use Mojo::Util 'decamelize';
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{SWAGGER2_DEBUG};
my $SKIP_OP_RE = qr(By|From|For|In|Of|To|With);
has url => '';
has _validator => sub { Swagger2::SchemaValidator->new; };
has _json_validator => sub { JSON::Validator->new; };
sub dispatch_to_swagger {
return undef unless $_[1]->{op} and $_[1]->{id} and ref $_[1]->{params} eq 'HASH';
my ($c, $data) = @_;
my $self = $c->stash('swagger.plugin');
my $reply
= sub { $_[0]->send({json => {code => $_[2] || 200, id => $data->{id}, body => $_[1]}}) };
my $defaults = $self->{route_defaults}{$data->{op}}
or return $c->$reply(_error('Unknown operationId.'), 400);
my ($e, $input, @errors);
return $c->$reply(_error($e), 501) if $e = _find_action($c, $defaults);
for my $p (@{$defaults->{swagger_operation_spec}{parameters} || []}) {
my $name = $p->{name};
my $value = $data->{params}{$name} // $p->{default};
my @e = $self->_validate_input_value($p, $name => $value);
$input->{$name} = $value unless @e;
push @errors, @e;
return $c->$reply({errors => \@errors}, 400) if @errors;
return Mojo::IOLoop->delay(
sub {
my $delay = shift;
my $action = $defaults->{action};
my $sc = $delay->data->{sc} = $defaults->{controller}->new(%$c);
$sc->stash(swagger_operation_spec => $defaults->{swagger_operation_spec});
$sc->$action($input, $delay->begin);
sub {
my $delay = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $status = shift || 200;
my @errors
= $self->_validate_response($c, $data, $defaults->{swagger_operation_spec}, $status);
return $c->$reply($data, $status) unless @errors;
warn "[Swagger2] Invalid response: @errors\n" if DEBUG;
$c->$reply({errors => \@errors}, 500);
sub render_swagger {
my ($c, $err, $data, $status) = @_;
return $c->render(json => $err, status => $status) if %$err;
return $c->render(ref $data ? (json => $data) : (text => $data), status => $status);
sub register {
my ($self, $app, $config) = @_;
my ($base_path, $paths, $r, $swagger);
$swagger = $config->{swagger} || Swagger2->new->load($config->{url} || '"url" is missing');
$swagger = $swagger->expand;
$paths = $swagger->api_spec->get('/paths') || {};
if ($config->{validate} // 1) {
my @errors = $swagger->validate;
die join "\n", "Swagger2: Invalid spec:", @errors if @errors;
if ($app->plugins->has_subscribers('swagger_route_added')) {
"swagger_route_added hook will be deprecated.";
else {
$app->hook(swagger_route_added => \&_on_route_added);
local $config->{coerce} = $config->{coerce} || $ENV{SWAGGER_COERCE_VALUES};
$self->_validator->coerce($config->{coerce}) if $config->{coerce};
$app->helper(dispatch_to_swagger => \&dispatch_to_swagger)
unless $app->renderer->get_helper('dispatch_to_swagger');
$app->helper(render_swagger => \&render_swagger)
unless $app->renderer->get_helper('render_swagger');
$r = $config->{route};
if ($r and !$r->pattern->unparsed) {
$r->to(swagger => $swagger);
$r = $r->any($swagger->base_url->path->to_string);
if (!$r) {
$r = $app->routes->any($swagger->base_url->path->to_string);
$r->to(swagger => $swagger);
if (my $ws = $config->{ws}) {
$ws->to('swagger.plugin' => $self);
$base_path = $swagger->api_spec->data->{basePath} = $r->to_string;
$base_path =~ s!/$!!;
for my $path (sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %$paths) {
my $around_action
= $paths->{$path}{'x-mojo-around-action'} || $swagger->api_spec->get('/x-mojo-around-action');
my $controller
= $paths->{$path}{'x-mojo-controller'} || $swagger->api_spec->get('/x-mojo-controller');
for my $http_method (grep { !/^x-/ } keys %{$paths->{$path}}) {
my $op_spec = $paths->{$path}{$http_method};
my $route_path = $path;
my %parameters = map { ($_->{name}, $_) } @{$op_spec->{parameters} || []};
$route_path =~ s/{([^}]+)}/{
my $name = $1;
my $type = $parameters{$name}{'x-mojo-placeholder'} || ':';
$op_spec->{'x-mojo-around-action'} = $around_action
if !$op_spec->{'x-mojo-around-action'} and $around_action;
$op_spec->{'x-mojo-controller'} = $controller
if !$op_spec->{'x-mojo-controller'} and $controller;
$app->plugins->emit(swagger_route_added =>
$r->$http_method($route_path => $self->_generate_request_handler($op_spec)));
warn "[Swagger2] Add route $http_method $base_path$route_path\n" if DEBUG;
if (my $spec_path = $config->{spec_path} // '/') {
