Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack - Mojolicious ♥ Webpack


Check out for a working example.

Define assets

One or more assets need to be defined. The minimum is to create one entry point and add it to the webpack.custom.js file.

# Entrypoint: ./assets/entry-cool_beans.js
// This will result in one css and one js asset.
import '../css/css-example.css';
console.log('I'm loaded!');

# Config file: ./assets/webpack.custom.js
module.exports = function(config) {
  config.entry = {
    'cool_beans': './assets/entry-cool_beans.js',


Your lite or full app, need to load Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack and tell it what kind of assets it should be able to process:

$app->plugin(Webpack => {process => [qw(js css)]});

See "register" for more config options.


To include the generated assets in your template, you can use the "asset" helper:

%= asset "cool_beans.css"
%= asset "cool_beans.js"

Start application

You can start the application using daemon, hypnotoad or any Mojolicious server you want, but if you want rapid development you should use mojo webpack, which is an alternative to morbo:

$ mojo webpack -h
$ mojo webpack ./

However if you want to use another daemon and force webpack to run, you need to set the MOJO_WEBPACK_BUILD environment variable to "1". Example:



If you want to make sure you have built all the assets, you can make a test file like "build-assets.t":

use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;

# Run with TEST_BUILD_ASSETS=1 prove -vl t/build-assets.t
plan skip_all => "TEST_BUILD_ASSETS=1" unless $ENV{TEST_BUILD_ASSETS};

# Load the app and make a test object
$ENV{MOJO_MODE}          = 'production';
use FindBin;
require "$FindBin::Bin/../";
my $t = Test::Mojo->new;

# Find all the tags and make sure they can be loaded
$t->element_count_is('script[src], link[href][rel=stylesheet]', 2);
$t->tx->res->dom->find("script[src], link[href][rel=stylesheet]")->each(sub {
  $t->get_ok($_->{href} || $_->{src})->status_is(200);



Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack is a Mojolicious plugin to make it easier to work with This plugin will...

  1. Generate a minimal package.json and a Webpack config file. Doing this manually is possible, but it can be quite time consuming to figure out all the bits and pieces if you are not already familiar with Webpack.

  2. Generate a webpack.custom.js which is meant to be the end user config file where you can override any part of the default config. You are free to modify webpack.config.js directly, but doing so will prevent Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack from patching it in the future.

    The default webpack.custom.js file will simply define an "entry" which is the starting point of your application.

  3. Generate an entry file, which is the starting point of your client side application. The entry file can load JavaScript, CSS, SASS, ... as long as the appropriate processing plugin is loaded by Webpack.

  4. It can be difficult to know exactly which plugins to use with Webpack. Because of this, Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack has some predefined rules for which Nodejs dependencies to fetch and install. None of the nodejs modules are required in production though, so it will only be installed while developing.

  5. While developing, the webpack executable will be started automatically next to Mojo::Server::Morbo. Webpack will be started with the appropriate switches to watch your source files and re-compile on change.

There is also support for See "Rollup" for more information.

Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack is currently EXPERIMENTAL, but it's unlikely it will change dramatically.

After creating the file, you can run the command below to get a development server:

$ perl webpack -c rollup.config.js

If you want to do "Testing", you have to set the environment variable MOJO_WEBPACK_CONFIG in addition to TEST_BUILD_ASSETS:

$ENV{MOJO_WEBPACK_CONFIG} = 'rollup.config.js';


rollup.js is an alternative to Webpack. Both accomplish more or less the same thing, but in different ways. There might be a "Rollup" plugin in the future, but for now this plugin supports both.

For now, you need to write your own "rollup.config.js" file. See for a working example.


Are you already a user of Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack? Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack will automatically detect your assetpack.def file and convert it into a custom webpack config, so you don't have to do much, except changing how you load the plugin:

# AssetPack
$app->plugin(AssetPack => {pipes => [qw(Sass JavaScript)]});

# Webpack
$app->plugin(Webpack => {process => [qw(sass js)]});



# Call a method or access an attribute in this class
my $path = $app->asset->out_dir;

# Call a method, but from inside a mojo template
%= asset->url_for($c, "cool_beans.css")

# Generate a HTML tag
my $bytestream = $c->asset("cool_beans.js", @args);

# Generate a HTML tag, but from inside a mojo template
%= asset "cool_beans.css", media => "print"
%= asset(url_for => "cool_beans.css")

This helper will return the plugin instance if no arguments is passed in, or a HTML tag created with either "javascript" in Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers or "stylesheet" in Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers if a valid asset name is passed in.

You can also use it to call a method and pass on $c by passing in a method name as the first argument, such as "url_for".



$path = $self->assets_dir;

Holds a Mojo::File object pointing to the private directoy where source files are read from. Defaults value is:



$str = $self->node_env;

Used to set NODE_ENV environment value.

Defaults value is "development" if "mode" in Mojolicious is "development" and "production" otherwise. This value usually tells webpack to either minify the assets or generate readable output while developing.


$path = $self->out_dir;

Holds a Mojo::File object pointing to the public directoy where processed assets are written to. Default value is:

$app->static->paths->[0] . "/asset";


$route = $self->route;

Holds a Mojolicious::Routes::Route object that generates the URLs to a processed asset. Default value is /asset/*name.



$self->register($app, \%config);
$app->plugin("Webpack", \%config);

Used to register this plugin into your Mojolicious app.

The %config passed when loading this plugin can have any of the "ATTRIBUTES" in Mojolicious::Plugin::Webpack::Builder, in addition to these attributes:

  • helper

    Name of the helper that will be added to your application.

    Default: "asset".


$url = $self->url_for($c, $asset_name);

Returns a Mojo::URL for a given asset.


Jan Henning Thorsen


Copyright (C) 2018, Jan Henning Thorsen

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


