Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

Revision history for perl distribution Mojolicious-Plugin-OpenAPI
5.11 2025-03-18T23:24:00
- Fix bad commit from Github
5.10 2025-03-18T23:17:00
- Fix for multiple sub paths in haproxy #250
- Fix missing handler defaults to authorize #254 #255
- Bumped JSON::Validator to 5.15 #252
5.09 2023-02-20T16:34:43
- Will only run t/00-project.t when developing #241
5.08 2022-12-09T09:58:39
- Fix not coercing body parameter for OpenAPIv2 in JSON::Validator v5.13
- Specified Perl version
- Updated basic repository files
- Updated contributors list
5.07 2022-08-18T07:41:35+0900
- Bumped J::V version to support DefaultResponse in $ref path object #236
5.06 2022-08-17T20:15:46+0900
- Fix incompatability with OpenAPIv2 spec regarding default "collectionFormat"
5.05 2022-03-25T10:00:49+0900
- Fix collectionFormat in header
5.04 2022-03-23T07:58:50+0900
- Depends on JSON::Validator 5.07
5.03 2022-03-23T07:44:41+0900
- Updated documentation to make it more obvious that you can pass in a schema
- Updated the SYNOPSIS making it more obvious to read the guides
5.02 2021-11-21T09:22:33+0900
- Fix reading request body as string if not form data or JSON #227
5.01 2021-11-20T13:39:28+0900
- Avoid uninitialized warnings #224
- Bump JSON::Validator to 5.03
5.00 2021-10-02T10:16:28+0900
- Fix "version_from_class" uses the VERSION from $app by default
- Compatible with JSON::Validator 5.00
- Removed support for "allow_invalid_ref"
- Changed render_spec() to require a JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2 object
4.06 2021-09-14T14:08:26+0200
- Add support for adding $route->to(...) programmatically
- Fix link to Convos example spec #222
Contributor: Roy Storey
- Cleaned up CPAN distribution files
4.05 2021-07-10T15:56:19+0900
- Allow string in OpenAPIv2 request body #219
4.04 2021-06-17T11:16:04+0900
- Depending on JSON::Validator 4.18
4.03 2021-04-28T11:32:17+0900
- Depending on JSON::Validator 4.17
- Add support for "skip_validating_specification"
- Reverted back to supporting "default_response"
- Moved "DefaultResponse" for v2 from "definitions" to "responses"
- Improved documentation: "schema" is no longer needed
4.02 2021-03-24T11:37:27+0900
- Add support for passing in constraints (such as format) using x-mojo-to
4.01 2021-03-24T09:14:22+0900
- Using routes() from JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2 and ::OpenAPIv3
- Fix generating correct OpenAPIv2 spec #199
- Fix not adding basePath to OpenAPIv3 spec #200
- Fix compatibility with Mojolicious 9.11 #204
4.00 2021-02-17T09:23:35+0900
- Using JSON::Validator::Schema::OpenAPIv2 and OpenAPIv2 schema API #160
- Compatible with Mojolicious 9.0
- Depends on JSON::Validator 4.13
3.41 2021-01-24T16:44:53+0900
- Add announcement about the new JSON::Validator based API
- Add missing documentation about Text::Markdown
- Add permalinks to headers in SpecRenderer
- SpecRenderer adds openapi.rich_text helper
- Compatible with Mojolicious 8.67
- Bump JSON::Validator to 4.11
- Removed $c->openapi->cors_simple() helper
3.40 2020-10-10T16:23:05+0900
- Compatible with JSON::Validator 4.06
3.39 2020-10-08T15:52:42+0900
- Add support optional requestBody in OpenAPIv3 #170 #194
Contributor: Ji-Hyeon Gim
3.38 2020-10-07T12:39:18+0900
- Fix failing CPAN testers tests
- Fix uninitialized warnings
- Fix not coercing body with array into object
3.37 2020-10-06T13:47:47+0900
- Can also render doc for spec with $ref inside paths
- Can specify SpecRenderer logo
- Can specify SpecRenderer theme color
- Will block less when rendering big JSON documents in browser
- Bump JSON::Validator to 4.05
3.36 2020-09-22T09:42:10+0900
- Fix writeOnly handling OpenAPI v3 #191
3.35 2020-08-11T11:32:59+0900
- Add support for v3 object parameters #184
Contributor: SebMourlhou