my $title = $swagger->api_spec->get('/info/title');
$title =~ s!\W!_!g;
$r->get($spec_path)->to(cb => sub { _render_spec(shift, $swagger) })->name(lc $title);
if ($config->{ensure_swagger_response}) {
$self->_ensure_swagger_response($app, $config->{ensure_swagger_response}, $swagger);
sub _ensure_swagger_response {
my ($self, $app, $responses, $swagger) = @_;
my $base_path = $swagger->api_spec->data->{basePath};
$responses->{exception} ||= 'Internal server error.';
$responses->{not_found} ||= 'Not found.';
$base_path = qr{^$base_path};
before_render => sub {
my ($c, $args) = @_;
return unless my $template = $args->{template};
return unless my $msg = $responses->{$template};
return unless $c->req->url->path->to_string =~ $base_path;
$args->{json} = _error($msg);
sub _generate_request_handler {
my ($self, $op_spec) = @_;
my $defaults = {swagger_operation_spec => $op_spec};
my $handler = sub {
my $c = shift;
my ($e, $v, $input);
return $c->render_swagger(_error($e), {}, 501) if $e = _find_action($c, $defaults);
$c = $defaults->{controller}->new(%$c);
($v, $input) = $self->_validate_input($c, $op_spec);
_io_error($c, Input => $v->{errors}) if IO_LOGGING and @{$v->{errors}};
return $c->render_swagger($v, {}, 400) if @{$v->{errors}};
return $c->delay(
sub {
my $action = $defaults->{action};
qq(Swagger2 routing to controller "$defaults->{controller}" and action "$action"));
$c->$action($input, shift->begin);
sub {
my $delay = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $status = shift || 200;
my @errors = $self->_validate_response($c, $data, $op_spec, $status);
return $c->render_swagger({}, $data, $status) unless @errors;
_io_error($c, Output => \@errors) if IO_LOGGING and @errors;
$c->render_swagger({errors => \@errors}, $data, 500);
for my $p (@{$op_spec->{parameters} || []}) {
$defaults->{$p->{name}} = $p->{default} if $p->{in} eq 'path' and defined $p->{default};
if (my $around_action = $op_spec->{'x-mojo-around-action'}) {
my $next = $handler;
$handler = sub {
my $c = shift;
my $around = $c->can($around_action) || $around_action;
$around->($next, $c, $op_spec);
$self->{route_defaults}{$op_spec->{operationId}} = $defaults;
return $defaults, $handler;
sub _on_route_added {
my ($self, $r) = @_;
my $op_spec = $r->pattern->defaults->{swagger_operation_spec};
my $controller = $op_spec->{'x-mojo-controller'};
my $route_name;
$route_name = $controller
? decamelize join '::', map { ucfirst $_ } $controller, $op_spec->{operationId}
: decamelize $op_spec->{operationId};
$route_name =~ s/\W+/_/g;
sub _render_spec {
my ($c, $swagger) = @_;
my $spec = $swagger->api_spec->data;
local $spec->{id};
delete $spec->{id};
local $spec->{host} = $c->req->url->to_abs->host_port;
$c->render(json => $spec);
sub _validate_input {
my ($self, $c, $op_spec) = @_;
my (%cache, %input, @errors);
for my $p (@{$op_spec->{parameters} || []}) {
my ($in, $name, $type) = @$p{qw(in name type)};
my ($exists, $value);
if ($in eq 'body') {
$value = $c->req->json;
$exists = $c->req->body_size;
else {
$value = $cache{$in} ||= do {
$in eq 'query' ? $c->req->url->query->to_hash
: $in eq 'path' ? $c->match->stack->[-1]
: $in eq 'formData' ? $c->req->body_params->to_hash
: $in eq 'header' ? $c->req->headers->to_hash
: {};
$exists = exists $value->{$name};
$value = $value->{$name};
if (ref $p->{items} eq 'HASH' and $p->{collectionFormat}) {
$value = _coerce_by_collection_format($value, $p);
if ($type and defined($value //= $p->{default})) {
if (($type eq 'integer' or $type eq 'number') and $value =~ /^-?\d/) {
$value += 0;
elsif ($type eq 'boolean') {
$value = (!$value or $value eq 'false') ? Mojo::JSON->false : Mojo::JSON->true;
my @e = $self->_validate_input_value($p, $name => $value);
$input{$name} = $value if !@e and ($exists or exists $p->{default});
push @errors, @e;
return {errors => \@errors}, \%input;
sub _validate_input_value {
my ($self, $p, $name, $value) = @_;
my $type = $p->{type} || 'object';
my @e;
return if !defined $value and !Swagger2::_is_true($p->{required});
my $schema = {
properties => {$name => $p->{'x-json-schema'} || $p->{schema} || $p},
required => [$p->{required} ? ($name) : ()]
my $in = $p->{in};
if ($in eq 'body') {
warn "[Swagger2] Validate $in $name\n" if DEBUG;
if ($p->{'x-json-schema'}) {
