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=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
TCOD::Context - ...
use TCOD;
my ( $width, $height ) = ( 640, 480 );
my $tileset = TCOD::Tileset->load_tilesheet(
dist_file( TCOD => 'arial10x10.png' ),
my $context = TCOD::Context->new_terminal(
$widht, $height,
tileset => $tileset,
title => 'My window title',
my $console = TCOD::Console->new( $width, $height );
$console->print( 1, 1, '@' );
This class represents a terminal emulator for rendering text-based games.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
$context = TCOD::Context->new( %options );
Create a new TCOD::Context with the desired pixel size.
The C<x>, C<y>, C<width>, and C<height> parameters are the desired position
and size of the window. If these are not specified, they will be derived from
the values in C<columns> and C<rows>. So if you plan on having a console of a
fixed size then you should set C<columns> and c<rows> instead of the window
The C<columns> and C<rows> values specify the desired size of the console
in tiles. They can be left undefined when you're setting a context by a window
size instead of a console.
Providing no size information at all is also acceptable.
The value in C<renderer> is the desired libtcod renderer to use.
Typical options are C<TCOD::RENDERER_OPENGL2|TCOD/Renderer> for a faster
renderer or L<TCOD::RENDERER_SDL2|TCOD/Renderer> for a reliable renderer.
The font / tileset is specified with the C<tileset> key. The fall-back tileset
available as the default is useful for prototyping, but will be unreliable
across platforms.
The value in C<vsync> controls the vertical sync option for the window. This
is enabled by default and is recommended, but you may want to disable it for
benchmarking purposes.
Additional SDL window flags can be passed as a bit-field in the
C<sdl_window_flags>. By default, this will be set to C<SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE>.
You can see more details on the flags that are available on
L<the SDL2 documentation|https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_CreateWindow#remarks>.
The desired title of the window can be set with the C<title> key.
When a window size is given instead of a console size you can use
L<recommended_console_size|/recommended_console_size> to automatically
find the size of the console which should be used.
=head2 new_console
$console = TCOD::Context->new_console( $cols, $rows, $magnification );
$console = TCOD::Context->new_console(
min_columns => $cols,
min_rows => $rows,
magnification => $magnification,
Return a new L<TCOD::Console> sized for this context. The values in
C<min_columns> and C<min_rows> are the minimum size to use for the new
The value in C<magnification>, which must be greater than 0, determines the
apparent size of the tiles on the output display. A value greater than 1 will
output smaller consoles, which will show as larger tiles when presented.
The times where it is the most useful to call this method are:
=item * After the context is created, even if the console was given a specific size
=item * After the L<change_tileset|/change_tileset> method is called
=item * After any window resized event, or any manual resizing of the window
=head2 present
$context->present( $console, %rest );
console => $console,
keep_aspect => $keep_aspect // 0,
integer_scaling => $scaling // 0,
clear_color => $color // TCOD::BLACK,
align => $alignment // [ 0.5, 0.5 ],
Present the specified L<TCOD::Console> to this context's display.
If C<keep_aspect> is set to a true value the console's aspect will be
preserved with a letterbox. Otherwise the console will be stretched to
fill the screen.
If C<integer_scaling> is set to a true value the console will be scaled
in integer increments. This will have no effect if the console must be
shrunk. You can use
L<TCOD::Console::recommended_size|TCOD::Console/recommended_size> to
create a console which will fit the window without needing to be scaled.
The value in C<clear_color> should be a L<TCOD::Color> that, if set, will
be used to clear the screen before the console is presented. This will
affect the border/letterbox color.
The value in C<align> is an array reference of the shape C<[ x, y ]>
determining where the console will be placed when letter-boxing exists.
Values of 0 will put the console at the upper-left corner. Values of
0.5 will center the console.
This function accepts named parameters, but the C<console> parameter may
also be passed as the first positional parameter.
=head2 recommended_console_size
( $w, $h ) = $ctx->recommended_console_size( $min_cols, $min_rows );
Return the recommended size in tiles of a console for this context.
The values in C<$min_cols> and C<$min_rows> are the lowest values which will
be returned.
If the result is only used to create a new L<TCOD::Console> then you may want
to call L<new_console|/new_console> instead.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item L<TCOD>
=item L<TCOD::Console>
=item L<TCOD::Tileset>
Copyright 2021 José Joaquín Atria
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the Artistic License 2.0.