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use Moo;
has in => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
has inclusion => (is=>'ro', required=>1, default=>sub {_t 'inclusion'});
sub normalize_shortcut {
my ($class, $arg) = @_;
return +{ in=>$arg };
sub validate_each {
my ($self, $record, $attribute, $value, $options) = @_;
my $in = $self->in;
my @in = ();
if(ref($in) eq 'CODE') {
@in = $in->($record);
} else {
@in = @$in;
my %opts = (%{$self->options}, list=>\@in, %{$options||+{}});
unless(grep { $_ eq $value } @in) {
$record->errors->add($attribute, $self->inclusion, \%opts)
=head1 TITLE
Valiant::Validator::Inclusion - Value must be one of a list
package Local::Test::Inclusion;
use Moo;
use Valiant::Validations;
has status => (is=>'ro');
has type => (is=>'ro');
validates status => (
inclusion => +{
in => [qw/active retired/],
validates type => (
inclusion => +{
in => \&available_types,
sub available_types {
my $self = shift;
return (qw(student instructor));
my $object = Local::Test::Inclusion->new(
status => 'running',
type => 'janitor',
warn $object->errors->_dump;
$VAR1 = {
'status' => [
'Status is not in the list'
'type' => [
'Type is not in the list'
Value must be one of a list. This list can be given as an arrayref or
as a reference to a method (for when you need to dynamically build the list).
This validator supports the follow shortcut forms:
validates attribute => ( inclusion => [qw/a b c/], ... );
Which is the same as:
validates attribute => (
inclusion => +{
in => [qw/a b c/],
This also works for the coderef form:
validates attribute => ( inclusion => \&coderef, ... );
validates attribute => (
inclusion => +{
in => \&coderef,
This validator supports all the standard shared parameters: C<if>, C<unless>,
C<message>, C<strict>, C<allow_undef>, C<allow_blank>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Valiant>, L<Valiant::Validator>, L<Valiant::Validator::Each>.
=head1 AUTHOR
See L<Valiant>
See L<Valiant>