=head1 NAME
Mojo::SNMP::Dispatcher - Instead of Net::SNMP::Dispatcher
This module works better with L<Mojo::IOLoop> since it register the
L<IO::Socket::INET> sockets in with the mojo reactor.
use Errno;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Net::SNMP::Message qw( TRUE FALSE );
use Scalar::Util ();
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_SNMP_DEBUG} ? 1 : 0;
=head2 ioloop
Holds a L<Mojo::IOLoop> object. Same as L<Mojo::SNMP/ioloop>.
=head2 message_processing
Holds an instance of L<Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing>.
=head2 debug
Does nothing. Use C<MOJO_SNMP_DEBUG=1> instead to get debug information.
=head2 error
Holds the last error.
has ioloop => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->singleton };
has message_processing => sub { Net::SNMP::MessageProcessing->instance };
has debug => 0; # Use MOJO_SNMP_DEBUG=1 instead
=head2 connections
Holds the number of active sockets.
sub connections { int values %{ $_[0]->{descriptors} } }
sub error {
my($self, $format, @args) = @_;
return $self->{error} if @_ == 1;
$self->{error} = defined $format ? sprintf $format, @args : undef;
warn "[DISPATCHER] $self->{error}\n" if DEBUG and defined $format;
return $self;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 send_pdu
This method will send a PDU to the SNMP server.
sub send_pdu {
my($self, $pdu, $delay) = @_;
unless(ref $pdu) {
$self->error('The required PDU object is missing or invalid');
return FALSE;
$self->schedule($delay, [_send_pdu => $pdu, $pdu->retries]);
return TRUE;
=head2 return_response_pdu
No idea what this does (?)
sub return_response_pdu {
$_[0]->send_pdu($_[1], -1);
=head2 msg_handle_alloc
No idea what this does (?)
sub msg_handle_alloc {
=head2 schedule
Used to schedule events at a given time. Use L<Mojo::IOLoop/timer> to
do the heavy lifting.
sub schedule {
my($self, $time, $callback) = @_;
my $code = shift @$callback;
warn "[DISPATCHER] Schedule $time $code(@$callback)\n" if DEBUG;
if($time) {
$self->ioloop->timer($time => sub { $self->$code(@$callback) });
else {
=head2 register
Register a new transport object with L<Mojo::IOLoop::Reactor>.
sub register {
my($self, $transport) = @_;
my $reactor = $self->ioloop->reactor;
my $fileno;
unless(defined $transport and defined($fileno = $transport->fileno)) {
$self->error('The Transport Domain object is invalid');
return FALSE;
if($self->{descriptors}{$fileno}++) {
return $transport;
$reactor->io($transport->socket, sub {
$reactor->watch($transport->socket, 1, 0);
warn "[DISPATCHER] Add handler for descriptor $fileno\n" if DEBUG;
return $transport;
=head2 deregister
The opposite of L</register>.
sub deregister {
my($self, $transport) = @_;
my $fileno = $transport->fileno;
return if --$self->{descriptors}{$fileno} > 0;
delete $self->{descriptors}{$fileno};
warn "[DISPATCHER] Remove handler for descriptor $fileno\n" if DEBUG;
sub _send_pdu {
my($self, $pdu, $retries) = @_;
my $mp = $self->message_processing;
my $msg = $mp->prepare_outgoing_msg($pdu);
unless(defined $msg) {
warn "[DISPATCHER] prepare_outgoing_msg: @{[$mp->error]}\n" if DEBUG;
unless(defined $msg->send) {
if($pdu->expect_response) {
if($retries-- > 0 and $!{EAGAIN} or $!{EWOULDBLOCK}) {
warn "[DISPATCHER] Attempt to recover from temporary failure: $!\n" if DEBUG;
$self->schedule($pdu->timeout, [_send_pdu => $pdu, $retries]);
return FALSE;
if($pdu->expect_response) {
$self->schedule($pdu->timeout, [
return TRUE;
sub _transport_timeout {
my($self, $pdu, $retries, $handle) = @_;
if($retries-- > 0) {
warn "[DISPATCHER] Retries left: $retries\n" if DEBUG;
return $self->_send_pdu($pdu, $retries);
else {
warn "[DISPATCHER] No response from remote host @{[ $pdu->hostname ]}\n" if DEBUG;
$pdu->status_information(q{No response from remote host "%s"}, $pdu->hostname);
sub _transport_response_received {
my($self, $transport) = @_;
my $mp = $self->message_processing;
my($msg, $error) = Net::SNMP::Message->new(-transport => $transport);
if(not defined $msg) {
die sprintf 'Failed to create Message object: %s', $error;
if(not defined $msg->recv) {
$self->deregister($transport) unless $transport->connectionless;
if(not $msg->length) {
warn "[DISPATCHER] Ignoring zero length message\n" if DEBUG;
if(not $mp->prepare_data_elements($msg)) {
if($mp->error) {
warn "[DISPATCHER] Processing pdu\n" if DEBUG;
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jan Henning Thorsen - C<jhthorsen@cpan.org>