package Mojo::Redis;
our $VERSION = '3.11';
$ENV{MOJO_REDIS_URL} ||= 'redis://localhost:6379';
has encoding => 'UTF-8';
has max_connections => 5;
has protocol_class => do {
$class ||= eval q(require Protocol::Redis::XS; 'Protocol::Redis::XS');
$class ||= 'Protocol::Redis';
eval "require $class; 1" or die $@;
has pubsub => sub {
my $pubsub = Mojo::Redis::PubSub->new(redis => $_[0]);
return $pubsub;
has url => sub { Mojo::URL->new($ENV{MOJO_REDIS_URL}) };
# TODO: Should this attribute be public?
has _blocking_connection => sub { shift->_connection(ioloop => Mojo::IOLoop->new) };
sub cache { Mojo::Redis::Cache->new(redis => shift, @_) }
sub cursor { Mojo::Redis::Cursor->new(redis => shift, command => [@_ ? @_ : (scan => 0)]) }
sub db { Mojo::Redis::Database->new(redis => shift) }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return $class->SUPER::new(url => Mojo::URL->new(shift), @_) if @_ % 2 and ref $_[0] ne 'HASH';
return $class->SUPER::new(@_);
sub _connection {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
$args{ioloop} ||= Mojo::IOLoop->singleton;
my $conn = Mojo::Redis::Connection->new(
encoding => $self->encoding,
protocol => $self->protocol_class->new(api => 1),
url => $self->url->clone,
$conn->on(connect => sub { $self->emit(connection => $_[0]) });
sub _dequeue {
my $self = shift;
delete @$self{qw(pid queue)} unless ($self->{pid} //= $$) eq $$; # Fork-safety
# Exsting connection
while (my $conn = shift @{$self->{queue} || []}) { return $conn->encoding($self->encoding) if $conn->is_connected }
# New connection
return $self->_connection;
sub _enqueue {
my ($self, $conn) = @_;
my $queue = $self->{queue} ||= [];
push @$queue, $conn if $conn->is_connected and $conn->url eq $self->url;
shift @$queue while @$queue > $self->max_connections;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::Redis - Redis driver based on Mojo::IOLoop
=head2 Blocking
use Mojo::Redis;
my $redis = Mojo::Redis->new;
warn $redis->db->get("mykey");
=head2 Promises
$redis->db->get_p("mykey")->then(sub {
print "mykey=$_[0]\n";
})->catch(sub {
warn "Could not fetch mykey: $_[0]";
=head2 Pipelining
Pipelining is built into the API by sending a lot of commands and then use
L<Mojo::Promise/all> to wait for all the responses.
$db->set_p($key, 10),
$db->incrby_p($key, 9),
)->then(sub {
@res = map {@$_} @_;
L<Mojo::Redis> is a Redis driver that use the L<Mojo::IOLoop>, which makes it
integrate easily with the L<Mojolicious> framework.
It tries to mimic the same interface as L<Mojo::Pg>, L<Mojo::mysql> and
L<Mojo::SQLite>, but the methods for talking to the database vary.
This module is in no way compatible with the 1.xx version of L<Mojo::Redis>
and this version also tries to fix a lot of the confusing methods in
L<Mojo::Redis2> related to pubsub.
This module is currently EXPERIMENTAL, and bad design decisions will be fixed
without warning. Please report at
useful, annoying or if you simply find bugs. Feedback can also be sent to
=head1 EVENTS
=head2 connection
$cb = $self->on(connection => sub { my ($self, $connection) = @_; });
Emitted when L<Mojo::Redis::Connection> connects to the Redis.
=head2 encoding
$str = $self->encoding;
$self = $self->encoding("UTF-8");
The value of this attribute will be passed on to
L<Mojo::Redis::Connection/encoding> when a new connection is created. This
means that updating this attribute will not change any connection that is
in use.
Default value is "UTF-8".
=head2 max_connections
$int = $self->max_connections;
$self = $self->max_connections(5);
Maximum number of idle database handles to cache for future use, defaults to
5. (Default is subject to change)
=head2 protocol_class
$str = $self->protocol_class;
$self = $self->protocol_class("Protocol::Redis::XS");
Default to L<Protocol::Redis::XS> if the optional module is available, or
falls back to L<Protocol::Redis>.
=head2 pubsub
$pubsub = $self->pubsub;
Lazy builds an instance of L<Mojo::Redis::PubSub> for this object, instead of
returning a new instance like L</db> does.
=head2 url
$url = $self->url;
$self = $self->url(Mojo::URL->new("redis://localhost/3"));
Holds an instance of L<Mojo::URL> that describes how to connect to the Redis server.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 db
$db = $self->db;
Returns an instance of L<Mojo::Redis::Database>.
=head2 cache
$cache = $self->cache(%attrs);
Returns an instance of L<Mojo::Redis::Cache>.
=head2 cursor
$cursor = $self->cursor(@command);
Returns an instance of L<Mojo::Redis::Cursor> with
L<Mojo::Redis::Cursor/command> set to the arguments passed. See
L<Mojo::Redis::Cursor/new>. for possible commands.
=head2 new
$self = Mojo::Redis->new("redis://localhost:6379/1");
$self = Mojo::Redis->new(Mojo::URL->new->host("/tmp/redis.sock"));
$self = Mojo::Redis->new(\%attrs);
$self = Mojo::Redis->new(%attrs);
Object constructor. Can coerce a string into a L<Mojo::URL> and set L</url>
if present.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jan Henning Thorsen
Copyright (C) 2018, Jan Henning Thorsen.
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
=head1 SEE ALSO