Mail::Bulkmail - Platform independent mailing list module
Jim Thomason
$bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
"LIST" => "/home/jim3.list",
From => '',
Subject => 'This is a test message!',
Message => "Here is the text of my message!"
Be sure to set your default variables in the module, or set them in each bulk mail object. Otherwise, you'll be using the defaults.
Mail::Bulkmail gives a fairly complete set of tools for managing mass-mailing lists. I wrote it because our existing tools were just too damn slow for mailing out to thousands of recipients.
2.00 is a major major major upgrade to the previous version (1.11). I literally threw out all of the code from 1.00 and started over. Well, almost all of it, I'm really content with the email validation, so I kept that. :)
Everything else is brand spanking new. All of the bugs from the 1.x releases should be gone (ever try allowing duplicates? Good.). And, of course, a bunch of new toys have been added in.
The two major additions to v2 are the ability to send via envelope and support for dynamic messaging. Sending via the envelope allows you to potentially transfer your email much faster (I've been estimating a 900% speed increase vs. non-envelope sending in 1.11). Dynamic messaging allows you to actually construct the message that you're sending out on the fly. Specify which components of a message you want to include, and Bulkmail will generate the message on the fly.
Dynamic messaging is a few steps above a simple mail merge. While you could accomplish the same effect using a simple mail merge it wouldn't be pretty. You'd have to duplicate each component of the message for each person on the list.
Further changes are listed in the version history and FAQ sections below, I just wanted to mention the big guns up front.
Perl5.004, Socket
New Mail::Bulkmail objects are created with the new() constructor. For a minimalist creation, do this:
$bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new();
You can also initialize values at creation time, such as:
$bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
From => '',
Smtp => ''
When Bulkmail objects are destroyed, they automatically disconnect from the server they're connected to if they're still connected.
- add_attr
Mail::Bulkmail is much easier to subclass now (I hope). I like using arrays for my objects instead of hashes. Perhaps one day I'll switch to pseudo-hashes, but not yet.
Until that time, you need to allocate new space in the array for your new attributes if you want to subclass the thing. But how do you do that nicely? Push onto the blessed arrayref? Too messy, and you can't do the nice trick of setting up a variable with the value of the place in the array. Besides, if I do switch away from arrays this'll break. So use add_attr to tack it onto the end of the object.
package Mail::Bulkmail::My_version;
@ISA = qw(Mail::Bulkmail);
my $new_attribute = Mail::Bulkmail->add_attr(); $my_bulk_object->[$new_attribute] = "my value";
Okay, here's where the fun stuff beings. Since these are objects, the important stuff is how you access your data.
Object methods work as you probably expect.
Will return the value of "property" in $bulk
$bulk->property("new value")
Will set the value of "property" in $bulk to "new value" and return "new value"
The property will not be set if $bulk->Trusting has a true value and the property has a
validation check on it. See Validated Accessors, below.
All accessor methods are case sensitive. Be careful!
Here are all of the accessors that come built in to your Mail::Bulkmail objects.
- From
The e-mail address this list is coming from. This can be either a simple e-mail address (, or a name + e-mail address ("Jim Thomason"<>). This is checked to make sure it's a valid email address unless you have Trusting turned on (see below).
v1.x equivalent: From
- Subject
The subject of the e-mail message. If it's not set, you'll use the default.
v1.x equivalent: Subject
- message
This is the actual text that will appear in the message body. You can also specify control fields to allow your message to be dynamically individually built on the fly, as well as do a mail merge to personalize your email to each recipient
v1.x equivalent: Message
- merge
This is where you define a mail merge for your message. See the section MERGING below.
A merge is defined with a hashref as follows:
$bulk->merge( "Date" => "June 22nd", "Company" => "Foofram Industries" );
v1.x equivalent: Map
- Smtp
This sets the SMTP server that you're going to connect to. You'll probably just want to use whatever you've set as your default SMTP server in the module. You did set your default SMTP server when you double-checked all the other defaults, right?
v1.x equivalent: Smtp
- Port
This sets the port on which to connect to your SMTP server. You'll probably just want to use 25 (the default).
v1.x equivalent: Port
- Tries
This sets the number of times that you will attempt to connect to a server. You'll probably just want to use the default.
v1.x equivalent: Tries
- Precedence
This sets the precedence of the e-mail message. This is validated unless you turn off validation by making your object Trusting. Default precedence is "list", although you can set a precedence of either "bulk" (bulk, usually unsolicited mail) or "junk" (totally worthless message)
v1.x equivalent: Precedence
- Domain
You're going to be saying HELO to an SMTP server, you'd better be willing to give it a domain as well. You can explicitly set the Domain here, or choose not to. If no Domain is set, the domain of the From e-mail address will be used instead. It doesn't do you any good to set Domain after you've connected to a server.
v1.x equivalent: Domain
People can be dopes. It's very very easy to send out mass HTML email with Mail::Bulkmail, just set a content-type:
$bulk->header("Content-type", "text/html");
But most people don't seem to know that, so I've added the HTML accessor. Give it true value to send out HTML mail, a false value to send out plaintext. It's false by default.
