q({0} or.),
'per' => q({0}/or.),
'two' => q({0} or.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km),
'many' => q({0} km),
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0} km),
'other' => q({0} km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
'two' => q({0} km),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km),
'many' => q({0} km),
'name' => q(km),
'one' => q({0} km),
'other' => q({0} km),
'per' => q({0}/km),
'two' => q({0} km),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-light-year' => {
'few' => q({0} sbh),
'many' => q({0} sbh),
'name' => q(solasbhl.),
'one' => q({0} sbh),
'other' => q({0} sbh),
'two' => q({0} sbh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'light-year' => {
'few' => q({0} sbh),
'many' => q({0} sbh),
'name' => q(solasbhl.),
'one' => q({0} sbh),
'other' => q({0} sbh),
'two' => q({0} sbh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m),
'many' => q({0} m),
'name' => q(méadair),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
'two' => q({0} m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m),
'many' => q({0} m),
'name' => q(méadair),
'one' => q({0} m),
'other' => q({0} m),
'per' => q({0}/m),
'two' => q({0} m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-micrometer' => {
'few' => q({0} μm),
'many' => q({0} μm),
'name' => q(μméadair),
'one' => q({0} μm),
'other' => q({0} μm),
'two' => q({0} μm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'micrometer' => {
'few' => q({0} μm),
'many' => q({0} μm),
'name' => q(μméadair),
'one' => q({0} μm),
'other' => q({0} μm),
'two' => q({0} μm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle),
'many' => q({0} míle),
'name' => q(mílte),
'one' => q({0} mhíle),
'other' => q({0} mi),
'two' => q({0} mhíle),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle),
'many' => q({0} míle),
'name' => q(mílte),
'one' => q({0} mhíle),
'other' => q({0} mi),
'two' => q({0} mhíle),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-mile-scandinavian' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle Lch),
'many' => q({0} míle Lch),
'name' => q(míle Lochl.),
'one' => q({0} míle Lch),
'other' => q({0} míle Lch),
'two' => q({0} mhíle Lch),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-scandinavian' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle Lch),
'many' => q({0} míle Lch),
'name' => q(míle Lochl.),
'one' => q({0} míle Lch),
'other' => q({0} míle Lch),
'two' => q({0} mhíle Lch),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-millimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} mm),
'many' => q({0} mm),
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0} mm),
'other' => q({0} mm),
'two' => q({0} mm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} mm),
'many' => q({0} mm),
'name' => q(mm),
'one' => q({0} mm),
'other' => q({0} mm),
'two' => q({0} mm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nanometer' => {
'few' => q({0} nm),
'many' => q({0} nm),
'name' => q(nm),
'one' => q({0} nm),
'other' => q({0} nm),
'two' => q({0} nm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nanometer' => {
'few' => q({0} nm),
'many' => q({0} nm),
'name' => q(nm),
'one' => q({0} nm),
'other' => q({0} nm),
'two' => q({0} nm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-nautical-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhuirmh.),
'many' => q({0} muirmh.),
'name' => q(muirmh.),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmh.),
'other' => q({0} muirmh.),
'two' => q({0} mhuirmh.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'nautical-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhuirmh.),
'many' => q({0} muirmh.),
'name' => q(muirmh.),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmh.),
'other' => q({0} muirmh.),
'two' => q({0} mhuirmh.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-parsec' => {
'few' => q({0} pc),
'many' => q({0} pc),
'name' => q(pc),
'one' => q({0} pc),
'other' => q({0} pc),
'two' => q({0} pc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'parsec' => {
'few' => q({0} pc),
'many' => q({0} pc),
'name' => q(pc),
'one' => q({0} pc),
'other' => q({0} pc),
'two' => q({0} pc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-picometer' => {
'few' => q({0} pm),
'many' => q({0} pm),
'name' => q(pm),
'one' => q({0} pm),
'other' => q({0} pm),
'two' => q({0} pm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'picometer' => {
'few' => q({0} pm),
'many' => q({0} pm),
'name' => q(pm),
'one' => q({0} pm),
'other' => q({0} pm),
'two' => q({0} pm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-point' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(pointí),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'point' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(pointí),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-solar-radius' => {
'few' => q({0} R☉),
'many' => q({0} R☉),
'name' => q(raonta gréine),
'one' => q({0} R☉),
'other' => q({0} R☉),
'two' => q({0} R☉),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-radius' => {
'few' => q({0} R☉),
'many' => q({0} R☉),
'name' => q(raonta gréine),
'one' => q({0} R☉),
'other' => q({0} R☉),
'two' => q({0} R☉),
# Long Unit Identifier
'length-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shl.),
'many' => q({0} sl.),
'name' => q(slata),
'one' => q({0} sl.),
'other' => q({0} sl.),
'two' => q({0} shl.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'yard' => {
'few' => q({0} shl.),
'many' => q({0} sl.),
'name' => q(slata),
'one' => q({0} sl.),
'other' => q({0} sl.),
'two' => q({0} shl.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-lux' => {
'few' => q({0} lx),
'many' => q({0} lx),
'name' => q(lucsa),
'one' => q({0} lx),
'other' => q({0} lx),
'two' => q({0} lx),
# Core Unit Identifier
'lux' => {
'few' => q({0} lx),
'many' => q({0} lx),
'name' => q(lucsa),
'one' => q({0} lx),
'other' => q({0} lx),
'two' => q({0} lx),
# Long Unit Identifier
'light-solar-luminosity' => {
'few' => q({0} L☉),
'many' => q({0} L☉),
'name' => q(lonrachtaí gréine),
'one' => q({0} L☉),
'other' => q({0} L☉),
'two' => q({0} L☉),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-luminosity' => {
'few' => q({0} L☉),
'many' => q({0} L☉),
'name' => q(lonrachtaí gréine),
'one' => q({0} L☉),
'other' => q({0} L☉),
'two' => q({0} L☉),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-carat' => {
'few' => q({0} CD),
'many' => q({0} CD),
'name' => q(carait),
'one' => q({0} CD),
'other' => q({0} CD),
'two' => q({0} CD),
# Core Unit Identifier
'carat' => {
'few' => q({0} CD),
'many' => q({0} CD),
'name' => q(carait),
'one' => q({0} CD),
'other' => q({0} CD),
'two' => q({0} CD),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-dalton' => {
'few' => q({0} Da),
'many' => q({0} Da),
'name' => q(daltúin),
'one' => q({0} Da),
'other' => q({0} Da),
'two' => q({0} Da),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dalton' => {
'few' => q({0} Da),
'many' => q({0} Da),
'name' => q(daltúin),
'one' => q({0} Da),
'other' => q({0} Da),
'two' => q({0} Da),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-earth-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} M⊕),
'many' => q({0} M⊕),
'name' => q(maiseanna an Domhain),
'one' => q({0} M⊕),
'other' => q({0} M⊕),
'two' => q({0} M⊕),
# Core Unit Identifier
'earth-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} M⊕),
'many' => q({0} M⊕),
'name' => q(maiseanna an Domhain),
'one' => q({0} M⊕),
'other' => q({0} M⊕),
'two' => q({0} M⊕),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-grain' => {
'few' => q({0} ghráinne),
'many' => q({0} ngráinne),
'name' => q(gráinne),
'one' => q({0} ghráinne),
'other' => q({0} gráinne),
'two' => q({0} ghráinne),
# Core Unit Identifier
'grain' => {
'few' => q({0} ghráinne),
'many' => q({0} ngráinne),
'name' => q(gráinne),
'one' => q({0} ghráinne),
'other' => q({0} gráinne),
'two' => q({0} ghráinne),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-gram' => {
'few' => q({0} g),
'many' => q({0} g),
'name' => q(graim),
'one' => q({0} g),
'other' => q({0} g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
'two' => q({0} g),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gram' => {
'few' => q({0} g),
'many' => q({0} g),
'name' => q(graim),
'one' => q({0} g),
'other' => q({0} g),
'per' => q({0}/g),
'two' => q({0} g),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-kilogram' => {
'few' => q({0} kg),
'many' => q({0} kg),
'name' => q(kg),
'one' => q({0} kg),
'other' => q({0} kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
'two' => q({0} kg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilogram' => {
'few' => q({0} kg),
'many' => q({0} kg),
'name' => q(kg),
'one' => q({0} kg),
'other' => q({0} kg),
'per' => q({0}/kg),
'two' => q({0} kg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-metric-ton' => {
'few' => q({0} t),
'many' => q({0} t),
'name' => q(t),
'one' => q({0} t),
'other' => q({0} t),
'two' => q({0} t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'metric-ton' => {
'few' => q({0} t),
'many' => q({0} t),
'name' => q(t),
'one' => q({0} t),
'other' => q({0} t),
'two' => q({0} t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-microgram' => {
'few' => q({0} μg),
'many' => q({0} μg),
'name' => q(μg),
'one' => q({0} μg),
'other' => q({0} μg),
'two' => q({0} μg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'microgram' => {
'few' => q({0} μg),
'many' => q({0} μg),
'name' => q(μg),
'one' => q({0} μg),
'other' => q({0} μg),
'two' => q({0} μg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-milligram' => {
'few' => q({0} mg),
'many' => q({0} mg),
'name' => q(mg),
'one' => q({0} mg),
'other' => q({0} mg),
'two' => q({0} mg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milligram' => {
'few' => q({0} mg),
'many' => q({0} mg),
'name' => q(mg),
'one' => q({0} mg),
'other' => q({0} mg),
'two' => q({0} mg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa),
'name' => q(unsa),
'one' => q({0} unsa),
'other' => q({0} unsa),
'per' => q({0}/unsa),
'two' => q({0} unsa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa),
'name' => q(unsa),
'one' => q({0} unsa),
'other' => q({0} unsa),
'per' => q({0}/unsa),
'two' => q({0} unsa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ounce-troy' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa t),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa t),
'name' => q(unsa t),
'one' => q({0} unsa t),
'other' => q({0} unsa t),
'two' => q({0} unsa t),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ounce-troy' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa t),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa t),
'name' => q(unsa t),
'one' => q({0} unsa t),
'other' => q({0} unsa t),
'two' => q({0} unsa t),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-pound' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt),
'many' => q({0} bpunt),
'name' => q(puint),
'one' => q({0} phunt),
'other' => q({0} punt),
'per' => q({0}/punt),
'two' => q({0} phunt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound' => {
'few' => q({0} phunt),
'many' => q({0} bpunt),
'name' => q(puint),
'one' => q({0} phunt),
'other' => q({0} punt),
'per' => q({0}/punt),
'two' => q({0} phunt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-solar-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} M☉),
'many' => q({0} M☉),
'name' => q(maiseanna gréine),
'one' => q({0} M☉),
'other' => q({0} M☉),
'two' => q({0} M☉),
# Core Unit Identifier
'solar-mass' => {
'few' => q({0} M☉),
'many' => q({0} M☉),
'name' => q(maiseanna gréine),
'one' => q({0} M☉),
'other' => q({0} M☉),
'two' => q({0} M☉),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-stone' => {
'few' => q({0} chl.),
'many' => q({0} gcl.),
'name' => q(clocha),
'one' => q({0} chl.),
'other' => q({0} cl.),
'two' => q({0} chl.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'stone' => {
'few' => q({0} chl.),
'many' => q({0} gcl.),
'name' => q(clocha),
'one' => q({0} chl.),
'other' => q({0} cl.),
'two' => q({0} chl.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'mass-ton' => {
'few' => q({0} t.g.),
'many' => q({0} t.g.),
'name' => q(tonnaí gearra),
'one' => q({0} t.g.),
'other' => q({0} t.g.),
'two' => q({0} t.g.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'ton' => {
'few' => q({0} t.g.),
'many' => q({0} t.g.),
'name' => q(tonnaí gearra),
'one' => q({0} t.g.),
'other' => q({0} t.g.),
'two' => q({0} t.g.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Core Unit Identifier
'per' => {
'1' => q({0}/{1}),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-gigawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} GW),
'many' => q({0} GW),
'name' => q(GW),
'one' => q({0} GW),
'other' => q({0} GW),
'two' => q({0} GW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gigawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} GW),
'many' => q({0} GW),
'name' => q(GW),
'one' => q({0} GW),
'other' => q({0} GW),
'two' => q({0} GW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-horsepower' => {
'few' => q({0} ec),
'many' => q({0} ec),
'name' => q(ec),
'one' => q({0} ec),
'other' => q({0} ec),
'two' => q({0} ec),
# Core Unit Identifier
'horsepower' => {
'few' => q({0} ec),
'many' => q({0} ec),
'name' => q(ec),
'one' => q({0} ec),
'other' => q({0} ec),
'two' => q({0} ec),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-kilowatt' => {
'few' => q({0} kW),
'many' => q({0} kW),
'name' => q(kW),
'one' => q({0} kW),
'other' => q({0} kW),
'two' => q({0} kW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilowatt' => {
'few' => q({0} kW),
'many' => q({0} kW),
'name' => q(kW),
'one' => q({0} kW),
'other' => q({0} kW),
'two' => q({0} kW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-megawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} MW),
'many' => q({0} MW),
'name' => q(MW),
'one' => q({0} MW),
'other' => q({0} MW),
'two' => q({0} MW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megawatt' => {
'few' => q({0} MW),
'many' => q({0} MW),
'name' => q(MW),
'one' => q({0} MW),
'other' => q({0} MW),
'two' => q({0} MW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-milliwatt' => {
'few' => q({0} mW),
'many' => q({0} mW),
'name' => q(mW),
'one' => q({0} mW),
'other' => q({0} mW),
'two' => q({0} mW),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliwatt' => {
'few' => q({0} mW),
'many' => q({0} mW),
'name' => q(mW),
'one' => q({0} mW),
'other' => q({0} mW),
'two' => q({0} mW),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power-watt' => {
'few' => q({0} W),
'many' => q({0} W),
'name' => q(vataí),
'one' => q({0} W),
'other' => q({0} W),
'two' => q({0} W),
# Core Unit Identifier
'watt' => {
'few' => q({0} W),
'many' => q({0} W),
'name' => q(vataí),
'one' => q({0} W),
'other' => q({0} W),
'two' => q({0} W),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q({0}²),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power2' => {
'1' => q({0}²),
# Long Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'1' => q({0}³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'power3' => {
'1' => q({0}³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-atmosphere' => {
'few' => q({0} atm),
'many' => q({0} atm),
'name' => q(atm),
'one' => q({0} atm),
'other' => q({0} atm),
'two' => q({0} atm),
# Core Unit Identifier
'atmosphere' => {
'few' => q({0} atm),
'many' => q({0} atm),
'name' => q(atm),
'one' => q({0} atm),
'other' => q({0} atm),
'two' => q({0} atm),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-bar' => {
'few' => q({0} bharra),
'many' => q({0} mbarra),
'name' => q(barra),
'one' => q({0} bharra),
'other' => q({0} barra),
'two' => q({0} bharra),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bar' => {
'few' => q({0} bharra),
'many' => q({0} mbarra),
'name' => q(barra),
'one' => q({0} bharra),
'other' => q({0} barra),
'two' => q({0} bharra),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-hectopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} hPa),
'many' => q({0} hPa),
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0} hPa),
'other' => q({0} hPa),
'two' => q({0} hPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} hPa),
'many' => q({0} hPa),
'name' => q(hPa),
'one' => q({0} hPa),
'other' => q({0} hPa),
'two' => q({0} hPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-inch-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} or. Hg),
'many' => q({0} n-or. Hg),
'name' => q(orlaí Hg),
'one' => q({0} or. Hg),
'other' => q({0} or. Hg),
'two' => q({0} or. Hg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'inch-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} or. Hg),
'many' => q({0} n-or. Hg),
'name' => q(orlaí Hg),
'one' => q({0} or. Hg),
'other' => q({0} or. Hg),
'two' => q({0} or. Hg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-kilopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} kPa),
'many' => q({0} kPa),
'name' => q(kPa),
'one' => q({0} kPa),
'other' => q({0} kPa),
'two' => q({0} kPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilopascal' => {
'few' => q({0} kPa),
'many' => q({0} kPa),
'name' => q(kPa),
'one' => q({0} kPa),
'other' => q({0} kPa),
'two' => q({0} kPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-megapascal' => {
'few' => q({0} MPa),
'many' => q({0} MPa),
'name' => q(MPa),
'one' => q({0} MPa),
'other' => q({0} MPa),
'two' => q({0} MPa),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megapascal' => {
'few' => q({0} MPa),
'many' => q({0} MPa),
'name' => q(MPa),
'one' => q({0} MPa),
'other' => q({0} MPa),
'two' => q({0} MPa),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millibar' => {
'few' => q({0} mbar),
'many' => q({0} mbar),
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0} mbar),
'other' => q({0} mbar),
'two' => q({0} mbar),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millibar' => {
'few' => q({0} mbar),
'many' => q({0} mbar),
'name' => q(mbar),
'one' => q({0} mbar),
'other' => q({0} mbar),
'two' => q({0} mbar),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-millimeter-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} mm Hg),
'many' => q({0} mm Hg),
'name' => q(mm Hg),
'one' => q({0} mm Hg),
'other' => q({0} mm Hg),
'two' => q({0} mm Hg),
# Core Unit Identifier
'millimeter-ofhg' => {
'few' => q({0} mm Hg),
'many' => q({0} mm Hg),
'name' => q(mm Hg),
'one' => q({0} mm Hg),
'other' => q({0} mm Hg),
'two' => q({0} mm Hg),
# Long Unit Identifier
'pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} psoc),
'many' => q({0} psoc),
'name' => q(psoc),
'one' => q({0} psoc),
'other' => q({0} psoc),
'two' => q({0} psoc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-per-square-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} psoc),
'many' => q({0} psoc),
'name' => q(psoc),
'one' => q({0} psoc),
'other' => q({0} psoc),
'two' => q({0} psoc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-kilometer-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} km/u),
'many' => q({0} km/u),
'name' => q(km/uair),
'one' => q({0} km/u),
'other' => q({0} km/u),
'two' => q({0} km/u),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kilometer-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} km/u),
'many' => q({0} km/u),
'name' => q(km/uair),
'one' => q({0} km/u),
'other' => q({0} km/u),
'two' => q({0} km/u),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-knot' => {
'few' => q({0} mrml/u),
'many' => q({0} mrml/u),
'name' => q(mrml/u),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmh/u),
'other' => q({0} mrml/u),
'two' => q({0} muirmh/u),
# Core Unit Identifier
'knot' => {
'few' => q({0} mrml/u),
'many' => q({0} mrml/u),
'name' => q(mrml/u),
'one' => q({0} mhuirmh/u),
'other' => q({0} mrml/u),
'two' => q({0} muirmh/u),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-meter-per-second' => {
'few' => q({0} m/s),
'many' => q({0} m/s),
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0} m/s),
'other' => q({0} m/s),
'two' => q({0} m/s),
# Core Unit Identifier
'meter-per-second' => {
'few' => q({0} m/s),
'many' => q({0} m/s),
'name' => q(m/s),
'one' => q({0} m/s),
'other' => q({0} m/s),
'two' => q({0} m/s),
# Long Unit Identifier
'speed-mile-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} msu),
'many' => q({0} msu),
'name' => q(mílte/uair),
'one' => q({0} msu),
'other' => q({0} msu),
'two' => q({0} msu),
# Core Unit Identifier
'mile-per-hour' => {
'few' => q({0} msu),
'many' => q({0} msu),
'name' => q(mílte/uair),
'one' => q({0} msu),
'other' => q({0} msu),
'two' => q({0} msu),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-celsius' => {
'few' => q({0}°C),
'many' => q({0}°C),
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
'two' => q({0}°C),
# Core Unit Identifier
'celsius' => {
'few' => q({0}°C),
'many' => q({0}°C),
'name' => q(°C),
'one' => q({0}°C),
'other' => q({0}°C),
'two' => q({0}°C),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-fahrenheit' => {
'few' => q({0}°F),
'many' => q({0}°F),
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
'two' => q({0}°F),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fahrenheit' => {
'few' => q({0}°F),
'many' => q({0}°F),
'name' => q(°F),
'one' => q({0}°F),
'other' => q({0}°F),
'two' => q({0}°F),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-generic' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Core Unit Identifier
'generic' => {
'few' => q({0}°),
'many' => q({0}°),
'name' => q(°),
'one' => q({0}°),
'other' => q({0}°),
'two' => q({0}°),
# Long Unit Identifier
'temperature-kelvin' => {
'few' => q({0} K),
'many' => q({0} K),
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0} K),
'other' => q({0} K),
'two' => q({0} K),
# Core Unit Identifier
'kelvin' => {
'few' => q({0} K),
'many' => q({0} K),
'name' => q(K),
'one' => q({0} K),
'other' => q({0} K),
'two' => q({0} K),
# Long Unit Identifier
'torque-newton-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} N⋅m),
'many' => q({0} N⋅m),
'name' => q(N⋅m),
'one' => q({0} N⋅m),
'other' => q({0} N⋅m),
'two' => q({0} N⋅m),
# Core Unit Identifier
'newton-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} N⋅m),
'many' => q({0} N⋅m),
'name' => q(N⋅m),
'one' => q({0} N⋅m),
'other' => q({0} N⋅m),
'two' => q({0} N⋅m),
# Long Unit Identifier
'torque-pound-force-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'many' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'name' => q(lbf⋅ft),
'one' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'other' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'two' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pound-force-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'many' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'name' => q(lbf⋅ft),
