Devel::MojoProf - Profile blocking, non-blocking a promise based Mojolicious APIs


$ perl -d:MojoProf
$ perl -d:MojoProf -e'Mojo::UserAgent->new->get("")'


Devel::MojoProf can add profiling output for blocking, non-blocking and promise based methods. It can be customized to log however you want, but the default is to print a line like the one below to STDERR:

0.00038ms [Mojo::Pg::Database::query_p] SELECT 1 as whatever at path/to/ line 23



my $cb   = $prof->reporter;
my $prof = $prof->reporter(sub { my ($prof, $report) = @_; ... });

A callback used to generate a log message for a profiled method. See the description for the default output. The $report variable is a hash-ref with the following example information:

  file    => "path/to/",
  line    => 23,
  class   => "Mojo::Pg::Database",
  method  => "query_p",
  t0      => [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday],
  elapsed => Time::HiRes::tv_interval($report->{t0}),
  message => "SELECT 1 as whatever",

The $report above will result in the following output, using the default "reporter":

0.00038ms [Mojo::Pg::Database::query_p] SELECT 1 as whatever at path/to/ line 23

The log format is currently EXPERIMENTAL and could be changed.

Note that the file and line keys can be disabled by setting the DEVEL_MOJOPROF_CALLER environment variable to "0". This can be useful to speed up the run of the program.



my $prof = $prof->add_profiling_for($moniker);
my $prof = $prof->add_profiling_for($class => $method1, $method2, ...);
my $prof = $prof->add_profiling_for($class => $method1 => $make_message, ...);
my $prof = $prof->add_profiling_for($class => $method1 => $make_message, ..., \%params);
my $prof = $prof->add_profiling_for($class => $method1 => $make_message, ..., \%params);
my $prof = Devel::MojoProf->add_profiling_for(...);

Used to add profiling for either a $moniker (short module identifier) or a class and method. This method can also be called as a class method.

The supported $moniker are for now "mysql", "pg", "redis", "sqlite" and "ua". See "import" for more details.

It is also possible to manually add support for other custom modules. Here is an example:

$prof->add_profiling_for("My::Cool::Class", "get_stuff" => sub {
  my ($my_cool_obj, @args) = @_;
  return "This will be the 'message' part in the report";

The CODE ref passed in will get all the arguments that the get_suff() method gets, and the return value should be a string that becomes the message part in the $report hash-ref passed to the "reporter".

%params is optional and can have the following keys:

  • ignore_caller

    Defaults to a regex holding the $class, but can set to any class that you want to skip to generate the class key for the "reporter" method.


use Devel::MojoProf (); # disable auto-detect
use Devel::MojoProf;    # All of the modules from the list below
use Devel::MojoProf -mysql;
use Devel::MojoProf -pg;
use Devel::MojoProf -redis;
use Devel::MojoProf -sqlite;
use Devel::MojoProf -ua;
use Devel::MojoProf -pg, -redis, -ua; # Load multiple

Used to automatically "add_profiling_for" know modules. Currently supported modules are Mojo::mysql, Mojo::Pg, Mojo::Redis, Mojo::SQLite and Mojo::UserAgent.

Please submit a PR or create an issue if you think more modules should be supported at


my $prof = Devel::MojoProf->singleton;

Used to retrive the singleton object that is used by "add_profiling_for" when called as a class method.


Jan Henning Thorsen


Copyright (C) 2018, Jan Henning Thorsen.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


This module is inspired by Devel::KYTProf.