Mad::Mapper::Guides::HasMany - "Has many" relationship


This guide will show how to define and use a "has many" relationship.


Define a relationship

package MyApp::Model::User;
use Mad::Mapper -base;

# define a primary key
pk id => undef;

# define a relationship
has_many groups => "MyApp::Model::Group", "id_user";

The code above describes that the "id_user" column in the "groups" table should reference back to the "id" (primary key) column in the "users" table.

Automatically defined methods

The "groups" relationship defined above will generate two methods: groups() and add_group(). The first is to get all the group rows and the latter is to add a new group row.


my $user = MyApp::Model::User->new(db => $pg->db, id => 42);

Need to create a $user object first. After that we can retrieve groups and/or add groups.

# sync
my $groups = $user->groups;

# async
  sub {
    my ($delay) = @_;
  sub {
    my ($delay, $err, $groups) = @_;

$groups is a Mojo::Collection of MyApp::Model::Group objects.

# add_group() is a sync method
$group = $self->add_group(\%constructor_args);

# save() can be called sync and async.

add_group will just create a new MyApp::Model::Group object. You need to insert that object as a separate step.

Custom query

You can define your own query:

has_many groups_sorted => "MyApp::Model::Group";

sub _has_many_groups_sorted_sst {
  my ($self, $related_class, @extra) = @_;

  return $related_class->expand_sst(
    "SELECT %pc FROM %t WHERE user_id=? order by name", $self->id

Note above that @extra is any extra arguments passed on to the method:

$user->groups_sorted("extra", "args");


Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Jan Henning Thorsen

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


Jan Henning Thorsen -