- use_envelope
use_envelope is like lasing a stick of dynamite. Mail::Bulkmail is fast. Mail::Bulkmail with use_envelope is ungodly incredibly unbelievably fast.
For the uninformed, an email message contains two parts, the message itself and the envelope. Mail servers only care about the envelope (for the most part), since that's where they find out who the message is to and from, and they don't really need to know anything else.
A nifty feature of the envelope is that you can submit multiple addresses within the envelope, and then your mail server will automagically send along the message to everyone contained within the envelope. You end up sending a hell of a lot less data across your connection, your SMTP server has less work to do, and everything ends up working out wonderfully.
There are two catches. First of all, with envelope sending turned off, the recipient will have their own email address in the "To" field (To:, fer instance). With the envelope on, the recipient will only receive a generic email address ("To:", fer instance) Most people don't care since that's how most email lists work, but you should be aware of it.
Secondly, you BMUST and I mean MUST sort your list by domain. Envelopes can only be bundled up by domain, so that we send all email to a domain in one burst, all of the email to another domain in the next burst, and so on. So you need to have all of your domains clustered together in your list. If you don't, your list will still go out, but it will be a lot slower, since Mail::Bulkmail has a fair amount more processing to do when you send with then envelope. This is normally more than offset by the gains received from sending fewer messages. But with an unsorted list, you never see the big gains and you see a major slow down. Sort your lists.
IO is a lot smarter in v2.0. In Bulkmail 1.x, the various IO methods (LIST, BAD, etc.) had to be globs to file handles, which was rather restrictive.
In 2.0, you have four options for how you want to import your list, a string, or a reference to either an array, a glob, or a function.
If you have a flat text file, you can use it by simply passing a string containing the path to the file:
And the Bulkmail will open the file and manage it internally, so you don't need to worry about polluting your namespace with filehandles the way you did with 1.x.
Of course, if you want to pollute your namespace, then feel free to.
open (LIST, "/home/jim3/list.txt"); $bulk->LIST(\*LIST);
Just note that you now have to pass a reference to the glob, not the glob itself as you did in 1.x.
Flat file lists will read in one entry per line, where a line is determined by whatever value you've set with lineterm().
Alternatively, you can pass a ref to an array for your list.
my @list = ('', '', 'invalid_@address'); $bulk->(\@list); #or, with an anonymous array $bulk->(['', '', 'invalid_@address']);
You probably don't want to use arrays for your lists unless you're doing small tests. Otherwise, you'll read your whole list into memory in advance, which is probably not what you wanted to do.
Arrays as list will return the values in order from the front to the end of the array.
Probably the most powerful method to build your list is to pass a ref to a function.
{ my @list = ('', '', 'invalid_@address'); sub some_function {return shift @list}; }; $bulk->LIST(\&some_function);
Of course, in this case it's wasteful to actually pass a function reference instead of just an array ref to @list, but it serves as a good example.
By passing function refs around, you can extract your list directly from a database if you want.
my $dbh = DBI->connect(); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT (name email) FROM MAILING"); $sth->execute; $bulk->LIST(\&{$sth->fech_row_array});
No more having to export your list to a flat file first.
The values are returned in whatever order your function returns them in. Be sure to return undef when you're done, otherwise Bulkmail won't know when you've finished.
Each of these methods returns "lines" of entries in your mailing list. So what the hell's a line? An email address? A delimited string? A code ref? Actually, it's anything you want. :) See the section on MERGING below.
v1.x equivalent: LIST
This is an optional item which specifies a place to log bad addresses (invalid, banned, etc.). Just like LIST above, in v1.x it had to be a glob to a file handle, but not so any more!
You have the same four options that you did for list, a string, a ref to a glob, a ref to a function, and a ref to an array.
The string will cause a file to be opened for appending (">>"). The ref to a glob is a file that you already have open for appending (or simply for writing).
If you pass a ref to an array, any items will be push-ed onto the array as they're encountered.
If you pass a ref to a function, then the function will be called with a single argument of whatever it is that was going to be logged.
For example, if "" is encountered (a bad address!), any of the following would end up happening, depending upon what "BAD" is:
print BAD ".jim3@", $bulk->lineterm(); #BAD is a file push @BAD, ".jim3@"; #BAD is an array &BAD(".jim3@"); #BAD is a function
v1.x equivalent: BAD
This is an optional item which specifies a place to log good addresses to (anything not invalid or banned). That way, you'll have a list at the end of all of your good addresses with the bad ones weeded out.
You have the same options as with BAD, above.
v1.x equivalent: GOOD
This is an optional item which specifies a place to log any and all errors that occur while running. It is recommended that you run with this option on, so it's easier to see if anything bad is happening.
v1.x equivalent: ERROR
- banned
banned will allows you to provie a list of banned email addresses or domains. These are people that you never ever want to send email to under any circumstances. People that email you and say "Remove me from your mailing list and never email me again!" will go in this category.
A banned list can be built the same way as GOOD, BAD, LIST, etc., with an array, a filehandle, a function, or a string containing a filename. Banned entries are one per line.
would ban email from, and anyone within the domain. Please note that domains will only be banned upwards, not downwards. So with an entry like this:
your list will be blocked from going to, and It will also be blocked from (contains, but not from ( does not contain
You can also construct a banned list using a hashref, though it must be precisely constructed or you'll shoot yourself in the foot bigtime. Fortunately, the format is simple.
