Data::Dumper::Interp - interpolate Data::Dumper output into strings, with human-oriented options
use open IO => ':locale';
use Data::Dumper::Interp;
@ARGV = ('-i', '/file/path');
my %hash = (abc => [1,2,3,4,5], def => undef);
my $ref = \%hash;
# Interpolate variables in strings with Data::Dumper output
say ivis 'FYI ref is $ref\nThat hash is: %hash\nArgs are @ARGV';
# -->FYI ref is {abc => [1,2,3,4,5], def => undef}
# That hash is: (abc => [1,2,3,4,5], def => undef)
# Args are ("-i","/file/path")
# Label interpolated values with "expr="
say dvis '$ref\nand @ARGV';
# -->ref={abc => [1,2,3,4,5], def => undef}
# and @ARGV=("-i","/file/path")
# Functions to format one thing
say vis $ref; #-->{abc => [1,2,3,4,5], def => undef}
say vis \@ARGV; #-->["-i", "/file/path"] # any scalar
say avis @ARGV; #-->("-i", "/file/path")
say hvis %hash; #-->(abc => [1,2,3,4,5], def => undef)
# Stringify objects
{ use bigint;
my $struct = { debt => 999_999_999_999_999_999.02 };
say vis $struct;
# --> {debt => (Math::BigFloat)999999999999999999.02}
# Wide characters are readable
use utf8;
my $h = {msg => "My language is not ASCII ☻ ☺ 😊 \N{U+2757}!"};
say dvis '$h' ;
# --> h={msg => "My language is not ASCII ☻ ☺ 😊 ❗"}
#-------- OO API --------
say Data::Dumper::Interp->new()
say visnew->MaxStringwidth(50)->Maxdepth($levels)->vis($datum);
#-------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS --------
say u($might_be_undef); # $_[0] // "undef"
say quotekey($string); # quote hash key if not a valid bareword
say qsh($string); # quote if needed for /bin/sh
say qshpath($pathname); # shell quote excepting ~ or ~username prefix
system "ls -ld ".join(" ",map{ qshpath }
("/tmp", "~sally/My Documents", "~"));
This Data::Dumper wrapper optimizes for human consumption and avoids side-effects.
The namesake feature is interpolating Data::Dumper output into strings, but simple functions are also provided to visualize a scalar, array, or hash.
Diagnostic and debug messages are primary use cases.
Internally, Data::Dumper is called to visualize (i.e. format) data with pre- and post-processing to "improve" the results:
Output is compact (1 line if possibe, otherwise folded at your terminal width), WITHOUT a trailing newline.
Printable Unicode characters appear as themselves.
Objects like Math:BigInt are stringified
"virtual" values behind overloaded array/hash-deref operators are shown
Data::Dumper bugs^H^H^H^Hquirks are circumvented.
See "DIFFERENCES FROM Data::Dumper".
Finally, a few utilities are provided to quote strings for /bin/sh.
ivis 'string to be interpolated'
Returns the argument with variable references and escapes interpolated as in in Perl double-quotish strings, but using Data::Dumper to format variable values.
is replaced by its value, @var
is replaced by "(comma, sparated, list)", and %hash
by "(key => value, ...)" . More complex expressions with indexing, dereferences, slices and method calls are also recognized, e.g.
'The answer is $foo->[$bar->{$somekey}]->frobnicate(42) for Pete's sake'
Expressions are evaluated in the caller's context using Perl's debugger hooks, and may refer to almost any lexical or global visible at the point of call (see "LIMITATIONS").
IMPORTANT: The argument string must be single-quoted to prevent Perl from interpolating it beforehand.
dvis 'string to be interpolated'
Like ivis
with the addition that interpolated expressions are prefixed with a "exprtext=" label.
The 'd' in 'dvis' stands for debugging messages, a frequent use case where brevity of typing is more highly prized than beautiful output.
avis LIST
formats a single scalar ($_ if no argument is given) and returns the resulting string.
formats an array (or any list) as comma-separated values in parenthesis.
formats key => value pairs in parenthesis.
alvis LIST
The "l" variants return a bare list without the enclosing parenthesis.
ivisq 'string to be interpolated'
dvisq 'string to be interpolated'
avisq LIST
hvisq LIST
alvisq LIST
The 'q' variants display strings in 'single quoted' form if possible.
Internally, Data::Dumper is called with Useqq(0)
, but depending on the version of Data::Dumper the result may be "double quoted" anyway if wide characters are present.
Creates an object initialized from the global configuration variables listed below (the function visnew
is simply a shorthand wrapper function).
No arguments are permitted.
The functions described above may then be called as methods on the object (when not called as a method the functions create a new object internally).
For example:
$msg = visnew->Foldwidth(40)->avis(@ARGV);
$msg = Data::Dumper::Interp->new()->Foldwidth(40)->avis(@ARGV);
return the same string as
local $Data::Dumper::Interp::Foldwidth = 40;
$msg = avis(@ARGV);
Configuration Variables / Methods
These work the same way as variables/methods in Data::Dumper.
For each configuration value, there is a global variable in package Data::Dumper::Interp
which provides the default, and a method of the same name which sets or retrieves a config value on a specific object.
When a method is called without arguments the current value is returned.
When a method is called with an argument to set a value, the object is returned so that method calls can be chained.