'one' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'other' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
'two' => q({0} lbf⋅ft),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-acre-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} ac tr),
'many' => q({0} ac tr),
'name' => q(acra-tr),
'one' => q({0} ac tr),
'other' => q({0} ac tr),
'two' => q({0} ac tr),
# Core Unit Identifier
'acre-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} ac tr),
'many' => q({0} ac tr),
'name' => q(acra-tr),
'one' => q({0} ac tr),
'other' => q({0} ac tr),
'two' => q({0} ac tr),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-barrel' => {
'few' => q({0} bbl),
'many' => q({0} bbl),
'name' => q(bairille),
'one' => q({0} bbl),
'other' => q({0} bbl),
'two' => q({0} bbl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'barrel' => {
'few' => q({0} bbl),
'many' => q({0} bbl),
'name' => q(bairille),
'one' => q({0} bbl),
'other' => q({0} bbl),
'two' => q({0} bbl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-bushel' => {
'few' => q({0} bu),
'many' => q({0} bu),
'name' => q(buiséil),
'one' => q({0} bu),
'other' => q({0} bu),
'two' => q({0} bu),
# Core Unit Identifier
'bushel' => {
'few' => q({0} bu),
'many' => q({0} bu),
'name' => q(buiséil),
'one' => q({0} bu),
'other' => q({0} bu),
'two' => q({0} bu),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-centiliter' => {
'few' => q({0} cL),
'many' => q({0} cL),
'name' => q(cL),
'one' => q({0} cL),
'other' => q({0} cL),
'two' => q({0} cL),
# Core Unit Identifier
'centiliter' => {
'few' => q({0} cL),
'many' => q({0} cL),
'name' => q(cL),
'one' => q({0} cL),
'other' => q({0} cL),
'two' => q({0} cL),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm³),
'many' => q({0} cm³),
'name' => q(cm³),
'one' => q({0} cm³),
'other' => q({0} cm³),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
'two' => q({0} cm³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-centimeter' => {
'few' => q({0} cm³),
'many' => q({0} cm³),
'name' => q(cm³),
'one' => q({0} cm³),
'other' => q({0} cm³),
'per' => q({0}/cm³),
'two' => q({0} cm³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} tr³),
'many' => q({0} tr³),
'name' => q(tr³),
'one' => q({0} tr³),
'other' => q({0} tr³),
'two' => q({0} tr³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-foot' => {
'few' => q({0} tr³),
'many' => q({0} tr³),
'name' => q(tr³),
'one' => q({0} tr³),
'other' => q({0} tr³),
'two' => q({0} tr³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or³),
'many' => q({0} or³),
'name' => q(orlach³),
'one' => q({0} or³),
'other' => q({0} or³),
'two' => q({0} or³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-inch' => {
'few' => q({0} or³),
'many' => q({0} or³),
'name' => q(orlach³),
'one' => q({0} or³),
'other' => q({0} or³),
'two' => q({0} or³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km³),
'many' => q({0} km³),
'name' => q(km³),
'one' => q({0} km³),
'other' => q({0} km³),
'two' => q({0} km³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-kilometer' => {
'few' => q({0} km³),
'many' => q({0} km³),
'name' => q(km³),
'one' => q({0} km³),
'other' => q({0} km³),
'two' => q({0} km³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m³),
'many' => q({0} m³),
'name' => q(m³),
'one' => q({0} m³),
'other' => q({0} m³),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
'two' => q({0} m³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-meter' => {
'few' => q({0} m³),
'many' => q({0} m³),
'name' => q(m³),
'one' => q({0} m³),
'other' => q({0} m³),
'per' => q({0}/m³),
'two' => q({0} m³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle³),
'many' => q({0} míle³),
'name' => q(míle³),
'one' => q({0} mhíle³),
'other' => q({0} míle³),
'two' => q({0} mhíle³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-mile' => {
'few' => q({0} mhíle³),
'many' => q({0} míle³),
'name' => q(míle³),
'one' => q({0} mhíle³),
'other' => q({0} míle³),
'two' => q({0} mhíle³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cubic-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} sl³),
'many' => q({0} sl³),
'name' => q(slata³),
'one' => q({0} sl³),
'other' => q({0} sl³),
'two' => q({0} sl³),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cubic-yard' => {
'few' => q({0} sl³),
'many' => q({0} sl³),
'name' => q(slata³),
'one' => q({0} sl³),
'other' => q({0} sl³),
'two' => q({0} sl³),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup' => {
'few' => q({0} c),
'many' => q({0} c),
'name' => q(cupáin),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
'two' => q({0} c),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup' => {
'few' => q({0} c),
'many' => q({0} c),
'name' => q(cupáin),
'one' => q({0} c),
'other' => q({0} c),
'two' => q({0} c),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-cup-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mc),
'many' => q({0} mc),
'name' => q(cupán méadr.),
'one' => q({0} mc),
'other' => q({0} mc),
'two' => q({0} mc),
# Core Unit Identifier
'cup-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mc),
'many' => q({0} mc),
'name' => q(cupán méadr.),
'one' => q({0} mc),
'other' => q({0} mc),
'two' => q({0} mc),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} dl),
'many' => q({0} dl),
'name' => q(dl),
'one' => q({0} dl),
'other' => q({0} dl),
'two' => q({0} dl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'deciliter' => {
'few' => q({0} dl),
'many' => q({0} dl),
'name' => q(dl),
'one' => q({0} dl),
'other' => q({0} dl),
'two' => q({0} dl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spmhil),
'many' => q({0} spmhil),
'name' => q(spmhil),
'one' => q({0} spmhil),
'other' => q({0} spmhil),
'two' => q({0} spmhil),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spmhil),
'many' => q({0} spmhil),
'name' => q(spmhil),
'one' => q({0} spmhil),
'other' => q({0} spmhil),
'two' => q({0} spmhil),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'many' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'name' => q(spmhil imp),
'one' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'other' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'two' => q({0} spmhil imp),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dessert-spoon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'many' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'name' => q(spmhil imp),
'one' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'other' => q({0} spmhil imp),
'two' => q({0} spmhil imp),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-dram' => {
'few' => q({0} dr l.),
'many' => q({0} dr l.),
'name' => q(dr l.),
'one' => q({0} dr l.),
'other' => q({0} dr l.),
'two' => q({0} dr l.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'dram' => {
'few' => q({0} dr l.),
'many' => q({0} dr l.),
'name' => q(dr l.),
'one' => q({0} dr l.),
'other' => q({0} dr l.),
'two' => q({0} dr l.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-drop' => {
'few' => q({0} bhraon),
'many' => q({0} mbraon),
'name' => q(braon),
'one' => q({0} bhraon),
'other' => q({0} braon),
'two' => q({0} bhraon),
# Core Unit Identifier
'drop' => {
'few' => q({0} bhraon),
'many' => q({0} mbraon),
'name' => q(braon),
'one' => q({0} bhraon),
'other' => q({0} braon),
'two' => q({0} bhraon),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa l.),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa l.),
'name' => q(unsaí leacht.),
'one' => q({0} unsa l.),
'other' => q({0} unsa l.),
'two' => q({0} unsa l.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce' => {
'few' => q({0} unsa l.),
'many' => q({0} n-unsa l.),
'name' => q(unsaí leacht.),
'one' => q({0} unsa l.),
'other' => q({0} unsa l.),
'two' => q({0} unsa l.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'many' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'name' => q(Unsa leachtach impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'other' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'two' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'fluid-ounce-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'many' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'name' => q(Unsa leachtach impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'other' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
'two' => q({0} fl oz Imp.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} ghal.),
'many' => q({0} ngal.),
'name' => q(galúin),
'one' => q({0} ghal.),
'other' => q({0} gal.),
'per' => q({0}/gal.),
'two' => q({0} ghal.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon' => {
'few' => q({0} ghal.),
'many' => q({0} ngal.),
'name' => q(galúin),
'one' => q({0} ghal.),
'other' => q({0} gal.),
'per' => q({0}/gal.),
'two' => q({0} ghal.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} ghal. imp.),
'many' => q({0} ngal. imp.),
'name' => q(gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0} ghal. imp.),
'other' => q({0} gal. imp.),
'per' => q({0}/gal. imp.),
'two' => q({0} ghal. imp.),
# Core Unit Identifier
'gallon-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} ghal. imp.),
'many' => q({0} ngal. imp.),
'name' => q(gal. imp.),
'one' => q({0} ghal. imp.),
'other' => q({0} gal. imp.),
'per' => q({0}/gal. imp.),
'two' => q({0} ghal. imp.),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-hectoliter' => {
'few' => q({0} hl),
'many' => q({0} hl),
'name' => q(hl),
'one' => q({0} hl),
'other' => q({0} hl),
'two' => q({0} hl),
# Core Unit Identifier
'hectoliter' => {
'few' => q({0} hl),
'many' => q({0} hl),
'name' => q(hl),
'one' => q({0} hl),
'other' => q({0} hl),
'two' => q({0} hl),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-jigger' => {
'few' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'many' => q({0} miosúr),
'name' => q(miosúr),
'one' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'other' => q({0} miosúr),
'two' => q({0} mhiosúr),
# Core Unit Identifier
'jigger' => {
'few' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'many' => q({0} miosúr),
'name' => q(miosúr),
'one' => q({0} mhiosúr),
'other' => q({0} miosúr),
'two' => q({0} mhiosúr),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-liter' => {
'few' => q({0} l),
'many' => q({0} l),
'name' => q(lítir),
'one' => q({0} l),
'other' => q({0} l),
'per' => q({0}/l),
'two' => q({0} l),
# Core Unit Identifier
'liter' => {
'few' => q({0} l),
'many' => q({0} l),
'name' => q(lítir),
'one' => q({0} l),
'other' => q({0} l),
'per' => q({0}/l),
'two' => q({0} l),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-megaliter' => {
'few' => q({0} Ml),
'many' => q({0} Ml),
'name' => q(Ml),
'one' => q({0} Ml),
'other' => q({0} Ml),
'two' => q({0} Ml),
# Core Unit Identifier
'megaliter' => {
'few' => q({0} Ml),
'many' => q({0} Ml),
'name' => q(Ml),
'one' => q({0} Ml),
'other' => q({0} Ml),
'two' => q({0} Ml),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-milliliter' => {
'few' => q({0} ml),
'many' => q({0} ml),
'name' => q(ml),
'one' => q({0} ml),
'other' => q({0} ml),
'two' => q({0} ml),
# Core Unit Identifier
'milliliter' => {
'few' => q({0} ml),
'many' => q({0} ml),
'name' => q(ml),
'one' => q({0} ml),
'other' => q({0} ml),
'two' => q({0} ml),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pinch' => {
'few' => q({0} phinse),
'many' => q({0} bpinse),
'name' => q(pinse),
'one' => q({0} phinse),
'other' => q({0} pinse),
'two' => q({0} phinse),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pinch' => {
'few' => q({0} phinse),
'many' => q({0} bpinse),
'name' => q(pinse),
'one' => q({0} phinse),
'other' => q({0} pinse),
'two' => q({0} phinse),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(piontaí),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint' => {
'few' => q({0} pt),
'many' => q({0} pt),
'name' => q(piontaí),
'one' => q({0} pt),
'other' => q({0} pt),
'two' => q({0} pt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-pint-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mpt),
'many' => q({0} mpt),
'name' => q(mpt),
'one' => q({0} mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
'two' => q({0} mpt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'pint-metric' => {
'few' => q({0} mpt),
'many' => q({0} mpt),
'name' => q(mpt),
'one' => q({0} mpt),
'other' => q({0} mpt),
'two' => q({0} mpt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt),
'many' => q({0} gcárt),
'name' => q(cáirt),
'one' => q({0} chárt),
'other' => q({0} cárt),
'two' => q({0} chárt),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt),
'many' => q({0} gcárt),
'name' => q(cáirt),
'one' => q({0} chárt),
'other' => q({0} cárt),
'two' => q({0} chárt),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-quart-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} gcárt impiriúla),
'name' => q(cárt impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} chárt impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} cárt impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
# Core Unit Identifier
'quart-imperial' => {
'few' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
'many' => q({0} gcárt impiriúla),
'name' => q(cárt impiriúil),
'one' => q({0} chárt impiriúil),
'other' => q({0} cárt impiriúil),
'two' => q({0} chárt impiriúla),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-tablespoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spbh),
'many' => q({0} spbh),
'name' => q(spbh),
'one' => q({0} spbh),
'other' => q({0} spbh),
'two' => q({0} spbh),
# Core Unit Identifier
'tablespoon' => {
'few' => q({0} spbh),
'many' => q({0} spbh),
'name' => q(spbh),
'one' => q({0} spbh),
'other' => q({0} spbh),
'two' => q({0} spbh),
# Long Unit Identifier
'volume-teaspoon' => {
'few' => q({0} tsp),
'many' => q({0} tsp),
'name' => q(tsp),
'one' => q({0} tsp),
'other' => q({0} tsp),
'two' => q({0} tsp),
# Core Unit Identifier
'teaspoon' => {
'few' => q({0} tsp),
'many' => q({0} tsp),
'name' => q(tsp),
'one' => q({0} tsp),
'other' => q({0} tsp),
'two' => q({0} tsp),
} }
has 'yesstr' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => RegexpRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { qr'^(?i:tá|t|yes|y)$' }
has 'nostr' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => RegexpRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { qr'^(?i:níl|n)$' }
has 'listPatterns' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
start => q({0}, {1}),
middle => q({0}, {1}),
end => q({0}, {1}),
2 => q({0}, {1}),
} }
has 'default_numbering_system' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => 'latn',
has native_numbering_system => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
init_arg => undef,
default => 'latn',
has 'minimum_grouping_digits' => (
is =>'ro',
isa => Int,
init_arg => undef,
default => 1,
has 'number_symbols' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'latn' => {
'exponential' => q(E),
'group' => q(,),
'infinity' => q(∞),
'nan' => q(Nuimh),
'perMille' => q(‰),
'percentSign' => q(%),
'superscriptingExponent' => q(×),
'timeSeparator' => q(:),
} }
has 'number_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
decimalFormat => {
'long' => {
'1000' => {
'few' => '0 mhíle',
'many' => '0 míle',
'one' => '0 mhíle',
'other' => '0 míle',
'two' => '0 mhíle',
'10000' => {
'few' => '00 míle',
'many' => '00 míle',
'one' => '00 míle',
'other' => '00 míle',
'two' => '00 míle',
'100000' => {
'few' => '000 míle',
'many' => '000 míle',
'one' => '000 míle',
'other' => '000 míle',
'two' => '000 míle',
'1000000' => {
'few' => '0 mhilliún',
'many' => '0 milliún',
'one' => '0 mhilliún',
'other' => '0 milliún',
'two' => '0 mhilliún',
'10000000' => {
'few' => '00 milliún',
'many' => '00 milliún',
'one' => '00 milliún',
'other' => '00 milliún',
'two' => '00 milliún',
'100000000' => {
'few' => '000 milliún',
'many' => '000 milliún',
'one' => '000 milliún',
'other' => '000 milliún',
'two' => '000 milliún',
'1000000000' => {
'few' => '0 bhilliún',
'many' => '0 mbilliún',
'one' => '0 bhilliún',
'other' => '0 billiún',
'two' => '0 bhilliún',
'10000000000' => {
'few' => '00 billiún',
'many' => '00 mbilliún',
'one' => '00 billiún',
'other' => '00 billiún',
'two' => '00 billiún',
'100000000000' => {
'few' => '000 billiún',
'many' => '000 billiún',
'one' => '000 billiún',
'other' => '000 billiún',
'two' => '000 billiún',
'1000000000000' => {
'few' => '0 thrilliún',
'many' => '0 dtrilliún',
'one' => '0 trilliún',
'other' => '0 trilliún',
'two' => '0 thrilliún',
'10000000000000' => {
'few' => '00 trilliún',
'many' => '00 dtrilliún',
'one' => '00 trilliún',
'other' => '00 trilliún',
'two' => '00 trilliún',
'100000000000000' => {
'few' => '000 trilliún',
'many' => '000 trilliún',
'one' => '000 trilliún',
'other' => '000 trilliún',
'two' => '000 trilliún',
'short' => {
'1000' => {
'few' => '0k',
'many' => '0k',
'one' => '0k',
'other' => '0k',
'two' => '0k',
'10000' => {
'few' => '00k',
'many' => '00k',
'one' => '00k',
'other' => '00k',
'two' => '00k',
'100000' => {
'few' => '000k',
'many' => '000k',
'one' => '000k',
'other' => '000k',
'two' => '000k',
'1000000' => {
'few' => '0M',
'many' => '0M',
'one' => '0M',
'other' => '0M',
'two' => '0M',
'10000000' => {
'few' => '00M',
'many' => '00M',
'one' => '00M',
'other' => '00M',
'two' => '00M',
'100000000' => {
'few' => '000M',
'many' => '000M',
'one' => '000M',
'other' => '000M',
'two' => '000M',
'1000000000' => {
'few' => '0B',
'many' => '0B',
'one' => '0B',
'other' => '0B',
'two' => '0B',
'10000000000' => {
'few' => '00B',
'many' => '00B',
'one' => '00B',
'other' => '00B',
'two' => '00B',
'100000000000' => {
'few' => '000B',
'many' => '000B',
'one' => '000B',
'other' => '000B',
'two' => '000B',
'1000000000000' => {
'few' => '0T',
'many' => '0T',
'one' => '0T',
'other' => '0T',
'two' => '0T',
'10000000000000' => {
'few' => '00T',
'many' => '00T',
'one' => '00T',
'other' => '00T',
'two' => '00T',
'100000000000000' => {
'few' => '000T',
'many' => '000T',
'one' => '000T',
'other' => '000T',
'two' => '000T',
percentFormat => {
'default' => {
'standard' => {
'default' => '#,##0%',
scientificFormat => {
'default' => {
'standard' => {
'default' => '#E0',
} },
has 'number_currency_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'latn' => {
'pattern' => {
'default' => {
'accounting' => {
'negative' => '(¤#,##0.00)',
'positive' => '¤#,##0.00',
'standard' => {
'positive' => '¤#,##0.00',
} },
has 'currencies' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'ADP' => {
symbol => 'ADP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peseta Andóra),
'few' => q(pheseta Andóra),
'many' => q(bpeseta Andóra),
'one' => q(pheseta Andóra),
'other' => q(peseta Andóra),
'two' => q(pheseta Andóra),
'AED' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dirham Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha),
'few' => q(dhirham Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha),
'many' => q(ndirham Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha),
'one' => q(dirham Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha),
'other' => q(dirham Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha),
'two' => q(dhirham Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha),
'AFA' => {
symbol => 'AFA',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Afgainí \(1927–2002\)),
'few' => q(Afgainí \(1927–2002\)),
'many' => q(Afgainí \(1927–2002\)),
'one' => q(Afgainí \(1927–2002\)),
'other' => q(Afgainí \(1927–2002\)),
'two' => q(Afgainí \(1927–2002\)),
'AFN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Afghani na hAfganastáine),
'few' => q(afghani na hAfganastáine),
'many' => q(n-afghani na hAfganastáine),
'one' => q(afghani na hAfganastáine),
'other' => q(afghani na hAfganastáine),
'two' => q(afghani na hAfganastáine),
'ALK' => {
symbol => 'ALK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lek na hAlbáine \(1946–1965\)),
'few' => q(lek na hAlbáine \(1946–1965\)),
'many' => q(lek na hAlbáine \(1946–1965\)),
'one' => q(lek na hAlbáine \(1946–1965\)),
'other' => q(lek na hAlbáine \(1946–1965\)),
'two' => q(lek na hAlbáine \(1946–1965\)),
'ALL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lek na hAlbáine),
'few' => q(lek na hAlbáine),
'many' => q(lek na hAlbáine),
'one' => q(lek na hAlbáine),
'other' => q(Lek na hAlbáine),
'two' => q(lek na hAlbáine),
'AMD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dram na hAirméine),
'few' => q(dhram na hAirméine),
'many' => q(ndram na hAirméine),
'one' => q(dram na hAirméine),
'other' => q(dram na hAirméine),
'two' => q(dhram na hAirméine),
'ANG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Gildear Aintillí na hÍsiltíre),
'few' => q(ghildear Aintillí na hÍsiltíre),
'many' => q(ngildear Aintillí na hÍsiltíre),
'one' => q(ghildear Aintillí na hÍsiltíre),
'other' => q(gildear Aintillí na hÍsiltíre),
'two' => q(ghildear Aintillí na hÍsiltíre),
'AOA' => {
symbol => 'Kz',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwanza Angóla),
'few' => q(kwanza Angóla),
'many' => q(kwanza Angóla),
'one' => q(kwanza Angóla),
'other' => q(kwanza Angóla),
'two' => q(kwanza Angóla),
'AOK' => {
symbol => 'AOK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwanza Angólach \(1977–1990\)),
'few' => q(Kwanza Angólach \(1977–1990\)),
'many' => q(Kwanza Angólach \(1977–1990\)),
'one' => q(Kwanza Angólach \(1977–1990\)),
'other' => q(Kwanza Angólach \(1977–1990\)),
'two' => q(Kwanza Angólach \(1977–1990\)),
'AON' => {
symbol => 'AON',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwanza Nua Angólach \(1990–2000\)),
'few' => q(Kwanza Nua Angólach \(1990–2000\)),
'many' => q(Kwanza Nua Angólach \(1990–2000\)),
'one' => q(Kwanza Nua Angólach \(1990–2000\)),
'other' => q(Kwanza Nua Angólach \(1990–2000\)),
'two' => q(Kwanza Nua Angólach \(1990–2000\)),
'AOR' => {
symbol => 'AOR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwanza Reajustado Angólach \(1995–1999\)),
'few' => q(Kwanza Reajustado Angólach \(1995–1999\)),
'many' => q(Kwanza Reajustado Angólach \(1995–1999\)),
'one' => q(Kwanza Reajustado Angólach \(1995–1999\)),
'other' => q(Kwanza Reajustado Angólach \(1995–1999\)),
'two' => q(Kwanza Reajustado Angólach \(1995–1999\)),
'ARA' => {
symbol => 'ARA',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Austral Airgintíneach),
'few' => q(Austral Airgintíneach),
'many' => q(Austral Airgintíneach),
'one' => q(Austral Airgintíneach),
'other' => q(Austral Airgintíneach),
'two' => q(Austral Airgintíneach),
'ARL' => {
symbol => 'ARL',
'ARM' => {
symbol => 'ARM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na hAirgintíne \(1881–1970\)),
