Changes for version 0.43
- Documentation fixes (felliot)
- bug fixes in the mysql trait (felliot)
- quiet down Postgresql pointless warnings (felliot)
- fix RT 75247 (felliot)
- Fixed bad test cases (felliot)
- Replaced Test::Postgresql dependency with Test::PostgreSQL for those wanting to test Postgres. (colinnewell)
Easier test cases for your DBIx::Class applications
A basic schema you can use for testing
The default ResultSet
The base result class
Tracks on a CD
Company To Employee M2M
The base result class
The base result class
A base ResultSet Class
Install fixtures using Populate
Install fixtures using PopulateMore
Role that a FixtureCommand must consume
Manages a DBIx::Class::SchemaManager for Testing
The Default Role
deploy to a test mysql instance
deploy to a test Postgresql instance
Type Constraint Library
Manage your Makefile.PL and authoring requirements