Changes for version 0.003 - 2021-07-14
- New:
- Added TCOD::ColorRGBA used internally in some of the new API functions
- Added TCOD::Event to wrap around SDL2 events. This uses an internal set of SDL2 bindings, while we wait for a stable release on CPAN
- Added TCOD::Context and TCOD::Tileset modeled after the recommended API in the upstream python-tcod
- Fixes:
- Fixed the walk method for Path::Dijkstra objects. This method, and the related is_empty, are now documented and tested.
- Changes:
- Imported bundled fonts from python-tcod to replace the old ones with licensing issues.
- The TCOD::Console API has been updated to reflect upstream deprecated methods.
- The following methods were removed:
- hline
- print_ex
- print_ex_utf
- print_frame
- print_rect
- print_rect_ex
- print_rect_ex_utf
- print_rect_utf
- print_utf
- rect
- set_key_color
- vline
- The following methods were changed:
- blit
- clear
- The following methods were added
- draw_frame
- draw_rect
- print_box
- Please see the documentation for these methods for more details.
A representation of a color
A representation of a color with an alpha channel
Terminal emulator for rendering game screens
An Dijkstra pathfinder
The TCOD image toolkit
A representation of a key event
A grid of cells for field-of-view calculations
A representation of a mouse event
A generator of Perlin noise and other derived noises
An A-star pathfinder
A fast and high quality pseudorandom number generator
System functions for TCOD
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/TCOD/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/
in lib/