use Carp qw(confess croak);
has connection => sub { shift->redis->_dequeue };
sub command { $_[0]->{command} }
sub finished { !!$_[0]->{finished} }
has redis => sub { confess 'redis is required in constructor' };
sub again {
my $self = shift;
$self->{finished} = 0;
$self->command->[$self->{cursor_pos_in_command}] = 0;
return $self;
sub all {
my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef;
my $self = shift->again; # Reset cursor
my $conn = $cb ? $self->connection : $self->redis->_blocking_connection;
my @res;
# Blocking
unless ($cb) {
my $err;
while (my $p = $self->_next_p($conn)) {
$p->then(sub { push @res, @{$_[0] || []} })->catch(sub { $err = shift })->wait;
croak $err if $err;
return $self->{process}->($self, \@res);
# Non-blocking
my $then;
$then = sub {
push @res, @{$_[0]};
return $self->$cb('', $self->{process}->($self, \@res)) if $self->{finished};
return $self->_next_p($conn)->then($then);
$self->_next_p($conn)->then($then)->catch(sub { $self->$cb($_[0], []) });
return $self;
sub all_p {
my $self = shift->again; # Reset cursor
my $conn = $self->connection;
my ($then, @res);
$then = sub {
push @res, @{$_[0]};
return $self->{process}->($self, \@res) if $self->{finished};
return $self->_next_p($conn)->then($then);
return $self->_next_p($conn)->then($then);
sub next {
my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef;
my $self = shift;
# Cursor is exhausted
return $cb ? $self->tap($cb, '', undef) : undef
unless my $p = $self->_next_p($cb ? $self->connection : $self->redis->_blocking_connection);
# Blocking
unless ($cb) {
my ($err, $res);
$p->then(sub { $res = $self->{process}->($self, shift) })->catch(sub { $err = shift })->wait;
croak $err if $err;
return $res;
# Non-blocking
$p->then(sub { $self->$cb('', $self->{process}->($self, shift)) })->catch(sub { $self->$cb(shift, undef) });
return $self;
sub next_p {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_next_p($self->connection)->then(sub { $self->{process}->($self, shift) });
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
my $cmd = $self->command;
$cmd->[0] ||= 'unknown';
$self->{process} = __PACKAGE__->can(lc "_process_$cmd->[0]") or confess "Unknown cursor command: @$cmd";
if ($cmd->[0] eq 'keys') {
@$cmd = (scan => 0, $cmd->[1] ? (match => $cmd->[1]) : ());
elsif ($cmd->[0] eq 'smembers') {
@$cmd = (sscan => $cmd->[1], 0);
elsif ($cmd->[0] =~ /^(hgetall|hkeys)/) {
@$cmd = (hscan => $cmd->[1], 0);
$self->{cursor_pos_in_command} = $cmd->[0] =~ /^scan$/i ? 1 : 2;
return $self;
sub _next_p {
my ($self, $conn) = @_;
return undef if $self->{finished};
my $cmd = $self->command;
return $conn->write_p(@$cmd)->then(sub {
my $res = shift;
$cmd->[$self->{cursor_pos_in_command}] = $res->[0] // 0;
$self->{finished} = 1 unless $res->[0];
return $res->[1];
sub _process_hgetall { +{@{$_[1]}} }
sub _process_hkeys { my %h = @{$_[1]}; return [keys %h]; }
sub _process_hscan { $_[1] }
sub _process_keys { $_[1] }
sub _process_scan { $_[1] }
sub _process_smembers { $_[1] }
sub _process_sscan { $_[1] }
sub _process_zscan { $_[1] }
my $self = shift;
return unless (my $redis = $self->{redis}) && (my $conn = $self->{connection});
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::Redis::Cursor - Iterate the results from SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN and ZSCAN
use Mojo::Redis;
my $redis = Mojo::Redis->new;
my $cursor = $redis->cursor(hkeys => 'redis:scan_test:hash');
my $keys = $cursor->all;
L<Mojo::Redis::Cursor> provides methods for iterating over the result from
the Redis commands SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN and ZSCAN.
See L<> for more information.
=head2 command
$array_ref = $self->command;
The current command used to get data from Redis. This need to be set in the
constructor, but reading it out might not reflect the value put in. Examples:
$r->new(command => [hgetall => "foo*"]);
# $r->command == [hscan => "foo*", 0]
$r->new(command => [SSCAN => "foo*"])
# $r->command == [SSCAN => "foo*", 0]
Also, calling L</next> will change the value of L</command>. Example:
$r->new(command => ["keys"]);
# $r->command == [scan => 0]
# $r->command == [scan => 42]
=head2 connection
$conn = $self->connection;
$self = $self->connection(Mojo::Redis::Connection->new);
Holds a L<Mojo::Redis::Connection> object.
=head2 finished
$bool = $self->finished;
True after calling L</all> or if L</next> has iterated the whole list of members.
=head2 redis
$conn = $self->connection;
$self = $self->connection(Mojo::Redis::Connection->new);
Holds a L<Mojo::Redis> object used to create the connections to talk with Redis.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 again
Used to reset the cursor and make L</next> start over.
=head2 all
$res = $self->all;
$self = $self->all(sub { my ($self, $res) = @_ });
Used to return all members. C<$res> is an array ref of strings, except when
using the command "hgetall".
=head2 all_p
$promise = $self->all_p->then(sub { my $res = shift });
Same as L</all> but returns a L<Mojo::Promise>.
=head2 new
$self = Mojo::Redis::Cursor->new(command => [...], redis => Mojo::Redis->new);
Used to construct a new object. L</command> and L</redis> is required as input.
Here are some examples of the differnet commands that are supported:
# Custom cursor commands
$cursor = $self->cursor(hscan => 0, match => '*', count => 100);
$cursor = $self->cursor(scan => 0, match => '*', count => 100);
$cursor = $self->cursor(sscan => 0, match => '*', count => 100);
$cursor = $self->cursor(zscan => 0, match => '*', count => 100);
# Convenient cursor commands
$cursor = $self->cursor(hgetall => "some:hash:key");
$cursor = $self->cursor(hkeys => "some:hash:key");
$cursor = $self->cursor(keys => "some:key:pattern*");
$cursor = $self->cursor(smembers => "some:set:key");
The convenient commands are alternatives to L<Mojo::Redis::Database/hgetall>,
L<Mojo::Redis::Database/hkeys>, L<Mojo::Redis::Database/keys> and
=head2 next
$res = $self->next;
$self = $self->next(sub { my ($self, $err, $res) = @_ });
Used to return a chunk of members. C<$res> is an array ref of strings, except
when using the command "hgetall". C<$res> will also be C<undef()> when the
cursor is exhausted and L</finished> will be true.
=head2 next_p
$promise = $self->next_p;
Same as L</next> but returns a L<Mojo::Prmoise>.
=head1 SEE ALSO