Catalyst::Model::HTMLFormhandler - Proxy a directory of HTML::Formhandler forms
package MyApp::Model::Form;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::Model::HTMLFormhandler';
__PACKAGE__->config( form_namespace=>'MyApp::Form' );
And then using it in a controller:
my $form = $c->model("Form::Email"); # Maps to MyApp::Email via MyApp:Model::Email
# If the request is a POST, we process parameters automatically
if($form->is_valid) {
} else {
Assuming a project namespace 'MyApp::Form' with HTML::Formhandler forms. like the following example:
package MyApp::Form::Email;
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';
has aaa => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
has bbb => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
has_field 'email' => (
size => 96,
required => 1);
You create a single Catalyst model like this:
package MyApp::Model::Form;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::Model::HTMLFormhandler';
__PACKAGE__->config( form_namespace=>'MyApp::Form' );
(Setting 'form_namespace' is optional, it defaults to the application namespace plus "::Form" (in this example case that would be "MyApp::Form").
When you start your application it will register one model for each form in the declared namespace. So in the above example you should see a model 'MyApp::Model::Form::Email'. This is a 'PerRequest' model since it does ACCEPT_CONTEXT, it will generate a new instance of the form object once per request scope.
You can set model configuration in the normal way, in your application general configuration:
package MyApp;
use Catalyst;
'Model::Form::Email' => { aaa => 1000 }
And you can pass additional args to the 'new' call of the form when you request the form model:
my $email = $c->model('Form::Email', bbb=>2000);
Additional args should be in the form of a hash, as in the above example.
The generated proxy will also add the ctx argument based on the current value of $c, although using this may not be a good way to build well, decoupled applications.
We offer two additional bit of useful suger:
If you pass argument 'action_from' with a value of an action object or an action private name that will set the form action value.
By default if the request is a POST, we will process the request arguments and return a form object that you can test for validity. If you don't want this behavior you can disable it by passing 'no_auto_process'. For example:
my $form = $c->model("Form::XXX", no_auto_process=>1)
This class defines the following attributes you may set via standard Catalyst configuration.
This is the target namespace that Module::Pluggable uses to look for forms. It defaults to 'MyApp::Form' (where 'MyApp' is you application namespace).
A list of Moose::Roles that get applied automatically to each form model.
You may pass the following special arguments to $c->model("Form::XXX") to influence how the form object is setup.
Turns off the call to ->process when the request is a POST.
John Napiorkowski
Catalyst, Catalyst::Model, HTML::Formhandler, Module::Pluggable
Copyright 2015, John Napiorkowski
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.