Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack - Compress and convert css, less, sass and javascript files




In your application:

use Mojolicious::Lite;

plugin AssetPack => { rebuild => 1 };

# add a preprocessor
app->asset->preprocessors->add(js => sub {
  my($assetpack, $text, $file) = @_;
  $$text = "// yikes!\n" if 5 < rand 10;

# define assets: $moniker => @real_assets
app->asset('app.js' => '/js/foo.js', '/js/bar.js');
app->asset('app.css' => '/css/foo.less', '/css/bar.scss', '/css/main.css');


In your template:

%= asset 'app.js'
%= asset 'app.css'

See also "register".


Production mode

This plugin will compress scss, less, css and javascript with the help of external applications on startup. The result will be one file with all the sources combined. This file is stored in "Packed directory".

The files in the packed directory will have a checksum added to the filename which will ensure broken browsers request a new version once the file is changed. Example:

<script src="/packed/app-ed6d968e39843a556dbe6dad8981e3e0.js">

This is done using "process".

Development mode

This plugin will expand the input files to multiple script or link tags which makes debugging and development easier.

This is done using "expand".

TIP! Make morbo watch your less/sass files as well:

$ morbo -w lib -w templates -w public/sass

Packed directory

The output directory where all the compressed files are stored will be "public/packed", relative to the application home:



This library tries to find default preprocessors for less, scss, js and css.

NOTE! The preprocessors require optional dependencies to function properly. Check out "detect" in Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessors for more details.



Set this to true if the assets should be minified.


Holds a Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessors object.


Set this to true if the assets should created, even though they exist.



$self->add($moniker => @rel_files);

Used to define new assets aliases. This method is called when the asset() helper is called on the app.


$bytestream = $self->expand($c, $moniker);

This method will return one tag for each asset defined by the "$moniker".

Will also run "less" or "sass" on the files to convert them to css, which the browser understand.

The returning bytestream will contain style or script tags.



This method use "process" in Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessors to convert and/or minify the sources pointed at by $moniker.

The result file will be stored in "Packed directory".


plugin 'AssetPack', {
  cleanup => $bool, # default is true
  minify => $bool, # compress assets
  no_autodetect => $bool, # disable preprocessor autodetection
  rebuild => $bool, # overwrite if assets exists

Will register the compress helper. All arguments are optional.

"cleanup" will remove any old processed files. You want to disable this if you have other web sites that need to access an old version of the minified files.

"minify" will default to true if "mode" in Mojolicious is "production".

"rebuild" can be set to true to always rebuild the compressed files when the application is started. The default is to use the cached files.


Jan Henning Thorsen -