use Moose;
has 'accessor' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'CodeRef|Undef',
default => undef,
has 'reader_prefix' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str|Undef',
default => undef,
has 'writer_prefix' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str|Undef',
default => undef,
has 'nodes' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
traits => [qw( Hash )],
default => sub { { } },
handles => {
get_node => 'get',
set_node => 'set',
# returns a list of default values to use when creating a new node
sub _defaults {
my $self = shift;
my @defaults;
push @defaults, reader_prefix => $self->reader_prefix, if defined $self->reader_prefix;
push @defaults, writer_prefix => $self->writer_prefix, if defined $self->writer_prefix;
push @defaults, accessor => $self->accessor, if defined $self->accessor;
return @defaults;
# create a new node
sub add {
my ( $self, $name, $content, @args ) = @_;
my $node = Gapp::Form::Context::Node->new( content => $content, $self->_defaults, @args );
$self->set_node( $name, $node );
return $node;
# create a new node
sub add_node {
my ( $self, $name, $content, @args ) = @_;
use Carp qw(carp);
carp 'add_node deprecrated. Use add instead.';
$self->add( $name, $content, @args );
# used to lookup the value of an attribute
sub lookup {
my ( $self, $path ) = @_;
$self->meta->throw_error( 'you must supply a path' ) if ! $path;
my ( $name, $attr ) = split /\./, $path;
my $node = $self->get_node( $name );
$self->meta->throw_error( qq[could not find node "$name" in context] ) if ! $node;
$node->lookup( $attr );
# used to set the value of an attribute
sub modify {
my ( $self, $path, $value ) = @_;
$self->meta->throw_error( 'you must supply a path' ) if ! $path;
$self->meta->throw_error( 'you must supply a value' ) if @_ <= 2;
my ( $name, $attr ) = split /\./, $path;
my $node = $self->get_node( $name );
return if ! $node;
$node->modify( $attr, $value );
# $self->_value_changed( $path, $value ) if ! $self->in_update( $path );
sub update {
my ( $self, $stash ) = @_;
for my $path ( $stash->elements ) {
next if $path eq '';
my $value = $stash->fetch( $path );
# $self->set_in_update( $path, 1 );
$self->modify( $path, $value );
# $self->set_in_update( $path, 0 );
sub update_from_stash {
my $self = shift;
warn '$cx->update_from_stash( $stash ) deprecated, use $cx->update( $stash )';
$self->update( @_ );
=head1 NAME
Gapp::Form::Context - Form context object
# use an object
$o = Foo::Character->new( fname => 'Mickey', lname => 'Mouse' );
$cx = Gapp::Form::Context->new(
reader_prefix => 'get_',
writer_prefix => 'set_'
$cx->add( 'character', $o );
$cx->lookup( 'character.fname' ); # returns 'Mickey'
# use a hash-ref
$data = { foo => 'bar' };
$cx->add( data => $data,
accessor => sub {
my ( $data, $attr, $value ) = @_;
@_ == 2 ? $data{$attr} : $data{$attr} = $value;
$cx->lookup( '' ); # returns 'Bar'
The context is used to sync data between objects/data structures and forms.
=over 4
=item L<Gapp::Form::Context>
=over 4
=item B<accessor>
=over 4
=item is rw
=item isa CodeRef|Undef
=item default Undef
If C<accessor> is defined, it will be used as the default accessor for nodes in the context.
The accessor is used to update and retrieve data from the data sctructure. If no accessor is
set, reader and writer methods will be used.
=item B<reader_prefix>
=over 4
=item is rw
=item isa Str|Undef
=item default Undef
If C<reader_prefix> is defined, it will be used as the default C<reader_prefix> for nodes in
the context. When doing a C<lookup>, the C<reader_prefix> is appended to beginning of the
attribute name to form the reader method. This method will then be called on the data structure
to retrieve the value. If an C<accessor> has been defined, that will be used instead.
=item B<writer_prefix>
=over 4
=item is rw
=item isa Str|Undef
=item default Undef
If C<writer_prefix> is defined, it will be used as the default C<writer_prefix> for nodes in
the context. When doing a C<modify>, the C<writer_prefix> is appended to beginning of the
attribute name to form the writer method. This method will then be called on the data structure
to store the value. If an C<accessor> has been defined, that will be used instead.
=over 4
=item B<add $node_name, $data_structure|CodeRef, @opts>
Add a node to the context. All nodes must have name. The C<$data_structure> is the
C<Object> or other data to work on. If any options are specified, they will over-ride
those set by the context. The avaialble options are C<accessor>, C<reader_prefix>,
=item B<lookup $path>
Retrieves a value from the context. C<$path> is a string in the format of "node_name.attribute".
=item B<get_node $node_name>
Retrieves a L<Gapp::Form::Context::Node> from the context with the given C<$node_name>.
=item B<modify $path, $new_value>
Sets a value in the context. C<$path> is a string in the format of "nodename.attribute".
=item B<set_node $node_name, $node>
Add L<Gapp::Form::Context::Node> to the context with the given C<$name>.
=item B<update $stash>
Updates the values in the context based on values in the C<$stash>. C<$stash> is a
L<Gapp::Form::Stash> object.
=head1 AUTHORS
Jeffrey Ray Hallock E<lt>jeffrey.hallock at gmail dot comE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Jeffrey Ray Hallock.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.