App::Followme::FIO - File IO routines used by followme


use App::Followme::FIO;


This module contains the subroutines followme uses to access the file system


$url = fio_filename_to_url($directory, $filename, $ext);

Convert a filename into a url. The directory is the top directory of the website. The optional extension, if passed, replaces the extension on the file.

$date_string = fio_format_date($date, $format);

Convert a date to a new format. If the format is omitted, the ISO format is used.

$filename = fio_full_file_name(@path);

Construct a filename from a list of path components.

$date = $date = fio_get_date($filename);

Get the modification date of a file as seconds since 1970 (Unix standard.)

$size =fio_get_size($filename);

Get the size of a file in bytes.

$globbed_patterns = fio_glob_patterns($pattern);

Convert a comma separated list of Unix style filename patterns into a reference to an array of Perl regular expressions.

item $test = fio_is_newer($target, @sources);

Compare the modification date of the target file to the modification dates of the source files. If the target file is newer than all of the sources, return 1 (true).

$flag = fio_match_patterns($filename, $patterns);

Return 1 (Perl true) if a filename matches a Perl pattern in a list of patterns.

$filename = fio_most_recent_file($directory, $patterns);

Return the most recently modified file in a directory whose name matches a comma separated list of Unix wildcard patterns.

$str = fio_read_page($filename, $binmode);

Read a file into a string. An the entire file is read from a string, there is no line at a time IO. This is because files are typically small and the parsing done is not line oriented. Binmode is an optional parameter that indicates file type if it is not a plain text file.

fio_set_date($filename, $date);

Set the modification date of a file. Date is either in seconds or is in ISO format.

($directory, $filename) = fio_split_filename($filename);

Split an absolute filename into a directory and the filename it contains. If the input filename is a directory, the filename is the empty string.

$filename = fio_to_file($directory, $ext);

Convert a directory name to the index file it contains. The extension is used in the index name. If the directory name is a file name, return it unchnged.

($filenames, $directories) = fio_visit($top_directory);

Return a list of filenames and directories in a directory,

fio_write_page($filename, $str, $binmode);

Write a file from a string. An the entire file is written from a string, there is no line at a time IO. This is because files are typically small. Binmode is an optional parameter that indicates file type if it is not a plain text file.


Copyright (C) Bernie Simon.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Bernie Simon <>