extends ( 'Locale::CLDR::Root' );
has 'display_name_language' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'CodeRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub {
sub {
my %languages = (
'ak' => 'isi-Akhani' ,
'am' => 'isi-Amaharikhi' ,
'ar' => 'isi-Alabhu' ,
'be' => 'isi-Bhelarashiyani' ,
'bg' => 'isi-Bulgaria' ,
'bn' => 'isi-Bhengali' ,
'cs' => 'isi-Czech' ,
'de' => 'isi-Jalimani' ,
'el' => 'isi-Giliki' ,
'en' => 'isi-Ngisi' ,
'es' => 'isi-Sipeyini' ,
'fa' => 'isi-Pheshiyani' ,
'fr' => 'isi-Fulentshi' ,
'ha' => 'isi-Hausa' ,
'hi' => 'isi-Hindi' ,
'hu' => 'isi-Hangari' ,
'id' => 'isi-Indonesia' ,
'ig' => 'isi-Igbo' ,
'it' => 'isi-Italiano' ,
'ja' => 'isi-Japhani' ,
'jv' => 'isi-Java' ,
'km' => 'isi-Khambodiya' ,
'ko' => 'isi-Koriya' ,
'ms' => 'isi-Malayi' ,
'my' => 'isi-Burma' ,
'nd' => 'isiNdebele' ,
'ne' => 'isi-Nepali' ,
'nl' => 'isi-Dutch' ,
'pa' => 'isi-Phunjabi' ,
'pl' => 'isi-Pholoshi' ,
'pt' => 'isi-Potukezi' ,
'ro' => 'isi-Romani' ,
'ru' => 'isi-Rashiya' ,
'rw' => 'isi-Ruwanda' ,
'so' => 'isi-Somali' ,
'sv' => 'isi-Swidishi' ,
'ta' => 'isi-Thamil' ,
'th' => 'isi-Thayi' ,
'tr' => 'isi-Thekishi' ,
'uk' => 'isi-Ukrain' ,
'ur' => 'isi-Udu' ,
'vi' => 'isi-Vietnamese' ,
'yo' => 'isi-Yorubha' ,
'zh' => 'isi-China' ,
'zu' => 'isi-Zulu' ,
if ( @_ ) {
return $languages { $_ [0]};
return \ %languages ;
has 'display_name_territory' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef[Str]' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub {
'AD' => 'Andora' ,
'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates' ,
'AF' => 'Afghanistan' ,
'AG' => 'Antigua le Barbuda' ,
'AI' => 'Anguilla' ,
'AL' => 'Albania' ,
'AM' => 'Armenia' ,
'AN' => 'Netherlands Antilles' ,
'AO' => 'Angola' ,
'AR' => 'Ajentina' ,
'AS' => 'Samoa ye Amelika' ,
'AT' => 'Austria' ,
'AU' => 'Australia' ,
'AW' => 'Arubha' ,
'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan' ,
'BA' => 'Bhosnia le Herzegovina' ,
'BB' => 'Bhabhadosi' ,
'BD' => 'Bhangiladeshi' ,
'BE' => 'Bhelgium' ,
'BF' => 'Bhukina Faso' ,
'BG' => 'Bhulgariya' ,
'BH' => 'Bhahareni' ,
'BI' => 'Bhurundi' ,
'BJ' => 'Bhenini' ,
'BM' => 'Bhemuda' ,
'BN' => 'Brunei' ,
'BO' => 'Bholiviya' ,
'BR' => 'Brazili' ,
'BS' => 'Bhahamas' ,
'BT' => 'Bhutani' ,
'BW' => 'Botswana' ,
'BY' => 'Bhelarusi' ,
'BZ' => 'Bhelize' ,
'CA' => 'Khanada' ,
'CD' => 'Democratic Republic of the Congo' ,
'CF' => 'Central African Republic' ,
'CG' => 'Khongo' ,
'CH' => 'Switzerland' ,
'CI' => 'Ivory Coast' ,
'CK' => 'Cook Islands' ,
'CL' => 'Chile' ,
'CM' => 'Khameruni' ,
'CN' => 'China' ,
'CO' => 'Kholombiya' ,
'CR' => 'Khosta Rikha' ,
'CU' => 'Cuba' ,
'CV' => 'Cape Verde Islands' ,
'CY' => 'Cyprus' ,
'CZ' => 'Czech Republic' ,
'DE' => 'Germany' ,
'DJ' => 'Djibouti' ,
'DK' => 'Denmakhi' ,
'DM' => 'Dominikha' ,
'DO' => 'Dominican Republic' ,
'DZ' => 'Aljeriya' ,
'EC' => 'Ecuador' ,
'EE' => 'Estonia' ,
'EG' => 'Egypt' ,
'ER' => 'Eritrea' ,
'ES' => 'Spain' ,
'ET' => 'Ethiopia' ,
'FI' => 'Finland' ,
'FJ' => 'Fiji' ,
'FK' => 'Falkland Islands' ,
'FM' => 'Micronesia' ,
'FR' => 'Furansi' ,
'GA' => 'Gabhoni' ,
'GB' => 'United Kingdom' ,
'GD' => 'Grenada' ,
'GE' => 'Georgia' ,
'GF' => 'Gwiyana ye Furansi' ,
'GH' => 'Ghana' ,
'GI' => 'Gibraltar' ,
'GL' => 'Greenland' ,
'GM' => 'Gambiya' ,