'few' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne \(1881–1970\)),
'many' => q(bpeso na hAirgintíne \(1881–1970\)),
'one' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne \(1881–1970\)),
'other' => q(peso na hAirgintíne \(1881–1970\)),
'two' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne \(1881–1970\)),
'ARP' => {
symbol => 'ARP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na hAirgintíne \(1983–1985\)),
'few' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne \(1983–1985\)),
'many' => q(bpeso na hAirgintíne \(1983–1985\)),
'one' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne \(1983–1985\)),
'other' => q(peso na hAirgintíne \(1983–1985\)),
'two' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne \(1983–1985\)),
'ARS' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na hAirgintíne),
'few' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne),
'many' => q(bpeso na hAirgintíne),
'one' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne),
'other' => q(peso na hAirgintíne),
'two' => q(pheso na hAirgintíne),
'ATS' => {
symbol => 'ATS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Scilling na hOstaire),
'few' => q(Scilling Ostarach),
'many' => q(Scilling Ostarach),
'one' => q(Scilling Ostarach),
'other' => q(Scilling Ostarach),
'two' => q(Scilling Ostarach),
'AUD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na hAstráile),
'few' => q(dhollar na hAstráile),
'many' => q(ndollar na hAstráile),
'one' => q(dollar na hAstráile),
'other' => q(dollar na hAstráile),
'two' => q(dhollar na hAstráile),
'AWG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Flóirín Arúba),
'few' => q(fhlóirín Arúba),
'many' => q(bhflóirín Arúba),
'one' => q(fhlóirín Arúba),
'other' => q(flóirín Arúba),
'two' => q(fhlóirín Arúba),
'AZM' => {
symbol => 'AZM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Manat na hAsarbaiseáine \(1993–2006\)),
'few' => q(mhanat na hAsarbaiseáine \(1993–2006\)),
'many' => q(manat na hAsarbaiseáine \(1993–2006\)),
'one' => q(mhanat na hAsarbaiseáine \(1993–2006\)),
'other' => q(manat na hAsarbaiseáine \(1993–2006\)),
'two' => q(mhanat na hAsarbaiseáine \(1993–2006\)),
'AZN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Manat na hAsarbaiseáine),
'few' => q(mhanat na hAsarbaiseáine),
'many' => q(manat na hAsarbaiseáine),
'one' => q(mhanat na hAsarbaiseáine),
'other' => q(manat na hAsarbaiseáine),
'two' => q(mhanat na hAsarbaiseáine),
'BAD' => {
symbol => 'BAD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dínear Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin \(1992–1994\)),
'few' => q(Dínear Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin \(1992–1994\)),
'many' => q(Dínear Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin \(1992–1994\)),
'one' => q(Dínear Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin \(1992–1994\)),
'other' => q(Dínear Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin \(1992–1994\)),
'two' => q(Dínear Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin \(1992–1994\)),
'BAM' => {
symbol => 'KM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Marg Inmhalartaithe na Boisnia-Heirseagaivéine),
'few' => q(mharg inmhalartaithe na Boisnia-Heirseagaivéine),
'many' => q(marg inmhalartaithe na Boisnia-Heirseagaivéine),
'one' => q(mharg inmhalartaithe na Boisnia-Heirseagaivéine),
'other' => q(marg inmhalartaithe na Boisnia-Heirseagaivéine),
'two' => q(mharg inmhalartaithe na Boisnia-Heirseagaivéine),
'BAN' => {
symbol => 'BAN',
'BBD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Bharbadós),
'few' => q(dhollar Bharbadós),
'many' => q(ndollar Bharbadós),
'one' => q(dollar Bharbadós),
'other' => q(dollar Bharbadós),
'two' => q(dhollar Bharbadós),
'BDT' => {
symbol => '৳',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Taka na Banglaidéise),
'few' => q(thaka na Banglaidéise),
'many' => q(dtaka na Banglaidéise),
'one' => q(taka na Banglaidéise),
'other' => q(taka na Banglaidéise),
'two' => q(thaka na Banglaidéise),
'BEC' => {
symbol => 'BEC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc na Beilge \(inmhalartaithe\)),
'few' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(inathraithe\)),
'many' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(inathraithe\)),
'one' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(inathraithe\)),
'other' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(inathraithe\)),
'two' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(inathraithe\)),
'BEF' => {
symbol => 'BEF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Beilgeach),
'few' => q(Franc Beilgeach),
'many' => q(Franc Beilgeach),
'one' => q(Franc Beilgeach),
'other' => q(Franc Beilgeach),
'two' => q(Franc Beilgeach),
'BEL' => {
symbol => 'BEL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc na Beilge \(airgeadais\)),
'few' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(airgeadúil\)),
'many' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(airgeadúil\)),
'one' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(airgeadúil\)),
'other' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(airgeadúil\)),
'two' => q(Franc Beilgeach \(airgeadúil\)),
'BGL' => {
symbol => 'BGL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lev Crua na Bulgáire),
'few' => q(lev chrua na Bulgáire),
'many' => q(lev chrua na Bulgáire),
'one' => q(lev crua na Bulgáire),
'other' => q(lev crua na Bulgáire),
'two' => q(lev chrua na Bulgáire),
'BGN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lev na Bulgáire),
'few' => q(lev na Bulgáire),
'many' => q(lev na Bulgáire),
'one' => q(lev na Bulgáire),
'other' => q(lev na Bulgáire),
'two' => q(lev na Bulgáire),
'BGO' => {
symbol => 'BGO',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lev na Bulgáire \(1879–1952\)),
'few' => q(lev na Bulgáire \(1879–1952\)),
'many' => q(lev na Bulgáire \(1879–1952\)),
'one' => q(lev na Bulgáire \(1879–1952\)),
'other' => q(lev na Bulgáire \(1879–1952\)),
'two' => q(lev na Bulgáire \(1879–1952\)),
'BHD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar Bhairéin),
'few' => q(dhinar Bhairéin),
'many' => q(ndinar Bhairéin),
'one' => q(dinar Bhairéin),
'other' => q(dinar Bhairéin),
'two' => q(dhinar Bhairéin),
'BIF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc na Burúine),
'few' => q(fhranc na Burúine),
'many' => q(bhfranc na Burúine),
'one' => q(fhranc na Burúine),
'other' => q(franc na Burúine),
'two' => q(fhranc na Burúine),
'BMD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Bheirmiúda),
'few' => q(dhollar Bheirmiúda),
'many' => q(ndollar Bheirmiúda),
'one' => q(dollar Bheirmiúda),
'other' => q(dollar Bheirmiúda),
'two' => q(dhollar Bheirmiúda),
'BND' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Bhrúiné),
'few' => q(dhollar Bhrúiné),
'many' => q(ndollar Bhrúiné),
'one' => q(dollar Bhrúiné),
'other' => q(dollar Bhrúiné),
'two' => q(dhollar Bhrúiné),
'BOB' => {
symbol => 'Bs',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Boliviano),
'few' => q(bholiviano),
'many' => q(mboliviano),
'one' => q(bholiviano),
'other' => q(boliviano),
'two' => q(bholiviano),
'BOL' => {
symbol => 'BOL',
'BOP' => {
symbol => 'BOP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na Bolaive),
'few' => q(pheso na Bolaive),
'many' => q(bpeso na Bolaive),
'one' => q(pheso na Bolaive),
'other' => q(peso na Bolaive),
'two' => q(pheso na Bolaive),
'BOV' => {
symbol => 'BOV',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Mvdol na Bolaive),
'few' => q(mvdol na Bolaive),
'many' => q(mvdol na Bolaive),
'one' => q(mvdol na Bolaive),
'other' => q(mvdol na Bolaive),
'two' => q(mvdol na Bolaive),
'BRB' => {
symbol => 'BRB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cruzeiro Nua na Brasaíle \(1967–1986\)),
'few' => q(chruzeiro nua na Brasaíle \(1967–1986\)),
'many' => q(gcruzeiro nua na Brasaíle \(1967–1986\)),
'one' => q(chruzeiro nua na Brasaíle \(1967–1986\)),
'other' => q(cruzeiro nua na Brasaíle \(1967–1986\)),
'two' => q(chruzeiro nua na Brasaíle \(1967–1986\)),
'BRC' => {
symbol => 'BRC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cruzado na Brasaíle \(1986–1989\)),
'few' => q(chruzado na Brasaíle \(1986–1989\)),
'many' => q(gcruzado na Brasaíle \(1986–1989\)),
'one' => q(chruzado na Brasaíle \(1986–1989\)),
'other' => q(cruzado na Brasaíle \(1986–1989\)),
'two' => q(chruzado na Brasaíle \(1986–1989\)),
'BRE' => {
symbol => 'BRE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1990–1993\)),
'few' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1990–1993\)),
'many' => q(gcruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1990–1993\)),
'one' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1990–1993\)),
'other' => q(cruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1990–1993\)),
'two' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1990–1993\)),
'BRL' => {
symbol => 'R$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Real na Brasaíle),
'few' => q(real na Brasaíle),
'many' => q(real na Brasaíle),
'one' => q(real na Brasaíle),
'other' => q(real na Brasaíle),
'two' => q(real na Brasaíle),
'BRN' => {
symbol => 'BRN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cruzado Nua na Brasaíle \(1989–1990\)),
'few' => q(chruzado nua na Brasaíle \(1989–1990\)),
'many' => q(gcruzado nua na Brasaíle \(1989–1990\)),
'one' => q(chruzado nua na Brasaíle \(1989–1990\)),
'other' => q(cruzado nua na Brasaíle \(1989–1990\)),
'two' => q(chruzado nua na Brasaíle \(1989–1990\)),
'BRR' => {
symbol => 'BRR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1993–1994\)),
'few' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1993–1994\)),
'many' => q(gcruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1993–1994\)),
'one' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1993–1994\)),
'other' => q(cruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1993–1994\)),
'two' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1993–1994\)),
'BRZ' => {
symbol => 'BRZ',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1942–1967\)),
'few' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1942–1967\)),
'many' => q(gcruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1942–1967\)),
'one' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1942–1967\)),
'other' => q(cruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1942–1967\)),
'two' => q(chruzeiro na Brasaíle \(1942–1967\)),
'BSD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na mBahámaí),
'few' => q(dhollar na mBahámaí),
'many' => q(ndollar na mBahámaí),
'one' => q(dollar na mBahámaí),
'other' => q(dollar na mBahámaí),
'two' => q(dhollar na mBahámaí),
'BTN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ngultrum na Bútáine),
'few' => q(ngultrum na Bútáine),
'many' => q(ngultrum na Bútáine),
'one' => q(ngultrum na Bútáine),
'other' => q(ngultrum na Bútáine),
'two' => q(ngultrum na Bútáine),
'BUK' => {
symbol => 'BUK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kyat Bhurma),
'few' => q(kyat Bhurma),
'many' => q(kyat Bhurma),
'one' => q(kyat Bhurma),
'other' => q(kyat Bhurma),
'two' => q(kyat Bhurma),
'BWP' => {
symbol => 'P',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Pula na Botsuáine),
'few' => q(phula na Botsuáine),
'many' => q(bpula na Botsuáine),
'one' => q(phula na Botsuáine),
'other' => q(pula na Botsuáine),
'two' => q(phula na Botsuáine),
'BYB' => {
symbol => 'BYB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal Nua na Bealarúise \(1994–1999\)),
'few' => q(rúbal nua na Bealarúise \(1994–1999\)),
'many' => q(rúbal nua na Bealarúise \(1994–1999\)),
'one' => q(rúbal nua na Bealarúise \(1994–1999\)),
'other' => q(rúbal nua na Bealarúise \(1994–1999\)),
'two' => q(rúbal nua na Bealarúise \(1994–1999\)),
'BYN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal na Bealarúise),
'few' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise),
'many' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise),
'one' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise),
'other' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise),
'two' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise),
'BYR' => {
symbol => 'BYR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal na Bealarúise \(2000–2016\)),
'few' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise \(2000–2016\)),
'many' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise \(2000–2016\)),
'one' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise \(2000–2016\)),
'other' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise \(2000–2016\)),
'two' => q(rúbal na Bealarúise \(2000–2016\)),
'BZD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na Beilíse),
'few' => q(dhollar na Beilíse),
'many' => q(ndollar na Beilíse),
'one' => q(dollar na Beilíse),
'other' => q(dollar na Beilíse),
'two' => q(dhollar na Beilíse),
'CAD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Cheanada),
'few' => q(dhollar Cheanada),
'many' => q(ndollar Cheanada),
'one' => q(dollar Cheanada),
'other' => q(dollar Cheanada),
'two' => q(dhollar Cheanada),
'CDF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc an Chongó),
'few' => q(fhranc an Chongó),
'many' => q(bhfranc an Chongó),
'one' => q(fhranc an Chongó),
'other' => q(franc an Chongó),
'two' => q(fhranc an Chongó),
'CHF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc na hEilvéise),
'few' => q(fhranc na hEilvéise),
'many' => q(bhfranc na hEilvéise),
'one' => q(fhranc na hEilvéise),
'other' => q(franc na hEilvéise),
'two' => q(fhranc na hEilvéise),
'CLE' => {
symbol => 'CLE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo na Sile),
'few' => q(escudo na Sile),
'many' => q(n-escudo na Sile),
'one' => q(escudo na Sile),
'other' => q(escudo na Sile),
'two' => q(escudo na Sile),
'CLF' => {
symbol => 'CLF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Unidades de Fomento na Sile),
'few' => q(Unidades de Fomento na Sile),
'many' => q(Unidades de Fomento na Sile),
'one' => q(Unidades de Fomento na Sile),
'other' => q(Unidades de Fomento na Sile),
'two' => q(Unidades de Fomento na Sile),
'CLP' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na Sile),
'few' => q(pheso na Sile),
'many' => q(bpeso na Sile),
'one' => q(pheso na Sile),
'other' => q(peso na Sile),
'two' => q(pheso na Sile),
'CNH' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Yuan na Síne \(seachairgeadra\)),
'few' => q(Yuan na Síne \(seachairgeadra\)),
'many' => q(Yuan na Síne \(seachairgeadra\)),
'one' => q(Yuan na Síne \(seachairgeadra\)),
'other' => q(Yuan na Síne \(seachairgeadra\)),
'two' => q(Yuan na Síne \(seachairgeadra\)),
'CNY' => {
symbol => '¥',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Yuan na Síne),
'few' => q(yuan na Síne),
'many' => q(yuan na Síne),
'one' => q(yuan na Síne),
'other' => q(yuan na Síne),
'two' => q(yuan na Síne),
'COP' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na Colóime),
'few' => q(pheso na Colóime),
'many' => q(bpeso na Colóime),
'one' => q(pheso na Colóime),
'other' => q(peso na Colóime),
'two' => q(pheso na Colóime),
'COU' => {
symbol => 'COU',
'CRC' => {
symbol => '₡',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Colón Chósta Ríce),
'few' => q(cholón Chósta Ríce),
'many' => q(gcolón Chósta Ríce),
'one' => q(cholón Chósta Ríce),
'other' => q(colón Chósta Ríce),
'two' => q(cholón Chósta Ríce),
'CSD' => {
symbol => 'CSD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na Seirbia \(2002–2006\)),
'few' => q(dhinar na Seirbia \(2002–2006\)),
'many' => q(ndinar na Seirbia \(2002–2006\)),
'one' => q(dinar na Seirbia \(2002–2006\)),
'other' => q(dinar na Seirbia \(2002–2006\)),
'two' => q(dhinar na Seirbia \(2002–2006\)),
'CSK' => {
symbol => 'CSK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Koruna Crua na Seicslóvaice),
'few' => q(koruna chrua na Seicslóvaice),
'many' => q(koruna chrua na Seicslóvaice),
'one' => q(koruna chrua na Seicslóvaice),
'other' => q(koruna crua na Seicslóvaice),
'two' => q(koruna chrua na Seicslóvaice),
'CUC' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso Inmhalartaithe Chúba),
'few' => q(pheso inmhalartaithe Chúba),
'many' => q(bpeso inmhalartaithe Chúba),
'one' => q(pheso inmhalartaithe Chúba),
'other' => q(peso inmhalartaithe Chúba),
'two' => q(pheso inmhalartaithe Chúba),
'CUP' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso Chúba),
'few' => q(pheso Chúba),
'many' => q(bpeso Chúba),
'one' => q(pheso Chúba),
'other' => q(peso Chúba),
'two' => q(pheso Chúba),
'CVE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo Rinn Verde),
'few' => q(escudo Rinn Verde),
'many' => q(n-escudo Rinn Verde),
'one' => q(escudo Rinn Verde),
'other' => q(escudo Rinn Verde),
'two' => q(escudo Rinn Verde),
'CYP' => {
symbol => 'CYP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt na Cipire),
'few' => q(phunt na Cipire),
'many' => q(bpunt na Cipire),
'one' => q(phunt na Cipire),
'other' => q(punt na Cipire),
'two' => q(phunt na Cipire),
'CZK' => {
symbol => 'Kč',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Koruna Phoblacht na Seice),
'few' => q(koruna Phoblacht na Seice),
'many' => q(koruna Phoblacht na Seice),
'one' => q(koruna Phoblacht na Seice),
'other' => q(koruna Phoblacht na Seice),
'two' => q(koruna Phoblacht na Seice),
'DDM' => {
symbol => 'DDM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Marc Ghearmáin an Oirthir),
'few' => q(Ostmark na hOirGhearmáine),
'many' => q(Ostmark na hOirGhearmáine),
'one' => q(Ostmark na hOirGhearmáine),
'other' => q(Ostmark na hOirGhearmáine),
'two' => q(Ostmark na hOirGhearmáine),
'DEM' => {
symbol => 'DEM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Deutsche Mark),
'few' => q(Deutsche Mark),
'many' => q(Deutsche Mark),
'one' => q(Deutsche Mark),
'other' => q(Deutsche Mark),
'two' => q(Deutsche Mark),
'DJF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Djibouti),
'few' => q(fhranc Djibouti),
'many' => q(bhfranc Djibouti),
'one' => q(fhranc Djibouti),
'other' => q(franc Djibouti),
'two' => q(fhranc Djibouti),
'DKK' => {
symbol => 'kr',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Coróin na Danmhairge),
'few' => q(choróin na Danmhairge),
'many' => q(gcoróin na Danmhairge),
'one' => q(choróin na Danmhairge),
'other' => q(coróin na Danmhairge),
'two' => q(choróin na Danmhairge),
'DOP' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na Poblachta Doiminicí),
'few' => q(pheso na Poblachta Doiminicí),
'many' => q(bpeso na Poblachta Doiminicí),
'one' => q(pheso na Poblachta Doiminicí),
'other' => q(peso na Poblachta Doiminicí),
'two' => q(pheso na Poblachta Doiminicí),
'DZD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na hAilgéire),
'few' => q(dhinar na hAilgéire),
'many' => q(ndinar na hAilgéire),
'one' => q(dinar na hAilgéire),
'other' => q(dinar na hAilgéire),
'two' => q(dhinar na hAilgéire),
'ECS' => {
symbol => 'ECS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sucre Eacuadóir),
'few' => q(Sucre Eacuadóir),
'many' => q(Sucre Eacuadóir),
'one' => q(Sucre Eacuadóir),
'other' => q(Sucre Eacuadóir),
'two' => q(Sucre Eacuadóir),
'ECV' => {
symbol => 'ECV',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Unidad de Valor Constante \(UVC\) Eacuadóir),
'few' => q(Unidad de Valor Constante \(UVC\) Eacuadóir),
'many' => q(Unidad de Valor Constante \(UVC\) Eacuadóir),
'one' => q(Unidad de Valor Constante \(UVC\) Eacuadóir),
'other' => q(Unidad de Valor Constante \(UVC\) Eacuadóir),
'two' => q(Unidad de Valor Constante \(UVC\) Eacuadóir),
'EEK' => {
symbol => 'EEK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kroon na hEastóine),
'few' => q(Kroon na hEastóine),
'many' => q(Kroon na hEastóine),
'one' => q(Kroon na hEastóine),
'other' => q(Kroon na hEastóine),
'two' => q(Kroon na hEastóine),
'EGP' => {
symbol => 'E£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt na hÉigipte),
'few' => q(phunt na hÉigipte),
'many' => q(bpunt na hÉigipte),
'one' => q(phunt na hÉigipte),
'other' => q(punt na hÉigipte),
'two' => q(phunt na hÉigipte),
'ERN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Nakfa na hEiritré),
'few' => q(nakfa na hEiritré),
'many' => q(nakfa na hEiritré),
'one' => q(nakfa na hEiritré),
'other' => q(nakfa na hEiritré),
'two' => q(nakfa na hEiritré),
'ESA' => {
symbol => 'ESA',
'ESB' => {
symbol => 'ESB',
'ESP' => {
symbol => 'ESP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peseta na Spáinne),
'few' => q(pheseta na Spáinne),
'many' => q(bpeseta na Spáinne),
'one' => q(pheseta na Spáinne),
'other' => q(peseta na Spáinne),
'two' => q(pheseta na Spáinne),
'ETB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Birr na hAetóipe),
'few' => q(bhirr na hAetóipe),
'many' => q(mbirr na hAetóipe),
'one' => q(bhirr na hAetóipe),
'other' => q(birr na hAetóipe),
'two' => q(bhirr na hAetóipe),
'EUR' => {
symbol => '€',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Euro),
'few' => q(euro),
'many' => q(euro),
'one' => q(euro),
'other' => q(euro),
'two' => q(euro),
'FIM' => {
symbol => 'FIM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Markka Fionnlannach),
'few' => q(Markka Fionnlannach),
'many' => q(Markka Fionnlannach),
'one' => q(Markka Fionnlannach),
'other' => q(Markka Fionnlannach),
'two' => q(Markka Fionnlannach),
'FJD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Fhidsí),
'few' => q(dhollar Fhidsí),
'many' => q(ndollar Fhidsí),
'one' => q(dollar Fhidsí),
'other' => q(dollar Fhidsí),
'two' => q(dhollar Fhidsí),
'FKP' => {
symbol => '£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt Oileáin Fháclainne),
'few' => q(phunt Oileáin Fháclainne),
'many' => q(bpunt Oileáin Fháclainne),
'one' => q(phunt Oileáin Fháclainne),
'other' => q(punt Oileáin Fháclainne),
'two' => q(phunt Oileáin Fháclainne),
'FRF' => {
symbol => 'FRF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc na Fraince),
'few' => q(Franc Francach),
'many' => q(Franc Francach),
'one' => q(Franc Francach),
'other' => q(Franc Francach),
'two' => q(Franc Francach),
'GBP' => {
symbol => '£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt Steirling),
'few' => q(phunt steirling),
'many' => q(bpunt steirling),
'one' => q(phunt steirling),
'other' => q(punt steirling),
'two' => q(phunt steirling),
'GEK' => {
symbol => 'GEK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kupon Larit na Grúise),
'few' => q(Kupon Larit na Grúise),
'many' => q(Kupon Larit na Grúise),
'one' => q(Kupon Larit na Grúise),
'other' => q(Kupon Larit na Grúise),
'two' => q(Kupon Larit na Grúise),
'GEL' => {
symbol => '₾',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lari na Seoirsia),
'few' => q(lari na Seoirsia),