$banned{lowercase email address} = email address.
Mail::Bulkmail needs its banned information in this format to function correctly. Consequently, if you give it a non-hashref value (array, glob, etc.) it will construct this hash internally. So if you have a large number of banned addresses, you'll probably want to put them in a dbm file and hand in a ref to it, so as not to store everything in memory.
Why the funky hash format? One of the screwball, IMHO, things about the email specification is that the domain part of an email address is case insensitive, but the local part is case sensitive. This means that
all could be different addresses. So, in theory, you could have those three addresses in your mailing list and they're three different people! Consequently, we need to keep track of exactly how the email address was typed or we may lose some information.
Yeah, I know it's arguably being silly to do this, since I've never (ever) encountered an email server that allowed multiple differently-cased email addresses like this, but dammit I want to have the option in here to deal with it! :-)
'course, people could very well subscribe to your list using "" and then try to unsubscribe using "" and mess things up royally. That's why we have the safe_banned method. See safe_banned, below
v1.x equivalent: BANNED
- safe_banned
safe_banned is set to true by default. safe_banned makes your matches on addresses case insensitive. So that a request to ban "" will also ban "", and "". You almost definitely want to leave this on, for safety's sake, but you can turn it off if you'd like.
See banned above
- allow_duplicates
allow_duplicates is off by default. Setting allow_duplicates to 1 will allow people with multiple entries in your mailing list to receive multiple copies of the message. Otherwise, they will only receive one copy of the message. Duplicate addresses are printed out to ERRFILE, if you specified ERRFILE and you didn't turn allow_duplicates on.
allow_duplicates respects safe_banned. So if safe_banned is false, it will do local-part case-insensitive matching for duplicates, otherwise it will do local-part case-sensitive matching.
- Tz
This returns the current timezone.
v1.x equivalent: _def_Tz
- Date
This returns the current date in RFC 1123 format.
v1.x equivalent: _def_Date
- header
header() is actually a method that pretends to be an accessor. See ADDTIONAL ACCESSORS, below.
v1.x equivalent: header
HFM (Headers From Message) will extract any valid headers from the message body. A valid header is of the form "Name:value", one per line with an empty line seperating the headers from the message.
It is much better to explicitly set the headers using the header method because it's a tougher to make mistakes using header. Nonetheless, setting HFM to any true value will cause the module to look in the message for headers. Any valid headers extracted from the message will override existing headers. Dynamically generated headers will override extracted headers, however. Headers extracted from the message will be removed from the message body.
But be perfectly sure you know what you're doing.
$bulk->HFM(1); $bulk->Message( "This is my message. I'm going to try sending it out to everyone that I know. Messages are cool, e-mailing software is neat, and everyone will love me for it. Oh happy day, happy happy day. Love, Jim";
Before v2.03, since HFM is set to true, the first four lines are extracted from the message and sent as headers. The extent of the message that goes through is "Jim" (everything after the first blank line which separates headers from message body).
After v2.03, this will generate an error since HFM now makes sure that the headers are formed properly. It still doesn't verify its headers, though, so you still need to be careful. Maybe in the next release...
HFM is off by default.
v1.x equivalent: HFM
BMD (bulkmail delimiter) tells the module what delimiter to use in the file when using BULK_MAILMERGEs (see below)
Important: BMD must be different than DMD and DHD
BMD is "::" by default.
v1.x equivalent: BMD
DMD (dynamic mail delimiter) tells the module what delimiter to use in the file when using dynamic messages (see below)
DMD is "," by default.
DMDE (Dynamic Mail delimeter for Equal) tells the module what delimiter to use in the file when using for equalities in dynamic messages (see below)
DMDE is "=" by default.
DHD (dynamic header delimiter) tells the module what delimiter to use in the file when using dynamic headers (see below)
DHD is ";" by default.
DHDE (Dynamic Header delimeter for Equal) tells the module what delimiter to use in the file when using for equalities in dynamic headers (see below)
DHDE is "=" by default.
- lineterm
lineterm is nifty. It allows you to set the ending line character in your files. So if you have a file with email addresses that is inexplicably delimited with "<!X!>", then simply set lineterm to "<!X!>" and off you go. No need to convert your files before hand.
lineterm is "\n" by default.
- Trusting
Trusting() lets you decide to turn of error checking. By default, Mail::Bulkmail will only allow you to use valid e-mail addresses (well, kinda see the valid_email method for comments), valid dates, valid timezones, and valid precedences. Trusting is off by default. Turn it on by setting it to some non-zero value. This will bypass all error checking. You should probabaly just leave it off so you can check for valid e-mails, dates, etc. But you have the option, at least.
v1.x equivalent: No_errors
You're perfectly welcome to access any additional data that you'd like. We're gonna assume that you're accessing or setting a header other than the standard ones that are provided. You even get a special method to access them: header(). Using it is a piece of cake:
$bulk->header('Reply-to', '');
Will set a "Reply-to" header to the value of "". Want to access it?
What's that you ask? Why don't we set *all* headers this way? Well, truth be told you can set them using header.
