Changes for version 0.001018
- Totally reworked how the HTML generation code integrates with an underlying view. This shouldn't be a breaking change but makes it possible to integrate those modules with modern views like Xslate which provide autoescaping features for safety
- Build new example view based on this for Catalyst. Changed all the example code to use these new features.
- Lots of small documentation improvements and bug fixes, including issues that caused fails to install on some systems as reported by CPAN testers.
- Lots of additional fixes and tweaks to the Catalyst example application.
Per Request, strongly typed Views in code
Glue Valiant validations into DBIx::Class
Base component to add Valiant functionality
Validation support for resultsets
A non categorized exception
Bad value for a foreign key
General bad parameter values
More rows attempted than you are permitted to create
Add Valiant to DBIC
Verify a DBIC related result
Verify a DBIC related resultset
Verify a DBIC related resultset
Object validation inspired by Ruby on Rails and more.
A single error encountered during validation.
A collection of errors associated with an object
A role to define the Filter interface.
collapse whitespace
A filter that contains and runs other filters
A Role to create custom validators
Array or Hash ref to string
HTML escaping on strings
lower case a string
Force into number context
Flatten a Hashref into a string via a template pattern
title case a string
Force the value into an arrayref if its not one already
Validate using a coderef or method
upper case the first letter of a string
up case a string
Filter using a coderef and options opts
Role that adds class and instance methods supporting field filters
Adds a filter DSL and API to your Moo/se classes
General HTML Forms
A custom formbuilder for checkbox content
A custom formbuilder for radio button content
String rendering safety
Base class for tag objects
Base class for tag objects
A utility class for creating collections of items.
HTML Form Tags
Utility class to generate HTML tags
Default view for Formbuilder
Standard naming information for your models
Create a validation ruleset dynamically
Wrap a hashref in a result object for validation.
Wrap a hashref in a result object for validation.
Wrap any object into a validatable result object.
Importable utility methods;
Base exceptions class;
A non categorized exception
Args passed to a Filter are invalid
Args passed to a Validator are invalid
Not count subkey for the translation tag
Object is missing method
Failure to load a filter
Failure to load a validator
A Validation error that throws strictly
Unexpected error while using a module dynamically
Role that adds class and instance methods supporting validations
Addos a validation DSL and API to your Moo/se classes
A role to define the validator interface.
Verify that a value is missing
Verify items in an arrayref.
Verify that a value is either true or false
Validate using a 'check' method
A validator that contains and runs other validators
Checks for a 'confirming' attributes equality.
Verify that a value is is a standard Date (YYY-MM-DD)
A Role to create custom validators
Value cannot be in a list
Validate a value based on a regular expression
Verify a related object
Value must be one of a list
Validate the length of an attributes string value
Validate numeric attributes
Verify a related object
Limit the number of fields not blank in a group
Verify that a value is present
Validate that a value is a scalar (like a string or number)
Verify that a value is unique to the record domain
Validate using a coderef or method
in lib/Valiant/HTML/Util/
in lib/Valiant/HTML/Util/
in lib/Valiant/
in lib/Valiant/
in lib/Valiant/
in lib/Valiant/
- example/Makefile
- example/cpanfile
- example/lib/
- example/lib/Example/ActionRole/
- example/lib/Example/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/Contacts/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/
- example/lib/Example/Controller/Todos/
- example/lib/Example/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/ContactsQuery/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/
- example/lib/Example/Model/TodosQuery/
- example/lib/Example/
- example/lib/Example/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/Contact/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/Contact/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/ResultSet/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/ResultSet/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/ResultSet/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/ResultSet/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/ResultSet/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/ResultSet/
- example/lib/Example/Schema/ResultSet/
- example/lib/Example/
- example/lib/Example/View/Errors/
- example/lib/Example/View/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/Errors/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/Errors/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/Example/View/HTML/
- example/lib/locale/
- example/root/static/core.css
- example/sqitch.conf
- example/sql/deploy/2020-09-28-64975-first.sql
- example/sql/deploy/contacts.sql
- example/sql/deploy/employment.sql
- example/sql/deploy/more_profile.sql
- example/sql/deploy/todo.sql
- example/sql/revert/2020-09-28-64975-first.sql
- example/sql/revert/contacts.sql
- example/sql/revert/employment.sql
- example/sql/revert/more_profile.sql
- example/sql/revert/todo.sql
- example/sql/schemas/2020-09-28-64975-first.sql
- example/sql/sqitch.plan
- example/sql/verify/2020-09-28-64975-first.sql
- example/sql/verify/contacts.sql
- example/sql/verify/employment.sql
- example/sql/verify/more_profile.sql
- example/sql/verify/todo.sql
- example/t/basic.t
- example/var/db.db
- example/var/sqitch.db