Changes for version 0.005 - 2022-08-03
- capture forwarded args in case they are needed
- ability to modify build args
- added 'set_http_$STATUS' helpers
- fixed but where the status codes didn't get added properly
- added prepend capture and added test cases for all captures
- fixed issue where headers passed to helpers didn't work correctly
Catalyst base view for per request, strongly typed templates
Build a per request view
in lib/Catalyst/View/BasePerRequest/Exception/
in lib/Catalyst/View/BasePerRequest/Exception/
in lib/Catalyst/View/BasePerRequest/Exception/
in lib/Catalyst/View/BasePerRequest/Exception/
- example/Makefile
- example/cpanfile
- example/lib/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/
- example/lib/Example/
- example/lib/Example/View/
- example/lib/Example/View/
- example/lib/Example/View/
- example/lib/Example/View/