# This file auto generated from Data\common\transforms\Latin-NumericPinyin.xml
# on Sat 24 Oct 9:19:24 am GMT
use version;
our $VERSION = version->declare('v0.28.1');
use v5.10.1;
use mro 'c3';
use utf8;
use if $^V ge v5.12.0, feature => 'unicode_strings';
use Moose;
die "Transliteration requires Perl 5.18 or above"
unless $^V ge v5.18.0;
no warnings 'experimental::regex_sets';
has 'transforms' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { [
type => 'transform',
data => [
from => q(Any),
to => q(NFD),
type => 'conversion',
data => [
before => q((?^u:\p{letter})),
after => q(),
replace => q((?^u:([1-5]))),
result => q(&NumericPinyin-Pinyin($1)),
revisit => 0,
before => q(),
after => q(),
replace => q((?^u:([aAeEiIoOuU \{ ü \} \{ Ü \} vV])((?[[a-z A-Z] - ([aAeEiIoOuU \{ ü \} \{ Ü \} vV])])*)([1-5]))),
result => q($1&NumericPinyin-Pinyin($3)$2),
revisit => 0,
before => q(),
after => q(),
replace => q((?^u:([oO])((?[[aAeEiIoOuU \{ ü \} \{ Ü \} vV]-[aeAE]])*(?[[a-z A-Z] - ([aAeEiIoOuU \{ ü \} \{ Ü \} vV])])*)([1-5]))),
result => q($1&NumericPinyin-Pinyin($3)$2),
revisit => 0,
before => q(),
after => q(),
replace => q((?^u:([aAeE])([aAeEiIoOuU \{ ü \} \{ Ü \} vV]*(?[[a-z A-Z] - ([aAeEiIoOuU \{ ü \} \{ Ü \} vV])])*)([1-5]))),
result => q($1&NumericPinyin-Pinyin($3)$2),
revisit => 0,
type => 'transform',
data => [
from => q(Any),
to => q(NFC),
] },
no Moose;
# vim: tabstop=4