'many' => q(lari na Seoirsia),
'one' => q(lari na Seoirsia),
'other' => q(lari na Seoirsia),
'two' => q(lari na Seoirsia),
'GHC' => {
symbol => 'GHC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cedi Ghána \(1979–2007\)),
'few' => q(chedi Ghána \(1979–2007\)),
'many' => q(gcedi Ghána \(1979–2007\)),
'one' => q(chedi Ghána \(1979–2007\)),
'other' => q(cedi Ghána \(1979–2007\)),
'two' => q(chedi Ghána \(1979–2007\)),
'GHS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cedi Ghána),
'few' => q(chedi Ghána),
'many' => q(gcedi Ghána),
'one' => q(chedi Ghána),
'other' => q(cedi Ghána),
'two' => q(chedi Ghána),
'GIP' => {
symbol => '£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt Ghiobráltar),
'few' => q(phunt Ghiobráltar),
'many' => q(bpunt Ghiobráltar),
'one' => q(phunt Ghiobráltar),
'other' => q(punt Ghiobráltar),
'two' => q(phunt Ghiobráltar),
'GMD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dalasi na Gaimbia),
'few' => q(dhalasi na Gaimbia),
'many' => q(ndalasi na Gaimbia),
'one' => q(dalasi na Gaimbia),
'other' => q(dalasi na Gaimbia),
'two' => q(dhalasi na Gaimbia),
'GNF' => {
symbol => 'FG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc na Guine),
'few' => q(fhranc na Guine),
'many' => q(bhfranc na Guine),
'one' => q(fhranc na Guine),
'other' => q(franc na Guine),
'two' => q(fhranc na Guine),
'GNS' => {
symbol => 'GNS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Syli Guine),
'few' => q(Syli Guine),
'many' => q(Syli Guine),
'one' => q(Syli Guine),
'other' => q(Syli Guine),
'two' => q(Syli Guine),
'GQE' => {
symbol => 'GQE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ekwele Guineana na Guine Meánchiorclaí),
'few' => q(Ekwele Guineana na Guine Meánchiorclaí),
'many' => q(Ekwele Guineana na Guine Meánchiorclaí),
'one' => q(Ekwele Guineana na Guine Meánchiorclaí),
'other' => q(Ekwele Guineana na Guine Meánchriosaí),
'two' => q(Ekwele Guineana na Guine Meánchiorclaí),
'GRD' => {
symbol => 'GRD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Drachma Gréagach),
'few' => q(Drachma Gréagach),
'many' => q(Drachma Gréagach),
'one' => q(Drachma Gréagach),
'other' => q(Drachma Gréagach),
'two' => q(Drachma Gréagach),
'GTQ' => {
symbol => 'Q',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Quetzal Ghuatamala),
'few' => q(quetzal Ghuatamala),
'many' => q(quetzal Ghuatamala),
'one' => q(quetzal Ghuatamala),
'other' => q(quetzal Ghuatamala),
'two' => q(quetzal Ghuatamala),
'GWE' => {
symbol => 'GWE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo na Guine Portaingéalaí),
'few' => q(Escudo na Guine Portaingéalaí),
'many' => q(Escudo na Guine Portaingéalaí),
'one' => q(Escudo na Guine Portaingéalaí),
'other' => q(Escudo na Guine Portaingéalaí),
'two' => q(Escudo na Guine Portaingéalaí),
'GWP' => {
symbol => 'GWP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso Guine-Bhissau),
'few' => q(Peso Guine-Bhissau),
'many' => q(Peso Guine-Bhissau),
'one' => q(Peso Guine-Bhissau),
'other' => q(Peso Guine-Bhissau),
'two' => q(Peso Guine-Bhissau),
'GYD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na Guáine),
'few' => q(dhollar na Guáine),
'many' => q(ndollar na Guáine),
'one' => q(dollar na Guáine),
'other' => q(dollar na Guáine),
'two' => q(dhollar na Guáine),
'HKD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Hong Cong),
'few' => q(dhollar Hong Cong),
'many' => q(ndollar Hong Cong),
'one' => q(dollar Hong Cong),
'other' => q(dollar Hong Cong),
'two' => q(dhollar Hong Cong),
'HNL' => {
symbol => 'L',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lempira Hondúras),
'few' => q(lempira Hondúras),
'many' => q(lempira Hondúras),
'one' => q(lempira Hondúras),
'other' => q(lempira Hondúras),
'two' => q(lempira Hondúras),
'HRD' => {
symbol => 'HRD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dínear na Cróite),
'few' => q(Dínear na Cróite),
'many' => q(Dínear na Cróite),
'one' => q(Dínear na Cróite),
'other' => q(Dínear na Cróite),
'two' => q(Dínear na Cróite),
'HRK' => {
symbol => 'kn',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kuna na Cróite),
'few' => q(kuna na Cróite),
'many' => q(kuna na Cróite),
'one' => q(kuna na Cróite),
'other' => q(kuna na Cróite),
'two' => q(kuna na Cróite),
'HTG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Gourde Háítí),
'few' => q(ghourde Háítí),
'many' => q(ngourde Háítí),
'one' => q(ghourde Háítí),
'other' => q(gourde Háítí),
'two' => q(ghourde Háítí),
'HUF' => {
symbol => 'Ft',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Forint na hUngáire),
'few' => q(fhorint na hUngáire),
'many' => q(bhforint na hUngáire),
'one' => q(fhorint na hUngáire),
'other' => q(forint na hUngáire),
'two' => q(fhorint na hUngáire),
'IDR' => {
symbol => 'Rp',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rupiah na hIndinéise),
'few' => q(rupiah na hIndinéise),
'many' => q(rupiah na hIndinéise),
'one' => q(rupiah na hIndinéise),
'other' => q(rupiah na hIndinéise),
'two' => q(rupiah na hIndinéise),
'IEP' => {
symbol => 'IEP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt Éireannach),
'few' => q(Punt Éireannach),
'many' => q(Punt Éireannach),
'one' => q(Punt Éireannach),
'other' => q(Punt Éireannach),
'two' => q(Punt Éireannach),
'ILP' => {
symbol => 'ILP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt Iosraelach),
'few' => q(Punt Iosraelach),
'many' => q(Punt Iosraelach),
'one' => q(Punt Iosraelach),
'other' => q(Punt Iosraelach),
'two' => q(Punt Iosraelach),
'ILS' => {
symbol => '₪',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Seiceal Nua Iosrael),
'few' => q(sheiceal nua Iosrael),
'many' => q(seiceal nua Iosrael),
'one' => q(seiceal nua Iosrael),
'other' => q(seiceal nua Iosrael),
'two' => q(sheiceal nua Iosrael),
'INR' => {
symbol => '₹',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúipí na hIndia),
'few' => q(rúipí na hIndia),
'many' => q(rúipí na hIndia),
'one' => q(rúipí na hIndia),
'other' => q(rúipí na hIndia),
'two' => q(rúipí na hIndia),
'IQD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na hIaráice),
'few' => q(dhinar na hIaráice),
'many' => q(ndinar na hIaráice),
'one' => q(dinar na hIaráice),
'other' => q(dinar na hIaráice),
'two' => q(dhinar na hIaráice),
'IRR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rial na hIaráine),
'few' => q(rial na hIaráine),
'many' => q(rial na hIaráine),
'one' => q(rial na hIaráine),
'other' => q(rial na hIaráine),
'two' => q(rial na hIaráine),
'ISK' => {
symbol => 'kr',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Króna na hÍoslainne),
'few' => q(króna na hÍoslainne),
'many' => q(króna na hÍoslainne),
'one' => q(króna na hÍoslainne),
'other' => q(króna na hÍoslainne),
'two' => q(króna na hÍoslainne),
'ITL' => {
symbol => 'ITL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lira na hIodáile),
'few' => q(lira na hIodáile),
'many' => q(lira na hIodáile),
'one' => q(lira na hIodáile),
'other' => q(lira na hIodáile),
'two' => q(lira na hIodáile),
'JMD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na hIamáice),
'few' => q(dhollar na hIamáice),
'many' => q(ndollar na hIamáice),
'one' => q(dollar na hIamáice),
'other' => q(dollar na hIamáice),
'two' => q(dhollar na hIamáice),
'JOD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na hIordáine),
'few' => q(dhinar na hIordáine),
'many' => q(ndinar na hIordáine),
'one' => q(dinar na hIordáine),
'other' => q(dinar na hIordáine),
'two' => q(dhinar na hIordáine),
'JPY' => {
symbol => '¥',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Yen na Seapáine),
'few' => q(yen na Seapáine),
'many' => q(yen na Seapáine),
'one' => q(yen na Seapáine),
'other' => q(yen na Seapáine),
'two' => q(yen na Seapáine),
'KES' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Scilling na Céinia),
'few' => q(scilling na Céinia),
'many' => q(scilling na Céinia),
'one' => q(scilling na Céinia),
'other' => q(scilling na Céinia),
'two' => q(scilling na Céinia),
'KGS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Som na Cirgeastáine),
'few' => q(shom na Cirgeastáine),
'many' => q(som na Cirgeastáine),
'one' => q(som na Cirgeastáine),
'other' => q(som na Cirgeastáine),
'two' => q(shom na Cirgeastáine),
'KHR' => {
symbol => '៛',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Riel na Cambóide),
'few' => q(riel na Cambóide),
'many' => q(riel na Cambóide),
'one' => q(riel na Cambóide),
'other' => q(riel na Cambóide),
'two' => q(riel na Cambóide),
'KMF' => {
symbol => 'CF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Oileáin Chomóra),
'few' => q(fhranc Oileáin Chomóra),
'many' => q(bhfranc Oileáin Chomóra),
'one' => q(fhranc Oileáin Chomóra),
'other' => q(franc Oileáin Chomóra),
'two' => q(fhranc Oileáin Chomóra),
'KPW' => {
symbol => '₩',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Won na Cóiré Thuaidh),
'few' => q(won na Cóiré Thuaidh),
'many' => q(won na Cóiré Thuaidh),
'one' => q(won na Cóiré Thuaidh),
'other' => q(won na Cóiré Thuaidh),
'two' => q(won na Cóiré Thuaidh),
'KRH' => {
symbol => 'KRH',
'KRO' => {
symbol => 'KRO',
'KRW' => {
symbol => '₩',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Won na Cóiré Theas),
'few' => q(won na Cóiré Theas),
'many' => q(won na Cóiré Theas),
'one' => q(won na Cóiré Theas),
'other' => q(won na Cóiré Theas),
'two' => q(won na Cóiré Theas),
'KWD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar Chuáit),
'few' => q(dhinar Chuáit),
'many' => q(ndinar Chuáit),
'one' => q(dinar Chuáit),
'other' => q(dinar Chuáit),
'two' => q(dhinar Chuáit),
'KYD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Oileáin Cayman),
'few' => q(dhollar Oileáin Cayman),
'many' => q(ndollar Oileáin Cayman),
'one' => q(dollar Oileáin Cayman),
'other' => q(dollar Oileáin Cayman),
'two' => q(dhollar Oileáin Cayman),
'KZT' => {
symbol => '₸',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tenge na Casacstáine),
'few' => q(thenge na Casacstáine),
'many' => q(dtenge na Casacstáine),
'one' => q(tenge na Casacstáine),
'other' => q(tenge na Casacstáine),
'two' => q(thenge na Casacstáine),
'LAK' => {
symbol => '₭',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kip Laos),
'few' => q(kip Laos),
'many' => q(kip Laos),
'one' => q(kip Laos),
'other' => q(kip Laos),
'two' => q(kip Laos),
'LBP' => {
symbol => 'L£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt na Liobáine),
'few' => q(phunt na Liobáine),
'many' => q(bpunt na Liobáine),
'one' => q(phunt na Liobáine),
'other' => q(punt na Liobáine),
'two' => q(phunt na Liobáine),
'LKR' => {
symbol => 'Rs',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúipí Shrí Lanca),
'few' => q(rúipí Shrí Lanca),
'many' => q(rúipí Shrí Lanca),
'one' => q(rúipí Shrí Lanca),
'other' => q(rúipí Shrí Lanca),
'two' => q(rúipí Shrí Lanca),
'LRD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na Libéire),
'few' => q(dhollar na Libéire),
'many' => q(ndollar na Libéire),
'one' => q(dollar na Libéire),
'other' => q(dollar na Libéire),
'two' => q(dhollar na Libéire),
'LSL' => {
symbol => 'LSL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Loti Leosóta),
'few' => q(Loti Leosóta),
'many' => q(Loti Leosóta),
'one' => q(Loti Leosóta),
'other' => q(Loti Leosóta),
'two' => q(Loti Leosóta),
'LTL' => {
symbol => 'LTL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Litas na Liotuáine),
'few' => q(litas na Liotuáine),
'many' => q(litas na Liotuáine),
'one' => q(litas na Liotuáine),
'other' => q(litas na Liotuáine),
'two' => q(litas na Liotuáine),
'LTT' => {
symbol => 'LTT',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Talonas Liotuánach),
'few' => q(Talonas Liotuánach),
'many' => q(Talonas Liotuánach),
'one' => q(Talonas Liotuánach),
'other' => q(Talonas Liotuánach),
'two' => q(Talonas Liotuánach),
'LUC' => {
symbol => 'LUC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Inmhalartach Lucsamburgach),
'few' => q(Franc Inmhalartach Lucsamburgach),
'many' => q(Franc Inmhalartach Lucsamburgach),
'one' => q(Franc Inmhalartach Lucsamburgach),
'other' => q(Franc Inmhalartach Lucsamburgach),
'two' => q(Franc Inmhalartach Lucsamburgach),
'LUF' => {
symbol => 'LUF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Lucsamburg),
'few' => q(Franc Lucsamburg),
'many' => q(Franc Lucsamburg),
'one' => q(Franc Lucsamburg),
'other' => q(Franc Lucsamburg),
'two' => q(Franc Lucsamburg),
'LVL' => {
symbol => 'LVL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lats na Laitvia),
'few' => q(lats na Laitvia),
'many' => q(lats na Laitvia),
'one' => q(lats na Laitvia),
'other' => q(lats na Laitvia),
'two' => q(lats na Laitvia),
'LVR' => {
symbol => 'LVR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal na Laitvia),
'few' => q(Rúbal Laitviach),
'many' => q(Rúbal Laitviach),
'one' => q(Rúbal Laitviach),
'other' => q(Rúbal Laitviach),
'two' => q(Rúbal Laitviach),
'LYD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na Libia),
'few' => q(dhinar na Libia),
'many' => q(ndinar na Libia),
'one' => q(dinar na Libia),
'other' => q(dinar na Libia),
'two' => q(dhinar na Libia),
'MAD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dirham Mharacó),
'few' => q(dhirham Mharacó),
'many' => q(ndirham Mharacó),
'one' => q(dirham Mharacó),
'other' => q(dirham Mharacó),
'two' => q(dhirham Mharacó),
'MAF' => {
symbol => 'MAF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Mharacó),
'few' => q(fhranc Mharacó),
'many' => q(bhfranc Mharacó),
'one' => q(fhranc Mharacó),
'other' => q(franc Mharacó),
'two' => q(fhranc Mharacó),
'MDL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Leu na Moldóive),
'few' => q(leu na Moldóive),
'many' => q(leu na Moldóive),
'one' => q(leu na Moldóive),
'other' => q(leu na Moldóive),
'two' => q(leu na Moldóive),
'MGA' => {
symbol => 'Ar',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ariary Mhadagascar),
'few' => q(ariary Mhadagascar),
'many' => q(n-ariary Mhadagascar),
'one' => q(ariary Mhadagascar),
'other' => q(ariary Mhadagascar),
'two' => q(ariary Mhadagascar),
'MGF' => {
symbol => 'MGF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Madagascar),
'few' => q(Franc Madagascar),
'many' => q(Franc Madagascar),
'one' => q(Franc Madagascar),
'other' => q(Franc Madagascar),
'two' => q(Franc Madagascar),
'MKD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Denar na Macadóine),
'few' => q(dhenar na Macadóine),
'many' => q(ndenar na Macadóine),
'one' => q(denar na Macadóine),
'other' => q(denar na Macadóine),
'two' => q(dhenar na Macadóine),
'MKN' => {
symbol => 'MKN',
'MLF' => {
symbol => 'MLF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Mhailí),
'few' => q(Franc Mhailí),
'many' => q(Franc Mhailí),
'one' => q(Franc Mhailí),
'other' => q(Franc Mhailí),
'two' => q(Franc Mhailí),
'MMK' => {
symbol => 'K',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kyat Mhaenmar),
'few' => q(kyat Mhaenmar),
'many' => q(kyat Mhaenmar),
'one' => q(kyat Mhaenmar),
'other' => q(kyat Mhaenmar),
'two' => q(kyat Mhaenmar),
'MNT' => {
symbol => '₮',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tugrik na Mongóile),
'few' => q(thugrik na Mongóile),
'many' => q(dtugrik na Mongóile),
'one' => q(tugrik na Mongóile),
'other' => q(tugrik na Mongóile),
'two' => q(thugrik na Mongóile),
'MOP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Pataca Mhacao),
'few' => q(phataca Mhacao),
'many' => q(bpataca Mhacao),
'one' => q(phataca Mhacao),
'other' => q(pataca Mhacao),
'two' => q(phataca Mhacao),
'MRO' => {
symbol => 'MRO',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ouguiya na Máratáine \(1973–2017\)),
'few' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine \(1973–2017\)),
'many' => q(n-ouguiya na Máratáine \(1973–2017\)),
'one' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine \(1973–2017\)),
'other' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine \(1973–2017\)),
'two' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine \(1973–2017\)),
'MRU' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ouguiya na Máratáine),
'few' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine),
'many' => q(n-ouguiya na Máratáine),
'one' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine),
'other' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine),
'two' => q(ouguiya na Máratáine),
'MTL' => {
symbol => 'MTL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lira Mhálta),
'few' => q(lira Mhálta),
'many' => q(lira Mhálta),
'one' => q(lira Mhálta),
'other' => q(lira Mhálta),
'two' => q(lira Mhálta),
'MTP' => {
symbol => 'MTP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt Mhálta),
'few' => q(phunt Mhálta),
'many' => q(bpunt Mhálta),
'one' => q(phunt Mhálta),
'other' => q(punt Mhálta),
'two' => q(phunt Mhálta),
'MUR' => {
symbol => 'Rs',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúipí Oileán Mhuirís),
'few' => q(rúipí Oileán Mhuirís),
'many' => q(rúipí Oileán Mhuirís),
'one' => q(rúipí Oileán Mhuirís),
'other' => q(rúipí Oileán Mhuirís),
'two' => q(rúipí Oileán Mhuirís),
'MVP' => {
symbol => 'MVP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúipí Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'few' => q(rúipí Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'many' => q(rúipí Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'one' => q(rúipí Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'other' => q(rúipí Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'two' => q(rúipí Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'MVR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rufiyaa Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'few' => q(rufiyaa Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'many' => q(rufiyaa Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'one' => q(rufiyaa Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'other' => q(rufiyaa Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'two' => q(rufiyaa Oileáin Mhaildíve),
'MWK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwacha na Maláive),
'few' => q(kwacha na Maláive),
'many' => q(kwacha na Maláive),
'one' => q(kwacha na Maláive),
'other' => q(kwacha na Maláive),
'two' => q(kwacha na Maláive),
'MXN' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso Mheicsiceo),
'few' => q(pheso Mheicsiceo),
'many' => q(bpeso Mheicsiceo),
'one' => q(pheso Mheicsiceo),
'other' => q(peso Mheicsiceo),
'two' => q(pheso Mheicsiceo),
'MXP' => {
symbol => 'MXP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso Airgid Mheicsiceo \(1861–1992\)),
'few' => q(pheso airgid Mheicsiceo \(1861–1992\)),
'many' => q(bpeso airgid Mheicsiceo \(1861–1992\)),
'one' => q(pheso airgid Mheicsiceo \(1861–1992\)),
'other' => q(peso airgid Mheicsiceo \(1861–1992\)),
'two' => q(pheso airgid Mheicsiceo \(1861–1992\)),
'MXV' => {
symbol => 'MXV',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Aonad Infheistíochta Meicsiceach),
'few' => q(Unidad de Inversion \(UDI\) Meicsiceo),
'many' => q(Unidad de Inversion \(UDI\) Meicsiceo),
'one' => q(Unidad de Inversion \(UDI\) Meicsiceo),
'other' => q(Unidad de Inversion \(UDI\) Meicsiceo),
'two' => q(Unidad de Inversion \(UDI\) Meicsiceo),
'MYR' => {
symbol => 'RM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ringgit na Malaeisia),
'few' => q(ringgit na Malaeisia),
'many' => q(ringgit na Malaeisia),
'one' => q(ringgit na Malaeisia),
'other' => q(ringgit na Malaeisia),
'two' => q(ringgit na Malaeisia),
'MZE' => {
symbol => 'MZE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo Mósaimbíce),
'few' => q(Escudo Mósaimbíce),
'many' => q(Escudo Mósaimbíce),
'one' => q(Escudo Mósaimbíce),
'other' => q(Escudo Mósaimbíce),
'two' => q(Escudo Mósaimbíce),
'MZM' => {
symbol => 'MZM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Metical Mósaimbíce),
'few' => q(Metical Mósaimbíce),
'many' => q(Metical Mósaimbíce),
'one' => q(Metical Mósaimbíce),
'other' => q(Metical Mósaimbíce),
'two' => q(Metical Mósaimbíce),
'MZN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Metical Mhósaimbíc),
'few' => q(mhetical Mhósaimbíc),
'many' => q(metical Mhósaimbíc),
'one' => q(mhetical Mhósaimbíc),
'other' => q(metical Mhósaimbíc),
'two' => q(mhetical Mhósaimbíc),
'NAD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na Namaibe),
'few' => q(dhollar na Namaibe),
'many' => q(ndollar na Namaibe),
'one' => q(dollar na Namaibe),
'other' => q(dollar na Namaibe),
'two' => q(dhollar na Namaibe),
'NGN' => {
symbol => '₦',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Naira na Nigéire),
'few' => q(naira na Nigéire),
'many' => q(naira na Nigéire),
'one' => q(naira na Nigéire),
'other' => q(naira na Nigéire),
'two' => q(naira na Nigéire),
'NIC' => {
symbol => 'NIC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Córdoba Nicearagua \(1988–1991\)),
'few' => q(chórdoba Nicearagua \(1988–1991\)),
'many' => q(gcórdoba Nicearagua \(1988–1991\)),
'one' => q(chórdoba Nicearagua \(1988–1991\)),
'other' => q(córdoba Nicearagua \(1988–1991\)),
'two' => q(chórdoba Nicearagua \(1988–1991\)),
'NIO' => {
symbol => 'C$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Córdoba Nicearagua),
'few' => q(chórdoba Nicearagua),
'many' => q(gcórdoba Nicearagua),
'one' => q(chórdoba Nicearagua),
'other' => q(córdoba Nicearagua),
'two' => q(chórdoba Nicearagua),
'NLG' => {
symbol => 'NLG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Guilder Ísiltíreach),
'few' => q(Guilder Ísiltíreach),
'many' => q(Guilder Ísiltíreach),
'one' => q(Guilder Ísiltíreach),
'other' => q(Guilder Ísiltíreach),
'two' => q(Guilder Ísiltíreach),
'NOK' => {
symbol => 'kr',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Coróin na hIorua),
'few' => q(choróin na hIorua),
'many' => q(gcoróin na hIorua),
'one' => q(choróin na hIorua),
'other' => q(coróin na hIorua),
'two' => q(choróin na hIorua),
'NPR' => {
symbol => 'Rs',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúipí Neipeal),
'few' => q(rúipí Neipeal),
'many' => q(rúipí Neipeal),
'one' => q(rúipí Neipeal),
'other' => q(rúipí Neipeal),
'two' => q(rúipí Neipeal),
'NZD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na Nua-Shéalainne),
'few' => q(dhollar na Nua-Shéalainne),
'many' => q(ndollar na Nua-Shéalainne),
'one' => q(dollar na Nua-Shéalainne),
'other' => q(dollar na Nua-Shéalainne),
'two' => q(dhollar na Nua-Shéalainne),
'OMR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rial Óman),
'few' => q(rial Óman),
'many' => q(rial Óman),
'one' => q(rial Óman),
'other' => q(rial Óman),
'two' => q(rial Óman),
'PAB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Balboa Phanama),
'few' => q(bhalboa Phanama),
'many' => q(mbalboa Phanama),
'one' => q(bhalboa Phanama),
'other' => q(balboa Phanama),