'GN' => 'Guinea' ,
'GP' => 'Guadeloupe' ,
'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea' ,
'GR' => 'Greece' ,
'GT' => 'Guatemala' ,
'GU' => 'Guam' ,
'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau' ,
'GY' => 'Guyana' ,
'HN' => 'Honduras' ,
'HR' => 'Croatia' ,
'HT' => 'Hayiti' ,
'HU' => 'Hungary' ,
'ID' => 'Indonesiya' ,
'IE' => 'Ireland' ,
'IL' => 'Isuraeli' ,
'IN' => 'Indiya' ,
'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory' ,
'IQ' => 'Iraki' ,
'IR' => 'Iran' ,
'IS' => 'Iceland' ,
'IT' => 'Itali' ,
'JM' => 'Jamaica' ,
'JO' => 'Jodani' ,
'JP' => 'Japan' ,
'KE' => 'Khenya' ,
'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan' ,
'KH' => 'Cambodia' ,
'KI' => 'Khiribati' ,
'KM' => 'Khomoro' ,
'KN' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' ,
'KP' => 'North Korea' ,
'KR' => 'South Korea' ,
'KW' => 'Khuweiti' ,
'KY' => 'Cayman Islands' ,
'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan' ,
'LA' => 'Laos' ,
'LB' => 'Lebhanoni' ,
'LC' => 'Saint Lucia' ,
'LI' => 'Liechtenstein' ,
'LK' => 'Sri Lanka' ,
'LR' => 'Libheriya' ,
'LS' => 'Lesotho' ,
'LT' => 'Lithuania' ,
'LU' => 'Luxembourg' ,
'LV' => 'Latvia' ,
'LY' => 'Libhiya' ,
'MA' => 'Morokho' ,
'MC' => 'Monakho' ,
'MD' => 'Moldova' ,
'MG' => 'Madagaska' ,
'MH' => 'Marshall Islands' ,
'MK' => 'Macedonia' ,
'ML' => 'Mali' ,
'MM' => 'Myanmar' ,
'MN' => 'Mongolia' ,
'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands' ,
'MQ' => 'Martinique' ,
'MR' => 'Mauritania' ,
'MS' => 'Montserrat' ,
'MT' => 'Malta' ,
'MU' => 'Mauritius' ,
'MV' => 'Maldives' ,
'MW' => 'Malawi' ,
'MX' => 'Meksikho' ,
'MY' => 'Malezhiya' ,
'MZ' => 'Mozambique' ,
'NA' => 'Namibhiya' ,
'NC' => 'New Caledonia' ,
'NE' => 'Niger' ,
'NF' => 'Norfolk Island' ,
'NG' => 'Nigeriya' ,
'NI' => 'Nicaragua' ,
'NL' => 'Netherlands' ,
'NO' => 'Noweyi' ,
'NP' => 'Nephali' ,
'NR' => 'Nauru' ,
'NU' => 'Niue' ,
'NZ' => 'New Zealand' ,
'OM' => 'Omani' ,
'PA' => 'Panama' ,
'PE' => 'Pheru' ,
'PF' => 'Pholinesiya ye Fulansi' ,
'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea' ,
'PH' => 'Philippines' ,
'PK' => 'Phakistani' ,
'PL' => 'Pholandi' ,
'PM' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon' ,
'PN' => 'Pitcairn' ,
'PR' => 'Puerto Rico' ,
'PS' => 'Palestinian West Bank and Gaza' ,
'PT' => 'Portugal' ,
'PW' => 'Palau' ,
'PY' => 'Paraguay' ,
'QA' => 'Kathari' ,
'RE' => 'Réunion' ,
'RO' => 'Romania' ,
'RU' => 'Rashiya' ,
'RW' => 'Ruwanda' ,
'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia' ,
'SB' => 'Solomon Islands' ,
'SC' => 'Seychelles' ,
'SD' => 'Sudani' ,
'SE' => 'Sweden' ,
'SG' => 'Singapore' ,
'SH' => 'Saint Helena' ,
'SI' => 'Slovenia' ,
'SK' => 'Slovakia' ,
'SL' => 'Sierra Leone' ,
'SM' => 'San Marino' ,
'SN' => 'Senegali' ,
'SO' => 'Somaliya' ,
'SR' => 'Suriname' ,
'ST' => 'São Tomé and Príncipe' ,
'SV' => 'El Salvador' ,
'SY' => 'Syria' ,
'SZ' => 'Swaziland' ,
'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands' ,
'TD' => 'Chadi' ,
'TG' => 'Thogo' ,
'TH' => 'Thayilandi' ,
'TJ' => 'Tajikistan' ,
'TK' => 'Thokelawu' ,
'TL' => 'East Timor' ,
'TM' => 'Turkmenistan' ,
'TN' => 'Tunisiya' ,
'TO' => 'Thonga' ,
'TR' => 'Thekhi' ,
'TT' => 'Trinidad le Tobago' ,
'TV' => 'Thuvalu' ,
'TW' => 'Thayiwani' ,
'TZ' => 'Tanzaniya' ,
'UA' => 'Yukreini' ,