return $self->_json_validator->validate({$name => $value}, $schema);
else {
return $self->_validator->validate_input({$name => $value}, $schema);
elsif (defined $value) {
warn "[Swagger2] Validate $in $name=$value\n" if DEBUG;
return $self->_validator->validate_input({$name => $value}, $schema);
else {
warn "[Swagger2] Validate $in $name=undef\n" if DEBUG;
return $self->_validator->validate_input({$name => $value}, $schema);
sub _validate_response {
my ($self, $c, $data, $op_spec, $status) = @_;
my $headers = $c->res->headers;
my @errors;
if (my $blueprint = $op_spec->{responses}{$status} || $op_spec->{responses}{default}) {
my $input = $headers->to_hash(1);
for my $n (keys %{$blueprint->{headers} || {}}) {
my $p = $blueprint->{headers}{$n};
# jhthorsen: I think that the only way to make a header required,
# is by defining "array" and "minItems" >= 1.
if ($p->{type} eq 'array') {
push @errors, $self->_validator->validate($input->{$n}, $p);
elsif ($input->{$n}) {
push @errors, $self->_validator->validate($input->{$n}[0], $p);
$headers->header($n => $input->{$n}[0] ? 'true' : 'false')
if $p->{type} eq 'boolean' and !@errors;
if ($blueprint->{'x-json-schema'}) {
warn "[Swagger2] Validate using x-json-schema\n" if DEBUG;
push @errors, $self->_json_validator->validate($data, $blueprint->{'x-json-schema'});
elsif ($blueprint->{schema}) {
warn "[Swagger2] Validate using schema\n" if DEBUG;
push @errors, $self->_validator->validate($data, $blueprint->{schema});
else {
push @errors, $self->_validator->validate($data, {});
return @errors;
sub _coerce_by_collection_format {
my ($value, $schema) = @_;
my $re = $Swagger2::SchemaValidator::COLLECTION_RE{$schema->{collectionFormat}} || '';
my $type = $schema->{items}{type} || '';
my @data;
return [ref $value ? @$value : $value] unless $re;
defined and push @data, split /$re/ for ref $value ? @$value : $value;
return [map { $_ + 0 } @data] if $type eq 'integer' or $type eq 'number';
return \@data;
sub _error {
return {errors => [{message => $_[0], path => '/'}]};
sub _find_action {
return if $_[1]->{controller}; # cached
my ($c, $defaults) = @_;
my $op = $defaults->{swagger_operation_spec}{operationId} or return 'operationId is missing.';
my $can = sub {
? ''
: qq(Method "$defaults->{action}" not implemented.);
# specify controller manually
@$defaults{qw(action controller)}
= _load($c, $op, $defaults->{swagger_operation_spec}{'x-mojo-controller'});
return $can->() if $defaults->{controller};
# "createFileInFileSystem" = ("createFile", "FileSystem")
@$defaults{qw(action controller)} = _load($c, split $SKIP_OP_RE, $op);
return $can->() if $defaults->{controller};
# "showPetById" = "showPet"
$op =~ s!$SKIP_OP_RE.*$!!;
# "show_fooPet" = ("show_foo", "Pet")
@$defaults{qw(action controller)} = _load($c, $op =~ /^([a-z_]+)([A-Z]\w+)$/);
return $can->() if $defaults->{controller};
qq(Controller from operationId "$defaults->{swagger_operation_spec}{operationId}" could not be loaded.);
sub _io_error {
my $c = shift;
my $level = IO_LOGGING;
$c->app->log->$level(sprintf '%s error: %s', shift, Mojo::JSON::encode_json(shift));
sub _load {
my ($c, $action, $controller) = @_;
my (@classes, %uniq);
return unless $controller;
$action = decamelize ucfirst $action;
if ($controller =~ /::/) {
push @classes, $controller;
else {
my $singular = $controller;
$singular =~ s!s$!!; # "showPets" = "showPet"
push @classes,
grep { !$uniq{$_}++ }
map { ("${_}::$controller", "${_}::$singular") } @{$c->app->routes->namespaces};
while ($controller = shift @classes) {
my $e = Mojo::Loader::load_class($controller);
qq([Swagger2] Load "$controller": @{[ref $e ? $e : $e ? "Can't locate class" : "Success"]}.\n)
return ($action, $controller) if $controller->can('new');
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Plugin::Swagger2 - Mojolicious plugin for Swagger2
package MyApp;
use Mojo::Base "Mojolicious";
sub startup {
my $app = shift;
$app->plugin(Swagger2 => {url => "data://MyApp/petstore.json"});
@@ petstore.json
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {...},
"host": "",
"basePath": "/api",
"paths": {
"/pets": {
"get": {...}
L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Swagger2> is L<Mojolicious::Plugin> that add routes and
input/output validation to your L<Mojolicious> application.