'two' => q(bhalboa Phanama),
'PEI' => {
symbol => 'PEI',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Inti Pheiriú),
'few' => q(Inti Pheiriú),
'many' => q(Inti Pheiriú),
'one' => q(Inti Pheiriú),
'other' => q(Inti Pheiriú),
'two' => q(Inti Pheiriú),
'PEN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sol Pheiriú),
'few' => q(sol Pheiriú),
'many' => q(sol Pheiriú),
'one' => q(sol Pheiriú),
'other' => q(Sol Pheiriú),
'two' => q(shol Pheiriú),
'PES' => {
symbol => 'PES',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sol Pheiriú \(1863–1965\)),
'few' => q(shol Pheiriú \(1863–1965\)),
'many' => q(sol Pheiriú \(1863–1965\)),
'one' => q(sol Pheiriú \(1863–1965\)),
'other' => q(sol Pheiriú \(1863–1965\)),
'two' => q(shol Pheiriú \(1863–1965\)),
'PGK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kina Nua-Ghuine Phapua),
'few' => q(kina Nua-Ghuine Phapua),
'many' => q(kina Nua-Ghuine Phapua),
'one' => q(kina Nua-Ghuine Phapua),
'other' => q(kina Nua-Ghuine Phapua),
'two' => q(kina Nua-Ghuine Phapua),
'PHP' => {
symbol => '₱',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso na nOileán Filipíneach),
'few' => q(pheso na nOileán Filipíneach),
'many' => q(bpeso na nOileán Filipíneach),
'one' => q(pheso na nOileán Filipíneach),
'other' => q(peso na nOileán Filipíneach),
'two' => q(pheso na nOileán Filipíneach),
'PKR' => {
symbol => 'Rs',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúipí na Pacastáine),
'few' => q(rúipí na Pacastáine),
'many' => q(rúipí na Pacastáine),
'one' => q(rúipí na Pacastáine),
'other' => q(rúipí na Pacastáine),
'two' => q(rúipí na Pacastáine),
'PLN' => {
symbol => 'zł',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zloty na Polainne),
'few' => q(zloty na Polainne),
'many' => q(zloty na Polainne),
'one' => q(zloty na Polainne),
'other' => q(zloty na Polainne),
'two' => q(zloty na Polainne),
'PLZ' => {
symbol => 'PLZ',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zloty Polannach \(1950–1995\)),
'few' => q(Zloty Polannach \(1950–1995\)),
'many' => q(Zloty Polannach \(1950–1995\)),
'one' => q(Zloty Polannach \(1950–1995\)),
'other' => q(Zloty Polannach \(1950–1995\)),
'two' => q(Zloty Polannach \(1950–1995\)),
'PTE' => {
symbol => 'PTE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo na Portaingéile),
'few' => q(escudo na Portaingéile),
'many' => q(n-escudo na Portaingéile),
'one' => q(escudo na Portaingéile),
'other' => q(escudo na Portaingéile),
'two' => q(escudo na Portaingéile),
'PYG' => {
symbol => '₲',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Guaraní Pharagua),
'few' => q(ghuaraní Pharagua),
'many' => q(nguaraní Pharagua),
'one' => q(ghuaraní Pharagua),
'other' => q(guaraní Pharagua),
'two' => q(ghuaraní Pharagua),
'QAR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Riyal Chatar),
'few' => q(riyal Chatar),
'many' => q(riyal Chatar),
'one' => q(riyal Chatar),
'other' => q(riyal Chatar),
'two' => q(riyal Chatar),
'ROL' => {
symbol => 'ROL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Leu na Rómáine \(1952–2006\)),
'few' => q(leu na Rómáine \(1952–2006\)),
'many' => q(leu na Rómáine \(1952–2006\)),
'one' => q(leu na Rómáine \(1952–2006\)),
'other' => q(leu na Rómáine \(1952–2006\)),
'two' => q(leu na Rómáine \(1952–2006\)),
'RON' => {
symbol => 'lei',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Leu na Rómáine),
'few' => q(leu na Rómáine),
'many' => q(leu na Rómáine),
'one' => q(leu na Rómáine),
'other' => q(leu na Rómáine),
'two' => q(leu na Rómáine),
'RSD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na Seirbia),
'few' => q(dhinar na Seirbia),
'many' => q(ndinar na Seirbia),
'one' => q(dinar na Seirbia),
'other' => q(dinar na Seirbia),
'two' => q(dhinar na Seirbia),
'RUB' => {
symbol => '₽',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal na Rúise),
'few' => q(rúbal na Rúise),
'many' => q(rúbal na Rúise),
'one' => q(rúbal na Rúise),
'other' => q(rúbal na Rúise),
'two' => q(rúbal na Rúise),
'RUR' => {
symbol => 'RUR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal na Rúise \(1991–1998\)),
'few' => q(rúbal na Rúise \(1991–1998\)),
'many' => q(rúbal na Rúise \(1991–1998\)),
'one' => q(rúbal na Rúise \(1991–1998\)),
'other' => q(rúbal na Rúise \(1991–1998\)),
'two' => q(rúbal na Rúise \(1991–1998\)),
'RWF' => {
symbol => 'RF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Ruanda),
'few' => q(fhranc Ruanda),
'many' => q(bhfranc Ruanda),
'one' => q(fhranc Ruanda),
'other' => q(franc Ruanda),
'two' => q(fhranc Ruanda),
'SAR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Riyal na hAraibe Sádaí),
'few' => q(riyal na hAraibe Sádaí),
'many' => q(riyal na hAraibe Sádaí),
'one' => q(riyal na hAraibe Sádaí),
'other' => q(riyal na hAraibe Sádaí),
'two' => q(riyal na hAraibe Sádaí),
'SBD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Oileáin Sholomón),
'few' => q(dhollar Oileáin Sholomón),
'many' => q(ndollar Oileáin Sholomón),
'one' => q(dollar Oileáin Sholomón),
'other' => q(dollar Oileáin Sholomón),
'two' => q(dhollar Oileáin Sholomón),
'SCR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúipí na Séiséal),
'few' => q(rúipí na Séiséal),
'many' => q(rúipí na Séiséal),
'one' => q(rúipí na Séiséal),
'other' => q(rúipí na Séiséal),
'two' => q(rúipí na Séiséal),
'SDD' => {
symbol => 'SDD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na Súdáine \(1992–2007\)),
'few' => q(dhinar na Súdáine \(1992–2007\)),
'many' => q(ndinar na Súdáine \(1992–2007\)),
'one' => q(dinar na Súdáine \(1992–2007\)),
'other' => q(dinar na Súdáine \(1992–2007\)),
'two' => q(dhinar na Súdáine \(1992–2007\)),
'SDG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt na Súdáine),
'few' => q(phunt na Súdáine),
'many' => q(bpunt na Súdáine),
'one' => q(phunt na Súdáine),
'other' => q(punt na Súdáine),
'two' => q(phunt na Súdáine),
'SDP' => {
symbol => 'SDP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt na Súdáine \(1957–1998\)),
'few' => q(phunt na Súdáine \(1957–1998\)),
'many' => q(bpunt na Súdáine \(1957–1998\)),
'one' => q(phunt na Súdáine \(1957–1998\)),
'other' => q(punt na Súdáine \(1957–1998\)),
'two' => q(phunt na Súdáine \(1957–1998\)),
'SEK' => {
symbol => 'kr',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Coróin na Sualainne),
'few' => q(choróin na Sualainne),
'many' => q(gcoróin na Sualainne),
'one' => q(choróin na Sualainne),
'other' => q(coróin na Sualainne),
'two' => q(choróin na Sualainne),
'SGD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Shingeapór),
'few' => q(dhollar Shingeapór),
'many' => q(ndollar Shingeapór),
'one' => q(dollar Shingeapór),
'other' => q(dollar Shingeapór),
'two' => q(dhollar Shingeapór),
'SHP' => {
symbol => '£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt San Héilin),
'few' => q(phunt San Héilin),
'many' => q(bpunt San Héilin),
'one' => q(phunt San Héilin),
'other' => q(punt San Héilin),
'two' => q(phunt San Héilin),
'SIT' => {
symbol => 'SIT',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tolar na Slóivéine),
'few' => q(tholar na Slóivéine),
'many' => q(dtolar na Slóivéine),
'one' => q(tolar na Slóivéine),
'other' => q(tolar na Slóivéine),
'two' => q(tholar na Slóivéine),
'SKK' => {
symbol => 'SKK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Koruna na Slóvaice),
'few' => q(koruna na Slóvaice),
'many' => q(koruna na Slóvaice),
'one' => q(koruna na Slóvaice),
'other' => q(koruna na Slóvaice),
'two' => q(koruna na Slóvaice),
'SLL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Leone Shiarra Leon),
'few' => q(leone Shiarra Leon),
'many' => q(leone Shiarra Leon),
'one' => q(leone Shiarra Leon),
'other' => q(leone Shiarra Leon),
'two' => q(leone Shiarra Leon),
'SOS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Scilling na Somáile),
'few' => q(scilling na Somáile),
'many' => q(scilling na Somáile),
'one' => q(scilling na Somáile),
'other' => q(scilling na Somáile),
'two' => q(scilling na Somáile),
'SRD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Shuranam),
'few' => q(dhollar Shuranam),
'many' => q(ndollar Shuranam),
'one' => q(dollar Shuranam),
'other' => q(dollar Shuranam),
'two' => q(dhollar Shuranam),
'SRG' => {
symbol => 'SRG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Gildear Shuranam),
'few' => q(ghildear Shuranam),
'many' => q(ngildear Shuranam),
'one' => q(ghildear Shuranam),
'other' => q(gildear Shuranam),
'two' => q(ghildear Shuranam),
'SSP' => {
symbol => '£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt na Súdáine Theas),
'few' => q(phunt na Súdáine Theas),
'many' => q(bpunt na Súdáine Theas),
'one' => q(phunt na Súdáine Theas),
'other' => q(punt na Súdáine Theas),
'two' => q(phunt na Súdáine Theas),
'STD' => {
symbol => 'STD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dobra São Tomé agus Príncipe \(1977–2017\)),
'few' => q(dhobra São Tomé agus Príncipe \(1977–2017\)),
'many' => q(ndobra São Tomé agus Príncipe \(1977–2017\)),
'one' => q(dobra São Tomé agus Príncipe \(1977–2017\)),
'other' => q(dobra São Tomé agus Príncipe \(1977–2017\)),
'two' => q(dhobra São Tomé agus Príncipe \(1977–2017\)),
'STN' => {
symbol => 'Db',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dobra São Tomé agus Príncipe),
'few' => q(dhobra São Tomé agus Príncipe),
'many' => q(ndobra São Tomé agus Príncipe),
'one' => q(dobra São Tomé agus Príncipe),
'other' => q(dobra São Tomé agus Príncipe),
'two' => q(dhobra São Tomé agus Príncipe),
'SUR' => {
symbol => 'SUR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal an Aontais Shóivéadaigh),
'few' => q(rúbal an Aontais Shóivéadaigh),
'many' => q(rúbal an Aontais Shóivéadaigh),
'one' => q(rúbal an Aontais Shóivéadaigh),
'other' => q(rúbal an Aontais Shóivéadaigh),
'two' => q(rúbal an Aontais Shóivéadaigh),
'SVC' => {
symbol => 'SVC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Colón na Salvadóire),
'few' => q(cholón na Salvadóire),
'many' => q(gcolón na Salvadóire),
'one' => q(cholón na Salvadóire),
'other' => q(colón na Salvadóire),
'two' => q(cholón na Salvadóire),
'SYP' => {
symbol => '£',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Punt na Siria),
'few' => q(phunt na Siria),
'many' => q(bpunt na Siria),
'one' => q(phunt na Siria),
'other' => q(punt na Siria),
'two' => q(phunt na Siria),
'SZL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lilangeni na Suasalainne),
'few' => q(lilangeni na Suasalainne),
'many' => q(lilangeni na Suasalainne),
'one' => q(lilangeni na Suasalainne),
'other' => q(lilangeni na Suasalainne),
'two' => q(lilangeni na Suasalainne),
'THB' => {
symbol => '฿',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Baht na Téalainne),
'few' => q(bhaht na Téalainne),
'many' => q(mbaht na Téalainne),
'one' => q(bhaht na Téalainne),
'other' => q(baht na Téalainne),
'two' => q(bhaht na Téalainne),
'TJR' => {
symbol => 'TJR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rúbal na Táidsíceastáine),
'few' => q(Rúbal na Táidsíceastáine),
'many' => q(Rúbal na Táidsíceastáine),
'one' => q(Rúbal na Táidsíceastáine),
'other' => q(Rúbal na Táidsíceastáine),
'two' => q(Rúbal na Táidsíceastáine),
'TJS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Somoni na Táidsíceastáine),
'few' => q(shomoni na Táidsíceastáine),
'many' => q(somoni na Táidsíceastáine),
'one' => q(somoni na Táidsíceastáine),
'other' => q(somoni na Táidsíceastáine),
'two' => q(shomoni na Táidsíceastáine),
'TMM' => {
symbol => 'TMM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Manat na Tuircméanastáine \(1993–2009\)),
'few' => q(Manat na Tuircméanastáine \(1993–2009\)),
'many' => q(Manat na Tuircméanastáine \(1993–2009\)),
'one' => q(Manat na Tuircméanastáine \(1993–2009\)),
'other' => q(Manat na Tuircméanastáine \(1993–2009\)),
'two' => q(Manat na Tuircméanastáine \(1993–2009\)),
'TMT' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Manat na Tuircméanastáine),
'few' => q(mhanat na Tuircméanastáine),
'many' => q(manat na Tuircméanastáine),
'one' => q(mhanat na Tuircméanastáine),
'other' => q(manat na Tuircméanastáine),
'two' => q(mhanat na Tuircméanastáine),
'TND' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar na Túinéise),
'few' => q(dhinar na Túinéise),
'many' => q(ndinar na Túinéise),
'one' => q(dinar na Túinéise),
'other' => q(dinar na Túinéise),
'two' => q(dhinar na Túinéise),
'TOP' => {
symbol => 'T$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Paʻanga Thonga),
'few' => q(phaʻanga Thonga),
'many' => q(bpaʻanga Thonga),
'one' => q(phaʻanga Thonga),
'other' => q(paʻanga Thonga),
'two' => q(phaʻanga Thonga),
'TPE' => {
symbol => 'TPE',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo Tíomóir),
'few' => q(Escudo Tíomóir),
'many' => q(Escudo Tíomóir),
'one' => q(Escudo Tíomóir),
'other' => q(Escudo Tíomóir),
'two' => q(Escudo Tíomóir),
'TRL' => {
symbol => 'TRL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lira na Tuirce \(1922–2005\)),
'few' => q(lira na Tuirce \(1922–2005\)),
'many' => q(lira na Tuirce \(1922–2005\)),
'one' => q(lira na Tuirce \(1922–2005\)),
'other' => q(lira na Tuirce \(1922–2005\)),
'two' => q(lira na Tuirce \(1922–2005\)),
'TRY' => {
symbol => '₺',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lira na Tuirce),
'few' => q(lira na Tuirce),
'many' => q(lira na Tuirce),
'one' => q(lira na Tuirce),
'other' => q(lira na Tuirce),
'two' => q(lira na Tuirce),
'TTD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága),
'few' => q(dhollar Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága),
'many' => q(ndollar Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága),
'one' => q(dollar Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága),
'other' => q(dollar Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága),
'two' => q(dhollar Oileán na Tríonóide agus Tobága),
'TWD' => {
symbol => 'NT$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Nua na Téaváine),
'few' => q(dhollar nua na Téaváine),
'many' => q(ndollar nua na Téaváine),
'one' => q(dollar nua na Téaváine),
'other' => q(dollar nua na Téaváine),
'two' => q(dhollar nua na Téaváine),
'TZS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Scilling na Tansáine),
'few' => q(scilling na Tansáine),
'many' => q(scilling na Tansáine),
'one' => q(scilling na Tansáine),
'other' => q(scilling na Tansáine),
'two' => q(scilling na Tansáine),
'UAH' => {
symbol => '₴',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Hryvnia na hÚcráine),
'few' => q(hryvnia na hÚcráine),
'many' => q(hryvnia na hÚcráine),
'one' => q(hryvnia na hÚcráine),
'other' => q(hryvnia na hÚcráine),
'two' => q(hryvnia na hÚcráine),
'UAK' => {
symbol => 'UAK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Karbovanets Úcránach),
'few' => q(Karbovanets Úcránach),
'many' => q(Karbovanets Úcránach),
'one' => q(Karbovanets Úcránach),
'other' => q(Karbovanets Úcránach),
'two' => q(Karbovanets Úcránach),
'UGS' => {
symbol => 'UGS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Scilling Uganda \(1966–1987\)),
'few' => q(Scilling Uganda \(1966–1987\)),
'many' => q(Scilling Uganda \(1966–1987\)),
'one' => q(Scilling Uganda \(1966–1987\)),
'other' => q(Scilling Uganda \(1966–1987\)),
'two' => q(Scilling Uganda \(1966–1987\)),
'UGX' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Scilling Uganda),
'few' => q(scilling Uganda),
'many' => q(scilling Uganda),
'one' => q(scilling Uganda),
'other' => q(scilling Uganda),
'two' => q(scilling Uganda),
'USD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar S.A.M.),
'few' => q(dhollar S.A.M.),
'many' => q(ndollar S.A.M.),
'one' => q(dollar S.A.M.),
'other' => q(dollar S.A.M.),
'two' => q(dhollar S.A.M.),
'USN' => {
symbol => 'USN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar S.A.M. \(an chéad lá eile\)),
'few' => q(dhollar S.A.M. \(an chéad lá eile\)),
'many' => q(ndollar S.A.M. \(an chéad lá eile\)),
'one' => q(dollar S.A.M. \(an chéad lá eile\)),
'other' => q(dollar S.A.M. \(an chéad lá eile\)),
'two' => q(dhollar S.A.M. \(an chéad lá eile\)),
'USS' => {
symbol => 'USS',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar S.A.M. \(an lá céanna\)),
'few' => q(dhollar S.A.M. \(an lá céanna\)),
'many' => q(ndollar S.A.M. \(an lá céanna\)),
'one' => q(dollar S.A.M. \(an lá céanna\)),
'other' => q(dollar S.A.M. \(an lá céanna\)),
'two' => q(dhollar S.A.M. \(an lá céanna\)),
'UYP' => {
symbol => 'UYP',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso Uragua \(1975–1993\)),
'few' => q(pheso Uragua \(1975–1993\)),
'many' => q(bpeso Uragua \(1975–1993\)),
'one' => q(pheso Uragua \(1975–1993\)),
'other' => q(peso Uragua \(1975–1993\)),
'two' => q(pheso Uragua \(1975–1993\)),
'UYU' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Peso Uragua),
'few' => q(pheso Uragua),
'many' => q(bpeso Uragua),
'one' => q(pheso Uragua),
'other' => q(peso Uragua),
'two' => q(pheso Uragua),
'UZS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sum na hÚisbéiceastáine),
'few' => q(shum na hÚisbéiceastáine),
'many' => q(sum na hÚisbéiceastáine),
'one' => q(sum na hÚisbéiceastáine),
'other' => q(sum na hÚisbéiceastáine),
'two' => q(shum na hÚisbéiceastáine),
'VEB' => {
symbol => 'VEB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Bolívar Veiniséala \(1871–2008\)),
'few' => q(bholívar Veiniséala \(1871–2008\)),
'many' => q(mbolívar Veiniséala \(1871–2008\)),
'one' => q(bholívar Veiniséala \(1871–2008\)),
'other' => q(bolívar Veiniséala \(1871–2008\)),
'two' => q(bholívar Veiniséala \(1871–2008\)),
'VEF' => {
symbol => 'VEF',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Bolívar Veiniséala \(2008–2018\)),
'few' => q(bholívar Veiniséala \(2008–2018\)),
'many' => q(mbolívar Veiniséala \(2008–2018\)),
'one' => q(bholívar Veiniséala \(2008–2018\)),
'other' => q(bolívar Veiniséala \(2008–2018\)),
'two' => q(bholívar Veiniséala \(2008–2018\)),
'VES' => {
symbol => 'VES',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Bolívar Veiniséala),
'few' => q(bholívar Veiniséala),
'many' => q(mbolívar Veiniséala),
'one' => q(bholívar Veiniséala),
'other' => q(bolívar Veiniséala),
'two' => q(bholívar Veiniséala),
'VND' => {
symbol => '₫',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dong Vítneam),
'few' => q(dhong Vítneam),
'many' => q(ndong Vítneam),
'one' => q(dong Vítneam),
'other' => q(Dong Vítneam),
'two' => q(dhong Vítneam),
'VNN' => {
symbol => 'VNN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dong Vítneam \(1978–1985\)),
'few' => q(dhong Vítneam \(1978–1985\)),
'many' => q(ndong Vítneam \(1978–1985\)),
'one' => q(dong Vítneam \(1978–1985\)),
'other' => q(dong Vítneam \(1978–1985\)),
'two' => q(dhong Vítneam \(1978–1985\)),
'VUV' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Vatu Vanuatú),
'few' => q(vatu Vanuatú),
'many' => q(vatu Vanuatú),
'one' => q(vatu Vanuatú),
'other' => q(vatu Vanuatú),
'two' => q(vatu Vanuatú),
'WST' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Tala Shamó),
'few' => q(thala Shamó),
'many' => q(dtala Shamó),
'one' => q(tala Shamó),
'other' => q(tala Shamó),
'two' => q(thala Shamó),
'XAF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc CFA na hAfraice Láir),
'few' => q(fhranc CFA na hAfraice Láir),
'many' => q(bhfranc CFA na hAfraice Láir),
'one' => q(fhranc CFA na hAfraice Láir),
'other' => q(franc CFA na hAfraice Láir),
'two' => q(fhranc CFA na hAfraice Láir),
'XAG' => {
symbol => 'XAG',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Airgead),
'few' => q(unsaí troí airgid),
'many' => q(unsaí troí airgid),
'one' => q(unsa troí airgid),
'other' => q(unsaí troí airgid),
'two' => q(unsa troí airgid),
'XAU' => {
symbol => 'XAU',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ór),
'few' => q(unsaí troí óir),
'many' => q(unsaí troí óir),
'one' => q(unsa troí óir),
'other' => q(unsaí troí óir),
'two' => q(unsa troí óir),
'XBA' => {
symbol => 'XBA',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Aonad Ilchodach Eorpach),
'few' => q(Aonad Ilchodach Eorpach),
'many' => q(Aonad Ilchodach Eorpach),
'one' => q(Aonad Ilchodach Eorpach),
'other' => q(Aonad Ilchodach Eorpach),
'two' => q(Aonad Ilchodach Eorpach),
'XBB' => {
symbol => 'XBB',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Aonad Airgeadaíochta Eorpach),
'few' => q(Aonad Airgeadaíochta Eorpach),
'many' => q(Aonad Airgeadaíochta Eorpach),
'one' => q(Aonad Airgeadaíochta Eorpach),
'other' => q(Aonad Airgeadaíochta Eorpach),
'two' => q(Aonad Airgeadaíochta Eorpach),
'XBC' => {
symbol => 'XBC',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBC\)),
'few' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBC\)),
'many' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBC\)),
'one' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBC\)),
'other' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBC\)),
'two' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBC\)),
'XBD' => {
symbol => 'XBD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBD\)),
'few' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBD\)),
'many' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBD\)),
'one' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBD\)),
'other' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBD\)),
'two' => q(Aonad Cuntais Eorpach \(XBD\)),
'XCD' => {
symbol => '$',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar na Cairibe Thoir),
'few' => q(dhollar na Cairibe Thoir),
'many' => q(ndollar na Cairibe Thoir),
'one' => q(dollar na Cairibe Thoir),
'other' => q(dollar na Cairibe Thoir),
'two' => q(dhollar na Cairibe Thoir),
'XDR' => {
symbol => 'XDR',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Cearta Speisialta Tarraingthe),
'few' => q(Cearta Speisialta Tarraingthe),
'many' => q(Cearta Speisialta Tarraingthe),
'one' => q(Cearta Speisialta Tarraingthe),
'other' => q(Cearta Speisialta Tarraingthe),
'two' => q(Cearta Speisialta Tarraingthe),
'XEU' => {
symbol => 'XEU',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Aonad Airgeadra Eorpach),
'few' => q(Aonad Airgeadra Eorpach),
'many' => q(Aonad Airgeadra Eorpach),
'one' => q(Aonad Airgeadra Eorpach),
'other' => q(Aonad Airgeadra Eorpach),
'two' => q(Aonad Airgeadra Eorpach),
'XFO' => {
symbol => 'XFO',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc Ór Francach),
'few' => q(Franc Ór Francach),
'many' => q(Franc Ór Francach),
'one' => q(Franc Ór Francach),
'other' => q(Franc Ór Francach),
'two' => q(Franc Ór Francach),
'XFU' => {
symbol => 'XFU',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(UIC-Franc Francach),
'few' => q(UIC-Franc Francach),
'many' => q(UIC-Franc Francach),
'one' => q(UIC-Franc Francach),
'other' => q(UIC-Franc Francach),
'two' => q(UIC-Franc Francach),
