Swagger2::SchemaValidator - Validate JSON schemas


Swagger2::SchemaValidator is a class for validating JSON schemas.

The validation process is supposed to be compatible with draft 4 of the JSON schema specification. Please submit a bug report if it is not.


use Swagger2::SchemaValidator;
my $validator = Swagger2::SchemaValidator->new;

@errors = $validator->validate($data, $schema);


warn $validator->validate(
    nick => "batman",
    type => "object",
    properties => {
      nick => {type => "string", minLength => 3, maxLength => 10, pattern => qr{^\w+$} }




$bool = $self->coerce;

Set this to true if you want to coerce numbers into string and the other way around.

This is EXPERIMENTAL and could be removed without notice!


$hash_ref = $self->formats;
$self = $self->formats(\%hash);

Holds a hash-ref, where the keys are supported JSON type "formats", and the values holds a code block which can validate a given format.

Note! The modules mentioned below are optional.

  • byte

    A padded, base64-encoded string of bytes, encoded with a URL and filename safe alphabet. Defined by RFC4648.

  • date

    An RFC3339 date in the format YYYY-MM-DD

  • date-time

    An RFC3339 timestamp in UTC time. This is formatted as "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ". The milliseconds portion (".fff") is optional

  • double

    Cannot test double values with higher precision then what the "number" type already provides.

  • email

    Validated against the RFC5322 spec.

  • float

    Will always be true if the input is a number, meaning there is no difference between "float" and "double". Patches are welcome.

  • hostname

    Will be validated using Data::Validate::Domain if installed.

  • int32

    A signed 32 bit integer.

  • int64

    A signed 64 bit integer. Note: This check is only available if Perl is compiled to use 64 bit integers.

  • ipv4

    Will be validated using Data::Validate::IP if installed or fall back to a plain IPv4 IP regex.

  • ipv6

    Will be validated using Data::Validate::IP if installed.

  • uri

    Validated against the RFC3986 spec.



@errors = $self->validate($data, $schema);

Validates $data against a given JSON $schema. @errors will contain objects with containing the validation errors. It will be empty on success.

Example error element:

bless {
  message => "Some description",
  path => "/json/path/to/node",
}, "Swagger2::SchemaValidator::Error"

The error objects are always true in boolean context and will stringify. The stringification format is subject to change.


Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.


Jan Henning Thorsen -