$bulk->header('From', '');
Is the same as:
Note that you can only set other _headers_ this way. The headers that have their own methods are From, Subject, and Precedence. Calling header on something else, though (like "Smtp") will set a header with that value, which is probably not what you want to do (a "Smtp:" header is reeeeeal useful). I'd recommend just using the provided From, Subject, and Precedence headers. That's what they're there for.
What's that? Why the hell can't you just say $bulk->my_header('some value')? It's because you may want to have a header with a non-word character in it (like "Reply-to"), and methods with non-word characters are a Perl no-no. So since it's not possible for me to check every damn header to see if it has a non-word character in it (things get stripped and messed up and the original value is lost), you'll just have to use header to set or access additional headers.
OR--You can just set your headers at object construction. Realistically, you're going to be setting all of your headers at construction time, so this is not a problem. Just remember to quote those things with non-word characters in them.
From => '',
Subject => 'Some mass message',
'Reply-to' => ''
If you don't quote headers with non-word characters, all sorts of nasty errors may pop up. And they're tough to track down. So don't do it. You've been warned.
As of v2.03, ->header() without a specific header name will return a hashref containing all additional headers that have been set.
Also see dynamic headers below
The properties that have validation checks are "From", "To", "Domain", and "Precedence" to try to keep you from making mistakes. The only one that should really ever concern you is perhaps "From"
- From
This checks the return e-mail address against RFC 822 standards. The validation routine is not perfect as it's really really hard to be perfect, but it should accept any valid non-group non-commented e-mail address. There is one bug in the routine that will allow "Jim<" to pass as valid, but it's a nuisance to fix so I'm not going to. :-)
v1.x equivalent: From
- To
This checks the to e-mail address against RFC 822 standards. The validation routine is not perfect as it's really really hard to be perfect, but it should accept any valid non-group non-commented e-mail address. There is one bug in the routine that will allow "Jim<" to pass as valid, but it's a nuisance to fix so I'm not going to. :-)
The ->To address is used when you are sending to a list using the envelope. See use_envelope, below
- Domain
Domain sets which domain you'll use to say HELO to your SMTP server. If no domain is specified, you'll just use the domain part of your From address. You probably won't need to set this ever.
- Precedence
We are doing bulkmail here, so the precedence should always be "list", "bulk", or "junk" and nothing else. We might as well be polite and not make our servers think that we're sending out 60,000 first-class or special-delivery messages. You probably don't want to fiddle with this.
v1.x equivalent: Precedence
If you don't want to do any validation checks, then set Trusting equal to 1 (see Trusting, below). That will bypass all validation checks and allow you to insert "Garbonzo" as your date if you desire. It's recommended that you leave error checking on. It's pretty good. And you have more important things to worry about.
There are several methods you are allowed to invoke upon your bulkmail object.
- bulkmail (?local merge?)
This method is where the magic is. This method starts up your mailing, sending your message to every person specified in LIST. bulkmail returns nothing. bulkmail merely loops through everything in your LIST file and calls mail on each entry.
bulkmail is a hell of a lot more complex then it used to be. It used to just pass each address off to the mail method, so it was essentially just a big for loop.
Now it's gotta do condition checking, verifications, and 4 or 5 method calls instead of one. Obviously, those 4-5 method calls are going to slow down your list processing, so that's bad. How much it'll slow down I'm not really sure. I shouldn't be much...10% I'm guessing. Maybe.
So why the hell did I complicate this up and make it slower, you ask? It needs the extra tricks to enable envelope sending. Envelope sending will typically provide you with a performance increase of somewhere around 400%, I'm estimating. The little slowdown from the method calls seemed unimportant.
bulkmail can be handed a local merge hash. See merging, below
- mail (line ?local merge?)
mail is much much dumber than it used to be. Give it a line (as in whatever a line would look like if extracted from your list) and an optional local merge, and it will email that one person. You can now very easily accomplish the exact same thing by setting LIST to an array with one item and using bulkmail, but I figured I'd keep mail around for the heck of it so everyone easily knows that you can email just one person.
There may be better modules for emailing to just one person, though.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
- connect (no arguments)
This method connects to your SMTP server. It is called by the internal build_envelope method. You can explicitly call it yourself, if you'd like. That way you can verify that you can connect to your server in advance, and do something if you can't, I suppose.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
- disconnect (no arguments)
This method disconnects from your SMTP server. It is called at object destruction, or explicitly if you wish to disconnect earlier. You should never need to call this method. Returns nothing.
- error (no arguments)
error is where the last error message is kept. Can be used as follows:
$bulk->connect || die $bulk->error;
All object error messages will be logged if you specifed an ERRFILE file.
error is also usable as a class method:
will return whatever the last global class-wide error is, such as an object construction failure. In fact, currently that's the only error it catches. But you can now easily do:
my $bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new( "From" => 'thomasoniiI@yaho' #invalid address! ) or die Mail::Bulkmail->error();
to find out why construction failed.
Finally, the mysterious merging section so often alluded to.
Mail merging is exactly the same as "file merging" was in v1.x. I just didn't realize until long after I released it that "file map" was stupid and that "mail merge" is the correct term. I'm finally correcting that error. If you understood merging in v1.x, you'll understand merging now. :-)
You are sending out bulk e-mail to any number of people, but perhaps you would like to personalize the message to some degree. That's where merging comes in handy. You are able to define a map to replace certain characters (control strings) in an e-mail message with certain other characters (values).