'XOF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc CFA Iarthar na hAfraice),
'few' => q(fhranc CFA Iarthar na hAfraice),
'many' => q(bhfranc CFA Iarthar na hAfraice),
'one' => q(fhranc CFA Iarthar na hAfraice),
'other' => q(franc CFA Iarthar na hAfraice),
'two' => q(fhranc CFA Iarthar na hAfraice),
'XPD' => {
symbol => 'XPD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Pallaidiam),
'few' => q(unsaí troí pallaidiam),
'many' => q(unsaí troí pallaidiam),
'one' => q(unsa troí pallaidiam),
'other' => q(unsaí troí pallaidiam),
'two' => q(unsa troí pallaidiam),
'XPF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Franc CFP),
'few' => q(fhranc CFP),
'many' => q(bhfranc CFP),
'one' => q(fhranc CFP),
'other' => q(franc CFP),
'two' => q(fhranc CFP),
'XPT' => {
symbol => 'XPT',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Platanam),
'few' => q(unsaí troí platanaim),
'many' => q(unsaí troí platanaim),
'one' => q(unsa troí platanaim),
'other' => q(unsaí troí platanaim),
'two' => q(unsa troí platanaim),
'XRE' => {
symbol => 'XRE',
'XSU' => {
symbol => 'XSU',
'XXX' => {
symbol => 'XXX',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Airgeadra Anaithnid),
'few' => q(\(airgeadra anaithnid\)),
'many' => q(\(airgeadra anaithnid\)),
'one' => q(\(airgeadra anaithnid\)),
'other' => q(\(airgeadra anaithnid\)),
'two' => q(\(airgeadra anaithnid\)),
'YDD' => {
symbol => 'YDD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dínear Éimin),
'few' => q(Dínear Éimin),
'many' => q(Dínear Éimin),
'one' => q(Dínear Éimin),
'other' => q(Dínear Éimin),
'two' => q(Dínear Éimin),
'YER' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rial Éimin),
'few' => q(rial Éimin),
'many' => q(rial Éimin),
'one' => q(rial Éimin),
'other' => q(rial Éimin),
'two' => q(rial Éimin),
'YUD' => {
symbol => 'YUD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dínear Crua Iúgslavach \(1966–1990\)),
'few' => q(Dínear Crua Iúgslavach \(1966–1990\)),
'many' => q(Dínear Crua Iúgslavach \(1966–1990\)),
'one' => q(Dínear Crua Iúgslavach \(1966–1990\)),
'other' => q(Dínear Crua Iúgslavach \(1966–1990\)),
'two' => q(Dínear Crua Iúgslavach \(1966–1990\)),
'YUM' => {
symbol => 'YUM',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dínear Nua Iúgslavach \(1994–2002\)),
'few' => q(Dínear Nua Iúgslavach \(1994–2002\)),
'many' => q(Dínear Nua Iúgslavach \(1994–2002\)),
'one' => q(Dínear Nua Iúgslavach \(1994–2002\)),
'other' => q(Dínear Nua Iúgslavach \(1994–2002\)),
'two' => q(Dínear Nua Iúgslavach \(1994–2002\)),
'YUN' => {
symbol => 'YUN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinar Inmhalartaithe Iúgslavach \(1990–1992\)),
'few' => q(Dínear Inathraithe Iúgslavach),
'many' => q(Dínear Inathraithe Iúgslavach),
'one' => q(Dínear Inathraithe Iúgslavach),
'other' => q(Dínear Inathraithe Iúgslavach),
'two' => q(Dínear Inathraithe Iúgslavach),
'YUR' => {
symbol => 'YUR',
'ZAL' => {
symbol => 'ZAL',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rand na hAfraice Theas \(airgeadúil\)),
'few' => q(Rand na hAfraice Theas \(airgeadúil\)),
'many' => q(Rand na hAfraice Theas \(airgeadúil\)),
'one' => q(Rand na hAfraice Theas \(airgeadúil\)),
'other' => q(Rand na hAfraice Theas \(airgeadúil\)),
'two' => q(Rand na hAfraice Theas \(airgeadúil\)),
'ZAR' => {
symbol => 'R',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rand na hAfraice Theas),
'few' => q(rand na hAfraice Theas),
'many' => q(rand na hAfraice Theas),
'one' => q(rand na hAfraice Theas),
'other' => q(rand na hAfraice Theas),
'two' => q(rand na hAfraice Theas),
'ZMK' => {
symbol => 'ZMK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwacha Saimbiach \(1968–2012\)),
'few' => q(Kwacha Saimbiach \(1968–2012\)),
'many' => q(Kwacha Saimbiach \(1968–2012\)),
'one' => q(Kwacha Saimbiach \(1968–2012\)),
'other' => q(Kwacha Saimbiach \(1968–2012\)),
'two' => q(Kwacha Saimbiach \(1968–2012\)),
'ZMW' => {
symbol => 'ZK',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwacha na Saimbia),
'few' => q(kwacha na Saimbia),
'many' => q(kwacha na Saimbia),
'one' => q(kwacha na Saimbia),
'other' => q(kwacha na Saimbia),
'two' => q(kwacha na Saimbia),
'ZRN' => {
symbol => 'ZRN',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zaire Nua Sáíreach),
'few' => q(Zaire Nua Sáíreach),
'many' => q(Zaire Nua Sáíreach),
'one' => q(Zaire Nua Sáíreach),
'other' => q(Zaire Nua Sáíreach),
'two' => q(Zaire Nua Sáíreach),
'ZRZ' => {
symbol => 'ZRZ',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Zaire Sáíreach),
'few' => q(Zaire Sáíreach),
'many' => q(Zaire Sáíreach),
'one' => q(Zaire Sáíreach),
'other' => q(Zaire Sáíreach),
'two' => q(Zaire Sáíreach),
'ZWD' => {
symbol => 'ZWD',
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dollar Siombábach \(1980–2008\)),
'few' => q(Dollar Siombábach \(1980–2008\)),
'many' => q(Dollar Siombábach \(1980–2008\)),
'one' => q(Dollar Siombábach \(1980–2008\)),
'other' => q(Dollar Siombábach \(1980–2008\)),
'two' => q(Dollar Siombábach \(1980–2008\)),
} },
has 'calendar_months' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
narrow => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
wide => {
nonleap => [
'Meán Fómhair',
'Deireadh Fómhair',
leap => [
'stand-alone' => {
abbreviated => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
narrow => {
nonleap => [
leap => [
wide => {
nonleap => [
'Meán Fómhair',
'Deireadh Fómhair',
leap => [
} },
has 'calendar_days' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {
mon => 'Luan',
tue => 'Máirt',
wed => 'Céad',
thu => 'Déar',
fri => 'Aoine',
sat => 'Sath',
sun => 'Domh'
narrow => {
mon => 'L',
tue => 'M',
wed => 'C',
thu => 'D',
fri => 'A',
sat => 'S',
sun => 'D'
short => {
mon => 'Lu',
tue => 'Má',
wed => 'Cé',
thu => 'Dé',
fri => 'Ao',
sat => 'Sa',
sun => 'Do'
wide => {
mon => 'Dé Luain',
tue => 'Dé Máirt',
wed => 'Dé Céadaoin',
thu => 'Déardaoin',
fri => 'Dé hAoine',
sat => 'Dé Sathairn',
sun => 'Dé Domhnaigh'
'stand-alone' => {
abbreviated => {
mon => 'Luan',
tue => 'Máirt',
wed => 'Céad',
thu => 'Déar',
fri => 'Aoine',
sat => 'Sath',
sun => 'Domh'
narrow => {
mon => 'L',
tue => 'M',
wed => 'C',
thu => 'D',
fri => 'A',
sat => 'S',
sun => 'D'
short => {
mon => 'Lu',
tue => 'Má',
wed => 'Cé',
thu => 'Dé',
fri => 'Ao',
sat => 'Sa',
sun => 'Do'
wide => {
mon => 'Dé Luain',
tue => 'Dé Máirt',
wed => 'Dé Céadaoin',
thu => 'Déardaoin',
fri => 'Dé hAoine',
sat => 'Dé Sathairn',
sun => 'Dé Domhnaigh'
} },
has 'calendar_quarters' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {0 => 'R1',
1 => 'R2',
2 => 'R3',
3 => 'R4'
narrow => {0 => '1',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4'
wide => {0 => '1ú ráithe',
1 => '2ú ráithe',
2 => '3ú ráithe',
3 => '4ú ráithe'
'stand-alone' => {
abbreviated => {0 => 'R1',
1 => 'R2',
2 => 'R3',
3 => 'R4'
narrow => {0 => '1',
1 => '2',
2 => '3',
3 => '4'
wide => {0 => '1ú ráithe',
1 => '2ú ráithe',
2 => '3ú ráithe',
3 => '4ú ráithe'
} },
has 'day_periods' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
'abbreviated' => {
'am' => q{r.n.},
'pm' => q{i.n.},
'wide' => {
'am' => q{r.n.},
'pm' => q{i.n.},
'stand-alone' => {
'narrow' => {
'am' => q{r.n.},
'pm' => q{i.n.},
'wide' => {
'am' => q{r.n.},
'pm' => q{i.n.},
} },
has 'eras' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'RB'
narrow => {
'0' => 'RB'
wide => {
'0' => 'RB'
'generic' => {
'gregorian' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'RC',
'1' => 'AD'
narrow => {
'0' => 'RC',
'1' => 'AD'
wide => {
'0' => 'Roimh Chríost',
'1' => 'Anno Domini'
} },
has 'date_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
'full' => q{EEEE d MMMM y G},
'long' => q{d MMMM y G},
'medium' => q{d MMM y G},
'short' => q{dd/MM/y GGGGG},
'generic' => {
'full' => q{EEEE d MMMM y G},
'long' => q{d MMMM y G},
'medium' => q{d MMM y G},
'short' => q{dd/MM/y GGGGG},
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{EEEE d MMMM y},
'long' => q{d MMMM y},
'medium' => q{d MMM y},
'short' => q{dd/MM/y},
} },
has 'time_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
'generic' => {
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{HH:mm:ss zzzz},
'long' => q{HH:mm:ss z},
'medium' => q{HH:mm:ss},
'short' => q{HH:mm},
} },
has 'datetime_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
'full' => q{{1} {0}},
'long' => q{{1} {0}},
'medium' => q{{1} {0}},
'short' => q{{1} {0}},
'generic' => {
'full' => q{{1} {0}},
'long' => q{{1} {0}},
'medium' => q{{1} {0}},
'short' => q{{1} {0}},
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{{1} {0}},
'long' => q{{1} {0}},
'medium' => q{{1} {0}},
'short' => q{{1} {0}},
} },
has 'datetime_formats_available_formats' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
E => q{ccc},
Ed => q{E d},
Gy => q{y G},
GyMMM => q{MMM y G},
GyMMMEd => q{E d MMM y G},
GyMMMd => q{d MMM y G},
M => q{LL},
MEd => q{E dd/MM},
MMM => q{LLL},
MMMEd => q{E d MMM},
MMMMd => q{d MMMM},
MMMd => q{d MMM},
Md => q{dd/MM},
d => q{d},
y => q{y G},
yyyy => q{y G},
yyyyM => q{MM/y GGGGG},
yyyyMEd => q{E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
yyyyMMM => q{MMM y G},
yyyyMMMEd => q{E d MMM y G},
yyyyMMMM => q{MMMM y G},
yyyyMMMd => q{d MMM y G},
yyyyMd => q{dd/MM/y GGGGG},
yyyyQQQ => q{QQQ y G},
yyyyQQQQ => q{QQQQ y G},
'generic' => {
Bh => q{h B},
Bhm => q{h:mm B},
Bhms => q{h:mm:ss B},
E => q{ccc},
EBhm => q{E h:mm B},
EBhms => q{E h:mm:ss B},
EHm => q{E HH:mm},
EHms => q{E HH:mm:ss},
Ed => q{E d},
Ehm => q{E h:mm a},
Ehms => q{E h:mm:ss a},
Gy => q{y G},
GyMMM => q{MMM y G},
GyMMMEd => q{E d MMM y G},
GyMMMd => q{d MMM y G},
H => q{HH},
Hm => q{HH:mm},
Hms => q{HH:mm:ss},
M => q{LL},
MEd => q{E dd/MM},
MMM => q{LLL},
MMMEd => q{E d MMM},
MMMMd => q{d MMMM},
MMMd => q{d MMM},
Md => q{dd/MM},
d => q{d},
h => q{h a},
hm => q{h:mm a},
hms => q{h:mm:ss a},
ms => q{mm:ss},
y => q{y G},
yyyy => q{y G},
yyyyM => q{MM/y GGGGG},
yyyyMEd => q{E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
yyyyMMM => q{MMM y G},
yyyyMMMEd => q{E d MMM y G},
yyyyMMMM => q{MMMM y G},
yyyyMMMd => q{d MMM y G},
yyyyMd => q{dd/MM/y GGGGG},
yyyyQQQ => q{QQQ y G},
yyyyQQQQ => q{QQQQ y G},
'gregorian' => {
Bh => q{h B},
Bhm => q{h:mm B},
Bhms => q{h:mm:ss B},
E => q{ccc},
EBhm => q{E h:mm B},
EBhms => q{E h:mm:ss B},
EHm => q{E HH:mm},
EHms => q{E HH:mm:ss},
Ed => q{E d},
Ehm => q{E h:mm a},
Ehms => q{E h:mm:ss a},
Gy => q{y G},
GyMMM => q{MMM y G},
GyMMMEd => q{E d MMM y G},
GyMMMd => q{d MMM y G},
GyMd => q{dd/MM/y GGGGG},
H => q{HH},
Hm => q{HH:mm},
Hms => q{HH:mm:ss},
Hmsv => q{HH:mm:ss v},
Hmv => q{HH:mm v},
M => q{LL},
MEd => q{E dd/MM},
MMM => q{LLL},
MMMEd => q{E d MMM},
MMMMW => q{'seachtain' 'a' W 'i' MMMM},
MMMMd => q{d MMMM},
MMMd => q{d MMM},
Md => q{dd/MM},
d => q{d},
h => q{h a},
hm => q{h:mm a},
hms => q{h:mm:ss a},
hmsv => q{h:mm:ss a v},
hmv => q{h:mm a v},
ms => q{mm:ss},
y => q{y},
yM => q{MM/y},
yMEd => q{E dd/MM/y},
yMMM => q{MMM y},
yMMMEd => q{E d MMM y},
yMMMM => q{MMMM y},
yMMMd => q{d MMM y},
yMd => q{dd/MM/y},
yQQQ => q{QQQ y},
yQQQQ => q{QQQQ y},
yw => q{'seachtain' 'a' w 'in' Y},
} },
has 'datetime_formats_append_item' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'Timezone' => '{0} {1}',
} },
has 'datetime_formats_interval' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
'buddhist' => {
H => {
H => q{HH – HH},
Hm => {
H => q{HH:mm – HH:mm},
m => q{HH:mm – HH:mm},
Hmv => {
H => q{HH:mm – HH:mm v},
m => q{HH:mm – HH:mm v},
Hv => {
H => q{HH – HH v},
M => {
M => q{MM – MM},
MEd => {
M => q{E dd/MM – E dd/MM},
d => q{E dd/MM – E dd/MM},
MMM => {
M => q{MMM – MMM},
MMMEd => {
M => q{E d MMM – E d MMM},
d => q{E d MMM – E d MMM},
MMMd => {
M => q{d MMM – d MMM},
d => q{d – d MMM},
Md => {
M => q{dd/MM – dd/MM},
d => q{dd/MM – dd/MM},
d => {
d => q{d – d},
fallback => '{0} – {1}',
h => {
a => q{h a – h a},
h => q{h – h a},
hm => {
a => q{h:mm a – h:mm a},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm a},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm a},
hmv => {
a => q{h:mm a – h:mm a v},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm a v},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm a v},
hv => {
a => q{h a – h a v},
h => q{h – h a v},
y => {
y => q{y – y G},
yM => {
M => q{MM/y – MM/y GGGGG},
y => q{MM/y – MM/y GGGGG},
yMEd => {
M => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
d => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
y => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
yMMM => {
M => q{MMM – MMM y G},
y => q{MMM y – MMM y G},
yMMMEd => {
M => q{E d MMM – E d MMM y G},
d => q{E d MMM – E d MMM y G},
y => q{E d MMM y – E d MMM y G},
yMMMM => {
M => q{MMMM – MMMM y G},
y => q{MMMM y – MMMM y G},
yMMMd => {
M => q{d MMM – d MMM y G},
d => q{d – d MMM y G},
y => q{d MMM y – d MMM y G},
yMd => {
M => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG},
d => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG},
y => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG},
'generic' => {
Bh => {
B => q{h B – h B},
h => q{h – h B},
Bhm => {
B => q{h:mm B – h:mm B},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm B},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm B},
Gy => {
G => q{y G – y G},
y => q{y – y G},
GyM => {
G => q{MM/y GGGGG – MM/y GGGGG},
GyMMM => {
G => q{MMM y G – MMM y G},
M => q{MMM – MMM y G},
y => q{MMM y – MMM y G},
H => {
H => q{HH – HH},
Hm => {
H => q{HH:mm – HH:mm},
m => q{HH:mm – HH:mm},
Hmv => {
H => q{HH:mm – HH:mm v},
m => q{HH:mm – HH:mm v},
Hv => {
H => q{HH – HH v},
M => {
M => q{MM – MM},
MEd => {
M => q{E dd/MM – E dd/MM},
d => q{E dd/MM – E dd/MM},
MMM => {
M => q{MMM – MMM},
MMMEd => {
M => q{E d MMM – E d MMM},
d => q{E d MMM – E d MMM},
MMMd => {
M => q{d MMM – d MMM},
d => q{d – d MMM},
Md => {
M => q{dd/MM – dd/MM},
d => q{dd/MM – dd/MM},
d => {
d => q{d – d},
fallback => '{0} – {1}',
h => {
a => q{h a – h a},
h => q{h–h a},
hm => {
a => q{h:mm a – h:mm a},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm a},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm a},
hmv => {
a => q{h:mm a – h:mm a v},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm a v},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm a v},
hv => {
a => q{h a – h a v},
h => q{h – h a v},
y => {
y => q{y – y G},
yM => {
M => q{MM/y – MM/y GGGGG},
y => q{MM/y – MM/y GGGGG},
yMEd => {
M => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
d => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
y => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y GGGGG},
yMMM => {
M => q{MMM – MMM y G},
y => q{MMM y – MMM y G},
yMMMEd => {
M => q{E d MMM – E d MMM y G},
d => q{E d MMM – E d MMM y G},
y => q{E d MMM y – E d MMM y G},
yMMMM => {
M => q{MMMM – MMMM y G},
y => q{MMMM y – MMMM y G},
yMMMd => {
M => q{d MMM – d MMM y G},
d => q{d – d MMM y G},
y => q{d MMM y – d MMM y G},
yMd => {
M => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG},
d => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG},
y => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y GGGGG},
'gregorian' => {
Bh => {
B => q{h B – h B},
h => q{h – h B},
Bhm => {
B => q{h:mm B – h:mm B},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm B},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm B},
H => {
H => q{HH – HH},
Hm => {
H => q{HH:mm – HH:mm},
m => q{HH:mm – HH:mm},
Hmv => {
H => q{HH:mm – HH:mm v},
m => q{HH:mm – HH:mm v},
Hv => {
H => q{HH – HH v},
M => {
M => q{MM – MM},
MEd => {
M => q{E dd/MM – E dd/MM},
d => q{E dd/MM – E dd/MM},
MMM => {
M => q{MMM – MMM},
MMMEd => {
M => q{E d MMM – E d MMM},
d => q{E d MMM – E d MMM},
MMMd => {
M => q{d MMM – d MMM},
d => q{d – d MMM},
Md => {
M => q{dd/MM – dd/MM},
d => q{dd/MM – dd/MM},
d => {
d => q{d – d},
fallback => '{0} – {1}',
h => {
a => q{h a – h a},
h => q{h – h a},
hm => {
a => q{h:mm a – h:mm a},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm a},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm a},
hmv => {
a => q{h:mm a – h:mm a v},
h => q{h:mm – h:mm a v},
m => q{h:mm – h:mm a v},
hv => {
a => q{h a – h a v},
h => q{h – h a v},
y => {
y => q{y – y},
yM => {
M => q{MM/y – MM/y},
y => q{MM/y – MM/y},
yMEd => {
M => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y},
d => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y},
y => q{E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y},
yMMM => {
M => q{MMM – MMM y},
y => q{MMM y – MMM y},
yMMMEd => {
M => q{E d MMM – E d MMM y},
d => q{E d MMM – E d MMM y},
y => q{E d MMM y – E d MMM y},
yMMMM => {
M => q{MMMM – MMMM y},
y => q{MMMM y – MMMM y},
yMMMd => {
M => q{d MMM – d MMM y},
d => q{d – d MMM y},
y => q{d MMM y – d MMM y},
yMd => {
M => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y},
d => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y},
y => q{dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y},
} },
has 'time_zone_names' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { {
hourFormat => q(+HH:mm;-HH:mm),
gmtFormat => q(MAG{0}),
gmtZeroFormat => q(MAG),
regionFormat => q({0}),
regionFormat => q({0} (+1)),
regionFormat => q({0} (+0)),
fallbackFormat => q({1} ({0})),
'Acre' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Acre#,
'generic' => q#Am Acre#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Acre#,
'Afghanistan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na hAfganastáine#,
'Africa/Abidjan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Abidjan#,
'Africa/Accra' => {
exemplarCity => q#Accra#,
'Africa/Algiers' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cathair na hAilgéire#,
'Africa/Asmera' => {
exemplarCity => q#Asmara#,
'Africa/Bamako' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bamako#,
'Africa/Bangui' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bangui#,
'Africa/Banjul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Banjul#,
'Africa/Bissau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bissau#,
'Africa/Brazzaville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Brazzaville#,
'Africa/Bujumbura' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bujumbura#,
'Africa/Cairo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Caireo#,
'Africa/Casablanca' => {
exemplarCity => q#Casablanca#,
'Africa/Ceuta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ceuta#,
'Africa/Conakry' => {
exemplarCity => q#Conacraí#,
'Africa/Dakar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dacár#,
'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dárasalám#,
'Africa/Djibouti' => {
exemplarCity => q#Djibouti#,
'Africa/Douala' => {
exemplarCity => q#Douala#,
'Africa/El_Aaiun' => {
exemplarCity => q#Láúine#,
'Africa/Freetown' => {
exemplarCity => q#Freetown#,
'Africa/Gaborone' => {
exemplarCity => q#Gaborone#,
'Africa/Harare' => {
exemplarCity => q#Harare#,
'Africa/Johannesburg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Johannesburg#,
'Africa/Juba' => {
exemplarCity => q#Juba#,
'Africa/Kampala' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kampala#,
'Africa/Khartoum' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cartúm#,
'Africa/Kigali' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kigali#,
'Africa/Lagos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lagos#,
'Africa/Libreville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Libreville#,
'Africa/Lome' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lomé#,
'Africa/Luanda' => {
exemplarCity => q#Luanda#,
'Africa/Lubumbashi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lubumbashi#,
'Africa/Lusaka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lusaka#,
'Africa/Malabo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Malabo#,
'Africa/Maputo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mapútó#,
'Africa/Maseru' => {
exemplarCity => q#Maseru#,
'Africa/Mbabane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mbabane#,
'Africa/Mogadishu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mogaidisiú#,
'Africa/Monrovia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monrovia#,
'Africa/Nairobi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nairobi#,
'Africa/Ndjamena' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ndjamena#,
'Africa/Niamey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Niamey#,
'Africa/Nouakchott' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nuacsat#,
'Africa/Ouagadougou' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ouagadougou#,
'Africa/Porto-Novo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Porto-Novo#,
'Africa/Sao_Tome' => {
exemplarCity => q#São Tomé#,
'Africa/Tripoli' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tripilí#,
'Africa/Tunis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Túinis#,
'Africa/Windhoek' => {
exemplarCity => q#Windhoek#,
'Africa_Central' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na hAfraice Láir#,
'Africa_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oirthear na hAfraice#,
'Africa_Southern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na hAfraice Theas#,
'Africa_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iarthar na hAfraice#,
'generic' => q#Am Iarthar na hAfraice#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iarthar na hAfraice#,
'Alaska' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Alasca#,
'generic' => q#Am Alasca#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Alasca#,
'Almaty' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Almaty#,
'generic' => q#Am Almaty#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Almaty#,
'Amazon' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na hAmasóine#,
'generic' => q#Am na hAmasóine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hAmasóine#,
'America/Adak' => {
exemplarCity => q#Adak#,
'America/Anchorage' => {
exemplarCity => q#Anchorage#,
'America/Anguilla' => {
exemplarCity => q#Angaíle#,
'America/Antigua' => {
exemplarCity => q#Antigua#,
'America/Araguaina' => {
exemplarCity => q#Araguaina#,
'America/Argentina/La_Rioja' => {
exemplarCity => q#La Rioja#,
'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rio Gallegos#,
'America/Argentina/Salta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Salta#,
'America/Argentina/San_Juan' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Juan#,
'America/Argentina/San_Luis' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Luis#,
'America/Argentina/Tucuman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tucuman#,
'America/Argentina/Ushuaia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ushuaia#,
'America/Aruba' => {
exemplarCity => q#Arúba#,
'America/Asuncion' => {
exemplarCity => q#Asunción#,
'America/Bahia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bahia#,