'UG' => 'Uganda' ,
'US' => 'Amelika' ,
'UY' => 'Yurugwai' ,
'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan' ,
'VA' => 'Vatican State' ,
'VC' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' ,
'VE' => 'Venezuela' ,
'VG' => 'British Virgin Islands' ,
'VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands' ,
'VN' => 'Vietnam' ,
'VU' => 'Vhanuatu' ,
'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna' ,
'WS' => 'Samowa' ,
'YE' => 'Yemeni' ,
'YT' => 'Mayotte' ,
'ZA' => 'Mzansi ye Afrika' ,
'ZM' => 'Zambiya' ,
'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe' ,
has 'characters' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub {
no warnings 'experimental::regex_sets' ;
return {
auxiliary => qr{(?^u:[r])} ,
index => [ 'A' , 'B' , 'C' , 'D' , 'E' , 'F' , 'G' , 'H' , 'I' , 'J' , 'K' , 'L' , 'M' , 'N' , 'O' , 'P' , 'Q' , 'S' , 'T' , 'U' , 'V' , 'W' , 'X' , 'Y' , 'Z' ],
main => qr{(?^u:[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q s t u v w x y z])} ,
has 'quote_start' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'Str' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => qq{“} ,
has 'quote_end' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'Str' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => qq{”} ,
has 'alternate_quote_start' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'Str' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => qq{‘} ,
has 'alternate_quote_end' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'Str' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => qq{’} ,
has 'yesstr' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'RegexpRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { qr'^(?i:Yebo|Y)$' }
has 'nostr' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'RegexpRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { qr'^(?i:Hatshi|H|no|n)$' }
has 'number_currency_formats' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'latn' => {
'pattern' => {
'default' => {
'accounting' => {
'negative' => '(¤#,##0.00)' ,
'positive' => '¤#,##0.00' ,
'standard' => {
'negative' => '¤#,##0.00' ,
'positive' => '¤#,##0.00' ,
} },
has 'curriencies' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'AED' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola laseArab) ,
'AOA' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwanza yase Angola) ,
'AUD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola yase Australia) ,
'BHD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinari yase Bhahareni) ,
'BIF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Bhurundi) ,
'BWP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Phula yase Botswana) ,
'CAD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola yase Khanada) ,
'CDF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Khongo) ,
'CHF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Swisi) ,
'CNY' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Yuan Renminbi yase China) ,
'CVE' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Escudo Caboverdiano) ,
'DJF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Jibhuthi) ,
'DZD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinali yase Aljeriya) ,
'EGP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Phawundi laseGibhide) ,