Have a look at the L</RESOURCES> for a complete reference to what is possible
or look at L<Swagger2::Guides::Tutorial> for an introduction.
=over 4
=item * L<Swagger2::Guides::Tutorial> - Tutorial for this plugin
=item * L<Swagger2::Guides::Render> - Details about the render process
=item * L<Swagger2::Guides::ProtectedApi> - Protected API Guide
=item * L<Swagger2::Guides::CustomPlaceholder> - Custom placeholder for your routes
=item * L<Swagger2::Guides::JSONSchemaSupport> - Adding json-schema support - EXPERIMENTAL
=head1 HOOKS
=head2 swagger_route_added
This hook will be DEPRECATED! See L<>.
=head2 swagger
The L<Swagger2> object used to generate the routes is available
as C<swagger> from L<stash|Mojolicious/stash>. Example code:
sub documentation {
my ($c, $args, $cb);
$c->$cb($c->stash('swagger')->pod->to_string, 200);
=head2 swagger_operation_spec
The Swagger specification for the current
is stored in the "swagger_operation_spec" stash variable.
sub list_pets {
my ($c, $args, $cb);
=head2 url
Holds the URL to the swagger specification file.
=head1 HELPERS
=head2 dispatch_to_swagger
$bool = $c->dispatch_to_swagger(\%data);
This helper can be used to handle WebSocket requests with swagger.
See L<Swagger2::Guides::WebSocket> for details.
This helper is EXPERIMENTAL.
=head2 render_swagger
$c->render_swagger(\%err, \%data, $status);
This method is used to render C<%data> from the controller method. The C<%err>
hash will be empty on success, but can contain input/output validation errors.
C<$status> is used to set a proper HTTP status code such as 200, 400 or 500.
See also L<Swagger2::Guides::Render> for more information.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 register
$self->register($app, \%config);
This method is called when this plugin is registered in the L<Mojolicious>
C<%config> can contain these parameters:
=over 4
=item * coerce
This argument will be passed on to L<JSON::Validator/coerce>.
=item * ensure_swagger_response
$app->plugin(swagger2 => {
ensure_swagger_response => {
exception => "Internal server error.",
not_found => "Not found.",
Adds a L<before_render|Mojolicious/HOOKS> hook which will make sure
"exception" and "not_found" responses are in JSON format. There is no need to
specify "exception" and "not_found" if you are happy with the defaults.
=item * route
Need to hold a Mojolicious route object. See L</Protected API> for an example.
This parameter is optional.
=item * spec_path
Holds the location for where the specifiation can be served from. The default
value is "/", relative to "basePath" in the specification. Can be disabled
by setting this value to empty string.
=item * validate
A boolean value (default is true) that will cause your schema to be validated.
This plugin will abort loading if the schema include errors
=item * swagger
A C<Swagger2> object. This can be useful if you want to keep use the
specification to other things in your application. Example:
use Swagger2;
my $swagger = Swagger2->new->load($url);
plugin Swagger2 => {swagger => $swagger2};
app->defaults(swagger_spec => $swagger->api_spec);
Either this parameter or C<url> need to be present.
=item * url
This will be used to construct a new L<Swagger2> object. The C<url>
can be anything that L<Swagger2/load> can handle.
Either this parameter or C<swagger> need to be present.
Copyright (C) 2014-2015, Jan Henning Thorsen
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jan Henning Thorsen - C<>