'America/Bahia_Banderas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bahia Banderas#,
'America/Barbados' => {
exemplarCity => q#Barbadós#,
'America/Belem' => {
exemplarCity => q#Belém#,
'America/Belize' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Bheilís#,
'America/Blanc-Sablon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Blanc-Sablon#,
'America/Boa_Vista' => {
exemplarCity => q#Boa Vista#,
'America/Bogota' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bogatá#,
'America/Boise' => {
exemplarCity => q#Boise#,
'America/Buenos_Aires' => {
exemplarCity => q#Buenos Aires#,
'America/Cambridge_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cambridge Bay#,
'America/Campo_Grande' => {
exemplarCity => q#Campo Grande#,
'America/Cancun' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cancún#,
'America/Caracas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Caracas#,
'America/Catamarca' => {
exemplarCity => q#Catamarca#,
'America/Cayenne' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cayenne#,
'America/Cayman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cayman#,
'America/Chicago' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chicago#,
'America/Chihuahua' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chihuahua#,
'America/Coral_Harbour' => {
exemplarCity => q#Atikokan#,
'America/Cordoba' => {
exemplarCity => q#Córdoba#,
'America/Costa_Rica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cósta Ríce#,
'America/Creston' => {
exemplarCity => q#Creston#,
'America/Curacao' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cúrasó#,
'America/Danmarkshavn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Danmarkshavn#,
'America/Dawson' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dawson#,
'America/Dawson_Creek' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dawson Creek#,
'America/Denver' => {
exemplarCity => q#Denver#,
'America/Detroit' => {
exemplarCity => q#Detroit#,
'America/Dominica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Doiminice#,
'America/Edmonton' => {
exemplarCity => q#Edmonton#,
'America/El_Salvador' => {
exemplarCity => q#an tSalvadóir#,
'America/Fort_Nelson' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fort Nelson#,
'America/Fortaleza' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fortaleza#,
'America/Glace_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Glace Bay#,
'America/Godthab' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nuuk#,
'America/Goose_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Goose Bay#,
'America/Grand_Turk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Grand Turk#,
'America/Grenada' => {
exemplarCity => q#Greanáda#,
'America/Guadeloupe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guadalúip#,
'America/Guatemala' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guatamala#,
'America/Guayaquil' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guayaquil#,
'America/Guyana' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Ghuáin#,
'America/Halifax' => {
exemplarCity => q#Halifax#,
'America/Hermosillo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hermosillo#,
'America/Indiana/Knox' => {
exemplarCity => q#Knox, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Marengo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Marengo, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Petersburg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Petersburg, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Tell_City' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tell City, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Vevay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vevay, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Vincennes' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vincennes, Indiana#,
'America/Indiana/Winamac' => {
exemplarCity => q#Winamac, Indiana#,
'America/Indianapolis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Indianapolis#,
'America/Inuvik' => {
exemplarCity => q#Inuvik#,
'America/Iqaluit' => {
exemplarCity => q#Iqaluit#,
'America/Jamaica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Iamáice#,
'America/Jujuy' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jujuy#,
'America/Juneau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Juneau#,
'America/Kentucky/Monticello' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monticello, Kentucky#,
'America/Kralendijk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kralendijk#,
'America/La_Paz' => {
exemplarCity => q#La Paz#,
'America/Lima' => {
exemplarCity => q#Líoma#,
'America/Los_Angeles' => {
exemplarCity => q#Los Angeles#,
'America/Louisville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Louisville#,
'America/Lower_Princes' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lower Prince’s Quarter#,
'America/Managua' => {
exemplarCity => q#Managua#,
'America/Manaus' => {
exemplarCity => q#Manaus#,
'America/Marigot' => {
exemplarCity => q#Marigot#,
'America/Martinique' => {
exemplarCity => q#Martinique#,
'America/Matamoros' => {
exemplarCity => q#Matamoros#,
'America/Mazatlan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mazatlan#,
'America/Mendoza' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mendoza#,
'America/Menominee' => {
exemplarCity => q#Menominee#,
'America/Merida' => {
exemplarCity => q#Merida#,
'America/Metlakatla' => {
exemplarCity => q#Metlakatla#,
'America/Mexico_City' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cathair Mheicsiceo#,
'America/Miquelon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Miquelon#,
'America/Moncton' => {
exemplarCity => q#Moncton#,
'America/Monterrey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monterrey#,
'America/Montevideo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Montevideo#,
'America/Montserrat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Montsarat#,
'America/Nassau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nassau#,
'America/New_York' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nua-Eabhrac#,
'America/Nipigon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nipigon#,
'America/Nome' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nome#,
'America/Noronha' => {
exemplarCity => q#Noronha#,
'America/North_Dakota/Beulah' => {
exemplarCity => q#Beulah, North Dakota#,
'America/North_Dakota/Center' => {
exemplarCity => q#Center, North Dakota#,
'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem' => {
exemplarCity => q#New Salem, North Dakota#,
'America/Ojinaga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ojinaga#,
'America/Panama' => {
exemplarCity => q#Panama#,
'America/Pangnirtung' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pangnirtung#,
'America/Paramaribo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Paramaribo#,
'America/Phoenix' => {
exemplarCity => q#Phoenix#,
'America/Port-au-Prince' => {
exemplarCity => q#Port-au-Prince#,
'America/Port_of_Spain' => {
exemplarCity => q#Port of Spain#,
'America/Porto_Velho' => {
exemplarCity => q#Porto Velho#,
'America/Puerto_Rico' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pórtó Ríce#,
'America/Punta_Arenas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Punta Arenas#,
'America/Rainy_River' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rainy River#,
'America/Rankin_Inlet' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rankin Inlet#,
'America/Recife' => {
exemplarCity => q#Recife#,
'America/Regina' => {
exemplarCity => q#Regina#,
'America/Resolute' => {
exemplarCity => q#Resolute#,
'America/Rio_Branco' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rio Branco#,
'America/Santa_Isabel' => {
exemplarCity => q#Santa Isabel#,
'America/Santo_Domingo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Santo Domingo#,
'America/Sao_Paulo' => {
exemplarCity => q#São Paulo#,
'America/Scoresbysund' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ittoqqortoormiit#,
'America/Sitka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sitka#,
'America/St_Barthelemy' => {
exemplarCity => q#Saint Barthélemy#,
'America/St_Johns' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. John’s#,
'America/St_Kitts' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Críostóir#,
'America/St_Lucia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Saint Lucia#,
'America/St_Thomas' => {
exemplarCity => q#St. Thomas#,
'America/St_Vincent' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Uinseann#,
'America/Swift_Current' => {
exemplarCity => q#Swift Current#,
'America/Tegucigalpa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tegucigalpa#,
'America/Thule' => {
exemplarCity => q#Inis Tuile#,
'America/Thunder_Bay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Thunder Bay#,
'America/Tijuana' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tijuana#,
'America/Toronto' => {
exemplarCity => q#Toronto#,
'America/Tortola' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tortola#,
'America/Vancouver' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vancouver#,
'America/Whitehorse' => {
exemplarCity => q#Whitehorse#,
'America/Winnipeg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Winnipeg#,
'America/Yakutat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Yakutat#,
'America/Yellowknife' => {
exemplarCity => q#Yellowknife#,
'America_Central' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Lárnach Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'generic' => q#Am Lárnach Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Lárnach Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'America_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oirthearach Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'generic' => q#Am Oirthearach Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oirthearach Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'America_Mountain' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Sléibhte Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'generic' => q#Am Sléibhte Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Sléibhte Mheiriceá Thuaidh#,
'America_Pacific' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh an Aigéin Chiúin#,
'generic' => q#Am an Aigéin Chiúin#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach an Aigéin Chiúin#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#ASAC#,
'generic' => q#AAC#,
'standard' => q#ACAC#,
'Anadyr' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Anadyr#,
'generic' => q#Am Anadyr#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Anadyr#,
'Antarctica/Casey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Casey#,
'Antarctica/Davis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Davis#,
'Antarctica/DumontDUrville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dumont d’Urville#,
'Antarctica/Macquarie' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mac Guaire#,
'Antarctica/Mawson' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mawson#,
'Antarctica/McMurdo' => {
exemplarCity => q#McMurdo#,
'Antarctica/Palmer' => {
exemplarCity => q#Palmer#,
'Antarctica/Rothera' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rothera#,
'Antarctica/Syowa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Syowa#,
'Antarctica/Troll' => {
exemplarCity => q#Troll#,
'Antarctica/Vostok' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vostok#,
'Apia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Apia#,
'generic' => q#Am Apia#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Apia#,
'Aqtau' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Aqtau#,
'generic' => q#Am Aqtau#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Aqtau#,
'Aqtobe' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Aqtobe#,
'generic' => q#Am Aqtobe#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Aqtobe#,
'Arabian' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na hAraibe#,
'generic' => q#Am na hAraibe#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hAraibe#,
'Arctic/Longyearbyen' => {
exemplarCity => q#Longyearbyen#,
'Argentina' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na hAirgintíne#,
'generic' => q#Am na hAirgintíne#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hAirgintíne#,
'Argentina_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iartharach na hAirgintíne#,
'generic' => q#Am Iartharach na hAirgintíne#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iartharach na hAirgintíne#,
'Armenia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na hAirméine#,
'generic' => q#Am na hAirméine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hAirméine#,
'Asia/Aden' => {
exemplarCity => q#Áidin#,
'Asia/Almaty' => {
exemplarCity => q#Almaty#,
'Asia/Amman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Amman#,
'Asia/Anadyr' => {
exemplarCity => q#Anadyr#,
'Asia/Aqtau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Aqtau#,
'Asia/Aqtobe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Aqtobe#,
'Asia/Ashgabat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ashgabat#,
'Asia/Atyrau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Atyrau#,
'Asia/Baghdad' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bagdad#,
'Asia/Bahrain' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bairéin#,
'Asia/Baku' => {
exemplarCity => q#Baki#,
'Asia/Bangkok' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bangkok#,
'Asia/Barnaul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Barnaul#,
'Asia/Beirut' => {
exemplarCity => q#Béiriút#,
'Asia/Bishkek' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bishkek#,
'Asia/Brunei' => {
exemplarCity => q#Brúiné#,
'Asia/Calcutta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Calcúta#,
'Asia/Chita' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chita#,
'Asia/Choibalsan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Choibalsan#,
'Asia/Colombo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Colombo#,
'Asia/Damascus' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Damaisc#,
'Asia/Dhaka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dhaka#,
'Asia/Dili' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dili#,
'Asia/Dubai' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dubai#,
'Asia/Dushanbe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Dushanbe#,
'Asia/Famagusta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Famagusta#,
'Asia/Gaza' => {
exemplarCity => q#Gaza#,
'Asia/Hebron' => {
exemplarCity => q#Heabrón#,
'Asia/Hong_Kong' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hong Cong#,
'Asia/Hovd' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hovd#,
'Asia/Irkutsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Irkutsk#,
'Asia/Jakarta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Iacárta#,
'Asia/Jayapura' => {
exemplarCity => q#Jayapura#,
'Asia/Jerusalem' => {
exemplarCity => q#Iarúsailéim#,
'Asia/Kabul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cabúl#,
'Asia/Kamchatka' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kamchatka#,
'Asia/Karachi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Karachi#,
'Asia/Katmandu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kathmandu#,
'Asia/Khandyga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Khandyga#,
'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Krasnoyarsk#,
'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kuala Lumpur#,
'Asia/Kuching' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kuching#,
'Asia/Kuwait' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cuáit#,
'Asia/Macau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Macao#,
'Asia/Magadan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Magadan#,
'Asia/Makassar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Macasar#,
'Asia/Manila' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mainile#,
'Asia/Muscat' => {
exemplarCity => q#Muscat#,
'Asia/Nicosia' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Niocóis#,
'Asia/Novokuznetsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Novokuznetsk#,
'Asia/Novosibirsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Novosibirsk#,
'Asia/Omsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Omsk#,
'Asia/Oral' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oral#,
'Asia/Phnom_Penh' => {
exemplarCity => q#Phnom Penh#,
'Asia/Pontianak' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pontianak#,
'Asia/Pyongyang' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pyongyang#,
'Asia/Qatar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Catar#,
'Asia/Qostanay' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kostanay#,
'Asia/Qyzylorda' => {
exemplarCity => q#Qyzylorda#,
'Asia/Rangoon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rangún#,
'Asia/Riyadh' => {
exemplarCity => q#Riyadh#,
'Asia/Saigon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cathair Ho Chi Minh#,
'Asia/Sakhalin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sakhalin#,
'Asia/Samarkand' => {
exemplarCity => q#Samarkand#,
'Asia/Seoul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Súl#,
'Asia/Shanghai' => {
exemplarCity => q#Shang-hai#,
'Asia/Singapore' => {
exemplarCity => q#Singeapór#,
'Asia/Srednekolymsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Srednekolymsk#,
'Asia/Taipei' => {
exemplarCity => q#Taipei#,
'Asia/Tashkent' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tashkent#,
'Asia/Tbilisi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tbilisi#,
'Asia/Tehran' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tehran#,
'Asia/Thimphu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Thimphu#,
'Asia/Tokyo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tóiceo#,
'Asia/Tomsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tomsk#,
'Asia/Ulaanbaatar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ulaanbaatar#,
'Asia/Urumqi' => {
exemplarCity => q#Urumqi#,
'Asia/Ust-Nera' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ust-Nera#,
'Asia/Vientiane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vientiane#,
'Asia/Vladivostok' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vladivostok#,
'Asia/Yakutsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Iacútsc#,
'Asia/Yekaterinburg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Yekaterinburg#,
'Asia/Yerevan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Eireaván#,
'Atlantic' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh an Atlantaigh#,
'generic' => q#Am an Atlantaigh#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach an Atlantaigh#,
'Atlantic/Azores' => {
exemplarCity => q#na hAsóir#,
'Atlantic/Bermuda' => {
exemplarCity => q#Beirmiúda#,
'Atlantic/Canary' => {
exemplarCity => q#na hOileáin Chanáracha#,
'Atlantic/Cape_Verde' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rinn Verde#,
'Atlantic/Faeroe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileáin Fharó#,
'Atlantic/Madeira' => {
exemplarCity => q#Maidéara#,
'Atlantic/Reykjavik' => {
exemplarCity => q#Réicivíc#,
'Atlantic/South_Georgia' => {
exemplarCity => q#an tSeoirsia Theas#,
'Atlantic/St_Helena' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Héilin#,
'Atlantic/Stanley' => {
exemplarCity => q#Stanley#,
'Australia/Adelaide' => {
exemplarCity => q#Adelaide#,
'Australia/Brisbane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Brisbane#,
'Australia/Broken_Hill' => {
exemplarCity => q#Broken Hill#,
'Australia/Currie' => {
exemplarCity => q#Currie#,
'Australia/Darwin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Darwin#,
'Australia/Eucla' => {
exemplarCity => q#Eucla#,
'Australia/Hobart' => {
exemplarCity => q#Hobart#,
'Australia/Lindeman' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lindeman#,
'Australia/Lord_Howe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lord Howe#,
'Australia/Melbourne' => {
exemplarCity => q#Melbourne#,
'Australia/Perth' => {
exemplarCity => q#Perth#,
'Australia/Sydney' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sydney#,
'Australia_Central' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Lár na hAstráile#,
'generic' => q#Am Lár na hAstráile#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Lár na hAstráile#,
'Australia_CentralWestern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Mheániarthar na hAstráile#,
'generic' => q#Am Mheániarthar na hAstráile#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Mheániarthar na hAstráile#,
'Australia_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oirthear na hAstráile#,
'generic' => q#Am Oirthear na hAstráile#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oirthear na hAstráile#,
'Australia_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iarthar na hAstráile#,
'generic' => q#Am Iarthar na hAstráile#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iarthar na hAstráile#,
'Azerbaijan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na hAsarbaiseáine#,
'generic' => q#Am na hAsarbaiseáine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hAsarbaiseáine#,
'Azores' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na nAsór#,
'generic' => q#Am na nAsór#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na nAsór#,
'Bangladesh' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Banglaidéise#,
'generic' => q#Am na Banglaidéise#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Banglaidéise#,
'Bhutan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Bútáine#,
'Bolivia' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Bolaive#,
'Brasilia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Bhrasília#,
'generic' => q#Am Bhrasília#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Bhrasília#,
'Brunei' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Bhrúiné Darasalám#,
'Cape_Verde' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Rinn Verde#,
'generic' => q#Am Rinn Verde#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Rinn Verde#,
'Casey' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Stáisiún Casey#,
'Chamorro' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Seamórach#,
'Chatham' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Chatham#,
'generic' => q#Am Chatham#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Chatham#,
'Chile' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Sile#,
'generic' => q#Am na Sile#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Sile#,
'China' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Síne#,
