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MKDoc::XML::Stripper - Remove unwanted XML / XHTML tags and attributes


  use MKDoc::XML::Stripper;

  my $stripper = new MKDoc::XML::Stripper;
  $stripper->allow (qw /p class div/);

  my $ugly = '<p class="para" style="color:red">Hello, <strong>World</strong>!</p>';
  my $neat = $stripper->process_data ($ugly);
  print $neat;

Should print:

  <p class="para">Hello, World!</p>


MKDoc::XML::Stripper is a class which lets you specify a set of tag and attributes which you want to allow, and then cheekily strip any XML you send out of those unwanted tags.

In MKDoc, this is used so that editors use structural rather than presentational tags, i.e. strip anything which looks like a <font> tag, a 'style' attribute or other tags which would break separation of structure from content.


my $stripper = MKDoc::XML::Stripper->new()

Instantiates a new MKDoc::XML::Stripper object.

$stripper->allow ($tag, @attributes)

Allows "<$tag>" to appear in the stripped XML. Additionally, allows @attributes to appear as attributes of <$tag>, so for instance:

  $stripper->allow ('p', 'class', 'id');

Will allow the following:

  <p class="foo">
  <p id="bar">
  <p class="foo" id="bar">

However any extra attributes will be stripped, i.e.

  <p class="foo" id="bar" style="font-color: red">

Will be rewritten as

  <p class="foo" id="bar">

$stripper->disallow ($tag)

Explicitly disallows a tag and all its associated attributes. By default everything is disallowed.

$stripper->process_data ($some_xml);

Strips $some_xml according to the rules that were given with the allow() and disallow() methods and returns the result. Does not modify $some_xml in place.

$stripper->process_file ('/an/xml/file.xml');

Strips '/an/xml/file.xml' according to the rules that were given with the allow() and disallow() methods and returns the result. Does not modify '/an/xml/file.xml' in place.


MKDoc::XML::Stripper does not really parse the XML file you're giving to it nor does it care if the XML is well-formed or not. It uses MKDoc::XML::Tokenizer to turn the XML / XHTML file into a series of MKDoc::XML::Token objects and strictly operates on a list of tokens.

For this same reason MKDoc::XML::Stripper does not support namespaces.


Copyright 2003 - MKDoc Holdings Ltd.

Author: Jean-Michel Hiver <>

This module is free software and is distributed under the same license as Perl itself. Use it at your own risk.


MKDoc::XML::Tokenizer MKDoc::XML::Token