- Add support for passing in custom spec to $c->openapi->render_spec #189
- Fix handling 404 and 501 in v3 #179
- Fix issue when "nullable" is stored inside JSON::Validator::Ref #183
- Fix $c->openapi->validate helper #187
3.34 2020-08-05T16:36:41+0900
- Can now set custom status code from a security callback #186
Contributor: Stephan Hradek
3.33 2020-06-08T15:28:12+0900
- Forgot to bump JSON::Validator to 4.00
3.32 2020-06-08T10:42:08+0900
- Compatible with JSON::Validator 4.00
3.31 2020-03-31T20:42:25+0900
- Fix SpecRenderer should not add ".json" to the "servers" URL #174
3.30 2020-03-24T10:24:44+0900
- Fix support for file uploads in OpenAPI v3 #171
3.29 2020-03-23T15:09:35+0900
- Add basic support for file uploads in OpenAPI v3 #171
3.28 2020-03-10T19:20:23+0900
- Fix setting "schemes" in OpenAPIv2 when rendering the spec
- Fix links to parameters in SpecRenderer
- Hiding "About" header on desktop
3.27 2020-03-09T09:33:44+0900
- Fix "up" button in SpecRenderer
3.26 2020-03-09T09:24:33+0900
- Add "up" button to SpecRenderer
- Fix some rendering issues for jsonhtmlify
- Merged "renderjson" and "scrollspy" into "javascript.html.ep"
- Split "References" into "Parameters", "Definitions" and "Components"
3.25 2020-03-08T18:38:25+0900
- Switched to jsonhtmlify in SpecRenderer #167
- SpecRenderer styling is using colors from the OpenAPI logo
- Changed to rendering operationId, instead of method/path in headings
- Documented demo page and template structure for SpecRenderer
- Moved "Base URL", "Contact" and "License" in SpecRenderer
3.24 2020-03-06T13:30:16+0900
- SpecRenderer can be used standalone
- New default CSS styling for SpecRenderer
- Add more templates for SpecRenderer
* mojolicious/plugin/openapi/foot.html.ep
* mojolicious/plugin/openapi/head.html.ep
* mojolicious/plugin/openapi/renderjson.html.ep
* mojolicious/plugin/openapi/scrollspy.html.ep
* mojolicious/plugin/openapi/style.html.ep
2.23 2020-03-03T15:57:42+0900
- Started slowly to deprecate $c->validation->output #162
- Bump JSON::Validator version #163
2.22 2020-03-02T17:09:49+0900
- Improved links to v3.x documentation
2.21 2020-01-24T12:34:04+0900
- Will not detect invalid route names on startup
- Add support for v3 array parameters #149 #154
Contributor: Sebastien Mourlhou
2.20 2019-12-12T21:17:07+0100
- Depends on YAML::XS because it's a nicer way to write the spec and I have
made too many failed releases that depend on YAML::XS #153
2.19 2019-12-04T17:19:08+0100
- Add support for parameter defaults in OpenAPI v3 #115
- Override generate_definitions_path() in order to render proper OpenAPIv3 spec #152
- Update of OpenAPI3 guide #152
2.18 2019-10-28T14:18:33+0900
- Fix /servers/url for OpenAPI v3 in SpecRenderer #148
- Fix OpenAPI v3 parameter type #137 #147
Contributor: SebMourlhou
2.17 2019-10-17T08:12:29+0900
- Add tuturial for OpenAPI v3 #142
Contributor: Henrik Andersen
- The internal doc renderer now supports OpenAPI v3 #144
Contributor: Henrik Andersen
- Fixed failing tests #143
Contributor: Henrik Andersen
- Fixed rendering OpenAPI v3 spec #141
Contributor: Henrik Andersen
- Fixed failing integration with OpenAPI::Client #135
Contributor: Roy Storey
2.16 2019-08-02T09:07:24+0200
- Fix t/v3-body.t when YAML::XS is not available
2.15 2019-08-01T20:18:05+0200
- Add support for v3 schema from https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.0/schema/2019-04-02
- Add support for handling of securitySchemes in OpenAPI v3 #129
Contributor: Ilya Rassadin
- Fix default responses for OpenAPI v3 #129
Contributor: Ilya Rassadin
- Compatible with new Mojo::Exception # 133
Contributor: Roy Storey
2.14 2019-05-05T14:11:06+0700
- Fix "coerce(1) will be deprecated" #130
- Changed OPTIONS response to be a draft-04 response
- Need to bundle all responses from SpecRenderer to make OPTIONS render
in a more human friendly way.
