Changes for version 1.04 - 2014-03-30
- Revised and corrected documentation
- Rewrote object creation code
- Changed calling sequence to most_recent_file
- Moved match_file out of visit
- Replaced EveryFile with ConfiguredObject
- Renamed HandleSite to Module
- Revised code in index_is_newer
How to install, configure, and run followme
Simple static website creation and maintenance
Update a static website
Base class for App::Followme classes
Convert Markdown files to html
Create index file for a directory
Create an index with the more recent files
Create a Google sitemap
Simple static web site maintenance
Base class for modules invoked from configuration
Handle templates and prototype files
Upload files using ftp
Go through the motions of uploading files
Upload changed and new files
in lib/App/Followme/