Longer strings are truncated and Truncsuffix appended. MaxStringwidth=0 (the default) means no limit.
Defaults to the terminal width at the time of first use.
Overloads([ list of classnames ])
A false value disables stringification or evaluation of overloaded deref operators.
A "1" (the default) enables for all objects, otherwise only for the specified class name(s).
If enabled, then objects are checked for an overloaded stringification ('""') operator, or array-, hash-, scalar-, or glob- deref operators, in that order. The first overloaded operator found will be evaluated and the object ref replaced by the result. The check is then repeated.
The default sorts numeric substrings in keys by numerical value, e.g. "A.20" sorts before "A.100". See Data::Dumper
The default is "unicode:controlpic" except for functions/methods with 'q' in their name, which force Useqq(0)
0 means generate 'single quoted' strings when possible.
1 means generate "double quoted" strings, as-is from Data::Dumper. Non-ASCII charcters will be shown as hex escapes.
Otherwise generate "double quoted" strings enhanced according to option keywords given as a :-separated list, e.g. Useqq("unicode:controlpic"). The avilable options are:
- "unicode"
All printable characters are shown as themselves rather than hex escapes, and '\n', '\t', etc. are shown for common ASCII control codes.
- "controlpic"
Show ASCII control characters using single "control picture" characters, for example '' is shown for newline instead of '\n'. Similarly for \0 \a \b \e \f \r and \t.
This way every character occupies the same space with a fixed-width font. However the commonly-used "Last Resort" font for these characters can be hard to read on modern high-res displays. You can set
to just "unicode" to see traditional \n etc. backslash escapes while still seeing wide characters as themselves. - "qq"
- "qq=XY"
Show using Perl's qq{...} syntax, or qqX...Y if deliters are specified, rather than "...".
See Data::Dumper
Returns the argument ($_ by default) if it is defined, otherwise the string "undef".
quotekey SCALAR
Returns the argument ($_ by default) if it is a valid bareword, otherwise a "quoted string".
qsh [$string]
The string ($_ by default) is quoted if necessary for parsing by /bin/sh, which has different quoting rules than Perl.
If the string contains only "shell-safe" ASCII characters it is returned as-is, without quotes.
If the argument is a ref but is not an object which stringifies, then vis() is called and the resulting string quoted. An undefined value is shown as undef
without quotes; as a special case to avoid ambiguity the string 'undef' is always "quoted".
qshpath [$might_have_tilde_prefix]
Similar to qsh
except that an initial ~ or ~username is left unquoted. Useful for paths given to bash or csh.
- Interpolated Strings
evaluate expressions in the user's context using Perl's debugger support ('eval' in package DB -- see perlfunc). This mechanism has some limitations:@_ will appear to have the original arguments to a sub even if "shift" has been executed. However if @_ is entirely replaced, the correct values will be displayed.
A lexical ("my") sub creates a closure, and variables in visible scopes which are not actually referenced by your code may not exist in the closure; an attempt to display them with
will fail. For example:our $global; sub outerfunc { my sub inner { say dvis '$global'; # croaks with "Error interpolating '$global'" # my $x = $global; # ... unless this is un-commented } &inner(); } &outerfunc;
- Multiply-referenced items
If a structure contains several refs to the same item, the first ref will be visualized by showing the referenced item as you might expect.
However subsequent refs will look like
is the location of the first ref in the overall structure. This is how Data::Dumper indicates that the ref is a copy of the first ref and thus points to the same datum. "$VAR1" is an artifact of how Data::Dumper would generate code using its "Purity" feature. Data::Dumper::Interp does nothing special and simply passes through these annotations. - The special "_" stat filehandle may not be preserved
Data::Dumper::Interp queries the operating system to obtain the window size to initialize
, if it is not already defined; this may change the "_" filehandle. After the first call (or if you pre-set$Foldwidth
), the "_" filehandle will not change across calls.
Results differ from plain Data::Dumper
output in the following ways (most substitutions can be disabled via Config options):
A final newline never included.
Everything is shown on a single line if possible, otherwise wrapped to your terminal width (or
) with indentation appropriate to structure levels.Printable Unicode characters appear as themselves instead of \x{ABCD}.
Note: If your data contains 'wide characters', you must encode the result before displaying it as explained in
, for example withuse open IO => ':locale';
. You'll also wantuse utf8;
if your Perl source contains characters outside the ASCII range.Undecoded binary octets (e.g. data read from a 'binmode' file) will be escaped as individual bytes when necessary.
'' and similar "control picture" characters are shown for ASCII controls.
Object refs are replaced by the object's stringified representation. For example,
numbers are shown as easily readable values rather than "bless( {...}, 'Math::...')".Stingified objects are prefixed with "(classname)" to make clear what happened.
The "virtual" value of objects which overload a dereference operator (
) is displayed instead of the object's internals.Hash keys are sorted treating numeric "components" numerically. For example "A.20" sorts before "A.100".
Punctuation variables, including $@ and $?, are preserved over calls.
Numbers and strings which look like numbers are kept distinct when displayed, i.e. "0" does not become 0 or vice-versa. Floating-point values are shown as numbers not 'quoted strings' and similarly for stringified objects.
Although such differences might be immaterial to Perl during execution, they may be important when communicating to a human.
Jim Avera (jim.avera AT gmail)