- Require Mojolicious 8.00 #122
2.13 2019-03-13T17:12:52+0800
- Fix issue in OpenAPI::Security when used from OpenAPI::Client, or another
UserAgent with an IOLoop that is not the singleton. #121
- Fix issue in SYNOPSIS that gave confusing output for /api
Contributor: Bernhard Graf
2.12 2019-02-14T20:12:16+0100
- Fix HEAD requests #105
- Fix using /servers/0/url as basePath for OpenAPI v3 #110
Note: This could be breaking change
- Fix getting basePath when using under #107
- Add support for "nullable" in OpenAPI 3.0 #106
- Improved handling of Accept header in OpenAPI v3 #104
Can now handle wildcards, such as application/* and */*, even though not
defined in the specification.
- Bump JSON::Validator to 3.06
2.11 2019-01-26T11:37:15+0900
- Fix allowing regular requests with "openapi_cors_allowed_origins" #103
2.10 2019-01-25T12:49:55+0900
- Add "plugins" as a documented feature for register()
- Add Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::SpecRenderer
- Add the possibility to turn off automatic rendering of specification
using OPTIONS and from /:basePath route
- Add EXPERIMENTAL "openapi_routes_added" hook
- Add support for Preflight CORS requests #99
- Fix Simple CORS requests with "GET" and no Content-Type #99
- Fix writing a list of headers back after validated
- Marked $c->openapi->simple_cors as DEPRECATED
2.09 2019-01-21T09:51:56+0900
- Using formats from JSON::Validator 3.04
2.08 2019-01-07T10:00:52+0900
- Fix Data::Validate::IP is an optional module for the test suite #100
- Bumping JSON::Validator to 3.01
2.07 2018-12-15T11:50:30+0900
- Merged JSON::Validator::OpenAPI into JSON::Validator::OpenAPI::Mojolicious
- Compatible with "formats" in JSON::Validator 3.x
2.06 2018-12-07T14:14:24+0900
- Made YAML::XS and v3 optional
2.05 2018-12-07T14:02:49+0900
- Moved JSON::Validator::OpenAPI::Mojolicious from JSON-Validator
2.04 2018-11-15T16:13:55+0900
- Use data:///file.json in SYNOPSIS to make it work with morbo
2.03 2018-11-14T15:42:27+0900
- Improved human readable documentation rendering
2.02 2018-11-14T13:13:13+0900
- Mention EXPERIMENTAL support for OpenAPI v3 #75
2.01 2018-10-26T11:58:10+0900
- Fix default error template lookup by mode #93
Contributor: Doug Bell
- Bumped JSON::Validator version to 2.14
2.00 2018-09-30T21:53:28+0900
- Add support for "default_response_codes" #66 #80
- Add support for "default_response_name" #66 #80
- Add support for plack and other servers that does not start the IOLoop #82
- Add detection for invalid x-mojo-name on startup #87
- Changed "message" in JSON response for 404, 500 and 501
- Changed "path" is not required in default error response
- Removed default "default_response" #80
- Removed "Using default_handler to render..." warning since it was confusing
- Bump Mojolicious version to 8.0
1.30 2018-06-06T00:20:46+0800
- Fix exception handling in an action, with the security plugin enabled
1.29 2018-06-03T20:32:21+0800
- Fix "No security callback for $name." error object
- Fix "status" icompatibility with Mojolicious 7.82 #78
1.28 2018-04-21T11:03:02+0200
- Add support for Simple Cross-Origin Resource Sharing requests (CORS) #14
- Bumped JSON::Validator version
- Changed placeholders from () to <> to support Mojolicious 7.75 #73
1.27 2018-04-09T09:05:10-0700
- Add EXPERIMENTAL route name for OPTIONS routes #69
- Add Text::Markdown as an optional module for rendering documentation snippets #63
Contributor: Lars Thegler
1.26 2018-03-08T21:15:52+0100
- Fix skipping yaml.t, unless correct version of YAML::XS is available #67
Contributor: Søren Lund
1.25 2018-01-29T10:00:59+0100
- Removed YAML::Syck test #60
- Change register() to return the plugin instance
1.24 2018-01-19T10:37:28+0100
- Require JSON::Validator 2.00 which fixes "enum" bug
1.23 2017-12-25T10:50:28+0100
- Fix setting default values #53 #55
- Can specify schema when loading plugin
1.22 2017-11-19T20:25:16+0100
- Compatible with JSON::Validator 1.06
- Deprecated "reply.openapi" helper
- Moved security handling to separate module
- Started on plugin support #14
1.21 2017-07-24T21:46:37+0200
- "path" is not required in default error document
1.20 2017-07-24T21:41:01+0200
- Add "default_response" parameter to register()
1.19 2017-07-10T22:44:19+0200
- Add support for "security" and "securityDefinitions"