'ERN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Nakfa yase Eritrea) ,
'ETB' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola laseEthiopia) ,
'EUR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Yuro) ,
'GBP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Phawundi yase Ngilandi) ,
'GHC' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Sedi yase Ghana) ,
'GMD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dalasi yase Gambia) ,
'GNS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Gine) ,
'INR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rupi yase Indiya) ,
'JPY' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Yeni yase Japhani) ,
'KES' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Shilingi yase Kenya) ,
'KMF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Khomoro) ,
'LRD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola yase Libheriya) ,
'LSL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lothi yase Lesotho) ,
'LYD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinari yase Libya) ,
'MAD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dirham yase Morokho) ,
'MGA' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Malagasi) ,
'MRO' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Ugwiya yase Moritaniya) ,
'MUR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rupi yase Morishasi) ,
'MWK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwacha yase Malawi) ,
'MZM' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Metikali yase Mozambiki) ,
'NAD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola yase Namibiya) ,
'NGN' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Nayira yase Nijeriya) ,
'RWF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki yase Ruwanda) ,
'SAR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Riyal yase Saudi) ,
'SCR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Rupi yase Seyisheli) ,
'SDG' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinari yase Sudani) ,
'SDP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Phawundi yase Sudani) ,
'SHP' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Phawundindi laseSt Helena) ,
'SLL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Leyoni) ,
'SOS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Shilingi yase Somaliya) ,
'STD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dobra yase Sao Tome lo Principe) ,
'SZL' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Lilangeni) ,
'TND' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dinari yase Tunisiya) ,
'TZS' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Shilingi yase Tanzaniya) ,
'UGX' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Shilingi yase Uganda) ,
'USD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola yase Amelika) ,
'XAF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki CFA BEAC) ,
'XOF' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Fulenki CFA BCEAO) ,
'ZAR' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Randi yase Afrika ye Zanzi) ,
'ZMK' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwacha yase Zambiya \(1968–2012\) ),
'ZMW' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Kwacha yase Zambiya) ,
