use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Tie::Hash ();
sub fqn { $_[0][2] }
sub ref { $_[0][0]{'$ref'} }
sub schema {
my $self = shift;
my @keys = grep { $_ ne '$ref' } keys %{$self->[0]};
return $self->[1] if !@keys or CORE::ref($self->[1]) ne 'HASH';
# Return merged schema
my $schema = $self->[1];
while (my $tied = tied %$schema) { $schema = $tied->schema }
my %schema = %$schema;
$schema{$_} = $self->[0]{$_} for @keys;
return \%schema;
sub EXISTS {
my ($self, $k) = @_;
return exists $self->[0]{$k} || (CORE::ref($self->[1]) eq 'HASH' && exists $self->[1]{$k});
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $k) = @_;
return $self->[0]{$k} if exists $self->[0]{$k};
return $self->[1]{$k} if CORE::ref($self->[1]) eq 'HASH';
return undef;
# Make it look like there is only one key in the hash
sub FIRSTKEY { scalar keys %{$_[0][0]}; each %{$_[0][0]} }
sub NEXTKEY { each %{$_[0][0]} }
sub SCALAR { scalar %{$_[0][0]} }
sub STORE { $_[0][0]{$_[1]} = $_[2] }
my ($class, $schema, $ref, $fqn) = @_;
$ref = CORE::ref($ref) eq 'HASH' ? {%$ref} : {'$ref' => $ref};
return bless [$ref, $schema, $fqn // $ref->{'$ref'}], $class;
# This cannot return schema() since it might cause circular references
sub TO_JSON { $_[0][0] }
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
JSON::Validator::Ref - JSON::Validator $ref representation
use JSON::Validator::Ref;
my $ref = JSON::Validator::Ref->new({ref => "...", schema => {...});
tie my %ref, 'JSON::Validator::Ref', $schema, $path;
L<JSON::Validator::Ref> is a class representing a C<$ref> inside a JSON Schema.
This module SHOULD be considered internal to the L<JSON::Validator> project and
the API is subject to change.
=head2 fqn
$str = $ref->fqn;
The fully qualified version of L</ref>.
=head2 ref
$str = $ref->ref;
The original C<$ref> from the document.
=head2 schema
$hash_ref = $ref->schema;
A reference to the schema that the C</fqn> points to.
=head1 SEE ALSO