Contributor: Joel Berger
1.18 2017-07-04T09:23:48+0200
- Fix rendering of documentation does not die when "parameters" are under a path
- Fix generating routes with "parameters" under a path #42
- Fix other documentation renderers, when "parameters" under a pth #42
1.17 2017-06-12T20:58:57+0200
- Add support for fetching API spec in route chain
- Add "exception" stash variable on internal server error #38
Contributor: Manuel Mausz
1.16 2017-05-18T11:23:52+0200
- Can override status code in "renderer" function
1.15 2017-05-15T09:15:14+0200
- Fix "renderer" will also be called for internal errors #34 #35
- Removed openapi.not_implemented helper
1.14 2017-05-13T11:55:37+0200
- Fix automatically coercing values #33
Contributor: Nick Logan
- Add openapi.render_spec helper
- Add example for how to use a M::P::Swagger2 powered app with M::P::OpenAPI
- Bump JSON::Validator version
1.13 2017-03-03T00:35:26+0100
- Forgot to bump JSON::Validator version in cpanfile #32
1.12 2017-03-02T23:10:18+0100
- Compatible with JSON::Validator 0.95
1.11 2017-03-01T19:42:58+0100
- Fix adding routes with wildcards after routes without wildcards
- Add fallback to default renderer, unless "openapi" is set in stash
1.10 2017-02-21T15:35:45+0100
- Fix resolve of specification twice #19
- Require JSON::Validator 0.94 #30
1.09 2017-01-30T13:11:52+0000
- Prevent stomping of status in before_render hook
1.08 2017-01-25T17:27:12+0100
- Add EXPERIMENTAL openapi.not_implemented helper
1.07 2016-12-11T11:39:46+0100
- Compatible with JSON::Validator 0.90
1.06 2016-11-18T15:57:26+0100
- Will rewrite basePath in generated spec, relative to base URL
- Documented x-mojo-placeholder #16
1.05 2016-10-26T13:23:38+0200
- Add support for path parameters #11
- Fix typos in tutorial regarding example snippets #13
- Fix default OPTIONS path, when it has placeholders
1.04 2016-10-06T21:39:06+0200
- Fix responding with an empty string #9
- Fix responding with null
1.03 2016-09-27T23:58:41+0200
- Bumped required JSON::Validator version to 0.85 #8
1.02 2016-09-27T09:52:02+0200
- Fix bug for collectionFormat handling in JSON::Validator
- Add support for "version_from_class"
- Add TOC to .html rendering of API
1.01 2016-09-21T16:07:45+0200
- Fix documentation regarding the "reply.openapi" helper #7
1.00 2016-09-04T15:08:56+0200
0.14 2016-08-20T14:04:58+0200
- Fix rendering UTF-8 characters
0.13 2016-08-16T19:54:48+0200
- Removed $c->openapi->invalid_input()
- Add support for rendering specification on OPTIONS #1
0.12 2016-08-10T21:16:54+0200
- Add support for $c->render(openapi => $data);
- Started DEPRECATING $c->reply->openapi()
0.11 2016-08-09T13:35:16+0200
- Add support for retrieving the complete API spec
- Improved tutorial
0.10 2016-08-07T22:16:38+0200
- Add $c->openapi->validate()
- Deprecated $c->openapi->invalid_input()
- Fix validating YAML specifications #3 #4
Contributor: Ilya Rassadin
0.09 2016-08-04T09:30:23+0200
- Add basic support for rendering spec as HTML
- Add check for $ref in the right place in the input specification
Contributor: Lari Taskula
0.08 2016-07-29T14:33:14+0200
- Add check for unique operationId and route names
- All route names will have "spec_route_name." as prefix
0.07 2016-07-26T21:53:56+0200
- Add support for serving binary data
0.06 2016-07-26T18:56:50+0200
- Add support for naming baseUrl (specification) route
- Add openapi.valid_input helper
- Fix loading the plugin twice
0.05 2016-07-26T15:04:25+0200
- Fix "false" must be false and not true
- Make sure 404 is returned as default format and not html
0.04 2016-07-25T15:03:31+0200
- Fix setting default values in JSON::Validator::OpenAPI 0.76
- Fix registering correct HTTP method for action in a class
0.03 2016-07-25T11:25:43+0200
- Add openapi.invalid_input helper
- Add Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::Guides::Tutorial
- Remove openapi.validate helper
- Remove openapi.input helper
- Will store validated data into $c->validation->output
0.02 2016-06-11T07:32:51-0700
- Improved documentation
- Add support for MOJO_OPENAPI_LOG_LEVEL=error
0.01 2016-06-10T19:34:35-0700
- Add logging of request/response errors
- Add rendering of API spec from base URL
- Exceptions returns structured JSON data instead of HTML
- Making an improved version of Mojolicious::Plugin::Swagger2
- Started project