'ZWD' => {
display_name => {
'currency' => q(Dola yase Zimbabwe) ,
} },
has 'calendar_months' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {
nonleap => [
'Zib' ,
'Nhlo' ,
'Mbi' ,
'Mab' ,
'Nkw' ,
'Nhla' ,
'Ntu' ,
'Ncw' ,
'Mpan' ,
'Mfu' ,
'Lwe' ,
leap => [
wide => {
nonleap => [
'Zibandlela' ,
'Nhlolanja' ,
'Mbimbitho' ,
'Mabasa' ,
'Nkwenkwezi' ,
'Nhlangula' ,
'Ntulikazi' ,
'Ncwabakazi' ,
'Mpandula' ,
'Mfumfu' ,
'Lwezi' ,
leap => [
'stand-alone' => {
narrow => {
nonleap => [
'Z' ,
'N' ,
'M' ,
'M' ,
'N' ,
'N' ,
'N' ,
'N' ,
'M' ,
'M' ,
'L' ,
leap => [
} },
has 'calendar_days' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => {
mon => 'Mvu' ,
tue => 'Sib' ,
wed => 'Sit' ,
thu => 'Sin' ,
fri => 'Sih' ,
sat => 'Mgq' ,
sun => 'Son'
wide => {
mon => 'Mvulo' ,
tue => 'Sibili' ,
wed => 'Sithathu' ,
thu => 'Sine' ,
fri => 'Sihlanu' ,
sat => 'Mgqibelo' ,
sun => 'Sonto'
'stand-alone' => {
narrow => {
mon => 'M' ,
tue => 'S' ,
wed => 'S' ,
thu => 'S' ,
fri => 'S' ,
sat => 'M' ,
sun => 'S'
} },
has 'calendar_quarters' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'gregorian' => {
'format' => {
abbreviated => { 0 => 'K1' ,
1 => 'K2' ,
2 => 'K3' ,
3 => 'K4'
wide => { 0 => 'Kota 1' ,
1 => 'Kota 2' ,
2 => 'Kota 3' ,
3 => 'Kota 4'
} },
has 'eras' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'generic' => {
'gregorian' => {
abbreviated => {
'0' => 'BC' ,
'1' => 'AD'
wide => {
'0' => 'UKristo angakabuyi' ,
'1' => 'Ukristo ebuyile'
} },
has 'date_formats' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'generic' => {
'full' => q{EEEE, d MMMM y G} ,
'long' => q{d MMMM y G} ,
'medium' => q{d MMM y G} ,
'short' => q{dd/MM/y GGGGG} ,
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{EEEE, d MMMM y} ,
'long' => q{d MMMM y} ,
'medium' => q{d MMM y} ,
'short' => q{dd/MM/y} ,
} },
has 'time_formats' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'generic' => {
'gregorian' => {
'full' => q{h:mm:ss a zzzz} ,
'long' => q{h:mm:ss a z} ,
'medium' => q{h:mm:ss a} ,
'short' => q{h:mm a} ,
} },
has 'datetime_formats' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'generic' => {
'gregorian' => {
} },
has 'datetime_formats_available_formats' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
'generic' => {
Hm => q{HH:mm} ,
Hms => q{HH:mm:ss} ,
M => q{L} ,
MEd => q{E, M/d} ,
MMM => q{LLL} ,
MMMEd => q{E, MMM d} ,
MMMMEd => q{E, MMMM d} ,
MMMMd => q{MMMM d} ,
MMMd => q{MMM d} ,
Md => q{M/d} ,
d => q{d} ,
hm => q{h:mm a} ,
ms => q{mm:ss} ,
y => q{y} ,
yM => q{M/y} ,
yMEd => q{E, M/d/y} ,
yMMM => q{MMM y} ,
yMMMEd => q{E, MMM d, y} ,
yMMMM => q{MMMM y} ,
yQQQ => q{QQQ y} ,
yQQQQ => q{QQQQ y} ,
'gregorian' => {
Hm => q{HH:mm} ,
Hms => q{HH:mm:ss} ,
M => q{L} ,
MEd => q{E, M/d} ,
MMM => q{LLL} ,
MMMEd => q{E, MMM d} ,
MMMMEd => q{E, MMMM d} ,
MMMMd => q{MMMM d} ,
MMMd => q{MMM d} ,
Md => q{M/d} ,
d => q{d} ,
hm => q{h:mm a} ,
ms => q{mm:ss} ,
y => q{y} ,
yM => q{M/y} ,
yMEd => q{E, M/d/y} ,
yMMM => q{MMM y} ,
yMMMEd => q{E, MMM d, y} ,
yMMMM => q{MMMM y} ,
yQQQ => q{QQQ y} ,
yQQQQ => q{QQQQ y} ,
} },
has 'datetime_formats_append_item' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
} },
has 'datetime_formats_interval' => (
is => 'ro' ,
isa => 'HashRef' ,
init_arg => undef ,
default => sub { {
} },
no Moose;