diff_spreadsheets - show differences between spreadsheets


diff_spreadsheets [OPTIONS] file1.csv file2.xlsx!Sheet1

diff_spreadsheets [OPTIONS] file1.xls file2.ods # all coresponding sheets


The files may be CSVs or any spreadsheet format supported by Gnumeric or Open/Libre Office (if you have them installed).

If each input has only one sheet then they are compared regardless of sheet names. Each file could be a .CSV, a spreadsheet workbook containing a single sheet, or a multi-sheet workbook with a sheet name specified (using the syntax shown).

Otherwise, every sheet contained in each workbook is comapred with the same-named sheet in the other file, warning about any un-paired sheets. This feature is available only if the Gnumeric ssconvert utility is installed.

Tabs, newlines, etc. and non-printable characters are replaced with escapes like "\t" or "\n" for human consumption.


-m --method [native|diff|tkdiff]

native (the default) shows only the changed cells in rows which differ. Corresponding columns are identified by title, and need not be in the same order (see also the --id-columns option).

diff, and tkdiff run the indicated external tool on temporary text (CSV) files created from the inputs, in which ignored columns have been removed and non-graphic characters changed to escapes. Most diff(1) options are accepted and passed through, but are not documented here.

git and gitchars use git diff with options to color-code the changed parts within changed lines. git shows words which were added in file2 in green and deleted words in red. gitchars highlights individual characters. These are the defaults; most git(1) diff options are accepted and passed through, such as --word-diff-regex.

--title-row [ROWNUMBER]

The row number containing column titles (first==1). Auto-detected by default if the choice is obvious. Specify zero if there are no titles.

--columns COLSPEC[,COLSPEC ...]

--columns -COLSPEC[,-COLSPEC ...]

Ignore differences in certain columns.

In the first form (not negated), the specified columns are used for comparisons and others are ignored when deciding if a row changed.

If COLSPECs are negated (prefixed by "-"), then those columns are ignored when deciding if a row changed.

COLSPEC may be a column title, a /regex/ or m{regex} matching a title, a column letter code (A, B, etc.), or an identifer as described in Spreadsheet::Edit.

The following options apply only to the native method:

Differences are reported in one of three ways:

1) An existing row was changed;
2) A new row was inserted; or
3) A existing row was deleted.

--id-columns COLSPEC[,COLSPEC ...]

Specify columns which together uniquely identify records (i.e. rows). An error occurs if multiple rows exist in the same file with identical content in these columns.

This is used to recognized when a row is changed vs. added or deleted.

When a pair of rows in the two files match in these columns, differences in other columns are reported as "changes" to the record. A row in the first file without a counterpart in the second file is reported as "deleted", and a row in the second file without a counterpart in the first is reported as "inserted".

Gory detail: The Diff algorithm is applied using only the id-columns; matching rows are assumed to correspond, and the other columns are then compared and a "change" is reported if there are differences. If --id-columns is not used, the Diff algorithm is applied using all columns, and can get temporarily out of sync; if a row was inserted or deleted adjacent to other rows which were merely changed, the result can be a string of "changed" reports which actually describe pairs of unrelated records.

For even more control, see the --hashid-func option.

--always-show COLSPEC[,COLSPEC ...]

By default only changed cells are displayed. However cells from --always-show, or if not specified then --id-columns, are always shown even if unchanged.

--hashid-func PERLCODE

--hash-func PERLCODE

These options allow arbitrary filtering of row data before use. PERLCODE must be an anonymous sub declaration which is called with two arguments for each row:

([cells], $row_index)

and must return a string representing those values, or undef to ignore the row.

Both default to

sub { join ",", @{$_[0]} }  # concatenate all cells separated by commas

During the Diff algorithm, hashid-func is used to identify pairs of rows which represent the same data record, and then hash-func is used to determine if a corresponding pair has reportable changes.

Specifically, hashid-func is called for each row passing values from --id-column (or if not specified then all columns). If undef is returned then that row is ignored. If the same string is returned for a pair of rows from the two files then hash-func is later used to determine if there are reportable changes. If a unique string is returned, i.e. there is no corresponding row in the other file, then that row will be reported as "deleted" or "inserted" and hash-func is not used for that row.

When hash-func is called, it is passed all cells in a row (or those specified with --columns). If the result is different for corresponding rows then a single "change" is reported.

Argument order: Cell values are always passed in the order they appear in the first file. When called with a row from the first file then this is simply the order of columns in that file; when called with a row from the second file, then columns which also exist in the first file are passed in the order they appear in the first file, followed by any columns which exist only in second file in their natural order.

If there are no titles then all columns are passed in their natural order.

--setup-code PERLCODE

Allows arbitrary initialization, possibly editing the data in memory or declaring global variables (with our) to be later used by --hashid-func or --hash-func subs.

The setup sub is called with parameters ($sheet1, $sheet2, \@idcxlist1, \@idcxlist2);

All user-defined PERLCODE subs are compiled into the same package.

--quote-char CHARACTER (default is ")

--sep-char CHARACTER (default is ,)

--encoding ENCODING (default is UTF-8)

Used when reading CSV files (see Text::CSV). The same options are applied to both input files.





-h --help

Probably what you expect.


A bug in Libre Office (and Open Office) prevents reading spreadsheets if the user has any document open, even unrelated. This problem does not occur if gnumeric is installed, or when reading CSVs.


Spreadsheet::Edit, Sreadsheet::Edit::IO


Jim Avera (jim.avera [at] gmail)