Now in v2.0 you can go one step further and use dynamic messages, which actually allows you to construct your message on the fly, instead of just inserting values. See dynamic messages, below
Merges can be global so that all control strings in all messages will be replaced with the same value or local so that control strings are replaced with different values depending upon the recipient.
Merges are declared at object constrution or by using the merge accessor. merge values are either anonymous hashes or references to hashes. For example:
At constrution:
$bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
From =>,
merge => {
'DATE' => 'today',
'company' => 'Thomason Industries'
Or using the accessor:
Global merges are not terribly useful beyond setting generic values, such as today's date within a message template or the name of your company. Local merges are much more helpful since they allow values to be set individually in each message. Local merges can be declared either in a call to the mail method or by using the BULK_MAILMERGE key. Local merges are declared with the same keyword (merge) as global merges.
As a call to mail:
'ID' => '36373',
'NAME' => 'Jim Thomason',
Be careful with your control strings to make sure that you don't accidentally replace text in the message that you didn't mean to. Control strings are case sensitive, so that "name" in a message from the above example would not be replaced by "Jim Thomason" but "NAME" would be.
BULK_MAILMERGE will be explained more below.
First of all, BULK_MAILMERGE is not compatible with use_envelope. Use one or the other, but not both. It'll yell at you if you do.
Earlier we learned that LIST files may be in two main formats, either a single e-mail address per line, or an email address and several values per "line", either delimited in a line of a file, or stored in an array or a hash.
Delimited lists _must_ be used in conjunction with a BULK_MAILMERGE parameter to merge. BULK_MAILMERGE allows you to specify that each e-mail message will have unique values inserted for control strings without having to loop through the address list yourself and specify a new local merge for every message. BULK_MAILMERGE may only be set in a global map, its presence is ignored in local merges.
If your list file is this: Thomason
["", "36373", "Jim Thomason"]
"BULK_EMAIL" => ",
"ID" => "36373",
"NAME" => "Jim Thomason"
You can have a corresponding merge as follows:
{"BULK_EMAIL" => undef,
"ID" => undef,
"NAME" => undef
This BULK_MAILMERGE will operate the same way that the local merge above operated. "BULK_EMAIL" is the only required item, it is case sensitive. This is where in your delimited line the e-mail address of the recipient is. "BULK_EMAIL" _is_ used as a control string in your message. Be careful. So if you want to include someone's e-mail address within the text of your message, put the string "BULK_EMAIL" in your message body wherever you'd like to insert it.
Everything else may be anything you'd like, these are the control strings that will be substituted for the values at that location in the line in the file. You may use global merges, BULK_MAILMERGEs and local merges simultaneously.
BULK_MAILMERGEs are declared as delimited by the BMD method (or "::" by default), the data in the actual file is also delimited by the BMD method. The default delimiter is "::", but as of version 2.00, you may use BMD to choose any arbitrary delimiter in the file.
For example:
(in your list file) #1-+-Jim Thomason #2-+-Jim Thomason
If you have set LIST to a function, or array, you can have each line return in an array or a hash. Obviously, if LIST is a file, then every line has to be a delimited string as listed above.
But with arrays or functions, you don't have to return a delimited string. You can return your entry in an array or in a hash. An array is listed in the same order as the BULK_MAILMERGE, and operates the same way. It's just a little cleaner and quicker since we skip the split step.
The hash method is a little slower since it's a hash, and it also takes up a little more memory since you're returning more values.
You'll almost never want to use the hash method, since the array one is preferrable. I'm debating whether or not to expand that hash returning approach to allow you to dynamically construct mail merges on the fly for each individual item. What do you think about that idea?
merge precedence
BULK_MAILMERGE values will override global merge values. local merge values will override anything else. Evaluation of merge control strings is
local value -> BULK_MAILMERGE value -> global value
where the first value found is the one that is used.
Dynamic messages rock. :)
We had a dotcom company come in one day to try to sell us on their email solution for our mailing lists. I calmly sat there, listened to their presentation, and jotted down notes about anything they said that I thought would be good to incorporate into Mail::Bulkmail. The best thing that they had was dynamic messages.
Dynamic messages are mail merges taken to the next level. A mail merge allows you to insert simple piece of information into your message, the person's name or phone number or something for personalization purposes. But it's not a good idea to do much beyond that because it gets messy to try to maintain it across your list and keep consistency across everything. A global mail merge is better, but not great.
Enter dynamic messages.
Dynamic messages allow you to actually construct your message on the fly based upon preferences specified by the user.
Say you've got a mailing list on animals, and you want to maintain one list to send out to the people who like bears, rabbits, and iguanas. One list is easier to maintain than three, and conceptually they all like animals, so it makes sense. Besides, some people may want info on bears and rabbits and wouldn't it be nice to send them one email instead of two?
Dynamic messages must be used in conjunction with BULK_MAILMERGE, since we're building them based upon the preferences of the individual recipient. Use the DYNAMIC_MESSAGE keyword in your BULK_MAILMERGE:
and then your email entry would be: Thomason::36373::Bears=yes,Rabbits=yes,Iguanas=important
To specify that I want info on bears and rabbits, but not iguanas.
