Catalyst::Plugin::ServeFile - A less opinionated, minimal featured way to serve static files.
package MyApp;
use Catalyst 'ServeFile';
package MyApp::Controller::Root;
use Moose;
use MooseX::MethodAttributes;
extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
# Serves => https://localhost/license
sub license :Path(license) Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Servers => https://localhost/static/...
sub static :Path(static) Args {
my ($self, $c, @args) = @_;
$c->serve_file('static',@args) || do {
$c->res->body('Not Found!');
Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple is venerable but I find it has too many default opinions. I generally only use it for the simple job of when I have a single static file or so that lives behind authentication that I want to serve. For that simple job Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple does provide a method 'serve_static_file', but there's two problems with it. First, the plugin out of the box will attempt to serve all files requested at the '/static/...' path. If you don't want that its configuration effort. Also, it doesn't currently support Plack::Middleware::XSendfile (Although I want to point out adding such support would be trivial, and I would be happy to help if needed).
Even when I want the automatic serving of files under '/static' I find the old plugin has some opinions that don't work with my expectations (for example it by default doesn't serve *.html files). These assumptions probably made sense in 2006 but I prefer something with less default opinions. So this is a plugin that just does a simple one thing. It gives you a method 'serve_file' which tries to safely serve a static file located in '$c->config->{root}', with support for Plack::Middleware::XSendfile. It does basic sanity / safety checking such as not allowing you to have a path with '..' for example. And that's it. It does automatically serve up all files under 'static', or anything. If you want that, use the old plugin, or write a trivial action that does it (example below).
This plugin adds the following methods to your Catalyst application.
serve_file (@path_parts, ?\%options?)
Will serve a static file using '$c->config->{root}' as the path prefix. For example if you have a file '$c->config->{root}/static/license/html' you can serve it with $c->serve_file('static','license.html').
This method will return true (the $fh actually) if it is successful in locating and serving a file. False otherwise. It doesn't automatically set any 'not found' response, you need to handle that yourself.
If the last argument is a HashRef, we will use it as an overlay on any configuration options.
See the \SYNOPSIS for a longer example.
This plugin supports the following configuration. You may set configuration globally via the 'Plugin::ServeFile' configuration key, and you may set/override when making the request. For example:
package MyApp;
use Catalyst 'ServeFile';
'Plugin::ServeFile' => {
show_log => 1,
package MyApp::Controller::Root;
use Moose;
use MooseX::MethodAttributes;
extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
sub license :Path(license) Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->serve_file("license.txt", +{ show_log=>1});
By default we supress detailed logging of the request. This is the same behavior as Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple. If you want to see those logs, you can enable it by setting this to true.
By default we allow you to serve any file. This may be dangerous if you are building your path arguments dynamically from uncontrolled sources. In that case you can set this to an arrayref of allowed mime types ('text/html', 'application/javascript', etc.).
John Napiorkowski
Copyright 2017, John Napiorkowski
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.