App::sibs - Simple incremental backup system




sibs create backup from your computer to a destination server, using rsync.

  • Setup

    First you need to setup sibs. The setup process will create a SSH key which is uploaded to the destination server. The key is created using ssh-keygen and uploaded using ssh and perl.

    In addition, this step will create or update a config file. The default config file is ".sibs.conf" in $HOME, but you can also specify your own path.

  • Backup

    The second step will create the actual backup. This step can be automated in a cronjob, because the key created in the first step will not require any password to log into the remote backup server. Example crontab:

    0 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/sibs backup 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null

    This will create a backup every four hours. The backup will be "full" each time and kept for a month. Even so, it probably won't take up too much space, since all the files are hard linked, meaning an unchanged file will take up the same disk space for each backup.


$ sibs <action> <options> <config file>
$ sibs setup
$ sibs backup
  • action: setup

    Used to set up the inital config file.

  • action: backup

    Used to take backup.

  • action: man

    Used to see this help text.

  • options: --verbose, --silent

    Adjust log level.

  • config file: Path to "CONFIG FILE".


The config file is in perl format, and read by perl. This means that any perl code that exists in the file will be evaluated by perl. The return value need to be a hash with the config. Example:

  format => '%d-%H', # default
  exclude => [qw( .cache .gvfs Downloads Dropbox Trash )],
  source => [qw( /home/username )],
  destination => "rsync://",


  • format: %d-%H

    The "format" will name the destination folder. See "FORMAT" in POSIX::strftime::GNU for details.

  • exclude: .cache, .gvfs, Downloads, Dropbox, Trash

    Which files/directories to exclude.

  • source: $HOME

    Which directory to backup.

Default exclude may change in future release.


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


Jan Henning Thorsen -