Then you use the ->dynamic method to declare your hash of hashes.
"Bears" => {
"yes" => "I see you like bears. Bears are cuddly and we like them too!",
"black" => "Here is your update on the black bear...",
"polar" => "here is your update on the polar bear...",
"no" => ""
"Rabbits" => {
"yes" => "I see that you like rabbits. Rabbits are cool."
"cottontail" => "Here is information on the cotton tail rabbit..."
"no" => ""
"Iguanas" => {
"yes" =" Here is info on iguanas",
"no" => ""
"headlines" => "Here are important iguana stories"
or at object creation:
my $bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
"message" => "
"dynamic" =>
"Bears" => {
"yes" => "I see you like bears. Bears are cuddly and we like them too!",
"black" => "Here is your update on the black bear...",
"polar" => "here is your update on the polar bear...",
"no" => ""
"Rabbits" => {
"yes" => "I see that you like rabbits. Rabbits are cool."
"cottontail" => "Here is information on the cotton tail rabbit..."
"no" => ""
"Iguanas" => {
"yes" =" Here is info on iguanas",
"no" => ""
"headlines" => "Here are important iguana stories"
Which will create this message:
I see you like bears. Bears are cuddly and we like them too!
I see that you like rabbits. Rabbits are cool.
Here are important iguana stories
It operates the same way as a mail merge, substituting the key word for whatever keyword value is listed in the DYNAMIC_MESSAGE item.
Dynamic messages execute before mail merges, so you can mail merge a dynamic message as well!
"Bears" => {
"personal" => "I see you like bears, NAME",
"impersonal" => "I see you like bears, whoever you are"
); Thomason::Bears=personal
would send:
I see you like bears, Jim Thomason.
So you can send truly dynamic, personalized messages.
Well, I'm kinda spent after the huge lecture on dynamic messages above, so I'll be briefer.
Dynamic headers operate exactly the same way, except with headers instead of message components. So you can send individual people individual subjects, for instance.
Use the dynamic_headers method:
"Subject" => {
"Special offer" => "A special offer for valued customers",
"First time" => "Thanks for your first order!",
"No order" => "We miss your business!"
or at object construction:
my $bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
"dynamic_headers" =>{
"Subject" => {
"Special offer" => "A special offer for valued customers",
"First time" => "Thanks for your first order!",
"No order" => "We miss your business!"
So that>Special offer
Will send out your email message to with "A special offer for value customers" as the subject.
Again, you can use a mail merge into a dynamic header, if you'd like. So you can insert a personalized header ID, for instance.
my $def_From = 'Postmaster';
my $def_To = '';
my $def_Smtp = ''; #<--Set this variable. Important!
my $def_Domain = "";
my $def_Port = '25';
my $def_Tries = '5';
my $def_Subject = "(no subject)";
my $def_Precedence = "list"; #list, bulk, or junk
my $def_Trusting = 0;
my $def_allow_duplicates = 0;
my $def_BMD = "::";
my $def_DHD = ",";
my $def_DMD = ",";
my $def_DMDE = "=";
my $def_DHDE = "=";
my $def_lineterm = "\n";
my $def_HFM = 0;
The default values. for various items. All of which may be overridden in individual objects.
These all should be obvious based upon what you've read so far.
Bulkmail doesn't directly generate any errors. If something fails, it will return 0 and set the ->error property of the bulkmail object. If you've provided an error log file, the error will be printed out to the log file.
Check the return type of your functions, if it's 0, check ->error to find out what happened.
- 2.03 8/22/00
Tweaked the constructor.
Enhanced 'error'. See 'error', above.
Enhanced HFM.
Various bug fixes.
Enhanced the test suite.
- 2.01 8/16/00
Fixed a *really* stupid error. Merge hashes and dynamic hashes weren't properly initialized. Damn.
- 2.00 8/11/00
Re-wrote everything. Literally everything. Total re-write. Should be a much better module now. :)
- - 1.11 11/09/99
Banned addresses now checks entire address case insensitively instead of leaving the local part alone. Better safe than sorry.
$self->fmdl is now used to split BULK_FILEMAP
Various fixes suggested by Chris Nandor to make -w shut up.
Changed the way to provide local merges to mail and bulkmail so it's more intuitive.
- - 1.10 09/08/99
Several little fixes.
The module will now re-connect if it receives a 221 (connection terminated) message from the server.
Fixed a potential near-infinite loop in the _valid_email routine.
_valid_email now merrily strips away comments (even nested ones). :)
hfm (headers from message) method added.
fmdl (filemerge delimiter) method added.
- - 1.01 09/01/99
E-mail validation and date generation bug fixes
- - 1.00 08/18/99
First public release onto CPAN
- - 0.93 08/12/99
Re-vamped the documentation substantially.
- - 0.92 08/12/99
Started adding a zero in front of the version name, just like I always should have
Changed accessing of non-standard headers so that they have to be accessed and retrieved
via the "headset" method. This is because methods cannot have non-word characters in them.
From, Subject, and Precedence headers may also be accessed via header, if you so choose.
