Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI - OpenAPI / Swagger plugin for Mojolicious


use Mojolicious::Lite;

# Will be moved under "basePath", resulting in "POST /api/echo"
post "/echo" => sub {

  # Validate input request or return an error document
  my $c = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;

  # Generate some data
  my $data = {body => $c->validation->param("body")};

  # Validate the output response and render it to the user agent
  $c->render(openapi => $data);
}, "echo";

# Load specification and start web server
plugin OpenAPI => {url => "data://main/api.json"};

@@ api.json
  "swagger" : "2.0",
  "info" : { "version": "0.8", "title" : "Pets" },
  "schemes" : [ "http" ],
  "basePath" : "/api",
  "paths" : {
    "/echo" : {
      "post" : {
        "x-mojo-name" : "echo",
        "parameters" : [
          { "in": "body", "name": "body", "schema": { "type" : "object" } }
        "responses" : {
          "200": {
            "description": "Echo response",
            "schema": { "type": "object" }

See Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::Guides::Tutorial for a tutorial on how to write a "full" app with application class and controllers.


Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI is Mojolicious::Plugin that add routes and input/output validation to your Mojolicious application based on a OpenAPI (Swagger) specification.

Have a look at the "SEE ALSO" for references to more documentation, or jump right to the tutorial.

Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI will replace Mojolicious::Plugin::Swagger2.



$hash = $c->openapi->spec($json_pointer)
$hash = $c->openapi->spec("/info/title")
$hash = $c->openapi->spec;

Returns the OpenAPI specification. A JSON Pointer can be used to extract a given section of the specification. The default value of $json_pointer will be relative to the current operation. Example:

  "paths": {
    "/pets": {
      "get": {
        // This datastructure is returned by default


@errors = $c->openapi->validate;

Used to validate a request. @errors holds a list of JSON::Validator::Error objects or empty list on valid input.

Note that this helper is only for customization. You probably want "openapi.valid_input" in most cases.

Validated input parameters will be copied to Mojolicious::Controller/validation, which again can be extracted by the "name" in the parameters list from the spec. Example:

# specification:
"parameters": [{"in": "body", "name": "whatever", "schema": {"type": "object"}}],

# controller
my $body = $c->validation->param("whatever");


$c = $c->openapi->valid_input;

Returns the Mojolicious::Controller object if the input is valid or automatically render an error document if not and return false. See "SYNOPSIS" for example usage.



$self->register($app, \%config);

Loads the OpenAPI specification, validates it and add routes to $app. It will also set up "HELPERS" and adds a before_render hook for auto-rendering of error documents.

%config can have:

  • allow_invalid_ref

    The OpenAPI specification does not allow "$ref" at every level, but setting this flag to a true value will ignore the $ref check.

    Note that setting this attribute is discourage.

  • coerce

    See "coerce" in JSON::Validator for possible values that coerce can take.

    Default: 1

  • log_level

    log_level is used when logging invalid request/response error messages.

    Default: "warn".

  • renderer

    Holds a code ref that can be used to render the response. Should return a plain string of data. The default is:

    sub {
      my ($c, $data) = @_;
      return Mojo::JSON::encode_json($data);
  • route

    route can be specified in case you want to have a protected API. Example:

    $app->plugin(OpenAPI => {
      route => $app->routes->under("/api")->to("user#auth"),
      url   => $app->home->rel_file("cool.api"),
  • spec_route_name

    Name of the route that handles the "basePath" part of the specification and serves the specification. Defaults to "x-mojo-name" in the specification at the top level.

  • url

    See "schema" in JSON::Validator for the different url formats that is accepted.


Jan Henning Thorsen


Copyright (C) 2016, Jan Henning Thorsen

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.