Changes for version 0.050 - 2015-02-04

  • New script helpers for Postgresql sandboxs
  • Corrected some dates in the changelog


commandline tool to create and manage your migrations
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Features of DBIx::Class::Migration
Summary of the commands
Which databases are we building migrations for?
create a PNG of you database structure
Downgrade your existing database
drop all tables to the connected database
the dsn for a database you are connecting to
Install a migration version
Install a migration only if needed
reverse engineer a DBIC Schema
the password for a database you are connecting to
Install fixtures to a database
Where your Sandbox Database Lives
Where your migration files live
Specify a particular target migration version
Upgrade your existing database
the user for a database you are connecting to
How to use DBIx::Class::Migration
Bootstrap your project files
A more advanced database change


Use your DB Sandbox to run Catalyst
Use the best tools together for sane database migrations
Autocreate a mysql sandbox
Utility to populate fixture data
Autocreate a postgresql sandbox
Control your Perl Migration Run Scripts
Build a sandbox at db_sandbox_dir
Schema Loader Factory
Tools to manage database Migrations
Build a target_dir in /share
Autocreate a Sqlite sandbox
Build a sandbox at target_dir
Build a tempory target_dir
Build a sandbox in a temporary directory
Custom Moose Types
Use your fixtures in a test case.