AUTOLOAD now complains loudly (setting ->error and printing to STDERR) if it's called.
- - 0.91 08/11/99
Fixed bugs in setting values which require validation checks. Fixed accessing of non-standard headers so that the returns are identical to every other accesor method.
- - 0.90
08/10/99 Initial "completed" release. First release available to general public.
Here's how we use Bulkmail in one of our programs:
use Mail::Bulkmail;
$bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
From => $from,
Subject => $subject,
Message => $message,
X-Header=> "Rockin' e-mail!",
merge => {
'<DATE>' => $today,
'LIST' => './list.txt',
'GOOD' => './good_list.txt',
'BAD' => './baddata.txt',
'ERROR' => './error.txt',
'BANNED'=> './banned.txt',
That example will set up a new bulkmail object, fill in who it's from, the subject, and the message, as well as a "X-header" header which is set to "Rockin' e-mail!". It will also define a merge to turn "<DATE>" control strings into the $today string, a BULK_MAILMERGE to merge in the name, id number, and address of the user. It opens a LIST file, and sets up GOOD, BAD, and ERROR files for logging. It also uses a BANNED list.
This list is then mailed to by simply calling
Easy as pie. Especially considering that when we had to write all of this code out in our original implementation, it took up well over 100 lines (and was 400x slower).
Single mailing
use Mail::Bulkmail;
$bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
From => $from,
Subject => $Subject,
Message => $message,
X-Header=> "Rockin' e-mail!"
'<DATE>' => $today,
'<ID>' => 36373,
'<NAME>' => 'Jim Thomason',
'<ADDRESS>' => 'Chicago, IL'
This will e-mail out a message identical to the one we bulkmailed up above, but it'll only go to
HUGE example with dynamic messaging
my @stuff = (
sub email_list {
return shift @stuff;
sub solitary_address {
return ['', "hoosier", "betda", "gamma",
my %hash = ("this" => "That");
my $bulk = Mail::Bulkmail->new(
"From" => "thomasoniii\",
"Subject" => "Test with envelope",
"Smtp" => "",
"LIST" => \&email_list,
"use_envelope" => 0,
"Trusting" => 0,
"To" => "",
"allow_duplicates" => 1,
"Message" => "azz--hello there who are you? (hoosier) (pickle) I see that you're at BULK_EMAIL",
"merge" => {
"this is a test" => "something",
"who" => "what",
"where" => "there",
"ttt" => "things",
"dynamic" => {
"hoosier" => {
"alpha" => "This is an alpha email component",
"beta" => "This is a beta email component",
"agent" => "This is an agent email component"
"pickle" => {
"something" => "You've requested the pickle agent!"
"dynamic_headers" => {
"Subject" => {
"Hello!" => "Why HELLO there.",
"yodel" => "I'm yodelling!",
"special" => "Get this special offer!"
"From" => {
"herbert" => '',
"mike" => ''
"To" => {
"admin" => "admin\",
"test" => "test\"
"Marvelous" => {
"Max" => "Max is marvelous!",
"Charlie" => "Charlie is marvelous!"
) or die "Cannot create object!";
Study this example. Change the email addresses. Run it. Understand it. Be happy.
So just how fast is this thing, anyway?
I don't know any more, I don't have access to the same gigantic lists I used to anymore. :~(
Anyway, I'm guesstimating that normal emailing will be about 5-10% slower than before, at most. But envelope mailing will be 400+ percent faster.
Here's the 1.x answer, with 2.00 comments
Really fast. Really stupendously incredibly fast.
The largest list that I have data on has 91,140 people on it. This list runs through to completion in about an hour and 43 minutes, which means that Mail::Bulkmail can process (at least) 884 messages per minute or about 53,100 per hour. (the guess is that with 2.00 and envelope sending, you could email to these people in roughly 17 minutes)
So? How big were the individual messages sent out? Total data transferred is what counts, not total recipients!
How right you are. The last message sent out was 4,979 bytes. 4979 x 91,140 people is 453,786,060 bytes of data transferred, or about 453.786 megabytes in 1 hour and 43 minutes. This is a sustained transfer rate of about 4.4 megabytes per minute, or 264.34 megabytes per hour. (This hasn't changed in 2.00, we're just smart enough to send less data)
Am I going to see transfer speeds that fast?
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how busy your SMTP server is. If you have a relatively unused SMTP server with a fair amount of horsepower, you can easily get these speeds or beyond. If you have a relatively busy and/or low powered SMTP server, you're not going to reach speeds that fast.
How much faster will Mail::Bulkmail be than my current system?
This is a very tough question to answer, since it depends highly upon what your current system is. For the sake of argument, let's assume that for your current system, you open an SMTP connection to your server, send a message, and close the connection. And then repeat. Open, send, close, etc.
Mail::Bulkmail will always be faster than this approach since it opens one SMTP connection and send every single message across on that one connection. How much faster depends on how busy your server is as well as the size of your list.
Lets assume (for simplicity's sake) that you have a list of 100,000 people. We'll also assume that you have a pretty busy SMTP server and it takes (on average) 25 seconds for the server to respond to a connection request. We're making 100,000 connection requests (with your old system). That means 100,000 x 25 seconds = almost 29 days waiting just to make connections to the server! Mail::Bulkmail makes one connection, takes 25 seconds for it, and ends up being 100,000x faster!