'generic' => q#Am na Síne#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Síne#,
'Choibalsan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Choibalsan#,
'generic' => q#Am Choibalsan#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Choibalsan#,
'Christmas' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileán na Nollag#,
'Cocos' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin Cocos#,
'Colombia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Colóime#,
'generic' => q#Am na Colóime#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Colóime#,
'Cook' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Leathshamhraidh Oileáin Cook#,
'generic' => q#Am Oileáin Cook#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oileáin Cook#,
'Cuba' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Chúba#,
'generic' => q#Am Chúba#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Chúba#,
'Davis' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Davis#,
'DumontDUrville' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Dumont-d’Urville#,
'East_Timor' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Thíomór Thoir#,
'Easter' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oileán na Cásca#,
'generic' => q#Am Oileán na Cásca#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oileán na Cásca#,
'Ecuador' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Eacuadór#,
'Etc/UTC' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Uilíoch Lárnach#,
'Etc/Unknown' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cathair Anaithnid#,
'Europe/Amsterdam' => {
exemplarCity => q#Amstardam#,
'Europe/Andorra' => {
exemplarCity => q#Andóra#,
'Europe/Astrakhan' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Astracáin#,
'Europe/Athens' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Aithin#,
'Europe/Belgrade' => {
exemplarCity => q#Béalgrád#,
'Europe/Berlin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Beirlín#,
'Europe/Bratislava' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Bhratasláiv#,
'Europe/Brussels' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Bhruiséil#,
'Europe/Bucharest' => {
exemplarCity => q#Búcairist#,
'Europe/Budapest' => {
exemplarCity => q#Búdaipeist#,
'Europe/Busingen' => {
exemplarCity => q#Busingen#,
'Europe/Chisinau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Císineá#,
'Europe/Copenhagen' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cóbanhávan#,
'Europe/Dublin' => {
exemplarCity => q#Baile Átha Cliath#,
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Caighdéanach na hÉireann#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#ACÉ#,
'Europe/Gibraltar' => {
exemplarCity => q#Giobráltar#,
'Europe/Guernsey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Geansaí#,
'Europe/Helsinki' => {
exemplarCity => q#Heilsincí#,
'Europe/Isle_of_Man' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileán Mhanann#,
'Europe/Istanbul' => {
exemplarCity => q#Iostanbúl#,
'Europe/Jersey' => {
exemplarCity => q#Geirsí#,
'Europe/Kaliningrad' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kaliningrad#,
'Europe/Kiev' => {
exemplarCity => q#Cív#,
'Europe/Kirov' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kirov#,
'Europe/Lisbon' => {
exemplarCity => q#Liospóin#,
'Europe/Ljubljana' => {
exemplarCity => q#Liúibleána#,
'Europe/London' => {
exemplarCity => q#Londain#,
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Breataine#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#ASB#,
'Europe/Luxembourg' => {
exemplarCity => q#Lucsamburg#,
'Europe/Madrid' => {
exemplarCity => q#Maidrid#,
'Europe/Malta' => {
exemplarCity => q#Málta#,
'Europe/Mariehamn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mariehamn#,
'Europe/Minsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mionsc#,
'Europe/Monaco' => {
exemplarCity => q#Monacó#,
'Europe/Moscow' => {
exemplarCity => q#Moscó#,
'Europe/Oslo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Osló#,
'Europe/Paris' => {
exemplarCity => q#Páras#,
'Europe/Podgorica' => {
exemplarCity => q#Podgairítse#,
'Europe/Prague' => {
exemplarCity => q#Prág#,
'Europe/Riga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ríge#,
'Europe/Rome' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Róimh#,
'Europe/Samara' => {
exemplarCity => q#Samara#,
'Europe/San_Marino' => {
exemplarCity => q#San Mairíne#,
'Europe/Sarajevo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sairéavó#,
'Europe/Saratov' => {
exemplarCity => q#Saratov#,
'Europe/Simferopol' => {
exemplarCity => q#Simferopol#,
'Europe/Skopje' => {
exemplarCity => q#Scóipé#,
'Europe/Sofia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Sóifia#,
'Europe/Stockholm' => {
exemplarCity => q#Stócólm#,
'Europe/Tallinn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Taillinn#,
'Europe/Tirane' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tiorána#,
'Europe/Ulyanovsk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ulyanovsk#,
'Europe/Uzhgorod' => {
exemplarCity => q#Uzhgorod#,
'Europe/Vaduz' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vadús#,
'Europe/Vatican' => {
exemplarCity => q#an Vatacáin#,
'Europe/Vienna' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vín#,
'Europe/Vilnius' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vilnias#,
'Europe/Volgograd' => {
exemplarCity => q#Volgograd#,
'Europe/Warsaw' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vársá#,
'Europe/Zagreb' => {
exemplarCity => q#Ságrab#,
'Europe/Zaporozhye' => {
exemplarCity => q#Zaporozhye#,
'Europe/Zurich' => {
exemplarCity => q#Zürich#,
'Europe_Central' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Lár na hEorpa#,
'generic' => q#Am Lár na hEorpa#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Lár na hEorpa#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#CEST#,
'generic' => q#CET#,
'standard' => q#CET#,
'Europe_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oirthear na hEorpa#,
'generic' => q#Am Oirthear na hEorpa#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oirthear na hEorpa#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#EEST#,
'generic' => q#EET#,
'standard' => q#EET#,
'Europe_Further_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Chianoirthear na hEorpa#,
'Europe_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iarthar na hEorpa#,
'generic' => q#Am Iarthar na hEorpa#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iarthar na hEorpa#,
short => {
'daylight' => q#WEST#,
'generic' => q#WET#,
'standard' => q#WET#,
'Falkland' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oileáin Fháclainne#,
'generic' => q#Am Oileáin Fháclainne#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oileáin Fháclainne#,
'Fiji' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Fhidsí#,
'generic' => q#Am Fhidsí#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Fhidsí#,
'French_Guiana' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Ghuáin na Fraince#,
'French_Southern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Francach Dheisceart an Domhain agus an Antartaigh#,
'GMT' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Meán-Am Greenwich#,
short => {
'standard' => q#MAG#,
'Galapagos' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin Galápagos#,
'Gambier' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Gambier#,
'Georgia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Seoirsia#,
'generic' => q#Am na Seoirsia#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Seoirsia#,
'Gilbert_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Chireabaití#,
'Greenland_Eastern' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oirthear na Graonlainne#,
'generic' => q#Am Oirthear na Graonlainne#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oirthear na Graonlainne#,
'Greenland_Western' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iarthar na Graonlainne#,
'generic' => q#Am Iarthar na Graonlainne#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iarthar na Graonlainne#,
'Guam' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Ghuam#,
'Gulf' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Murascaille#,
'Guyana' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Guáine#,
'Hawaii_Aleutian' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Haváí-Ailiúit#,
'generic' => q#Am Haváí-Ailiúit#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Haváí-Ailiúit#,
'Hong_Kong' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Hong Cong#,
'generic' => q#Am Hong Cong#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Hong Cong#,
'Hovd' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Hovd#,
'generic' => q#Am Hovd#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Hovd#,
'India' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hIndia#,
'Indian/Antananarivo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Antananairíveo#,
'Indian/Chagos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chagos#,
'Indian/Christmas' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileán na Nollag#,
'Indian/Cocos' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileán Cocos#,
'Indian/Comoro' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileáin Chomóra#,
'Indian/Kerguelen' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kerguelen#,
'Indian/Mahe' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mahe#,
'Indian/Maldives' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileáin Mhaildíve#,
'Indian/Mauritius' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileán Mhuirís#,
'Indian/Mayotte' => {
exemplarCity => q#Mayotte#,
'Indian/Reunion' => {
exemplarCity => q#La Réunion#,
'Indian_Ocean' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am an Aigéin Indiaigh#,
'Indochina' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na hInd-Síne#,
'Indonesia_Central' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Lár na hIndinéise#,
'Indonesia_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oirthear na hIndinéise#,
'Indonesia_Western' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Iarthar na hIndinéise#,
'Iran' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na hIaráine#,
'generic' => q#Am na hIaráine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hIaráine#,
'Irkutsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Irkutsk#,
'generic' => q#Am Irkutsk#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Irkutsk#,
'Israel' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iosrael#,
'generic' => q#Am Iosrael#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iosrael#,
'Japan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Seapáine#,
'generic' => q#Am na Seapáine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Seapáine#,
'Kamchatka' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Phetropavlovsk-Kamchatski#,
'generic' => q#Am Phetropavlovsk-Kamchatski#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Phetropavlovsk-Kamchatski#,
'Kazakhstan_Eastern' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oirthear na Casacstáine#,
'Kazakhstan_Western' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Iarthar na Casacstáine#,
'Korea' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Cóiré#,
'generic' => q#Am na Cóiré#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Cóiré#,
'Kosrae' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Kosrae#,
'Krasnoyarsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Krasnoyarsk#,
'generic' => q#Am Krasnoyarsk#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Krasnoyarsk#,
'Kyrgystan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Cirgeastáine#,
'Lanka' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Shrí Lanca#,
'Line_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin na Líne#,
'Lord_Howe' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Lord Howe#,
'generic' => q#Am Lord Howe#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Lord Howe#,
'Macau' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Mhacao#,
'generic' => q#Am Mhacao#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Mhacao#,
'Macquarie' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileán Mhic Guaire#,
'Magadan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Mhagadan#,
'generic' => q#Am Mhagadan#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Mhagadan#,
'Malaysia' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Malaeisia#,
'Maldives' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin Mhaildíve#,
'Marquesas' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na nOileán Marcasach#,
'Marshall_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin Marshall#,
'Mauritius' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oileán Mhuirís#,
'generic' => q#Am Oileán Mhuirís#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oileán Mhuirís#,
'Mawson' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Mawson#,
'Mexico_Northwest' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iarthuaisceart Mheicsiceo#,
'generic' => q#Am Iarthuaisceart Mheicsiceo#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iarthuaisceart Mheicsiceo#,
'Mexico_Pacific' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Meicsiceach an Aigéin Chiúin#,
'generic' => q#Am Meicsiceach an Aigéin Chiúin#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Meicsiceach an Aigéin Chiúin#,
'Mongolia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Ulánbátar#,
'generic' => q#Am Ulánbátar#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Ulánbátar#,
'Moscow' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Mhoscó#,
'generic' => q#Am Mhoscó#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Mhoscó#,
'Myanmar' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Mhaenmar#,
'Nauru' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Nárú#,
'Nepal' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Neipeal#,
'New_Caledonia' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Nua-Chaladóine#,
'generic' => q#Am na Nua-Chaladóine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Nua-Chaladóine#,
'New_Zealand' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Nua-Shéalainne#,
'generic' => q#Am na Nua-Shéalainne#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Nua-Shéalainne#,
'Newfoundland' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Thalamh an Éisc#,
'generic' => q#Am Thalamh an Éisc#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Thalamh an Éisc#,
'Niue' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Niue#,
'Norfolk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Oileán Norfolk#,
'generic' => q#Am Oileán Norfolk#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Oileán Norfolk#,
'Noronha' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Fernando de Noronha#,
'generic' => q#Am Fernando de Noronha#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Fernando de Noronha#,
'North_Mariana' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na nOileán Máirianach Thuaidh#,
'Novosibirsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Novosibirsk#,
'generic' => q#Am Novosibirsk#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Novosibirsk#,
'Omsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Omsk#,
'generic' => q#Am Omsk#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Omsk#,
'Pacific/Apia' => {
exemplarCity => q#Apia#,
'Pacific/Auckland' => {
exemplarCity => q#Auckland#,
'Pacific/Bougainville' => {
exemplarCity => q#Bougainville#,
'Pacific/Chatham' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chatham#,
'Pacific/Efate' => {
exemplarCity => q#Efate#,
'Pacific/Enderbury' => {
exemplarCity => q#Enderbury#,
'Pacific/Fakaofo' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fakaofo#,
'Pacific/Fiji' => {
exemplarCity => q#Fidsí#,
'Pacific/Funafuti' => {
exemplarCity => q#Funafuti#,
'Pacific/Gambier' => {
exemplarCity => q#Gambier#,
'Pacific/Guadalcanal' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guadalcanal#,
'Pacific/Guam' => {
exemplarCity => q#Guam#,
'Pacific/Honolulu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Honolulu#,
'Pacific/Johnston' => {
exemplarCity => q#Johnston#,
'Pacific/Kiritimati' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kiritimati#,
'Pacific/Kosrae' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kosrae#,
'Pacific/Kwajalein' => {
exemplarCity => q#Kwajalein#,
'Pacific/Majuro' => {
exemplarCity => q#Majuro#,
'Pacific/Marquesas' => {
exemplarCity => q#na hOileáin Mharcasacha#,
'Pacific/Midway' => {
exemplarCity => q#Oileáin Midway#,
'Pacific/Nauru' => {
exemplarCity => q#Nárú#,
'Pacific/Niue' => {
exemplarCity => q#Niue#,
'Pacific/Norfolk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Norfolk#,
'Pacific/Noumea' => {
exemplarCity => q#Noumea#,
'Pacific/Pago_Pago' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pago Pago#,
'Pacific/Palau' => {
exemplarCity => q#Palau#,
'Pacific/Pitcairn' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pitcairn#,
'Pacific/Ponape' => {
exemplarCity => q#Pohnpei#,
'Pacific/Port_Moresby' => {
exemplarCity => q#Port Moresby#,
'Pacific/Rarotonga' => {
exemplarCity => q#Rarotonga#,
'Pacific/Saipan' => {
exemplarCity => q#Saipan#,
'Pacific/Tahiti' => {
exemplarCity => q#Taihítí#,
'Pacific/Tarawa' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tarawa#,
'Pacific/Tongatapu' => {
exemplarCity => q#Tongatapu#,
'Pacific/Truk' => {
exemplarCity => q#Chuuk#,
'Pacific/Wallis' => {
exemplarCity => q#Vailís#,
'Pakistan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Pacastáine#,
'generic' => q#Am na Pacastáine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Pacastáine#,
'Palau' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin Palau#,
'Papua_New_Guinea' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Nua-Ghuine Phapua#,
'Paraguay' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Pharagua#,
'generic' => q#Am Pharagua#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Pharagua#,
'Peru' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Pheiriú#,
'generic' => q#Am Pheiriú#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Pheiriú#,
'Philippines' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na nOileán Filipíneach#,
'generic' => q#Am na nOileán Filipíneach#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na nOileán Filipíneach#,
'Phoenix_Islands' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin an Fhéinics#,
'Pierre_Miquelon' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon#,
'generic' => q#Am Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon#,
'Pitcairn' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Pitcairn#,
'Ponape' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Phohnpei#,
'Pyongyang' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Pyongyang#,
'Qyzylorda' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Qyzylorda#,
'generic' => q#Am Qyzylorda#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Qyzylorda#,
'Reunion' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Réunion#,
'Rothera' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Rothera#,
'Sakhalin' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Shacailín#,
'generic' => q#Am Shacailín#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Shacailín#,
'Samara' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Shamara#,
'generic' => q#Am Shamara#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Shamara#,
'Samoa' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Shamó#,
'generic' => q#Am Shamó#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Shamó#,
'Seychelles' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Séiséal#,
'Singapore' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Shingeapór#,
'Solomon' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin Sholaimh#,
'South_Georgia' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Seoirsia Theas#,
'Suriname' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Shuranam#,
'Syowa' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Syowa#,
'Tahiti' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Thaihítí#,
'Taipei' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Taipei#,
'generic' => q#Am Taipei#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Taipei#,
'Tajikistan' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am na Táidsíceastáine#,
'Tokelau' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileáin Tócalá#,
'Tonga' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Thonga#,
'generic' => q#Am Thonga#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Thonga#,
'Truk' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Chuuk#,
'Turkmenistan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na Tuircméanastáine#,
'generic' => q#Am na Tuircméanastáine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na Tuircméanastáine#,
'Tuvalu' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Thúvalú#,
'Uruguay' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Uragua#,
'generic' => q#Am Uragua#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Uragua#,
'Uzbekistan' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh na hÚisbéiceastáine#,
'generic' => q#Am na hÚisbéiceastáine#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach na hÚisbéiceastáine#,
'Vanuatu' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Vanuatú#,
'generic' => q#Am Vanuatú#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Vanuatú#,
'Venezuela' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Veiniséala#,
'Vladivostok' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Vladivostok#,
'generic' => q#Am Vladivostok#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Vladivostok#,
'Volgograd' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Volgograd#,
'generic' => q#Am Volgograd#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Volgograd#,
'Vostok' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Vostok#,
'Wake' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Oileán Wake#,
'Wallis' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Wallis agus Futuna#,
'Yakutsk' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Iacútsc#,
'generic' => q#Am Iacútsc#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Iacútsc#,
'Yekaterinburg' => {
long => {
'daylight' => q#Am Samhraidh Yekaterinburg#,
'generic' => q#Am Yekaterinburg#,
'standard' => q#Am Caighdeánach Yekaterinburg#,
'Yukon' => {
long => {
'standard' => q#Am Yukon#,
} }
no Moo;
# vim: tabstop=4