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Valiant::Filter - A role to define the Filter interface.


use Moo;
sub filter {
my ($self, $class, $attrs) = @_;
# Do something with $attrs, possibly with $self
return $attrs;


This is a base role for defining a filter. This should be a class that defines a filter method. Here's a more detailed example that shows using a custom filter with a filterable object:

use Moo;
has max_length => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
sub filter {
my ($self, $class, $attrs) = @_;
foreach my $key (keys %{$attrs}) {
my $current_value = $attrs->{$key};
my $new_value = substr( $current_value, 0, $self->max_length );
$attrs->{$key} = $new_value;
return $attrs;
use Moo;
has [qw(first_name last_nane)] => (is=>'ro', required=>1);
filters_with 'Truncate', max_length=>25;
my $user = Local::Test::User->new(
first_name => 'averyveryveryveryverylooooooooonnngFIRSTname',
last_name => 'averyveryveryveryverylooooooooonnngLASTname',
print $user->first_name; #averyveryveryveryverylooo
print $user->last_name; #averyveryveryveryverylooo

A Filter receives all the arguments passed to new and runs before the object is created. It gets the following three arguments: $self, which is the instance of the Filter which is associated with the filterable class, $class, which is the name of the class upon which the filter is running and $attrs which is a hashref of the arguments passed to new. $attrs is always a hashref and has been normalized as such. ALso $attrs contains everything passed to new even things that are not valid for the $class.

A Filter is created once when the class uses it and exists for the full life cycle of the filterable object.

Generally you would write a filter class like this when you want a filter that can be applied to all the incoming arguments or when the filter itself is dependent on all the arguments. For writing filters that are applied to individual attributes you should create a subclass of Valiant::Filter::Each.


The following attribute filter classes are shipped with Valiant. Please see the package POD for usage details (this is only a sparse summary)


Collapse all whitespace in a string to a single space. See Valiant::Filter::Collapse for details.


Flatten an arrayref or hashref to a string. See Valiant::Filter::Flatten for details.


Basic HTML escaping on a string. See Valiant::Filter::HtmlEscape for details.


Lowercase a string. See Valiant::Filter::Trim for details.


'title' cases a string (all first letters up cased). See Valiant::Filter::Title for details.


Given a string force to a single element array (do nothing if its already an array. See Valiant::Filter::ToArray for details.


Trims whitespace from the start and/or end of the attribute string.

See Valiant::Filter::Trim for details.


Uppercases the first letter of a string

See Valiant::Filter::UcFirst for details.


Upcase a string. See Valiant::Filter::Upper for details.


Use a subroutine reference to provide filtering.

See Valiant::Filter::With for details.

Special Validators

The following validators are not considered for end users but have documentation you might find useful in furthering your knowledge of Valiant: Valiant::Filter::Collection, Valiant::Filter::Each.


Valiant, Valiant::Filter::Each.


See Valiant


See Valiant