But, now lets assume that you have a very unbusy SMTP server and it responds to connection requests in .003 seconds. We're making 100,000 connection requests. That means 100,000 x 25 seconds = about 5 minutes waiting to make connections to the server. Mail::Bulkmail makes on connection, takes .0003 seconds for it, and ends up only being 1666x faster. But, even though being 1,666 times faster sounds impressive, the world won't stop spinning on its axis if you use your old system and take up an extra 5 minutes.
And this doesn't even begin to take into account systems that don't open and close SMTP connections for each message.
2.00 will probably be a little slower than 1.x without envelope sending. It'll be much faster with it
In short, there's no way to tell how much of a speed increase you'll see.
Have you benchmarked it against anything else?
Not scientifically. I've heard that Mail::Bulkmail is about 4-5x faster than Listcaster from Mustang Software, but I don't have any hard numbers.
If you want to benchmark it against some other system and let me know the results, it'll be much appreciated. :-)
Wait a minute! You said up there that Mail::Bulkmail opens one connection and sends all the messages through. What happens if the connection is dropped midway through?
Well, either something good or something bad depending on what happens. If it's something good, the server will send a 221 message (server closing) which Mail::Bulkmail should pick up and some point, realize its disconnected and then reconnect for the next message. If it's something bad, the server will just stop replying and Mail::Bulkmail will sit there forever wondering why the server won't talk to it anymore.
Realistically, if your server bellyflopped and is not responding at all and won't even alert that it's disconnected, you probably have something serious to worry about.
A future release will probably have a time-out option so Mail::Bulkmail will bow out and assume its disconnected after a certain period of time.
What about multipart messages? (MIME attachments)
*grumble grumble* This is forthcoming, but it won't be in before version 2.5. Maybe 3.0...
My current employer absolutely needs a mailing system that can handle attachments, so I figure I might as well finally get around to building it into the module.
In the mean time, you can set your own headers, boundaries, etc. and just do the MIME encoding yourself. It will work, I just won't do it for you.
Note that if you just want to sent out a regular HTML message instead of text that you can just use the ->HTML flag to tell the module that it's HTML.
I'd like to send out a mass-mailing that has different From and To fields in the message and the envelope. Can I do this?
Oh all right, go ahead. I've decided not to punish the legitimate mass emailers because of the spammers. So go to town. I figure it couldn't hurt once people start realizing that a Perl module is one of the fastest freakin' mass mailers around. Power to the cause!
Can I send spam with this thing?
No. Don't be a jerk.
So what is it with these version numbers anyway?
I'm going to try to be consistent in how I number the releases.
The hundredths digit will indicate bug fixes, etc.
The tenths digit will indicate new and/or better functionality, as well as some minor new features.
The ones digit will indicate a major new feature or re-write.
Basically, if you have x.ab and comes out, you want to get it guaranteed. Same for,, etc.
If you have and comes out, you'll probably want to get it. Invariably there will be bug fixes from the last "hundredths" release, but it'll also have additional features. These will be the releases to be sure to read up on to make sure that nothing drastic has changes.
If you have and comes out, it will be the same as> but on a much larger scale.
So what can I expect to see in the future?
Neat things. Really really neat things. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that will send the performance through the roof. In theory. If I can get them to work. Be patient.
But good things are in the works. I just have too much fun developing this module. :)
Anything else you want to tell me?
Sure, anything you need to know. Just drop me a message.
Mail::Bulkmail will automatically set three headers for you.
Who the message is from (From:....)
The subject of the message (Subject:...)
The precedence of the message (Precedence:...)
Who the message is to (To:....) only if using the envelope
The defaults will be set unless you give them new values, but regardless these headers will be set. No way around it. Additional headers are set solely at the descretion of the user.
Also, this module was originally written to make my life easier by including in one place all the goodies that I used constantly. That's not to say that there aren't goodies that I haven't included that would be beneficial to add. If there's something that you feel would be worthwhile to include, please let me know and I'll consider adding it.
How do you know what's a worthwhile addition? Basically, if you need to do some sort of pre-processing to your e-mail addresses so that you have to use your own loop and calls to mail() instead of using bulkmail(), and you're using said loop and processing in several routines, it may be a useful addition. Definitely let me know about those.
That's not to say that random suggestions wouldn't be good, those I'll listen to as well. But something big like that is probably a useful thing to have so I'd be most interested in hearing about them.
Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 James A Thomason III ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
So you don't have to scroll all the way back to the top, I'm Jim Thomason ( and feedback is appreciated. Bug reports/suggestions/questions/etc. Hell, drop me a line to let me know that you're using the module and that it's made your life easier. :-)
8 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1267:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 1287:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
- Around line 1413:
Deleting unknown formatting code U<>
Deleting unknown formatting code U<>
- Around line 1440:
Deleting unknown formatting code U<>
- Around line 1533:
Deleting unknown formatting code U<>
- Around line 1811:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
- Around line 2247:
Deleting unknown formatting code U<>
- Around line 2449:
Deleting unknown formatting code U<>