=head1 NAME
Convos::Control::Frontend - Extends Daemon::Control to control Convos frontend
L<Convos::Control::Frontend> is a sub class of L<Daemon::Control> used to
control L<hypnotoad|Mojo:Server::Hypnotoad>.
use Convos::Control::Frontend;
exit Convos::Control::Frontend->new->run;
=head2 directory
Defaults to L<Convos home|Mojo::Home>.
=head2 init_code
Code to be injected into the init script.
=head2 init_config
File to source environment variables for init script. Default to
=head2 lsb_desc
"Start Convos frontend with hypnotoad".
=head2 lsb_sdesc
"Convos frontend".
=head2 name
"Convos frontend".
=head2 pid_file
Default to C<CONVOS_FRONTEND_PID_FILE> environment variable.
=head2 program_args
Array ref with one argument: The full path to C<convos> executable.
=head2 program
=head2 reload_signal
has directory => sub {
local $ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} = 'warn';
require Convos;
return Convos->home;
has init_code => sub {"export MOJO_MODE='$ENV{MOJO_MODE}';"};
has init_config => sub { $ENV{CONVOS_INIT_CONFIG_FILE} || '/etc/default/convos' };
has lsb_desc => 'Start Convos frontend with hypnotoad';
has lsb_sdesc => 'Convos frontend';
has name => 'Convos frontend';
has pid_file => sub { $ENV{CONVOS_FRONTEND_PID_FILE} };
has program_args => sub { [File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin, 'convos')] };
has program => 'hypnotoad';
has reload_signal => sub {'Required in constructor'};
=head1 METHODS
=head2 do_help
Will print help to screen.
sub do_help {
print "Usage: convos frontend {start|stop|reload|restart|foreground|status|get_init_file}\n";
return 0;
=head2 do_start
Will start hypnotoad in background or foreground mode.
sub do_start {
my $self = shift;
# already running
if ($self->read_pid and $self->pid and $self->pid_running) {
$self->pretty_print('Already running', 'red');
return 1;
# foreground
if (!$self->fork) {
system $self->program, -f => @{$self->program_args};
return $?;
# background
$ENV{CONVOS_FRONTEND_LOGFILE} ||= File::Spec->devnull;
system $self->program, @{$self->program_args};
$self->pretty_print($? ? ('Failed to start', 'red') : 'Started');
return $?;
=head2 new
Object constructor.
# This is required, since Daemon::Control::new() sets the defaults
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->fork(2) unless defined $self->fork;
Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jan Henning Thorsen - C<jhthorsen@cpan.org>